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Whitby Chronicle, 30 May 1867, p. 2

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Salus ettis eartl Tssdee. Neat, Reori ti", iritis tisaWblgi -mi. gesrahî>'bteie 'pomsr hiresi l-ItoI malmeepttion ; thé 9 uiole, et popîsiar1 nientetîmenttt sb. pelle, of mesuelî --*11 ga isu f0 Party' tise miuls of diffose lOI.As te tiseaei D5wUM fo *hl fr#tsse hapalataiol Àtiloebl ol plu" ps datidd, 's",Tb"q jthosu inlsi, BNt tbire4Ua diiWtîr ieis urtiss b>' ,ilh bapee u i f ",rouIe is knoira, I la omsdo Mwuaire .U iieWut af etg Irgovergaseaî bsrisIsa e d tb. smomle4I sIêsbi îaibilty, 'ailss-ia emoarei'dI or l p pan>', 1h54 of-tw otii. tn..Of »g wrealgly, on bis part, lbu tp setr oth',se Op. gses!<lor t a tbo satlMW oft emime t tise Whigs sudthé eeusnally. - Ti#se fatal mises eof bis rer md Conarvalite obuiset, boive, provo ms iretrust it ;î ma ulde at'wliIa iife.loisg raaiuog te Othon .simialsr edl aad iuwm bhept la Iy piaeed, to 06e> Ordorg striedi>, s&at rm voies. Cs'ioliio vold¶h io miLsd tomible coasequeau. Corn Lsmu; Ise ex suiursge; tIso adjuit Us le PiimeaaI4 uses ve Moainistaiu- sd party-ieaderes, as us or' Indîvidusai opus. aOnt te wii.hPlut>' #heout&lie carnes!, sd pivâte opiniien bIu.ed, mie man etipigist feeling cau b. etten st, &-lisu (er a rush.ofconcluet.Tise loasing pulusiple osghita teb tisà man oisouM satiofy isimslf ibt thé pari>' te -, avis e b sisebea bleuseif rmsace mvi te the e$tintry, andti iat more inabtntiai soed- Wtmli sensetoatise publie at large trous lis 400sleg mb paver titanthéese- cms of an>' etier, body>aetmsrs. Titis utfi ossi!t.hb.giieo, wmieePartinlee-it, imafel>' s0s ceild-eli, ansd vhere polit. 10a1 piusipie. are at te e atit vspeet Paellas, cr raLlier îbeseu hoîai,- tteeles! leves t. oreapari>' or tise aliernCasd, on>lis# poltiei Iafe et te lino, iaift tiemmlves at <sit. Tise> arte osousmia th ie position oftie marin- er aItses, mieits et rekoulng, aed r' oqires gtek@mbnoievbearnga ad ebu-v. -atloaettgelseunelitsecomts, Wltis the i*ilof et,«reond" ll. Gverateut th itise eîhneat (the Clergy EsservesMAus .m. mJg»hIsiTeut;e bu4tioa :ýb> I'epidtion, tisrtifgh eenIoiration, a-s1" te ebtalning tsiu centrontid axpenditure of ils oms> revenue @&'eesh 7 nets bresti qiestieno mnieli gave ise te I'arties le Canada are for eveor Uet oast. and Individl#h are neirs as it vers, relievesl freonParq>, slgaeasila s positio4 (mitsote onproosila4bp<m eeaiowessyT te ate tiset aide tlséy Mans boit aud mesS for tb.eou0nîry's sdvacag., enlb.hemu funses tea nicit our ne*, politicai t;,S4? -eiisteee mal,'-gîve isS-ms, At praent ütesnaeuse poitieti lasnas betons the> amostry 'on mnicis s Rtformer or conserv- aLlvO -000hd moit delisseit position. Theé lappillauare more names, tises! more tm olé! reeoilui masote isan fer an>' di- eletv iudlvidtiaity, or titi seeenpilb- 'uusit et - n. substetîligot. Parties, Irish viisillies ipnions, aWitt exist, as a oaturai eoequenooof etOer systeun e( fevsrnmseut, Whoun the present perlis! of troasiteinisal basvepassi. sud car logis. ,-Jàtsuneneem oriag est onni IIý " 8. Prirate opiniona yul theas - ait $ths ei etflndivisiat- lemaders, andi indivâeemii i tae saides.as argumnat, ialinatien, polvte filtes,5 er tise publie 10.4 nia>' sleeraine. Tien iiifolloir tiihe ouinatl of t ppodsg sdupao<j dm 4pu"lles ihl lis egiland! dolelined Bat lise ample Imure fieldsi1 ot oitias mieic tise statesineofthUe Nem Dominien vilii" nw'sred betors oa ite.mihbsver, di&met-fnem tise narrev sessionai <ifiu. ences betireesa tpper ans! Lever Canada, le théedays issa b« pelîtlcaparties bail de. ,gonerstsi l nmo isawing factions, ands oMaumniip deee.nied te persenal iquisit lii...Tiseeuasses et local idfienusueau mil hob reasoves, Ontario, la baving tise mais- egement of hber ovute sals, miisavbarsne eaes et qasirel midi ae sthéte iii -ho.n ao escioft eeplalut t tiait pper Can- ada taxes puafr o ve r Cas&&lslezpuvs- " te Us Pmovlnseeing tise mas. . ~a its trlieom 04e4aaffatir mWits, auand !ta edeteu diffeasaeee IN 4tm 0tise eetry-uI Isena Wl 'rtoes Md mii psImoree iarg*d "ff empnu ieurs me n Liseti' if l"'09iomet"genomeesîsfirts.f di tu nd , til dome a0(eanpat da fteTown, enone, pliylng Wc4 à, lot r ets,&ê éý vo 'ad. tsjsam Omosoatu ts pesretsdi*s0 syIs out eofe.