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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jul 1867, p. 2

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WIbTlaursaay, J'ly 4tIi, 1867. lt if l th liu» squanely pu beu.ý tt th ~seamty-P'adyrflNofstàêEtPwo 1f anid aiaau &nîcso e hàtîby <posi.1 Lue f or ceslês.IanSd ail loiAattendant1 ada ai uglearnuptiloù suddamoes. *hing lshsmou . ilos viii bave ta bu taia. Wicb do ithe peopfle vat? At bo ôudide-m tlie idé oai-pare partir goy. *mmem-tb.re viiiiseofua ragel tise usasof pnlnalpilb. sesmof politicai teatîýtude, lb ohl, patalotio, lalepod euttsud utieal portion ai tb. cou- usaslly j 1b#te msaaob.tise bol-bead- id, sud coser-zeaus., But, ou tise otb.r sile, tb. ouf Sgmoi suofimisusaasiemseu alUd ilei; tisaeztnavqaat and -tise aisemig ; ti oatera sud thes0&oic sa- ais, lb.vocail dttiscarosl sol tb. aissllv-b.ud d ai i.parasite, visose =rali s s oyl ime bu aslmated lIatm idcra1 ill viib. -foud. Illà, smoaàgt- tbsse tisaittha politicai cou- Wteailu.ai îisuboer arise. Orne part! vhsb 1gb flbspo Msd asprations, Impulsive, lar. 1ati éal attUbisalta tise *pplsaida isobadversavlas aàustifartoau groaP, iu, eiadhsg tisa laasinealoqésud tise Iii, -tse laisi, sycopisautie, sand tise 1uwlters enslProvlawise"WbilàIstise aide ta taae1f Coalition lu itaelf damoralis. ,On accoait althe airillce ai princpie visicis imut b. made teitIt hla ludoiuusile. Tise X294- aud lb. bad ccalesce iu arden ta aacra paver, patronage, and -paît. Tisey sosblue ta gavera suad vison bal mou eoanblue, go umun sioul uite. Sais la tb iseuslty for psrty govenouseni, sud lu orlerto secolre lt, for psrty ariauizsliau. Wbst,çoel Raformers do by tisir asermte soenduotubiinel axrertlossa7 Tisay vol be lsa an undiscîplinel mois iroisgit à aualargnar sm, vel argulul sud ducililued.Tise Coalition yvhippena ln trit bave tisar force voitl mnialîmd. Tise timlity ai tise avernag sud vusis-kisued viii b. vorisel spots, preadicea viii bu dalleraI, mendlIgunanca cajole1 isy aIl the ippliàees eicis c o b.model i ailubbiy the . eor *bas aipaver o"cesliti is mausilpliad, sud Sgaenco glifle oatared &s aud sulvilii neqaire ailt ts vItua snd firmouofaitieSeuioansd and tise trouensd tise loyers of free, pore, sud ecanomicai governotnt ta vioiisand tise isisdisismuts of lise tampteors. Coai tions idas ébusé paver. Tisa give.aud. taise ayitem lu gavanumeal, ae distingalisb. tainlucasîitlona for tise sakgoaipover, (rons iouasipaiy caiiprotble for tise puble goal, la (911 af dangernus &ases, sol sesoul bo jeaiouly ditroamie. Ihle lu a yard, aoaîing mors non las tissatise sacrifice ai prInciple for tise possesaiiot o paver. Tise auarmcos patronuage, proeas ensd ila %epclscy, viîcitisa Cosaliio t*ai islaeviibave go diolpiea, viii aitract &il tise baer nature# cf tise No,-panty snd ait tise loase-IeisoaParty viti i ilsmesis sud ailtithe retosî oa genarcus spirits viii b.uisacesary lu stem thie tide of politiosi corruption, amI tise aiitits viic iba fod gates af Colition viii opels toit. thse purty ai propos alnytuo t sroat unsoagi (or lb. momuentaesucemsuly ru, sialI 1 ba i aery dllye existenae of a C~oalton vilii *tscease tbir it mms oui mu as Pl arty sîrongen sued thi flia"sud sborteominga or coalition viil malta lb. Party formidable. nie grast buié; ai lb. peple-et Itout of tise people ai Upper Ooua-aretesrneseand zealoos C*i .blobaPea, boýloiusRicissls Y.. Tisespse, S. lfsrmld, sd easi et o«, eMibbeis, vsbava »- a gvii ~,thgesPsÀia mmos1tlO5 tmIish tUâIflaima an Wa. Bi! tk oa. llamestavy hosare casmt failt oa e-a little ponl aItlte diluation. Mn. Gis, vitS every viais ta usiaDr. 1!uekts, jet iolns ta aleer clou oaiitslamuslook ý isbis «vu poitios la tir.astby *ri 13ra*aj tau o*dbr l tô titis ileili tlés. tir. Iliinsod lé bis ilds PwastsialdMn. Giibs a coquating;. tbey vautilm ta, taise bis alila-Toaber ar MGili,-Ms., Guibs igie @hl ai bau parties. Dr. Tuciser, wib u bal Il masser aifaatme scuesof support irons Mn. 0Gibba' friaonds, tiatialy fada bor", Mdlperbape ladîgàms et ê!b" hob.uue-sud vils reass-is- gurd u sisiNr suocé uesii treatusemt fis bas hautu bl.elva isuau oll nretaîve au uacooditionsiai'support frnu Mrw Uibboys ud tibis Mn, Gibsbs casa nov siforl ioa give biamvilisoni saenldlmg tb. maGili vote, vileS luaisat @avent uhId b. cest for BraonAnd tisus maltera go.9 Sa fAn Dr. MaGilla mater ai lb. situation,1 sud, sisoutlMn. Brow nalte Doetonr's0 position la fan safer tisa.tit of Ur. Gibs.