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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1867, p. 1

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W'aytei o oe apcn gdbd aeeurlyAp. - k j"ya ofe Eeeeteiria, Coutleue, tot oUISTRS, Nàitesy a Siei, e tM&-ýI OVStoS-W'eàtroVAsBuiledBsingJlssg ?erone, Julyl, 1881. If - baryed aricersauJhcry frtel-Lu, S C1niils aneviuiialrooknet.bhndau B ARRtISTER,& ATfoiLNEXVUNTAN bitbr 0; W - '"-,C. ,W. OfLIIe4ete. AR UBI, 0e.s J. K. OOUO0- W W# M. a IRBANILS 8eLWiloS, £0., Be. tTAS KSMOVED hi. Lev Olea W Outariz j~hhbr,gr Une Di»- 1 sitbtof tige WisIbyJam2S,1842. A TO YAT LAW, SOLICI'OIN1 dm: oi4sauser#oucaur .,as Mo J. XACDONELL. ~AUISMh&' A'TouzYâl.ATLAW, $dW#t« Consty C ufnl, tio, Notery A TTUENBYr-AT-LAWOLiCITOR IU e.Wilsit 4 .W.J&oss,tu 1,Ttorllwk MI&0(to 4tryaoou nBrook 4trast. di 1 AMES lAmoto, 'A TTORNErY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR 19 Dlnuda SUet ~Tbre dota West of tise l'et U a..16 13 Atli»T« ATORNYS#CON V£Y- &q osd1 trie l'anbit*, &o., Le, ?aîîee i Su-îrs-pelTown liai. Poar FavOnuDgiwnBok & 0. Coea.te, LL. 13, I W. M. Cocsis. __________is _ 18t88r IM . 81 11190C. A. JOliEOO blur, Se tllttes' M Ckanceri, Ate turere *,0e.,+66 W'OVII-next does' W tise Begistry peu, Wibyi 41-1 W, M.-OITCEILZ, &o, U44,Mit Chdi îtcTrati .rti 0 e# Ptt "" 04-aTa .W, 40 LYMAN OUNB.L A.,* Attrssy.aJ.eSo1~sor.iu. lu aCn- 40 - JOUN BILLINGS tÂW,OIANOET, dACUNVETA&NCING .0" PUioe rnos Albert, tvo o oera veoft 7.1.Vrman's alors.j ~InUStEt TO UE COUNTY A L »o OrtWhitby. Notice to l'armers sud otherg la e roo4 .by galioner barai; monghteula eleunlevïidei do.; lIapler agtta Be.Ufma Wligl dedo tlo î Pott teey n Oogjnw cBrandy for the asuir, vtah aflota iTEELiâuorosudssaIigare oit(le hast brandi. À Atenit6oitleso, andailionbs, teJilî. r, frokilu A. ALEXANDEIL. , WHITUYBY l, Jan .27thinoSOS, te i o'elook. ONT£UXW OEL. loorastebof DAW - - - I.PIffu tSuperlor aaeositionus Camrul atten- Mo, tion te tise lqssretnanto oft traslera andi OIICIAL 5PO»te. tri0 o9 u Iloaery » tabllng andi ahd.non, and rasdy do wtonafayc vithîi tehi, I VICTORIA ROUsie, COURT.- onleansa atazcv, Addr... JOHX < PUIIîLI,..... r~» CITUR lif but el! auiibt hbssPP nDubut tise lltctr.awobaedyaW Jqro l9i. - d oreh 48 Wlstby, OelJ 84. USUJBIL DIVISION ~ R~O Orz mât de@ cuaupi,,, awn,>CW GEOUGE BitSyN1 fsapropletosr 92 subudbsot 'yie.risnraal'P thasst bin Seta bus btgceUxnd. u aren iaaêê th@ 4b.ae Of -t<le Th GU'.2% t'l &l il ,Mayt140; th 010, dl h De W. eEBzalziEBMd BROUGHIAM. Ia onm o lve-s te 10ea. n., ZWATTAILOs, BlOc] BIR " KlERSn treet àBde 1ARCR113IBAD BAUKJi MAEAILA VILI1AGR, C. W.0 àILAeusefor York and o ntas D#. BOS, [TU i tIolpfl JAUNI LABO*. WrNtEy AT LAW, SOLI( Ohueneery, Le., du., "e eVd te los. neuldo«r he0 i% U TItI SZJIÇTI 0«?