>' »ot kilth ae s Md et nelgence. nett teore le anotiser ieimor tisecmasa isheenlsy tise Coonues jury .ntisir ver diet, vis$ s .tisettimsgoci arese Il from atteatlous.to tise maies ef tise Comanyo>'b> tiat employa#sognniy;e thuat causses Do postl surprise. Tis Ia avet'>' s piag eeustsre, ausdithora lu n04sma lecture teas-& sert, a tittie of proof la thse mlole eidonce gl'en, te marrant sosaeilnting lasonse respect$, at Io tise caseof ooL., mWhe mas soupeitded for meddling mîtis the ueiegrepis la> bit Insiely &bout a train, thée servante sud vus isseb emO",a- s site, ýl4vasei la (ails.sgru.hIs là mclted to- ton 600 vpi0sad sU!14poer eoass, ii 811 sýtiseruaeay sppstus, andsi ts sufflisait espacit o 19 bu enmer@s&4 s ens neeay. Thé immense mater msela, 24 rsot la wiain.tei,0, u tisiesp iteu matedst 25 liorsepoirer, Tise Ire store>' Io exelusivoiy devoteil te foiliag arSd resal. lng ; tiesemcoas! Boortm"te t r eau-du poeiooms,îaand àotiirsi store>' tenia, PufasteteiDn d i tii>g machines, Tise main buildng is surmennteti b>' slarge bolfryt on viiai là s outmplatadti t pîaee sa bell as lurgp ce tis or ise nomr teisa isil et tise toma of Whiltiy-1.o cet Thére la aise a lyeonsoom# t0 fcet square, anti tio stories Ifisl, asacietion thb. 8eeti saide, an"4 (rom unic i mie-tise tii ebinne'. Tisere are altogetiser fouu- jcks; confia, f la cigeret Mi r4rgbf 5r l*pr ilsr, JfýOft fs.# .sr ticket th# ido letJi laid tiebeé o#i O thse. *rs5iif~~isé!itboo a a mI# 1g a lsg thesasmqboro lae fmets teprevpai thse uMds:"t.ropbe, Thse oms of the Mil#d ore Win, 5,...ets, aed 37, ssiQuugý%4r ss4ie19 1 *s. Kar, sged 'b5; iMn,. L4ï berg andwvite sbmg 4-& 7r 011d- T%0 latercouuple r#oeiveti seroast but Dot tieeoswouuuuts. Sv +0ieftepeor peple-men, iroateaaud hitdoeéiudreni -re eoold not esMortain thé, naim- ber-irere Mors or hase serioegisujurcd. Amongut the uaost srions, ia inu nai Carl ffiscer, ageti23, iris baWont Ieg brokea anti the othier frecturît, beuies roeeisiusg irerssn the ieat, Jesmedi. atohl on tise accident tuising puae., Dr. Pastwood, De. Comin, <tiseajycr,) anti Dr. Cton, irere sent for anti *or# qusiekl n t tise station, deitsg ait that burnaa #kilt coiuitiucecosspliaisfor thse bis astaut, Mr. stevens'on, i*Oro aise st tise statlit au ancarl y Isour, isavtugarriv, ed speal>' frein l'srei>îeoun raeeivi>g Informnation of tue accdent, ut, Biîicer -. . . . . . . . . . gle d uirectuion§ t,.i uu....î.ih. Car -~..c- a - u . u1a9errc&agis.ea. at le -------'ent- " tshe.vtuts oLa tv,, 1uruv,,u sor lo.. a s., cn .e18- Titerea'. totiing te isupiiestesastation muster; -acting in ise ceaduset of tis e n- gine drivere, or aensinctors, tu inic iiainlâe cousis! he ettacsuu;i eii mere founsttebave performei tiseir dalles faitifusl>'. Ansi, as Vas aioos eenith.e ofilcer.. of Iomis-teu pan>' moesmost osltuin a .foreing tise rustes. Â an instance, It transpire-sitisat Mn. Spicor, tise superintenleutu, fictif a smitcismasslfor net rslsis>g -tise siknsu prompt!>' ; andttset precautios> apon pre- canutbas iteen isitea for tise dite Pro. eien oethtie publie, Tlsensfors -to cou- sers flue empieyoïs OrîIàse Comupany' indu-' erlnuinetehy ia alittitt ples eof aSeemiity, if the uig nt dent isusomns pmomweeroes*jury. Tb* e esere mas mitohi>'gratustotsu»9 ooeltsfor, and! unirarranteti b>'tise etldeage.' Th iseld autd csisfrae trottinent iiaistise sutioers reeeiréd aftem uIso se. oldeni; sadMis liberel, prompt and houer. âlse maisnr la obauis e linjtures, andth ie relatiesa-tise si.ceuees! re sàtisit ih deserve tise igisest praise Noexepense mas spansitiIlaproeariag tisem es> e es-om ar>' andieoaf'or mnIehu tise natare ef tise cas requiroti, la fervarding tisese irie mesreul te go on, te tiseir sdestination. ans! provliding for tisose îvhi e malid isehinl. Ne obsteeles mers ubremis la tue ae>'b>' ils. Compas» ' sbat-on tise enutrar>' ever>' facilit>', possible vas proed lsllb>M1r. Spicer, Mu. 5tspbt o ansth tis e ttr gentlemen avio -rapreeented the Compansy et thtiseiet for tise Mest tiserougisqui! sroing invetigation, Ne accCavuc mv rUxsuîs>o.-A veuyltereting event from togc'tier tise doitgregatiee oft Seottantitusridge In cocuteptiotu mitis tie liarcs otfBeotlas>d, on Taceda> tise 21#t mat, thé Iayis>g of thée fonndetiea atone etfêéramchancis, 'Allura ver>'abe, As4 fss*ive serin la fie 'Iol earui, b>' 4l. 11v. 1. 8. Donçlau, Colealal Missiasay r> ftise Chorai:ost cllsd, toe s vair-'ppropriste oubjet,-" Olber fswndation ia no mas> it>' titan tisai visîciisieid,.-JaeuChisat,"t Tise 1ev. Wmn, Ciehans, minister tes congregatiosc, atter resal Jtter4 et ape. log>' (toma aceral mm sntl Ottse h'reâb>" tory' of Toronto, mise ver* nisha to be present ; andi utikiugs a- <ta*proiina-> statemens, puoeeded eutoehdeaeeompaciei b>' tise people ssuumbied; tu le>' the loua- dation stoae.o o éWmchancis, ansi tis boiuîg doue minis tise uc"a foratalities, effreul op e Mostimpressive ases! soa proyer. Tise large ceegregation tisen îeluprnet te thé cwitcs raie bavigg b>g t at e, aÂussi ueetd, ievident etldg.tiecons! tielighî toetiring atidresses froms Iso ey1ev Joie CWaspisell, Muarmi, tise 1% . 