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Whitby Chronicle, 30 May 1867, p. 3

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Winos, po ports (7)o %t104Vaud ismiaÈ SslBoih l.tauded golug tb Whlteaue tp n, w. loft. Arivlngag uto3n,$ pmq o wo 5ui4 te mesi thébe aratch' f« ie 1 foot ff A À goilort balug Xkm l"di, pald orer witiboeî ast blTb# mft t ik b« *oe.cou- 6 dih@b#At barmOCti aSd gOQ3boUOUt U 4wkd oaa ri alIof! mlll ms I î evrew prunSOt4 and performed' J bý' Whi.. Volé Nad wiero on the groundi, and play- jead s 0 olveUvl> aira, ,d aroi imcaltf con'génalîgoi. occaolce, wu i an 6 a b bard. Càosing hont. out verdict vas 1e44 fur Ifr4ftevait, aund u<e bac! (or 1*U4L, sas w.upo>d tmre grain. flous ddlspiy of l'ire wvenu, (othe îe igh bqprbuod . of h@ 41 l,'t r ~CititoulLs OMM T'ybitbyp 28ih gay, 18M7 LuIul(y pi orKou. W. regret Io bave ta iuunoanc. that the - populir 6ed etierprlelug ftnu cf Pâtiersonr & firciher, visos extenmive &gticultugal JasoplffmmntMaunfaetory Io isutidsear ichîmon.d Iili, .mouaîned serious itoduge '. ou satorda> onoruit1 i o, theIa. lBîsmt, b> th.e<ailof iboir sne, and cosmmudionu machine sbcp. las consequ4gle cof tIo grest4y ilicrea>sa press of business, uhe il oud it nWao.ary Io use Ibim building for pnrlpoafor waJuloL frami <ici origina'l- Iyl liiaudcd, taLen pterctid, un&d-cwing te the imnumeeand Oezaordlinail prensare ip6 tpheb aioi 1(4 of theo building, Ibo structure gave a v a ud1 millevel vîtti th. grocnd, baryiun Le LQtotýs.a largo %Mut of cfValuablo property. That pinr tiou cf the buildingk kcwn si lthe Iron Viiiihlg bp umained but litile damauge, liowver, II, belog lu thse basernent stur>', .bi.ela bis ilt of ilotue, anid fcrsrud th <ouéddlion on whitli the ramse building I ý Vam *reeiiid. &îah-icr paq4o.bn k&lJro., have austais>d a groat peeunf.ary 1c.i the dt-ssutruoîio f their new b71i11ing assd usmalh cf lis V'nable con- tenta, lb." arc isn a position Io drive îluoir batiiime u alîheut interforiîig vuibetir former arrangîeents; and vili Le able te aspjlsulor edttomors wills orer> article la tbéir lice wlîh ilser niuai promnpitude, opsu ilue. Had the tuutu homoprovenîcd «a Ùt.igre from mtsuppi0ig ibe wausis of thoir numercus firiends end 0çsuato,s, = -»,*maiot;4 Au .ioa genio#,cala. &Y I ;beppf 1>'ibfs. vii'i flotheibmcae, as éter departient 01o saasuiva verts atagain la Motioun. iutsaly i wW~aboui o3lc Inl Ibeo mitlug abets teibuilding lutîif fII lad beuo t.be kur# lasterr iere wotsld bave bae mac> valeble livalest;nkafil *la, thora la groat cao.ue 0b. îhatl<ful ilss4 thor.aore tno idows und orphitmo rde tu Ucura tisa lamato0(Isebansa sd fatiien.; ' W« fin al tnoue (oui btter ;4eaaed at ibis clrçnmîmete tan th:e meberof the, McurlERBON.