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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jul 1867, p. 1

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!. A. SAP$OM. M 18 tro, Offie Byrouu-st., Wbilby. '-JIÇi5"r . If WIJ.001fe i &ïlbTt* -rOlRNEY AT LAW, - Yitriîs dili, Brookc St. e1lhiby., a, iM. JAILVIS, IISTEli-AT-LAW AND SOLICITORl J. KI GONIDON, "19TE- & -TTOBNEY-AT.LýAW, Iffiee-over Loves à- é oahts Blta, 0>.(. W. r 101TOIZ NQ'IURY &cLI7* . W. K-LLNS 8 IIKMOVZD imiasif11eâ tb Onthini Iliaisiuîhr, o»ne.Dor Suj i tQRMitT AT I,&W, SBUA17TORlN Ihaulaorl., tonvsyaueuur, p.Csuit rock, C. W.. ibie 4., &C, i14.DTEL 49 'JIÂMfIBI ENWOOD, A TOt»l6Y-AT-LaAW. SOLICITOîS IN r>';- W. o , u itoria Iick. ôl q Jegltny Ofieeu lnok -tîr-ot-. ATTtOItNZY4tT.LAWSOLICITOIR 1I thue Peut (Omloe. 1 CtLCIKR&ANE kCOCHRlANE. I3AILII8TIIIl' AroltNpYih, çi'NvI6Y- auéns sd Notires tPublie, &o., &et 8 IL. Coeasau<U , LL. B., 1 W. M. Couit.sn.. Cecaty Crovu 4tto:-Iiy. Fort Pennry, ?Oth tiecmber, 1813. I51 ME. C.Ç.A. JONeS nirriesIorp, iebollit Chancor>', 4t. -I 0 7YFJIU-N<uxt duor te theei. niItry Vir W., MOUT~LE, 44, ChîW treneto, Toronto. li 4tI ý-',-L*]L0. 19. JIGE99 13. A.q, 4tîrwop'1 oy IIlIibe- u-iueceyCon- q(h.1q't<Rie, Oohea., . W. 40n I,--YAIf ENULIS01111JlàL I. 4.o t hcîe, l'Ot. ie <'olsua. JO IMDLLIN(Uf Ir 'ÀW,ClIANCERY, &Jo iNYiIYANCING 011..Ris, Frtuece Aib)on4t- oc doonis vebt C, ornnsu'a aluné. 1 - A. J. OGUvNein. ) iUG S O I 'QCUNTY UAOTL Byron str FERIwiJB, y. BIROUGHIAM. OmoI1ov#78te iP e. ni., sud 6 to 8 A . PINGlLE, hlOlgU*ANTTAILOR, 1111001<STREET~ 11Wiitby. 1W!N CLXRK ftu8UtlWIITBY ~ lljU.u.0105 f ku hi tient#our9tCo o'cleek. Auit$ISl&g<. ln Street, a dos est et ~ AWC~K VLL&G, C.W.0 tFl<ICIAIO ,A"aletsfor Yorkt sud Onie, Nuln Ydble. -1143 nont)»»$ AlÂLIF? SIýTl'Fl IVISION COURT- ,18 LtWl1IeSW I) 'NZC.AUne.- qi"qul-Ou. -40-j>' A&TTURN'EY -AT LAW. SOLICITQIl IN ,RIemeritO O11e u"dit doou' ho O-fut n liera, (tt.rk of ('ebsnl>' -Cir. Opposite c attettho cenunte tltqitn, (lente>' VICTOIA JIOTE:L. Win, 1%yuhoas,27 1: T'o'd"'to'f*ns u LZ1555 style fW4,ithe se- isim4atidbot îlstm asd ibena. wileh lusaye beau uewly, firniliesd nu4 rau.- val.d b>'liaisud whero ti. hbesii"çppdp4- *Iitlu eîr.tpl att uti ,co iWy Uodýes tbti,qpenciosed verdit sud attentive 0soqbrg exereuly nodersîs. 15 JMIN MILLER,. * POVNToNsS JJOTEIL, X17 . OY14 TON basg te 'uforuunt-le »- VW bllsiits et thiCo uli'etrVictoria sudl sas'nuediu t'ee tt , alie is eu peud tii iloeol -on William SBtreet 1*151>' eecupi.db>' *nOWOt ss 4 aulifo a îd I i fltund uî urni- 04l,ltatesl'e, visitels IwlUl ied sien>' ooon btoce esîlî' iijAqons sud cgarsetr the Lida.Feb. 14.1 soi. UXBRIDGE 'BOUSjE WUflDO. 6 id Pntelor.1 ISAAC, ENTON, 13EST Wîîesand Iliuors; super1or accom 8Jiitodcîtbu fur, raye rsç; Èoedstbllugancl DUN DÂAsTIiMiT, wliinTII. JAMYS BUCK, 16 Propriotor. YEOMAN GIBSON. COMMISSION MVER CIL4NSI INiSUUtNCE, & (IENEJIAL AGENT. Wiiîy, Jani., lOti. 1800. REVERE IIOtYSE, MiANCESTER, C. W. l~PLANK, -- -- 'pnor Mtioges la cla trom t» iiil'oil dely. Eveny e'tteîîllnii aid ta gîich4s. (areful waiten-,, JOHN 0. MOelILLEN, Accouptant, Land and Cecral Agent, AND NIuTAlîY iU-IILIC. SOfmecelit PJeterrîrceelaie edoor niorthi O Mn. Slaveii'yiLrug Elori.. Wild and Itler6nved Fariein Cie cointies orf0ijt1sI'îln d iSimeue for sale. N. -. Collectijon atleîîded la and prompt reinitiauces iiiadf3. lion. TD. Lh Mli rs no, M. L. C., lIon. Jolii sfinpsuil, M. L; C., lion. 0conr r orM. Aîgîis :9rrimou ei1s4., Ni. P. ':, M. Dn.