I .- 51~1 I " 15, " 24, À SPL1ENBD1CHANCE. 83 of tmli hai. i ýjt mdf4lIlh0<liY1lPO, LIaday 140 MONEY -REQUIRED , lr sb it t vPy«", tIi mMOUSé Of n, if itaro d>J<oQ w.4xpind.d au Itnp>ro.- WhIJ4 hie îmag.4 for asîtibble iq. yr, KELLIE (if by loueir pr.iL N"w CÂlElGe AND Wwaggo n Ohp WBLEIGES, - 1. ~rear o uaiy Udp tI e '100 thti. a1st latLUug8y,2Dn erit, Wlsitwlo lty.w neo îVh teesltar, a boul 40, rs of . 16 4,, voungorh adot# tiss.Twîhl p oporau -vffb ocha, anlort ng st Lt no. 8, two IotaUTowa flACRES oholmlob. . andoIo p, ud o lo1miouri~ tiio é ù t h é o ut e m al ~~rW& HUNDRECRES9 "\,ut1 o iee-h lired, ab p rion free Th01 Fttill.. h t eteadjn h ote. od ~io cru., $0 thbîlf Lot 10, in th, l1it con- ~e<not f r, nome 8 or 10 icre» ltiril, Apply lu, J. HMPRY fUhoatçýst disoovery o(the l9th V.iitury 111 r.dsR.llvedwluhouf eaking Mei-I EgptanQl EgLIP i îANISTRL. Noeu itsi thi e ee f de&ictî rat down.à - ,is-etOOWOnfd hasanIY ePMWD obeeu InViod.wed fou*Mlmyaste l MU hN OIhLsfo- a~,ateio.. whin il rlssg -,OÈ o.ïsmPuir howneuualndluippuriau Wb y M *.msd 5hMu'am n uîa*4 wd W)thott9 WblaUsai il U es-I. fiel tab ai îIa l .d 10 XADOO foId Lalnde, 1 ?OU" s ii ndi.rldmd on..fonh o! ot Ai» 18, la 8h. frEtc Nctaio=9 ad hiü iVE Ilmè 5 lU TE John >,oIt'W BEP$ t. AiDUot1Dëto lîh, 1'rk d i I.trong, thit ho to ick îilulo li. 1. itand, isera1, vli 1,.fosd uwayî fit uai- nous lt <eut Isor00 oo d oaUlo, icerdluîg tb lte mo.,t ipproyad #eterIaary prJuclplo, i. bat lnowit e4enill, poIéluopes. Aihîndu o!loiB"mth'i ald> gmnra1- *27 Calsiut th#i old itood. Wliltty, In@$rd, 1897. lyr-lO BO lier ëforé-Sa Le. 15-HOIZOZ POWEEL-teolnd Rand. Apply aetti Wbltbî Voundry, or to, muE udarlpua bste albuwttatbat bav T. Iug pntehisad Ils. lutireatof Mn. her li tlim witby Llrery Stabhe.i sud Iiaviap midi large mdd ltbowss ttuere10la ýifoi an d vs- bId0es, tsyare now prepmred t0enpphy mil order; félo îivaty la a saperlor nsînner, îand 10 usait the pubie re*quaincimt proaiptîy la svery respect. *- ; COULTITÂRD k ARMSTRONG. WALTR CloMMsvzsIs, EnvrAlti AMSuie.o Whltby, June 12, 1t87. Oeo. Ayers. GENERAL BLACKSMITII, AND FIRSI-FRIZE IRORSE-8HIOER, DIJNDAS STREET. Whitby, 19t, 1851. 17-24 B sT AND CIIEAPEiT lie. 80 pet a good Bnalî,ieiA Edncatiloa I. at te and Strattosi Baulusis Collc#i, Iocîtod at Bnl- kalo, Thisleithe itorr EIam=. suiy orqaulto4 bnîfli#diemeoôl la ixîtuce' la' Oona.qaeno. ofrg O iat oubofMr.Jil. D. :rtt ïsOa ipryîris Mcd Intortit biu bun i dpos.,d of la n.arly aII, tit Oo1l«oALo wili b. undéthe Imanagm.mî oflr.JC» RYAT, whviterw divote bl* whols tIi sud oîuivflÃi-to the Wbktblr. Ap aild, 10«?. PLASTER. ICAIP, rD ÂLLaBIIYF. km* ToN8 Ff t T JE Sbd IN. f som eg 00 s mach io0that;tb.u"lotieug, ont laid es' boai quft. bars. 1 commsucd naIn Douillylo Pl..touýaad là a short dîne lb cnre ail înhrlowg sttogly recuaiaid If t 7 an uteinf fo * nptiof o!-li$ skic a, bave "ti proved la ai essai-. I'srow, C. W., 1866. Tis aln to uttfy Sitst tMay 1 upoeto hittle oi bollSsq tor on My atm, whlah bol 8ho luth oel.avlog tIhi bout, ilmot bar.1 mnosd lidte M titaernutltisp pain$ for tht.c wiok. ,1 litppilod II)osmull>"s Pl.u.tc3r, Il At oîico uard nmela s vty alttti0. Sold bI JAX'E8 H. GElIEXEand .tAlEi BYIjNE,à raggia, Whltby;ç W. T. ATICIN BON, and MARK ROBINSON, Oihawa,--in by on1 Dragetln the oocnty. Joue Sth, 186f. ltsmos,.22 Land For Sale Tanto sud- OR: BuiI~ogLots# TIhe folio o g liâ t iLots, veil! bc sohd low (orenb or ats fait ýVmlntloa on time, riz. Lot t, Sth -Con. Mirb, -200 Acres. Lot 14, Mt "Moimoer, 200 " WU la, 701 "Tosorosstlo 100 W!4 1, $rd Id do 100 Lot 7, T th Il Bflmnt 200 Lot If. 7t1, txbridge, 200 Ex19 rd B each, 100" 22Y1, sdo, " do, b Lot f ot, Somnerv5lloci 0 Lot o, . do, 20" Lot.87th " do, 100" LUt, ,th Id doe Lot 9, th " do, 200" Lot 11 7th do, 200 J.ot 1 ltl '" do, 200 NEgJI7, Lad '46 Wbits>y, ,80 d Several vahabi bnilding Iota, for buiraia ssit prvate tasidunce, la t he Towaa o! Lissd- Y'cr fait5ifot»'utiou tsppl7 80 ROBT. Fi. PERIMY Witby, Match, 1865. Whib Town -LOTS' Ion B. ALEp . 