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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jul 1867, p. 2

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BON, JOHN SANDYIBLI>MACD4dN. ,fitolfgIacta fro t tava s m tioes i fuse sion. 101W n adadoi Kuedonsld hep b.otis offrd and bula cees0the Premiers £p Ontario, Th*lia. OMhrO"fe go be ill.d-Mmptweugb#t )Ir. audgald Maadouaad vilii is À. t4oraey..G..e4... ar of off Uâlbansd It.httr roff tIi Proinaie; Treaurer off )le-Provine1c.; on misaone>' 0<ofrovu 4sid.aand Commiis.. $louer off Public Worksi. ealiyoff the soi govrmeu-tsleey ziatenj-i fa-iîoff ousu geatiy'dôpmnd lapoc who the. muvii b., tbsý m bru,> ps wq.d b>' thePreommrpblis i.îiespes ta 51l t* Cio"se. Tie sunsâement s. far bas cassd "soo sr; ,ýbut ih voutd bs Ibool1<m ta ipouate' upc, avants whiab siflieobkogvu lu" a fev 'd#toj w, d pu e.isataireal ud onoolusive opinions rus>' thon b. (ormad.0 Prat Fruoie B-diCoeuîlon t ToUieuSIPais.>' oaiuillors i 2Yiricen Cabinet Ministera t THIRTEEN dspart- monts 1 611 vlli tisir deput>' biod, socré. taries, hosts off siens, ousugers anal dop.r isopera, Saliai etationpr>' analexpeuses aâf ii<lnùum .Providence protoit sud sais lie New Dominion ifVie ba"a rst, * le ,Premier anal Miaissr off usulce, in tic - ifonoribi. Sir John A., lion, lit.Cartier, Si1r John's îsin-broiaer,- taies aàttuu aet tie rilisabusiness,' iis lime, sud le Min. Itar off Militts, vice Join e£$ýp vi autaeo. fore dial lie businoesIlucomm.Octlun Vuta thbe ic.ofof Atiorus>'.Gaaeral. WL>' -tbe bigb-soauding Mtile ef Minister of justicle . ubstiîtul tonrliant off plain Altornay.Geral la more tisai oua@cie &Meountifor, untes# Is 'bc 1inleep tliealti tils in accord vili b.heneilyconferred tiltieoff boueur bilovealpnporn ePremicr. MNot tIsat ve grualge Bir John isa tite# anal dlgmt4o j ho bus velu earrnel bis Isaurela. Batl lie botilaoff ciaaglng plieces viii lIr. Cartier nah ey ow ans sitinuit ha puzlmng lelie ansophitatesca, Vsbavec bail80mc msy tues loihn A. Atorney'- Gêecrai and, Premier, anal John A. anal <iafier, sud Vantuer anal John A., that oaci ladisidualîy-appeani 1e bai- ebiii lndeotit'inthluàcmniaiof ioth. - Baut liai pariaips ve have sune distingnimhiig pointa mu-le new deàigna;ions of the finm. Sir loin A. Minilaten cf Justice, M. Car- t ieri Minuster of Milîtis, ana> - oand better. -D ut 15 lu, lir . "Barbox Brothers" ia Diciens' sior>' of 'Mugi>' uclion, Cartier sud John A. stili. Vie have nexî lMr. Tii!.>' Ministen cf Cuetomi; Mnr. Galt, Minitur of Finance; Mn. Boy. lsad, Minisiar of Irlnid iRevenue ; Mr. L.-nnyr, Receiver Generul;ý no lois tu four genîlemànu 0 ook- &fier tie revenue of'thie Prov-ince, ssci off course vili bis ovai departant, dopult>, eenta'>', anal9 Carkq. The revenue onght te hb. eil Publié lu #lier olaauas, ehaite totbe 0(s&ol.e fflas popia1.. iu.tiîutioaa viai cosmot 1l9 to ovSut gralry- fistlmenl. Os tb.l ajouetier vu apaidîp capital of $806,520, and tie total smsie, Iaac.ai#g 0472,4,, apel. on ffad, mouwd ê mauiy lirsm i iiu dollars. 'fb. cIrculation vs*wu' 91445 anud1 tI ta dq!oita s.naountq a litsk Mioiofoslio dollars. Tii. profité off lb. yaar, aler prouldlig fo! pmoiw, mT$ eaalîedý-'botic saiïfacloq -tutu~f 090,93471 &ffler Pa-, lia bandipine baIff->'ealy aisideaslof four per teul. l4s jan.sry anMd -éc1>,lip zDlniutelrsee ý@èni and leave itcredls'of I'rôflî .bi' ip @pubi volumes for tb.e oiîaaiî- muni,.- met ft s yaip offi Iowaii. ' -t, locals nuideatof t lie,,ors- '*lai blis cenail>' vsbave beard lîitle elas, froan thone viose ýoions are' voiiaii - ttisai vords off cormwmdaîlon. Tb# agen. aleie aeprovad- - off- te. greatel pubilic lilit>' sud are dail'gs'cviasg Mnac more aint,ýpublie favor aa-d', daaidoce., Tic>' conlal not ânov be allpeaisea v!th,'F vîsicailý eausligs great iidiayidul incon.