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Whitby Chronicle, 23 May 1867, p. 4

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.4 !rCe paeli oftheCorpoaionof the.. 1 oMrsMP of PIGKEING EXMÂge F OLLWSl Ia,.-so -mmli. ofIhé- originl llowanec for robrasiiIween loto anumber tîclveand ithIr- fiee, lu the foutUs onossason of theftown- abip of iviakrin, du lie»i ctonf t h. fonnrcouffionalou lino, for a distance of m ihadted and îevnty roda, b.ufthceamie iotr rr leu- $hal be, and fhé."me la isiobr eee I.ln eury Crawford, Ment, hambell, and sasigna, <rever 1,thAnie 0%- toulfr fiier sorti, so mach offthe ort- ginal olowanee, for rid bfiien loti inum ber tirolve .nd thlrtfen luhis. ourfis oonomibut of tise, tcwnailp cf p1ckmnr, as 1140iunoris of north.waf angle ofieouth- Jiali of lot nunaber f wçlYîefor a distanci oait nsilnndred azd tilry rod»Lab i Dmemmr or lae, abali b%, and t s asueé Vtied lis George i-Blok, bic haim eand ai- $igna, ioN'Ver1,tlisenqii exfeudlng .MOI ftir tlier storfis, a numch cf tise orliial llai- anc., for roid btwoon Iota nunabor tweiv. anC Lîslnene, iîu tiiourth conceaslon ai thidownahlp of Ploeerng, ai liai nortih of m inrti-vet angle of lot now owaed isy ueoije Illeb, for a diatance of on@ ban- drad rod# b. ties ame More orloisabhal b., a*" t1. auna- vated le Iloli maiw- ford, bliahelraanud aosiagn, foreveri tîseac fouumoncing ai iflht concesion lino, se misai of cnlinal alloaci, for road bW twoien lot&e unaber- filve and tiitee, le tihe fi eonaea.lon o tise township eof ?licketici, s liinons aofi ftls ou4oaecoa lin# fiota di*Mloaof t two hnadred roda - sêe ome Moreo Q& lma, #bonl le, -a '.'th#amute la hersby vomted la lgeorge 31.- lard, Sen., l lirsansud aaalgaîo ven thenea ext.sdlng <atr noiurtis, go M0e oi the orîi ual aiiowaaee for raid befiien Iofa muler tialve ba thîrlee, lu the dm iiObso1si eailct*wn,.ip of plok- brnuas nortis t of tsî ageo 0"u b-ai<vof lot Mnmner tialve, ln,,îftls feu o r à itadistance-ai one bsadre4 gaasi îseroda, ie tMangme more or les, u#hall be, anC tiei ae I cre 'y -isf.Cla YredrlakGran, Mut. hi.boia and as- aigu. de foeviri aunder asthodroIY tB.lav narnbcr 2212, ofiscé Corporason or fthe Townsbilp ai llaerlngo jpuma, ho, asd the me m l reby vioc.! upana publieo ighwdy. zxvan thatie portion of fui ssid original ai- loîcace for .rosd, hereb 1c ad up and fisceamaelIo reby veatesi e lery (r4w- 0oy (lae . aeorelok5Iloisea eraw- furd,--Ie. lotarfand Fredorlck Ut-oe, lcit.,fair heli 018aai0afor c@ver, ou condi th ti ya ai 1ien Dhengi-en lu lieu rn of # d a wu eby parfioa j nddtri'. 0te D tig (OTor t.To n o<4ehiioag, At a moeing t u1do h lft owu Hall, Brougham, Ot lO a th m o! :une# neit. J)td et rickurhng, thie 4L1I day of May, 1807. BECTOR BEATON, BymLaw No.