îsmford, Nsýq.' , P l.1., J'. 1D. bMcCoîîkie? Es., hM. Il. P., Join liun 'erry, Emq., wîiid)y ;ai;d cdi- tors Barrie , atainer, Cstiadlaîi l'ost, Liîîdosay, An (Wib liiioxliJLE. 71>y PIIINGLES ilOTJEL. (LAIE WOIJN's,) KING STRDEl T, OSIL WA. JAMtES PRINGLE, 85 l'nitiiToli. G LOBE JLOIEL T lIEabovorellc Iknowi, nid iitahhliile(i lansd P noîiistiev becti- piiraliîaeed by hie sihiriber, wlîere lie wiil always ho fosud on iîsîd rouady ti, attend lersotiail)-t, thie waîls of 11114 gîlesîs, &c. ThireliscKs have beei con venieritlj' sud *oior ali y 11usd aip; palîtited,laî,e)re, , &o. witli cintenîîs Orootwster to waslî andues-eny moerimprovcrnciîîto nîshe the rritveîîer s hein, duriiglils stsy,andtiîe Teb!o bouii- lyssu1iplii<iut ail tinics. Notice tu Farmeo and Others iv Proo4,b>' galleîî orbarrel; cNnlti' ( lenievit, de. de.; Iliîsiuior's Extra lieelîfied Wllisyildo.del* bcd l'Port, Sherry end - -iae Bran-dy ilor 6îie isîek, wltiî a ist ofi lic. iors and (ilgars etitlie» hext unandos. Aittenîl v#;Unp;o, sud liorsci e elire. A. ALEXANDEr. ONTARIO HOTEL. WHITBY. 0. DAWES - - - P110PRITOR. luperer ceeoinmeîlahlois. Cunefîîl allen. îlonte h le i nirclneîts ut tra,,elcns sud .4 pcolliot tudn d slicd-rnei nsd rcakdy est lors aiwsfys wlth!hîu 1i. 1 DENTI&T, BRZOOK ST., WHITBY. Office-over theo Mcdital ialit. N Titrns Ozido ipas adnister. ed for- ex:nseatuig teeth, withot plu, er luju.y lu hie systen. 'Wiijîby, bOTj. ly-22 Y!CT019IA HOUlE, JOIU SPi'.llLL Poprl.îer, 1116sulmeriber deislnesltolnfeon Illsmsny T fiedstaiu: b. now carrvingebu the beito etio*eliquors cigors, snd roftresh. mentil.. ,-.&Wel nple al.Geodstablug sud eîîldud yard. JONSÙIL. Whiilbyi Oct -4. 1864, 39 BROI'jS IOTEjL'. (LATE 04>e'D4 HIOEEL,) : OPPOSITE TUE POOT OFFICE, flNG 6T., BowK ANVILe THOS. BRODIEii -lis orner hleî ai inolîsor secta l he Wpiifleite lliée f«f C to C fi pee tliidanlai ret te eâI. tr> e»- stnuuogntele imato nec l' Peau t îiedtéupthe ëprt,Idti 5Once frtiolîerieh tlle>'odo-nulý pul ;-whiiie y the xqurc pluestteuira tail 6 dorn up eat oytite n'bfootl, wl slsnduploplteoveu or s b ibt »crlo u ~i,~sneLsîerws A#s ne Uine-te ue eehihsst strqLT~ lim1 ie pîla shpMoe cf tie up teil it e , llfIs oin ipsb-itt d uullnut full -, -hie th ' iue iie, plW.liatst» 1hi lues selid,s poeur sudsle ohali snd pund. i)nfOtnd 'olifA gt Padu4, id nolýd.g- suud, the, bug~ iîpe tlîîdout it 1 h~- luieu otfa v~isrt oun dlg, beard aItii. es s o n~ , ln toi »un i lig lî t oe du te té r b - kîyztTiir,-s* iI ,aePatf <7uooued lefa Bliarc lieoid 0g-busr,î i o lllId noe voli Worlitg,wili mut pls.es are lilatle lu 11 iouTIiZy,-Iie EiielandihM pupe lres lig, lm a Adcys tscsring cqiiljv, iîtiier the fioaèrIsilove! îo, InvtiiG ait y twîs;ltîg igtraiiin, siihi ewoul]u.iuisiible hvdersîige su istrurneitreltiUg jogetour l1s Tîme grouved hneth ineilcinoiun henete luneee rndte opiacs thLe IlIrait Cltd' eîiliralyIlui lte sî~c-l.soud iroin It cstiurligrester pIi>'y, powceri-oc ulil, IVluiell lm rougi ud indistInet lu counpariîon. lvery goi nuufeitcneà§oni y snob qiuuuu- lily ut Iran lu tige oonstrupiton of 1Ilano- Fou tes ub clit bchadistpeuised iifreinlte' filet Iliat