- veniance anud Ian; sud ltIo'laplouiisg -to lino s liai le>'are as profitable tethie Baalc as lie>' are iaicisthets om. Mr, Ricaadson, the AgenteaIWii, bu. don muecita populise . Bankinl bia ovnmiclty>, uadtbsCagainsi smre. shai . cf individual prejudice vilc ho hati laithe begiuniug, anal vs believe mudeservedI', tle couîeud, Bai bis vork vili Spealc bost for bisa vitre bis efforts vill b. boit aiidroood ad appreclateal. We have ocly Agalà t econgrlat leh directors sud siockholders opitieiasM satisfaclo-y ana l lburisbiug mste cf affains sus ls ereport pressais. Via bave mnere plemae.lI'learnislg, &ac@s sriîing tîle &bave, tliaI lia Directors off tic Blini bave, si lie mout eoinmead. aile liberalit>', oucreassi Mn, Ricbardsou'a salar>' b>'thse hanalsome addition oif one udreal poundu, Phr annuni. This is lie mcml subsiali ase eli as thc Most dit- able recognition off blé services. Nsv WOOD YILaD.-Mr. Keitl M aa nornaneal in hlm adrnisemanit, iu otier coltantas bu conaniaealau 'unduniaking sui nian>' ili id a geai desidcrctum. [t is to uppl>' gond firevood ut reasoushie prie«a, a&l lie ear round, anal deul vii aistamens in suai a vs>' lias price vifii nol lic raisea vian roada are bad atad vod ca rca.- Nosr-ATuE19siÂNCs OP VcLUXTsî5S AT PisaD.-Trie-of the Volainteans sera an* Monda>' lais flubi 25 cents oaci and $1.25 cotte, for nos turcing ont sitia thair Comn. pan>' (No. 4.) on the lisiluat. Itlà le u> kqeçee miser visa liisarga> of care.fuli 1fuir-to ibose-menibars off tic force via dO vauclier swho voulal apjîear lai b. appoint ed oui>' unt off abeen, santon, coalition ex tralsgàue; or, perbap s w anorewrcn-Z, tis>' mu>'lieoaippointeal lu tie spirt off sting e tief la caai a timf. Ve bav-e -ase ivo Secretarles off Staue-oie, Mr.- Ar.hubaid, for th. Provinces, lis otier, Ur, Langein, 10 be Sacnetar>' af State of Canada&. The duplicating off tiese offices, or vatber the ctilug Up off o@anslte- Iso -offices coulal oui>' bc perpeirateal by a Cosi- fsi ltaïi vu iuonal 10-raile the coutry, ady -s'a>, regardîclsosrf apesea. Mr. Camupbellisl Postmaier.Qesioral, Mv. Me- Doîgli làlamade Miiaier off Public Viens;. JIr. Cliapais Miistor off Agrielcaîuro, Mir. Blair, Prealalcu: offtus Conail, aud iMn. Mitchell, Minitar off Marin@saud Fiseries. 'Thias maies op lie thlirsecianmd no - abts cul>' for oit frienal Mr. MeGeoe vie s dlamntevosuol cme forvard anal pro. 'vental dfother'additic onsi licCabinet, Ia foutt.g l nse r scaolal le appolaiteal teolooki afttr-sày> the oas f&b. -Tioa voula l .,ms>' yl admit, more tue for ,lJi. th" for aceof'home ihcldinig pont- tIsféls le oier deparsmeaats. 4as' le saarted, tic salrie. '9ci Miis uaireut.t. b. >ineroamealte $8,000 ach, sbI aMd the hôsad attendantepeaice. Of'tAdf vsp $edepantieatvili nos o0r* . A qUIAITI -or àA IiILLION thé.Âu Ap4i 5rdtt ruié oC oalition. feeflut Mau aa s fer4o: moment con. ~i*tid Iaw ÃŽ,euumtor off l<iersare I'l*ýy $D ésaSry ; or ubat bulffula.-um o4~~~uts perfornlailHtie dutnesol ýtb M& epelmlff not, more salls>feolioBusteh 0e1'ful iCoaUw. o lffUIE cossisasal *'uMeblr.-Jt W& neseaar>'te, provide W's il lu "'ta o ssisfiul. andl attendl ihai the delinquents sicaul lie aboya tuat au ondar te tairn out, pantiaular. Il' on maih an ocasuion, mnne ancre tisa enipty verdi, tle be aboyed or not sail suuts the aons-euiemcc or caprice off tic lu- Boat or SencOL Tacu&sma-At tic meeting orn Taicada>' nigbt tie fclloving ruemiers seerérsent : tic Chairman anal Meuârs. Rave, Fraser, Gunu, Pronalfiiot anal Gresnso. Tiechcairmu djoumnecl the meetinig for saut off a quornm, anal as liane are several maihers couuectad i ii the sehools reqssliig attention durnig lie iaclidmya, directesi the Socretany t. cali a upeciat meting for Sat urda>' uoxt. GaaacD CLEÂsîso SAL8 Or Dar CGoemS, &oe., àTu ObaàvÂ,-Mr. Vi. D. Michael oirers tic balance of bis sasmen suocki at a greai nedudlldou inpriera. - fRe aise effets spocial bargains lIoanilliner>', dreou gouda, snasls, ko.,.on anal fefiotlIe 10h imst. Seo. au cment. Boors ANl» BugE.-rSaîndens ',al- venises thes ciseat suad hast quil>' ,in bis liai.