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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1867, p. 3

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VON -WoPoli" b là Wrs A. Ham B'rr.. 0 Ooll.oted 'i; 06hrffrtx~l. UI le ex.ttedi i *Vary *&v7 a tuse amutiunt and 4.eoft Wb til qusrtéro. f i ~ 2- is iluti, und ils. ratur.emo111. 4y tt.énivra7otthtr.st Sve Thcê Quen 1 LY COMIE0V NAGE' &je Wll the Bayer CTom ne, qurter "M. :91E. . l'#Mà sn, W.il. Co.lirasn.il.J. .mois; iTE RES1DNCC-ý- g SALE CUBA? AT - MOKi) HILL «ribar la lustructud to mil tbd obou prwftgtt .uoupi.#JIbr. Kle."le dw:lllug oa4 a1 tri coniveiait, thoa ersNsaqo a ,ni.s i tis s0olisîsot. Tsu- 68<4 O ugt Qau acrec 0l1 d obt psIil) 101, Jolie 0, 167, 4 W~ SrrRAYED 6 Lothe prsinl Ats 06 ,dibmtWr. 0 , l1913ise tb eo. of Bruok.:2 09 wey, twiq SfIbp. 7hTaU i ig te law, te defra>' Chargéa. '" GlE0110E BAU8IIAWi uomer Zulngtlbwt of tho To*t iwilI lie ld as fý1ow g 2ud 4h'taton, Monda>'241 lat db Tasaa> iI Il., Wednusday - thdraday u1tih aU -will biglaAaS balf.at o0» 4 of the oimnlnttn ln machdi-i wili b. dlstnb utud b>' :the Trt arIloni, end 1the pablic gsuvul t>'lr Lvi.d teo auuad. 1. , G. U. »AIRTNELL, .of Orcf As.C. Jîeh. Twg.ps usé 10, 1867. - i on recEiRe nn Lnt Pitlg tar ot Brushes t77 tes, dc., L ut tske rit m 1, tl ttuoia.1 JA 90 ANB, Oippodile.Bon avatrî Brook 8S. hltby. .AYereé, AL BLACl98MlTl, AND UIZE ORESOR 'ITEVALE LC11JST, Poropritorô 0 1111hO sire nov loi glea ntar a.4 lnvilig beau "Muoir,4 omhmodous hop just .r.ctb WtIITE, SQ loiDo no paslcdte do, aud 5à5 màUit t m itamreb.ordored > n aer, uni .ddlt1ionaumci4 Mosi lu cus tntutla mlipilplnhi fJOIZEZÉ ilusi moîuft sust 14Ime1011$ la musîl'4!e uian>'Yetabttshnlbpst inh>l~l workmaiusimtp su 1,4eIy rp or MA~ W0KiqmbIO1 act no i tu e Iicàe to cLetoe of Ghee6m 3za Rtacto1r bullg ii à Jung, 14. Onsf apuolat.C -. Wasud squlngt 01810 ' (ollaed ln 80., "Sherf for tai smle. Or'o baace< 85 "j Collccted 1860. a frf« tu10.ss,. to" thoolvsà~ rtin "Collecter in 85 Sherf f or te idse. " 8heuuff for t« Isae. ' Colleçted 1866 ..a... 'ý sheriffotax gale..6.. tlo balaneet86à.... tr bsaaoo 180à.... 60 Collectd188 "Sheruff tsrsue 'I Sb 82101 74 1 MZ -180 8 183 '34 19022 1084 12 44 07 87 " 112v 207e0 1 00 00 185 76- 0O000 185 70 81 18 8968 2465 0o Ob too os 4 74 Bo8 61 73 87 987 22 2628, 6 71 21 9 64 94 bo Oô 99 52 00 00 99 52 10 I 791 53 171 33 999 96 By carilges.. ........ Dy Argcs............. a Si9....... Iy cags....... "Balance....... ...... ...o...a.... . . .... By charges,............*. ... alan.e.......... .. 52 14 110'42 00 O 3822 6 1489 1 50 169 37 185 76 306 45 129 06 435 51 275 SA 00 00 138 2w 00 00 387 22 91 ?î 2823 i34 94 265 00 9965 't ý; 1 - , ,1 - î2 14 '4<6 119 42 169 37 4w8 52 120 06 95 63 138 20 Ès 28 1019 0& 1 77 1017 87 1-47~ 13alance adit of the Ntbh-itesdent La.nd FtUd,.aaint *hieh will be cbag terest Coul pons, due lot January, as follows: #aa xamas......................................... 