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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1867, p. 1

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hi? ooerBuâlriee UIIJE aohSUN TROWý roTo. W. O TB or, Jnly 9, lSiur 3", 98od a.il. oasKRAJ wBflîfO.18 &l$lt24TCgOWNATOlizy ÀfOLOW- iý1oataCfîaeery, &o., Pulic, h .- Oe.ào-n Bl Lowo N Pwell'* tor, e, U10os B . DANELL, dLICIOer Leptr T4gjYPtrarManq4.stod. soma"x »Cal.OfieBrn., Wt y j[A 9NOVDMeITi LawOiRet na &£ e- Victria Boiiuneq, r oàho h 8. 11. 1411,8,1882 A TRR18TeiC.AT LAW, NSLICITORN bi iocb . .W. U. J.eJIACDONELL. pARRISTER & A'ITfORN EY-AT-LAW, i3olldor osusîty auîii, ltnNtr U ille, !ho.,hic., V1'itb, 'Je HAMER GILIEWOOD, 'A 'TfOILSKY-A'V.-LAW. 'IULICITOR IN- £ 1[g13icîory, Noary iPublic, Oîv,îcr &o., Wiliitty ' i -'%V. ous, lnuVitorjisi lck, Lx alic t?4tr tflee. ori lrook irj". 48 A TTOiIMNEY-AT-LJ.ÀW, 8OLeITO.LI IN Dundee Sreet. Thrue doors West of Use. QtontOioce, CtCItANE & COCIJRANIO. JAUJLt3iTZR, WATrRNIiYS, îXNVEY- isera ., atid1viâiessPublic, ho., &o, Pou ar-Owo-hgiwnBocok. 1; l. C.oasna,» LL. B., 1 W. U. CoOMOAMEz. Vistinty Crowu Attornoy. P'ort Jerry, Idthu IoCOsnbcr, 1481. f51 !Dil3ditOr, solicitor lai Chancory, Ate "OFYXICH--iôt Jogr te theESoglntry W. Il-.iSTELE# &'44# Cluurth troet, Tordato.,..* JI, eFA1IBW£be14 ..Le J3e BAILItItTEL-AT-L*W, he, s 1e ont Qic oalla, . W. 40 LYlýA11 'HOULIIiI, 10.1. aà.iU[MR ýAT LAW, SoliciLo laLCbars- Oj1 ur . <JUve8YaUOIe ., ho. JOUR DILLINGS TAW,CIIANCItEY, h CONVEYANOING 'jOdlie, 'riuoe Albtert, two douro wvente! T.10.là&or n' tors.12 40REKO TO TUEt COUSTY CiAOL ByronStreet, MWltby. BRIOUGHIAM. c unw.y aurmaune al g roDe- rat.!by lm wlire cabsea modI Mo vix ay.u rofl attpamunet 81alwaylg Gnd tabliqg, 60010,80 vardn, sud A#ttnte JONMILLEI. 172.BOYNTON bogi to lnform the la. Yyhablt&Utnortbe ip.toîty of Victoria an.! surro"dinm Cooiitl.ttait b, bhouopened t),.ý Ue o illiaci trcst iately oca i.0!'by Jo*ott, ind anlis b" Wa.! t'gIt'od àudlituluï-, ed il itytle, Viltors vil fa.! sygva oiv- altic. , Wrnan, lqaorn &a.' C sgr0 "te IDAn attendriv e t.alwaya la u.ttend fin". Llndnayo4eJJI4,18O4 TJXBRIDG 0120E UXBBII»GE. IAILfif, 4. ISA40 FENTON, Prepulctor. ALBION HOTEL. - JAMES BLACKI YEOMAN GIBSOX. INSVURANCE, * UENERAL AGENT. Wlî,îby,J.ui., lOtit 1836. 2 B. PLANK, -- -- Proprietor. staffes o t aîd frai» Wlîiht ïcali daiily. Evor>' otfecatiois paid to gaetta. (Coreful àa ho- JOUX C. MOIIULLEN,- Accuuintant, Land and GCneral Agent, AND NJTAItY PUBLIC. gr OfficeehiPeter vtreût, cone door uortb ci Mn. $tuloe'o I.rug ;Stre. Wild ld I! provcd Farin luLUoeuatiea. o!fstoi and! bintege Iorsoie. N' B. collection» atiided ta anti prompt remlttauoea miudmI. 1 .,. nion,. . LPhiternn, ii,. -L. C" lia»,Jeli Siimpson, M. L. C., liou. (Gorge Cerewfor.u, m. L.L. C. Centorosi-v îiE , -C.-lt.p. Agnxorrixoou1', m. k'. , M. Duaod uap MPs P, r. i. MCosiket-y n. .P P., olis lm Voir>', y , a>'; ra! dl- tor Barie Ztrminoir, Cunia 'nLs.ay and! wbitbyCuinosmi. 