- Tisa fieàado ai Dr. Twcier bave liseavael tisa hoa bas beau uilal $ tisaI b.bus beau isady sed, lu-fui, sd bsi tise espects- itou. bal ant tu. hlm by Mn. Gibbs ,'and hie fiaond# -bave sot beau relisel. M. Gibbs -le pla see alve osu o ois, sudtise boasor als yei b. tb. cause ai, bis poil. tical deais. Mesutiama, rumour vi'hSban tisousad tangues laIosayvils b.eamuci aifotiser candidates, isoold Dr. Tacker quit tisafield mas it la aurmlael b.ou"y do la Ilagost ai lise scurvy trealmeut lme la receiviug. Il 14 couidered uufair tIbat Iva Oisav monc aisauld represeultishe Ridiug, sud botS Picksering sud tise tlofaiWiitby are dis. satisfldetl aI ansurrngement. Tt la inaltel tisaithb.westernu portion sisoil bavae et leut one aofbtas umbero, snd tisat bath sisaulI ual b. laiscu (rous îb.village i fOsiava, Andttibis end, nlgisîiy or vrosgily, many pasrlizaos ara rcady to sacrifice aveunaise claim soaiPariy tu tsoe a Loc slity. We uigist dl lu order 10 astiafy cmioally usaI thea sues of 9, E. 1Penny, Cisten Draper, sud R. L Wilsôu iarc isoo vitbS viisiMadamet Bour la Mn, Draper, va are linfrimal, la lu (iv an of aloviug lise Refaram membrs af tis# Privy Conseilite aabmtiî ibeir paiiey tu >tise couuny belone b. viliijais ta cao- ldeaisng btim. Iaupeiat-te Formera. wVe taisepleusure lu a ing tlé. all- lion ai aur agricuhturme aer ana apatent Uanse Fiacctt wisviSis bas jut SamiS- troduel lun tiis coautry. Baviraiof Our mss promineut farmera viineseed lus aperatiaus mu tise anusaiofM. WiIcos. They recommeudltI as Seing supeior ta aolDy aI.ose. Il la simple, durable mal cisp, -ad lu tise malter af aaving tima sud laisar, ver, stcosmiel.We fuei sure ihsua ton oi araicay iay su Se siecn aifaur Iragite vSre ser a aa thor asIl. Cao b. ue<n o Y lu ino la-s. grain; Tise %ae oyanseau b. eat tIhesatone ai Mn. Ysouna n ibseau or at th Boisson Bouse, ubare the agents ion Ibis coumty, meursa.bise & Day, ane uow shopping. "Be f118r, la certimily a utiatdanfu compound i-tsai la aur Wisliby l a- Essis" Lie lb. otel lavantsi keeper oa tisa Auseriou van, mettionel las Coapun's 61Bp,," visa exisbital tis aytiait of Wasiiglau au the appnosecb ai the Reeolotilony troape, UnIst oaiaiRing George visen tise Bayalista cama op, our accommalating lgautlemu ofaithé azette bangs tait Commrvaivle, cahanafan Gibbs sud t e Motaissuner for MoGihI. Il ml do. Bouse peaple anaeuiailysastiflel. But tSheformera cf Ontario aspectà litltimora (om tise manu via catue hart claimiug Ibain support as a party - usas RitSerin tbay bave beu guhiSIa enOngki bat tb. 16Be-Saab" ai out r" eadtisé> v mitb.r alaussenetso svslov. Ds. PBixa, vhoue maoucmeai &P. peaml la tisseoeaima a veais-ar tva sia, Iono ma stsd pemsseul la lie tojan ma busa .fosad oai »li lCetre Ho mu,itie BDon obas ba envient- ad ia a baulsoma privaIs uibeaee.We agusrauattendtien taDr. Pesie' crl publabea uotiercolumus iatvi dsr b. aupicesof te" Win Socil Cmmitta"ai aiseW. If, Cieae vii b. lla iBey, Mn.BlsytW&ursies. Beoutreat, Ibis (ThurUad)eenis;, to sam ace 61o'ciaais. Frenaistnav. wde n vibu servéa lai5sods on tise Isssatcu.Mn.Agnev a o tent I e& tis wek of M th visia mabu gom né,tbastta asseau slaes n olocult, a mbsat wus serval ai th#. MebablusbaU isb.rly att*azl& ,&noer psrtaiiibd torf ea6mam1te alma- 1 lurs verse atue a ularge field, uorub à éf the ownîsud fred a feudeJOir.-Tisa0 guai shsm battIs vas foogbimeissiateiyt îfitrvâàsud wa u eagsny iyvtcbslby ,bausaudàofsapectatom .Tii.. eoauty MaY Veil fuel P oul of its "Saer Boys"-far tbae uestan soldisulj eppearta»e sy-p te- seeted sasl uDotb.e ele1 ýby .y valas. 