S . •GJo, ltffo* WlOsay h Cse1!ete teTon-U, hevs h go wl ad te esea nrash¢ e ae gel, ikie y, a" dr y $th, &orm-st eok, e o reP re t*, fyiilbee r Th te homb c, mn sW otitended m e ll, iamestIh o e docksik Ile"" d .,teprfrt f r ob 2 eb¢oo teconu e ireee u is Iwsiwtig sta ume dngi t oo fero, o e,-a" 4- aa ( D oas To mpdis o ,a or, mpdt aide 1 r-ó f4th idy, here ste theWco Kteed o ,t ie yLaw C«oilln tg tea yahe aroithebi 0eemîsights -pastâso die '-be been «terdmet o f tePniouwib a b t-.msmág g rent-no re tbeingbe28 ad, also,-fb# Moy 'bo• otlebid C&ps Iain , Aont ifais sdela ay mhe etote rterod Mee sapefs bn' Imrplémenortheeaittffor P7~ m oA ei'sreotf rthe ya nin e.Faneadte i'e Sus ht aldduigls wead eifi ho ecn e -NL, Fairba nT A', TEAo R C ano, sfrp atiMen' mr atr, aiialo hsSeil"prtt onC° t'iseChhi hsad-hthe* cmnggeealthtnohigliefoiot aTth a eso te uge, n o te lt .lth if l ot tnMa r Pck 87 eednd 'eriood, Marchmisluie7jear bndm, whichBFr, faiss la thee esa-mdat o Asane(à ceuenInen"o1tJacobs bed o thÃœta i his 08 oUtoeMorp 2dce. F--- +to-- whileutto7-ass:uf' '- 1'ofUicsad esilyqle, - , . osad ----- -- Trann r, Maeb 1th' on mtio f r D aeiened b ho bÃ¥fter of the la "" Mtb r @ O t hfe i nat i , a rc 1madisonew th à res reid, 19erth and &0,4 th popot otar i -Court pene athal,pstvuie, W rB~nlafie ugwasrandto nd op".T cmseraimubisesth arrive ews by Alant y* & cab le resadn sa er O nt a lo y nt h eo , 15 , id , t pnc o.n f t e d o s o o n p, a o es0o n e l w n t ib-cait e f th e fd e r ih in s «ot, e 4 r s h e fi t a t - e c k 1 2 5 p a ngr s ' . w e r ou t, T h e aslb e esu g h t a t C o r k . Gm e in r l B u k ,ITe eh "a e d i t ee t i n ofZe epeiainwthte xepiof theck eri ilngce:n, tonclimdMor. Drwh onape by- Ola, i t UetyM wa xiitdthtieen ler boltws sse t 2,00 adtn e d o et!foFnsndr s w o wdas recesout. oan. 17 pr tiy M.atb oi s ing forParle T hek e ytpani, lm-e .60b aaho BInoreiit te aagmã t or' thei ebo it is two for 15,000 . #ad nergiof 140 heameptrIadl n foToW I e n eisa o e nams Ivea lat eek pithis oUrnal re the gher tuf and his sa fre t e s e nd Seve. m e etapproriatd f orntreets In- t bis of ,h an any other variety, ae s o ea in, bui des l re soroaed lnt#ddon, M eare 8,-I n tMIouse«#. aw u e ie h atay big still 'raKed bomp u ad ipronalenm a inse eeaie, anDoreca e or ge'th grg hn taoeste rigt orCaroan heOho s, omtonfthie Peigt he ;bigeesmnddlo ibuemaabi-et400he Deson wt oeo h ee e Offeeidthe gremate r 'fthe dyd n orynani hhi•n dThe n:ek ye r am• A.-e ok ac en se omllae o egategpblóses o wev ot tlat name, wecoud dicovr nodisneliatin ed ver sevref upo ube actin tken y 1 idethot uendolecn ft Bep o e e v e•p. ts io ndg a wargdatier ais u po s Puti o d i hestrees t.d yee t e C aclo ft eE c e ur an sbft f reg gn n té a ad pra etay onr, Th sonr tho by IW m it uà th e o rtyl adu re rain pe ioadopMoaM ryuéi« ol i or b Io i iig,,; ae . ¢0y fe y eDo a d e Fou"lpes. a o w# thbH gr d - an e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 th ar mssaanst anooeens ia o ye n woprofea b ivsifreo e is g h h d e iF nid em aPoBtat n opiion & bete fo t ema ve , a d ire heifasone fr m on sa i oMris b tfoCores fo srees i pr ve, wh at for udgmea ,08 Le s s eetheo r atWE by he I ris ,nd wit te e c ption wo ld de iral e b t e orn othencq u restâ. ( roa heB al m ,3 rhi ,) bet r ilth u li e b e to j d e or set he n at ret w hsisossts e n ed a b i ad f , o t e prs , w ati od fa s rsae rÃo th s afern onw ich tl the b bi cae b o th e fous e rsoi n e u bei g abnseg t , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý4è the nii¤ :is n hr sî,t yMBligSlctr ndMr." , ta i WrhfeMaoiate ythe I flbag, I co i s ae s teb h eec f h isat ided by- Lodn ac 9 ( un.-Tehnreasmlda't.JmsHl a oney ad titesayngabot te lok f o g ereden t a fmir. Netrse, b@T b# here o n hrole a e or p ý orsilth oebRese k,$15 %t 16thesriimor'ariye ucd vrythi pssedog i*ad ton nthe SIett, andP"S-nîe r orsn fteIih bein " rsti'te dld,'ebdioftheu r e pwsla the Sor, if's f or aprpg, o rst e " spa4 e odnDap' tpiae aefr$9- uey are me fsoit&pr si d oberigfn e e nalle l i h eigwa ranzd d ar' iow han riin, edit orpaiti aco e s x.:n , t b hebae and the proeii this ty num cuntrydo h otietaM eetrio fM.Csrv scar o y rgan Asa T Z AR 802, A WCederfrliti, Mr. CaQ m pbe l i; &lus knd thuch fregoorJtgE ntSn"s ee ,0 e, hede.b te 9 oualtaspot iats. . mlis a o tino-, O'a ntk e loe tiF oninestoare heR.A Hario , ,forfenda t W U. . H anmfr aig t ff te aly a a a stewe to, regim a CihTher uee4 a, d fmsePrs ac 9- eaeto ie hiM egoetE e thead a cesit ofwh heThe Qeen m. Edtard for- tock-op, andlof the Too o» r far Bda.ey.w ook th3 r1prise a h poeinwih eiewedy. b y ti tCop Lesatfaseengnfrthhnorofrrdadinod . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A 9 ti wieso htjun Lary, Thesoner. 9ng. ilsons a0arigtep"satteTw hch due rtpta hc oo h s a oreof âan, tmebe rs f heCiy-egrdtofoeiaffairs, in te rse of Cod 'Witz ,Peieto h e' alcal4 aty o gaaton -js2 a 1 if ch a dawIth te4 r n"a o s fro owrnod re. o e ai , n se on rie, l an s r, owd Cani, r M g ir, me braf thchihhe ree taies T iean a1e Brth r oo ,wh ,onc milora:sa neh thng a Paty, roprlyso clle, th str'e f MursfoVe Powllaz:.sr o wa ros, o erd rise «oredbo JofrtÃs ,Pariamet, nd mmene-j rrolagr nurt tum grbg ithtremndom apowa wau exstd owinCaad, h Gob i btTh priclas s o he:eagean te11g, 0rae ,1 e rc ed y . B*oiwich-s wongp-tough'-oha ion oo rohrewsalrepocslohG r y nd Itaqullhea&hsil o mnighsadrs, r o rs as sua, gittig is on eed ad iter ningofthegooswit sie ppehe. mve tht he om f 50 e lacd t W . Tomson Est hity.D . tothe intrets f rane.tinste sid.». estsat h f h , sÃonandcom ief tponerhsth rditfthheiee cei t h i e uigth asaeo tepocs n oRubrad ersettveOiie een. Iade ndGnlenn Flo Cut e e x e n s e o e o u nt y e olet alr ad y p p e red n th se c l are s , H lie e d c o m tt e, t re .re o g s , ay a t ra c m a n nd e a o ri g t o re :n ve h s ed theoo u rsmo t' heng v e r m e ntre s - P o r y o n e p re s n c e e re o -nhry - Xnd its npropri t hn tasre i so wasCourpndtgitand1entnre-toBhe urana usig nt ro wh a A LOK RO , ta fom therotuthlieé e rs-.4 of te Pari s ,a 9.(ning.)