7 j> (LAT£ WOON'e,> ZTUNG STRE'ET, OSIL4 W.e4. GLOB3E HOTFJL IEaa- cikubiv,, ol.! eatablinlmel T bod -bw cn11urlian teo vanta of!Ill*a guents, he. The premdines hâvo be convenietty anti ounifortabl>' it..! Ur 1; pal stei, îppretl, &ha. vriti clIstonns ofonac!atr tu, mcsh.]iîl ocrn smodera impfgoeîeutto sîake thse fraveluer -% hoedunrusnta>,andtsTable uouul!gî..' Il xnupplitedti laBtimon. Notico to Parxpers and 4Othora I"Ogites ho:n8t# 10 a., anti ud S10L0 iio'sWholmlesnntitalreanîi. e Ïdo P.taeSI, p e 5'>r-c@iby gallois onharrel; oasgti' (lanlerlt, du, dO., liasple'r's Exc ta ltici - A. FEINOLE, Ifky do, .v'best LPort.'Uhorry anti m~SilIIANTTAILoL, BIOCIL TIIEE Cle sOlael Ofatyumtiis aîk, iti lig~lt Of Whi(qby.a çni daraof îetsto pren STUOIgAs IWSTont A. ALEXANDER. WKOt.gftà%éltzà#AUjtI, WIIITBY Drookîli, jantii,is1063, ot Mess.-Ilioars 0Ste 1 e'alcek. 4TEhUfldc BSWULONTARIO ]HOTEL, Alibi'tu ffi *efot, 8 Jova Eut O WHITBY, Twuo»tM, Crno. 4 . DAWES 4- -.,'ROPRltETOR,' lu 4 vfor .emothatloma.Caunful attea. JF-'AEGCIIALD BAUMES- lIon tt aîc ererints ftmaratlcrsait.! SAIlKliuUt VILLAGE, C. W., OFFCIAL 90ent.. Aiga.. fer Yor-k and! Ontario, liotan>, I5padfets tabhtgandI ahecl.rooi, and vent> 18. WSIsVICTOR IJotTSEt bAILI? SIlTR IVItYSIONN OOU1T.-nns rs? arr J1eto. L NSDACiffti.An.-JOUXM SPUERILL,..... ..Proprietoi-. *!.rtoa. 9.1> R% saba.riber tlenirion te lafrlmbis nau 1ANMESJAMONo JLfiend ila bt he i4 nov Orrvtîîg on tlif A1TOhlNÉK AT LAW, S4CITOR 12; &bore hotel, end that lit aispplea noue bat the c'bLîî ,e, o., u o v'. lqosgars, andi rsfr,-b- mnt«. A vol1 upph eo î. oetitlîa k i6u, elcvk-o! Coist>'Court. 'oppote #01*1 Mtel. 48 WhtyOC..16.9 it WhOIJWLLs Oct4 fl OUEBOUSEItLL rN'LPil (Or'1118 OSIVEN fil'DIVISION M Licat of d* ia. nt>' cf Oniario, Conent-" (snaua'ni, ~ Çeamlsions un 4coou'aBanei, &o. ~ Zsuuaca-AhnieC. W. - DNDASSTEEET, WIIIT13y#, .W,1 - , i su. s b o a t anoàno. thst ihe LLîAt SC? ,I~o>Irro.(J.t.Ob 6ertune's liotel, îliotn en ovai. lW .tfXIcya bt#n's iualalosd, ssa itd praeî.,n peaaao roserMW".iti-5t-,e bc ;«o 'i Beararn btve 90eultlmhiadatatl. uniar 1 Sb and Boa léés en The at"eproît&a0ol tb~ ci.ty b4lpug te Pen-'icolcodea ritî va dsnd-hâ'lcLn 'on 6 ii, or ýwh$t iot; And! many s a 6wh)o thulaltlie bue a Onpin',"M. Toblen, of iepc, f~voa on fuiLla tfa~ho aaneyer reprn- t'O eeL, ypq F' <c Usa),' >gresiiy Iff w Apetiu Ng Wtclae aie mode. TheAe ,nriesnaWalthain wstc In iade b~ nonoliituersfuprocen-a4n.byýo,,suct ii.oun.etut'rokain.4>1 licîbër cpernîlcîn,1 front tige meoption of! Uts rAi anatsrls.n...;tit jirsa., the atesielle iilver, the go!.! And V tccsen s touësa te b.OOpltion of ths av ui. otnadsr Ditsroot, asud godier onào .'lillfui sud oouspetsrt dlietlian. But the gi-eût, dltiogaialii -i n treo f iteir, Watcem, ln'tlîe - t hat t lur noverai part. sre ailped ,b; the II t he oît 't tectand iIuOiilis5-thnt inailibly repfooos Vry>mea ceedlug part with the tu 10 avrliggacorac, It vwan OM7lyneceonpry te nMkeou. pCOCS;o wao f at'ay partiécolar tyio and tut o adjunt Lue'hiad re.!mcbancc.a to rc. r ucuceeyey Prt f eg *âI vnb4ibt wfoi- yp o! aIr'Ameriesu Walthai iiaolnloit4'., atoInure.!, the oasor lia.ouIs' teadira'. theo apiauy, atalisig the Dusber 0( lita vaLcU an.! the part wiutted, ietiierIt bea;prILug, in, jowel, or wilît siet, r sielt.y rtLu rit naî]Il iewsuld rf.g4-ivOei, deonreti artiele, wlilli air'wtchiaker wonld ndjuâctt ts position. rie Compai,>' epccîfaly nîîbmit their wltleqon t9eir merÃŽt# ouivl. The7 hasve fuît>' aîtice'teded lu overonîlag populîsr Pr. juliee ils te ftatmi i avr ofoLU orPeaIj watoîîen, aud t4olicit a tiiorougfitexhifiiuatimi and.!fait, trial for L t u a " o. .w b re, Titi>' dem .A botter Article for the Mcaoer, t,' tliteir :rnpros-ed mechanicai praconen titan ea bo malde ntaler the ai.! -fttslmitioi uLiidi- trait i'>a.lCrii. 