-- k,.awIr~~~ee*sing up ahd sale of a cetatn road aakwance, t1wre- 'Wlr a# in consequence of th a- turalfor'nauon of M6w ground, it <impractkcable to eon.truc a put- .ha i f /th4 alloance for'road, bc- tw0fl lots .No. 82, and .33t in t/se *fillAoonuslsiOf 1114 c7otonship of P>idng, and ii <s destraZilMtc g, a. sossIm l,& closed up and Tisrifritise <Aonncil fi,.-Tisct tise salîfi-1h ronds, bof mien loti up, c i ubl oal Bc- ist Ifhahllib sunClisela lseleby au imirmoteyaftat cm@se lat forai, f0 ofroadAlliomance thse parties ise».là aof u.saudred end So-htlu cas"iof f0 mia.landi idjoin iod, t toiaei tise "Iod suaffias i lib dair, lissa ihe t@ 7t i sehe arty Il ci tise Corporation oi 'lng, enset . : l fr oi lqmsmnco for No._32 andsi 8nluilise VAVIION; L iETf i.f. WRLIGHT Àm1Cimo,(court i5t*eet, Toouf .)' = t land.107.- tfiD o# 50 n#AVcRe <~Ileniu, D tno f FIRST (CON&. REACU,4 Ailclirsi %cpztht.. acres <4 vosIlAiD- fivocngli.1aitsacdon the Whilb n 6vo to ule Yirg nison~able filma. Whilby, Of.0164 99 6 Laod Circuliarel L IT ei ul.OtedWild Lofa, sudI hwreved FrARMS FORt SALEI 44 en i K O l s i 100 là iv'jt ' 4 Ilfi M 0' , l e ô t 4 , l 66 " 1 0 0 " 46m ot 1,billsIl 100" Lo y . " 100 il ,' 100 Tise lu w uLtijoin the UMnk, (Gev. eram,: t road,) and fui otiser Lofa l u m are Iut 8S ccdë ttâ mil iossidlo1W. Bei.a#-L46 112, tl en. 2400 aeéea 66 N. FM.40,lot On. 7 66 Il $1, Q6sil Rver or, " " 14" risWeat par. 8 Lot 7, ifth concasaots., 200 aria,,ithia 0 trnisa cr t lie Bobosygeou ovrnum yAia, and onelnifo ire, Scisoola, A&. ELISN-WtK-24, ahs coeiica, 100 Farms-forBale I IflIsrea lu tho Townsiof Rani-crn 100IJ belliu, ucrtis aastmot Nu. 8, tuA Con.; witbilu tic lota of'Ibo Town line cf ]DARLINGTO4, M8mo acre n-d, abont 40 êtres of wlslch ara ire.i (rom istupa. Comiertable 1»g ilcac-. cii mcmi sbarl, 86%50«- wuas4ks5Carif. fy ~ Ce ycngcleariproperty wlioiderliad on iongte%. Teil f Ment. Lta.12, Ifils aoacecicn MARA, TWO HUNDRED; ACRES About 1c acres eared, log isonie &o. Tisiai il clisotelot, and leaaiusatesi oisy Dcmo four msalua ithisecintre rosd, .5ar, n .A.LSO ch-il 751#o infte Riat port of telb, h-al of Ltlé, 4f h 0co0000-eii cfRat, adJOimsla the VILLAGE, 0F BRE CRIN, About one-1lii aetid,anC a portion frac cf Mitsip. Thusn ioina the contre Roasi 100 acraMost,slsîif Lot 10, îindue lifIs tou- cesalon cf or'%, soie85or 1uaniscierid, Lo oai 5.Apply to, amme la sarby cloid aI-or lslgbway. Whifby, scpt.Ss. 1888, otodutj coflihei-ev,- cihrzdanC requlrd tîsîs y.ia ablia i ETANKD CJIAFEST lae@ to gsi tendet- tiseaiorin.a goodBauss.dcio tie beh menfin.C9f sand 4101, tofie ai àt imnfyti-edalliata. ganCStratfcn Bagnlb baolige, loaated ai Bai- bdi el jof thepartles falo. This là tise xon flA5ltI e h adalwim orIs saisi alloîci, forlaitbaalsci ahsllu Iswtence. sandnad ced-tseni>-rvclu cnaquonc of