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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jul 1867, p. 4

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JodepliY4 .'A omWi, Monsqreo y4bruasy t, 185n. 7 JO HN OA FtTrE A UqIN32D AUOTONEKR ONTARIO, YORK& PFEE., 8AIN taeudd on té lb pbofinil 'nd un Temoaleictersme.Tcau "D mde iod tlle prlut. taattih ro lit Pa9mfo~r Sle, Orto Loithi n mle of 1 1 AVEE'TOIF ï. tiera,> ar, ud 8 3 ~ t n f i i u r o t r â w t , I l u e l i . o *NO,,MONEY ,REQUIRED FOr ti irai i3.r, teamonsitior raui, îllsr b lo,>tobe expeuduui on lmprove- Wonld b. sxohoknged fot saitable Villagfe jstoprty lu M1hAW4. Api ' C. 0. REI, 8Ollolior, Cssssngou yr, EI-LE, (if by letter pro-pu.) NEiW cAIRIÂGIE AND WaSgnShop. If prepaec to nauutadeure téi order, il kiidg$ INq LATIT YLES. Mr nepasring ueatly and proamptir bteneued. W Tlsrcc dours EUt of Lainsg'%, Duirdas hircat, Wliitby. !fjtbz April 2 861. l ifara-Nforth 11, toth cou. 104sares, ,06 si , t i 0 lo Uo. or 18,6S«à " 00 Il Zioitl 5, bth " 100 6" là @euth ' -1 ', tisdi 100 de- i sg , F. 46îo 04 is ' ]3, £ 300 te Tâ Tht e5t vo L4W dJofqtbC1Wp1e crssuczt 0aâ Ys'd Vie tua, AWrm& ut td 4 mlle from oad Acad " N.y»;- i 4 ic en5. e7Min -~"4lsuilRi au. f 40£ , BiEEiLLI., oa.e. Mu,80à"rm,. lin wcofthfehoveeâocut ad duitol, DIVISION, COUlRTS TifS 7,E COJINT Y 0F ONTARIo.è ..Uxrw .........." 9h ::-, , Cawlg toA«,4Ii Z. BtTRNU 'M, XADOC Go Id' Lands!l IFUItlo tise nndivided on. fk)r51m ot lot lu ithe trai cosleeion t Mudoc, ALSO IIVE MIARES INS TUE ONTAIR10MInING COM'NY. Apply to, l1 Fr. KELLER, r a. WI:ithr, mal , 1867.,l ue%* ta ircitiorses tttd cittilocc-triig ta _______ -ios -"r"rv"' 'it' VJiiA'l»V5, iný m lFa m'* I$a e Itorciotrre. , - F ~boit knovu ,e Aniisriupc. Ur Ail kitîniof Biltekmmith'e aud goatorai Wurii. Cai t autisc oIJ sucnd. JOUX KRESTIlà Wiltly, lune 3a Ir 167 -- 10 Srea lu the nTwnoilip foo!cver 10 ol4iIng lutt etLot N?. 8, 2â 1er, for Sale. %:ou , witisl0 ivu lots o! tise oueofu J)AR LINCG O N Apyn h hti"onrc ho gatre* clesrod, about 40 mrpis f witioîs arc Eg ire. !(romattsifitpc. 5ourta.gLop li 50 vowil 'Da t - h; ,like *Ba us -ckqrlug lrthr" nDickens' ler>' of Mngby' lu1 L E Junetion, dstkr and Jobn Aesuli. W. Prù L 1 V have nazi Nr, Tille>' minster of Cuctomu.; ce 1Mr. ait, Iinfiser of piusuce $ Mr. How. uo0, land, Mîascter o(! blond Revenei; fr. w Kentnr, Recoitr, Ocera ; uto lee tissu four genleiusu te olokciter thse revenue PARA$ of ti Province, mecisou or"ivits bit Moud ovu departuesit, dapuIy-, saeratsy, sund II'ufl îlE itl g ;tenneti sa hav oy 000T fiî rcltaod the intioet o!r. rATiÀi alerk. Tb* revenuec ougi te be weil a,5Il >' wiîatWuy Liter>' statteA. sud Javil.tg 5<1ervhs iis arsy o uuarf olti f~arce itint it>,. itOsto luaiisriea n" Ioked atr hii ra fooea i ilx lite> gré nov*prqmpreA teto sppl>' aIl vass ir vis ould cppfearto be appoinuî ,,,rderr fus'tlem it artieur mtssncr. etd 0440tit,, tite ih6ptbio rcqiiirtcîutuu.proultiply hot ad @sly ont o! eteer, vantesn, coalition ex àbeehvr'rar.