14er isattalios la Oniarla. Diner vu serval ihomeutbrfteand four a'cioe0k, st the Macbsuics'bail, &fter t@liseia Mdo saa figisi. Tb@ Mayor prsiled, and thb. minzevaa mbers of tbe .aorpaatiou viios. pcesta tise roI'cntefrflvrs««vrsWolf ot usai. duo. la aitaallog.la 'the viola of aIl. Thse compsaulespreant astih@ vo af Wisbytvtw Oisava, GreenvOal, col. gambas, Vxbridge, aud Brisohlu, viti th#e MSUk1ZSm cavary-asaumberusg allagetber a 350 men. Major BIlm tloins troop vers tise observai of ail obsrvera, sol tisir aplacil appearsasue- ellited auoa.massof prélse du everi ide. Ts pgamsaadIspotscma off ai I*bm Pair Gromd, at fonr o'clocb in lb. presesce of a large concourue oi apecwtatasMdl *veto spirtedly sud botly> aastested, Tise fo. ioving ia tb. Jiat of premieela u b. liff., onI gas lat racu; eo-C. Dulong, lit; Wau. S.11hi, 2ûd, Boys-Co.o Reynolds, laI j -1. Hall, 2a.. Tsrsa.iegged raie, men-Maliosevasul Breen, lit; Smiths sud Watson, 2..- Boys-MNia sud Sterling, li; Hals"À lent, 2û.. Sab ra", mea-ataobu Watson, li; J.Pusrdr)s, lad. Boys-George Ray, jet; O'flniasolI, ad. florâle rae-C. Dulotsg, li j Mattbev Mlis, 2nd. Higit >ump- George Mtb.val1 Cisarlea lRay, 20d. Tb@ torcis.iigbt PtoOsasuw as farinaI uear tb. CaauCLeteoffice sa i egisio'cloek, snd maraisel ubroagis tb. pnocipsl sîroata isasded by lb. Wisby %Basud the Bonda of the 34th Baîîaliu. .Thse display of fircworks viitisvers lut off lu a vacant lot nons or tise fouudry v e y leming;, sud vas vltued by an Immense crotrd. Tb. lovu eamnuont Pi AnsuIncessant roar of smundrlng rejuiCing froin ebrIly davis, sol tisa viole lavu VAS ugg909t celebraotlb. day vituskaOuta i OrU100b. The day pusseloff visisoul acidetof a<«Y kinI 10 Martlb. dall.a njolymauî sol Wu, vers ner ossilllmg ta, mention tisat tise isadsoine reaidance of Mir. PFrry as splondidly llisSsaui tel uvariagalad t lgit&s c lb. evauiog, sol preacuelà thast plemaing sontrasl la tisa uruoundiug r Mo.rys Thse Casaederutea Vbsnet. Tisa loiva nc aleleaames aumoasaed ub l.minlatera af iseb.NeevDominian s- Bir Jobs A. Maconsal, Premier sud ministir of Justice. lIon. A. T. Quît, Chancellor ai tSe plzchiequen. fian. G. Fi. Cartier, lauster oai141l111s. non. A. J. Sarguan a Iir, ProsidenIà ci 15e Cousci. Hou. Peter *Miitebeli, Ilibliter ofmrine sud viseanusa liots. Aies. Caupisel, Pasiomer. Bou. il. L. Lsogeiu, Homte Socettny. Hou. A. 0. Araiibal, Foreign Scre- It7on .Wm. Maflaugei, Miolaler ai Pub- lic 'Wanisa flan. J. lisapsis, Minlater aI Agti- eulture. lion- . W, I altd. Mllter oaInl-1 tannai evu. Hon. Mn. Tilley, iitaetr if talss. noHn. Elvaît euney, Beceivor General. lb. salanues af the itansste geulltoei are $8,000 a ysar ncai. Dzovuss.-A maIc"dent, acaunel at tisa Bai, on lb. aiaarooo ofaiThurdy laut, b, viiia sovmg laI of 14,»Mde JobanMolitoau vs raoa"lil ppemna usA aci so otisen lad, amal william ilcÂllas, ai about tisbe m55,, dasof C4pk. Uliua, ofi ilatavu, va.0 tiag & pleusure ilvises tbe bhastsudai, capelsa. TSe boys strieS oui fitise shmir, abouto» aiebtu leyu diseai j1 bat bal t»t sau leu f Isan ugMe ioei e«Wl msItisaI buavasioalig, toung NMhM lmale eagiî hll af bis, um aeored toav@te m ;but vu. s~ soUaséIas b ite effo arasajia b. drovulug boy. lMalttet auli, mal ils eompsais uval iusahb, avlmuiasg asSoNe. ,Tb* gselat aamit a of g licAilsak làeavotbng ta sava#is eaOU- smlma11 i l Mb aa ici Tb. bodly w»@s foualsbouint hurs afiervarda by Mr. Jonopb MeAilsa,1 &Bd tis ramala.aiolbthe siongumot osy"s ersf isterred ou Baaulu ltsiMai Sc.lobuls Barbai rossI, Part Wbitby. ilVos Bsrars.-Mr- R. Campb.l1 af tisa ,yv inm ofi% & . Cimpselli, altous ac foer Btai *alil ihemopou ofms lîdin of ýg re Mo hi ni l1 ae 5ear sa- cw e l.oMca.= -by Mr. FrankBSmlih, mayor of Loulou, Mr. Stockof Tarante aa4 îber promu. ment Býorna.C-ubô1ics' raqaimg le s endaaee o? Catholies ai s convention Of tisebol7 leobe beld ai tise 8î.Lavreu hall Toronto,on Tua&y,the 9tlitslstJli brlyedieenîeuta ma a step,. Catisolics a Ishon der, o0 Olil ior reliiausdisailiteusCaiiolsc, reauf- iiz*m anrusd ibaeela no rasou tbat tb.y abould set iheaslves spart li'obtmhlb geoara body poililo, and provoke bmoty, or stai aosllue lliolsea, by, air ex. elmsivenus. W. gnsatly ,fer tis tise "6CoduvsutlonO" basbeau iHialviacal bot *0 aball sue mou. Lsuiirror Ma.OsUa M. . P. A reelilon, viiisb, vo e rgvTf1 basbeen mialailraaabad ne lasi eek after goloi tg pMes.froi tii. directora af tise Ficher. lag Agricaltursi Society, tbldsioMn. Gibbs. for a lonstiou af $60., " 1 A geutiemen fmous Osiasava alaoezbit- mal ta us aa ek for tu1, bcg a furtisar donation froan îb. memb.r for BoutS Ou- tln tovirtii. fonda its ercultoo of tihe nev Catholis Cisurob lu Wiiiy. 