&cdal disestIbo reudens off bis sad- iverlsmeait lu olier colîmne ta gd vhe,-e the, vilîgýet isChasesIlanal lie ies "-Gorili wil leauus regýre t4 i e , e poor fello. bas licou mttisepoiniof deobl,ýý A -suBrfeit off soRegubI brosagit onîils llte.Hie frional, ths Doatar, li'bon. &taian aedauce upon bian, andaluderlie by le -pnoo.gssigbetgisi iban ola av ,bea--espected irn&dr Ledruraac nesiseurelc'5o-$BolisuW' aflertilste fit. -1w oV rrefqiallial 10driev altnlicu 1 év84 t , l astdaet 0< a Social a"d ,Léeturo ~p olir coi 10.4s4 off ths fons" 'a- of iutwtom-who àare .coifitioalste Thsy ce:atly are not to be loand amooai tb. iudepeud.nt tlszpa$ng arr.er4 ar Sang; Or 4raders laln ova or country, The do mot kuP oompsoY.vida, lb.e Rfon part>',or, lie loyersof Oonmical. ms gomeru nt . N.ktbe are liey consoti tires, que r as, ieyemomra$lve siilid lua àstrict at'senig h> re) a wordo, the Jacks la'oiffice sud th* Gi0>1 ont of4"se, sMd <Ores liiportion af àl lig afier lb.eflesipot. th@ muaionf bnM Partyame su party. -Tiar* vould, b. iiit ob -éfor icm on ua10raa ioavd pure part7 oearetlipvr u i know:it.,,Therefore lie>' "gor l"fori coalition. 'à coal, ition roj i i?i p to, distribute. ibe aposieof,,,oic.upci which b.eorras*z>c 0gv sud faîlsa.Refrrues"' Wo lue li evai ouiiweuýy,'wbo VAlue part>' prestige, Parti strengîli, sud psrlyunit>' vwii dc veli to girese i osiilioiss savide bois "Tell rue yonr corupauy sud V tll11yos wbat YODi are,"l o àsaying ;vlth'-lb. asa trutial slgualesuce Dov anwhen Il va attered haindredi t ouf e..&go. Wiho usu nproclaims limeelI Codli tionist, sud bouts o«Ibie resdiusa te int Party' duffersaacss to lie ýneseales of lbs loses, sMd "'s hlia bis ove opiggios are overcome bl'bis pslriotism, suspet lie be sure b. buaseauaxe 10.plind.Hi& Pc. sition viîh lb. posais luut, haor blaier, peelations," .111i, vs Venture,1tu sy§ provo a slnd>' mot altogetiier uaiuateresting or unea structive. Tiat, tiare ers mamy muent goos Rofoires oo, wbo bellevs.'tscerai7 tht a coalition laSIidspenisable Ior Ibo gond govMerrot off the Nç Doiniaon jas aov, va shocild b. smon doubt. We- knowr thora are isicoasud bave no doubt Ibey -bave so persîsilddlheuas.ives. ,ut besomeOr ie>' rMetbeaues (rom tii. dllasion iii. botter. Tbiasr cys viii soon >e open ai . b. dangerous alluremenfe or coalltion, sud' the astorl 'demioraiaing effects of liatIinaugairated villa Ibe Nsw 0 b il p 9 b C4 et Domnioin. Itic Cathîlie Convention. The convâiticu off Catholice ist atle st. Lawrence' Hall, Toranto, ou the Oth luit.,vm mtedab>' about 25'0 delegasas va learn. The chair vas filleal b>'Frai Smiih,, Esq., Mayor of London. 1 TIse 'follosiug -voe lite' nesolions ad- opteal: Moveal b>'-James Pibes, of Dundas, isecondeti b>' Dr. t'Dca,,itîTornto * 1. L Ëiole,-That the. Confedershion of te two Canadms viti h. Provinces off Nova Scella anal- Ne* Brunswick, being- nov huppil>' aclcrasislied, andl the Dom- inion of Canada -estahlaahed, il shoulal b. thlse 01a ail classt tcontribtle tbitu succesu anal grealnctie, ana ltie dut>' of everr citizen te promote pouce, concord, contentmont, and a spirit of patniotisan within its'bendera. Movod b>' Mr. John Carroll off Peter. bora', seconded, b>' Mr. James âonconsn,of Scrtroird : 2. &solre<,-That as a ncpa.uentatlon cf lte Cathalca of lte Province off Ontario, va bave no ottuer desim. lu ausembling bers titan that vhich wiIl enmbie un both botter andl more <al>' te enfonce Uic senti.- ments>expresseal in the foncgoing rnou- solt-in-to, place ounselves fily and eqtisll> alotagnide ai aur feîlow-citizcne off otuer crectis in ail Iheir political ighti anal pnisileges, anal observa that vo labar tandon nno social or poiEticmlal dsavantage in wcskung out te acv avaler cf tbingu. Movea -b>'-Mr. John O'Donoghue, of Toronto, ecotadea b>'Mn. L. P. O'lIanly, eft vpW;- , 3. Raoltled,-Thaî in avaler le maintain pure thiefounlains ai jumtiae anal the ian- pas ili'administration cf lte lave, vit shoull, an Catholicai, anda me bing denoga-. tory to anal subversive offlte free Insttut- lions off our coutntry, anal eleadil> opposo anal vithiolal oun confidence froan that palitical-puni>' kuowu te have me its al>' anal saslte pecial objeci of ia favar secret politfco rnaligius conibinations. Moi-db>'kir. John ieCKeown, of Htam. !Ilton, seconcloalb>'Mr. James Stock, off Tornto-4. Reoled,-Tis ît ahie groat Raforan Conve-ntiont et 700 delagated f<nm ail sections off