-ct. tavsgkousl'or, pcrisaps v.aore vronz, 1109ou CUULTIIA RD & ARMSTRONG, tbeyt -may beappolntd lu. tiesepirit of *stoWATF OUIARDvts soi4log ie th»td e a a h tf., W. bave ccU sliiO , 12, 1e57 Aroibald, for the Prvo Zis<>fliiso ; diridQ A A ye re's. Mr. Laugerlu, 10abbuSceretar>' ef St.e!fBi Csusdc. Tb#e duplfcstig of thon omu at GEN, meî LÂ,<l TA? or ratiber-lis.eusotlug op of! oua mi io o moto FlRST-FPIlZE RRS-HOR oMe. ooold ouly bepeorpetrated byà, s ai Mu DNDAS STREET. filou tisai vu boond ta rai.etise country', sud WhLtby, 19, 887. ]ly-24 "00 all vsregardiesi or eapoes.. 1rtieî T1 Campbel i Pisem s MGu r, 1r.Mo, tissu BAT ÂNE) CIZAPUBT planie oget Dougtai f.maeoUlin., of01Publia Warka 6 B 0 od Bugusiîsedcatiluu Io aitise Mr. Cbapsla liuiser o! Agrieure, Ur. lbol. asud ri(g IetdaBf Blair, Pmîsdeaýt o! th#eConucli, sW air, *Pc@t141o,aVls, Itshie ison 5AOTItAL 4 Mitchell# Xlulaier ef Mariô'o sud Fuiseorlea. A 2 Tbf. msca ep ise thîte...,sud Bne oar tiod bisXItte.i îeitoollu elittee Thlam" 'p te. tirwnt " no leooniogsuoo-ofLite destuto! I$r. J4. D. doisi ouly for acouri"ad .1Ur. Mlie« Wo A i c t o ry mn aieand wdiotrcredly' dame orvard And pre. î la c eè.s lsd !us.er lis vhhios4 <otiser addiiioua <o ibo Csbi#lusaà (2.seac ti .reatt-, tise 4#scik *iulter *vooid te &pappood eft ~ » - o bis fte-s, tse aselas. her go~IColioge AtllsC wili b. ussii.r tise maagmeut1 to lok 4ti'r;'-My to.ý10»ý bli Tb o! aDr. 1J(2cBILYAn'i, viîo wili devote 1,1,t woold be, .asy viii ,admit, more n ,u for wholàds, 4 latý4b U tiseâf-( eMco! tison boidlg port, rtiefou uo i.*. ,oti M itbeotber depacliiesi e ,u¶,baDans selesesse, is alrlc tNIi. hcau< îî UUm-KEusîqztG, ARITIIMZ. TIC BraKfl MA11cY, 5I5I35t4 m tabe, U m@&la 0o:00 ee a ve Dis 0, C(2 l'IONlS,& mme VI %b.~ NY SVIUI I4C Ourn( X- loi raped"0# <4AnsI tulBa' LY l0eagtti d'5- Clofiu it Cl V£r or à AiLLO u mX ZgW~ * ,pî a4~qf bs4tlo. ,,,,( ie losu e 0, b> s futl lorps ipopriouod »~d Xà lowimt ass oIesa . ommeeon. Ylltggilyoo su Opmtteus ifuut rir.re Ppos. àil oïta 4~ 111989.0.-Titere, oeVos a" ~d~aiq; Ã"tis~ isaftIehum or-tserute »etier e'utocd -laeépf.r uthe 4aitef th ~ V IAT -. ~ j MILLINERY1 - îý" thé, aïvemSîurt hep te ennonuce t ttl. à ~. %eotv.~I #mSh4l~g~ f¶treSb J li.'dito o! Oshé va u tolulty, ibat îaise S - - ,ce. TýiIs repe in wl~bel 614*lhe*r lhmodroo*abloe. -*- 1"', Sub-Tou Lt.95 sd9,West aide of At S'rTt o wu'wl» r vlwt*'ofntsble wllum odFeeOoa1 4artdcna, Fruit Treca, sud eo* usîtlar a rantaI of 1108, IMIDll>. .Meaari. Howell and Hmw. 1êy at à-utpolo,,hovil Showthe ALSO ]PPM?9 VON., Of WiTZT,7-ý COOTAIMING 03 ACRES, About iÏ»'Mces ""»sud nde>' ânltivMMlo. Thor are tre ,good lramBSarus, stnasil or- oh"ar, 8 wello, sud auloilc t asding Codsr ftor feucdug, 011.thse pretuism. TERMS mcde kuown, on application te, DARWIN KENT, PstopusToit. or to L. FAIRBANKSI, Jr., Inuance Antdgocuorm Agent, Wltby. Whiîby, April 2ud, 3867. , 14 À CERTAIN CURE FOR DURUIas, -CVT,9 EVER lOigEo, fiCALUS», AND ALL ERVI'. TirNOp 0FTEE BII. ££AD TIE FOLLOWING: l'wrox, 0. W, luS. ,1 heroit? certif is %w> on lismd Wfearfsti $sore icg so otcit m= le i»s ciii .5f, end lid th ibétono quite baie. -I eortnenced uisig Dortciiy'» Piw.