19 vouldb. plassaul la religion sol agnicul. tarai oclatleIf parflama.tar *lotIaus cam sanmalmors irequatly. Tbaeibarberons mmdr o(isieilienu a aonnno n th ue follavluig lespaîcises viii brnug davo oposi Mexico sud las seusi. barbarie issaditti the ukacratiamu ai the civili»iel ol. Is la a grand thue. ion the Yakees ta "1pile" lu, mad appropri. ste the empire ai the Moatezuita. Tise atrociume sas viliiAlieuste ail Burapean symspsiiy (nom the savage freabootera a Nàev l'orS, Joly iyIt.-Tba ?Wbs*ne'e Wasington special ias f.i ,Id Ib. iolaving vas receiiealby lb. Austisu miulsleen a atrdy cveelug a 1 "oot au, Laissuans, fia -New Oraae.lb Cnit IVdebruck: I1 coma (nom Vers Crus i. telegrapil -ta yom ai tise desaisof ai ximilsan autise ltis 1maI. lasartz refauses la deliver op tise body. (signal,> "i'-GROLIER ToES! "dCapi. AisainlsuTroaa.' .10 Th.e mparor ai Anetris sud îtheus penor Nspoiaau have bisntelegnapsel ais. nouocing Msximilists oeecutian. Tise aient bau puodiscel great etitemaut bars Ausong lb. foreigai misiters. "sTise iollavltag vas rucived to-lsy s 66à'nited Stau Steamer Taaan,Vars Crus, Joue 25, Fia Nev Orleans, Juse 30.-T7blHm. Gidman dkil, &crdjt of thse Navp :-mauimiliais vus islotbsh 11115 inl. I beggal isard for bis corpse foi tise Austnisu captala sud vas refasol. Tisa City ai Mexico arendurea au tise 2015, Vers Cru bioldo col on accaunul aitiseion. elgis leglon. Diaz oralara no usceptance afit lIsurresslen. <Bigod) V.A. ROI?, a"Il i laSiaeltisai jiu reéluctentl cnseutel ta lise oectanuiy consentel ta tise exeâois ai o Masimilia. Wban the mesaengcr besring the despautcies ram on govcrnhset lrelatilve ta uSheapaning tise lige ai mositbîlita dnlivurel lbitpackages ma Juares, ibe latter osidb. vas lispond ta spane Msmilia'e ligfe, bultishe pressura (rom tise Msxlcan laderasued people for is exectiosiwvaso 0grealth at il vald b. almssiimpaaaiisle ta raisla h. Tise Totonlas, <rasa Hambur ng othlb lOsi, huas arrived. Thie Lsetemssnt-Gavairunar. panliug lb. appainseutofl Ltauatt- Gavrerona, tise folio*ing gentleametn w!il b. Puaviolongi ULbatenanl-Govcraora z Don. Stistel, ionrOOntario. Deu. -M]icisai for Qabuc. (Ion. 'William, for Nova Scotis. Ocu. tDcyle, Cor Newv Bnusvlti observe1 las a undidt@ in the Ecian- teret ionrautVictorIa.The Doctar las tbarongb-iqlag pragressive Refosmer, iree frnm &Uiultraies aMdl uannv prejudices, mol vwouil do erelil tt b.represutato ciaoo fine sacostml ayus Buti Victoria Ilia m"yeus, n' l iis locality vb.re b. la so e IL isuevieSim abondat su» Bcsaaz- Eiuisimlio,-Asua"motuiof lb. 'ssmummerczamuiatos of ibe Tév achoals soa dlaiibutlas af prises jeravl o1 oui salntaxi vs esi.- Ct*iltacSLe.-geus amilos à Ca. avaguilse b lamae of tb.iu stocks t actbots af PrimesonsMd iar Iit la dme Court of Qaaa' Renaislutl aven lag, Arciai MlW' inmaavel-bknavusin Montreat sd loïguwyf C. W, vus Pl"é nt thse bar, M toairi nal for obtslashas go alsunafalse Pretenue. Tise Crovu ,iLousa sing usaultihe prisaaal bavaug boas alnealivWo yassa in pAolp 15 verdict ai'- al gaot s"' vas reW tome.