Upper Canada, halal ia tic ait>' of Taorco on lte 28th anal 221h Jaine les pFut, theffollcing resolution vwu unanIaouly adoptea:- I - uld, Titat oeaoff the. ffndamenlal pincipe fthse Reforns part>, nov me ci-en, lro."tbe talaài uparallou off Church -anal State, tic support off lteclergy ai ail -dhnousiaimm'isby lte fres contributions off titolri pe, andt h. recognition b>'-.lie' 14gislaure and Govertnent cf-al Cana. dhas as subjecie off- the Qucen, anal not in an> malalaî aacit>' Tise'Convention beiarlil>'y...oos ltaI lihe nav Constituatian 'questileoff W sectlinl dharacter. snd"reW .craIls earnemt 'caniction -liai ah the adeitf-witiwilcb titis vital nafeguard le rsep9cted in the.pract&cal administ.ration gt the, lis overnment, resta the future ber. 1ipçuy aal as~s1IiyoffUDominion malin lhjôvfîI>reous 'ilat b>'tish ianle' reaic ohaLgiitue'D ntario ai ail iia rntierm-L'hc Protbitant eleatalnioff Upýpar Canada viii -have.-thieepp otuntal' '-Ufeboving;to-hi Rsa Otoio <410w' subjeattstigenercus conaidevutiontai coulirset the b. ade ç4ala FeI>. jiaicOrstin£ ajorit" "Àudlb..Coss 'liàavlug alùly ;con- 84 thie rndl'express" aiof.f feelàins lion, dose hs.atily- becprocate msd - lbi liaIsclyeaa.srancsth«iqv an=liy f4 afp, lys' ci, SI 'f6rontï:l -s--a-r -,, 7 - Y7, gat Lettrs vere rua fbonai bis -L«&bl rti Blâlbop Lynch# froru Bei', V. a, Baye q Adrinistrtoroëf tbe flocs <ad- souad «. Mr.FairmaleyOf Lisi4', 1 prouiug off.i Cnvnton 1'Bisbop lb ths'effect liaI Iio Lo dsluiw Snot Objea o a srl.rmeeting ofQt 'lic. off ontarlq i bait that bl id bët' lu the -adheren'ts o01 an>'political, part>'.:, sie cending to represent -lhe whole'Udhol ]le bWy. M~ 1r., Moylaaioff lie Frumaaji, u.1 other Gtoiuops4theyaolstlom a erie'ahnost unaulmout1y. The.Co ventonýla escibe oshillnsbesa10 '>repectbiy -atte'nded, andl ou lie w> £tured oit tobe a mach grasluc 11' thon île promnoters suticipstedi on Il. auuatoCe i0 dr we regrett la b . thcrW,ovds4o offoc '69 coluisiii c- ot peinâuleof sol *tside Saccout cf' lb.t publie ezamlnatilîn offi iiii roà or theisprize liâsewblci viii Sfound horcundor. au ÂRMKAIL cSOIOL--SWNlo IOI Oy . 2nd, ISS J. Id Burne ; aSi MesNKm ~.Mouiiivraj,,4i e;nd lij MI5&VYVfiI8 11 Itb, IMies Bell; 8th, Mies A. BOLfa; Ott Mise O. Dow; loth. Miu Lai. 5PBCAL PIIIZES. * loba i erke ,os tIsa best sciobrinlt ; ecool, by G. IL DarImail, E@q., <baira ofteBoird. IduRéoe, lotin Erigh is tferature *b>'ab th e a mute. L . * John B. Doc it In1 la lus , b> th eatiater.,* VIs» 0. Dow, resdiug& bylbeTrestoe I Jobn Cleke-lot Ilu Olasea(Oud clam iEnglsb Uistory,Aigobra (litcins), Serip t ure ghstovy,,antiGeWEarhy. James Walace-lot 0- ai iscq(2ri Iclame, eqasi ith John Clerke4>Engia Granar (lit cl&"s), Greclan listor>' » Arltbnuetjc (2nd clams) mues Row-lsî lu Englieli Literalsure aandl Algebra (2nd chas.) pJohirB. Dow-lot i lalmies (lott aéi and Gredin Ifistor>'. Miss Gun--lat in Natuvad'Pblooopbe *to MisLawder-lot fun French [lot clagi. * Min Lai' and lMiss Buvns--cqual, ]aï li Latin. blisi Prlujlc-lit ln French (2nd clsm andi Engilli (ramsmar J2nd cia«ej Ueo. liepper-lait lu Arithuaeîio [loi Gonerai Proflciency- lut, Mie janc 81,ater;12nd, Lnafiqa Iinvrovnsan; Srd, A. Brown; 4th, Mtilda Fox; 5th, B. Hall; Oth, Join Slater - 71111 1). Brown ; 811 villen Huston; 9111, T.l3engough; lot Geo. Bain. . PECIAL PEXEES. Reading-Matilda Fox and N. A. Guni and Arthur Stade, equal. Gooti couduc-t-awarded by Mv. Tilly'- J4ne Slater, Mary Clarke, Carnie Till, and Mary Blake. French--awardod by ltheIHead manter -Miss Jane Sîstep fOnd clas]; John As McGiliivray (Oralclims.] 115155VfS. SCROOL-FIRST DIVSON. Geneval Proiciecy- lit,"ma ry Jane Chambers; 2ud, WVm. Bairnet; Bvd, Châ. (irilith;41h, ha'sotte Stiller; 5th, W. Wood;Oh, m. Thums ; 7th. Frgd Kent; Sth1, Ehoda Lyne; 9th, William Huiston. Good condut-Jaun MaoNish, Frank Pcve)i. SECOND DIVISION. General Profiaiency -lot, Il. Uvoiwn: 2nd, Ada Bv'van; 8rd, Fred Cievke; 4th, Win. Epplett; 5th, J. 1lird; ôth, Lizzin Covan; 71h, Sophia Miller-, 8th, Alie Eastwood; tltb, H. Sleigh; 101h, Franku Robeora. Gonid Condut-Mavy Thwaite, Lucy' Ban>'. TIRnnwDIVISIONi. Gencrai Proficiency-lst, Barba mii; 2nd, A. Gros; Ord, Mary Pringie; 4th, E. Sleigh; 5th, Jua Freeman;, Glu, clame. Weeicm; '11h, Wm. Newport ; Sth, Alliert Wolfeuden; 111h, Emuma Palmer. ANDRIlON ST. annooL. Generni Proicency-lst, E. Blair, Ond Annie Blair; Brd, Fauta> Stephenson; 4tb. Annie Siaten; th, (toc. Anderson; Ofth, Annie Stenb.er; 7th Emma Warkup; 81h, Jam~es Sisier. WHO AVD VHAT. s CANiDl4x 1"- Tu. ,Nuv Doccaixme AtcosDivu T" A Quansccs.