Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 2 May 1867, p. 1

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*5 a, .2 C Pl nP- rojoori en ify. A- of te Sui, court iteps- àoi, C, gipo.ù sorleaI-iso0 Il, enS Wile CIles fuor s. 17 MACK. naisti> n l i bad. ai "1141i atIuliS om Ise mosl nss staw s îEPJALOo Ileg and ee ail 'Il. DoGa for Sale hfitby, within -, of the Town. tTr tise fisui 1iselio* oS' ISueusiesaloS eo S rEast Whitby, la ,,ol lilTise Imit I Os.t. ib ue O - grf trsil,,susi ot , t usîs ii oitid s- I l ro r.o e k e d 1 . u ît s art tiîng 'î' 1 ' 1e" JJsIN 1IOWUS, ()Ji tIhe proîsssesi 110d',) lu 1i'liîiy .U fIr r t fi'ts' e (Its, Pl5nsiemrl'nems" esssst -s-lsJ eea5ii tu o s-. ilu, gent, k ýi eon tOlinope), ne% P lnblibte,$ Ijios-In fllgîlw'g Nir s ullailsg, »sdAAA BOftayros-ot., WhlLby,. .1%$£- 41<ITUATr0#NXzY-AT LAW, »AnUlgTER* TITOHNKY-AT.Y,AW, J»I0l>. v. r, Louvois d gowl'.POT. S ),CIO OTÂIW PUBLIC, &o. *o, s W. R s' 'VD# i i8t4RiWW sOLICIT5u1940,*0do 1{AI ILEIIVII)hIlosjw 011 ioa tarl RJ listnloi'a, tp7'One Doorhkositli or tse CU ARIJ1134C. REfILypZ A TT(iYUNEY AT LAW, M<>TICITOI'O N' on, 11rioek, 0. W, VssIlle ;to5 Cogne ,ss4ltl, ussttsrl 01 NOtary~ Â3IU>:ZNEY-AT-J.AW. SOlIlCITOJL 114 îï * 0lyl. W_ ioalis letoseBassoe neui go,' kcgistry (oillee. 0o, Erock 4trit. 4A 13Auîê¶<Eî< ANI) ATTC>NEY.ATLAW tilt-Lr r liasrcsry, d&c. (lVI<J~.-I)sslso ttreet, 8asloors WestI or PoiL Offilc. Wlsthy, Jsns 27f11164. *25 Ct&CiiLANB & COCIIItAI40. B 3AIti4TI1,194, Arrt.xiNYsm, coNVEy-1 iiia < ai Lsstirleg publie, ke., dia, I'nsuwou Lzr-vvi-Ors Town puinr-so-Bi slwnBock. 99 11, iwiiO055ARp, LL.1B., 1- W. M. Cosisr4.esg Cousstv <'rowss Attoffipy. Polrë Purry, 9,t IsI Vncmtper, 1865. 8 Daulte, olctor lu <isaucery, Atà, toriser, k&cqd&e. tar OPYVi'1'-Nozt Joor t lie Lh erlstry0 Otltcs, Wlsltly. 41 -Iy t-V44*, Cbsrch Ntrsset, 'rorto e Je E. IFAIEIVLr,, L L. n'O, BARISTEli.-rlLAt-LAW, d&o. a. MOIGUE, B. A., Âttorssey-saw '.lsc..i..'tascClis- vev,.isenr, d&o. O4>tl1 coissuu treut, Norsis ovaie Po t e, Oehssws, (11. W. 405 LY1'LAN ENULIl, L L Il.. ÀltLL~4'~l A LÂ, 4ulasorlu Chasn- Ouasry,(oisvoyissaer, d&C., d&a. 40, JOUX IIILLIN941 T. C. ortnimv'ol otnre. 12 Rx. J. GUIN, iM. 1D. LsitRGEOt TO TmE COI3STY (IAOL ~Byron StroeL, WilLby. A. PLUMULE, * IRTIANT TAILOJI, BIOCI< STILEE WlslLby i TIIONAS Jiîfwrom,-. moxi(LEU1K téilstILIAIIUlitlIITITIIY J.ofgoo-C un lilonse -los 1 sIo'cloek, &iî"u.Kilj trt, 3 d os.oorn itaust of B 'L'o)rolsîo Sreeêi, nrussLto. lie.liUCOofOr Yens sIJÙ41OstalO, No:ry BATLIVI? IXTIL mDtI0 VCOURT., B LtdIO W ÂC CT'JNU1L.Ajdrea.- *sfttOil.40.ly ATTOENILT AT LAW, OLICITUR lI çb4psooryj dia., &0.,, dia. Ees o e eOMficeM sc L o eOfflce of Mr. Zaisi, 'lorla et Cessty court. -W opposite lLoyl hltel.48 ('SLUK <W Tilt ICVJtNTH VISION U"Conrt oftls* Cont4 of Onterlo, Convel saer, Comminlialoner su Que$u0 0 Bech, s*0. VICTORIA 1MOTEL, W I~i4~S ouxPAPEETId Le îrlt atsivselser lsietLLted aispbeonsold T esLsblaieofdh olon isdut5vleoiordolssg svor sscemssodtlOsto bultrvlngubc 'T lie ae'iscibesoa te A"nsoiuset a .isss toe4enUthe buve Weil i o» juroEinip Vel< buhevésbuis coule y snlsed aid rems *vst.4 by hlise Mud viser*e iassetaeoasiusso l5ion ql, oiU aroigtI sitesthu', mievs