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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1867, p. 3

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ral WI. ii .p OOe .0220.. peu 40é..à ose. iti... ...... 46& Woo Tro. . ... u ., i .. 1 WoAT .VE 010710 ~~.o tEhAVETsEperTdu JOHN L WATKS OFFincE AT TISE M .VTxill bisg k fot$h bis friffii piitipbliâ, 1hat hho ua rsaely miu. s, 41« ase#abuselhIbi, l hop y.U.tà"l ttento e114 profailouiwatg b sAkré ofth#lspubli ILlfflue. 10r ilwok warnutu4. 4I FamIllu e. tdtp l WI*l. reldiidià Whitby, Augusýt 10 , RM go <OgstAU &sun<. £7rek, -WkUbg q J ,Offl, te à àltiesl um br of4f.îd AçIWI.utobesasl . Ai <ite 01110 of Joh al lauroo utiog, Inoyai butai, Whlç.by, Augu.,t 1, -1SOT. 80 Reai. ,Estate, ,Fer, 04le9 on long Credit. 54 ova euilof 017lu th*iit 11 o&.- cluO laker ilj$uru., oit wîîîablu fr.e(edà goo<1 itoils bons@, &M oolivei. *11 01io sllsllsgo; is't-iue U0br4-r-.sud »0 s"rat, Woot.bd b I th 4,,ec'lsluoS( J4«1, some OP4100 0., 0a re. ou &M sI lng a goud @tue of ,slSlvnatiu, WJoti s- fIn M uoiball4ot », Onug Urahsfdo@l1 watered, bcaua#sWeui 3xLot 10, lu Sud «aonls o eotl 0UID 0 a.Wo, la a f" osu o t, I 9tiosugood Yr.us lionoop andi ont- butildiewa, cood *i uwrd, ss&l'.v flllug aprid s!w-sUiv 100 sera o W.utos1(1, Iluib. Sn4M d"iu. 01 u deM, IQO me«0., 40 elcared. 1w-o re.lslersass ltsst'itfluin b. villoge of p'rnce Aibiri a"lftlshlut esp.csv.lyb AI.. 10#4oO.orÏb( b*Ild land, k. sUbingo for lusproved sproperiy. tr:Titi.. u(es.aboir, ptopertica Indiapu. PtiraIiu.u;ro Iitb. shlow-éd tb.lv wn tidbe (or puytuntn, on mal teriM. Appil toi, ,Jniy ot, lOi?. -N.I Fa.rm for Sale, p~Olt sALE, Loe. S0, lunup oU, i.ns«- sieo .5hubl>, nier Asisburn, 163aisres euit oolllvpftIoai, b.renalnder lu good woed 2Flor lainas * appl> (Ifby l~to, pro-p.Id) * - Agauun P. 0. DR. PEk.AKE-. WHLTBY. Da. ltsoium., Da. Tunsssm, ie. "Cnusa, Du. Asmsa,(for émsley Agil of Toronto. , 4 Itwsnuae.CenreB""s, BjrroisStreet. JI JLR. RISH, »POOK ST., WHJITBY. poo-pter tlie mloslmm 11.. Nirogs 0o1i.eau dnstler- dru dollars, Àgà w-bav es. "1i, aa bb u,45sIl ce»iim 1* "yeovd tloauvee l av qilIir, WA" nale otber liprvetnuistonua tise 1 0 0 040:16 Dusep$otsed 01 àe111s 4 I.,snu Ma ten--s iqurd for MAIspar-< Pos. la t&reihis a sdtty deIuiu. Aud w-leveflgb. »alu niIu ICos0""I hue r.selve.d lprtlly mdkthseeen..lruc- tieoet tie Driln ow, nov luacoraot ereetlou, lu tisa sid leva of WIlb d for he rpokol er t tis alA ueve-. ,&d IMO, tfhe foulitferîof t"ise coa- eratien. t .re d l a a t 0otso£vie u ndred dollar su n lsave veuoîved ti<osuaDeotantuafor t1W mét utlsml nu wtsovisand dlIr4jnuuluotiblutsoi ydre doilmr, uor il netuu Ve bunudW1- lardenaah, w-bis- interat At tbo ratoe 0a01 paruanjier annus, payable issllr-yurly. And w-Wreu. tIse total mneunt rvquîrad te it. thé e>dmuusll, sy"ot, o>Isiwt lsundired doli'lars Ts nonu or tise trsl atme F us ofrth& MunIepà- lity; oeovdug 9o Iale e L ll~s auen nMent rellow tefssg lte vole or lise yar of Our Lord oba tiiouamud elabt lundrusl end