Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 2 May 1867, p. 4

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i ~~LLJ t - - A rP ns.ldt' balq 5hcý . I ai., my de ari ksk Depari >iLuatsr Io REB -st Charles I110W TIr. Isptitre of t in Queretaro, b>' th miesus -probable.' twetldion teiW tetseite appui ieyjtles woqld hc acaunse oPl ly, sud byefcta h titis govcrnmntn Si t(h.1Prince sud lia thée humane trcatni Wzd nations to prît T'he expenre 0( 0 ilion to Proalîkmnt J bÎi b>ts l>ortîeni kxa N ew-OMPIOrt foW. IZ.Rwar4 I slarfeil s me Potosi, wtth despai vesiton-by, rail an *Tsipicoby ftd Âman namedM gsged lu ottinge-soi Oraud Trucnk depoi dal lut, met vtîh Ei> cioting becani Vieib vas revoivinj hlerore It coutd lie: legs vire brokasi, fond necessi. Io fte Wstker * i tarised 1lut s wiiest. The. <esh te Rosit Digger lui of sage bruait; tite tabbiu, their ait& Tita thos oai * f«w doa Ince ou Qis., oNorth 1cri to ithe myster>' sboi fouir years %go a WC faian a t the limne ol frous tte fau ha Asidrevg Waddoli. rg ut ,Pîpitif et fis1 fâo2iig bisdem-1 voo Daemi bts ri meneo u ievsrelarail poust al iig tg *le as ugittr <oc il 4 £lagtb vppa tuai>' from Uailparti *j bas heI in#i.e bus booa senteucd aivyrobhery, *hIio OU liits VolI fis ms d iitho ta un teik Cofd briagi ,à,vpdt Tite jsîge, lln i&a*a tlàsed hat il u.str4t5d ii ai4 I £ ROOK eTRETI WH-lITBV. oMI jThe >1 wars SI.r Ira l)O îee w o d.or ene ii. 1 I1Je0L1 2JmIY WP M I .. s uud iidg of th e A m , ortaaa aU o tsb rsw l sl g uipurolsaaa WTDISBUCJ. Lot No. 18, SSii am, Wfbs, :1f-?O~ Y i ..urnuw ~ Wbitby, 4 t, , 1M, VË0Iný0Apià Là d" ircular. BildIing .ut8 Wrnsuvc%-With th.e *Wu ~~ t>. 14 besoldlow -Au rat 1 bae fluts norin; Tla8of 1oe4 W1JE1 Lot%,suAnivd foz.bor AI; afcir vaiaau<n un 1, i. -p ap s.patch 2 tej u , u 4 ý a, 20,m à«,.. Lu19oth 5 71k " loî 0 moa)iàa éFAIRMS FOR SALEK 'LW :î'Tociuulo10 At kW OMM14ev ile Md on lont Wmia of psyumt. Lo1,?70"Id sbnout :: rfT T T .& E deebacW*LS100:Z & BR THE aid . th ex1e41 aph ditm Lot l, 1k Murdg. 20 n0 isl, t0'tii :b u, r,i'y Maus-North u 11, lotlsdon. -ID ea otifon"ouerl, c ( 0ESOR >0*W TI ) 'à:: t dé loi) Id" lâO122, do " do 12;4 1 Ifh di 100 " 6W , loti" soservilie, 100"Uqlraj 66di lihua 10 d e Cabinet ak#c upno* % uuauaCAMP- ina Lot le 4 te 62, I_ 7l> " do Nor&h 15.utisil,1 191 , do 200 j BEL to le dIl6 6 41 " 100 6 " ,oloti9' t ti" do 200,~lf 44 é 10 s 1d o 6 sterersý,, n 'dealeors in ai i 29 100 " 0LoIl: 6t1 " do 200" îgOnApli33,0. 