&Wa th@eprîaoner lea-banga. Bevesi>' Persans vans saleusaI iram lb a ity' jeilatilgoaeylsîeb blahe zoom far ist rcorner., k thie là* aoul ed., 1otnm t r,. eJ deih Mr, uld * UI&s khie Wonsip If suy actin bd bi ,a -taliat iy tb. Cotatiy tinacii relative ta lb. ýdralot rodatefl1 tba Cunty aunclieba lait ilta obis Warisip tise Mayor, Hu oodersiol itbai -Mn. _PiIlstIloDu sta pneu tb. res- 'latlon, rosatitis coonucil ta tb.eCouty call, iratgis t Sad tise hayo0n&u je b. sud lb. dapoty reeve verc mai tise baud, mitiur bais£Dy aape la thé malter. Th b.Mayor, saI tht, an accunut ai tise preumea ai Sous ibathee"asuddcpnty reyla41,tise Co(kWi yoncellb. bal doue notlsiug is tb. malter. àa voml, b oy- e'Ver, 04l1 tisa aitiîlof i ba Couuty eaginenta te<a aof the d"lo :Ê;. Pr eoudel by Mn. Brovn, mavul uhd;e W ,Ibp tihe Mayor petitiona on bubali tai ibis corporation, tise proper saîhorlttes la refuol lb. suus aI$62,5, being tsbeeaxtra Mcofaidrillshed ou se- canal ofai sterationslanlb. Govenumut Mr. PbIlp sasisI vataclothelb.Coat cauncil bal taisen lu- tb. mater?1 Mn. Penny axplatined tisaitisaé Casly coaocillbal paesel s resaolion Id pelltiom the proper autisoitiesi aud, if refuud, the Counuy cousait vamlpsy *»0 ai lie amosaut. Ha, as Wardcn, bâtl petitiamed aise Gavrumeui,-ssaî Se vaul oa atremglb.u iSst patitiosu by onaominhes Tovn camuiil. stamara AiD inrtitviitumu On motion ai Mn. Donavan, aacaudcl b, Mn. Povell, tis aiaittau ai tb. stand- ing commilice ou itreuts sud improvaemeuts vu aubanrized to cociait for 20 carda af staue, 10 b. delivared aI the jail as soan as passible. . Ounusotion ai Mn. Douavsu, aeconldi isy Mtilothlie aisairmau af tisa standing comuaitae ou streetsansolimprovesnts vas aliosotautisiul t2 udrrtasu for tandera ion 20,000 faeal aicedar acsnliug, and ta icontraI ifon ita immediate delliay. îa-ne or vo-rai.r Mn. Gennie gava notice tisaI lue vald, alet e lumeeting ai tisa canucil, move a resoblotnlunrefcrel>6 ta encouraging manufaturesla fise lovai. ou motion ai Mr. Causpbll,tbo accoent of Win, Barues,lan labar luncmoiring tisa Town vaigi sacales, smoamting ta $20 89, .vas crIeraI to b. pull. bTise cauail adjaumt istiil Monaudm, 1h loantant. BI thse Cabteb Laind aJly l,aeming.-Ii tise floua ai Commnuo stisis eveuun, Lard Stanley, Sccretanry ai Stale Ian Foreign Affaira, tatel tIsaI bis Governmmet vu sumaiini alats pragrue s Is its egotiatioss utist Govrersihacul ai lb.United fitaes, la re- gard ta tise Alabama aims; buti S di ssci despair ai mcbleviug a hsappy resuls, The Fareign Officevol soan lay belond tise boums il lb. documents sud carre paudeisos lu lb. cas. A latgg.ostabei of anglieaS daims Aaelusi tis a ited Stal âba eeIkyel Viais, uaJy 2.-Duos Von Btlmib recelive tise appoinluscut ai Chsacellor 0 tisa àuottisu Empire, se office fonmenij holà by Prince Mettenuicb; Paris, July I.-Tba Ameriean Commis abonen, Mn. leakwith, bau ets assae.ta afficen ai tises Lgion aif lonor. At tise distributioni ai prises ta day, tis llmpenar Napaleon sul -suite versacqn pauied b, tise Soîtaisof ai ukey sud smdtae lu ixsaplendil cannuagea, usais dravo S, six isaraci.WSau tise iuitistisry cenemom ira ver seoucluded, th.emgperar tnoi salai c "éFraisas la protil ta b. great, praspea oand dfrac ; yei atobe lanalt niasava b ber mat" aljaya. Th b tigistfi e ause tise national fibres vibrate4an tisbaaonr France -,bu Sen nabIt usceplibilyabol nal crouae."r fan tise vonlil'mrepose, a vC e ae prove aur asiety for peace" fte closeà bis speechisb, ayis ,' 4M itlo mar rsar faibas p 1460 pro -sa~ sd itheuninuspis 0 àanmon principi' lii w4t ad eau alon establisist sud unoblebusaninty. Greal aubtsl-U liévad lb. Rupei 1or'& speechs .aetnhoj Ftie lapaleo Viir Çee w 1 &sI~Omo ilau > w theelb. t e da I 1 criai Commlaabo5 puoceal M ce tie distribu lt i prime. A concluioof aitbila caeusmobny, b. Rup j od l lstttarnWe the sti.NU * 9 D b in , rliy2 - àuc ut a nslin g la eu isept op by haflain l rum par le fi Ilandal.ÀAlaes a otber oaim ev receuly discoveredtseur Wlcilavcngag' -I s p ra c t is in g m illtm y m u sn t v c l ss , saearaoai iaus ers arnastel 1 is vas iseaverel tisai tha Maitreal oc napoalcul ai thi 11evTaris gensdX, e- a <aellai employa1 a inte MautralT.W a grapb -Company'# Oao#a, sud be ,vus d once llisrgel. He ba bem uaI M-.11 M.MA(agn ltsM elk," goalla t k. I Q a af Upper Canada, tisacovenion iseotiiy ahepi lb. pev CÃ"usattcion aisoî ta b. inanguate-itis tis e dturniatlaa la vanS f i oylly anidpatienly, aid ta pro. vide suasob ie euaas axpenicoée, irons ya te year may prove lo b. expedicut ;kacltsc,-Tisat duronsg tise long sol aesi tstnoggle forth. eform panty for Rcprcsamtatibay