tise Caifli efr. b. D. laye shal8thselifsaime M:tatfaa, fi4s. iryoaf andI or par"la, wmo sab: a, t ntomIhi liaibouts dlspoaed aif là naarly #a hfie 1 hori~ fstlaraâ *1100,ollaaithiehain. Rareatebr, fise lesnmsir bpraper - %besa, limnc i Cahlegi.AoWZ mli Sa minCir tise mataginifli 0" parfi. eo ho t habve ofai .J. C< SEYAIT, misaWhoî Cii-oie, lis s.irs is'ero4 ans&-au ihole IIicc d mmae iata-uc pm,anlafsito 1 133U r RW ohuhi getbtafatesTniualoti ounisaasnw îiwjsl toobina DUsedley OAOtrIto*hall tiorauals h o 4eofolthbe auël - *d b' lise lonuacl ofith vis'n« > atessumliinesa- Iducaflon. l'EN- Olt;K',XIN, RITIIME. a 0007 of cEl h' M IEàND (E 0lW né, b> tise 'Jousil et LAW,YIANEandC PULCAL ZOOM- rtion Uithe Ox!, ses icaglitilunCi ?ortan fraand! ofien Iniormm 'pi 01867. - LOWI"S & POWELL, desp tala u, I el wldee lL d I..d'Brook Stres, et, aism oMiia Siekans Esns' sa.o p-5lfMit10 iaefsa .roui, by 598f1e0 Ce.p te a une. -ý Jet basns ar ethoeeproporn m r aboeictln. Chuots.y votis. otas 12 Lata-1'uad, kacîn sai f l CrickCect jçrocunC Qppaaie thse risiene of ias S L.ta-Feocadinorfb of tise reaiduon f E. McBarney. SLf. ~sfottu f.<the reldnc of J bol ~.iCer o f Rani ansiJohn strecta, veutifothe reesleossca cf la Bosc1h. 4 Looo-Nonqth ofthe stcmn GriMlii, 14 LOI-Bof ctise reaidece of J. C. Bonc. * L.f-'eucd OnU Brook Ifroty ortis ai AL 0O 80VlaeLtpleasanly iltnate(or prituit reiinueInl varions parse of tise Town. J. 1AM f ERRY. Whlfby, ept. Bib, 16. 86so ýPROPERTY,' GOOI) 'FARfM" IMsbe li apropaied topuetiow lewing lIZAL LBTAtE s- lut.-Ncasrl iua ai re on tbe Nortsh.aide cf DundStaMreet, an d cJOiulng tisa rosi- deuce cf IL. iM. Soisodal, Ontiti est. Th lr fi non se h@ 1 CO Or-P Sud#.nibuidingna >"Wut bidng ICanf'i Tiens, MI otPulldkcow asè. and bu an acreofilaid attaeised Sîde-Tie building Lo oNrthSUaidet DuasRa CgSta, sand iyng stwuestbe1 tai-retStmadanC tSi reldinsieOf A# Bief ardsacu, ..Tises.lmoare#gonlthe "C-cm" ai of andai Strct, an-Iombrac a upicndid prospect of tisa LuI&esusd f«a stallesofcounsty arcand. 4th.-Olz building LOti ou ncl-jld tret, anC Riz jeo sKent étrit, befwcen Pandits aMnmarp $traitf*, Itmitg a bock oi tht-m acaria.Irîis property *lii b. aeid altise Anlts, or dau bwe-. 511.-Toma LeLts 05 aud 56, West aide et Ais Si netouilisarte ltnted cinfortoble DîcilIlagcd Pinces, Gardoeai, Frait Treoi, &0., sanC nom andlc'ac rotai ef *i08, cssnecly. moeira. llcmeiiand liai- ley, areclunoccaîsation, use iii sowfise preiciotolnfaadiag pss'cliseta. TJBiRE.-Ona fontU s pyssisllat JeansàYý 0688, gcisCthe balance la fisecAnanusl pay- aienta, tiscreaitet-. listai ait six par cent, pia'- abii annasliy. S -- AISO ntiWal ltnowa FAYIM, North 34, 179 FPOURTU CON., O! Wxff]B71 CONTAU4î1ÇG 95 ACRES, Abont 05 dorea luerd aCd ander cuiti-atioii. Thoerc ara Iso good trame Barnns,amal(Or- aboard, 2 Wollio, asdanfimenft, ssdmng cedar for feciig, ou tise pretailai. TZUM$ meboown, on application fe, »ARZWIN KENT, or mnit L. FAIRDANN6, jr., linanrance and Genural Agent, Witby. Whitbl, April toC, 1867. 