120 00 Ros "f....*..............................................15o Tv(Wtb........... ..... à ...... ........... ........30 00 zln.1 ............... ... p.c.t.auétdflt ~t 18.... O~ May 1. "Toayr «M tS balance..... 12800C Am1unt côllected, Maylt........858 Collctd Dac.slat............. ....15 89 Balance ........1604 la 100401l 16à4t 051.1.111............9640 9 69 11y colledwh.. ...... .54 09 Ms . par cent on balance............ 887 88 Sherift'a0 alas .... .....216 76 flc.e . u uo........... 150 0 9 l.o& si, mt ......2$ 2' lane..... ........(9866 Ma 1. Ton par cent bu balance......... 208 055 hrfs......... 1.......... 000 00 Dec 8, olse 100....ê........568 19 Dec.. Coll ectad.................... 209 62 Balab.; ... .............. 2647 58 8102 5 802 tbWKSHIP 0F PICKERING; 105 #p.; ,1 #&lance,..1.... ........ 42 02 Rell if1865........ ... . ....... 928' Ton prcenmalqub@.........569 Belot 8ff..~.s........-. 228 19 May i. Dem 81, TO1VNSflht~ 0W R~AC1J. mal flac jasa I.BI e.. ............ Mi6141 Msy 1. Tnrcn ublac....-.550 08 Dec. ai. Boitl-8460ma4uncet1te18 .148 Clet. ... .............-é 04 S'-lfu als.................1193 92 Emani......... .-...... 7 Bodin.5M-0 «OIS4 2. Clleled...............t 04 Shaif s Sle ...............00 06' 0805 77 J30% for, lmor, 6 TO*NS!P 0711 -May ,.apeuoalue850 j m0296 TOWNSH 0o#1W Say 1 DUc l Soil Di 1860.', ........... 640 ows OV WB Jan, 1,Balance, 210...796 g Uacollectcd '018, lue oso - Ton pctobetle 168 . os75 $85949 f12,6 r *4.Ob gay i. ... b ot. . .01,. * 724 49 !ha w S 661 u . . 486, où1 ~t66Btarne forcollettun......... fil! List of Debentureà i.uqd on' edit of the Non.?eeidedtttund 1?und Maturng, on .thelst Of 3unel 1869. JBDLTEp. oeAEGD DUm:,O 18Io 1, 1.. . .. hi5 ( "b 60 dVo" 1o M I00 ', o .~o vot240 To ýDebenture isued... 8 500 OU Total Coupons paid . ....... ........~ Audited Ith Joue, --1867 6 (Signcd,) ~jj ?.~42T0W, J~ *~tjst1 RQBEJLT H. LAWDIE:noJCc NEW ADYERTISEBMENTSd I C'a Fu BAILEY #cCOIS QUJADRUJPLE COMBINÂTION, WLLL EXIIIBIT IN WHIJTBYUNE 29th, 1867,, This Colossal Fotablistument, the3. lrast and mnost comploteilis valled fuaturesa e e tgented go th1e public, combines*ii0MON G(4NTIC 890,ts poshe u trcin f lou ÈOUÉ 00WIET 1j EMIIBITIONS 1 TIe groatest linat* cftho Anl iijlKngdôm and dutodutuvian *ronclcr. the gtgantto -IIPPOPO0TAMUS, froc lii. W b11 ilet ((0ms bi ie(1 fCsr.Té cnrat îlua"isle th.Z molli or loy Writ," in acoisimed by Att ai gyta tane ni ,pîr as 16te n> animal of h is mecoilthat Lam sien b.cn cxhlhhe.l In Anicnie. The peetlr claracteristles, bi- bi1s .lm0pm7,te.bla bi trma are tlonoef n a tnro wvsml l hode oedibed euh d s au d vo n 1inl (<Ls i A VI,6TIA nI ALÇ04 EIIT. '13*.. LEPUANT#iANTONYT and ,(,LFÀPAILAVlToIIA&idALBRT Th*oremarkabsle anitmal%, nadto 1direoon &b sne,(Lo Chas. .ohnou, baye beasa edueatea go snucha dagre, of piectneele s te border on t lruIVéon. Nu Idea emon ho convoyesi through the amedilum'of langage of LheIr 'ztracr dinar>' mutttdluouis performances. 