1, U"- 100 " qh E 27 2nd Wilîitby 50 ~Mpbl, 'alè&Z Sia 5 Î1, » "100 ' Serîivarsab1ehbuiltlingl'ot-4 for buaiie., kin s o a in tFur (<o, ~~~The. lait two Lats adjoin 1the Monok. <Gor- sud Privatte f.sideuce lu the TOWU$ 01 Lind fC b tFur J, 1ev Olean, ~ @ruîue:t rond,) sud te tisa ther ILot. u ins , a dWhitby. el, N&W Arc bt & aud 4 noe» roisud Mu«d. 7;oî fnrtheri, Iformuation. niur te BPic an ar1ino, " , r., on. ures . Appiy ,nit re ~ho Pr#ui=nce aioun, X.zi-t.14, Mtcou, 40 éROBT. R E. t Ru . ITave now on -hand, the largest and most select Stock to be' The ~ ~ ~ I Galltd Hiver 61J* ' îe ~ found in thé Country, wbich théey are oeIling at prices te suit the dînes, beig foufs iton at Z' " 1 Borh Wfetay. b7 "WIbmarce, 1865. 12 deteriied not, te bu undersold by an y bouse in the trade. beuosion thst a- simiiiir '_______________ l and examine before parchasing elsewhere. A choice se- wactiue In the eacm of NVLL.PILOTECTI(N FORS lection of GuIttMouldings, (il mekian make.> Iuo te eDa toop nSc-Lt 2hocsslu 0 ers ihuFABNMJ& OWNEU8 01? STOCKa * 4 BROOK STREET, HTY i ~ ~ ~ ll7o tnuroh#. ue]kit-~ s» overtnmeut Bosd, autil. the Repoubticau sud coureaient t1051311., Sehoofid, &o,-o- it the wolld, Xon will IL eWth X-e24 iu,,0 TUIIJAUTPUKD LIVE STiCK ýrident Juarez Prompt- ,. i means, te desire 0<f2KANqVER--o«th '- wu1t ., 100INSU1AJNCE coIPA'Y, E SNB A.I E R' bat Iu cao of capture. Mr"..NWBKR upportera îutay receir. a J88 PEUT JATYID OYN le accorded Dy civil. _________________ ïouera- of! wsr. nsking the communie&. F rm o oIcaez wil bc d Fra>fr.al _ IL ~~~Or toLUt,within a mile of 1 1l LT W.Il. SEWARD. BEAVERTONF. - 5IEPLYTe XFL 0WARD. à SPLEND CHANCE. M C"M«E8__EY ricana, April S, 1867. .-0-W a J, &ere-taàjiof tle, O-9ACUESE, (50sea»esotoorod,> house sud iNcoORATED BYT TUB .senger for Son Luistel83 balor, sotlilage r doavtflontie of Legislature of Conneotteut, lVouId intimate to the inhabitants of the icbeo thi15& n. t.ai- =~d teruiouu of the lFort ilope, Liudoey sud <tlspoîpetui charter. £ 1000 o Town of Whitbv and the ùConnty of 'Ontario, that liebas'oneaed d steumer, theuce tb iron -Itallsie>. poaw it wth ie 'oiptro1lio ffscuruly fuir ' youus eptch oemrBy O MO V EUIE rioyldr.an establishxment of' the above description, in the premises for For tis fiathtis>asra tii. slisnt o raut, a:eitoIuePo- merly occupied by MR R.. SNOWV. 1f18 D. CÂUIBELL. (if <âmnhobe ott ho expauied on frmoie- nonts, ë.eosueifr stbi u.DEATHX ANID THIEFT. H-e respcctfully soliclits the orders of the lieba Carey, vblle en- propsusty iunUsslaws. Atmodortotea sof Premsinonibosed on an Publie. 52 ut. macbisseiy st the Applto . . ELER glihexpeieuca 0or er FL' IiAiii.