-n e truhtesoeI aet rsi , ex iste n disoda*th»sue@" bd d pe ûrio thr e ys R W ilonmdeoaibcpb s n er h pesson Haa ooarlhoam:ismde aherÃikofesatak pnAi, Tesae htteEprrta nfvrcfaBrl.Tesbetwihhs in r he ~ ~ ~ ~ u shos isusaltaubf onwseny, Wo'aedned ac 2. TeIlledte ereCoraLogentndra.T rd mr oredo a04oe ressahnthyau e Beln, a c 1.-t is tbad 'thslèn fIeadfo te e. Arntwe ntiipae ht hsormer dupens ,l't,or fopn d iote m.adre en fr hep t 'dr hetmeofhs eehi.r ttckdbylrg umesefth"Iihh Ier o Bsmrk a rfse o*roeetArin we Ieln wsaÃe t cp are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7971 noND fo elaqane ihthst h h ' iae n MDprte ite i e io ryfrty o ih rA S At in fe cL a rei oei ,te rirssRialnth a l i-ontrof P on it eui l toH rVlth ta allow lj th iede to# becled b teag it.fasoftht X"of Ofas naue-:, s=et. connect »4,as w ithte ra id&ver thepdoc h ssinsM wthr ew teoBrlin, Maronch 19,tg (ek.ve ning)- Busre el ue ieoi- mntrCo- ation~~~~~ ~Cnnî ofveintI urnwpltcl n Qene.Ptlk aur, r er s idl rpyto mr. Gis ad t rane.Thr wref5., i M nph'dy eerèoft e isreTnhortdta erttetywsmdve aeoftheb a eiia no pinipesexs t kepthge T o ws0ondgityo teseodcon, n •* CnayadthsCopr tofdw as cele00. brae Wo-a*orgit .40 mniidsent oA eicronsivinmiad Tge.t ii ereteFeinmoeeé a of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a the peoleaprt Th Gob'sagta.setece t siémnts mpisomet, e rseio a drlosfe b rfere to Dr Mddn f Biflowh fee ntulas.rTeearou scieie trnd hoßtoths ounrytotachommndof&,ne byGoat ena Enlade o- ,Sen t ris pre ut and l oul d iWaeo b nd t pyaon.op dth #serf -$100.t e pioe aem ite ewht the onel' thav in ke Eew o d e •g o t ndprcs D te ii pal sYtr leet ote drath -etlieate ea ndthiieoi f n ,f ee i vit onte ofscheief hihigut sr on mthe#bCoaut# Act, for dam ss n chasdreted te 1an sp t e oter a"4 Fenians alsottored ou ly al n av t oy te'nt stiaieene airr , fifo nuer titste' . n ds ags ald to av e yop benasctined by rpot ithoutMamdreherprueyhsbenarreted a e igoBoulatonMarchin18,-A rivngsnto w O fthe CEmpeor Of t e i; n resence H' uolyFte eedngte a e Matm ~~th Obenr.-eagi e ti pco fo a afeciePnn otnor. r, el i pi skomo a s kprvne tec a f8 adtthMactri; h19(ee rnin Te billr a(Jst s utto 04 nd oir piredrsfthepeeing oln ths oret , Verdt foplintiif ch8.-r e Cpon - nte of u rn ed' foraltobde n o h of and to s eden ailoertsaddressey pdoa udineofr to fFni oeph asKing o -frterrgt.W eeet gtn mprtntenjet, anouce t b hld C moeon fim aedonllhfo r p tii, e, l, ad. ' -. D a i p O eve whe Wt stdIor a - o u 8 pers o ns.the wasolo we y ';ar d rnghsprsntvsi obhsaiy i lean ca ony ndi th deirgge p very ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ito frendr3 mradpoet M ict carry.Acs nfor dam. - wht De deror d il ertain deserset panes great laof tconfadence i the prsenplshon March9non)-Teaem.bhipaclt trkeEnlag satblscef in on dlacc t odathedeetoyonda t henbet otsht N,#toppingipeBofor A Mach 19•ifheStjd e aot utofite,' f T NwYo, nd $200,were subscribed• T h everue geles w h'iehae trhed ogutm rn oetbihi eset m eAu t e nd lot th toe ppent. Mach n oi hrafen an llind oged ips p et m inh@thhs erydm tous s recurdaeei t at orvolaionofths lw s i BfalPatri c h'& 18,l eu nig.