bdoetbtg elmdyadsdaet oosir.oh Awgse otresaeîyiiaîro adite 2% 1ion 2 JMILL"N. OYT n' OTEL, asrendugonfiustisai ht ise hasopaned tIt 1141*g 'Iles,, it't lateiy oeOnpîed k JewsLtt, andSma e li susled IL itieS anSd<srusls rd lAstsylvilatora mil lassI ery cossu- nlensee.Wlsne#, Liquorus euS Lgers of Us ' rA atetîvte ctîcia leys l attd UXBRIDGE BOUSE UXBIRIDGE. WM, ANNAND. ISAAC FENÇTONf, 1314 Winoian liqaris soreto ALBION HOTEL. JAMES BLAC*, D. P-opretor teA01JIroAD IbrColiUSlE, - vus'vey sveviois luntstists, le andlCetr al Agnt,ssIIii ANDE OTRHPUB, liIr OfflusIDPtryr, oC. irroth Bi. tiLA24K, - - - Proprueos- ofStiu-t assio for égalhbyeu 51>. ue> Nttessîo (t id o gsseet. d nefandspromatté JUC. rn, y%?-L(JE, Awilx rount, Lad nd enralAgMt Of.fri ltie uP erîreqaft ;Ese irniei torii litsu-Zmiess', D n a otLi)l*y 1ild isd CHIsuCdlusmali icceute PRINEREES 1s-EL (in > s lLAT£cnaos, > . in llî KîiuINGîTRE E ClTs.GogCa Wr,. GLOBE IIOtrE4Lý T IIE ftbs: *C ilwo i *tblole ba Lqis ssiuribser, wisere lie wMllalwasya lbe e s ous idsjromsuy tu. utteiii u'oisl>L wtisi ofsSs I ii» gUeulti, .a 'f!ilesoisisms s uils, e IOss Insstiv ands cosssfurtabIy isted ni ;pslssîes,îar, c wii lsetf rftào o siadeuSesry isoin.. suriu.gii, 41>,sndtlse Tuis, ubonn&îiul. 17 oujsplioet aLail18ss66. Notlc0 to Parmor. and,0thers Llqir9 sus-aislt-wals-ascl lotal,Xos-e0sD'A faii 17 Praei, b>' guilos-obansel; l'asltta (lionleu-lt, do. do.. Iiissplrs Extra flcifica WbIaçkoï,, d.lv.i bst -pors. 0SItes-sy andI Cog0911fac lisanS>' Or thee ascis, wth a ulnt e Li lorsseudi, IgaratDi tIsie,,t lira ida. AttntIu-Oals'sand ltecate Juire. A. ALEXANDER. lJrooklin, Jan.Crtl, 1 es., ONTARIO 1HOTEL. WEIITBy. 0. DAWES _- - - PnoitiRTEoIL' dnpes-fo aecesnrneratloiss, a. aritten-' tion1 tisethéreqtslsemieals o! Lras.lérisandI guesta. ,I.aclons îtubllng ad iheS.-ooss, and reeri> ositiers $Jieaya mitiiu asl. 1 VICTORIA IIOUSE9 Trlit suIeesibm desîras t* Infoîip bis man>' olfreld tset hoIsRi.nous' aesrylssg on Lite aisoue Istel, a nd Liat lié fsupple. non# bnt tise beutt fmloiseuIlqitera, ci roisuanSrafs-esi- monta. A ,tel anppliâleStbI. Goisdâab-lIn sud eolooeS yerd. JH SUIIL WhbI1uy. Otet4. 1864. - op OPPOSITg Ton, POST OFifI, - - THIOS. >BRODIE, ZDoatci-iioome, dlycetly Ioppo- liErsPREotS AGENor4oT aiieAs gn Berac edu uSMedr uua.4s.1 Illeo>;t'js 1M51JS y,,oI5, M'4b1 .o'il l;e'ocsle -o ine O ile ff itite u mkf 'if uîlg'c Ï4 irnsl rtise 19unit of,Iî os'eii Sb luepe44ssl o<l# eutÃŽlseseôseb, lk , lel.seinî poInt O<'<i.t, oe u Dala S JPibi <'mmradle fin, Iiaforsn tfiaInus atum oS 'sise atriiisVA tSt oold e tl ie iossi wl "Lr-n inoue or *et ~Ir lusoise ai tîdoere Is isPs.u--J,V tii aaise tit rselos .,ait di $en pos5dwib e' wltt lem srthse uthlk prt o- the runudhoardrnsi eh t4Iîoluaf'y tisnlej W w"11011 In ,Cequlwto te grveaCluosisistaU,14bul ~swl.ieh t hAt sisot ,0. wlié î'rejnrlglt ite s psylTiq'. 0'tC sle l s'Ioosrîye tûtristie, .e 01 , "1J', t f-1teth.ePsîi'gl ie (i-e seols P-O.er ort0. '411 J.ugii hspor"et Due lm 5e'ry cuit. uslde,-sslv ;iusr ss.î As.,à OR fier 'ani Dsfng44,04u 1lst e.sinuteait lie issaie] up 1< - fé pisisAt esec ' Ut vlulsu l isetsy dûset <aitw:PwIe-bo Sqtare 1stjuso.sressfite ltu sstsssd ssp tetjob ' a v on orA ri'îer o 11 nf 1i , Aàsud a â t 1s t0 teeLI id ïs ...T,.FI' iaeof tise cx-e,. 