713e> danç.,ota> 113.anan, stand on their huade, aY [err' tm Ul artl>'0cfothet tsas1iltuit titcred' é te 13.vthsWH o irb f VILLE'S8 AUSTàALÂN iR iFou'.. 6 ia orïÏAnlW1ngthia Ci the anaa>çonvouli1 respeclfnny eglo, tsas 11..>' a o eitfer Vîe lloant ue' kthmr presosîcomblnuatioa 1te nmoEt POr lint vaêsc lir prd».l,=dto,nbl,6 bar.e on< acd truun t1be tour 4 'f ér Lt 6 obhé b'-clsÀue4 ge.te <nt ma the iollowing AND Z Y OV TALE!I'fî Jamne* Mclvilte, 1the unap & Ubtfkliâu biSh eau bit -- nwe lo innan. b týà Mai atre U *Apee. M'llrueMelville, thés great Anstallqes- 1B1 imauenon y, t rigiuinalWlî, .41ra Trtnz iàâÎli. àw-Éak, ad Clown%d 1,4 i Iý GeorfeoM.litlo calmoi 6I e-onmtAultrallan -10,. I'hçto0Ifathin,, thse one, twe, threc,andi < Boin Wla hc'ertdEn.r Son. Rider. snd Pont as W. Lester, 11 theleziosttomist onde besseteus 1rèt'r£11 th.MatIr. du (Yrlie, &e. Narvl. nagulut Sndfu l'rtormtng Homef Wm. lakbgd,&W ma ofaàhundred8comer- ase tae ior hI a hostt et "UatiL Tatad6 , Vsoti»;Dancere, au. j a., (ziusa akecmbl ce eofiÂving W f, rontmilat 4 of ~ th1e Glohe-among ~~~ tchar) preme o 13 rI£M ~ pflbllc.Aeei ti. nIm U vbIlnuare hefolovlng iî- teI leiII ous'BOf wuoth té,4or fr~î bafTarIn 'eAIol Tgr. Bak Tier 6. L4oua Don O<TMtm iLépads ustio-W£lI di Qum i ralu MuTb mutt"dlou wi saer lovnaboullOa.ini., itus GrandPr t, JEdo b>b. "lImmense Rt au Dan. drawi. bys Tean'ýPurMptos, PMn i bYire<. Witlsens epim Opéra Da.. tFuEevansii ti ACalaosio40 Cblidr= 10der -2 yom, 2& conte, Dom sopes z4 114, P NflW à6 l Grcar, Wl.. & Ipirl E1iNG S..EBTi ïà&. ~ T U A . L A S - WÇ an asa ment, fia ,b4r b ý " tbwa-4 tueg4~ go t~ou4~wo 50 Pkkerlng. ~ôdÏ~ Glood Hleavy Prints l2je. per yftrd ftt M 1H. COCHRANE'S. Good HÈeavy b'actory (ottons, from 12i-to l4cti. por yard afa Ladiesand lMiuS1 atlsin great variy at A large aasdrtment of Drés~ Gods, 'and Dress M ulinle, cheap, at . . t dl t N E 8 Ready-Macle Cothing-4hea, at ~ MILH.CÃ" CHàIàAN'S . Ladie s'pring and ijmter tackets at M. IL COCtI1tÂNËS. on bsâd,ü a& M. la. OIIÂE T tlRNIP SE@ *BngiiôIm'Ï Prpl&I.~ Lairu'siprôve Wbhit~ Stneà .6~5- zf<' - 6 AT- 6 ýwbitbjro luneà 5t 87 'Port I '-t- A 2"W~ wV. M. C DUNÀ STEE¶Ti WHIITEVALE tch in Ca1 Aci ttntion tht, senon under l.cv fan o e<GA~~si it C"!at clanMamluîn4'a-Lg mproved - BurCyidt ATTACRUID W TRI H!GEST KARnE pre asi Whitevale, Jane 4, 1807., oos2 JohnKeithw 13EqgS te aniunoob ia fsjegsudp ip dtrons, that hclujeck aant us l stuI4d where lie viii becoq0s aways ii readi- 11088 to troat horms n'imd ocutie, sccn-rdumg to- tPe tilcet nPProved' vetnuilry pria.cipleî, us t n1w1w' çscniy lpe, id op jhb 90'u kAlwm amfentiflé pric;ies..am g 6 wurk. CdAthe$3.oI stand. ~AR8 &DEVL..N.ý diOct>ppo- LIV E R.Y l 6 ,6TIr ~ ilXauder a.. lui; ~ 4s~ Née.l on the (ýftet: NEW"AI.VERTI$EMENT S-., ,~ and 'it tbpet ,and. mibrn8 Se youi S<~5tU îo6thd Ierman i sb.ae l-.ý ;1-1 %

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