OWxY-aevan, la pacres. bundred end tty. tIsonud 1w-o iiudrod sud onoo dolluio, lrrespectlr. o! ul future fourasae.,, Albd 1visreusi, tbe eiotlngdebi of tle cnriekal psuu l or Vprl un Ohsummof ou 1 ir sdttht w-o sente, anit(or ln- teast, tito paus oet(w-o h-andred dollarso, mnakimgluti 0 -IOltsausmi oue thou- sssssd fa udidsdls ruedoller» and tum-t io cent,, u oInteragi la lu arrar. And wboseuetheha auul ipelul rata lun the dollar, for paylng tise Ilt a ud lustal-' iusute et prlsselpal faillug due amatiyer, or for geveutlmg au equal YOW~Y sulklng fond$ ir othe MepjneuthéO dnls. p l îo! tise dIisIt seordiug luil. theNnîlp.I Vorpo- raitiusss AciIS toua mili sud forty-aevgss isnudredibs, 01 a Millb. hedolla. 1. Buslt iherefuire *,uaetesl, sud I qhéa lyean- mtd 1y the -Munsszlpel Couneilior Lise Tow-, or W llItsy, thrt tise sRersansui lserelssbfoWds mentibeed, abal ho respect. fr tios uoo tud IrofetS s o-reo repbtirl set i s. IL, tàitrailetise l.urclsaaa ol0?asd pr*pety Aboye aîthss(isa là s * rkstt 1, uatrkol building., fonce. aoid otlser lsee.saary ton- îsroeeii sstaaliîbu mode Iherçon, sais cot ot exoýeîdîsg, lu tihe w-Iole, tise sun et tdire tisouals u d 814' dollars. II.Tlaîoutofslle moueya te b.rail,a ebre- ltstfter Mentlstlieil trsio.unet1seavon huit- drPÀ siud 614' dolla s sêbul lie grantle. ap. p!ied. .ssd uc'i loissllng ln ils.coussrac- lioyn or tbb Dalltba, uo* lu cooe t erost., luils.heaIi Townuof Wisiîay. IV, Tliu t 0106bsielal't lfeTtisW MayurôMiii "14 Mitlalilty. sud lise la orci.> sutiso- riz asi lorrow ausi-raime lsy W&Y of ooiou epon tis. erboslisf tIidfti lssli ulltîms tisg l)e4sitursi.e» Ituister Iseionffl, s gaus innto ewelug ton taoiseuddolars, (rem aDy pcrssosoparosss. 'sosiy or e.utla C0forote< w-hO iuiy b. w-lIlne te slans tise ooegn, w-IsIi"M s on ialib. pabiq lu ages i sulAsînusi iua.ollssetp, Oie! r. bu0 IKu'e l o ira egow-ih lotertiot(bore- but AItii. rate of pis per #mit, r aunus, l, ybi. holf-70arly, on the rsrt day et Marchu, tsf18 111efirat iiay «t Sptnr lu esoh y4mev, nsu urprof to-Miadprfi't psi or muiertateho 1 leumode Asbl t a tircs more <han tw-.isty ar iests tuibtI I. llyWYa"lmiaitk fe. V. TisaItaor the.ppofe etf rsloîg thé said Ibos tsuy sud seufiigîlse re-pavuseuith.of, i aboliland mnl 4 ho swfuI furrte liead nia yor toi;soue I)tsuire-of tise .41 sunlcfps- lit>, bemarlugst tst nitisaerate o! six ptr cent, POr 811138113, Aealed w-ih thu# Cerpo- r aolte esitieeo ns.I euedby th. mayor aud Tramaurer ol tIsa M unucipalIty, ilu aceI soin or Pauna a. t e ise fs«ab sOI.ee epatist, Dt sxe,iglnrthea sud elb.niurag tiçoli b. lorsalem.@uni Ihas' o îmrelildollari, suer boer a tretter rate 01 Interagi thon fi% pr onulo, pur Annna, andI asuh Debenturcu s*halll w î"n apyable et ilh.agansi>t o l unlsor liotraqn Toronto # »illllie Po dravu o o moka $lae sum of re Ianr.dred dol- laim P14 l>tereat on theo li ea rn, me Atorémli, sud Do tmore beeume payabla la su> bise'yaav, duviing lthe periodet tw-ety ytur.