Itou is1% 111priuns le the Productionu 0f s ro tîoladlne, ter Oie ie Ise liptiocform oarîhe Squara fort» Il Le tlter ii tic<sry î,s ap oint for 8ssvaus te decide uîoiu; bat tise recuit ouflie liflotenus k» plpiibis ta enerv eui-leusied or itulauin.d. A nuintuer ut tji!,#stylaet ietnsumecntai al witiu tht»auoopaeteiiuuprvîieihtire heng mnufaitctuirer b)ycxlunic'iseeil wurkrneis, titiuler iîiy Tersouisiilsîvsinuîny estuhlies- fient, I) luIa'îuol - F %N'irJ, uînd weuh hietfin ixhed b>' the 10, hosi7Noçeiiihber iudt. I iuik- flic flus; 'etiiibur t a -eiltîouit tour outlige re- sli.'li 'utlic ill Dili) bcaille t1) jIt-ga ot tite ,; a ce , i'îuîce u u d uplîn(i. i e thîir ju r iurut>' 1cr otlier iitiuicseIuy cxaujiitl; fon tiieinsslvca. Vinse hest Mlchiinofethtie l'roviniceliaive gitati tlicir lepitilti flîsit fr 5'dliîrcluty oteeui- sltrueilolu, stuc-uu§gthi-c upt; u uit îîîleegmce ni slss>u iiiiii stylo cf' 'iuuîuo stsîsds L'etvÀhtru!l' 'Ilue gubucriluer lina o real îîniur ut' 1eit.- moiilsb,, Wlh e h is 14tint thlilc neecs.iry ta publitihi. as eiîeitiuuies Mailiinfiturcrs paluuî of out thie puibi iciiriir ltîstruuuuticus thironeli te'iliiiausohtahliuci Iroun uîusI Il1cisuss'for whsieli tluey "itevé eqi esicit. lii pnustic-e sluuuld hl. discorg t dhue lutiuu itliinjucle flic test. .1g1110l' îuoeu-snul u-tîud in iecd ai tiseertiiu. s; a gruc. illluuuy permet)$ gratnting uuu:h teiuniisfils kilow not1iinir af t-be prinuipie ofthtie ciatiïruucti ' fliisii Foirteus, and ea coiioeqnetilly iii, juîdgc ltu do- elle witlî auu it) tiniucouor ecrlaginty. Ei'î-iy 1islrutnsilt niijected te filue nit lisoronigi h rk e htue luaiiig tIse workrnunut. lliiugtishumi biore tiret p. joeu t i'rottibclal Lixiiuiions thonan n> othuer lcuictie,)ice tni> rtcideiiseo ili heLupisr Y, 1I iii dcîcrîîîînud te ktip tige repiiution ilis1 have hota .r tue, - Ited hy titruliig outfilue besi. crticlain usy lina. J. F,. RAINER, WIIITDY., C. W. ALBION 11IOTEL. EA$T MARIKET SQUARE, TORCONTO. i.lad Slsbliîg, sud e cr>' acconmodatien, lit moderto eciargesl. W. SMORT, Toronto, Dc. 10, 1806. 40 MONEY TO JOAN@ MON £Y te tee» on goid Farms,,,te iglit Per Cenlt iaes. LYMAN ENGLISII, Ilarrister, Oiiawa. <isiiva, Nov. 28, 1999,. 47 16QJILLIA BOUSE.", ORIPILIA., U0»3T. Boss iT.. - - AGENT begs 0 lifori ni îerous friands sund te travelling Publia, thîst lie lis eased the- L'bove premisoewhiero lie wili attend persbon. ailf tth ilittiî or b;t lus gIbet . . Piae pattltâîit eball dIf neqnire4. Trerellers sud Bloirler» wlllend ud ple se-, eoinmodiâtieii snd ever>' attentioni yald 10 tiîeir comtort. filis par gri lube 'end stocltad with thea oioiecut Liq nore, cigsrut, &o. I lone tois, Shtied, astn ling, with Ollti Ooler oosn isoita,.d tJillia, 1801 lune, 1866,.2 * 101RITIN11 AMERICAN ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital, e40QOOO0. rj%¶11 Z undersigued lsiu euepluc 1.Agenit for itue ahave <'a'npny, lIs îuaw Q r nend tô Insure poprtyaeat1 e O zII, on the .ot i i-oorabL e lu,ç. LEVI FAIRBANKS, JIr., 2-limes. Agent Whitby. YAL OANADIAN BA TIli: ;y GIVEN tuai a D' ité!î aiftour per e uon 1h ie od n cap'lil cf tis IàuttIstlen, lte curreat f yesnr, bI aIDCn the rot to felg por cemlnt ralmiinn, haoittise dey -l0Ii udecîsersali a t Ihoanie willl li payabetnte ils agenelesou sud sier tbî flrsit de>'y neXl The. Transfer w111 le clouod freun tba lOîbhte oîbJu Le Mve,. Miie Ani ettîrs!a l neti for thele- lionn or Di r for t. o nluug year. grillble y yerdér itle Board, 'T. W DE, lé, Ms>' 2, 1067. 