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Whitby Chronicle, 30 May 1867, p. 4

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gIUg5 ddl sal M uainze iassis pri@ o -ie m lato ildtfity oft tis eaos- Tb jb eajýIn btu esimple and ltise Umma IIUGII MILLIER 00, T. OEAR ON4UANOhtCTNS W, .p a bTi$24, .., lm. etastar SortitML.KM rutf i f Lo No t1fllth FI.RST ,CON., REAC1I, AU leare4i .xpùpt tiirûseuroe cf Woodi lad- tIq.iepustv ln stuatea i tstise WsitbY ead l'esrtlPart,ra l'vcl SulPo. Tisa iubiis ou-nferai litlic sls, 4'r'ratad front ,dve to ose 'nrs uroussosssbio tarins.. Appiy' î4;rsessiai y, (îsr by iettisr îra-.poll.) ta Jaillsa mson, ioioWiitby, er te tise Lot Su. le, itisganm, Whitby. Wiltby, Oct., 9, 1.66,40 Dr. -Wood, J'ropiietor c09tIbe Ipgk' sUcet & Maiie Ujeetf Otaa' CNC'ER Inairmary. OTTAWA, O0. W. CANCERS,,CUREl) 131"'lb sw. bult 0,Ylntn, Npety, neL:,'% ointe» roeeaud,, T IÎE cure wiil ha gisssriste'a.1soust, le si pront orthim s ay iim ~ Àroqilrtres, istil titi cure lc osilote.o liiiosssast a calssons lm diecis. aredift lieuld lia curesi, i* i;wili cent les. *Dl le u r îwosiiy cured tissus wheu eot tong- *ý tatauiisgù ssl thora e n otiinir ta gain, anda at'esytiltig te oaiy day. îWiiaftnow* ern a ier Ine uip lu thse brooset, ssok, oi'a'iid u olsewerol, or ensuit wort or sort ou the lup, oney, ln a *0w eiot s'nt isstis, tsieoîse ae isoi, deuastlusr. alttroyissgusanordseeea. if re- q rail, rrotes'i eacinibis givAn te partes. wiso liave beaus otrosisiinay yeur i'sce, sssd who are us'w ound d aiss tèiit, AUssssssusstcn- tient% prouiptiy àsioswerosl. No snoiessy roqsirad lunsavanco, ainsi sto uuntil thetsure la cous- Ohàancery Sale OF! R ea E stait e p UUS8UANT te ea csee et tise Court of .L01asseery, lstlatb mtteaf'if ssessniiCii- tlsainPifur, ndoiters, lti titundar tise figef I wostiysceîayaen Andtu, lis sstter et Tise letli Ni* isipa avesty-two' iDAILTbELL, itsre, Momter ort ggtiscea Caus' at I Wllt, wiiibu miuid y tioiclsi iLsier, At lits Chatmbers, Byron Str6eti, IN TUIIISAlU TOWN 0F WH-iTTB-1Y, Kondayq 3nd. cf Jan#, neit, At tise hour et twe es'eeck listise efttemos, lu two PA'ceis. tise follswilssg visissbie lansAissd preuieuo, lu tlise 2tswlsssitslos.of IPIOKýERINGJANED IEAU, lla.psalayfbolisgctssspised ort ts o Ut-. itai! of' lot usumber twofily-oise, ln tise aîgith cottoosatilossoetttse Towsiti.flll.e Poring, andi thse s#sti-wr l oat.et es samier twaity, lu tise WAtoCeL 1.-llcisrtise euth-fialriflot mftsiises'twosity-onois lus th isa listh o)oaseaelu of tise fawnsehip or Isakerlug, lae»tels Dores@ aold.off tieseisurth- part lifroot, coisutssli i,Use ieraseisot sxty serastis presuisln Ri; u a~e~tat.e feslition. Uo h rsir _ asiieili'erk lin", witis qoosi alse84Orolssd, a*"aInover flillug s vte t1lureo. % 84sS&t e t y1,t go oeve làth -Cossago Queitasis oe1suand acrmes, JéO*,,tIs lot liéa uîsluprovad. ow,4itionse ofiqlaaretiestandt otisa Courteof VIiiuteoryilwti Thé pçreisaser or purchasoresal -tia» of slie psy dciii ta titi itta 0 duSaft ton doiliase fer aven>' Quo 01 i~,of hile or ti e si ro