8a Denus, andt isir ome pauor. Tb#s tienauce cf tise eengregaties, tise pressing oaeesliet tise semenouider es!, mus iigisu>- .sesitabîe, andi, m ish botter, a&lH emed simatesi b>' -àaspirit ef plat>', barmmea>, s!d'1bietis.l>' kiadsees Long May 'tise>' oafu ne se, abountlisg le loie andsi lberaty men anadtimors endsi isoir abi. ans!sd slntpsum difieti sud ce(tinets, and irehhlng le ai these uatalsté ait ordlnauueos thaeLors! hlsmeiss. Mr. Clelusu, la the course.of bis ad;. dres, vlalits uritd compiment te A. hIspiai, q, 4' màs-l- of à@isCisnreh of Bogiassi, for tise hIinle fere sltea hie oua propset>'foi the sue eaeimmb thouegla cmlieepted, vus biglil> priasi se a proot aluoe oflhbsrulty Asti bnitiÉa obaiel. At tie almof t tii semonb " I '~' tons>eslout,auiti400 yatlirishes>ile-fl;merlu. siseuis b. tae ucf tise sull'erers, atîdieveq ingerdr. Tls cstoa mrl slpatme>îcosafort mitiitresci pnuaaideor ezth&a me samilus fuit merkiag epor4tiout, anti in the smanufature o et -euse As" fine moôt lIsauspeior la Cantada, Tise eotire buildin>g ishbtti b>' teanu, Ailtishe ueofîiog, &a., mareoust at tise Jesepi Sall Wèiuks, Oshsawa, anti the cartiing macheisss, jackus, k, more broagist frein Nortis An. tiover, Masssclauets. Tise 'stsbiisbment ta aisesunppiiest mus latises, drille, Le, for tise itting op ansi repainlng of machiner>' eus tise spot. Tise mboie efthlie expensiv'e aciiner>'eua nd ancnggeStarhuas beau litteti op b>', andi bue ibea, a fir, coder tisa sanen esce ef. Mn. J leDomes, etof' na Tise Major dfouring atigilet tfonts xw sieseribesi' upen a forsern oaulee, - Ue lit le ouI>' ieceser>' te observaeisait Isera ane sense fouriten Ibstsiaed batreis of doeur turneS out enutli eus tise prasuise, eud as *Iltreideuceofpisat tise qnalisy et the msea(mestuinsle eoe.lieratl abroati vo neeti ossi> represlace thé felielg gpsubet ini thé Commanditrepens ot the &lobe *afuir deyse ega t . I W. (G7lobe> taise tise tolleing <nom à litBoston Cireculer. Thso ast sis, qaotati le, vme understanti,tse iigissit sbicis lias beau mate lI tiat markuet cf Canada Fleur. Tiaosieurài(rmutise Major Mille ef Mr, T. P. Wite, Wiiele, 0. W.'$ 61 6 Canads lour. Ia bond hbasutoiti et $9 40 te 10 76 pet rl-i, geld ; and visite vissai; braadu range irons $16 50 te $17 60 t) prbui. A smalt lot of 6h0 bu-te. &'Major' brandtioftCanada seld ti $ 19 pet bri,, bat tisu Iasaver>' mpeior article ansd ne criterion of the mankot.'" Betis branches et busiues give empli»'. ment-te sos 80 persoas aitoguitier vison le (18h1 merhiag erder. Oui dsceription veniti scarcol>' hé complote mitbist notie is>g tise iandeeme privai@ olilue detaciset (rons tisemain bilinisgs, Il mesutres 12%14, le 14 leet leaiseigisi, painteti andt graineai lut osi, anti Most tastafull>' amd eonves>ios>tiy ittet op s e àceunti>greo. A near eteans pianing miii isu jutut bacs> censpietes b>' Mr. George Oiîoisrist, at a senrt distance nortis of tise griot mai11. Tho buildinug là 40X80, 3 toleu lut beiglt.- Tise engine is 16 hsorse-pover, (frosa Gil bert'e, lentrol) andi tise- îterprisiog proprietor has put op tise builinig is> ortier te meet the groving reqnirenucntm of trade, bis former promises lathtie lecalit>' net -being louuat sutllient for tise purpos.. Tise nutlactare ef sbippiug boies for citeese la a nom featare lu itis ituancis of business wiieb la asutming hurges- proportionsa ilin as>' one unacqnsiuated init tite4aet coutis weli imagine. This tacterir aise gives emtphoyaient te a utamier eflbande. Aitegeahér Wbiievahle isapmo.viag wvus astonliing rapidit>', and miti tise enter- prise ef tise meu t u'a.théeiucis tc rosses# musi socs groir inte a place of nutc ieli Importance. $coster» for Ontario. Thé feliemieg ans théep" eofethlie 24 Sentmrsappoieteilo f tr iuo lien, meure.BasuiltonetfKiagitie, matbeeec, Ru, iiS>monr, Diekeen, SitirFareasn..llarCamupbell, lint, C1bristie, Alitens, eate osaiLse McMate,-Inmnsau -Simpsonc Craîutu meephérsn, Macdonahl, -leus# er>e l'h. S ae-ao/meqmnisbv i Po, Me &e-, 8# *i istf eteto n Arromaitomis wci..ixoi.'iAoss.