$ of thecounaty «otarli 0, Oemtneia u <ueea' B. 0 eeu . W 'LL1Am doo TFQPEIEI Mmns DVEyptqn'c.> % osenuderbig%Md begate e"nuann.etbisa h J.tà ha akasi theeaboyae veli anovups'eiasa vlh hayo hseu neVly farnia bd Jrene. YeO b>' Dimua auJvb.n ise à#b" dumemtdgl- diois , ? àvl'Us eersMaia teteeualvoa 000 ceblng eseiecl vrd, ud attentive 28 JOIS ILLER. TKMBOTNTON bea te tsu l, u TVieittiaoîb Cmil e TSIpMdaa -Lndaayà. Feb.14,1. TJXBRIDGE flOUSJE wM. ANNAN». ýTAClE HOUSE ISAAC FENTON, o'or. etor. J]RUT Winsaend lq ora wpes'orac4» n»dalil fot raerd, good ateiig ALBON OTEL. DUMUAa clJin.,, ota lue. 14 i't'lq oprets' TEANOIA ION INutiolANj, EN17 LAZI B. u c.N,- PropatÉ ielc Accoitant, land andOcicri Ageu, ORILLIA. jarO01,00lunPeter ulîea, ou@ do.r uostÉ 01 Mr. glavoeb rust Store. Wild sd lsuprovett Varma Is th@e Conui. of Iîtari Wbtcu u ae N, S Colootom ateuw augnàpromp& Ilon. D. L. NaI',roon, UK. . C., lnon, jolji Simspou, If.L. V(! lion.gorgs t(ravfori, il L. CI, sM . C t.ians, .q. 4CI, Xt.PP. Aligue Mortlaoss1 Zeq, M IN« lii> rà keq M P. P.r >Y.. n.r P., 70bUmm liis L'kr> a J4q~ F-4.,~ tors Barrie kemin&u, Uaasatilu l'e, Lndas, asd Whitbi uaaOîcLz. 7 ly PRINGLES8 IOTELi (LAT£I WON'O,> -KING STREET, OSHA WA -GLOBIEMOTEL HI aboya "sllk me O] stblee liotel and proies ae u l seisa bythe au berlibr, vîsere he viii urbe Loosd onIsand resdjy t. attend p#raonchîjy tn the vanta of ila gpete, te. T~he premia.. b-lave beesoneni eontbly fittetl u v; eist t step.Jatn. vitIs lsterue et sotveger to vais cti ery nsedensmprensengto e eb isf1l'tele, iq homeaturiaghsle taytantb@Tbei q&fl l'iupplied ea Il gis. h al eniu md le I B toe 't 01 H.i Dluy eli hre M.».11 v a or bei,.. TieA"xn.ei.bWalghanWatcb lafida i no 9Uql5 finco<incPro,@ bd y no aile k*Mpces ,kn.Ail th..r -operaIons Wat2oh, are earrlcdounnmer w mie liéa un&dr miekîllful aWd enspett directioc Butth icro it lffgglaiugtenr of 1he] areai ndima"e 'ytheitiotn so at pur"- *n dolkutu toathisery cvar brougit t10 thicali o hmanirdontry. Every' oeaof the mort ti à usird 15 fO v.rY watcisla umasey lilib7reprodltaee yu "edIng Patt wlttiz Ui t usee ae u 0uy neoou mary te nu"keontie 'Ww1e oul sypareuar stylo A" M(euM Odjnss the isundrcd machine. nae,.cf:ff e re, 0*xtit vér igeed iag *ats, to ig Wat.b.