iPopulatian# sud local counatOen local affar-st, imughp puy iabdiel bis'te ne*s clisttuton- tise.reforma vcne avIr atemdily regardaI ea but meAus ta- tse ecd ofi euing acol- dontt sud couaiial gavansmessi, sud ai iriuglug ta au enl tht lonsg reigu ai ruais. leus misnule viic i n la tise vrd$ ai lb. gruat Reioram Covention ai 1s6p, ttal- cd aù lb. cotsutry a 4beavy public leb, burdensome isxaliougrcal paliical abasea IWaa*4,-Tsat ti sConventioti recalis vub plejuant tisailb.peaple ai Canada bave ioqb.d eariaatly fottard ta the Uc& cessini teiamination ai lb. long sirnggle of tise 11deinparîy ian represautativa ru- iarm, a04 a day uba. lb. iax-payar& la Ait sections oatie Province voul bave.tbeir igisti said eqaitable influece lu tise Béat## advisea by tise consiat afluce cuuy ai Ruiaam priucipleu asol Rcionm Statesme a ithlb.canols ai tise nation, the $moadelons abuses uler viaistise cousnry bus go longslIsbordvold bu avaepi avay, andl a aew sud butter crs in. augurmic ; sud tiss Convention fUlly Tru coguizeo tIhe grave respousibilily nov de- volviug apon lb. Reforin party, by tise largeiy iuarer.sef politicaI inflmance accural 0 liltu"-e nuev Constitution. ai muet. iug the jai expcclatious ai tise country7, and of carnyli mb utYcc vigaranaiy sud pramptiy tisose numenous ncfireIn lutise practical admiistlaration cf publia affitine for viailas membera bave a0 long-con- r eudadlina eglaelatoru and lisrongis use Radol*d-Tsi Coalitions ai aPPaSiug politisai parties, for ardissary administra- tive purpmoe, iuevitahly resultinlutise abaudouncofaipriocipia isy ans or bath parties ta tise comapct, the lovering of public montshity, lavisis public expeuditure au vn ide apreal corruption -a-Tsaitthe Coalition af 1864 panîl auly bu juitifiaI au lb. garc. o i ipeiaus uecaaiy, u lb. auly avilable odae ai obusiliig just reprasietaioo fr tise peopie ai Ypper eCanada, sd au lb. graonu Ltstie coin- puciL tscumaIe vas ion a apeified mes- sure and ion as mîlutuai perlat, soldvas ta cama$ tu astcul ao Doon au the moneure was atainul-And visile ttisa Convention la ibarongisly eaisfad tisat tise Iciorus party isas atla ntise boit iutenoits ai tise ,a comutny by sotaiuing abs Governaucut un- tii the Coufaderatian oiauurc vus securol -il Icems il mn imperative duty ta lochant tbaltishe tcmportry alliance belveco tise SRcianam sud Cansenvave" parties sould nov cesse, snd bai no Gavcrumeist viii Sb. satlsiacîany t. tise p3ople ai Uppus tCaada visicisla (arma 43dqu I ntainai sy a7 scsiiliou ai public m o ioding op- posite polilical pnuciple. ,r timsl ed-Tsi oue ai tse ifondamental spnmiples ai tise BafaninpantY, Dowvna avun, la-tse total asparalion aifCisurcl s sd Blute, thé support af the Clcrgy oai$ai idenasinatiaus by tise ince conutbisan yj ai tiair people, sud tus recognitions is tisa Legiulature sud Gaverumau it fAhl p.Canadias as subjecas-ai tise Quecu, aud no uafitsany #sectnucapaity. Tisu con- ventiot bcartily rejaicus tisaIthe asuV coin e tlttiloit avese aay fro thtie Federai areu evary question Oofecclianail aW s, soctanso abansalten, and records its carnea )j conviction ttht on tise lldclity vuwisita' a. aSie vital amagoardislarai abcdlan 15 id practical admnbistratinaf tise gavernaeut resta tb. futurseisariiaany sisal itubiity r.tisa Dominicon -,and il ja)> (Dli!retagnize y tisat by the trasufreuc ai tbo Igiislatar ese ai Ontario aifaIl local matera-thie Pr& Of testant electilra ai Uppen Canada viii bai il tise appanluss:tyofa bviiag st hin BOIAn sCatisolias feilov.auisjeal tsgelleronsCoa sideratiau vbiais a miunity onglisi ven tÀ lareceivre lu ail free conutries at the bond d af a langcîy prepoulerating Maajoity. AI Ruoleed,-Tbat la l aue Ite doty ai, D. tise desire of lb. Caadim people ta cuitý '99 vrate tiha hast fnieudly relations vilS Il ýr ucigibonug peple oai l iis e iel Bstel the aven a à ai thée public- aeavice, thé -graduaiIlIquIdaal Iis aiflise cutostduldies as rapiîly us Il conaistet vils uaalsaioiug tise pauli fis; o Resôved,-Tbatat iseIbopinilonaOfIbis Convention one ai te irs an ud ést bi- portant Ittiecf aitb. Govemument