4n ts2ler * ' Wiis-iha Coml)iset assilt tssviudlreldua 1 ?Y trony#,4esded foy thistassîi plote.-nsftlvwte Éta t ne a00esoloikv, e powiren sd ealestis hassa sPVt ,,ýof oi Us ie aogoySquogro Ion c osse , giviuyg a ver>'delsp basa moLie caores ig more tiasdoubletIisetubs-a BTar, tise 55sîsî~,,u in i tite ogec.u-, issu-a fréta and oislirf o5itloss. ssii;ti s alo "s- vor.te worîslss.wlslcis saosst Ip*lis re ijo5ltea l" lpi l5w:>', bearusg ecju'slgi y rlie~1r tise #oorio'level ornot, pscvssssuî1 ev ss goy stralois, ..,hncl swontit boisf Ihshi e ca-jaesu Issstrsrnate ls z stsguposour ogs g., Tisoergnoe-ebatr os'besl rncial campo-flon. ises-eta roesreils,'c1,placwlthe l o',Otil'o loif,,,iiog sontise slac .4s sd tros il resssilssr In smater psrhy, powo-u. ol#ta', and P solidityolione tlsaq tlt of L:,e, îqs-4i,î5. wlsfielu Is rouiîs quedl nl5ctlsgn lisssosnpsssIlotn EverygoodUmaxofil ww" (4at- dotris 14 ola u551te5theu5 10 tIéîoisetiosof à tswi,es, luursnsiyors aovssd-mituissg Il&ueaà P0tun,eisbrd rosse, 4- Wlseillserll'io lilc<leorm rrtis lnsne criss Ili îs ilet or hltiseijory fIa apoint fors-*.#Van# ta dit6 fie #pîosslo tut 1ie rtenust otte tva oruns la poalpf.#Oo ,te u-envsuu-lestrsotodror uslairped. A nssbéolî4sYle ot Jf rssn 811,s nuulerits> eionssl aupe' os rst sycsisls r snt, lis trie, Tain or Wègîvis, snrlwili loge linu lisurl ty tise0 l os sevesul)sér stint. Ilissu-h thlng hupetlssso! AI -wltlotonrufséof Ltserot- loIïriivr ou-thOen Iiotsrusettob>' exaitsiltig for- thersseelvt. 'Tite bewt MuaitSns of the Province hâave glu-ets ti oîisopinondotlsster "Jîsruibility of' cou-, atracelots1, atsrtsgth of' soulsîl, tsndi leg.satient slssspe tliîs style of Illstuo atsirdj ltgt'isvtLs.r.s 'l bsu Snt,-esisscrfisia a rea t snisslrr of '1'extC messls, wisls ise dors -net tiSuS sa.nsasry tés, pssblilsgos.ofteu,îiless aluatnnes-,pssltisoff os) tiseosi pblie ltiferslor rosltns st itronai tesisnOssîalis obiisslsfote sssssilns,fer wliei tise' ulu-vess a i]u,lesslt. Tisprastice sîboula bu dlpveottrssne4ssad ie te ts-susseus ltlinuad sIlie trixt. Agis>'l lisue dotesutout ets.tsd lit sseed -Of Mitte c "rilàte'.ste* ; ilrtnmo is t 'jesss graissisg cohls ttatislula Iruoirn""Y us 0 the lsJnliico! tise cntute s lt ai n Srai'ée iocenutly sc, isiguis toe- elewith l 'lisnexs or (es-tuit> Jrriry liutrutnssitsnlJetesl te tIse maot tlsorousgh t<sto liere Ileurissu- tise orkrrons. lisissu- tsraisnssere FiriL pptlrs.lut l'rrsslua'sssl Ezilhltlonistsat ,au>' sishes-Msttass-ru air' rsslrlesslits tis Cusin y, 1 i an de:erstluad te ketj is e septitssî'os %,filj1aalsIisuno 0 fI sc' ited boi tusisg eont tIse beuit trticle lis ssy lino. J. . RIN Y eR, DIVISION COURTS 'FORtTHIE COUNTY OF-ONTARD<, No. ...hL~.......... bsy 1.t, 1827, "2,1'iksus.......l"1,u . 5 ~~' ~ 1,Pic lin . 8t ,, 4 " ~ ~ ~ i 4,Ubis',, . 14t 1, id " O..... <usssgo . M ay lui.t, #6 " ,A5aly........... . so, Z. BUlINIXAM, J ssdge,C.O Wllty, Mar. 1, 1867. ALBIONIIOT11EL. ZAsT MARKET SQUARE, TOJ<lÇjTO. oooiaI labUssgl, andSô e,ues- acononatlos, ut iisOdes-ato Cllstss-ges B~ OARD) 01 PEIL DAYt 1 W. silIOIT, Toronto, eca. 10, 1886. 