~ £f.¶' an>' ,er b.gu, Wakis ham onil tead-r., theaConspany, aeting Us4 'sumberofthi& va"aIMau theicpart vaMWeJ, wisetier it l'e pdog, phio, Javel, or vsai ntî nid l' y returu mal ieovî,uld rpeire tii, dewo rad sarticie, wviics sy wvaiter would alfflto e position. 0u10eed000«WsJO OerCOnsI11gpopuier proludim lhi a. ete"ln favor of ki 0 à%rto« n oolilta shorosigl, axasiisI"air' trial A botter' Article frle 'th oue,. lo titeir hmProed nseclanicai proom., in eaul lis made ndr (la nid -tisodbhsbndi. «rAit ilsyaga. lier msî,ufaegure vitlesaos oveny grade, <rossAia eods evprio, aud oubitadnt larticle in siola alir ating scff, eepeaix Ly W te hvaonte etftise fauliaè hisd hitaberftsi, 10 tise faut chrono. mater los tihe trj auj0 cao ladies' rateise l pes82giior t uesnet cnaanaed and i a omnea;but t4 a ldspeoaabie re- g:Iàialt ail theïr vmasclia t mtise7*hall 60e TIENOPRyDi il bond b@ reemboed tiat, e*ej their single luveet Kra#e mnuit 11, hloie Warltob Coils 'kgBo mu"ALL WATt-ilU s mi by tlsam Are tUlyWarrmeto ec e" rU.esrovn to thesprcaa i. egodaSJt ?gainst thse emspan, BOBBU4S &t APPLETON 18.8 WâsAMaOrosr 5, Boumo, UOEIRT WILKE6, ToToo & e4mem&l, AL-1B11OX MOTET,. EAST MARET SQUARE, TOICOIÇTU 0SIublnt Dt sa-y oommwsu1eue, A t M*dt&Meharge. or' BA»$IEU nDAt Toronto, Uec. 10, 1860. MONEY TO 10< M WNE t lan on gond I&h.s ih LAYMAN ENGLISIr, Barrietor i Osawa.d (OSbe*e, Nor. es, 1806b 4 0ORILLIA 1HOLSE." rIiuZ ~eprlt01 Otisioidst abli*uiid hot4l TLegt ifers ieitlsrona tnIonde anti1 thsetrat.Jllibg plit, th as h eaaad tise MW*v praseie1f Il f a ii attend p.raon, surto hew ofbis gtsa, 1~rvaIepai tntaea5b.hiif réquïred. f losso atio >ad efary attention pdd ;t6hàéj, -p eefe ýr ft 4ttn tckd* h iii.fm Beqr ,vît? arfesu &c e it u eblLargee , 0"and aln h argntv te ooma, Shse ou, ed alng i (on#, UU Juet 1804. 24 'B.ROI IES OTEVL.» s' I t h e 't a, 'en rm Bd au je la à Ir y as j. (UT«1O4Iseo.~4£014 0 r zTEF1T FFCE damble md indoin dM i on etebeevrgl up * iuCome tsathé Ecg., SE R T. .GRVITJ TEE COLNON iAlDo Mare a lageaply o(ru»oy té-Jend on lm-' Psoiedl Yes», <tir yaerg,,ar, eeMiteiUQ Fe emAt. ppiy to, R-1. U. ORifflN. Setstery,B 74, T«Ornto Or to JOHN AGNEIW, Voînetor, Whitby. 