-ýCoi- lima> "ia prtl"e, eseeiuiy tewmblp C«oper- tiqum lich sbave istolales4do»e a. wwd dua vioci'y is affalthaCg tbs pisse dlêt M51115U107 lw~ieuS, ts. eo Cems'ar.ont dekit. - Tise »ew lection lair, it *01ji #ttisemet- bu. lielan ies!, rmict e épolng $e eton onmett ee a>, asdistieefo ere héneesty t>' ets'sx5appoiatlng sa propratsisber of polliag pus la 7.v 0m CV<I>'0100"os Sie W hasse avisopare abie te ttc ramer- ati formitruletiwoomauid in>ehiargeoef eOur mayer, Dr. Ou, wme acoempanied litsm la tise train to Tometutie, ans! loft thse meot senietisi>' wnntied usîder ise siiiha irge cf Dr.REastavoos Lau-e. Th hiserima> USi. CiisA at Ise stamienud titishe OPIQ ofrti neilibo-htosna i d eveu-yting la îiscir pop- or to e Iciaste e ut5rings iste imjuu-cd. Teitcmtieie's isutel Zuti tise aiting rotama ai tise rtaîleri bal!aAUtise eppearatue et an isospisai, andthtiMasaase anti lamenutations of foin# of tisbeuor steosmn uhén esidmn-m runi' u.mtu-ndiu;, Tise tiesil isties vrerenoct muçlilgered;, mea dinotice sOb,eOcmteh:~,.on tise poor IlWe l4fuet,,Ï-nd aIl bâtiltie > peamýUta..as Ir bumried Iutdotmult> b*hle sleeping. ,As>isqncst aili buisels!this oves>isg, mionSaiUaltisefacto concuced ffwithle me. lancliol>'occencemil transpire, adti is blaâme plied upothé ehe buidts cf thone ge misons It proîori>' +iss Tuse sxqeiist in tii. afternoen en inquesit usislolà m vici if Lite lsiois, beforeO tr.Cargest, C>i uîty Coroner, andl the tiomir.g jury. J. IB. Poirell, Pcq, Forcaisn ItibcnCituupbcli, Jais, 11. tiel, Itoleent wiii, Jolin 11 Johan Feu-guàoni, Joiin %tkiisf;on, Ilnry Adamus, John WutditeuIiu, J. IL, Piip, tieunge Comaia>, Chanles Ilenry, Cash. oxr Tue jury ufâier 'lir-ing lite bouties4, il itthe it> niglittbu, placui !iiiti,-iandl puepanti fur- butici, aujouriei Lu (o us'clttl on Satttrday usrtm~.V'lau na the aiitchniuan, mas ineantitase pitacciu. dçr sru-t. -On Batarda>' monir.g tbe Coroner mi jury Asseumbles)ut te-- station imouse, u sfter examiming tise scituiîtlieru, antdr ing explalitite uanten îttn-orkîn,,~i signais, th itcstties cf iswibclîunen coulri-, giîia-iliv.rs, &e,, inu constectiontitierear,I, atîjemirrtidte tise '1oinhall, te it4urýice evîidettrs. Mm. John Bll, S'olicftorutor tue Gtnmd Trtuthu itailae>,'r'u. . J. fii. son, coinsei fer 1WlaiI as rl1c4rit .J.Spicen, Superimtendcust, Jamuaus J'fa. tenson, Assistant Suleuineidutt>. A. DorviIuiaem, kusigra otn Agetnt, hir. ILz, $er, l'rcitirt f ie G niania $ucuiîy, atnd a tuumier ofihte uthiddpublie. fu- bracing tian>' Gommait resudembis in t4lo' eul' mere in ahtiticusue, anti cvi4 nts itutrcin lte iraccedings. MITtc finst aitrtuss cxtmincil aias-t Tr.ioaas Le-ry, condtaetur - ivorn. sti, -ise unecîaat is cexpressfinoatise ,cesi arnrie t Wliiib>' tîit., unicr 4v. charge ai, 2.50 a. mn., on te unorniig ,,* te 24LIc. 1'( utojîpei le take, ous'itrod a littie cuiet cf teestation, ani iin ac te the hs-tinr, ho ulivcr rscine (figlt. w'hie theno I icrd c tr-aitisu01046ï.'Mina irbisitie demis brettes. I maïtiia»hÏ11-1 car of Otur trait), beiiti ttse 01uigantb caris mhich weemut-oacimeil toe;ouetrain. WItIen Issii thee otlier trains caminng I juiuPetit OUt.-'h train belii T anismc loto cga.It, aa. iti a4 t thec uuerl spcil at -1t~ js inte stations., -d ol uotit bs, hà,V, re in thîe4rVId e-miigrant cr77O or Do, io tncrcisauiâ'cxp 'Iso sueé ttaa tire cars.Iea4lh.Il U-,h cm wt-ak.Ims -veu' nuc . ansi excittiliwli#laet~ed. J ,ot te' thse Mai nitoit wte ut 14OI<IsnIJ anti thon asa'stciWreB.Gi a4tlersl tO pul ay lte gwdeoudfie Car,~ tg ct tbe iei 45<I -odîliania hmaïon egPtr4.wle si t a nils trlwaas ioihwtf '$b e 1tlaî I - tdpdi (ieu e. 14 i., di eot Sb wb git> c~ a cerne througli, v - tiseOtier Itrais> came tithSi t a.lbmId hâtaeuîisýirstisei AJtei ,4 la . It is tluew;tiw- areis tee titese WignalÎ, Thte track a ss adcws> g e comntg-i»tt WhuW- b>' tation freits e , ' (i e tatbm at eecs stteon, arben aà eic-îri'sg A iite ani lva-tij > -pm thee te report eprmpproseb Wbitb>' 1ý,hcn ttimeuejire rsignale up (.~jer te Ted luglili, thse ruloobu folloau tlsu stop ansi aait tliit I meeti <shosthue gr'nesligb4lbeWc po e<is>g. Theéwitie 1t vos ia.putoi 4flci andltst ws te fi -~tce ll1 4lsW train iras fbolsiî me., F. Ilisnlarsuo, ci 'ne dr'i ' leincm- clients.express,4 g wtiMeatiroq Imita>' unornittg, aclia-t:'SLe- tIrain. hé-c ta sboild judge ti st It couis i e beu DsyV AtlybiUl At a good 1 .éit nce isilat ilt M n uworn, sait- 1Jt stettatiown op.,Ft4y ntngas o cartw i cen judge, st about six Iroe a is;gljit swlueaaauon titnA nmils> anI iour, Tbat rate ix about thé lie place of P~ope, Tixsarrangement iras aini pétionppo*bbn~stationo, ant ud a& tgles45> an stioncd I>y h cttl@u rsnlg.1 dd nt fltentite rso, (Thewitnatiii r. iIwo incljtin stop %tWib tâtIon. but coualt ie f sition M Uo6ke,i'opoatnt! rastr, nutl ftoppe auly .'ena witiout brakmeaifthtii hloir rfaont ichanges of dnt, sI amdone rseinapboro Isa g hown à ad iligit Itig u > i.prdîgwe s.Wlae> I ct Iifit-lonsephor.eut * tài tton bat! shornts h astation Ihalrcle 1 niito a red lijçUt 1 eui bave fitopp.tL Thé ofsa ipucial traits fuioiing the, exprtess ilext Iight 1I04W11(wuftes.green> light etAt e'XPrt>s WO4ie 1481, regulilstraint tat te; sentspbord ias;a redil sit <À ight niXht, anti uless a84.carricia eiiol ho et -the. tation deerviit ie station- switebîatsi# reultinet expect any etter t ti1Aliter uses miefn hoe iciettitop a t~iii train, A train, followiog flie exi 1 keasm ut tie station bouse fur amy purpoàK). tveuid h indiceted b>' a mubte light &boi. TbAt would Iniecte that w we ro te stop -fore, anti in roof of the exprtg.s. Priser for ordsin uItfile station,.1I mas prctty han, almusy>.beon an indussîrious, corefli Cloe ototefic express train befor. 