1 ui21tia arg geplo ncy 10Am d Octtolm 1[*$'h~sge ~u I t hpIy ,ou l t tytùfàr uit valutiwiibn7 Fer na, s~pj$y ce, T. CRIPMt. ortuJ l u ano, WIb. l TUE ROIBSON H0,IDE, )!UI*DÀO ST IIEET, rWHI4TII,c*. om sbsecnlberbé teiinoneucbatf5lié thlet 'îtl.Tilîepreinisesarec I eItintly 0 "~ed P'in)#;Itê til'eipst otilce, 'And Iiitle, 'elle Icllway ottitus Coilsta thi.Iloeesd thedoorevriuriu.foudlpds, BI ý7 flce pget and sirotton 1iine ClJ'g, o t etBut-' f1df. 'l'bis ils hie vonT ?a4criusL m"s orManizred .bu»Lemmsselool, lu exiptellce. Ill conseq"uencorufilie deulii ut Mr. 1IL D. Iîî*ercit ho$ lieu dleped cf ln ierly ail the Nelg LPE WZiI ho ilicler tlir înanngçonent «tDr. J. 0. I3IY)4N'I', wlio wifl tdevole hijj, *whuile s nd erergies lu'thsý Trslniing or younno Mailwho wlt§lît » cIai» s4 tlîoraouçIil kitowlcdi,re -ofailthie Ibr:liclîas sp- ý (rt4lifl t à itillesë teucî.tlon. l'EN- klANfP? OO'& £PING, ARITIIMW 1 AW, FINANCE îid i JÂ(TIUAL EiON- 1%0tndfiîly llfîiurt4ýi luyiiAOIr'e 1lu le i- lec lotuin, l'y a fil Icîîrpm oft ixperlencediuiad Ilioromîglily cotilertcnt iistricî<r». ' uîils cati es.1er ut uiiy limie. fligro tire no vaca- tioniq. For terme uanlier iiîortniition, addrers J. C. 011VAXT, IIYTAW, N. Y. April 1,0,167. 2ns] FIE ASSURANCE C0,9 L<)MBAUDSTItEET & CUANilNU CROSS, - ES72IBLISIIED IN 1782. GILLESPlE, MOFFATT & Co., Agcnls for Ciiud. JAmES DAVIki<j,N', Manîager. I NtTJ1'AZrFP neglîxt LOSI hy FillE are elieele'il on thili 1sIf favoralel ternim, laid LOS$E$ i'AID witlîoui, rofireîice to tlio hioard iii Lonîdon, YEOMAN OPSN Arril rd, 12A.gn, ifi HF mrthbscriberti beg t0e ail the attioofc T? Foriver,, andl Wood clittéoltea fe erous clut awiig Niîeilr,,wlIx wlîlioiit e d,îit une of the let aven gc4 up lui Cenadii, tucî:yiîîg Cls5cwliere. Ifl.OWN & ~PATÉTEISOX,. lîiuy 90*1h1 86. G. C. CALDWELL VETERINMIY SURGEON, B EGI S ulner1'e oi t>intimatlete thie I i illbteuts of Markh arn ind i di Vrniiiiuudng oouiitry, tiet lie lins eoiîuienced practiceln thea ab ire lite, latidllie liolycib{ strict 'iti i tioti ta tisinecss lu neit asȔarc et public patronalge. Uveîoc-1 ain ftreet, second lieuxe below Inglis's IloId, Niarkliumn l8 Aiont bgst Sl»ifle tb e .u umw n eeipt <'f ler SîrolenS %3r Frmliliîe B,iîs prependlrePrecue il ordersInoldurs îrgth t às ilel0 0 rnk yu al, ete , Otîkorpifaon W ICJ9 %T, iKETOS, ApILOc,IN1860. iiiw it epole r O ak LSockofber!l' eud sclin g 2pe t x2c sd&x, ricb lui AT . 115 oM I, Oe tu r Soturt.bne O RIC ICHA1RD PIOHAWA dicewmtl Foi2, m807 l, - 'F I us ss Id. ble, aujladvewoi'n atud do wu uslle A rhoiit l paiIi husut>' atelusu ysa 1e;eerhsd lss s.in thjs rqssL. As yeu u 0 a*ste tlic-w, f ninl'Iuustèd ttje4ie or Iàla-uliatu$satelu0vluled eu ré aatil ite&s ip tu y eer. ke ut ts tlieso tfiteinoutîA T"am ùmnâ iy » tendcd ci ne sonles of )-caris. Neiv York Central aRtilresd.1 1ÀnleOa, 1hayo5rrù beoilaion l sylu thL.tkIballeve thegroie u*fjil t>lot Lueno ti se-Eugiéqoadu»,3ya $-uid b>'expoeneo 'imI Waltustulhuus uaetbchetit stimfactory eor et>y 'o tontleirjso,. Ttme>'Tn iitlt the grestcst ueuracy uiàtaiItsu nhltsandiug he nauugliiiiui.91 ail cuigine.,Iulud sam ihave nover kiuwn elunsÃ" wi rout, hue>' mt h ilurable. 