1 L')MBAIUD STEBET ACIIIG £205, GILLESI'E, MOFFATEA Ce., Agaisu dAmEM DAVu«StXMnger. MIIAN I': PFire Insurance Co. HEAD Otk i, LAD. n ard Jtod, PDublui in useîh i'ark, Co. Lýontio Purtadovu, eCu. Aruaqh 'CerryklmaaVo I)DFOsI, J. P. for Couii. L'outil, Donc gai, arnagisudtiDovu..ck*i~. eJoa W ILLUM os,,. Vg. FeAidrmais, mer- ohaasl, 10, Uppar soItvlit 8MInt, aud GIreat Brsniwsek Strae, 'hblib, Direete, ofth e Da" usnDte Cempassy.... SométCi,, WAsa, Fi$.,ClontbrAm., ('roackeaie, CoutY MXaIis' sud Sîekyli Street, Club, Dublin, J, P. fur Countlee of licath santi Wlkiw...Dia M0&4lai1 Ainicable Lit. O02e. Csr.cGo, Me .oss,E igeMtlhonîe ste. onei itreet cuti onth <leu t eges St., Colbsn>. BzmàhgssCe,,, KEst.,27 WatctluuElpi Dubln; J. P~. for Cc.ida70. DA4vis BscseniassoirGoouàTâm, vq., Merchant, Edon Quay, And Mrlsam 'nDii Brook, Co, bliblis. mn Dln Uospj COJIVAT Iunrim, Ecg.1 Bridge Iloboo, Tuile.; aud Uiêîiduff, Co; Koary jJ. p. fer Lousuty hCerny. BÀisg,.a.-The National Bank,. SOLtzUsl.-eaaa.minloy & Wateon. liaÀgfum.--Jiin ma St. Fraueoia.Zalier csd St. liccruùwsut Streeta, Montreal. llAssrn.-The Bank fOtrl%. Meceu u, CàiÀ,roà.T, W. oGrihl, eq Abxs*c* nm~.-T.Il.MoMillan, Keq. Movnuix Pzcxâx ,,-»Tho Direltor do net cdvomste higis reilliums, but ratas vili ha claarged abLong a particular loealitle or ntoau'tbltorlee se>' juatity. Whare hIjirore. mant# une dindêe 0au ge warrant a reduction et prasn'um, tise Directors viii ouly b teeu antitogie scrtojuailolstboir fatorible I»eea ii il a pftsnipfiy andti ally silet tihe Dicturs hesag JeiîrueteO reintt !-u Shlort paripireJellsn.d. Parno n esing for iistre tisess2 ycaîa AI- lovea i jilonut pr«minis, and b> iss.uring r Tyears, ossly 8 ybara ehargad. BaRene urécd Par on. year, turing rohnîld- ing 01tproaea. Bonnacaevary llilnî ya'ara te boitiof Polices vWho hava b.d ne boae. Transfertigo thuaComipasy, front oUi., Cons. panl.,a? eenlm ade irt expense ml,@ prs- ASSUIRANCE COMPAÇ»NY Uapital,'6400Ooo. (1111 ltldersigned bavlng beu appointeei J.Agtat fer tihe above Cemspany, lanov Appli Agent WbJtby., VAR$ ELN Mr Igloo A 4T, te. for cgIdnswgÇte~eJînsanL&~t DR, E~E lit lu»., ur 'aaWm. HootiWTor Upbests, J19 lin, lnEt, e#4 Iidý u.f 5~Iunib~ed.w, W.W -Vont, mm in. YIy M. waiiier, ia Agtm Mel.,., mn. M. Mecarehy, Joisn AtUS~D1I.. M eNi..,J uei)oaj, A.W. C~mmer , Usflnw.Mrpt, 1N. Mtvgaijohn MeCrohan, May Pbinsý O C".aiufo b be. 8i we. F ovdetaeetr -a le 'A GOOD MlivltJIO -AM'y y te JI-SU1N RECLLe! OF NEW IJATEN, CON IuM la è"d s C a nd tal$i oQ, le J. -abe Coupsaissla. eatbllebedau Agaa la tS i.te t vI *" a s . i affordirg iJUca te «Ïlfris,, uriaumýAt et s 'Fial tagw nraea a. 4il llogaîiser anpauib î u.efflu~f rCallipuilt intire matlwia n Faora mbave ail thse acirty 0< tis Cepl s to cek o S l O o O o Ordimar«' Vahuen' u a a e or aboi Mbniw *rUSt, 5lie twpreiulsinnote, rquine