1 saw tuait, andi attentive tu fbiadut>', andi one I titat the reil liglit iras -net the. station piagéd confidence in. 1 got tte Station light, buit on a train, 1 wliiitlcd down cier the. accident, nt About A quarter te braits nidreverraec4t theengin.. Aiterfis 'lct and tei îîge of tiie tête- the celiiioa1 I went back te ce fi the gratiîsing. 'Tlrec i wonîen, a in-in andi a J,.rskes hua bons>pot on, andi founil thcy chulti mero carriet i btu ie station %rom bail bectn. Tho faits irere met aria fic the brolcen cor. 1 bave no doubit fthl. liraktsi Coulal not have tbeir full eli'ect, If tituir death irait eccusietib>' tiheCollision, tict rails hlld been dry'I bthik I mouid It ini tiic duty cfr cacil nperttor te neti>' bavû i.tiopt-il our train before eetnlng te tthe central ofice ai lte Ipacsing oet -ery ttire etitur. 1 have Inetsern aalicIter sert train cirryistg ir1e i5tes.Ititilt IL of break tri dois eoutitry titan tlint ustil on woo in 18,8 or 18i) thet tFrayer untnutscise- iny originte. 1 ain not amare titat an>' cd work ahtfile statiùsn, cti ait ali if, b train un tiieGreat IWestern of LCanadia cati hast been a g" %sîtiudy nmais.lie wria stop aritit greater Con..- titanit tis.Ontithecofletent furts is sitton andi dutieti Uri Gtrand runi.t. he lprepur liglit* wure cri bliat niglit fliceftuiin iri front Tihestrains I drovuswaoç Mr. Lcrrari <Jubsen bestiflid thet ho arretty iecvy one. Tite finit place 1 ill- .arriretint thii, tahiotifrotMAii» tes.. el before %i'tYlty was Bemnanviile, ichstation, liiîîeiiateiy Ocher tihe taceidunt, idu snt know theitsitem fer abeati ef cars iaving lîcun ercoifculfront bed tyh,. tise otiitr trait> ara». Noetiit vrai;ttlanoise.îlie cii, 1 eaw t itrec vmoisen, a îtîc; nt hwîav ahosit the other train. 4515515andi a ciilt rutteilfroi n'retrait 1 left Ilowisnaîtville, I ihisik, Atatbiotut 2,15 -eand iisuiputi tu runiore ieont nyel or 2.20, 1 ccir t hîreop r it ItkBwinî-n- bave rio diîîbt Ilr dratit wes utiseid by ville, andi lie knew ftnat my tras paseil fic collixion. 1 have kuîewn F'raser for that shttion, At Lotwnîeitiville, 1 mas kejit iliffe ycars. uclit, ga ver>' stteîly itan ut~ cutiiide et tuetieniapiiout ttheuailt cf tii, attentive Lu lils dutv. lie iat aetuil for r xtaîticrt tiert, for more than ton ttiiîut4l's tire ytar* aaiswitlinnun and undurswcul !.sitppu<i to Lte. wterlivre If ftie f inasriîîigand tsignaflliuîg tiro Jiîy in front ofi-, hlldnet left lthe station for fleua rai str sia> cr tih e ccio, lthai teri inintes bcfer, I arriveti, the westerin liesaarthe isigniais 011 the expretis, but- cuttaplioru, accordultg to th(t epgtlasticsss, thlipilt titat h mwas for somnée cf tshe xcur would have beeîs titcl agutait mn n. lo in tratiins wliiuhrutson Ott. Qee:ti'c wtt» not, tiirnvil agairist une. ireiglît trains burtiiduty, anmui wiiub nîii4lt lit, t' ii ci are flot uuIifu,ared Luofun <ster tait tîtteent trains often arc, an heur or t% o bUtiinul gniles 4aitlînu.lbir r tewcn I%oartavlluLefitetrains icuitcarry îsignnlr fir litnt. andtl Wiitby Iliail ruil rfllter tin fliecx- Mr, tNiieasitntt r, Sjîirer, îr-safiiiîl>lîîruaeiteul lier, i1arouii seiteur hering bccrt uttîfrul uj"'ri, gavei'frtttu 1lighltiasattu cPlrevortl rtîrisig into lier. utoi etitureec;îtiom eami fîrwstriiig "ft le- If for any ciauseS., s tai toî.rt!d l>,etircn értuphie ru[rtocf trais ,.1t;itis ncile, autul tiiîcîe or stt> two bstation>, t0,10 Condiutor naidtientt on Thiereîiay niglit rier>erts caine would ihavoi sent back a light Ln51015 me. [rom Searcaxtle, tiolIorute andi 13-trnati- 1 geLsot g ir ht(ie ex prenu', Ilîrusummle, Ville, of the-pgutciai fteigiit trulli. le es boc-ausseir 1 .8.aster. IH theoprtfr,.r U>ebt provefict Lie rheiI. npany, .rol la44 loeo> sisemn bo me ntt th enta.b r ave Inîformtiiion ai te te dutiù# oft swit- catit et Whittîy, k wt>ild -have been aIltchsin a nd siantin master. ' l aitL ai)pwitii the.front train star.