1 hope [lelice lthetpic-wlîcu Rilaco mppati-1 -lci; vili gaileril1l sadopt veut velebes, ait]J trîîiiau lueuin t-eail cngî';eerm snd eoîuduutors.1 Tàin>' opinion t would groistl>' tend te pro. uiofirgulalant, sauet'.- Ile Maireo nw ite difforent gralaet o valehes, nanied re'upeetiyoly anelullowit: ' Applffi, Tr-acy d- Co., '- 1il'itliam, Ilusu. 0tIslanbu hIatcA Zbipany, Itlihti,, lfuu. P. S. Bas'IZ.t, ltVuWuim, ,Mat$. ume Match, ompany, - 1oàOun4c. A Il ofut tese, witl i h eCeepleo fthtie nomei Waieiu Conutilty, irc wsrranîed h y thie'Au- erleau IaComonpany t o iiiut - iof l us Icrii, ou ite nieot epprovcd*prill i ud to lOle.4feoi- de.rn sllilltiiso- - Wacliet; Js-i7 ce4leilIthe optsnny'e tnerintld erd ef ti lurnrauul, wliich11u sisunsiiceounhieuiy Cch u vatelu salIj, s'> tiutaIuyce ni a>' teel sure tlie> art puuctssuuiuig tIse geusuiuu article. Tsn r iiiiicnpnus uiterfci% its îîul inilalioit.uof Utnr wtelies soli hutluttbot xthea country, andîlWC wouuld c~itinillcpoers le hacoil him guard 'Any gradtes uit Waliuain vatcema~l be plireliuises etWatclitdeffans tbrouuglient tite 'ri-sîutuoiulmx asbc e l'aincisin application fraonisusu>'persuuuiitçi l itdawli ate worn the wstehue, aithu lIe grs-stest s .tlsfietion. ROBBINS & APPLETON, - 2§;htuanÀTA, T'(w Yeux. ROUBINS, AP'PLETON & CO., 13WAaiS=GTOx SfT., Bccaieo, Gencrai gns ROBERT WILK<ES, 91 Agent for Csuada, WHITEVALE Plning iiis. GIEO. «ILCHUIST, Proprletor. T IIF PallIc are respecti ii>lu Iitanni! hui liseu 11e uunee iisOhs-iou esuclsuneu(d muid exlidod, aî.d liiuiultulecuu nu-moves 1 thua large anud çumiiuodious sua1', ju*t erechcd b>' T. P. WBLTE. EýSQ., IN REAR OF 111E MA.M.&ClZIUaLS. 'tlîe propnielan is newin cat'id ta do, sud cxe. Plite unuy onuit ci work thua t uiat ho rdured -liu'aimg élcîni pater, îsuî-i udditit-ucl uiieii- ns-ny ceted, sudd-ictlnge ut countruction fr- eIATCIIING, And evar>' nnd sil description ef JEIIN ER tîVîIîî. îMe tis "cenfidlitsî het lue wiIl be iti a position ta compote iiuan>' eslublisfuient :i the lProince, hit lua rki auipllp ud sele of p.hecl.. - .1 . - ý ý - . r2V BLINDsu, SASII DOtMl, M(>ULD- ING-IlConelantly oit t0'hCK-Stuiool ituuusî F~umur ai ud sanoic bittimra ici ceneclian icitl thesugnawiig -enulerppe ofthIi8 sectis,u will rpct.itp eFleciat sud st-dicd alîcuilion, T'ho MnuIaeure èf Ctîeeso Boxes$ -F01R SII'PPIN(I. heaispctct.iftsatlans Ion hp!Uldngo fuuis- cd, andostîiates gircu. wu.itt-raîio, 'itl Julie, 1887. ol Snes-23 IIELANCE' MUTUA4 ASSURANCE sociETI., 'Ilead O0fl0e--71 KIng William st., TEU 8TZIgfft Tie llmgliî Rer. thce sor o<Mloaaîaam noms Vuscouur 1< xmm, ,ILS8.Pu ro Z&Q.- sIR JonnauîTf-voi o e uusLer .. CANAN I. BRANCU--cerner t plVan- >DiRECTORS ;WLEUSusî nla., 3L1.1.CltuirnncSn; kôuted in. Fié ; lIse., M. D., L1L..JJ'W l itxeo T. W. GJUIFFITH. .l~ues eo $.rde'j~iurOisdd. orun4 lSrouginle pts (ig le Io dspnmu t wu e lages ap,ýiPs n be ishsud,ti sts. iss prooi<eéven if r#bIheeitîl:ýpéd aitée the ihuip'ws cari awa>'. As <o viot bad Jecom.e,f îbe-cr.w not4ingi s ienown, Thie ispq uti4lis spryo undJqg reef'i ¶nctuqe lsrge lagneunt ëicaod acrou suand 4. desv'iee'îe r'esebsfoule o tbe- neixbhariug Isad- -Whatser îe>' *teoed04-énd vwere mmpis. are cruel savages, on ,viothen #lie>' - ere drowned at ses> iiliprohsiblyinaJn:îi dhseleê4 tereien. - Tbsr ,Cantouî'e reord, gue>er