joli# AONBWi dhtyaune 29, 15*?. <sstoa. WHITEVALE Planuing MI 1le T p,Ëtioareneapeettli lfosnd tiia t r y a m ille a re nso ir h a ing o slt rg e 4 aud exteuidt, a*dbaoiig bebuisssmvs< $ tirat large and isotrmodionsa-$hop, jus$ *recto ULWZC>B MRXU mm 'rise propnlstor l ué* inublelI to do, aujdexi titité sy aninit ef work that isay b. orderec -havibg eteaus power, anda adjithosniac mhi uer eated, a l o f e o!enatruCtiol for Andi toty And 4aild stn'ion ef JOINS] WORL UIl ebi elb aeist thot Iib w vîeli e peeltion W oesspoe e ilhsu xanesbllihssîiss lai tb. Provrism iee tls lu vorkmneaislp sudt Ssle of p'less p5BLINUS, BABIl DOONS MNOULD- Il1Semitasstiy on b"OCK-Saoukei ÎItUs Fttulture, Aa na ev lb.tiin ubosnno vilS lb. grovilig enterpnliso! ofthia asit1 viii recelve capecisudantiausded aeentitli riz:- plana ansimeillmiliesi 1er bniihnka fîruleIs. bd, aujînd auia", gIvau. Whitvale, t oue. 807. & e-s tnnstdu Can3ard of,... 0,00 Scrbdeaper.niily raapcneibi. <W' eu- bwcmnte of tie Comspmr auy-AJI DisStors Fils£ DEPARTRBNI'. INSURÂCE efeteti i climweeo<pr4 FAIM BIOKO8saI aeli>redife tl aSe LIFD DEPABTNBNTa No- extra cag o mn eouztry. >I I4fOloiejesfo bÉe bn.&ol Grvay.utl. erlc pu litirdt4 W , anc-e-m Tiffthf, tkkMag lu&,oa gpé: ss aosopu'o-Jregirs aih l'~ave beu I auis4Ned$"'Y"'1' ssiliv41. nsrdefnssy Use I lue cital undr ti4*imtres, aid whie made t>w wa ityleuP" 4m maie». «tige léirsget ut asetc p fra.vei adwe 1SO&d d-g bevn ,, itï lqïà $f-I k1 pet ï 1 bae atea «l la auei.4 vain; peéià es leey#m4 ~ il%Zu#i4pr île yttd aroubthialidt lie r, anct as a reiide ' Z i g r t nth ete1 mc b n g ies n s gtta m i u o ft e a, O U I es i . I t i ~ d ~ 4 d à i eS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'i - Il-ê3 M 4,Ire n ledbon».h ciia en iaa MssY Mt* f S.8 If 5 Izise Wne0. A etons>I sc oietiset ai1d 0f 0yqi t >5 tciw pesueiaOesIIsingntbeua i làditg -"Vseeya.-La ea l'aDis e i ee Sbçv ev ang (b A > 111 ras e ltipa iebo- ;aseao byoeca T ra d s pr ' we ea aedl 11 auIn i e p<e. 1406 la trg e y e arieh l t s tsr sn te d.- . . 1<, an u fite oul Y.d.sa p-8 " sî via 'r i M' --41Î r 1er- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e TieStdo aeire i tfAyJgitti "asu youa I m e t tlt , aa ~All fràÉedrý " - cf b b.fîui gais e c 1e o a b t ic Ot¶s U tu uz g u r atdek ug " e v sas e t n, M ,Aý e usta Y ~a efacsot ' ise ulis vth ut-c t heaie l. loe, bitec preof.ena cr; u "Ivlh ell yc, * sb i e M . (lise t o u sry e a D e" E til u a U r. i-n . ef o n e fro m î -a t . . F b n m e e t vasn ss as