io ~s.s latrea l~sese@nfrossi ,*fW ,wit t%îfor weulea freomtiseda, il.pisseismr or p iissrise chu trrtise .oipietlou of tiea Onsamont of tise punehssea sssoey Pa holâù#'u tteTowah road allo0i4m Wwws 1,«W numier cM twJve. and tldz'tae,'-n the flfth S conceolon Of t1sitow>whtp Of -e*- nie Ceisuil of use Corpotatlon, of thse TOtWNSRIP Of PCKK 0 W-8 mm& ofusel tisao rgnelAl IaWsWsefor risee Itwaaun lot. sster twaiva.ndtiî- tees, lu tisa teurt Cctfis a ssas.laofttsetus- silp o et lrng, ce lwasvthofteJ lotis osiaus lina, for A dIstance cf 'M cise Isusdradsud anti vtyi'os, batise sa@neu y#uoer leue, shsiliha, ansitbiesaiels e lseby vaclass lu lîfiry Crawford. iMnr., lis bieis sudi assgnlereartitit0asseem a%- feslsgtrisur est'seo es otise od- l'O gInlsi chowsssc, far rod asaitietaeIlete 10 ituesibertîssve nusI tfistees, lu thse fourib t eesssasslen cf tise towsssislp of lkrnt- auelsnords of uorth-.s'st asnge of 5sont e11 Issif lt ltuiumiiar tiaiv, fa i lstassea of aeie. iindrea an-alA tîsry r al WtW saMin sora or lasm, sisal! W, 'Stie0 m veettad InGeorge 111*1 h)làlrs1silse oignit, terevar q sisossise arse inug illt fmi- 4 tiier northin cas uis ettaIseolfn4l sho- ans itlîrin, sn Stse furtis-concssiotn of 1 tise towsili-P lpcf 'karissg, slés nortis of dortb.weiit sigle se' lot ssor wnasi by Georgie Iliclo, for s distance et eue isus- S drA irodâs, b. teinsa os ueor lae, ishah bu, asid ti smnse vestea Inte lluari- 4 -ferai, 1,ls iltandsucls.cgsse, <rèeîartiane cosumeuclug et fifti conceusiosnlino, ceù scueli nf original aitoîssice, ftr rouil b- twcess lote sitimober twVolve sud thiisan, li tisa 515h concosieon 0esttifsetowncip of -Pickerinsg, se0liais0sîsrtis et fftb oaossesslois, lino fors dintesiceofettwo isîalradi goas WuisMais incra orlm&s 'ililitbesisal *â tise saie leis erai,'vastes!hIù George Bal- lard, Sata., Msie bait* anald sgsfs vn tisaico eîtaualang fardier isertis,00se uue oftie orilinta allowatsce. fer roïds bete'eau50 lots ouil1'On twelv anudsithilrteais, lui tise fiffit ecossualess e tise tswuihs l f ik- erissg, atliesn, nutit ut portis-wast eanglaet oontwhaif est kt inommer tielva, lu îfitt esaeasdu, fer a abl.ettne onea isndnasi asd twave roda, b isoin~s motcr or laos,- miait 4 a cdthsu mIn Isore y asitÀd Ien Pretiaeàk Green, ftu. ai s -and a s- .jslgtse, fuirers,; isiser eîtitority ffly-liiw - swîseiysoftPiceilng, p bcaa, hansid teisaesala beroby 01esetea msaa ssulie I ogts. -Vosit tise portionsof tise ali originel AI-. laswance ftr rosai,iseroby clofoil up, sdai tise ceusa la isaraby reosud la Ilasir>'SIruw-4 ferdi, ifni George llk liolmats Craw- tare, Gao. Iluluori, andsi rdrici Grene, $aqsr., thiar boireanad affelgifëo vir, OU consflit ion ttit s rouainisseau U gvasinl liasof saii rossi llowanoe, b>' part" mfoiasait.l- i T E ehore le4 a tise ceoef a BlîUI- T tanaleates obu îsee;ead, b yhe tIi Cusil of là tihe corporation o est tis il t 1 ' lckeriug, etam meatlssg te blie ellit tise Town 1Hall, Broughm saturday, 15th cf Juno, neit, Ilatesi et lPickerng, tut, Iths ais>'(fMay', IIECTOR BEATON, 1S-4li i.zuioor 