t ooIabir sul. --Atoediak Io Lieyd'.sr6egioter. ijie Bengat Brii sh bip, Cauîton*is rîportéýd te eane siîks, on the vot~>ent cocati cf rht. e~I-c1 lIsauj Aergatpossession, 1 n lie yea 181é, and- was -noer mono heard et.o Who was heu espîsinï inhe were. betleffloers aud vwiaI ber ljdig !vas,' if uy, lie r. is nu mee facrtsininx. Far saa iu n ,iaud finu>' auachtiug hsaiit'*àited paiutly tdr tidiàgs of, tSà missiug sbip, antiltht eys that onelueain-d brighî viti hope, grew suupkeansd,,fsded, sud,, te rua>' cheoics grei van, and tip raven tresses ailier>' gray'. Éarsy noros ieocn mnany a vistul gas. muaIt baie been direct. ed, lIong, long ego, for the. vesse1 liaI vas ner to ne.enlee a iqins port. 4'luxiwy sund tsar, conjecture, doubt sud uncertsiuîy, musae asmerged at leuictib isotbsî d-ul bopèliepe;swhieb welis edevra as honing spirit tirouji s hf. e à?painfoil eqdarance; bal hcipe sud dauht uandsuxicu>' pnd fean vetore f rahless, tpr theexpectedues viere sleeping the sloop which knewu ne vskeiug, aiang thâ fsthomioÏss deepu whyere theboà Ïia>'wtérs' sivoîr sud rol mong l'lie oceôt lcaies, or lyitnug*unbanied sud nubleas. sd ou fie auid soilutorthe.savage hauunted jules et. thé Fscific.Qu Oe inore loueur et the nid romanche of the ecean, eue lule lifting et the dsnk carîsin et the pust, sud the veil oet usysleryfal agaiu-uoer rte bu liiîd again inluthe vqrld. Ax ExvaltaibwmtY Soes. -Yeuterday moruiug the Rieid. Wm. W -, vbo la temporaril>' uder the carse ofa keeper, coutrived te escape te tbe roct etf<tue bouse, -bsiing on, bis, dressing gevu euh>', sud csrryiug a bible in isu band. 'Th. révreud g4rtlentauumade bi s wayever the roofs of severa heues until bhm esunstoe cMuon,,% Armmayard, wian, îiuoeving eff bis dneising gowu, sud -appssring ira à stitae of udiîy, he- gais 0o«ut-8 sëî -sud bekan 'clavening s sermpon te soin.- perseus vihua4 ies aet- !racîrd b>' bis eztrscrdur gesticulations. 'Fle palc tiosuihatwenîCiedtq gel' upan the neof c'f su àdjeing hrouaes, sud Ibert te addness ths - raîerend gentlemasn, ne. questipg hun <c leste fils dauo'eruussitua. tien. 'FThe rsîerend 'gentleman .refused, sud viien the Police haiuj bholcl ot-iinthé (0o'aght i!igerousiy, sud vas nel .ovcrpawr. cdunutdti tîr s strugalre ef anme durstian. The police saccedcd in geîiug îfus rer- erend gentleman tbroogib a hanse'iu Hans- eter Square. Érad- #ubseqeenîly libu vas reumored-d j e ensîody oethIe kesper.- Lesnf6n Star. der," maya a lady correspondent et-thc Calhfornis, SItn4dgp ercury, I~liaI saine voeiniare old mu'ids, tis>' are iue vonder. fuli>' wquesmlsh sud partiCèaiar tian flue rer>' pro Ïi iil'coanuytuig masculinue màkes thein serions.,Onéetof Iis sert 151.1>' teck plIssage lu 'ývee er iae isamers tor gsucramnto. 1 viii tell yen tIi-ssic;>' -as iL told-tpm. FTe yonng.te.dy4od éÏrcd aii-4aeroin t on b.rselt, bat utunma.g asîci>', 'ticy vers aI takuns.$ho eve.se pentinacieus*lt,.-ber desi, h , ihat thé geulhclunly cicefîoftheicboat ga!ispul>' ieing coltduclte t, a ie gmnd.bas4l.,i lutter borrr; tb truacs, catu, .beet!s aiid uolireer cqi4,of the mas<u lino occupant- nosi i o e-d sie p;oor erosît4au 'Of tu moe"r,- Ieep boe. nltàWtbs m i.tgui~e neiored ' lOlv esu-the éisambernuid ho -te' Clerlç. '0, ye., tuiu'nm t ers ,' b>' acietlia paIr rkff e-ýP01tapsuusenanhi.