îlinz lVelII*ae Vtiir, witls irsenins uclt sym'* i li'linaetntlir te t.l'nn. If 1i lîtspatliy-lo fuit, irai pre.smuit neit eu n Coe tso.exlprps i areuld sti.b'svo 1iMr,. 8pîes. e.ciii l ti Friser«s nain, rerportefilice abience offlie rîglît I;git ai t atineyer eetu..bere Min bmît Iia lavoir- tisa I phare. IL mouiti have beurt su>'aide liglit. sîiity h0 have dune re sccording t th'!rt-"lie Coroner, after Peme tieigy 'disons- gu~latiolie of tise ctsInpaus>3, i ne7er Lrisir slots aitsevgst t'hojuury- Fenic ewaittiig t0 tiefore ntfa trai beistg aleil te pifis tiie finsishi iseiqtîi'st finat evenuiîg. anideiei sotîtaplere utridor tisee came uircumausnccsiei deiriteg 0tiid'joîtrtu te etisiy, tor flic 31y cwuflie vras;in danger as niitit s sxait>' itariîsgcftfiîrtisrevsuoeiur t t on. clîse's. ifI hbat iutcittlcd ai 31iitge uila> ut one o»ilock. Wii oyI ortlul have aspproscliet ic seunîpiLuter about ftincrai.tut int i. 1 Monday, bMay 27tt. du-ore lie train troîn Blleville titat nigitt, Titi iqitiot wajs rcs->çîîed toidsy et ludf f teppedt ITriien. Brigton, <'oliorne, fpeut oueo'uiuck, lm. iJ, t lumer (lreenswocd ilowmaivilie and Neaacactie, ati passeil tieir,, bcitig in ettetdastîce on behalf of flic. the iltaticn iti vliout stoiupisîg. Cresrn, fby direction cf ire Coroner. 'l'ir Jamres Slicldom, condiebr et the stprcial of Ltae esigr>snts mio mere ots boiarulthe freigtt train, sworn, suiti-Tite sîsuciai train,, one a ycun'g miutilateeu gusta fircigltt train whics 1 cotuducteti on 'l'untjs- 'Sciwc:tie, tut tis tueier Ca'iamI ret;z, eil îvniglit aias mailo up iieiiviie ansi b)cirgnirsud.'lth> teltified flitiLte>' 1 cft blute scit 8.40, Wc fstepicd etutear. luIt qtbue or) Tuca§da>'êvnru;titat nialtrilie for iratur IVu itawtiitheopcraior tise-y meintuineti over ututil nisue #'eeek mcxt tuer bttgot si,-inistrusctionts. I aras -eetinig, utit loîttreai, artiatilt t licy e>'re awarc titat tthe unQs-uia1tLS' expresis aat iciitreateti in ever>' rc.-pet, by ic ser- eil cf uls. Mien we arriveti et Bowar.ratofiet uc onlijan>' ili Charge ci1tite uuartivliil, itbad lIt tiure. 1 diii met kîtioat-train. Thtomas Rooke, ie bstundel hon ir maluccu IL, tae; but tiei. uis iiginit chlman, Mr-. MeCiennan, offprts eliowed us tu go on. %W'lci wu appr.acti .1cr, Iluwitusiîviiie, Joui>i l',tiî- ed-il Uitt>', anti utile ah the ccn sMie of mateliman, tslîurGeorge iPopîe, as'uî- the. bridge, I1iheartire usçuel signai n licit murs, Wliitby station, af aut ui, . Dîîi tiearing stahiotir, giron frusmn cntr crigirtu. aidtii, Esuj., tire ttigraiom I. get,ii'le. Mietn nir bise ation ftleel~itll-. fair routet, morc iîeruraily exuttnrint, attîl Mr.J "]ttioua.bruikoli aa»given. IS'. ave un-ll- 10pkiiii auti ,Mr. Scjheuoircaciýd; nirfg ut osix or sc'dîu trti iilefan ito.. ,At but Licir teflsuey ailil 1tsu>tltig fu;t>t- flint rate of riiiiisg arC coula1 lucre tt'1>-rialIo lea ntul giveut, ate Lti.st lued, 1I hiitti, îuitiîin l150 or 204) yards, of eae"fil. Mu-. Doia,îsltîun's cid-tuirAi %V. run freiglit trajits at caot flfteei listabige trcftmsent reeeived h>' esn;grtct5! utlile an heur. Six miles an heur In cver»4C GrandsTi ruîîk file,.ras ci ays me- cautions usrsning anbcn approaet:ing porti teuiiru2as beilig sgatiatci:tîy. stationis. ilhai-c becson fiic îoad foi' Sourtietofthitr>' detireti tif liave VWi- about tiglut yeitrs. I huav-e taime feuutidlace Frar'eLr exaiuîitued; hut (oi Mm. 'lilsout,ý Fralier, tii. aîiteiuan et Whîiiby statioîn, (Fraçt-rts ooutît»ei> inturpoiuig, tic Coroner1 tict In attd tu teli>;dutie%, sudI h decitictinuL bo cuiit iti.1 r tiesier saw Iiiuît tie monte of iquor. 'lThe LAs$after tire o'clck a-lenftie fit-at intim>ation cf daniger 1 iaiîtulras te eridencc aras broiitt te os 13e, aia ithe w'iistlit for ulowrîbrakes. Tietrain bilîl jury ri-Lireti; ant IiL, ars flot rutil cie net tc-n peiICîl tbie Saitols, buhftic ci- uick on Tuesday uiiriirig tiucy li',l gille Mnust lucre berstet or pat I. agrecti upon tihe ftuufiiiig- Jlas. Cuirtain, brakestsan ots ftue spcial Vltti5t. train, sa-en:, seîd-'ie engiisu aa-iiute WC fiit Iliit ftie uecce 'ilisi-îPtr- mas" r-uiîîduet tlefliiîlge tetu Ie ctcfils 0 A tiuu eie t, Vcrv~~ iuk te %'Iiiy station. Tc he wisftiu for Itceg i'reirica ICliner, caia Ania lij ( brakes Joan mas given aller aic lt'iied sz. ttsltcg,)care te tiisr île-t-b;9.a L'y tt c n!ihre. I put down fic irakus I1suolliintoucf a timciilfreigltt trtin,>,With irqeuit 'fle ceokte lte raii I tt»crslitetu:rcitsns" isrsî 'rttteisw»»e", -ismoir- titta train W70UIdi tO tiS tii--j aeyedin i eare o i.cinciyi ni tcf-r s erstisnt* ezpreî. FraserITise major ci %Viitby, Dr ?Gunfu re- irouiti 4e cnder the liiniresstn tit tise questeti, thsrougc