11 FRICTION MAT CHES! -o- gi'Merchants and Peddlers, supplied wlfh firt-rfda Matches, CHIEAP FOR CASH. AT THE lVbtby Steam MATCJH PÂCTORY. I0 Bond for the lastentaneona lghting Match. )Ybltby, April 8, 1867. 18-Smo,. NEW CARRIAGU àU» Waggon $hop lis prepsred f0 nnnfaote f.'ordr &U hindi lot w4ithySLUGHS, &o. ForAK8 SSl., A .auu /ud~.pI eea .t mylttùgu. l * ~L & BROT CÇabinet (HIOUESOR 70W&L TILL.) makers & Tposees ~if O.nhiLUI JPLUnitire - 'Also- a omi hardlware, Crockery an are 'determined W sei TA Soeil erespec WHITBYA M .IH4=Tr, an-d deal-1 fl4ve -now on -batd, 'the largest an&i most select Stock to b. 10W3d in the Country, wbich they are selling ai pr!ces to suit the Cimes, being determined not te bu undefflold an house.in the trade. CaU and examine. beforepuy.rcëoihasing ewhere; - choice se- 3& 4 ]BROOK STREET, WHITY. SPEIALNOTICE TO COOTNTR Y-MRCH-ANTS. p 1 rsons engaged. in selling TIN W ÂRI are respectfaily slicited to caUl and inspect HATOI &BRO'S. LARGED STOCK ýAnd see priCes and quality before purc.ha- ing clewbere, as they are offering greatîinducements, both:Ain cpiality sud price W the trade, a large Stock, weil assorted, «Il The, Farmers' Stove and Tini Sbop is the p lace.for Farmers to get suppfled with Milk Pans, èfiIk Pails, Straiùers, Homeo, &o. in f act, anything lu the Tin lino. Patent Eaypetrought -put up with Iron Holdfaists. above' Patent Troughi for tho County of Ontario, a superior ar- ticle, the joints being locked as weIl as soldered. Please cali and examine the Patent beforo ordoring your trough elsewýhere. 07e Couking Stoves. at reduced prices at HATCII & BROTHER, Dels ien lardware, Stovos, Tinwane, Paints, Olis, (lau, &. 14 No. 4, ]Brook-st., Whitby. JUSI RECEL'VED lO00O . ROLLS91 DIRECT PROM ENGIDE) o?' Selling Wliolesitle and Retail, at Lower Rates than ever before, at BOOIiS, STAITIO'iNARI9 PIAN OS, M E LOD EON S 14 At Le ALtIN'$S 1NEW SPRINIGOOBSI8 roisYARtETY, STYLE & C Ãœ [APNESI, WB CA'T DBE JA.T. é4G ood Goods. and Iow prices" shallahy be ont motto Ail who desire to, get bargains should give us a caIl. Our STOCK, conslsing of Plai.,aùd eFaney Dry Guods, -CLOTHLNG. GROCERIES9 &C-9 Has been earefullyý selected in lte best En- glish éd Canadian market& Cotton Gooda ,wil be fonnd v nch botter iu quality, and lower *< eý,thaniusuat' In dress Goois, ire show a large variety, PIdn black and fancy,,silks3, w. hae some f the bést stylesto be, found in the market, Shawls, Mati7,Haa Bonnetà4, Ribbdo, Flowers, &c., to sait, U arie- ty .of-teste and, stylo. READYMADE CLOTHUNO, AND OTHING MÂDB TO ORIL - M.cClung, 'ýFiel.ding & Co. 111 LaImm 4 PLowWàiWs 0$qapl, Bro4 &ft. Uby.l tfuily: solicited. 