__________________________________ C. C KFLEuTh. Plouer Coiup.ay of Amersca. >t in Poitlabd, ou Tues- Soicitor, Casng$gtou. £ bockini accident. 0Or y- KELLE~R, (If by Ieueorore-pdsil 1011OMUFFICII.-hiO 258Its iu Street,Im e entangled la a ahaft 1tw.IBsswa.14 iirrt(ord Coun.Washington witb great irapidity 9'n rr;ru ~ ~ treS, Boîston, strojîotar *W& svn Mans- stped ot f <aoy uFICTO AC E !fe* 106 Broisdway, Newr Yorkt, (oos &00sRa l stoppd, boh ciCareys sui IIUN MA LiliIi v LiAx, bMauseerA 40 sîut Surce, l'i sud amputation wu 0 - laidtoihi, P. & 9. A onMus.r;49 La galetretCiciatgo, MAUOU &u & --:o:- rivr tll>',Neada ~ Merchants and Peddlers, loigucers ' So-îwzu sou 100,000 bogheis of Atipplled whl iuth i>s-te Matches, - L.FMIJLANKS, Jr.,JLJ$ r R EO EIV E soli lyidefronot f:(II PFO (JSI ousy 2 87 AGY'.%, NVIIsTBT, idiotielivcd lu buta mcade ATTI ToeuEhsl beeCIA O AS1 eray2, 87 R 0 L air laîgeat gains vau te tesgrasahopper .gM. Bond frthe.insatutuous îigîstiug 1FOR SALE. DIRECTL'FROM -E NGLAND. fentaatce -e "W istupi8,16. -15-uo. LT 3. AMI) C. 01q zrSelling Vioeale and Iletail, at Lower sbte, propeet>' of Mr. 3ze>oL Rates dhan ever before at wich. Th only clue COUrT 0F R EVISION 1sdjoiutug the Dcv Building of! >u sermans ia stu FRTLOWLeS & 'PýOWELL, J(,* %X vllîa id.W& Litîl notieFOR TWN H E F IIIB.The LOTS cont4a stltilrty.eorot sid ooetiiird-- : : - ej. nie otic w" OWNSIP O WHIBYtact frotia. ou Brook Sltreet,sutd6foet 4 tche»s of h. woms'aaence, - .dacp se s lane, Il foot mue. «M Ir ,- ~~ - she vus a strsuger. ALBSO II If ~ ri rfl n j n14 à ferme name TOTJCE Is heîeby gIvan. tat the Court orf J> IL. on Brook Stroot botwoon Moi l'lana'lu esidug l ih tovahi vii b. tsid 55hiefrontt, b>' 98 foot jeep ho s lotie. home, and ouniii. 129b Townsh ip all, Brooklin, For business par1'oss, theso propertios are r s oc e W h u lu tha A t oft o 'ooc iu l u t ii for noon, or t Aho c i cs io s lshme. t e. ep-l iFRIS? MONDÂT 19 MAT, SEXT. 2 LouFnooppoaih. the rqsIdeuce of E* MN q home. h la *up- . E19.T. IIAISISISUN, J, l(era oreach il ho periahed CLaBIE. 4Lots-Feuood wetofath!LbMotitod!Mst AN 0 S i M E L O' u N S am cold aud exposae. Ilrookllu, April 0, 1667. 4in-14 cisuroit. 12 Loto- Yenood, kuovu usnta told Ciecket er,,@Mtoo thst «Avictil C~¶outod, opposite tere»ideuce fJ.1 t L .L I S i fti rvic,'n Farrnsfo r Sale9 Lofso-Fnet north o the rotidue of'I,.1 t i for, osio vya for a jé~j iapr E P I I~ ~ O S À forger assped jon1~SLtaFuaws of lta rcuideuce of!.. ,yai a .vd . go 2 ]LoIs-Corner of Kent sud John S itreets, 0 the peniteuiitle -O .