bis prociîmatio"iMuie wxra as tiehe lu train. Tisa express J 1r the purpuce, ti t th funcral might be nie lenn about ten minutes Wrltn4 tue maade a public onae hi>'thé tomuspcopletand collislinbok pl#ce._ Titt aas tise lirsi I tise respensemas kini> at stptlietie .1J>earof bise speeal ceçkMcitsg.Frec i-e ad a a t e 1itur ra ap ' ith ie habo tattetiig t- thte 5t ttin>1 leit untioue b>' the «rend Truuk1 nahà ýduin» 'tltheilY, but net during tise autiuorities, anti theae acting for thera, to saiglat. Tee e tiLes arejust tise sae, il'carry' ut aU tite arrangements, in the anti nigit .Fraser, 1-eoSnMder aas per- u. -cmpee ud -at 0ctryuanner foci>' conipetent te work the signala b 'iit' Witcn a treiajaseiin odl uiris T e suarraceï ex jue s uxs Ilo, htt o eliet th Sumiaoewie lcme te ed ligtt appeur At niglît) a o 000as saru-sl etsrt1i neuues ie tihe train lied passoiltise scmtpite. 1itt Govesamnt Lacasaelilis tt ansebeu ite beWd. lmf of l- epluaseateaeesof tih* Fenians <o lm-, tUaadiaty af!i'r te ol jalon J lookiel andip~su*t o ae tisose pisent tise imnportanee'of seléetiigth irow iiasp6duuusà> quahili, 'intelligenutMnnu tieir lrOueb", Or et ies gpia4SiUetbc liilWgç, sdtati f linawomai rr>couiiseit- buttu (Am hous lie> coiiheplace4L. litile (euh lint tiss -Mr,.Froereehllexplaiua us to tbe min- )Mr. Yioll spi uer le irniehithes Meetingblicoubeea wý replj te MrCampi anti tise preaeuuti>g aàdocuetnt te Mr- gentlemtan Whiut plans Draper, us presitset -of tise Ileforun Alsiti.i for s conventiont. Auion, signeti t»'àa amiser of reformers, -Ya. Camupbell Al requosîi"4 fisa te cati a Puic Meat-ng for holding publie rneetiDSs tise perpose of oaaldering the prepriet>' of and spp.aliug 'Io ls misat: sciion sisouitib. 'taIUý,ta 4t Ibo p-Ritiing, He.isstsievei pmouehiing eleetions. 3u-. Draper, b. sais!, ing aeMusrom thse neet~~13 dyreititsiisatiiiastele- M n, w oulil reit ferai Asiocuation lbed!iteeu igometaltoge, C mibte eround tiur at tihe lat leetion Le vouîd flot b. jus. 'Mee ,Whuite, Fg Itifed- in aaîUWtang sthe position et cauiistga efftiuttly coauteil1 mctiisi. Uee,(theisspeaker,) coïnecda le itiM, opintion mitit Mr, Draper, in fieir of tte M, AlekrnCanpbi faie tist IboieIkfertu Amtcatlei ltad ne0s!iffielitesinatise vay attentitinpaîititattse laitt IWO eeettiOusiand! ope epresio3 cutil hat la tact becoun,aa il avere,otsslete, venfiee la tis a meps Upon tisetafier tar eenioltaist . tise ii, Jho tPiiipf W ltrc"nt nuetg irSâ caela b>' tie lie- wetngms rathert formera wlÉo liedsignes!thte notice, siaicmf e= onuieub> sciool cfuoight, the situmber, for tise purpele of ho gose atlotàctory as a diding wL.at was bu-st te ho doule. Thi eho treiouttsti hint toicelhi e utarked, siastifliat the lfouet-seiseel sections ia 1116 t- irmg aircu for tise purpe 0 'of dileodig wbai miter. tisea mre but ccouid b, tome, ati thoen aud ittero ding Mfr. Loren Broma ti it s a'- a fe ePrueicusble Tise time for tis4 ai bstakea PlacO prompt action hall, he ticoght, arrivea; and!ste RoferrankIt tise pmoctâma-iun cf tise New I>i>)miuuien aàumîj9rity of 700 tW 2 fla been tusmnet, auti in ail lrobtsbU.ity it the otiter *ide. Tise weuid mot nom uhc long natifthtie Writs tiy. sciteol sections mi were ilasueul for a neir eleoticn, The.in- revive tise ciii feeii'g cienismesîbeth otitsa, hlisaid, Pro- plan of eotventilu. venuetiltics niteustance cf a iaîrger icutuuer, bfr. Mr. Dan]. Ri] seln the itimeting miglut bô conséide-ed a se îissae u oui>' preiiiary vtua amothier meetingr, ot oppose tise plan 0 uteetiuugs, te oor,. Itwittttoding ail 1Atler nomne familier tst mas smaid agiinstconventions ise mas lotion P»a s sivea of opitieui that tise Reformer$ of Souts-n -bat it at'aa tisa uà& 4î>' sywMaib tire lseaiitiesl, meef to - brTîng -<oîr-ard tsýiset didatesiIý te n'.ifflt tefw J»ý liese -Toms'<If Wbiu (tocueeaoi sd i eLg suve'wabyfDraper, P. D'- Wistt cf Oistasie 'f lreirers îýcl t Ioe mou-k wo ndLrn-r 3 %be ite>hou» , " anti m ouli lie "fel si- Tolmsbip ef Wbisj fiet th4t tise>'cugst etgeb.vetici a Cou Zltr Johna Dlyieu,l volition ai muid net alene provree sit'ae, A ù tory, but honorable te0ssilcec"rned Se isre-Mes îsiggetuesa tIis i, the sppr.intioaî Of P. wbiet jeb" Geià Juegulc-a far cadcicu'Section, t>,y te bill. niet tise &taer ti a ppointmat ,for mise perpose of noninting caudliaites, anti W. D.1 Michael, Tise objech eofameeting tiday ,Afurt ws. ,The s ros muea te proet i l oppertuties of bluI>g er 504 bile prinsetia taifn eiiug mii>thé dolegates., Tise>' sigt, îifferent lecauities. - bu cenuiderei, bave a ConventionInttuai:Mr i'. emeisaiti a w6a> siacstynet alune f0te he res. ,necemeit> or taking