-A sicond frcel a rlyath e ek si a or re reed, but theein r asn"6 n mpotn i t, and ofm(or temupractcaend(-adustrdi nns or m e pan2 eti da M rges. ngit aniis O rnn g hewoe a ot t o re d n e mrm.g radFen#budemonstationvintendhexeptontrasta oiitg. any sipwree i llep h oufon.edof ta yb haotter ndan#upucbablÃrnentions, or K. ourdonte aintr Awbaibs o orcou aot, i nr end•&'1'. ' m boe :lt httokt*Pi",wa i do n sc i to-naght was pso n, eprted nthe nglis orr he Iiss cat. otnett heohr.WAreou oHtical~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gahrnstn uhmr ro. litf .H obaead M.C ero h aolIuee nd o. r x R te brs1w.-it iSstated Ionth s d aofei d Rbrt eig -bak nd, at.h Bak eound from Cbandait, gtEgihsldes o" o tboe w ii uces pri et ntheineresti Cameonb , B C. , for défndant. u ndu te wa ina as offa e. T E anthoityehatlarg angetsofModyTr leeon1rgeth*br ies to ew y ebâel or otn srpre ,o hv aainpol. W owt h l e V.mpeesN lynl ds hriDfem hnexeddtoteM R th Hou ' s ve n fnndithe co unty o ere$1.8 , t e eetith rng pae yloi a t e.Nadteî gvn.banhioehad wuontb hmTus and trige nixo,- *botee@ce e py tofis i»eor ite peine wt' atr' aRn'0h aeue ne 'hl, r oti tnMgt nlm t sd ate oras illfu btiypil-#, aidorne oamsn s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _o eil ese rmorclmsin$0 n 50 dE C anr n db & ide a1oft hi i o:iitin onatrCreep n ravolto fteSb athi d ' rishRepulic.Eveyeinigniy in w nother ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o plcMC rpravrin wtboir. balie tônd it, ' kured ortfs. ed, h@ th e osbi est e er wer ounf* t hi ord er, Mr. M 1,r 0 ton' , 65 i. a e u&iyular me"yngpsetrg.Boff &rcda 9 gsCong ao ,ahrMMhn ilbe et d ng r tendes fr the tio f abldng plinif a . arisn o dfed 6000 fed hd d a p.,,berto aplAt n9forom0 , a be . lrge 18com ,batr iksday pu trox.-Intig ne I coums fró Brt ireaA osn od E e n otsp "'I bodynaioBnkAecyi toftw, n. the r ort n oging dIowerie TeGetWfenrila tto n cltr frfoerar hhugoa eni s tytody A r CRamiab eerpta h eil.ovrorhasteewl esm a pe ay pa p w tr ati n wi was d e dibythefo l i ng n rerioelssthansd iffret .roeg e vini ealofthe nu m onùayasontreo atied- to s o d: iog a lsT rno T elae t , p i an hsi nyaor ntaonceo t o lanif ie, twsfae a n eta t te 0Te oseb forCoonsbag ,endmaj. rbesp tæ teatrnooaaim in nt Cfd eraiwte A e eaepauadnoetId ete his ~ ~ ~ 58,6 -Ana.gi hi motn udr Sbeunl dWrin the d frPith r oudetndtte ag il fwodoiiehsde e0o0pnath ihetoamo a e nt re d l Gure i la trovines. Se mane a ot ntemvmetw a king - w s bron t on fo t ial dy e ese at the rtatCon, buelow ing to the &ex tra f or hia o ri s, of Lora d &n e esdssFa n t THall- d4wbinasof mo a s n oMa frartcts m ihe a y $1 00 0 eeo l e •.