- vst of te romidte oîseL4I houck. ]FOR VARIETY, 8TYI.E, &CHEEXSWE VAU'T hs Èlrýmntnta&100()Acre* la teo'Township tnes4 Lots-North of tihe Staatn Gri.bl ii. i goernneut nteus i not-stpa rA qt L o. , 2 1 iLot-naRt ofth& ta ridolco oA f J . % . Bua a~h4praie ~ ~ . Apl 1 ,A ND- CLOTýIINaG MADE TO ODR ~ Apy t, ~T.MNTGOEIIY, - cCIuDgý Fielding & Co. b ~~~ ~ pn ~ h pktor Lnte rrétuis., or b> leter. 1 <nb4k M IWiiiby, Mué llS, 5IMI v 4 1 IREALPERS& Of sevoral Lioe, and qf thé latest- test mpvovementl oud utec.susy -by prscticu been adied. Bali's Ohio Retupet and Molwer CÀ er- andmowcr>eoinbiued, ie aulg aii au, aelal Of thesisOvfe lcs, we invite a-i ,&nd can be guaranteed to the pnrc A PAIR TRIAL OU NO SALK Wýhkby, July 4, IOWN kàL'ATTERSON. 25 IIALL'S CÂRRIAGE WORKS, 163 King48t. West,- Toronto, 1 lrge variety of Carrnages on hand. The proprietors ol this Eotabîshmot, posou fcil;ties for manufiaèturinjK Carniages that enable them to, defy compitition, eîther ini price, style or fluidsl.. Cali and see for yoyrselve8. 39 -SPE«"CIIL No TI4J COTJNTRYMRCINS Persons engyagpd ini selling 'TINWARE are iespectfully solicited ta cail and inspeet IIÂTCII& BRO'S. LARGE.STOCK ,And seprices aiîd qtuality before purchase ing elsewhere, es they are offering great i nducements, both in quality and price to the trade, A Large Stock, wel I.assorted, The Farmers' Stove and, Tin S-hop isg the place for Farmers to ge uplied with Milk-Pans, ilik-Pails, Srne 1 H 1n c.Inlaet, anything in the-Tin une 03e Patent Eaveti'oucighs put Ut.)'with Tronà Holdfasts. OJ We.are the soie manuiactu rers bf the above Patent Trongli, for the County ofOntýia,njo ueir r ticle, the joints being locked as well as soldered. Please'cl and examine the Patent before ordering ypur troghesehee flJ ookinag Stoves a t redue-ed priées at NATOII & BROTHý-ER, Dealers in Hardware, Stoyoa, Tinwyf, ,paýnts, Qf lu ias.k 14. N.4, -Brook-st., Whitby., FALL RRIV.LS p.ýrýc Go. 84LY-6 steude4 on theobr1so ma, u on r.asouabtoteriuê. T.rmn e ieudea.4A bils pricteil At tb, Chroaggel e c ti Mo. Carter. 17 GEORGE (JORMACK. L UbIBEU 0 )enINT 7ater, asud L Joine.Greau. Wiliby 3 arge quau. tsiyofuli kind* oflambelconatantl7 ou band. fUJN DE RTAKZING. UMR l4fý.luhIppliea aud, agte1.dýed WÇhitby, Feb, Stb, 1862.,6 I r Greateot discavery of the 1MI ~ Centuýry 11 Pals Believed wlîbont taking 31ed1' f cime 9 Egyptian ýO0il l BELIEVUf PAIN IN$T,&IÇTLY.' Nover aiOhmfise sckWre « Hedmie Ia mdsad 4 wu)osi oiseindurmUivu tfub nscir tu, nFpmwsSlyus the EOIIAgjN IL. ajs,,a Io lhi.