'l'bey marnufacture n'atolîe ai ovu'ry grade, froas a good, law prired, sied! oultaaItial article, !uiinooliIver liaittinet cases, expecially adapte.! toe h:crta o! the fariner sud luniberunsi, te th lîc fint plîroimo siiteLr 1cr thes tnigror; ia iglooc' ldies' wacles irpluiu goldor tehue te iianieled and. Jeoeed cao; but t"enio udmpenta¶, re. qalit. of ail their vatchex ii tiiat tLias>'alnl be COUtD TIMIEEPeIIS."IL alitai.!lbe renianibora.!titat, c-ec t ttieir nincle lutrent grade t'orne!" H>oe* atoiî Coîipîîy, Bus totI1e?4.LL WÂTCIIIt8 made by iion ys pecial certiflcate gî-ou te the puîiîa.er afVery wistclib>'the seller, antt.tuaWarren tee la gootatil t mii re galust tho Company' or Ita agueiel. ICOIBINS h APPPETON, 1W2Baaînvî,& ,Nxv Toitz. I1OBBIN;s h APPLE-TON h Coe, 15 Wtnunon S,ë, Bocq$i, ]ROBERT WILK<ES, TonouaehMsai.. 18 AGExNuFR Cmtsiînà.. ALBION 1ROTELnO EAST MARKLET SqUARE, TOR<ONTO, Guet Stabliug, andi et er>'accoasmmotiui, at noderateecharges. . w0gBmAR» si 1'iJL Der g _m Toronte, Dec. 10, 1800. 4 MONEY TiO LOÂN, 'lONZY te loana Omt S <u>Fcrnat telght p3îet, cenit intsrest. LYMA N ENGLISiI, IISrriâLpr, uOshava. initvaNt. 28. 1treil. 47 T IIE ro mi or f1Liis aIt catiblilbet i ittel bagate ta nfrm hlala 1smneroaa Moreanad dU. travelling pliblic, tiunt latcbonanleseth Le &hot'e proptinu, miera Ireviii attend persou- 'rlvît.apstnenta ecuilf» bau! If rcqnîred. Traeler ai.!llermer miifiad suaplo se- men7odlton-âacti ver>' attention pal.! to î,r WsBrwill b. lonva.! aCcoe.! vith i Ite ebioet Llqnor*,Cigans, dcc. Lageiomns, 1Sie.!:, and ti ubiig, vitb attentive onwtlert, coasatistly on baud. UMt Iitit Jatas, 156e ,BROM)E'S HOTEL (L42'R Oi.NÀD4 UOTBL,,) OPPOSITE TUE POST OFfICE, KING ST, BO(WKNVILLE, ' 9NEanmmrbern bog 80o el ch. attention ai J. = Fa mer a.wood cefro, 80 a new- crona.eati nswatMahlaeitioh la vitiottia doobt o! Sofhe Polientr Tgo;t'ap laCanad,j ciîca, durale &cdneit, elIa. e EEUWN * PAITERSON. VETERINÂRY 8URGEOIe. 'n'10 mccir.np.tfo ti atlmte t. i, T. IL. KoMILLAN, 4çea, WII~y. 28 THE OOLOrXIA SEC URIMES C3 7Jt'5Ol 0 TAIE Mn i agapply oorney b I lna.!ibn la Proe.! arme ti fte N eupini Forton>haiiY, bocrotar>', eux 74, Toment, çr te O iN li ÀIEW, Vainate'f, Whltby. FIRE ASJIÂcE CO L'IAEAD STMEET &hOIaING CROSS, GILLFSPîE, MoFFur'rr Oc, g e JAMES DAvibtiN, maager. i efl'eted oit tue lmoe l av-a iral ine a ndi 1OSSn LAI»dicisîpis rqîote lothe ier April Srd, 1868. ' AenL, Wbitby. M~TA Fire Insurance (LIhITED.) ODRA Porc, IRELAlIO. Co. 46 & 47, tJPPER SACKILLE ST., - DIRECTORS I Jeux Onsica WOPniVOE, En., 82, i'etnihruele ltna.!, Diîblifi; Oînentb lari L'o. Loath ; I'ortulumu, Co., Arsnnght; lerr>'keel, Ce. Baimagel, J. P, for- Couatitir Lonth, Doue. gai, Arm"h anti Doma.-Lltuirman. Joan WIi-t.kît GaztF. Esu., Aldermn, Mon- phcat, luB, Upper Suckt-ille Stsieet, aud Gtest Bisnswckgitreet, Dilbllit,*Direct4ar of the Dabi n Teueite' Comupasu.- Roaad: CaArquiuWAlrs, E@*,, Clan'obnaney, ('noanoko'ale, (rmnsiy &X att, 0usd SacýilIec Street Club, Dublun, 3J ]. for Couumies cor Mdentîtaud Welov-irc oSuttl.li Ainîcabie Lîfe C>()ta". bon btreet o. and oti.Grt oUrge';st. Dblian Ci rcîamsLedFetDun'iruun Couaty t>nblîpIu.).reeLor Comumerialini Cla Comipany' Dubln fo CL, ayo. DFvin lit n d G oi-îrx,'L'q.He-rhant, Jide' Qu>' at.! rp ,P, nptoijuy- Brook, 'Co. NPblits. ,'l' 4 ILOBrIri- CoNwÂt- Iloanr, PFae, Bridge JlttusO, "allo; and Glemiduff, Co. Kerry ;J. t'. Iel min>4Krr. nasKraxzs.