2&RI 4, 1801. altRM-eded Priees, iWl M . ODONOVAN.'S CARit1IAGEl#FACTORY4 A goo assrtmet of Bgis 4rigs &c, maîdofa tue bestÃœmaterial, will beSold ata imaR avauo on coet ggT Bank of tTpper Canada Bille taken iti exchange f'or work. Whitby, Oetober 3, 1866. 1867, SPRING IRPORiTATIýONS., 1867., M'MILLAN & (IO'S. We beg to announce tharTival our Spning and Summer Stock, con- sisting of Dry G0ode, MîIlinery, Ready-made Clothing, Grocenies, Li. quors, an, Wines, which ire are pro- pared to sell at pnices, defying bon-' ourable competition. We offer spew cial inducemeufs, in Cotton Goode of every lino; also in Dresa Goojis and Print&aÀ preminm of tiroper cent ailowed for Batik notes. Silver taken at par. T. Il.MoMILLÂN & Co. IIALL'S CA1IAGE ýWORKS, irmmu qifl55Tatreioimcua Sa-pradisa esissessiDrusKia fl5yei5fhl tIe la musre virinc usir t>' di stis ltiin>' bosstsaofm.<t l (msh iie.W l'rie -e 2 ciasa se cissP"t Saisi b>'DruggussMMsdDcIMe ILAS.E WlbAI*~, Wl ui . MON EY TO- LEND -1 opYPEWATE IUNDS imtra.Tiseisrrower eau laiaeisowhfm a wo pay th. pninspel. Iamn aise agnt fer fin cf tise iispsism tory Ruatitstona lu Canadai, thast tend ùaeey a tX pzE CENT INTEUET, fer <rom a e 10ycara. 35 o NCOXEIMSON CAG» l,-Siver and Gneebe4ks boughit sud Sold. Appli porscnliy te, JAMIES HÃ"WEZ OiliisIAsignai Netanry Publie. Lind Insoum &s AGeiri Agesf &4 ooS,*eM w Bloa' ick, L BroUs trt4 Wiuy, i 44 cMd l mtoked l 163 King St. West, ýToronto., t4 large arielty of Carrnages on hand& The proprietors of this Esaihment, possessfacilities flor mannfactuning Carnage t t nable them to dofy compitition, eltiier in pnicel style -or finish. (l and see for yoitr8elve8. 39 FALL' ARRiI VALS Dry tffoods"& I roé,criies, mT~1 i~i'ftTKa TT1 M A R.J" cMlle r ErMikilsiAptil, 1886. UNDERTAKI14 T tsi i je Ctbnet hia sous, TILLAND I9QT Wll lu future 3,esofe liiiauttnel f0 tb. and.értakssg buineigo, lunei "n piiedon tie uhonfeaf nmot". kepipconatmntly 0 os ud~t. - WILLIAM wisltbyMsy18188 ONTAIRIO 13M The Dry ýGoods D.epartni a val4d and staperi« oz sntt !eeth 'he,-Grocery - DepaTltment choice Preoli Groceries, -WINES AND L Of the beat quai'ky alway Wbib~Oclbi JOHN00 To rosito, J ulySi 8cr la (iscery, GEORGEIlt. BJAIRISTEI!, ATý( -- cor, Deli.ly lt..<i. mart-,ansl exus,,!st:Lu yiffotzrio. (l-ce13 ARUITE]R & AI SoiitoîmxC1ssnet AEEI1STEP-A&T-L- in Clixtincr. Cli. 1)AIRISTER A AA Otc-s B.r LPw IV. W,'lyJan, 2?, 1.5r ~7oLSEY AT r r.rocb, C. W A TTOBI':LY4- TTO Il N A JT- î tiL.OIcTt.SA B P'aiss ALrt-fl Pori?5Y-~W< W. . LOr 44;Cuai Atforers.t14 ,$ - - vaysnstar, àAc. - n :.UGEQ< TQ TUOX,' Atit! tVil LIESSED À 1 um 011 ibilci, JUN la

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