-e vu,, tre aditvkts' t"al,". u" 1.111fr lomox-nwatng, diuoppomun&?sio~ fi. ulies if hy Mieu. e is h sfio s.ts.sst l em,u am udtisa mass prsu1 t lg> aeiois. oser ubite i, IbofuawSudi, N visorever tig t iW7m'IAN (IIL lm in e.., itrodu..d i Mos entirol( sisporsoei l l i ter ins-iroI evisg' au Mtku%ý 'is un oelmm u .uorediste aest b 011i sea haspila,.uuliorcrofore eso.aaielby oui- siti Plyshoasusnurls etare froquouty oured iuy a - riore nieamlisnnreualisowever des. pou l rIopeteas, t uay tbd beuolod t ie Bp$li. l'or 01a5,ermiaa 5'il Iare 1Tu.Mss. F.gypisius 0O ise rib Osulu foaili r rtialie rrrteuusy Smin'sexo . i1, uili relies-a tm isewrnt cafs f ueshoie Iimo- f I'.vT.,. ellle alui F74e le tsun smasit fce. 1111Y .1 c Pmi. tVon,.mk 0.s*ssiod Fle ym. ca if1e Vgystaum (5. §AIslt,40ii hachm e , FAre pjcrs tî'te ifs.urt, ~lsu. ia"ta ile oîmce. 1imes Wautid.. Cti. D ërw.ileuo"Sie k Eiter> tsr>odnt o.ltSl prgvulo sa 11te of misse.g74M liait cil, av»A leaila s h5t tu. fir tJ;4 titsy et> oay *-- Prevrs-it 'tm i Pui~.ad eeu sLe e . eanls .f mv 1119 $$te (-r ist-gatioaesefrs-mîiimly s.fimurfdimm wera. puis..laS. utho aigi tui-se ted wilawaiusg (orlloir Plsyeksilt. liscE 1gtçpiit Ol sis )1lane.xtermally in uctaril esor«<. 4rtJ s- svcery anl oippruilmaofiilrequwreasnucoua- Iiourst ruti,5iit;r h,. lik te hr r',.lss Il msy lie t ikesiintesrmat)lj itit ite greasemsu0ay-, - mailS; amuims.mlnunuuammu ur usjtiou ngrrdWi-,s miulîa'wFt~yveesatie xtust. g)nan t'il Io tb"e mueti ccoutustnrarnmedy munsuie. se ssci, s rery saisis qaatit r squ.lrededtiet:te sadefsured eliciAit esiuitDrugiygt e r . eirt Iaitalm .m sherelid ssre rîisoin-ltiny ti-er u epins, i 0 ti.stm i.,,n- tuthiesofunse of tisaresiesnov la-. - - - pfe2esMaand 50 cent» per bitte. si by Druggîs ajudDeaierslt in eilue evot- For fOik lit Wit1 lgoy, Wnhltbr. Agr, Io, 18su. ri Wbit-by- flrass' Banc -lis. 1.1 s 1W. retniug tluani for pamt <avorn, £re de-. À airons 0f ilitlîîti,-g tuaS tiîey bure ne cossctmn itîeveî Vilsi Saud, sud arse phîopte1attend il aciladuro ir.g tii eaou, Qu tIse muan icaaouaile terni-.ý- or te S. BAKER, -of WLEDN Whith, Ju>r4, ýlIteBin> ,Haif a Mililion'l MONEY I e- af-~ ne se a,-' t' Pt IR BEST 'IN" TI The, DrY GO ods Def The Grocery Depai lato ToruS, ILy 0LDC ATOINYA'2 L uni n oi'rC, . 1. HIIlIT J Dauslsa Stret,.~ the i'ot 0Cile> a<iCiÂl > &Ki lusti. -~ PulaPt-: 4i 31P.. C. A. torDs'>,& W,. i vb 4t, Co ueblOr 1XI111i5i'f.ULA IIHGEON, TU ri R-z>çIlNT T,&ILOIl J Ot o r,ý'lu curL nie sucrKoil!iN k( 1; e, f-vilý,-lý , , ma £ho ý 1 1 ,,, ý 1 - ý, 1

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