-rlae l'tionalIBankt. tloitrros.-ltenns.llo& hWaLaen. MÀnMaaa.-Jtolluntinuc. Byaach o010e for Caeeds.-{iorsar or St. Fratscnia-zcclei- eon.! t. biiuruameîuiStreetîi, Iiolatreinl. Bànxa-Tbe -Bankt of Ontario, MitAse rote JCnÀA.--T, W. Gi lfitb, Eaq. Auzr, asWiiirmr.-T ,IL. MoMiltan, E.q. Moai-àz lg>ioueeaTle Du-ocCoi-a do nict adcate biguu Jreiamis, tint raten wili hé changeti nC4crdiungan pantieulaln lilien or manuuetorlesgiîay jcntlfy. Whcre tusprove- ment. or$ maiuo i n'î ,Io marrastitc areduclon ofprem!an, thé.Dineoai yl oesîlie btoo rend>'to Lysia sobrédlation tUeur Lu.norsble Lcoa vîlllibe pronupti>'and! (il>' mot, thé Diretorx h@Euai tnrouns te >'elnstteLiun- aune.! vlilut 4 la ,. le.. Pernosin fnsnr Iig fin mure tLUn2 eu2>orS ai- love.! dlmunt peltiume "ais.! b>' uscring for auyna, aly Oyaacharge.. lIente Ipoure.! (i-unoa pdilg otl Iag of prteian be yd".trngriul Bon"s eer) ttteeyeaiw 'te bolèleru of Polmelan iwho havaéha.! st0 lonnes. Tripoera Lttin (ompaay, rom other Clom- paules onom.oide trio of expenas mae ppi-- mum. Jane 12, 186C. es DIIHAXIEREICANq 48SURANGE COMPANY (lapital,.-840,OQO 1»0ggi f or ho ert Cmai' i o 2-lampe.Aget ibty. VAR$ KyN 14 es ie n ircpon.2w Or botter, £Mid! thii, c tiaon' 'Ole's TonY backs -And eo liiliark îîrib'rrp ToerL.fildponeaa AT.o h. UnarIl 1 0 ar, -vrtchdo. ails walk? enchlire I1he samrèjoys jut f.a iAns anlove; Méenawitb no irrow to ho..!, Hcedhug no eloud above.. Prsbpq~r mn»thmt in)g Taîir litte aummneér Ibronglji Aijd! wlacahe in lter colâes, Ilido <rom t4i rn n!dw lA>rpy thie mn. on glî heq4fr whoi whsa ctrc coins. wkh clonasn Thet aUuf roni the lent sud West, I i.,linchnabgeînnnhinrt, The Deacuter. Atx Ermso rTEnt..tn tlUt With tCites.orti te aficee ttrai >r numide Michael s betr-thed lfUt'oiattatet>ue Cc b 1itb, "and 1 vitlh such violence ; hat aI foli and! sCi-ciskber tace o s'antue indict vaunti.,Tuaie.! o'trickie.! "dovu lit oe cauntenamice ant iataineilfier svitité dreafi I l'bias igbt tremmporte.! her let-erwith i-agi diiiging anitie bis, puards vitit an cati ho sprang upden the oller, vi-enchetl fros hbis ias'ere, antd cuit imta iavubafa ,i the cLUors coul.! pret'ent. Hie mas, han et-cm, qq!ckiy .!isrmed, beu.! an.! dregge4 cf thé' CamaIt anti momen's acreaia, va upen the Peint cf secfdiuig luimai-c dra goans. Wlîen Szelady van broughe out tole»w cd by Lhe moandet*i'dcer, wbc vas ciai rie.! by tva of bis mon, 1 coaid bardij prevent the men frein threwriig tueur selves 'upon Cheir fermer cgouarado anc killing hlm upen Lth. spot. Under Cht circuinatancen I aheul.!have been juatifici li orderiiig hitta ho ahot vithout turthei ecremen>', but 1 prcierred Ce hear vhat h( ha.! te urge in his defence against tLb grave charge of tesertion, anti assaultiN »anti voundiuig bis nuperior oeer. The evitience agalint te' prlsaner wvs s6' atrong, tOi n n toabt coul.! oiat an te iis guit. fie ha.! loft his post in the proý aeneofetLhe cuiny, an.! if not b>' treach. r r>', et an>'raLe hroagit bis negligcnce, had cçaunc.!, bis regimeuit La suffer a severc loss lie ha.! aip adate an attcmpt Ce escape aft bcing discovereti, and! bad dartgeromulyiimaandcd a ' ps=o offlcor. àThe unarm.,moun vardict c or cort mer. iel vas Il Ouilty'i an ta aIl the chargea, an.! tUe sentence caulti anly bhoIlDepth.' leforo prcnuening sentence, as preaiti ing officer cf the court, I cailecI upon the prinaner te eay everythiug vhicb ho bat to offer in 'hi% defence. He ha.! tian fat listeneti t> cll the liroceedinga ai the court £a if cauuplteîy stunpcd, anti as il iL mere iniexplicable te hlm that ho coultilso ai- raiguou on such a fearful accuatian, Chat, nameiy. cf heving trencher'uuuy caused Lime teaLh cf hin commrades. Uppn ns> ex- hortation he collecte.! bisseif and begar te apeakin l bis dofence. 