--e4• --.rend red in for odoftepli.iric n xeto fH.plye fsheiaIeunat br ohte ma1Ct9SnrnescMach1,-esachs or tm ibu hee r ostcesinteuenbd chofthoenanr, r lb o N ù's otiue Ioaz org,- theis $459,54, ska.ubjece torciei le aith. hCt o o by# mea re, omin ew Woestaanster announee that b i the o ps e ging arriout «oingasjeveor wold Thy ad i pç t s of i the Srst o heA , TiO efoe i hono Er d ,ar r. ok osEc of No E rCE• ap f r elrdeii o jjgg gd gsaieC (nrl gf Briish Co#,pigtCe t i B ritig A i c a ,air ag h e g last on, rti lra ggny 500 eno .u ota ac. ee h tolrebocso ulinscm utnn fI e t ank other $lito-dayloted nanIbomou t orndsioneC adndheB kyM ntofhelds d tdn trepo les palormaasiesandit cotensThne psor.pini -B. pisfingrnthe mperto the Town and eratingan illcodprens heonfuosort, in nto tecloilcnfdrcy 'wldresTehic hr r o .Pro, P w 500frta f e1 ais t y o th ehicst descript&ifon ,rgd'ithtr a oiyâ letrumwa ng, fe r in h- Dbln nirsty aophsahirNew Yor, ltMah 19, noon.-Te ftieb gaar mea s com nic ati n F aiv..re nar o ri s ,ofN wY ,sad a atte n s r tyopt a rti su em t ha n e ,cto.Te scé1b PTthe i ae secn e rÃanchrae, agraph ljlas- B ines &rUon t S l f Caen Br o a c ed ten f nre i les. Éo a r -thy oldntb de red nil the Qin euorhe e preseul n t A 1Ossbizeo the e tteP"o mReo aprpitigvo etao torm, cahe r g tiwfr-NwornnckadNvaSoi a iePpeo iho.H lae he apr , , , . County f Ontari beg leae to pree Ut, A a pmer o amles haver.Benow ,000 tk o tstth o t onait ft he no.ý' «ýson A inon oln;pathes of last e n, com mna n I aly lesncesstr osrkT'e ersltngtatCle s e l a fign dri n q h a io f a lthes i w t e a sp e b eo ns s. Iuoou e i l t a yhret g n i 0 F ai] i ; e ra ie ini Id l w eed andornte.tooue ny ,,er tens wtl enthdul of$le th a«e Whave s o ee n , Buer ag in frorio e th p i fth c ssiondtoi oterad rep on ily ivier sa es ayer go s ladag-pllai efr th earend they cortlon- lereis anin4setoi o Ma And o prprieor, whe le servd jlia as qouesulkton beneheldtotthis ayforrtcoseuetly taezgaitem oin tislw CIi e 4af ,dy Mnser1 uh ,tai p u r p o s e , pn d H y a tpa r t i eh y s i c aley p raue lc a b lerm te a d erditn thoe e ntgr y.à T h e Ffo r a nv oa r e ae uti e~~~~~~ Hierin enr -tSoiey-1s ty ismfportant in their Charotter, Te hr S lm ofu cne- -:irtcm jfiother Miehalrasearrse ith;iMiM.ael vishted the geul sad nd is élean, comfort, hl rcnl eaing his fisthonght thecntaiy il onbe re--man believesthat 1 give shaould Sght hnw a U0wvum i Vs iis able, And weillattenddto, and thatthere 92£romr; Hareh 19, c lren a ire '0 t only inIs property, established some lainrelation to the 1 work thessad bl nt onttir erpy ) prwal lstyerar atprset nl nie eron cnMd Yesterdsy dMondayr) morning, about4 vleati $ 2,00 00, and boq amhingthe e h'on wih Mjsyi adb n.genniom nMymnea nTe --•+--""therin---eiht mlesin& n feak-d o'lock a4e brke Itnaths per grain whole amonun A grandeh hasben faHoreb 1e.-Thervrathsean dmga g wllerfomsy fi appears VI fro te $tornc uchOb<these rincipally for malois aaceletator of f.eonatbanGCarte, which set aside by ruseit à 43 miles wide.Thne towrs on etoyweh vrertatn.Weea se ai 9mesrs, Charle O'Conor, Judge o es atwas occpied -by Eobr t Toddand the Hek09, Ark., and Friar's Point, Miss,, arr y isproyon*e itddemst not dfrte hn A Jas~m Eet ss, adlir, Cada o,Iarge nopplosa ulinad otetOeruotmy e sio Ac rh#bda sil umr5dfrmfortoitn a. eve rm 'tevahads *illsty, ohepth e