-The Quebsercui, ays s disas 1À?  o>udin'ÃŽD$eau niniail- tant off the Dôminion, being a subjeci off tie 'qaeea udalboru'orram ieeni off lie Doinleai 'on Xli'thc îst, 1867. , Al 'olti Ibiuiga tiben "pssmsedaa' . - ogetbcr'viti coufuseaumal confaisïitg: otnoeature viici alicudealsudnal erubarruuasealmaa. pi> icotrdiliêtion <nom the word American, tic lutter imlaie s àmin icr native- or Mipta iseas, off theUnitedl States, viaileetîlicWord Canadàn' ma siinsiy-irh or tîscane thesi-Amenr. catu coailuu5 iiielliso ipoff lis 2iae Frenichppeisiiaa'aadopil ite word put*hano or poser, ,,ýas tie 'but rendeelég Mof tie vend 1'Dominion," suai La iN'oiwd Fufwau, -or tie aiesposfer, iaqv lh Pesai ,k 89A la unch lb. brutald u "d, lia W limp om lir in on t0 iîjurod womaat 'bïdid rpvpIthe a]N 4>Igru tle M w o i. prlsouers VfM!o- b iduitîîaX. dn lie road. !wu sober Miller saiud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t .7 a n , H . î . . ~ f * î b ' i l e a f g irl 1 n d U l0 i îlan.th lie1'vubai o Maia>'monlg, raet;,otheii' id andal lobinag for aisi- tuieus. -Dld A a~ nereM Who"Jin"i OU&se,îa bipigeidaa s talitas-'- , Miller vw tbu.k trondl vIda vit ~ Kày ÀusaSunîl.l..ais, off lie lii e. and Parki u d b',lia iir wqqnà 6 ,wù'su eai vos silI r aaother voa up ut rscoe«arue P oVrt flop . *bave beaun"in tolov Miler didumot viol ho ail adbens siué.Tîsdy es-i>' aol9r~ad u>. mYjua'jéd. Vbrnsbe àv th te, Place sait.. On satglarDq ighî p u thliS lienMileiis l on i-w te>'conlal not rscs-çonueshed, aàd ijusotî i tseviii u, final ber;- but vb lbhe'aru.outlide lb V. xiiestbi, alf da>' !atznÊay&Md ( roru1shed aud 1lit a r t .foend ber yp tie ailgfl&'lier.. * a-i;a s vugoing dovai ou lié groda, b. loitetom, ber bodi Mr lovn ai thé lie aaainigabout l îf.psî1igs' '4tcyoved, sud a o rbln. 11r ced o V*j t I'I u "ri said la repil le tie t t hoedial nos kaow th sioru I4iAnsd tie min sua îùtheise wbll sidid-it; unssi 1 a 'filorf the stand iy comtio qmiSIdd e roýuvte>dv las .d ita ita b. andal s lsid a, vîtidan comple ion1ý, prs- ia us Witp.esdial mot sic. I1 did »otIi *. se. preston st, ail;étt womnïpoesome. Mag*trte...Is a. , toisnouLook tuiig, but ho aid no udersisd-wi t 'the *o roulà nd dme,- Il ylnacrco g.ail u said, Wftaiess 501' itauesal leftï for jtone lue ,but? * fonr off:bspig 'ii * l imeif ; the ce (Vtais &(ter Jooimg arrial l teb. are l.f viii. pfig lie vqmau.ý o-, noo aaiaroagss <from 5ô0:-10 100persious Next saw Camero th le rond user lài. hprèsenupoint.d to DÃ"lan, analsaald, 'kiaî's coopte 1s0andl-t a 'w liane svorua tiserum."] e ieio a ituen coatiuaed-1t te mrotien lanasA. Psar sv <id b. vent anaIlitle Place b.oli te cooper'. sbop, (ons viti lie lutwv i e horacecous; Daas stsres». -MîJlot asialme wvie 1 t Itvasabont ba ps "a ic i> v gng.I1said 1isè .b oing dovan'iiwà. lforttovai., Sà gir hlie ovai sioi. e, ;hfetionmsbe ana viat limei 'd ihobliala. 1>' befuie-si asenqu ~gfor lb.- con., ho 1 tolal hlm lu about iaiff an hour. iens Dýstable aud toid W o f t nv. Shesaic! I 1reured-1 vas -net over bsl(an basin tiesore s à upte off' 1nabaiig ber M. gons-tie ciller aItabs lobson bouse and'molier, VWon 1a tie ecour»wet10ose! thé olpr -lires essai ver. s-li. ed. e viautl;ialta ai, Place4; vthé injaired' m) Tie>' vere up on tie stand sittiaig dovu ;voman.1%8h. ashna 0 p but i 1 !p- motion vsat iera viihehm. Tc>,sa si sruî iai Wl itn 0 riuders o .9 tome viikey-îvo bOlles; the oaier hb.