1 still rememalei bis mords distinctl>', for Llîcy voie se c ciiesen for a man of beis reni, as La cxc' Lu my surprise anti admiuration. e' 1 do net feni- teeth," ho saId, "for have cftc» icoketi it li the face, batteCcdie, knoigthat thon. at vhoac aide 1 have lit-e!-atifouglut fer yam viii cura. ne vimen 1 arn nu mucre la frightfui, andi for me te mÃ"? no, becaue-an asîrely n;I hap. for uavation-I ont- innocent of ai] Che crimes wiLt it icb I1eam chiargcd', viii the exception o! that ai cutiIng toma Lhe olocer.* Of Chat 1IAsin g!Ilty ; but [anis yeuî sirs, wvItL vuitian>' anc cf you have doens ha.! yen seen your aflance.! bride ini auIte.! an.! qturk, an van mine?1 Tis hoWcver, lo a minou mattcr. lVhaC galle taimt nthie acrus-ation of having ieft My> pont aundibetrayeti aM>'cop)mers4o 0f tis charge 1 vini t Wspeak. '-Wmen 1 rencitet' ne>'station, 1 dis- neounted,' ie.!Myne'hrs. Ch àa ret, s».! pao..! Cc an.! ro, b vaarn iyself, keeplng et the asae tinte an oye opon te Ccii, vimere Ch. lights in Che vifitoiovabegan to go caL une b>' one,,an.! ethn; Cc >c- cOoequiet. The hatagt occupie.! ie Chat te capCtMa cf Ch. iliage mca!.! b. eanier titan ive bai boe-eti, andi nover ln tue sligbtest dcgiW dl.! 'the poosibillty ocear Ce aie, *.hat aaiong the inhahitatt thers coul.! b. any coeln vitent1Iba.! any inteFet; for slné, the beginninS cf Lb. var I ha.! heaid aotbins'firm ne> famiiy, andl coul.! therefc>'. have' n l'ies timat ta>'.parents ha.lanoya ed ttis tava., J'l.!beut âaklng np an.! dovu perbapa for an 'boumite» I saodihel>" teard la rustiingi l a .ajacent bashes. I ntoPep hehinfa, tree, snd Iqoke.!' parrciu'iytowarti d , mitose potintonsuon 1 coul.! Pot ase, as IL vawonc.i. hnnteLrh yaboOtl. te lovn, vteWb aîo bç cstop or I vouiti ire. 'As m &yreaiiy bo toppoeI n$hova aralyacd vi i e ttCh. 1gt cfaszl anîdir an nosiea, vhs» a, h.suap. pose.! Cite. vas-nase vlthit miles. Site stood atM antil 1, caeaop to ber, T viu on. Che pont cf skif lier at-bat lrouigbt Meri l.tUt Si. ,.A. e. ± 4 '..ti.thid t a utoal towa, witho I L.~ocsi - witluTPgVkt'thte motive v'witcb'laded bis 'cdMing téS- - ec, À# alear esacntially ruolianti ho coul.!' bcu charge.! vith nu intiditaltreason; bat the tacti thnC ho hé.! loft bis poits n t boy-nd doubt.b>' his pwru cauteanion, andtihu=sb acqîlont ajtàck van iiny eIvent te bere. garded as a cusq o ro!this ollence. ox Uoréoi.r, te -voandin.- 6f hl# auperior Oflicer, aithougle 'bo ha.! boulprovocation for'thia, van an unpnrdonable crintb 1 cIlt compassion for Ch. young anui, on oc-. ntcoant cf te-peculiar circueuiacs which xt ha.! mie.! hum iiito ýow'n!tiiug thia of- ho fonce; -but tiuty Jett ma no clice. Son- t tance o!ftioath wvutherefore pranouncoti, or but, ans a pa 'rtiçulat. favar, an hu ai-va ;&given bifft te teko b lave of bis fricue~nuit>n , e pa o bis en&. , ,Pulr eloropirejt aiiy nttentpt at ight, -e wbicit jo-nod upoui the'boi.,e tof bis faiher, r-an.! pince.! asenti'>'befars the