# a rdue on 'bis huued laes. frein bis banda lb. Upci te fi-e. ,'Thé eer mm ;he>'-btewr, asudtore a.1 Vnee's rihçiî e'.c gaîbés,snd tluruug ibef Que nai f eth lbe us cituglit- the -nausi hOn. toe out the 1lft,eye, ý- -Se dillh ré ed is vni4îIbroke ii. (eiè-rIM :coretue Meuh ft'mm'batfi band, ttajii ]Ï kéustniand. un. a fuighfRalgsu uiereplhe.flesby-pportion o.th1 ti lýcveI bit lbroueh the fissby part beoowthje uis sund ltore liotllimbe fient tÉe kIesdown ti lhe anileîé,and 'laid dogi n oi tlue-yD'un man. AMuer botb relnaining qiuiet for annue -sime, tif bear poied cil, aiud Vance v?& - tusred mu get ap sud meke is escape.- -'A sinsîliboy namcd Robinsoni comînî aien& fired ahi Ïbearoersud rcndercd bi doutroction certâtI.n, afutrwar4s fo4lw*d Vance by lijtracks tonrsabout s qusrtot o a mile, viuen ho tud imunfait snd.e hausted. vsjmdit.> Dr. Aduddell a' -'itfl ftÏy sud rsudured ail lie sftu&-bsit knovledgs enabhed biânt to do.H. bad id remoee left .yeot,a$7 i .041.obi7e vcsundà,réndcr thé e e bisl patienet. ceicdingî-' prucarieus, 1ieugib bas'oë ethi il ltlmte recoier>'. Young Vsa la éhut eni tuy yeaseof sge.-Clora£4 7%mes, Msay:SOu,- 1 Tonsbie Attteuire oeau Divsr' E.B. Hlarrnigîon,tbe celchnstcd Dotre); diver, met viîi, a aSis»t paintul accidenf; tev days aince. Hé vs seajehBg!uý or l stainahibrasa cautionviticli Ws, ag îteiy iiï avérbeard frina -Cnadian'gtboai. au isd licu eins bsif-boqr pÏder the vatea viensuddPnhy, a report vas hes,-d, 4Es almeat itimcdiot:chy aflerwsrd aýpuil ra felton tipsitnsl ropé. Themeut lut<e hat etonce hciean hauting lu toï dear lifi sud wordjpassed sanit tsecrovd unu-che thai tii. air.pipc WadSursied, Theê.ffec et tus a aue~me-n vas elsctrica7; n--! ruusbed iben su"d'Ihimber, pale andl tnixbt. e ndBul e t rnush vas Maile"tcvs tie spot'viiere-be u slast eemu. Atier vwbitSeenisdau boma>'oetterrible saspeu Hairriugten'a bond appesred, snd thin hb fefi lauud, fcebly vlriig Pack and fenil, but Ihoe eene etier uitren fité: .' iug le lie immn'nne eigbî anached-te lii dressiut vas teund iumpouAibto te lift i I.t inhothé ysvî bost, and bc,nw e I45 iui pended, in thé- vsucr aboutî s oi;ute, w.ea thé fo»rryhuat £anev cameé siuugsidf». Gapl Jenaimis at nc ne uprsu'i muta IesmI'ea sud iddiug bis gLariîic stremsurîb lb tiul] the othWrgsoen i ad a-roespasbd uds Hsirnineotuuî arme, vwhen ie-vu aeamled up eut, of th'e Sater. snd phacced oun î1i lever dock eftîhe Essiez. 1-. le heid i vas insinauîhy vr'e.ched i at' but ïwflef"l %uvial speciachogreed ibslu v,>6lai apon the siuffeer. 8l uifvsoozilg fr ti ever>'par ishibody frein tho îs ivuti&tpy aud grnbed trus- is s e[,Eîsand sul nIrijol whuîe lue vas palffe4 anud Jlcoào-4 iyoni çvstllen, sud hîsrneek'Iooited *tg if-b,.jul liosu choked sevsurely, wite- itil= *ery qtarveeaa bood giuseie liçirm hl, îhrpat, lis hod litid anS? 5uqeuueîwibe ns t4ly. tuP. j"g blatck.- *Atiar bis stiuyii to mhe shor'i agdiW5l. ical Md id hbenm uuuiéoi1~>-l iead esîntiteasl -toeslaa& ..lSWet od4j f;i+h on . s -, a i' àÂ1 Th Ba rncso tlén sa, _tii. e n nthéaf~ romains 0( a Vensellt ai baîbsvn lesti haIt àceutu;>'aince. Tie. Gaifornis pspei-s, ty'lb.qýen aý 'Un0 1brnà'n&Gofull panîlcuisi-., sud as il t nçtintqrsln sto>' o qoteua alit,- restie (Frein Mesére'oie1man'A £1rouifif-gays>28th.4 -On Suuday,afternoon, the scooner.O#r. Otine Miil& neturned <o $bi port trois ar *zýpeditionundentaken 1 t p jary,,in the. hOpe et xeceîening *rportion p9$ $jia lding1 oft ltIrLibello,*WàihbWss wreekd on Walie's .gland, in the North Placideinj M ci 1Gand au wbuc'lu MidueA s ut up~aaLthe UnueaspaýSepgen. On aiin thaseene et tii. heýwreck, tha>'ý touud the Libelle stili- holding together, but in sqehïs position It. it im iposs- ible -le apprachii.er. .She,- la>'. ta .the windwsrd'oe.t te,,fiand, asud. 