0 - BRnoOI< TREEýT, -- tdoi n e nw Bîstdlipof LOWE &POWELLI 4, Loti l toi hop21thmtalisseit e laso. -lnc *J bnL lto#u neDt, adaLi, Reà d4nideClothfng, iii Mon andPst -Biettor w a Rard-ware, Urockery and Glassware, &, &c. are determtned to seli Cheap for CASH, A. cail is respectfully solicited. R.J.c' WBITBY & MANCHESTER, APRIL 24, 1867. a Bon- !Lb.- Of AMPBML L4 FARQUHARSoN'. Watches &Jew'e1ry~ gg NIJI" LOT-OP ni r T h tort Iuyj GET TIIE BEÇT ~ ' Embracing-Mohairs and Muslins, ShawIs, Prisas, Hooli Skirts, &C',,st cost. (Jheap Factory Cottons, Scotch rlweeds, and 1 fine Clotha, for gentiemnens' Sumnrer wear. IIATS in endi vatiety. Trheà Crô oey-'De'Partmen t Embraces a choic assortruent of New Freoli Teas, Sugars, Cof- st~~~~élm feri& ,&cCHA O CAH Farmers produce taken in exchange for goods. - ' THE subscriber begs to anniounce that he has just receivcd aJON FAQHION j well selected assortment of new ý oods, *èonisisting of- Sle-a1 1Forpçcet-fffrBnkNts CoI'd and S'ilv-er 'W attohe's, jet afin oEi r Ri B ngs, GoId and OSîver Pinards, ('Laer lings, flrooce, cr Pl, Peil Came., Thisubien, ockatix, chah"i, &o.,,4, dne uuosltofihIfAsu a c o French-and Anmetfcssu (locke, XMercnum Clgar Holdeuu, liar 1001 and othar Pipes,, fStee Spectaclei. Repairs of ail kindse O].->- Please note .the address, .".J'~A.Aa. - j. p. jOUNSTON, M" H eA PICE-22 -GEORGE'STREET, ,PDINBIMGIEL *O~iAW, M~ 107OSHAWA. Â4AÇMULÂTED AN1» INVES'TED PUNDS NEAILLY, *IS WA MA 181tf-go' - " 1 -ý>ý J#NE -MILLION ST-ERLING., E ~TA B T I EJ) 18 3. Hed'Office in Oanada...-WELUNC*TON -ST, ORN6 - J. IIILLYAIRD CÃIIÃRON, -DAVID I*IGGINS, Chesrmian-Oacadiau Board. - Secrtary-Canadi.an 1o~ * E. . AIAE, e - nqpector . 1Agmaiefe 7r - ç ;~ i -L. FAIRBANK&S, Jr., Agent, Whitby. . ELEAgent, Oab4i# -~ M a l5,, 867. T. Q . FO IM AN, Agent, Prince lberk. TIL & ROTHE'zRBGtIS&CRlAE (SUCcESSORS I 0 WH. YTEL.) R c cfpie I CI, inet niakers & liphoilsterers,:atîd deal- ers in ail kinds of Cabinet Purniture. 'SIuue Have now où hand, 4he larýgeet and mon eleet Stock, to be - ~A7NêIu bauda in- the Coutry;whlch <beyth 1 mellng at-picem <o suit-the <fracs, being (4 5t~Jj~ determined not to 'bu unlermold l>y any house in thé tride.-_ _____ 0a11 and- examine before purchasing eisewhere. A. cho icê 13 0 - ____ leoio o GltMoldngs (meicn ,~> - 1- *eAgoor-ôd assortment of Buggies, Carnages -3 & RCE STR=Zt, WIB .à .rad f th , eat aerial, will be sold a ua dac du mot. - xp ~ icIzw~~sBank. of tTpper Canada Bils taken inl exchaiige for wor£~- AGRITILITRA W O KS.Whitby, Octobr a, 1866, 8SPEO A LI7VCEIIIILSCRlGEWIS single Reapers and Mlowers,-and Reapers- ,--- and Mowers Comhinedà 14 .0ubsoriers would c.aIl ther attention of the- Agn*cultur4d<cbm. mat t hein Stock o! rlmtemns, Wbemnvillbefgnnd. loaîirhuw is $parka Strict k Ottawa CANCER -OT T AWA9 CANCERS -c By a new. bat en w thotthe a R ni vifi b urit T _ôot his, yiJo>pmy lereqii w co>mlto. c mornoit a cred,,t 18 s.ould becntad, ai aisl ii. mupre al'cedisy cssrud th or sitnliiig,, and thare î» noti oerytbistp te loïea y dcay. a liarns ls nmp Wlu tIt bri or eaewhere, or umallart c di dùsatnp, chmaoylng men qnsred, taterenceau.a b. pi hava' bà - crad many y. arenow sonuîdalid bahhy t: ptrosapln a.me.Ni lu S d an i d no n@ natif -GEORGE CORI T lERMRH T, UN-DE] MONEY TY. w WTht.