mondLeg. ilttreussden lb. reformaI Constitutions, viii b. tise'imp .rovemuea of tisaIter",si0c navigation aiflise casatt'.b Resolôd, -Tbat'aoe ai tisa>1cesions b Most deepIy affecllng tb. atabili*ty ud fu-. ture pragresa ai aur countsry id, lio v.e sall atract ta ur shores ager %haro ai tise tile of Ennopmanémigration à,-ýAd tis Convention Je -aiopiniotshath uba higiiimp ort nd ulvilI bSeattlbe atalouit t b, s uboraugis refarm ai tise Crowa tond b Departuenital ysm-by exte sig ta Il prapoiug selliers tbe ulmoulfaciesas.for acertai in ; vh it- publia l aula ar'e lu the. aisr'I.t,snd éuiectiug sol propor0enlacanug' tisein tities la tbelots tisey àâmuaict-by 1 tise imposition -ai a speciai tas on yl a lands elbulSus faoim- asllivaibilafor epea-a ulative purposes ini setiled Tavusiipe-sol -à y the spedy-pciig op fer setulement and cnltivatli of tihe greal Nons iWestern T ur i î t a ni e s s -  n I ,t i s o C o n v ê a s lli s t s r e c ar d a ils conviction ibai tise samal su tbat May lie cat a te l rom tie settte n o r i alot oai yl llaaI fno canaideraàtiais - hlever bu companisan. viîb liserapid -occupation oi ibm soil by a harydi nd itsiospop. RwVlae,-Tbal lb. detabapisauntofithe vaut Minerai lleuorom 01thtie doatfv lais 1iscun aeiausly retardad ubogis tise mus. managementi a? ue Crowa LUd Depsrt ment-minera sd Capitalioste aig Sou driven ta albr coontunlesvier uulaui deparîmuental nestrictiosaaman saylugaon-1 certaltles anal Icîsys do ual itaui lbis ute1 a, ai progret, sd large -mueats eaitlb. Seat minerai lands bcvisg ibeaucabaSI op* in tise bsalni mare speculalares t- TSil Convention la drmll ai opinion fitisaaya,. 1tam ai survey sud locations, eissbliing semaI roperatars ta kuov vil cutisaty wviamiss.1 anal lande are in lise markset, on visai cou- litions setactions May b. made, and boy 1etepiiag explorera May praspl> sd tspcedily pralnce mes Immense levolapuscat aio tise minerai ilustny ai tise Pravince, .Assd ibis Convention regardseh it fgreat .public Importance tissu the ardnous aud 1 va inab is labors at isa setten lat aur m i m- eorai ragions au tise nanis shores ai Labes 1Huron eud Supaniar, ald insil otisar sec- , tions s 9tie pravince, auitle îb.mt to tie 1consideration of the GavaromemandsolLeg. .llature, in tise improveusout of'ise useas 1 ai comunnication, and the sopply ai ample apostal fualitie. Seouutmrcad b ta isclief, ISal lb. progrei sud socal s spw Ip eu O f the people vrol b. gresty puca uàdis y tb. passagqeofasvoli-cans&rea rHýmesiea Lav, by visicis astlers M!%y 1appy many isaneally tie ni,' ta lb. . purlisasof à <anlor booe, maid sut il Jaside b, public rglasta ion rthe beefit àof hiscr <smilles, witbaut Jiabiliiy ta tise afasma ai future areîltors. 'lIkWored,-Tlbsî amoag atise n umerous squoitions leussiiisag t als ansd eannesl atQention ai tise Govrnamnt sud Leglala- yc, iarc, as Act <or tise Winding.np ai il IdolentlaIcorporatel Cmpsaies-a e- vision ai tise Patent- ava-a sîrfum' " Audit Att, applicable ta ait Pablie Bipiu. 1' itues-.tbisetsblisSmeul ofia Provincial il f tem ai instruction for tShe1Blind sud SIDea( sud Dousi persans-sud uSe onananti- alon ai su improvel sysiera ai Publia le stiotical Retunausior commercial, sanitary t endl genaral psrpos. et1To the Editc*'of is Witlby çrCronld. DarinSsic-Tse sapiessi genstlemenu em in pouiug lb. Comiaîy.Conne of aiOtaia, . $Pctit lb. greatar part a of tÃŽr ayestahan cx opceuaofmaretissu $100 ta tise cauatyl de iu tiissssug tiavalua ai a job, tb. change' for visih aSvs $9,60 forpntîiug p a galo, 3d prviding rdar, pos,, binges, te. The ti actal Mc o r onmteral v as ven 47- sacaren $8. o Sa tt ise publia can jaige Sf- o mah ada Ibure tvas maIe about solS. Pe puliéuibs minq!lige WM5 BAUàE1- Tamcosa Diva r mAv rsuaux u ci- Direnu.-Tie AncS.DucisuaMailas, tb. 9 ioteadel*Irfe ci rnceHumbrt oIly, tI aPFlocute la ber 111h yean, hy oll s-- conla a nlavel vus rare gi(taof persan, mind sudI artj, ditl la Vienaos 15e mainsing afigue MI. S einàvertenil IraI- an s lucifer matais, viicis vus iing ai baersfl th liar, us sho lasucl oui set ho vinoaitalkisg taoane ifier raIs.. thrire5Han uamnIresausvu na bIqge bafane se@vis cvace o? iimd Sefare soy orna conillruti la her u ffl s bte.sisin su egour ai pain, <nom ,ilai ualy 4aaii ralicueal-ber, 'Tb.