1'i;xcosse .Z3t-M.wor tie elosfag up and Oake of a certa road affowcance, tere,- in mnentilnd 'Wherca, i onun Cfl e 2tido4-I/he na- Iund formilon of t/he ground, <i ià imprasificable 10 construct a pub>- lic passable Jig/ueay, on thsesoidlt-. ltaif o/ Ise aliowance for. road, ba- itzoin lous No. 32, and Set in I/se flt/i concesion ofshe lownship of Pickemaring, and t i s desraUai-Ikat I/ce ssanmai /dtai closaici ip andi solti. mose sre Tlseretore te c onucil of tise Corpri6tion cf tresi 01thtie Townisap -et Picering, eati afit thel s-Tist tis oisti-lalt estthailoenca fer mosiot f ross, bitweuu nlete Ses. 32 and. 88, It tise usons or flfth coissossisor the Townllp of Flair- ic ec- up, gaieaipublc roua otr isgiway. îtafl-fso.-Tisat itshah01ha tise luty -of tihe eevo, suid h uulcy atiorzaandsriurd il et tlIsa tusuiieitlatay'ùtatloleB-fssw oeie iao « lits amelite fonce, to tensden tidsadertlon Iîsii e rofsmaallaiwuaa seasyrnntoe, te suaiY, tond tise pate le. ilses satit.asjoln ,for the sum i tise day .oie ittudared ansi twnty.bédolais. - ' of talc.Sa,-Jihat lrue0s»of tise refusai ettis e prdu i sign au *wlsualande esjolis sIbo i ahowassaafor etrimss - .rossa, te saea thlie als#idooanee, for tisa mass5 . alai aumof t oua hundre ins4 tg autY-dve' dollars, tisantise seeve ilt hll.tisea îise ,itètisîe- to 5 ssny es rpart>'or pastio, se o >' be et StArs WI11155g te gite thaçrefor, ti ain e, or goy' te be la -greafer Om,-- tise ssd 4m.-Tis ttha ere la iesby sutbeld ssd à .~I.... aasea sie oam. andmc ."eaur -rvi t parties blsy ia'bava as.trefai sd sal shaI cerne loto fer«a cediatel>' afler 15 hahl i b>' tise Comcil of thea 0oyof:1: Ilaw. In ais attisa f Pckeriuge, Id la ýtisa TawmhIml 41 51 lisaja ead UsraIsMmOisoaLep.- t a Io0isjeis es14, b> iff UetdOap to a uaié.' ,I For buius pispose, tisese prousuitlea art cWOla loations, ALoo Lfa-Yecis4, rPoOelte tise realduce0of 9Lcsfs-reuaed, Waat of tihe Metiodl.t «!Dopposito tise raeimo-tjee. 1IMP-Yaecod, o otis efthse reeldoncaof S. Mcisaruey. Lots-oes d mouth is thse rasldasseeof Johni. Lots-Faaaa, 1Westft o ! tis idaie. efl. J. illlapr. 9Lefa-Coerai;fKaut and iJohn ittreac, West üôthe raiellsea or Lewis Iloucis. Lots--Sorthisle t e ttssurist b11il!I 9Lot-Saut oethtie reisdan0aet J. C. BOueO Lots-eseeft on Brook Strea4ot, ol0 50 Village Lt,?eesti luta orL.Ptfvats. remielascen lu mrlnoue parts oethti'owi -WHl ha sold on long tatig f ss.'eap.t.' Wisitby, Sept. $tis, 1668.;5 P~RO, ERTYg AND A T DE oeniserliar la pirepareal o te l ent 1ev Lpries, anda on fiavorable tarais, tisa foi- swlsg REIAL ESTAIE s Ist.-lioanly hait an acre, ositise Norths aide ot Dusue SOtteet, Mansissjeississg theisari- doe o f L. Il. Schsfialà, os. tise Sist. ThéeprOPertlis kiîown as tise 16Old or- tisar,"la Ioioeeorstise Suest buidig bilta tise Towasof Witbl. Zoid.-Tlie buldainsgand promiss nown s Kiesst'ssTaieru, witist-buildissge, &ct., snd hi nd aoreofstlan i tscisd. Std.-Two butlding Lots, ou Sortis side of Dudea Streat, atsid lyissg batwaeet tise tisvorn $ttesnd ana ltisc rasidace of A. Rilchardsonss Jtq. Tisosa lots are mi tte "Ciewn" oftiîds Streiet, ftsg14osulrace A as.1u1prowpeet of tihe Lake, atsid for leoiss O(ouîtry arsslissl. 