building. td Bis moLliee, sister an.! botrothoi,* Wbo DU artap thb firraC Shoha at>ole cmVnaanrc la and! bore 0h sÀi'lnec cLb 'oug mani a- wîth a caluins; hiph at tho Liime sp- peai-e.! La ae unfeiiig, m-ere adii'tot ueo hlm anc after tie other i and! after tUe>' r.bad takén l'aye of bisa, a piestmUa bcd ýybeen akcn prisono! lui the tovn vasnaad- I-mittod La aiminister t-ho tast cônsolations ,d cf religion, andtuLeéccompan>' it te the Spince l.f' oxocuiaio. Thoeiother an.!ais- ter dl.! nut romain lrong n-ith him, but his rbetrotmetimach loniger-iuideed, for o le long a ime hat the prioat map oblige.!- at le lent Cc interrupt flic interview. 'Jusr;'aa the heur bcd canme Ca an étnd, Cihe prîest 9camne .t> 4<ie on the requeit oi the prisouier, la Chat bis betrvthot intght he-allame.! ta sco 0 hlm duice mare, but withoat vituesses, an -lie vishedt i e îte br a hast comuiissien. In artior ta aLan' the unbnppy man et-siy fat-or li nty paiver ta citen>, 'l gmeutet >0the requca.t, ant ibte prient thereupan ac- 0 campanic4 the usaiden Ca Lthe doar of the d table, au.d close.! Chisa cf Lauber ontrance. As, seine tinte elapsçd without the reap- -pearausce cf Che .young vamt.n, li enered hiuuself ini arder ta ceut short the partinr. lie noàn reap'pcared I ith an air o! deep -conccrn, andîti l. to me-" Utahcppy ho- eingai; 1The separation' la, alas IJtaa Uer.! dfor tlîoin. Grant tUent a ton' minutes ýr longer, Major. 3Mcantimtîc I mihI go an.! .t C CimO e earraming iunoCber.'" i eparicri. A quarter ai an heur -pese.!, but Cime maideci di.! nat conte out Lon-er dclriy coul.! net be grant..!, an.! a corpo'ral lireferso vaàs ortiere t t tte six men andi fetcm eut te prisoiicr. 'Hardi>' h.cd ijiese entorem te stabl.!, mben a lau.! tiju!at araçe mithin,and tlie'nert met)ont thr .parai rustet i bck, crying-"ifreas- - 'n, ; mssn Szeiatiy lies eseaped,and Lb. un-iIuicso bas eiappeareti " ' r' " imcaped 1" 1 crie.. "Jnponsiblq 1- 'm-;"m(,urud the stable, an.! look for tbe %Vo urrictiinCa Cite stable, snparcheI r evcry corner, et-en the racksa andl mupgers, but in vain, 'lcitimer Cime çudier'ner the young -ame:o n vas te hc foand' 'Se, Lo>, thme iot1sc, bis 'sister, an.! te pricaut lia. vanuitoxl, an.! nu doub t wan lfrt in myi -min.! that a regmlar'plet oor bis encope hua.!been Jet-sla!b>' tberelatives o!fLime deserter, anti cerrie.!ont wiCh the itclp of the prion .Althscugh nngry Chat I1nitoulti have heen ovrrcauched la w tcisa annnr, tI cannot sa>'that i vpr>' ntuch regrette.! 1baing reliovoil treu in iepainful dut of Che courtnas1 coul.! net raciaL Cite conlrse- ian fChat Ilicluael's ste?>'as ho id relate.! L vaswo rua.1Icould 'noC, tlter'c, pr-t en.! any very serionis dissatiafaiýtibun et bis9 cacmpe, but. I veulti have gia.!ly rocived ( acta. expiénation oethte maàninlu' vlich it bailen rcadored' pblbe, and!te M meena by visici IL a.! beeàcarrne>into1 affect. Timle hcsvver, di.! not allt,W an>'1 atmi'tt» discoter Chose, for vo ha.!T-0 fot o.!atlien tisat Che ilvance cf tite1 arta>' cf Prince Wninicbgrateitad airent>' passe.! Citeoasand! vas -piWoaching Lit twn. t 10ae1orers, Cereort i ovsaate S- sauetiustehy, an.! on' trreg. immnt agahi teck is position l 'i le'er-i tremne front of te rCreaýtiîîê arnavu nia>' mention boe. hattCh. paassge o! Cle isrer 9 wàf aecornpiishedouiuytast Mlie tt, -for- a -f port(lio f ôbar tmopsi weo tila p on te britiga vtdu' Urgea slerces rsvenith ' it rigtt bank cf h. atreamnianthat oui' pio- neers more auljocted to s lecar>' ire andi seývere Icaos vble engage.!nlue doaaoying t te bvdgcst» 16 pi'oven fiurtir psarouit on Ch prtcfte 'eneney. A'fow 'daya isccr.bdoasiderîble, reinforc.mena.put, usA inu ien'dif Joi 1 abls'ho*front agnie to ont tt î 1ùthé year18515. after lita.!lor.g -for- oJ getten Sr.