ae o' ls - rs gcitpb vlepuuisudtabî ual vom ivi e.daund ednb .rv gied, 1 e- ali bit p a nd#.,- IW611<Lbhuin a, ilqaéët appevoemailà holding blojece za8li, t00hm casePaai, raten Auclent sud M1t. lh>'o thhli e lsî11, isarcçari , àpe "d- endde r h Vers ibteil deBathé est ec ofaità! Mdss evulsbepo lst!eedetoéhp i cd,~t' t O«k ii bie pnig epwuetreserantasse re s. at br o" ,4-t jo R* iu, 1sIt .n 'L;e 1 i! r', nge s ja t wi pae ied tisa on tinuoe s, c. oeilooki fs tie nlerng. ,oAar InVachurbýiI ii 4, asnisd etoo ra' ou > Ue anre n id getAr.nd e olatî n bwe a.> I so 't; 'erd l ssg palss ,tu l lr Of t e * >55 b at IÏd g télut. i>'iiùr, anvinn« e,orlugnng Ti>Leuçuimeto Mnsr e b erscel elÏas 'oti . .atiand li bererci' oin ovn t t¶rbfolis$'u 1 ne tgravsii uy adoristseeal ve tsaslsco n ai nl , eleteu Ya UM ofuOutilig uSlch r , cov es'ationhal uauM r s Wtalteyia cpa'at" [se1 font Ma l md ihS JIv hs sd. laisne vo o teti p nead ass 1be ( s vu.el tia ls a.td to-estf l i f euolnéi bytiat lletin te' lgli- vepprtL te Utaie 1ver. 1udtitaton cmuib. 1Dsave lkbcr *btelbs bato" Ideuncioels .râfi li..sbd o tbbuyj,, a uI ri sud Bblasiu l of puntsa che, Iad pae,blaid C@iisuneuc ad Aac tyte bae iti 4 t y ur oùtwti ë - u deloce-mm . lissavlsonvth4thelgonawno 1M i 'yferl le bohth-.Wo...dinuteboublairn gva, miêx, Uo t hase pler - Butd Ivenewu Is otliclet ldli 0srii ts bno ciwepee i vscis bcdganeu latcau front ti, ace ed-t baothl e Pl- sfe vtitbe"Lmuurnnrzg se, c"Do tarlgn,-r r 09 isagiu b>(li * nd, senatnt r Ofe t Ailet-dse «ruughd t I îIsà i " rm -d o ito W#4 b iokigaPMre clou. slbny clapa levartu ber bouse. Wen ai las ii thse exet hiou bsint! o tie vihse ezqiul eth . b ise ý w u a 4e61(à est W.U M it â4jw hr au te on the alle in uh as are de a st ' i rclaS 1bat, al le lii a rgw ticot tîonlff br th Wilkle c loreaid (roii tdbh e iben . 'an otiug t.b.se n pttis LI. II SO 1et I t isbed ri Ery ou. bc ft et lct he cdices A eat! asin WuY, ase coqwtti d4cbiae rua ieaptIJgi iatcsbudde rus a Use hoe "Il ofte SpraaJb ertiSienfa iP11 visaci s feebl e ye tUe ancrts e la iss CA 1 sid aio sl unadee Iip wscaincbae& ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ uucraa iil0 lupi et-rls n bksri. I ioi t ranao va. ___________ïtfo >U hua ft igu seamea & m cnta'beuif ul -ba Ce rom, ntti _ cd, Asuh ati b ere-, opS*ae lisues otas hobae niibis'e éo virâ Hallac as - tog ther (bal lgis . et bis a gels Si iî i buv toer bu d c td W arth' e- clser ui s eurrwsà foi by Coist ertai n lhiistibVael, oi ova a ttth & une leerat b iet be