é"Ola joef É! Vitn (&ait wèves- nid feoesaleue, a sods va'ter bo&tile, andl lb. -uot iu bcd t tiche lie >o'wvire ont: idotior, Ido mol mnosvio fetcheal Il lbeay, lialenins taî o, pi e s a itmeas"and ý vs àlarge blaclshotde.The caller oni>' Oulffe mres > lier coimg yadsWhisby.c ,, stalal about 16minutes afier m at eura. Miler vme bot druoaili. liedd Miler-'e 11a usaho i ta go 50boni. 10, sern-oi l - 0151 "W -nt'sîiîynve dolng astl a)heb bar-recru. V. ail talked andl sang rac-couPt Viin J.$od tle. for saiut so houi. Prestonu sked waoai Mi9ef' ad -"f Goal, vho buv y. molier te, go dov. glais vitiabilen, 'Sb# boom acoin< tieheinais tiis va>'lta .1 isiab@heoulal not do i@,Ho B. lieu gos AshealMil ofer es vas ha, (Preston,)1 '1 id' off ber b>' lie aaafi d bikas 10 PoilI aid ie salaihbe 1f(tun im b race-coursei e] ber. Miller salal, 0 do'mt us lb. vomiiaviii the tomen. Knovireslon siont I i rougi, 'cax ber a littîs, sud aa>' b e'hil eelis; vorks At ic opeae mî o dvaivii yu." Tie' vnl onv Or.Texamaiualon vit mid tic girl S staira tien and viesqdsarrelliaig for s gond told.iim biore ver. lirceens ubauing bero wiie, cursimg agd svearlng aud going on. mottber i tai sie km* one off hum,w c laid Âandrev Milles,- aid Dom nthon vent Andrev iller, but aid n nov tie otier ei uvdoi. ýPresto bed moter dos-onthea Io. J foor, anid vas aiing bier rongbie.Sic Cag'e boiug ro.c1lîed,. id Ibat Miller C vaeal 10 gel op sud lievoontle ti-ber. rolorneJ vitb tienom mIt race-course D bu výasi oldihngbur dowai; bo Vos cuocis 10 Fanr e bouge; tintt lier said at M log or biiciugber, and she vu halooiaig Pario "uebeaulooki. for Jan ail tI 'l'"iundoer ' I aid motaee bita kick ber; ni8ht d eau't lid him"f andalta a R but 1 sav blm aboke. ber aud Émcci ber pcruou ncman n mer rrinc n vituea -bad againat the .floor. I stanted tb go did mot Iuov, unuorea lV, v ot ou tic é d d after a coustable-1 -Mifer rau atimIe as- ruca-coismuto-igitl"Mrm. Ara vu far sas the gata, anal I heggsdý of hum ta go sayiug.;ial ber smonuairae n in the la rbuck anal tiks luother ais>' (rom the mn. fruauj o b sadbsvotcs,bn e- 1 dont kicov viatlior hi disi raturaior not, (Col explsinâdetc. ber' liai r son- 1 thsai rau for s constable. I coulal icar coaild i bave been tiare for i. v Wittbci them as far as I veut;1 io ickiusg anal bia, --* *qu 'kaoiug ber mmd mie mresing. Sbc P or ou bii -cnoes-examination y mn vu yeiiin&ifalindor, sud h id litI ifcap a Dmntl,I,'aid thast hokm th &ie did mfot abat- op ber t- d- aid Datant,-loe-vu aunaoncle cf bis ;bhovas pr stiroat ho'd choie ian. Dolan ad Miller stoppir4.gwitb îbam, and i vu luntho e n ci vere b>' at the«ise-Preaton imockeal e ib n ei, Miller anal Coffes causé back go moîheris bond against the dito,mmd <as froan tie race coaim; Miller sa sat hoi al bien do il, sud dial mot intarfere. Tia>' loft henn iut tic race cours gala vitii ai aaid or çiid uolu'g. 1 huard tic cries the girlaad tiat Jeairu> played sharp we aimer pssuimg ibe bridge mear lbicooper'. upon hlmn amdook lie girl uvmy. am - uop. 1 met a lady andl gentleman lu a Hie vorsiip tien nemaudeal tbe prison. co, -bugsry 1lise>' beard lie mreedbing and or& îo juil nutil Satairda>' norming ut mine mj i slopped. On retuumg iî ii liaeconstable o'cîock, te, be brongiat befoniein ai Ihat aa vs met a mata on tic rond, anal be sad ta houri, mnd sadlib at ho voulal in lie umeto- te r Caauron- Il Timre's a voann yiug mua-r lime accept bail for Miller anal Dolan, tic oemmaloanthe raceourse ail bloody." îbheaualelui $100, and ivo aureties in ai Hée wu not oue offthe men 1 left viii $100,cacb; buttiani be vouid mot admit pal inolier. Ou gaiug luside lis fonce 1IAmm Preston ta bail onder lie cindulusmiancee. bul a poison standing I sîpposeal tuobemother, Sai @ h. fcil dovu on tise gra; I uke -l"n lu hcei det tQhuaio s tiaut you, toher lit Si ruade no rep!