(roust ie athi Bly-.iaw- # hi.1tause fLasud no Dehauture ebitîl Wdnmode payable AtaI arod b.yeud tw-en:iyMyra, lion tisaiini-e lsftor flxed or thls Sy-lais' t lahtregg VI, ThoItisae moue> suvalsed saoli gapld finto tise bsuds o! tise Treautai (4suc Mni- ci>mtal o b. Appli tllad b i sMrd teo VIJ TiaIau sini pecslraté e0tcouns ili sud lmr, n'annin luaddition to aIlutber raus, sa£flhe miea ler tpon lte io hle rateable prepuvty of dttMtsnleltlY. fls *AO yeurditsrtDg ilMie esi sst1w-ot>' years, nmaltler ths. Jy-Isw- lgalit&ak Tisat tiisly-law sisall taléa effeol, sud coin tubep=msratleu pODou upecod duy of Setlli n hoe Yar of otir, uJron@ lisouanst Jglt hiudred sud ltseg. Tls tls-soies et tise leors et tisa tow-aao1 Wbtity, bu tIsIS Ejls a Il begkbu, on ti llte.utls day of Au Dont, A . 1061. AituMue u'elock, u&an., Altlaetellew-- ing plueee, iz-Id tise Town1va0f ishib mb.pd7bmto slaao i flll* -oto sa iba oeue ie uasw, rIsasera <Isreot, sd uffx tis ae&4o! tiseof tea aàs M* r tp o a lo n boaed ed g b sed lâ bitise CooctotI (iorporaou of Plekog, *Obaumetig lob Jield u ise 'SQW ia lUu l3rOUghiaà"4 Saturday, 7th of UË*4 nxt ai Ist'lck.rlng, tiha is a l SI-Lia BEcTos BEATOX,1 clork of i'ek.rlug, Wobd..Yà'rd I oUI.. buti o or ,FIRLE zWOOD,, M!al id st a lb.iow-at mavb.tpvsuu àg cud w-fl b. althsordelv.rodor uold 1Wlsitbl, Jsly 2, ite7 4011N JLITIR. 27 1 TEECTIEEXTJIACTEI> EMT TUE USE 07 NITROIJg OXIDE LAUGIIIKG GAS, OB U 1E IEW AT vz»TA&L WouM, DUNDAS STREET] 1NSIJRÂNCI9COIPIN Y 1 Or NEW MATIN1 CONNO înîhil tala b d D sron.Mj lait- *Uuitl.u(o farmner# forînurauo, ai math adna- -tag.ona rates sa ittl logetb'er up«ersdthe ueal~o of4mpql on lb9 Altu iifi .;- Farinemqr. 1a 'a i tboB41*iyof thea Capital Stook of $,Ob Oriînit'y Farmar s 1ki tak#et ayOrabout one lier Conti Anuo promfinns mus .requiroi. :OHI AOMJW, Wbihby, JUDA 20, 161~. WHIT&VA4E PlanirgMi. T"f 1EPublioe ve apcetflly lnforsned tual I( he at'or#eMills are Dow- bellg oslarsred sud extud.di ard bavlng boom remoyiod t tIs ag u omnmod"losop, Ju#i l escl by INEEAEOFTBE mm'h propletor le nov oubled to do, sud axen anto any ilifon4 t 1w-ork thm nayb. ordored -hir.k ssi oweandmddi 1 tlO ,4 navj ue,id uaIcourus!e ofaotrïloq woBK. 1lietbels confident baib. w-ii b.ain a po.1tion tooomnte withi anl establlabnsant leoffa. Doi OJD wuti tbb gvwringa'te a * séâtion, -lji reaelveaspebsld .t ded attention, Tbe Mam4airo oOf Chm BmDoes FOU0 SHlippUG. Plnsu au& a"cfiW*s tlosor ,buildings turulul- fdi sud etlinatm #ivOIl. ,Wbiwvevmlah unefl. 156. Smo8-n' aaids, pee, yard. *ibý est Co~tton warp at '#L,75, nMt' CfjI& i, STIhe vevy, -bêgt -of Prints, at I8ets per yai'4." SSelling Ã"fi balanice of *Dre" ïGoo, at cost re it - ..A LARGEASSORtx t: 0O Family CGxrooe rie  ]D OOTS k SEOES]w", 9 01; ]OEUX~b 15Thé higheot cMih price pai4 for PahmeWs Produce, JAs. JQHWSON Begs t'O annonco that lie bat bés i,apout S dp'N'GETl, f6r WHITBY AND VICINITY, AND WILL ICEEP ALWAYS ON H9AND'A FtTLL STOCK IN Wa GOLD ÂND SILVER CASES 1 do 1A n assortw ent of New J ewvellery jutst re'IV'd.1 W14u1~y, i~ly 24, 1807. 