îer; and ln s short tîmo h ceured ait tsllriu hot ertpilit o lit. iit ine ,-ave »eu kpovdl alcns Ex lMATOiS. This ilotoecertif>' thai lint May' upet sa L-ettle ie th.igia tor on nMy urm, wil.lcisook tige fleii off, leavitîg the boutt sslm'.4 bare.. aîtffed thé. nmci ecrnioieîg paius for îtree *ocka. 1tson eppllod -1 opusliY'A pInter, h ai onîce itl.d mailn a voty hort tUn o. CAPTrAIN ATKINS. Sold b>'J AN Es Il. a ERRIE, amd J ANI ff SYUNE, Druggiate, Whtuy; W. T. KÇKIN suI,a&ud MAICKROBINIION, Oshatwu, sud o>' aIl DrugOnl the Leonnty. JbttreSh, l9S7. 4 l2nofi-22 Land For Sale Tatissud *11 ites'. vlabiug te puroise., Building, Lots. Thse toliorl ng 11oniLoti, , il! bc, it>id 1e forcemIb,or ai à f»ia tttiultoou ilmo, viz. L I th 1 usCon, Maris, 200 Acres. Lit 16, 7th 'muimer, 200oIl WU 13, luis Toaoo-uuilo 100 4" %VU 7, Brd i ' do - »s0idi Lot 7, tiî 16 Beirniont 200 ' LKot 1l, fisdé Ustridgs, 200) 1 r r4d tecb, 100" 1À>fi. ()th 64 Varuivew si Lot 17. front 96 omrVille, Luet 22, do, dé doje OS17, lotisIl fSofuerulloi) 1 di L6t, ftl 4, do, 121»r 6 L utîh di do, 2M06" Lct 8, lOtis -6 do, 2im066 Lot4 il, tl do, 0 Lot 11, Stis ' do, 200 ' tE 7, 2ni Wltny, 60 scveral viul building Iota, for Suoitcee aun ivais, rcildncea, lu tise Tuwus ut Liu&- a rter, orft 64apply tb ROIPT. E. PERRY. WIltby, Marolt, 1866,.Wsi> Town. LOTS. ]FOR SALE. LOTS B. ANtDCoeQN,. uljuiniug tisc tuv Rulidng .1 LOWES-& POWELL, Tseý LOTS cotta tlirty.sevoen sd uuttiîly tattî front. ou Brook Street, and 96 filet 4 luacises docp i. ane, Il et vidé. lt LO on Erôutc Stroot btogen McIiillsn'a fBocki sud Bara'us ho i~-~ t10 uer fo uieapurpoaca, tism.prooeritieare ltos. fioatloue. * --e be AIwfoc' 12 Lo@Yiukow at@i ,ref4siofo 4L.to.-eeecd, vct of hiiidc ohdet 1 mesurne>'. , S.Johnu i. Il Lot-Cûrof KCet sa John Stricte, on low tormâ ofpisjmuut ib, ».e ET TRE, iifl sub rebéeta banounco that husj rcie TL welI selected assortment of new od,.omtuof -C o Ud an d S i l v r a c h s French aud Amerleitu Ciocite, Mecrssbum Citar Rliera, Briar Bout aud other pipçs eo lietales@ Repaira of uit kinds. 01j-a Please note the addressi, OSHIAWA, MAT 1807 JAS. J. P. JOIIN8TON4, OSHAWA. tf-20 JOHNSTON, Bega te antnouno. tbat ho bas boas uppointed SOLE Aa-eNT, for WHITBY 'AND VI CINITY, AND WILL ItEEP ALWAYS ON< RAND A PULL STOCK IN GOILD AND SILVER CASES!1 ALSO JIUST UECETVED, NEW OOODS 12% Ladies' Gens singée Goid Utootmea, Bag lu pit roocbes, of the besquelfty Jet Brooches, and Bar JUngal, Gente Meurt Flue, sud signet sing. ' eariy inupetion u loiizted. W1311CR ST. WBKTDY# ESTABLISIIEB 1833.' TILL & BROTHER -'(SUCCESSORS 70 WM e ILL.) Cabinet makers & TTpholsterers, anid deal- ers in ail kinds of Cabinet Furniture. Rave now on hand, the argest and most select Stock to be found in the Country, wbic-thy ae elling nt prl o osuithoisebg determined im o eo undersold by an y boits in the trade. Cali and examine before purchasîng eisewhere. A choice se- leetion of Gilt Mouldings, (Ameèricara mke.