40 TUE EOBSON HO'USE, DtJNVAS S ItE£r , WJJî'PIY, Co, GEOI&L lULtQNinpit T U>'snbsas-Iber bca ussaossssa li lits bansaS Mie bnltàlisg fos-ussrl>' kuemus s-s j Saiptne'i Motl. isi n ts baea renovat.a, refusniler,asdftted.up tlsrongsoissî, listise boostossylé. Tise premlmieolslaassyat- noeas. opposite tht ,Post OlIiceussd listiseaoes- iraeot tise Town, Tise tallira>'sssiIa aîat tise lotsl anai Lis. oçtgeafor Cabrlidgreand Beavirîoss(e;a- - GBORGE ILOBON. Canada Agency 'Asoiatiopl N"arfal otsalways lnsttsenoe. OP LOÀNDONf,ENGLAND, wluitbyMev 1468 20 Msso asurg us-g. ssfppiy 0< oss>'blend ou Itis proved Pas- rt". u-e yc asa. No ccmssulsslos, MO EV'f b N.beyOlsd et isussit«e tON Yloeng on good pmAtina Ye teu.. d carmin,' i M r Cm niterest. U.CPMN IÃŽTILAN ENOLIRIT, S0ret557, Býqz 74j Torot IIaJte, î~sas.Or 10.701ER AGNEW, F~rm~for Sae.Wbite ak Lube B'~INEsss0îsrt tlse osth-i1ef cf em uoend..sA'aâg.ns' àc lo h-8 Ut s esseuppi.e4e tba tl iffsloto elâa. n, AUQ5 eare», Thoile'& go 5w anwnSafrieWAGON ToN TS lo flioneahotss Ir 'i tll. spq *>tr sduVIbs erssgs W TS. monsu. AND .êMUNTITY O Lot l. lnthe r60>ôt 00» itKAPlE ITeZt .Po.f elss (pro-PAU.)ILL ~tg o qesU~ 55 w f410 LIVE'RPOOL.& L.ONDO AND OLOBE ASSURANCE CO>I'N e APITA,.........io~ INIVESED VUNDO 1... 50, FIEMATED ANXUAL R&,. VENUE 15. ....... 5,000,g FOlNDS.IYXE8T!D ix CÀ. AD.. ............00,4 T. B. Aissse0,Po. tliraa Prss of tie Ihsssk o'911 ntreAs). ifs Ayrxr. lxm FA , Depuly.Chtf (Charmnon OsUrlo is. P Br.rnsv Srnaiw, Jiq., (Masisiger Ont. rBank.) E.1.Ks iEq., (Gossoral ManagerzbI osf montaosl) pire lssurmwse.foftlioraontoa on ec daes'lpinn(i of Propoty et Lise loweat resus s'ettire rates. JofteadJu#4td aao asteew À~ Noextra ebarie for Mslltary service de ien ,of Lloq (!otry. m VLa ponIcifs 7or tie Iani or wlt' isssiadren Oo ssre, 'rom 70ZuT0 ly Croslllo làte Aoanra,cr 1,elklsw nd Ansnuit grneiou the monct fasvorasble Leirno,, sujdta do alsselsslly usdspted to tise clmss Ail Isstorsnatlon In botis Dez-eftmenston olitolli&lllit thse lmlie oftls.Lobopsy la Mo tralt u.sul LLrosghouî aars L. AIRIBA4MKS, in. tMJCOMMERaCIAL UIqON ASSURANC ol CAPITAL- $2,6009000 IBN <VtTLLY S!UBSCRIBED.) INVESTED OVE19 *2,000,00-fl!l POqIIÇ"uNYD in CND,* 000. 19 andgi20 <orsslilli, Londoen, Offices <surin re -ilibsg OhGre .Chusrais Street. CANADà B ASNCII: -NOËLAND, WAI SON & Co., Golsoral Agont.. FlIC». C('01-1 Secratary, (illico., 885 & 88I et. l'Sul Street, Monstrenss. I.FAIRUBANXS, Js,. Agent, Wiltbi T, CIIISIOLM LEVINGSTG N, P. L. 0., Inopeect rofAgegseleos. 1 FiPLE ASSUIIAN CE CO.. LIMJ3ARD STRLEET &iCJ1IN lO~ 2&0OK»$0U GILLEsPIE, ItOFFA'1'Td& ce,, Agents fo JAMIES DA&Vibi, ,%nager, fNPAR<C'E uitissst LosR hy FIÉE as-i ou-tictr' Oti tIti usost favo-rabile tesrn. uss in Lourlcu. YEOMAN OIirOnN, AgnWlitby' Arril nd, 1i889.get ASSURANCE CUMPAxàNY Capital, $400,000. uJiEndsineud baving been appolsticed ..Agenuites-orithe bove cssispan-, Is uew ç,avdtlsto fs'orsclyagalossîLs ?t$BT Irson te mott f osale oturisis. ap tfYEOMAN GIBSOXV, 2-lCmo.'Agent Vluiby. SEC URITI ES CM Y Vbeu le sme -home w- lie-di wuIer vsoblipeSto" dmstisse it, Rip ite sgem' ip- 0 vus ieeondover tb. hopashohLd. MHvife vv,ler>' suiosi tte 19,itfor ît W t le. pIO vcOPlyeIaset vas #Olbr, anS be *uascier, sud eve ornsesial-copauion