20 Iy CLEAIRING SALEg DRY MOUDS. I:OR ONE, -MONTH ONLYT1 AtOId No. I1 on the Corner. V.GIB3SON, wili offer the balance of Ibis Stock of SUMMER GOODS, at and inder firsIot 004 the *héle *téëk, must b. disposed of by the Prat day of Septomibor next, To ruake r-oont for large Fail Importations. bÂtt&ÂtNg WtLL BË GTYEN, N.gl B.eCshÃŽr 1utter.. & , C4 will pay the highest Lesh ljrièe for good Tub or,,É.iskin Butter.'- 1 Whtby, .tnty 94, 186f- YEjOMAN GIBSON. HURRAH PoR NÃ" 1 oitheCie~ Thé. subseriber bas just recev,d h'ig sudi best ated Stock oi CROOKEY ÂND LASSWRE,, Evrbrough int to the 'Iowv of Whitby, all et' which, wil b. -soldýt a small advaceon c ost oteep *willýpnsnhtheirý own interelit by caing at Np 1, on. the Cornet apa examine hi. atoo'k: àd pritâs becwJ p ufthas Mg elàewbbré-s Aio fresh uply f Family Grôicéeiiès. WIN!$ANLQUR of -tIe.beat brands 'always on hando Fr mmiPrfod4ee t -iêi iezcbhuge fdr -g"oà On and at'ter THURSDAT, the 4th JýULY, thé baaincde of ' bûr Snimimer Stock, will, be offered at a.gré#it 1RDtJCTION -IN PRIC.B. SPECIAL I3ARGANS1¶ HaIE E TEAW 1t0ffl~i d ULDS RATS# ? Ait MUeS, nly3, 667 lA4MILTO.N, & Cos. SAiiý]UEL HORTOP, (SUO'CESSOR 2 Q JA.MES BAIS &,CJo.) BOOT & 8110E [ÂKER, Brookest., -Whitby. The sribscribe' r deýire b if *il' th bï" opi1of! Wbitby nd 1h.publicgei~er ll, ha)ing purchàsed 1the Te- rnaidcrot to 8ock nd Iicod'tbcinelt Meurs Jas. flain kCÏ., and having maselre aditins teehe us now prpared to upply m igood an r'~l'O in UtheBoot énd 81e line, ItIl ttta c~ap prc . 4 bu had anywherle I1 wanting Lva4 ',GenWs, Miiwes, and Oilidrens', liootansd Shoeu, Slippero, &C', et the righlotin1,d, otfns mAtera and the cheiesct pliai, WiIln sulUlefr d4 interev-t ? ealling aI. the establishment oS tthe undersigned-tbu aid pnnd CALD)WEgLL' BLOCK, BLiOCK-st., WflITBY. SAMUEL IIORTOP, 8uiwsr to Jae. Bais]&Co#" Whitbyp July 17, 1867-. 28 ImxPO.-R TAN T!l HAT.....H .Have just recéiièd by ci Which thèy hrilé elling usualy châ3gêd 4y wh 25 per cen t, a-CAL et i Porl jD'as no -wamr E ouY WMILL GW1 TA9 G (HEA1'2ET AN(D BM, T, o0pPtIT#ROYpAL MOTEL; WAil ordaru attcnded to wlb junultf Wblby Jl>1011 V B. ST F eIlâsurance Co"t ESTABLISHED, 1808:. capi, £,,OO telin Àgt fCndadeea Cnd-1$ BuiNTOiWEIUAnd IU,to m"outr St;oolv nnAgend reboAGNEu»Wl, Wmorlu Agepnt fOmiroWbhy,(>ba0 , 0 uiwrnof vil audlin uurouatujoustty. ' Suies-S&It 00, y aL m san an IIIA M S bmtJTUAL.p IIL, FIRBANKS CQW'. PTllC sni ytec nOWhituly svalzd 1:fl Yles , dC (r4e. iw, lln < u eA b ml>-iA W.ise l i 'lof, IN G tS. as ,blecaugel. otrratr w- Bkinsd W l L. YAJEuAI&L, 1861. S'lllg reclu ta, 4d I.itby.â Sisareisolderi fia] RRIAM' ery Io*,, JWOýýTiýrhàv to 'PeddleI tbiqseaprrn, bý*tha6 reducéd' thrir rim o IN W tZ Wuncett lIp ppr9baiiofqtCastousov. H»EÂVY METATZ COOkING STO-VES; dg loW' as any Eouse lu bbc Cppn(y, with rsb RPite Fuviliture. grIllDO-cir Béfls,- sornëthing new, drùibIesand cbeap. also fiçool Irbum i'nd fsctMyBail. vj.s.vs w-e.lmi"kt PrlyGro, 3tt4 Z44ý1867; ileavy ot-fons,

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