u-, cet '= seùdatire 1$..1 euu itrlgslisteah1 erbt i b at! traVeriS. "Wocbatinpe ats>n e bc k " ot iÏ ;" 1catbdoem b h ei tm ad a i ise vauenbug et o iptsghte is "(hi, l pb'utent." cretns"-.'en 2 ynrsat lalgiande "Ne a seug," l teralé:tia. -I 'awun-, lcm'pll 1110110w - Jura.Butswbt Vie agit ore enoen rvalribiser tiseopo suVa t n u s , pieur a ds hav ll apive l, id, aof o l1 e t o'lSubh4'shi.bovn wbc eu bads.ble of M irsaI plate" of tcak a c Mid -Seriptura fer tsat, tee." s ot ur dur friens. "Andy sé4 -ybe igai on 'en sofeted?'- Ai 1,' a ik0 ti or o e na itî -e us Prsmtl>' a c d case p eakngalo- '1My s tps ti s orid W tuÏ i tb ai o1y S t TU b eoà an tisfae eulnset oead an t in b iuds vssiT be atis ai, sionovgfianr 'Ws a ieBt~WUe n t ,îeSu As u bimm r*e ud O, ap nfbu tppl' ed-la= M id s l ii oiffliteneo jphaitatd ius ie 0 n o ls na i r le fr ne ir7i e e l; o'a ist &0 tasueti al& ai haue scired, tisa ltuvs-hranSi e l Cw bg ithe 1uaas Of ai a st bece athe bla xIsIsbra puSnis; dbel 1u tispa ute l, las vise Pua. "Dea thi d te-tlslaabd aalis u> 1 y r ses pu i M rs L as àpse Z70117 oe v n b ave ent é rtetiBNlvda isa c ase I (le a ,S Lbeosq" tdor, " ot f t 1he & on iu vaueand, I aouidtbink se," replidoui tse aoui>' tiitlerencaYwem e ceas udil tht- unrtitsoandierassa at ed b aiy& ht of ojctat? o Spr ba orev ? To ar eft plac t"e rsoî! ut bko *s.l 7 morh e a irble, uatnubs.5 or a th er ueet, ph e liaue ozy Wfetlie di g~ ee -- t ber fIfs st"' teunceitaisI, edigiUts tonsig , "1 th ane vier. y a- nl atknitma do.w et vL.ll 1 _pf lamp mpargggro= egotetl litssu oit3> va boek r . k aiulne"scieatiltel bant t)iseaLt o'ume . - In, leue I , Ifi~L' "YenAs Ur sai ee tc b îtais o as baelg ios e ten, aliJ,'WlyId sgse"i.vt ubu-od< "I aise,Ir eplt iht. 09 is- z -rc. e£degt sheha d sua su d ý beAu>lkl yoang a utilful piyaî bs î i gt o vu pos d e*e v b ss t elltJ iibera t, - f le66 ll bd (b L ce W Ig nde "I iat au ye et aid f ee WTia a cinopt l b paîjeli," f f1ret% paols u nk "Icd edthe an; eringo o nigb houid Tiiise i - - lsetea oui lae itî1>efcae. 's "Iislex ec ou bl sp fr in baever, p eai, W toeov - - W8.off 8nomb sa theise haro." - lutùü tisi il unà tadiGr'shmebayn ilb Bost tght6a nd et bitMi o n y s ufre; - Sr - - r hato, ieeccieiarelia t i ptie. v W'e Itb;a depo 9brl5 u t s«iy, (c, a >' sn ltui e oper, eevas un>'«Id -P Pth i £ %oehon _ _ _ _ _ _ I Va v -Ail XIATCJ31NGO 1.0. il 1 1-1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 "Yreý 1 1 - 1 - 1. nx,

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