'hie réeet as se iiesîy iu ber vicinity ' as lereudier the tas ît ofreovering au>' perliers e ber cargo aloeost hapeleso. She hsd sîruce cii- s cotirsi etsud thé successive lides aud sîcrets bad forced hern simobt bodil, an te il. Thluagrindiag etflthe vaves bsd kuockE ed ber hutaiou n, sud asiîse réeet ra piumb dowu as sheer as'as watt, sud' neO sudingu ceald b. got sî fifîy or eighty > eighîy tathees, et course it wu encless te expect thât sul aoseuiderable, portiou et the quîcksilver, which ton.ued Iii, ment îsiua-t hle part et ber ladiug, 'conld b. -resauid. A tein flashs *ers uand,afnu 'soiue phin u cshie sud otien iran, but thze expeditiîeui vas neta peuianyl.tccess. 'Fihe aaer iras very' rough viien -thç.bills.arrived ah tie islaud, 9*lafter liuog off sud ou orto seversi day., uand fiuding'ààoabaîemeni, or . prospect of abitruit, eft tieses, Capîsin Niakles decided te, abandon tbte inreck, mare espe ciali>' as il licanis eridént <bat it wouid speedil>' break ap auder the actionx ot tie relierga,'Toppiog haisboum, there- tare, lie made ssii, sud sîeod eut ta ses.t Net hsving made s tortune by the Libelle, sud beiug loih ho retuiu te port nopu>'. lssnded, the skipper now cunt, about ton samething la do, sud osemewhere te go. He reueinbered that au islsdcslied Corn vellis Island vas laid dowa on the chart, sud thouglut he veuid hut ilu p. Ùedid 50, ftnding it viîh sents difflculty,sud .nsk. ing the' discover>' sItho sime lime, liaI it was soint on>'umiles frein <luespot laid dewn fer h onthie chant, ru se lange au océan, Ibis errer me>'osensï iligh t tles tuîuîitman, Wvie nia>o' sbi>' ihink thtîil mettons viere lieue irnignifiosut dôts"sre iocaîed, se that thp >fait cosmpiem in given b>' lie marine sarîeyors. "It deles nul ncqcire aunerrer oet ot u iles ln <ho positiont e1 a rock, hevever, le vreck a panseuget slip aud seud as îiensand or se seuls imb' elernil>' eh fivet.innaes notice. snd il ig diM1gultte accut for the M!s. teke l i iti nstance. Le-sîing îip -point lu lie seîîled betweeu Captain Niekolîs sud the drsftsiuait the thort, we wiii foiiew hums fanthen. Fiading uotig -un Cern. Wallis Islsand, b.oaadesai1 for aaoier et tisse cotai rocki., kuqvn as S3ybilîs, or Csspsr Riaes laind,- siînated ln longitude 16j9 degrees 3 umiuutese cul, and latiude 14 degreso-40 tuiaules nôrîh.» 0n landing epon ibis islaud, vieh is fou-oue suirely>' et ooral,auîd teouI>' abeai igilt fes abovet .te level: cf tbe ses, Captajû Niekolils wu t sprpie4 te fid lji. beach.,sîre P.uWi. b t> f vneck et a it.t fosirbTszesd a elecer n iuîisitlîoufimino egreeo aua !shed bis atulsmufor: Ij;- beesme ,ei-0 dent tbaite b. weckbad biesnoret avay >s< leui ýa gsnning ago. 'Tb.fragîuoeuts ,",îteredblu c di »re vn*or#oftesjc(snd ' th epper rdear bsands, -aud scape sheela (inmuehalv picked op', JuAndlng 1 fre'uî the sf'uet futridubettîbèteees ut

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