gote sr luber 1' s îlexseeýdipj 11111e Liasie, aueall sega>' end-bitbefiesein rsre, somuins,; ;bot'lse eeeldiuseî fford tJ Sudaly IsspéS w u 5 e" d sud site ilt. ' ' 'w. i e clor e o n e. ,d o lla re » & u ~ d u a s e~ tibis isonsubheîs;'<or Use buebessd'~ivf ->eas > o,, ~tp0i>jhpvWp 4susuatte lmwlt bs-oug#u 4 mmsu, ochi p os- e l 1ho Af7uvss< to'be fdund, vkls à â;IA, ,5Is01 es' i 1g wb.u ho berd ies1114. -elisulge lion liaS 'rocelved ber, grstefauhl is wr m . q u s s i o e , s t e b i s u s t ed . ln t é n i e d v ki .t * - b l e4 but su =sap'stssui of-tilmI8ts cf-las-e 4Se n i bllirle?7 :Tbisex ç >tdltlo> ber-fit Out tb-frty, ents ffe mlgComplie men à coas-tesen made ast lsss ttr bi,'seAlbert gusen1 -Tsse-te hi »,breakfast table, e*e Ircd ee,sce bao isiul Jok pos l$ vi an epartmesstaàdis at s i ilpans -sW IO- I t 1o YO uD saom baîf.mýintrodefvibj , bottlg. of-'.A P,> MYlove. Amythi - , glasoft-éekl gou OD àpp>,'.AnS Out came Fergumon, tLise la ti n Sd t b e$ £ n eU " ' V v u i d I~ a n S gu s s . d s-al ed us-mf gesial amile; viLI a qlegmslng to eg-ast hct ,W48 iv poge, itbse erpacietI 7 Lasu b-eu go 1 lu ie u 10,tIibed gcrois bis m: isa ar, ia se simul , e o- ofdés tisai feteienM-r 'eci suitlmfbelioss seÀlbert Pl# 'toryhi îis i nIeuiug 'le iq mis>pei nt FBut hem0 ber lit " e~ rit--s oeUu1790, veI1Olt u-er soba weotid, p(Ibe OliLmerd sow, m'si, lat bej!o tis tbols. oer, f ~4.leugbeslsadsu ca ï,a 'Wh u 1i BieIs it o , 4rsd M' ,un -of, ir a d ho p. sud ukidy 'Olten est, ssalaus, Tha ie~t isà d t Pélwii è u.o of lmoul ' is Atreect, usa'ius, 151-"bml, A i v l k i M r b r e e d e S c s s e yeh "n t b g C y , 'Z - e d C r Gransdeusr eîsuîss, ' vflsi d.'e Alb iusWIJg'ý,4i holod fort.,Il ý'ote tin 1ttlfeqe upuIs te 1184-40r 4WJseW~Id'. ; ber JIloryvure.sssus, 1 p-oroke< - grief touied lio-..por epewLs v o"ist <sI O& cqrsomwIoo P go e'time.,mAa -' ~pipe, irii sessîttir'MeYss'g bav, e of Ms.Gusf, bIerp BOVIP 44j te rod'i an4oei < fo Ift-isdàpe, Grant 4$erJ~ busa o uIsn; Lad1Ã"tubaà, se tse eisii 4 b l ac~ 10 N.y o plonu.tru, Tsgîbe r !isb er'psud qer, üse nlost bel',pna 0»7"Vgbtls due-,:,f4bt T s t t re p ct r g , S :i; e 5 i n t s ,e s g 4 e y , n os. to i te l c 'p o il , u(dlr.tI~gverçl lieue, dngiugtise olS houp > ter preto sibd L b er, ndt1 les.sUa t pa oe tomAl eue of the e sîerea Albert LUdmeàsa the lb. na usa at come of bédeliglit, sud' osun> ltter,' *. aioo, Alberti wbatiis py1apy , ,1t 100 - laDo tfatter. M Ma'eup,1 eane fnet vlsstyoq $e, alssgupurrti;sslar.' * arncf crbvu th ,00 JijeObiiar,? h a led ei unoo ofV thle<orthet< - play' 1. gea Tise bfden UsatltJ&aîuyg ber.; Ad va eut Albert te tise billsird tise absolsite 100~ lue e tse proscf isbâtiAn were h bu£ 'glorliste lisse viîisoperation. lentsIupat bnetoserttl.le-: is i ens,s 8 ieSbiirs.lms£ A few hiorË au W > eluasech Otiar tlee Ieaît, eib etlgàé'ifdth ep o SPeu-ta to on eaurtlaxNo Mure, -ass'p-I> aue aSL- epr Of ro"efront !iu t h o r a l e i I s o e e a t s s t n t i e ba l a l lo * ed s o r o u i s r o ff up o n b i s h U un e s . w ! -Vos-iows NI0 adl s srks Wâr, 1ruie,., fc. no Tse tsu r U ritit la wissme.g Tie>' lSpisyeiforgane.Albert Il ate, wba TOIustspoutIse earlisNO=U ; liaSvon, 1.0 and liiï opponent hait -von 'lrtIf is 1isefIm le-sa ta vIesoit#ar TUeton .s1smLeïai-h-NwJo mus i]ba9i w0-sd> otore. ve" d Ia- Itis .me. "ï1sliY' otvo assd va,' eTm Da?. Craitely, <~ u n ueAlr-g rÏSu,' Albert, f4Il :thevus a vs 60 Lis.