-At Wbitby, on Wod. iseuda>, tise 2i>îh llit., ibe vil. cf Mr, ýlaàmp C. bMePluer.oua, c a cou. FUAN IS-C DDY- t> Whfthy, on th# 28th lest, nai ils acidnce.(if ts. *,ridola uoncle. IL. J. Yoîncld, I]sq,, by thse kuv, Mr. Cayley, Iic'batd Franchii, Y4<;, 1uacatj ta Màsa EcaU ay.-Nu COLTO-JATE8.,-Ai A4bburn, on tb. 22n4 irusî, by the. 1kv. -J, 1), Cayley, Jcmajb William, fourtît non cf John Colt, o, E.q-., cf the Adsitty, Londan, Itugland, 1taLecc-itsi eldemt, dau ghter cf - Jon hn itaa, Earl., llraruîuîon, No C.ttna. > TILAITON-ÏJLAEI.- At Whitby, en tbe-24th imet.,, Ai te remidence of ithe bri.de's atiLn, JByron mrct hyI.> bo 1ev. '.IL R.Scott, iir. T, . l. trafiarn, cf bMac- *-coootr, te Eifzulsch, ourtiLdaoghtcr of Hu glisFriser, Esq, Whitby. * Whitby, Blay 29, 1867. tI'all.Wheai . A'2. * a 911p0e ROYAL CANADJAN BANIL Trs i1EiLEi;Y (l'rnEN iIitta IIICivîsJof fo unr UfloY44.ttttli nhe s ioclssuil (4t t1u -jointtititil Ïtutise ettrrtii huIit' ytat, Laing nt tih, raie <sIrl, 14 îpur cotit pert ilsttS, itiltia O eudctrp d, am i..! it theanainîte vîl it aitr eiilaiday of JisIy tisa. Tîte Trtusiir lookr will lmLeClO" ( romthtIe '1 l t tJ.ti i@ iulvo, Thse Atsnni! centralI Meting for ie kocee tlmot atDlrocor* furtiltu eCttailli isflya, vl! i>ti iald antls ittiu illes Irere, ouaultond, the gt.idoy ofiltulytsmat. * . ii.Chlrlilli te tlel t t noces 33'ord&r'ef l useBoaurd k Co's, Jutreceivedl dircet frôn> the Manufacturcrs, and will be sold IIA MLrrON.& CO. MILLI 1ERY & ANTLESY la ,«y ver>' cete, -and gruat Vurguisia are cfLrir.. 00 AMILTON & CO. New T-eas & Family Grecre, WrINES ANID SPIRITS. - May 21, ILAMILTON & CO. a propema than led, d of fore. I ibeilffd il.Po&- to t lb a Nai by cou- #bat th* id lau.à ould not iig, and w offl WJitilyiXmuy '.7, 1267 J UJÏI-, C. 0, CR', etlngtIPER Cot'lhA.eli 14u.il 'e, 'ss' asî, 9.4î4i di.is , it le the rni ilai l, g i l s i,5 U a, Cs>'ia'rts.l siail. a Fe ts, ell* uin)ir; s' e sîl eigglmb Wnvy y nus! (id %Ml heîyi wtiiieta rt-.î ill ecIivy w uve t-mss- UndPOO. Tsi i, tt ., sl il s.fk il,54> est . i tsi ials' aisa t»" e ,ists t> 4,i y 5 cig ,lieu wu* o>i.4.>4 aîs ma me. aI i aril; fur ", ssi>Ii le ssa ý i itsCi-aiik"'t >si:sl.r tvlgadîd-uiulrtec mlto drie'ah"skauras W. ti 4ai .CoPT.K& c. " ir sce0 >alîdsra51.' t e i t. n ,s.na's 4i5,45 jet, Mi.. grsusî <sut t.hrasse". li. lic ,s5-ai> w,j ,ï )-sIl -. aa d.p1csthmae d re , uis u'i e i t. I fi c ariiai>, s t il s i i i p i mi. i - 1 1r li. a Us IUCU ( e 4 i»-' QsuSmrwitgissu , itaiusl> tià Cos. Iamm. tsr~.g U, ,.iu ais' 15sî'u seruc si. Ti5 N. V JaHsqôs.s tm1i . a ,,' bc a.c r's-es'.s..s 1< 05'i<iî ha iili 1 reld iWtiic ISt, i i '" ' eC im a* ogilhliht Gcsvod le iy ise sso rtlir#>dIol iti c0t..rx ls.ueiscsra. 