4th.-Six biing Lots Ost SE'Jlai trot, asud li lots on Saut Ittret, batwoau Dssssdaa sasilieMr y iitreet», f orsssissig a block ofsttisraa acres., Tis lrîsîsrty will i he siet eities tsu Lots, or m blUo. ôtl.-To'ss LotUt 05aaai 06, west %ide of .Ash ittrect, on whlcis arc eltsssstd cossîtertahla 3)wailisscs, goos Yoncess, Utardasse, Fruit Trocs, âor., and ssew ussair a roustai of SiiasssU.Mass. Howoeiii sd if ai- lay, arc lns oooipatlosi, wiso ill ehow tisa prassisas te lstcsscllsg puroijsare. TI5I».-Osse feourtîs payable l .Jary &MS, saidthse bsalane Isntissai essunl puY- mont», thsorotar. lutetiet six pser cesut, puy- abie suîusally.- Thost wll lauowss FAIM, Norths X, 17, 7OURTIL CON., of WHITBIY, CONTA11NINO 93 Ac1tILB, About 65 acrescleatred o inc d ser csltlviutiess TIsera arat-%oils eei euBarilsa, cuAl ir- elsard, 2 Wollo, ansd sufiilait tassalîssg Codai for tcssoiug, u ess iapreusloee TEUMS uae lane wsi, on epplieatlon te, DARWIN KEN~T, r Oto ie'tget Jusurance.sud tioncral, Agent, Wiitby. Wisitlsy, April Sud, 1847. 14 FRICTION MATCH ES! -o- t"' Merchants and Peddlers, Suppitasiwitl irst-râte matces, CHEÂP FORc CASI14 AT TU r WhlbySeamMATCIL PÂCTORY, MPBaud for tise istasstsssoîaligistlng ,Wilthy, .prllS0,lu7, 14-Ssce. NEW CAKRIAGFIAN» Waggon iShop, la prmnre4 ta muuofect Ord ore, ail ktsid liq LATZ4T STYLEB. Mr REepairuug uantii SdI premif 23, t, bity. TILIL>& BROTHE (Su0css0Rs 7 0 WH. TILL cabinet, makers & 11TpjioIstes-ers, aUd deal- ers in alkinds of Cabinet Furniture. Have por ciftand, the largeet and Most select Stock te be foud in tio Country, wlsich tiwêy açq selling at pricca to suit the tiues, béing dottemined sot to b u uderold by'y bouse in t lio trado. Cai and examine -before p ti*chising elsewhere. A choice se-' lection o! Glit Mouidiugs, (4e4s ac. 3 & 4 BROCK. STREET, WHITY. TfO COTNTRY MERCFIANTS. I-Wsons engaged in seliing TIN WRE are re.spectfaly solicited to cati and inspect ]RATOI & BRO'S. LARGE STOCK And sce priées .anii qtiiýy before, purchas- ~4iahare .theoy are oflcring greatiu£4s,,ement.% bath, in qaliy I-rat h -trda-large Stock, welI assorted, eall The Farmers' Stove aiid "l'in Shop is the g lace for Farîners ta get supplied with IMilk Pans, Milk Pails, traîners, Hormo, &c. la laet,-anytbing in the Tin fine. Patent Eavetrought put Up with Iron Iloldfasts. o:T, Wc are the~ sole. manufacturers of the above Patept Trouigh, for the Connty of Oàtario, a superior ar- ticle, thejoints being Iocked as well as-soldered. Pleaso cali and examine the Patent before ordcring your trough elsewherc. lIT Cooking Stoves ut rcduced priées at H TCII & BROTHIER, Deaiers in Ilar ~are, Stoves, Tinwaro, Points, 011e, t3lass, ke. 14 No. 4, Erock-st., Whitby. -JUST; RLECELVED 10,,000 ROLLS.,- 83- Selling DIREOZ FROM ENGLAND. WhoIésitle and Retail, at Lover Ratesthan ever before, uit BUOKS, STATION - Y, PIAN OS" M EL O DEONS 114 -At L, A LLIIN'S. NEW SIINI GOOUS l,'oU VAIETYI, STYLI & ClBAPNS99 SWBE CAN4'T DE iUEAT# "ood- Goods ai~d Iow prices"- shall al.ways cai. 0i STOCK, consisting of S J6lain and P'aney Dry Gnods, CLOTRI vn~GROCERlES, &C., m Ha§ beenýcairefqIy selccted ini the best Fin-, glish and Canmadiau marIets. Cotton Goods will be fonnid v"ry much better, in qua3ity, ind lower ilu price, than us4al, ha dres Gooda, re itew a largi variety', plain black- and faicesilks, we aesmeof the best tyles te be found in the imanicet, Shawls, MaàntIesHat, Bonnets, ý Ribbons, ' Flowers, &., te sut al 'varie- ti cf taste sud style. - - READYaM DE CLOTHINO, A.D qIfI 10 GMADE TO ORDER.- - -- -NI M CIwigFielding, & 00 15 ~ ~ » Lai-6 Plos O ie &U SBroi VI- WhtZy. umuf vi oT5Y5#Aà,mâdAAin A/aLU Una, aiva 1 Rdy-made CIothing, iun Mn and B raut. & Veste, of their evu Man Aloo a complete Stock c hIardWare, Crockery sud G laosware, &c.,-ke. are determined te soul Cheap for CASIL A cail is rcspecifully solicited. WIIITJY à; MANCHIESTER, ANUL94, BUGGIES me CARIIAGE FACTORY,-MIri Agood assortment of Buggies, (7arrag , &0., miade of the best inaterial, will be sold at a'smail advance «r«J on os.dbiselyr I~Bank of Upper Canada Bills taken in exchange-for work. laoi Wyhitby, October 3, 1866. ucf 01 1867. SJIIING 1IMPOIIýTAT1ONS. M'"MJ1L LA N& OS We ieg--tt aunounce thé, arrivai. our Spring and Sunimer Stock, con- sisting of Dry Goods, kliinery, Iteady-made Ctothing, Groccries, Li- quors, and W ines, whiceh we are pre- pared to soit at prices, defying bon- ourable competition. We offer spe- ciat inducements, in cOtton Goods of every lime; also in Dress Goods and Prints. A preinium of two per cent allowed for B3ank notes. Silver taken at par. T. hI.MeMILLAN & Co. IIALL'S 0A1{RIAGE -WOII.KS, 163ý King Ste West Toronto0. .~large variety of Carrnages on hand. The proprietors of this Establishment, possess lacilities for manufactnrîng Carniages t at enable themi to defy compitition, either in price, style or finish. Cail and asie for yourgelvesi. sIVuiui, %se Set MIN s f;alai b>' pra"isesamsu For fimi uwhltisv 5 MONEI - AU of 'w 'R. &J. CAMPBEML mar ,arie zurlsuawrn tigg ROBELRT J. 1 14. M. JAI Toronto. J. K O whitsy. C. W. C~'LCiTOlO, QT.iOne So,îaisk, C-W. Ë.-- . nI! (>MuLe~. on ~ TTRNE ATLA 1) rEISTERS k ATTU 8 L ocÂI ItJI GELL- CCG.Wty aW lin srt oe5ty(~t~5 Inu.3Ç- A. Ciaiaor', &dC. ()e lc,t<fis jolisI.8 BL AWo OUr.Â%, Lt B. Wi. Ç.A. Siritr1: Whit4, Csicstr IPECIAL NOTI Single Reapers and Mowers, an, and Mo-wers Combined. The subsenibers would caii the attention of the AI muiutyto thsiFstack of isnpiarnent, uhare.wiil i e fournd imct mner tua> reqtiro, sndepcilyItisiOma sss of tiha y.ar, - ~ ~ ~ L IL - E-M u JuIy 41 Ou poil us irtsrost. Ti teý puy tise pf no esc a Oej- sil A ppt>'1 October le CLARK -k VICKED Bcg nMost iSsp"tiullj touts ot tises tausty oett iessitus abe r ns sans!>'ponta, ifisis th, aitansi reaeo, said accsutsessate tisa trava stociocai tî tisa hat Il au ettoîtloivoer ahin Bruollin, Apfl, 1806. 18670 & CAJIRIA wut 'Reduce4 -Prices, a«, O'DONOVANl 1.1

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