> ployai tise ' îtb'garne, aleuS <hi Wb-at Te il>' ~ A illmlR i gOR viso luit vwu t a ' «fort fi lle se . - cbe tst s - - h as su exciting -contUst; bots ýMaS9ocuàisicones aos ln lw moîci At VI'otle MAT O555 ?B5SCL. Capmitl fons ; but lus tise end Albes-t 'irse at of loviig k or Tsiascv. - Just bealen 'bi-tbtree pointo, and vitsa « Hov suasI)> r.. - 1gbt lougi hoeventîopsta smetté,e ill01. requi-eS te gis' Li* lertsl, 1 wiss YO ou osiSlet me bave rivé,games..westy c , atoisgeseju& st U ssasscarr Kml~aSndmn poke very esaefulll, assd hpli! iSout lb-e usortel i ageaod -Avrë>' iup "efor aise k ivwtisatlier hsbassd liadnot grace, ssever once seesning 1taftest tsthoiemess>'mu>'gale o asmou>'te spare; jetîthese polie coulSts't afford lh. iseed 1IoLise We eeruety, assd LthereaWvu a orld of en. Have'a cige r muid Tom.'- - 'Wliat do YOD8 veut cseassy.Bve cents- Tise>' liglited ibei- cigare sol thoen tise> esling perleditm f«e' aeid Albsert, ssotver>' pleai,sly înercd <lewIstise hall ta vaicis ether foîovisg inoits 9 aut eta getomse braiS for 0MI peu playene. , racterissie popy &emi'13>'and by Albert foad imulf'osteS Yankeeui si 1 tisossgst YOuDlied tise motieliouover aguinat a table ai visoil oretif ~Lo e"Souglinuts liad for tIs.' fr-iands vere playing, sud clome b>' hi. Bal-"I Yeu, BSoI tisoaglit Ilied ; but lMis, Smitis vere 1.0 gesslenen-bot smts-aners ta losouiss-C sud Krs. Thossou bots ibave a trissming biss-ons of visoi vu ezplainisg tu tise eider ma so@' of bruait! pos îbeirs, end itlobosver>' veoitiser lise ssysleriem of tiso gains. Western Ut le ver>' famisosable, and Is, certaul>' àa ftlasa lieultis patinue,' muid hlie wbo si fHello, old g aisumuais to tise dre'yliaS beaus maisg tlie exPlauatio; anS terreloilistercated Plaga. taise ilien se sso'a faebiossfIcestal>'IL le onevisicis buasno eu-il ten. Ilii $are 0. aouli Dg Yourendlcm trimssins ianSdusingas maglg's dena'.' critter sn You. T.eos more thoen tise droits la mortb. It's Albert beurd tise ressers qaute pla)nly i>' hP uotblsg but siseli out unone>' vion ose a and ie iud tisa cuniomit>' 1 hear visail the Western Gai levosu in -msf a neir dresa.' otiser vou'd a>.ltyseItîg 1'Surel>' Albert, 1 don% bisuve mais>' sew Iconut, of corse, Duset thaïs an>' la sîits 6 l ' dreame,; tI tn ahose aseconosaacl se I gaines iaiscallm'fosk iilI und judgmsens, Jobauusa. i le, Y . . anS mbh is fs-ee <rom tise attenrdant1do& inlg Il 'lI's fuuuy linS of eaonosy Mai al conrte of gauning, im of' hmeit auneu-ili, se, doa mois la «eornts. But if you must baae.liL, I mupuoâe usarkt4li second gentlemenu. Suais ob-auas- you moast.' shingo are offly cvilin ta 0faras tise>'ex g AnS Alber-t Lnontook onst ib ri a ite andi stiasalute asen heyoud thse louns F renais lot land conted out tise seveul>' Su-e-cents ; o et'iatsfus eacuînie.' Mademoiselle, b-ut b-e gaie ;t gsudiagiy; anS vis cssie 'Thsst resait cats ba-SI>'faloiro. ud uamach'sonortp s pst tise valict packs into bis poaket bue disi ganse,' suit! the fis-st speaker.Masomel it its emphs