>', Ma eitlAioS0ebmmis'o but est dovu. 1 coulal ual lnow bar, anal Camenon 'analis vifs inai nag foî 1and *no one conild-tel vietier mie vu a shite sbeutericg tie ainfortunate somuan. Wiib- ca voman, an ilblbute wvman, or visai sont outi hhir assistance abc mugit bave dical of votu$miewuAs aitI; ber face ana l ic adog in lie aimai: Thc injircal un- body vers coveneal viti biood, ber clothes fortuinte 10, wvo nderstà'd, silLinluàaver>' ail torn,and ahe vu almost sîrippeti nalced. precarlous étale, anal ber recovor>'fi con- lmn She saialo vab su udereal andl vas aiable uldereal donbtful. Dr. lCarson sud Dr. Go to sou us, sud lias the min vith lie visite Peake hisusbasa inl attandance on ber, 011 coul did it. Si. aid uotamy -thou liai ______ _Au an>' other'poumon tiriack ber, We,*fétclsed Tom Thumi sud vife, vitia Coan.'Nuitbal ion dovu-the couatabte sud-I i e vas aud vife, are a 10 ttisstour Ijia Soimmer. bleedlng ail 111e 'va>' dovit '- W. aiiot Thcparîy vii.l u olcreuealb> one as ope Àndrev MilleÏ goiug lvarda tli va- cson as Bariumneau lire s baby off lie vh eron; - Preiîon'bad a lald off'nouiar. iy tzd u vn e. frpst4 prpbkbeti liebps~f~e se #olaÉ'ehsdOsn»'l ai beenc"W- rWadsn4 cof jyoaw againstet l'11 As fa as -ber ovis ivelve a elîc et &pril. Pratt is oie offidci lcnovledge D'i~~ot Ic.ov viso lb. Ivesud Lyan bitl en ode off tie I uc uftienvarde oingtd. tbÀ-- aroasn4Fon lier iéel o ong vsspueon g'de, j is motiar;i. oi e ai' ny ftru i it se but pAsCrllena 6î0soon !'rt.'. Sdenouie te sushlýË Whouf. 'Sb#e sd b p dsi oas ahcd thé latter'as auu ieilesr sd as o o'moi eà arns onte djaal horGvr rusnt so pnaaaleng, tbia.Ns£Polaosisssdol .&merfe, t.refore, more thon, an,où mg.ucy, ei ssbr relr., siliceý, a reàtîlarfal 10implore. Maexico bu goevuss iier tInumpi. Ibis voi bu nos beep laeededi. Pqai, owîng isard. This noniai teookuovai. de tain. itle ifbati -»Pite -cff,ilip prayer.of-i Àmerica niation for-tli ieoff JimÃŽ 4e bas boon eculea. Veregard tlis *xecnîion o se0, b 'l..Vbalever ay>'besoial- offIb oral amdenligbtened prince. Wihea aslr made, bian Vicero>' off ersliaonprovince 'he vus s ignrons lov'aud conqsé ersclLo -bard> ' i eaice îl*st .vs rc edu H. vau iccoplise egaîlesau. TI endl of lbis, liffe mlbvs tahoair ast a brai anal solff-demylimg soldier. To latinsnob'i hi., mr ely;bîàliaubs be ua fco aun ttu nats lu vsv, lesOa bluntdèr To do se i defiance cfi ciiieil dVorl làluàa cri To Amoerica il ifsaumn îul Vie moral fair lhe poor bmon <f Ibis icîpeu,- aio tornale yoang masi'slire, emual lu i;.deaiea Ve gave Mexico national triemh n l i ,returai Sut fsponS os-eu ct o lr A -W. u tcoi rs ceenl>' becimue of ou .tressaintoff leenscai Dâii. Ve baol alss offpeople berevie iaisisled-ibat vu wus mo *cw iie nil viL god rus-a poor olalisun off aast>'. Isio,be eanoïbsla c f frica, lb. 'oaly fruifts ffl vicer>' vas Ieo>vateal boaiescf, lien# mies. Ths ciainor vas so lonal tiat edvo vise minsbovled -thir- esd -joine l i it. Ai o»e lime ,itvras femrd liat on tiolmphant aalsud ou va- onld be dia -bonoeal b>' a gallove. BatI 6eboutel lens: of peuple preumfledt;amd tle cs Onae of lie gcha eellu a ist.r: sraisas fre. lIesmuai nouler in ti eyesof b-ordvlA erc aperviti Pu-ufe bnMcxico w 4bhis dead--d, mf n amiable anald foiassIic. l EDavis living su>' Juore dungiroms lias bluxmuhin dsd?5 s ~jj~Iveakea bhan Mexieo becaue off ibis aninimlty 1 Rather dous nos Maxianilianei ntanuweel', i glory <rom -ta-cir- lrceasic fb deuh ebici :Davieanay, bave 'a'emion1ie -mvy 2 The vorati vo eau tc do lai. .10lu maie a martyr orb-in anti ximuiion a-bereft', of crowu, scepuer, 10mgdointarn>' -n>,e-uoff bis, viffanadbis nzàive enlisage-ýdien -<rom bis capitl, - 'con- nueroti anal etrsyed, coulal vîisfi otbiimg more tien the - ebsunce toe f'si t. w orld baât ho coutl die iaaslinad prince. Mexico lm gbu alntlu > bis 'eero.îiu;Maxiuuliiu v woul bave joa mua obscur*iy. Sic nu umade hlm bes'Jttez, vs'>sac, ,Bames liat lie Juiaor.for tie executioa of M-xianilian as se greai ha ceai ul asi s.Tiae atesanan vbo govenne b>' cîsuour-i. s ,osard. 1(';Jearez p«éti4ed ýtuiselc tguinsi hia botter juldgrni, se have no isaurauce lhat i. ns>' nu ot b8!991$acou. -olle in ugreaen emergeucies. 1 Tt les etPlisant fo speâi lna.os f'lareai >r f a nation w4u là ia elanc lse syniu- at>' Bit; Mexico to-p' bba ot & taf off tise mioral valIns cfh ertittinýPËia hootimg tise Anutnian prirnce. At tise âme lime vu rua>' ao &Re tiat se muai a M4exico bu losivse liaie g aimea li y our s,,gesfaciîy and al ntaniyitii b aie off lefféiion Davis.; (Prom ia Ah'.Y' eu) There la ittle roont for doabi ta t Max. milisati lia beu sot b>' lct-hepUebltàÏn 'oiennmaeas of Mexi~ c i isî bibe Me iff bis olicers 10 betra>' in,.