*Isy " ea .fiiocel brid@ e i alas Hmisent.tIsa hu of tha ye in the tiere, mliiinubslalt oi thea otffltnsraucammieaiiil fficané sud mn'iaNa. 10 Comupansy, 1 tisankis att fi*- tie gita tie Flg-tls ie nlndC about visiihs m ty greai recollettions arq eptvinead.hTis ecelleatian of tise battla cf llklgewaY b; stil. fres5bu anO misaIsi *bSea aur pilant v4luàieerd-q; braibarna nsu-pnOvued tliseavus tisé Forts ai llitishis isas-iso Iibherltffl o Briltish Valeur. If agau il Saceninybin arma dura se lottaplon Ouit sal, aur bugles, vonîl Sounsd tise assembling aofOur <aras, sud va *oald, notold tlisabanner tteo brmeiee ;auil if saialitthe nano? cansio, sud tise smalas al battle, onu courio aboulti for shsnsbtstst aver, aose glana$ At Ibis hilag- vould. reisia us ao the dem? anas atinIss and, kno*lug ,tise prayers thst y ou -ahoul uncuulugly afi'r opta lise (Cad pi Balles, fan aur Ilaucceusod sie nntm,"l vo vould Sape tirelsy i ranci aour cou.rage, sund vitS a aiaar for aur boames and cousitty, dre tise encan>' Sciants us froantdr sali, liSe cdf s~ Ladie-Xnaviag tise han>' iiébubl yon mi bt', frus~ bave ecçlvel Irntd the isîgimono for tbfs Fiage alli me again 15to msk YOD f«b yaur. acceptable gi, visicbs, I trust HIi always rpmisuî pz, aiyoup &tiotsm A"armea Orir c su i mr '& Ummv S-»rs Sor.iî6a-À privi. latter frnt lb. Steamer Octaroasa, an bar vu ta Fort Beuton vusb Goveramnent storsand troopp dataI nean Foui Iluion, gives usaneasnl ofithéaleatsofiCsptmaW. D.Bpeer, o? .oi lb.Britishss&My, s peesrsr, vho vu sisotby a usulinel. Tha Waalsotecas vere tisé se euinals a sl5be oaspotama tise roof ta vatais uhe isais agu, Bo as ta give vsrsing ai the appuoseis0( Indiens, Capi. Spear sttel lao go Itais rao, viicivu luthe T«xe, abamt 12 a'cloc ea lisi, andvises about ta asteir wu finel upoa b, a sualinel ataional mISt of tb. roaSe, hlilltsîbim iuluuty. 7rOq lb. teuuiaaany taiseu , b. e aoittee ppe pointeil by -thepaseengers, It appearea tisi tis e soel dil not chballenge Çapt. S;peer,boa fired vitisout isaltiag il..Tisa seutimel vus arruatel and. tunnel tl tise- M1litsran ooities ai Fort Buiford. Tise Iaptain of pebeboa; aratas tisai sei tirla vers ual ai aill ncçeuary for lise aa<eiy, aitisasboat oau peageus, sodl vasa placul an lb. rêof isy uthleuaua-a maulfasg, vihsexpress onduro malta lainter. (bfaihe .pausuget%. Bsit.-Tsa Paris correspondenst of t DigNeW d escribes tise ball given aI the masa lEmpiruaïa senstion seéme tg Kim jav Of Circulation ius lisa - suprubundanee aifStauas thuai tubes, ad ccstlyo - Lava bac t o thie bînat * tmt«iwal iita te isaern thse frce coune of tisa riva tise aisutuctiois vilais1 isA a boie 0cile tnibssiiry bsody, iollav tWisno n <Ina7.$laaoisutntiona frl in aof tise Dyataap iram takinftro.sayon. £voxusa uads long ne tjiseras.CL an us m nun#ck. ë« limt B3. 352ANDP.E lu tise Govelnuenî 1asp 0.11 bysal Druiggts. P-- m . eyarc sa n .arts-4 usesseise Pave, 'ta-e the (chue .Lutasaor iraf. ai Colorefo( ye aM uaib, bderi sisap e urok4eudedst ia tise piasuni by raim n - . 33' A Tterir an= iquity» e, a raatuei a ir 5udpjnbi.ed st tud i br fit suse, te, Sa-b)ts fame, .1 nalext 'bo- Kr--'iasasmian J ig xb"&.c niis omalyweus iuqiyse beseefee'I and.asleah i. a ivla tlw5m'sias5iVýI8 th ue usa, fidU55t4lssa' .IorfuI #-A #li.tS byta Eximmanl. tl.piyauwseclPd"5. yéarutea bJs et.c Wwmd. O~CJI» .wn Tis 5ms' Askisas. Aw teN lataS eL uma is P Ysoua, hi-tise cis f us Te çimrew-sd 1< utoirpei fae.ui re s ce. mat Ia4juun nA mro 'al srrIss, serab siras 9paM and m et f u* (i5,le i ba kis. pr hViwetsiap " "d tse-:., , t rsmlapes flltotsi- 12 = âleds.asw a sd a.. the àÀ mml eiWtsitul- ra lwgmom A-v u --tr4l v.s,5,.dn sdisstiesa us Oapee atosie laazSse eIl bu no..iuts ye usu-11emer» usi.upbtt0is . los i .w'e a.sdmk~e gesejne mano d Efreisesai tase place for tam. t w I 'Il -Il A 'r ai -4 ~ att«eoû tol

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