> 3 4 BROOK 8TKEET, WHITT. ÂGIUTLTTTRÂL W OIRKS.# &P ECI AL NO TIEH Single Reapersand Mowers, and 'Reapers and Mowers C ombined. The subecriber would eaUl the attention.of the Agi'cultural cern- munity to ýbo1r stock pJuip1opeteviievo W111ibefouud alummcore voey hte Par- te .uir4ranedd Bat tla uco em i 'a. to trSMtoeko< REAPERS AND IYIOWERS., 0f-several kinda, su f 1 Éthéaltet hMake. To which -ail the Le... test surments iud ucry by przeticablo tests dmring th ii.lt use, bava Bàlrs1' Ohio Reaper and Moôwer combinéd, Çayis- Chief Eee.P. er and Mower oemblniothei.ssuing singlo Rop o,irasyga n lMoi (weaý-M anadafhe bs aovoMhines, wofWîvho atrL T.yafM UMUMOtae4.th ns 9rt iPwi<rbd 49 Wor ALvd eau b. gumraeed te the puftbsae (o givo uatfiotio -pbu*t(ir trial, or 5ai Wbutbit BOIWrlJ4j si 1$O Weodrsd'itt wtorkmua Sf0 0151 A. fui Ad sud ami moDOy1 )CEIES ARDWA iLu Stock, Choice. Frelh. AND 'optin théeuhc--h systen 11Pr * A eau at tbli ostabi pin boit «oe~ u- .aupp "E- Ïyt 8Corner of Iý 1 8 SLENI LO DREI -S' GOOýD8 Embracing-Mo le's an,& Mualins, SbawýIs, Priais, floop Skfrts, &c.,~ atcs.Cp Factory Cottôns,, Scotcirý Tweeés, eand fine' Cloths, for get mes u mrw0.j.T nedé, variety-. The 9qrocery Deparlent Embraces a joce assortment of New Fresh TagStgo- fées, c., &c»'CýIUEAP FOR CASILm H.M o- F'ariners (rduce taken in exehange for gooi. i froJOHN - FAIRQtYHIARSôN. Slvrtpar. Four per' cent off for Bank Notes. 4/o §W' HEAD OTICE-p GEORGISOTREET, ErDINDIJE. ACOD*MATED ANc [» IVEwD iFUNDolA ELY ONE, MILLION-STERUINC. ise muSw DANIELLAMON, - t No. 18, 11h cou, Wishbys - M'ust be Paid. WmM ,ng #eor) Dcm t» 'Tiss c fietlettffi of muet Se ma" tonkl*lulh. No fil p ýOï11 II é divas. ]KRNOLD Ce OFF erThe,U.h>'Nyocffice, eezzt e-CANCER lnfi9rnamlf OT ~ W§pW;. :CANCER3 RElJ ay a Uw.et .lBU~ O*f l jr? no "s SmPetO- Tise mOuMeut àcusai ledico. ~su4lalaure th, tour,~~ everythilegte oee y d1Ký J aiur"o' ab 4e slc lump itb be br*u, al is or elnvisera, or amusU tOirots le l"fi m» a ,Sstewsort motit, bcs,, reds - ,*-PM m , e ivonto pariies viit ve becl.âre m-Auyy aaueeudvs ara uDouondsuaecltyr -AD émauuuiwe- ticotap dmitlY4"vred. Nolttuosy roqircd lnudi» aivauesu! orne-untlltie4se av lac.- GEORGE CORJIAcm tttyo ei t, tmy a quit ndld alAcneotr % taum --witliy. c. W.- -' ~- S%~-NOT4 w. iW. xiatry tc. CHARLEaS A TTOUNYEY AT]1 * ett c (e. W, M . J.EDIG ATT4ORNEY-A'h-L. A Onceiy .Noicry &a., Whiîliv '. W. Ù,. DundaeStret. the Poet (IBite. * C.CKFRANE & IlAREiR[iE-. ATi S cecra asd Notirie Pou iimr-Omcg.-I 'S1 I Uocaaairz, LL. B', Ceint>' Crues Attorucy.- P'ort Perry, Nut eceu MILE..A. - *Bssrluter, solUcat.r i WOFSTt2E-Nezî d 00ec, Wiby. W. H. ST, Solis-itor. Mr 41, ChIfeal Are J. E. FARBWEI AI13E BAR[TERLAW cuytovyancer, .OUOS eUIt. o fi.,iat Ir &5onTZAt L&,A c

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