ic idissetmiesi ta su>' But tise otise iook bis iseadr ' n>'face ver>'l mu ttibe vopldss'îluisae it out agi for a 'You us-e vrong tisora. Tise resait cas, Vouiezvonm ?'2 week. follow ns istva ways. Fis-st, It dan lcud Jew: Hau'smoi When Albert s-eabed tise osier Soor, msen aia ra> 'om lb-cm -usiueu; anS Secondl golS matches, ai ons bis vsa>'te is orke he fossd lise It cati lita mes, 10 %pendi moue>' vio have good lot of îeco veatiset se t-reatessiag Ihai b-e concluded ste moneyta to$pare. Tou viii undenstand gogd came! b-air ta go baok andS g e usnlbs-clla, and mes. 1 volnlsot as-y downtise gansofos'eYen if Y013uw! r iposs re-enteriug this itting-room li fouusd billisardu ; for if I uudes-stood lIt 1voulS ' bMsid-"BE bis vif. lnus. Sise trieS ta bide tise certaisl>' tsy YOD a.gume Dov; bat tu-len ïst: buqt let me feat *tiat &ablaS bacs, eeping, batsh@berI1visi: a place<of tis i l 1lam usled toas-e. first." . se b-ad been caug-L is tise set, sud the vas ledt upon tisa strauge unS prossinesst ieuis Irishss-Patin aS e whe s i meatut. * nets ofshuiannature as d lu osinra,>'ea like a neov Good gracions 1P cricS thebe sbaud,' stx. For iss.tassce, obmerve tisat yoang usmeif ln tise bai obul sisisi e toaisuo il yois are arlissg at mass visela just nov settling b-lebl st, Ilridget-'Ig mb-at I maiS! about y-our dres. -l - tise demsk. H. biais liii. a meoisaic; and issg Me 1 'Tim ti 11 vassi't cryiag aetvisat pou saiS, AI- I ebould su>', <rom lis masue-,anS front iag."1 b-es-t,' repliaS Kate tressously-, 'but yoa tls fat tisutlib. <eîs it bis Sus>' to go- ivoire tm olouctaauî t grat me tise lite bosse ut tis bons-, tisat1lài kisd-lieared, A M. fevor, PI mwuîisiiskiag hem lird I mork- ansd gourous, and Isabouit judgeths i be, ho. I ams tied to tisebom-lie. mass>' meanue to do about Ou near 4gb-s ashiseaui. Anu extro-di luttle tbiags I haie tb perplez mse; unSdHe b-ai been bouton astd b-e pays one dSot. Moegco reliusvê i thonu b thissis..la1r and iorty cents for tise necreation of un olS mniier uin 90, psbav I Wb-atdo yos vant ta besaeomét. b-oasdonaiion. Ir >Yeu observe bcaatiful pousi à0 seoollis for?'Il you vil Seoe l-ilhopola iL Ireel', udnSssiiliste eaui r AndSaal tarîed Albert Laundman a pocisesthe lou ts' t a ille. Happy' Il soulage ' eatly mecond lime, bautisot ta escape sa essil>. fecuit>' iBut.boy doyoa suppousa t uin lg tbe'Iovel>' pa In tise hll lhe vasmet b>' bis dasiglter tiaiyonng ussn'm bosse?7,BSppose.- bis eti oo lIzle, a bnigist'yed, rom>' cieeked girl, mife b-aS coae'ta. in Lbt in orniag anS haisdéome, anS fs to <rom sIe.uaceteas-useus tiai localit>' liaS aver>' tse se cd isgA ife, of visom.be &je bout a>'eus- go, 'o to t- era kirugdemi tls ea ta felng in; tb-mn .- oersmsnt;- - lieu îang blg 'Tlsete vas a bonostion w4bs thsemae'Àpaes " omsg sud i porev- esl t, us am -ro - e-r St mauiuâe 1 o b isy ft o urt e d, P4m!se a , is ce s . T h i s m be lovel>'< eue fiîst, ;sud "p,>'If <on the~ f~ haat, é roe, people meageti IOs ea te telisOf te sucveusý Os4'eu -eàt Use huas- ont. Ou@gage~pup Lb-ebovoy yosug ~ tbe bçdj4yf tbst merilnIsui *liti e s elf-taugËhî,bpih 4forice obingbisa pI'Ã"eestomi *esdlof the elopni lseure tissu ibsi r &maesd tise fk eu~~. Id vaugefeil>' ounaIl' lI