i read , 10Kaldir" in9rsm nCut he ge o er ht h toeTh#e Øre' issupposed to bave oOhio, hasobs, Teihbtnsaelvn n h eodrte yhrwhichsbeen >we ill ntsie por- ,aa ,,nlil ibrkwo keeper of the geol Mr, John 10dprie hasbuenthe work of an incendary Øoig -enat etrne hefo, tdera ugri addestitution cirentatedpdratpl y sysaigyfrProvineoc s dtni rs"n h h Woben foro m ddangfoal e o;peal, A iobt Te atorehm on ine bout16000 a will le their P' aongsh f s eba(auror ron Da h bo rdd i avr of Ãbdeng Irela es bMa 1 n yhaeavalued at $20,000, The grinVas fl The zw workersIn Pari, ne r, lust nigintlig os f$001 W op.epl iby, Gati oint n h ein ol na e idskb Fa miet es the only sourme te frabeÃ¥ r InsUredThe building wsnot inure g , hare beensoDusastdike fr New -Yor k, March 10.-The ýstamer mbruasbeen-forcesthe MnoeD1tie 00 eees ats it teÃœpartmets, enibd an ai ,ed t-nigt aing na e Mahon a rwardbWash ,f afeIwonm perdeldy mendeon degoos And Msmen.-The MissIPpiisegis.a- New York 0erald propoes Cruz Of th* 6th inst., an lCity of Mez o Thdelof iègar, n he issa t eehade oousmear Tb# desb of the Asshenukb 06ege vault lately, completed for the nRegiry tà i ebe'fi adjouring, voted isesmembers 18 -för Preident Gnea ranto t te 26th uitsdge akabton pe fesuâidtofat M ~ ~ ~ ~ e w la as o n s f e ‡ e Ws h in of t hu e l di os tag - - 1 $ 0 si onni of $ . Vi resi ento00," M dg ofo cure obaito raek 0] boa. tb pap la ame rottion of the Indiruh. 'y 7,u' o'tlet any man,.stal on oshtion as to b'eome imt stacks,- or un6st for other pos: 8, Once a year aI leas& lui JM taking a holidaby, and gpot à new Mau n i Place, 9, - eiy employas liberally. 10. Wheln you are gare any ing beyond his means, advane -or di4charge roof, and unbroken by pil1la: obstructions, is at St. Pete&,b lI, is 650 feet in length and breadth By daylight à is • tari dislay, and a bma im Venient y mane.wrein it. Ia light is properly.- The rouf i setore is a Single arch of il « Wwichit reswweighin ponds, BICKELL.-On Saturdat r the wifeof J.-B. Bickell- Es the township of Whitby, di'. M A RR IE D MIr. Wm. -Henry, Io IMs -Wlobt fWhiby.re Wa okvill toe eu ousfor poiemgis hi"bem thr, soeCl or twel*e roing op A aEdonado, -a omcpied as tarne ids a samousi"Anglo saganf in'i the shade by its moue ,da, 'Ao#eto o01d thus bar# been nuo u di. wcoe an pia a ntrlut report 13POI whieb of Ã1 golin the McCanee a "I no108, a~matter of doubt, Tt has be " ýv o oils •h wit uatzbut-in thebrw" 'iknanuz and in the black de compoud Company (oma i utc pse ofMr, 90VýCarso, ohn an an sd Jub aront eg t to on»feet and their prospet ar xed alpro ag, As might espected this discovery has erested quite a rus to Bannockburn and v,,iciuÃty, to the no smali gratification of: the landlorde sog o r -mnesamare iag-opeedir -het vieinisy, but beyond good indicatids uthave "ot heard of the prreiou mes! gen discovered in apY of them, We are informed os good authet tatw 9old has been found* in the "quartz ,oun-lot 11 in 1he 6th eeneesion of madoe, owned SeeralPartiswere en ae i- . i the creekis in the vicinity fgheaged aitryn and Moore meines,and