2(1 NEW AI)VLIRTISEME!i'fs. De F.- BURKE, NlO. 2, TrCUELSIloOJ, OROCKERY &"GLe-SSWARE A WMA SELi.CrED WrtXK FR161J1 TEF, Op ALL KINI>S, élei Ar h UA aluy hougie la cagua. C.-CHANT7, DELIM Iu N BILVEIt, ciUTLIERY,, ?iOW O4.~EDAT SMTOFIELD'S OLD SJ>2àXD, loi> FOîi t, W1se'by )lYA NITED.' A CENELIrAL.,i:A'T A vi ly t-., !21>- JAS. (AMITE11L, Ai:suî'aîî1ce Coli.pany. il,(l 'rtAoe>! lu rtir ifte 14t401di A, b . 11 % i t4 . ý,, I, , ~;.;io.rJ itI. ,4I4hia4 O il i0I iriit l, ggtru. q' vlw .i'.rIA £1 7 r,. JCÃŽ-IiN ÂLNE TleuAfiiiialJ.AjsË.41 i. lii11iE LLJCIul AUlOND ' 'A .Q L OB4 ...... ...........îl. v . f'r>'rniqiný r("ýIe' ii 16r, vM"c» , 40 Nun ofi Ir>v utllitr>ry ti'c fc u d- ('lalt:rp paiyableoVile ,,.l iitrIrco< f oyhtelle 1'L.'(4ui.' 1tftiiX n.uî>. At t.». 20, I#Yje l iai,% it t of $or y" V'114 Ig Jyî,r», ~. VC%". 8 TII, DIVISION OUILTs r TIJR.N iP S gW'Onle Saçk doflreh be 0op.o1îY 20 cents per Pol 'I[rL M'MILIL NW ( A iSPLENDID Ù Embracin--Moh,,irs and Muslins, Mhawis, Prii% ý"IH &a,, at cont. (heap Faýctory Cottpns, Se k~ Clotho, for gentlemen? suramer weir L.~ i The Crocery.Dprtp Embraces a choie"- assoî tment ot f i FreshÏ,,l* fees, &c, &c-,- CIII2AP FOR 04> Farmers produce tal.en iniaexc01',- for ood.- lN FARQUHIAR Silver at par, Four per ceýff for Bank Notes. LSON. READV-M ADE'Fýýw -At TE- W ILK INSOIN S BLOCK, OBOCK STRIEET, WUIITBY OPEN ON TIIE 21sý' 0F MAY, By JOUIN EDWARDS, who is instrueted to seli, for cash only, this valuable and ncw stock, imported direct from the first manu- facturing and wholesale houses in Europe. Cte- 'Ail b be sold at uprc.edeîîtedly Ioiw prices. An early eall and inspection of thxe goods respectfully iîxvited. Wilkintuon's B1,ck, Broek Street, Whitby. M1ay, 18, 1867, 20 TO TEE FREE A»I) 3DEýPENDET RinEto sID0EIN4M00%0 F WHIT B Y, AND SURltOUNDIN*Cr COUJNTRY. The subseriber would beg to sttte, tiat he is flow in receipt of lis Sni 'stock yf Also his usual supply of first-la:is Finir and Feed, whieh li l tictetcint- o elli fQr CAShI ON LY, elieaper tisastitu'bougne in 'utin, vise docs a cre' dit biisainei;j, W- JPos.tivoly no iaouirs sliveret hercaft4,r, ussIespaid for at ime cf p'.rchaso. N. B.-IIo vonld Orly tas thoc indiubt<.dl ti i, tirut ant immediate s.ttlernont cf their tr3letivu accuant must bc iaru, jan ordor to carry Inte 4lcct the aboye dcairablo ar- ranigement. ýVhitby, Msay 22, I18SM lmsih'20 Watches & ewe1ry GET 711EEST HUIE sul3scriber bcegs to announet'a o a us eeie T well selected assortment of new Ã"ôoodo, consisting of-- CoUd and Silve'r Watoihes, Jet aud (joId etrRingo, Gois!and Mlien Guardoii.ger nugo, ,I;roorssenut Pinus, Peseli Cases, 'lhibic, Loe ta f, Chari§,,&c..