me eaal.. b>'; uotifn ' Tepiteno ofits. .ook -u&W th il, Saturais>'-lst 000. Two'eiàLr eeivp Qàwe tue, Md th'in'r sud tb he u. m, n'lhapdesib usde, lei uiesIs Cr tin, thi.tbee'ook cudte bu0usei e quscaeu otuna ne'psaaarl Isimsalf -lun' çorncr o! tse roem, anS drawing a, isvp e izcd piitol,'is ot Ionse- Sen, Juot -ai tise vonîd-be eaian ttessptd to le f is tm iL aDerringer pletol. Tisecous-ta *Ais foe -isi er dcsigns, fis-eS ai pergiui son silotell1covèved vULS bleed, l'1nthé cornertviser. 1he stood at b-ay Excited et tise 51gbtof blood Lise woman çepinned- bcv isoLa. woundfqsg Pe-guson iu tout place&.. 8be tisen ruaidpos him wlaj a bd*,-a.s5f. $ta. ke'h.ug. p1s.6,.s liibody, o fle ls-eSefatal ebot, andi Use beatial oms, eUupon ber once lovad pa-amour 'a cesu. -Tise croird Ivoir tbrougs tis# oor, anS gabhered around tlsd forma ofîheso mio--lad figureS lis IIJ< singulas- and tIseadfuulstrifa Bc-roté -'thé s om a ns w b o e dis li e pi rit h8 caused-tbis dreadful bavoc could bu 1itiei <rom the form'olF esguaon, bo baS 514q vos £i,000,-Ner York, Aprd 6fM- 1%« great.,international home anS home poatAir â(, naci, lîetween WiIIin Gray'ap frederiak Follis,the respective as.; piouiraclreîplayers of0-eat -&itaissand lAmena, fos- £I,000, iras pIa cdt to-day s Lhs Ne Yor sk Ruct CiùbCpuiÇlý- n ISts Street 1The bettO& llub l gm oe",-s irpa excectiingly lsuavy, mas >of thse leaSing sportisg imen of thse countryt aelsg ps-ait. G rs> won tise fis-st' 5sam b>'tsap1ointa; VPoulkes tlis .cznd bp- Usd sauna nussbes-; Gr-ay,-von-lise third - gaine by 'nise points, anS Voulkea s efouL4 anS 5L-by ti-ouand thie points rcspec- lied7. bnrisisthé playiutg-of tie. atxts gane, ~ iilif Poulkea sa iti oni, euI4 'have décidel' i rstinuatel ' in h'livhi ahisvy thünde-steonin cameq off, tisecon- seqqxeust Srknea s-pndercd il necesary b poamtpsne tise play' unlil>Lise follnmhng day ut B o'clnck 'p. m. The botinIs ao s< 600 to 400 on Poulkes, 'uts epIon$r0 (JIitOI& TO; Gnuuou.L-The Heraid' Con,,~ ulu4ntinople corretspondent saysa ta France; and Russhu'avëe Atieisjoint moveoàeeut tev^ecofmmrend tise-Porte" (ove-nusseuil t code Canifs B Greee, andti, tishUe sp. ps-ouaistomus-i s'unît>' of action in suc4 direation muse regardeS asdemonigt-tti t atEnglu asi l us>'te beloft out cf tse rensuîtation for tisoa rrangement opf tj sIlitis-. _______ îus -The .1 i sea cs- [s Sreaus vpus e usy o, mal erlthe -regs -îsih wsm 0casa 1 ey cs-nf r, suai fée' îie". %1 of Érsui L le bu lsetise Ilsn>' coismu, 0s= 4asocb-f Jonsath-an...6rsal, Ser- lob Jonuîbas vb>'1, Oi netii u;_ossl>'jus con- tb-en dosgassss, Loquacioss Individul- aIl ove- tise 4nItaity 'of r, loiing fors- snoaula Whaî sa>', yul pas-r ....i Osiscis, Icalser it up ansi git."1 ss-'-irab mli babes-'ou- oes you morte botte- tha ;er b-eer.9' yon yull do me as'Fry aaept z. baud 1",9 -ýOh, Moasidur, pou maSSi sais rouge. AiS mqdqaus. 14um-" Mtlda, I bave Au- ieost as good se w, von Dnd biand ioîisiug, und vea sb-aivl, .iia1s I llgive Il 'bu muine briSe."- . Denar Humssas, I aau't se. ses tise cutu i isav ck-e 'boi01, arigtosud s-gain, fi# ais, P'addy, Sen't -ha' taz' spriest ve're ufdisr u.n 1 - 1 zwy 1 iý .1 di-

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