it wýa reported-thbat gold had-been washed front the i'dirt, but not having had the report direct, vae- wIl not TOneh -for its corretes. - We understand that 27 acres of theo West half of the aichardon lot owned b Mfr. Chard of SIrling, have been-sold to a Toronto Company. for $45,000.'85,00 paid' down on Wfednesday, $10,000 is tubeo Pi D#xmonths, sud the balanes ise III Elselir, the Mairs mine, near the Village o1 Br:dgewater, is being worked, Wt we have nos heard of any gold batin ýeen discorered. roton i Isi qantiie. f aabt&W Irom the reis of reddish dirt. Oving to n anfortunate accident ,which occurred s his m:ne lastweek, work vuas opeided br'sereral days. IonBil ¡lnt o work th -m es open- ýd by hin: fast fall, ani it vin be two eor bree weeks e breo Mr uiop à io» laking preparations to enlarge his hotel emises, and Mr. A. Y. Diamond is abons reting au addition to bis hotel, 24z36 .et, which viii lie ready in a few woe. - The pýoles. for the telegraph lino betweui adoe and Elzerir, which haver been fie ised by the Hou. Billa Flint, a&Wfad, long.thbe road ready flor patting ruÙp,: and soon s the frost is ont of the groand e Coanpany will put theIFvp, and th=a will have telegraphie communication Dtween BellevilleMadoc and Bnidgewater. Qn Wednesday afternoon, Mr. M1cFee anfo the country a Are piece of ite quartz, in which the gold was stieI. gon ait sides. The young man, evidenit. did not know whether the quartz con- ined gold or not, snd ho said ho knew sere ho confid obtain lots of the Sam« fOf course,,he kept th location of 9quartz to himself.-BZelle lInteli. ti iw fi at p fro ted Whi... y,... ar. O .. .........2 a . ...... Egg.......,,.e..... Enow thy -Di - trang C rteorant nd scho 0 inspen.n ea ae oane mAn ••mmrff, Io Prado1" ae Aetbbam..a ror fa, Wbdatse ernee, o$ant 1*Orb.ir, andAmin a. e c. {and --ge.... -d f ~sur an -cd----er reenamn pnyazre maGTN, @r il Asblen.no a M-mahaic Ct the fancle auand orwie ei 'This e iuhnadn, go teen rcim f sdn miýid nl amv hePCHVb e a an. hd fers oimo à fama bufnlynresWz by burima .~.,, nu4k, sabd rfaark stexion or ainaa mme sn0oùd twemy-d ab@sen.y appe.nd laquiy »ase me .de rsna Lasilet a.s .U -e maj c& and ewmenaa i . a..e he à kna&scoakzisL B i euiet rti m m g M te me dkdg m«i O)rray, Tort & COof [p oibce L yprietors of thei extensive mills in cour orectio as Wequonioe, above Norwich fend aso, of 'Mill@ in Ehode bita een -forcedto suspend and plau* ir property Under mortgg& . T. r 'yin Norwiekhasu been »ortgged to wind wateman Of Proi« p09D 00, in charge of ug 'unt Of «Memploy t b là rprise on the Shetaeket inoialyý mofe. amrt uonadag to w#n Apui rie ails at Proidence he Nrvc, Con.#MA , rtst 1day, in speaking of the abore fare, ÃŽt " We anderstand the s " br 'ybu aegone, down with Tort & edwe are toidth tat still othem M» presarious condition, What Vilngo sstent of the erash it là impossie te et, for th eeOccrrenceasu shaent' la ofýrdti e nLnok IIeavy Pailure in New-England. bingto Cboilesd1g0 PA"> i" enjoying adfOrtdsing toe méo peast«n0,m00«pr an rom Wbl eietu tbm*Et - ý r e a