üldays gflgt, 1 limayorelf ila-'i th. fiel.! vith nty, reglunnt. On ChIa oc- 'w iiasiosn.'at-ovi. ura. eavt.ma*oatin.t ÃŽ.à a 'bst o îight trunt me vithoat, heaitstion, tu an h. ,waw nov ander the protection of the 'i TPurklsh geverrnteuit, 'an.!1 [did noetIiteti. to 'donan.! -tat h. shoul.! bu 4slivered up "àOf that 1 amn sure, Co!iùnel'" ns1wercd- "r17,bavec net 'eeryed tlireayeasaila fli aroy witbout leamnugo no L. iffer. one betveena rue offlcdr sud a geile- man», an.!d sa l who 'ut-caïoûd betray poor fellbw for lii. nake of the infoaic' remord., Und I, toit any 4opbt,- et'that 1 should not'batve rnad'b -mj'oèlr kuown to oi tiur man. ýBut yoa alÃŽn ibtnanner ft Iccp w itb m>,Y',bridéi , 1 n onl>y tý ianawor, Chat ln f4ct wc'bad, 'not egç4pèd aï at al,- but wcr'l ,i,of" rather 'unîier the 'l stable, the vholo t ,mp Chat yaýu 'uu'ors eita ing ut. You arc astonished f I viii ex- W plain to ybu. luInaImant a~ithe bpuses of 'o Ilungarian tovpth'r i s e'drbt-room, m largo 'enough ta te--ct. ýVauabie propcrty in an.!'et-on peri-n licase of ncossity. In th iny fatlies'a bouse at 1- Chere vas an- v dier the stable" auch an apartment mbich 8 ha.! bean: fille.! vith firî1mood. A trap. f& doar li thec loor lèd to it5 and Chia kas se li mJri1ullur cntrvei hat you.'aiieit.have ~ looeneLhoor avareva ' ils existence. linthé haste an.! confusion th o!, your search a discovery van aiuch lesa ha likoly. lily mother ha.! spaken, of this ne place, auid vben ishebccame to sectac in my bc prison, besought mo to picke usé of i.- 'th, Ihe groat difilcuity Iay in raining the trop-' Lu doar vithout beisig seon fron tCh.e utide, fo; and in restoring iL, after pasing throu'li' y flie epening, toetan proper position. I n ni ordcr to obviato 'this, the prieat, an oid tu, frien.! of tuy father, devise.!Ltho-plan of so bringing Carlin to sec me ant3ebnd ita., so an.! thon of ontering bimsn li ider,- -so ostensibi>', Le ahorten our edf'ting inter- vei viow. tpnti e'i'lVsth etrdcol tUe tirap-door te its formerpince,n;priuikled po oarth ani.! traw ovor it, anti thon haboton- aiý ed to dopa-t froin the tovn as apeodily an bel possible with nîy snothcr an.! aistor.aJUP "COarlin an.! f rotacined in our place of sai coneptilment untfil your regimen; andtmmy we hail evacuate.! the. towst,îan.! their place ti van Laiton bythe troops ai Gorgey.'.Tnen ce' for tIh. first imie vo camolorth-igain. We Th di.! not, howover, conaitier ouracirca sale 411 cny longcr in Hungary'. My mother col- se l cte dl to c ther al I lier pr pirty. an .! 'vo car camehitfier iita Malta, vhere oght Br lisi farn and merricd Varlin. 