stel et-s of tise lliding, but ene tisaf iouiti e tien et tise Retersa A* creditable te ilzemso.ives, anti-te tise Re. ed tisai tis u bje .b farmera cf tise Province. ies.tago eea Mr. Curmithaci, cf Oshawtaceneur- temr. (log ofdletise reul in Mr'. Fcroeeîi'exjuianations, as r. Heren iaving b. te tise eaiiing et tise meeting. l*e anp 3uul voeof <tisanlis ponîmd tisa piition fort bc Convention, fou-uer ciseirman, suu4 utt urugedt utthonem as thet.liafer par , tica to rsuitie olijeetiore, if tisere are an>' Wuho lad objectionn$ hotallie, cilher te the Sc< manuser cf caliug tis e neing, or tise proporesi Convention;-,ho aise00ulrstcatet - Amntwla i t iti' roeuiiiy for union £Mongol, ail im 1 neeuîemeuiî of t isit li foruer, waioaMr uutAus Dr. lc-Gi,ccepeut oxpianaticus giren sand CUei'leruJ ilt tishe Meeting ozcr SïmgioMA st'Ult tc <iuuth'das sa Prelimimutry urtet neeidar enst i ng. lc beil sthe pri7iiego et converuiug ssai inith a large. mumber of parions art1e r tise baig atkO, 1 utnceuissg lbidheen caioul,,wmiieagreed waits Scciet>' ComesnU Sbite lu opinuion in tii, alttugia bâaltise proimW. usociser butin ssuipiio aujî a larget nasa-. Sbr in eiiendcnce, tise neceasit>' of amollie: nur b-ieiu iitiave bou tiponeatis,- 1U utet-fore utieved, secondas!6b Mr. Tite Queen va. - 'rltcuus, autdiif wtt» reqicet iaitic.e An inutqisition, et h ut:eting lbu regardet as> a pueliminary Atme-eirt a meeting, on Tneadny test, -as t4 Mu-. WiteaSait int in referane te tise prupenty qedtlin these Pp.-icliey uf cauîing thse Meemirig, tisera Viw, ltatu-yTremialot eiiuid h ne tire opiiuns. 'Tlte mime Aternmoyfer tItis col chute-n Wals opportunse;iil ires neitir tue bis defanit te thé geai to ti nobite t, en i kas siffielcut te valtieth ie hîcuk coltag nuaktPl i emaarîi preparetioins. Tisey Street n4 $1,000, andd t haut met te comlpareo' nces cati Pinc, mat Clarka fûnuser resaite le aut sucha$V. 00 64a Le uisent tseu Txt&auunbouslemen tuues tise>' ail miishet te ebtain. Tise Fatat. of 5criptîsre,) w coly queustion mes as Ite t.leut nmeenety frei omsising 11ke.1 taluieli thse vot coutld lie aeompishcti.T:emay>ela de(saiî, te1 -Ail were eupposed te liave an equii sice titi poý r~e of tisep in tise repmeaeuîtation, ai hieatýIo 0Say Wviseforen at tis extent. tusd1! repu-esent ne-riseamiait, b. onr sinokesman in tise iegislcture. A great Te flue Editar off the dei haed een saiâ about conventions; baut- 911an sm Mihe..bte la a-s~ga.8 Joving. 'sesoriner a ti.sluci; f ititeti bail orepi-atad tisir asreogts," selegte "~u . thoIfs beter coi. Tise>'ihsoogisitisèjuseire. C"1 ont sn4$st Eufieienthy stroug t t iiieilMlwi seeêms' a'os Rat~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~bë'Js *0s assestsydusiidtqs esoiug. - twer preutige; tise a4v"aeeg.ires vu t - euatisesu. if tise, 'vesate 4 eSs-sd -letiMv2i 8 ne orfthei2 Frewrell, au Mfr. Canipl bel1OP6 'et o pion rooed.u vu srm" ai toof rs reviemeil ai brutgist i 200 agaihist taii, -hé mi Iuve.f -oprovIsI ,w 00- lei Ls bel eo th le, f e s ince Vi si,( thé vol ïg for h"i ïu % la bal forJma OfiW4e for 1D( lin ipa'cf Fine voni bosiristiliof ahis "IIc Witby, -28il ay, IE - - Y. egret te ban, to 1u>0usar cui EnLrriî & Brùihérl aboie caca un Saiurtey ierniug la b> tise faJil eftiseaýr tiel manse Lb sop, lIt Ce lirin fsd à it s-,tYcssn1 ùr aesom fer itiicbis tise ieacsraate exitis apen tie varionsuiie tise attectore gave ara',' tbis rcnuid, bt Luu'yin fie>fet te-bltnj liomeler, àiî lieu tla muich isba1ilt cf stcu'c, tiuie4eno n virnii i s -tishî& irasuerecieti. Paueuion kLt ra,, bave peculiiryl](,--gie itc aam-herniiling sud macli c tents, tiey are ta a püs. bisesisaLn Wajut i i fou-mer m-îgicta op Ioselime. Eandaie lii fora£ tico ofrosa tanppi t ueu nrmerous frisaIs ae-"' dPArtmnaLof lt asrt again ini motion. F.tua4 t - i tis e muig ubctise biave iteen =£y t>' îwnsi - e iseâr. s àgrellit 1er teare or u t Lu( tri Mura the loti of haUSU W- m frra tiat M'oei lI Ibi ts cirenta#tuct iaut f lirai, Mr. AMfred! anisu York IJera 14. B 1I RT asiude,% Ise Ztlhinsu. atEsC Mesolàuu, FRNCIS-CADDY tise 28is iutti., ci thse ~ brid elale. R. J. Yim Ct)LTEoi;BAE t4s 22ad iuit, b>'tise Ls Jieçit William, foufi-u son, Eiq., of mte Ad! tuiglIand,- te Inctta, al Jois> Jises Esq., 1Buîm ETRAITO X- FFAS] en thmie 24t i uit, at tise brida's fliie, iByron esu -chae:e, te Eiizaieti, f Hagi Fraer, Eeq. Wi 1 uibyMa - Wiby, ' Poti sent......... Slatter.......... flss......... Bw Foins...... .... l1a ........t... -i ' .7. ...... ..... FowT s IEi5d IZlt Too!0il'y-i ie 101 the UOMPAOY cave proffa O"rotrolu.l. 1 1 1

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