- The' auisin sanisa' it-Washintgton secans to isvc reaai-ec( officilit adiicî os b bis efo. Th ieno ci man aîi>vere,y viti a pa off iomdrablc-fealinôg i ls nature, bo4wîIl boiratlia neya itboutî e»Apoft .vitiot sympati>' for Ii ol allant yenng prince, lie detstioji for, eo anstars visohave gînîteci their-ve. snuce ' bibloodi le bas ,beëetsle egiauing.1 '!Us ivmaya'diqeleul aitre y ue rnerroff P bsne v tier isai hie erai *~talU! 'Oï' îii ""1" 0ning'tbé i ter f-~ be- ffti'@ union. me 'ipel.~ 'b.feu ûmÛally.pp-e *rçenar>' ireaci.vy off oua off tb-,9ëjz, de. Xq*ling- , 1-i4 mo oefiman ly or insL> Jean DomI ire IioncràblOetao liasccaduloff ax.Ae: lzn 2iliail-irongiliehole of.hs, oisn a b.su>éya~uin d ~ ~ b>'off lIe Gobe bc il ,m 4the-onerlady vas ver>'dé se,- bndinedb>' -thpb r. arl -taler-..~ mvbn ft<n L n.-.. l wt h 9- pasce for a pary r a ~vruu u o ~ ~ ~ e 'a;-OSOM' SEat Wilhtby C.nucmt Pnoce.diugs. Ot - BL0> si, in T i c Boe c ià l i iib ê à É ta at o f , lq a e. servic de n d nal c tar ied., ly Ti.-Treaaarçç pre oateçl ialsiyerly rreport off l tie ~ffè~csorf lie jCqrpovutipas, aP to&thi. lO"t of, fls »Jt~ Pf- Tii. ffeioviaig ucconni Ssii' preucbal. BaalOrdercd al lb.pole- itm e.. Ir 'W. . ieSuk -i p, <y- sler 4 153--eof J.Srutth for fontr areêye'sfj 1 c 1 James .-Banr, 50c. per veek,,$2e- sud <ca four vcekls relief- te X, Bhiàows' i iPis ir sote,.$3* 00oilra atai, eosfg m onti,,tg, sud cf W il3f~&p A' 10 18c De , <s-ige n ieplkat#, t' Vliiing P. lun a ,à d23 Ot4-erg, 'sus Sptesoud o01 M etiigaus n n . or lamnd neur tic statîian off ticGrand I'Nnnh' yI;alîromal et1Oîbava, ýeng aslarge pond off lui tic neighbcrbood, aenalprayiig lte r onnaài ttie aetps tg cause tie uits. se bceabaealor nemoveweal n isiOn molli ai Mr'B.Sanîisecond,-b>'Mr. ,Hepbamn rtie, Crk vaýs- iacted i,tonôlif>'t& 9ovýnefteu - l miclon -sui tie,-nnisap".â co apla ihe -,Of, 0 i the p éition ,' of -A .-i9 Wb îngmnotber9, ta cause saisI nuisance o 'd r a i :e i fo r i th t c i rv I le ! Cuilylpnoceod àgsinu5t sacb, ovuors aisb l1w, directs,, Cared.l- Oit maillon of 4flMn Anias, "nded b>' M>F- Hepburn, thlie sun o$5 vmsi graniasi i ï'or tic relief offȣ- 'arr' "êbi T T 0q C O eal tien adjoaimned 10 Mon da?~, the 5th off&VUS!il jexi a 4104 s. n. ,0'eoh TaooPSvo aIM pais rusany.uard. 01515.- Loudon, Julolr..t-s daisc. menit o-rogulr-,treops bas hs- uordeel to Abysiis 10 orup el'tlie ig'torele lie -Britisi - ubjuatap elal pnasoner thers for 0 long-lime-Put,- 'Ux;noiti 'Cugiara.- Paris, l>'7îb. Thu futarnatlouai Congresfor-tii. xegula.u tlon off golal analsilven coinage, nov li session> bus ixeti Upoat tb.gcild fie franc pise aalissmulipes stksbàsis for sa nUUifonan curreme>'inluEr'ope anal Ainaricî» Tut CICUESTaIPLIsUzMcEN VT]3# i thieo f Lorals'ou the -241b ulto.,' EanI Rass1cll ni6yod-for au ddrese for a Royail mwish6 lb' nquire loto-IÏB sui, -jectan ffunaabffliid aiurcli in Irelanal. Tic. motionvs ppposedb>' Lord Caire, BanI Derbi<aid Ihat be-vas isvlhiug ho confienîlo ansPPpîaalýMçPiaoff a commislonr te obtgaiinformation." - lecenied athat 1Ibo a<tèbéi dow'edàuy religions body - $ frisal,- aid aid -tiere vas ne preceint' fon tieprivin 6W' ich or, éi3prçaty for the uamcivment 6f ïiuoiv Lanb-1-Ie$ RbsLàïiis aiitiouvas sgredta. ILu thsBose 'of iComn,tbo.same évauiâg sý»eeoal votes Wcoe - t4sp -Dou thse- olJsqo u sendhlents toa héreobitMt iwsalLiaijoritiea gWrtrig-davelopsents continl regard ta a,,tags nof .L nL...j- -à-, -£ OPPORITE lOYAI tRoc&STRIEET, ~MJoralrssouf 1 ýFOI4 SAI Vitly1, Jicl>'10, 1867, DIS8OLUTJOI ~OO-À RTEl ~L AN~LEI ..W ood-Yai ÏvDFltÉ wc Ï,<511 mil oDd st ila lovasi nu- ttis>r Wd *11 eansi. dei 1051K ~'ib' y 2, 1557 J ju to n - itri, Eba>;= ~t ue , arTovUiWhî i -ule I TWOO1CLcC, à lpurpcep or asditlmg - Gaerk a lib, 3JuiY 10, 1807. MTUL INSTJJ4NCE ÇQý RI h Lay sDo il aa anlia. umaeff'ssii [mnr- ruestmible mi P-The Ojai aglan irst, Whltbyý Gro -En.ma,w -DAVru S.- lieu SW. IL B[LLl OF OP M VETA -5--' r C -IL

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