11cr. we si' arc living vtry happily, and hopp te ro agr main for tte rest af aur'lives." liit I rcpeatod Co Szidy. the asurance that I woul.! do nothing to disturb their ha ppines,anti cautianeti my attendant f ti<4 8 ta maL,- known te his 'comrades Lte dis- ti cav.er "vfich ve ha.! matie here. Ms' mof> warniniî was apparently nuperfiuou*s, aitIMe gathereti tram bis compiacerit derneat:or D1) that turer moins ha.! alrciiyirnLat ta anaure bits silence. ' 'Néverthele.tç'ho ai promis'e.! acrecy, anr i vii prybrîbiy kcee1sPt, lits prectise, ai ânceriug to a !sitaiils iof1 fie hinwe'If hail hUe-rife Iecmtiia a iiîj'ttC:r of thxutnmrl4$eal' ister. àcut i . lu Irolirit.lsvtiedeferter. Tt$, caresirtdntle nvove! l dooiper pixtts i hus ltriteis t- li I goL nctluninted viit a young *idaw. s'l vho lit-c.! vith -bler atp-daaglier "D the 'Cr smne boulie." 1 marrie.! te wldowi MY t faLlie? tcil, ahôrtly after*ards, ln lave îisiî O te mrp dangliter cftiay vifo, and!mnie.! ahh berMy wily ie becauiisthe 'iotIWI'e-q lai b. au.! Als Lb.'daughiter-lnawet dil -c'nii Iwii rther. My wif's tep daug hier'FÉ sa, t;ep-niothor, anti anthe stop IkIher ci my tLheiAn-iUwv. My .tep-ntother folt Who tinte Stcp-dingbt'er of auj pifè bus -o' 4 boy h. 'fa tasiy aMy itép 'brothér, exp beosuaic la àthe.son of my' Jathlèr and! of cou ru> ntp'6thr;but becafu bchei. it ý sono o n>' irestop daghtor90ano MY u , o *ife ah,- grandffcthev b! the lite boy, tom a.! 1 amp lte grandfstbor of My 'esp- ope brother. My *ifé, 'bas alan a boy ty i-" Àte o nil- a 0n5eiïusniy théestopalstor it,à of mi 'horan d fi - *15e UhW orrnd&lîaiiàa e At One ofchL vs have no teac sby. It Carnet g laver thore> a tain ouferea meus maje L700 tdo; rouýI. eîp uilaSecuring fret 611IIOIO nativets. The. white man- man by Ch. way-takod maif b ugto enter incthé' prajeut bhat Lte nupeicam o ltcill0g witit hlm, anad téke a "'uatitity gode , as if foritUe purcitae of p &e Th -eciptatn, a Frenebma gbtcd i'lth Che Scclchmnn'si ;o s t frw f l mn to t È e s o r e :7 )" M I Le eipercargc and the gota' àoase'ani t'airlynder' bis paver i0v,"!siti'he tu tl.supercarl cnsttUing,,you'cau. do l a cw: îo captai» Co'send evury ohé'o t-sof'thtg iuiand bibch' iini îuniLlat li ' do.ns yod ramia ros nil."'TUe supoi-cargo had ,orve-he vs fairly"-eeughtC- »tUe captein to gît-c up the ai oon h ha>' vemeail ont Cr tue afe on ahôre tu ÏWIIÈ ScoLçhi ien off Cics supmsargo in salet reuel, anti ne tîe afftir ende.. titid net tell the name of thebi tuçeti sbe iras a 800 or 400 Cofi eowiuig Frencht cutoars, sistirii ureti aceiuig IlBrdeaux," 'on' asd on tUe lite huo>'s. Tho su ;aid ho mas frein Melbaurne, th vere tvo- veaeliin tIl conc4 aat tho>' eré Câking osueunativest ,cea nut cil cu-cauunisihabite4 hq> bcàlready souretion bon Ct>' natives (ram. varions lehaun.s ee thi ho6rrîi'kiduiap;ping buaiui ieiô;. du. 1Vemust àmlýairs appl ritish -Goeoment; ndittrysa aip cf mer te came trot» the A be rascau. SLMON 1 SALieS Finir.-Theto seutafWor cOtais the filiWiQl e i '1iegoe P Duffin'a Cieekinth (Ontarrio, Oit lui8 'lStb ".a' lenn.s;. <iecrge Lerey. John 'F mutuiel O'Neultuf die Townsh.bla [1, trcre urtu eîireWn. J d B..tarfsin ..l atfé Pc.-, by Jihs 'uY-,.'i'i' Esq,, FiJuanlt's, t' r tlitit tsey if ti he "-kil, the iir en'Iof cfO 'i 1h ~a-uaucn .!kilI -ilish ariigall thrt:- si iftum"u iua12 u'13 prstiCe Werfe ati";m 'i;iirn $1 al id w'relrtarulmne i , niodutira fiurs tiil b ir-t'tmeLthel l in'cctds lui fngiuig up pei etor ' nn ta prot.ct idis no lp Fder cir'fual.attention on the p rerai;(,i-,Lynie.' Llmeéhr, Buffin le Rouge anti tort (Crzt rivers, sut-e '*th sann'aue Ch À ciorS?osy.-We' reMi iloving a daY or tvo . sine. vh 1peciali>' viten IL lisknotvn Chat1 talcA bot atibi ttd M lie2' 0 r cas fy" , , # the 1 1-

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