&4fine naortniet of F.rancks and Amcrlcntu Cocekse, Jlîeraclium tIlgAr oldert, Brisai 1100 ansd clsar lPipes, Steml UpéUcieu. Repairs of ail kinds. O5UÀLWA, M.AY 10' rZ rPleasen thje c address, J.P. JOIIN$TON, OfRAWA. Li O ecalieenhve rMrxu JR El' - tut 1 ' aglne:IWW Qtbve ie « Oroceriesl', Harare, aid Boots Wllanwat~. qui su>0c=roitrila oidbs#aiec nwun eaau-,fieq lt uanthe iii oof quek returns ïcaa We io ie blilinen wll ïtoryhonsekoeperm, sudteady ~ sP je» iili goserslly al lied>switls eomy md adrantage. uusi P t I t, j ai simooo Sttre#, Osha.wa. Is tfcgLy nd so4leo.gr .ehriee4irodi IField,- F ov1yer,. v iyni and Garden. if'za'l , IQtTOIS4 .Wines, Br"andies, " e~s W U tospruî,mr. he LýU.aJ-IUl uEil 1A .F.ALy. 0F ALL- KINDS. 'UJS-H RO0O0 _SPAWN RY NDGLASS WÂRE, ~tektbi -evr .at. No. 1, lkb Whitby. May 8, 1867. 18 KNOWN IBFACTS!1 o GIBSON'S Largo and varied Stock of Is the best. G reat indpceements are niow be- ing oflèred. He bas just opened a splendid lot of the celebrat- cd LY13STER COTTONS, at redvced prices, also 500 superior Cotton Grain Bags. An endle>s variety of FLOWER, -FIELD, AND GARDEN SEEI>S. A complete stock of Hiardware, including Fatîners' llarvesting, Tools, &c, SALT, PLASTER AND WA- TERt LIME. DRIED HUAMS & BACON. CHOICE OROCE RIES9, EXTRA BLACEK AND GREEN TEAS. Fames'prdue akn n YEOMAN GIBSON, Farmrs poduc takex ehactnge. Don't forget old No. 1. Grand DISPLAY. 0f Straw llats, Bonnets, 31illinery'Goods1 -&C,' &c. LOWES & POWELL. A ipIendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goo, Trimmings, ParasolsiLRibbons, &c; LOWES & POWELL An immense stock.0Ç Scotch, English, and Canadian Tweeds, Ladies Mantde Clotho, &e. LOWES & POWELL. 2,000 yards of Carpets in rtapestry, (ail wool,)~LOES Uno,&ep k.POWL Tailoring Workmeni to- ordecr, and- by First-elass LowES &POWELL. Ready-made .Clothingr.SiIk, Beaver, Volt, and Straw 1 lats. The largest and mont 'varicd stock ire have ever showu our customfers. LOWES k POWELL G11OCERIESP,-as [joual, of the, best, Field and Garden Seeds, of theý-best, and at. the lowest possible 19OWES e& lFOWE!L OO w~catieeuie <blir ftc uitln ci ern el Cas', tiewthavti l tiretalcu R013EUT WILKEB, 4 Agent!- c.I~a Auburn* Golden, Jllazî kBlJuI Caris, 5'rodtred le Ibe use <ifPsf. DEI DRIEUTX* I76Ej l'y, eIIE .Us =fpicanis. wrnmed lu5. the ammus,>ili sai .aA«gruait aseiiherazmd = ritig;eo.crUr-ary ina«uirc cutis. H»a.Lesti byiiet*bngl' Ilran. sudldNfdu.t tht Vise iy nIs ,cIg n.l rsu.i& 1, . smrJ' Curai ...sskd fIre.Addru H11650E11. 55$i £ & Co., ýChmcut.. Nn.OU"&URer Mtus> rssyMï' 5.5alest Il,.. ursthUnlied'obaiemtj Store forSaIe. B ete u fli be4 bujnmlu- :::: ouli ntIsle (CODWt7 ut Octane.i 58S if 1 aujl t2IfEAl FOU (ASII, Fr <aiser jsrrtiesulm aaçp!, Ly lester t.c-susd> Ilay 22, 16d,. SA. lu. JIETTER TIMAN» Madoc CoIde A NEW ANIE3THETIC A GEN TI 1For extraeiing Tecil, ithoat paIn, at W%. :]E. 40A&M 'a DENTAL 1100>11, DUNDAýS eSREETi IVIîzT-n, C. W.' ItOOxS.-Ovrt MJi.Cochranse& &M So 26s IstuMac lt , 17. 19i Lime! Lime!!1 DIE isdrits.dl etîow, and wfll leeji T cetatisstlcuà'iff,dtliig tisemaaeu GEOIIGEl'OWN111LIE, OfI suporiorq. îty Vr aie ÃŽVÃœOLEUALIE &REML D)UNKLEY & WIOKS IJUILVE,o., WUTT Igr Appliq*tio, Ule 0100 uad to X. É; 11jis wo l t ai l c *1 rderal.ftlia (ý. sold b>'lte 16a fit thsaamd'prl.4a CMo ileprocsiee wlsre bisricd. W ittby, ma>' , 1667. 2~.l Mustb. Paid, tl'icticia t fe al sla fi ilMortgage, Not é, or ]okl)ès, 44rbwîb N Lititi.ce vli ýve RoalCB-teOJ 1s1s l'or remuvitsg upurtluiss unir .>sll»> ,1.4l,4 tl. i>0s. 's5il . 51lic 1.fil s 44.'. l t s4 t 5.45orii ..>.alr-l;>ilo t'fil ;->srsa t!s"il fh.g un9 o' ,le Wltod il J.my itl, e t intu fiOs nus>' u ort n>15,r t>.. o. 1-sni y Otrice 11-41 ty i l uoi t tîs o urt"! -1.1) iii tre eri t îccIsiti au>,docli fi, Wi, JUNElle ut of18j7- ,Ifa î l iuîr oh12u'lu( of t , u woid aI- Irois t.> %uih ,rs oins.ts 'J iItk istc ad TUEMAY, J=E 11t, C.1867 'Atthejiir it 2 'oi l. iL of is Sloifs( 1 'tce C rier,(*P,,illm Mbt>,ia'14, 18C67. ts-i Rom EPmape0%r 6 CENTS 1PEUL OLL. ]3oautful Satin Papor, ONLY 25 CJLN'1M PEUIL OL. Window Slinds, 5 CfflTs £ACH,. AT JAN. R. GERUgiE'M oAIT C ILS, c W1I1TIN<l," lnitii.r ss~ ~>710li SALLE! AT, J. il, (IERIIE'S 18-liaFàgi,r l)sve S'nuua. hbc dois 'front aiti chinaPA cf cauimifsg IY aaid b.ip t. ssppriudthe vould pr4fr ai~ but vosld s1s a. rard as il, Owd voto lb. tu Ibo diouow aies £Caima .5 0 sb. mu- Cot~man, fou Our reudms A b i.h.p SAgrelstuian iuviicea of Ibo Id by hl 'iii.5rlto ho valae of00sMa n cf Whiiby by ticl> Coeuîy . ut a- tse lime id I Di on 1ud. lot vet of Dr" qsala 11.&POsud Lué Le r.llev.d MOI ,Ibossiiýof ïouvarumsa,ad rty La iho ami. ChroqId. Mlfa Mî, Ibare faiir Pay,to bi Usai ano f botil guilli> 0 îun tb Couvec. lli. lu sai4 sud Jobs Non, as bolug tbe 1 do uci maba IOr lussioonaa< aiM. Plamsk', sic odey jb ni bmm.moro 'i ptmmui, and id.,l ii OfÏ tae "ili Ãœltd, 4ud Im tacier luJO1 Icgaimsartail, sud 1 as a de. iugj a Pat, tislk Uai no Duly ist im l Oum lpriLç;m

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