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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1867, p. 2

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Oscw-ars 110 *t oîjm is Myt. w-#l b 1111,o a sot deolb-prtale "trisu lS medpw offl îheylbavé tise cou Md ubo u of et lsepubllsjssrs, 'M IWPefrenWlt dgti Oo 0 rtfh Ied mJeuIN ue My us>weU(e!ai 0le. f &"feur. llllew l tie bd exasupl * mastisa. me w-eidr thba ailtise o.0 eIaIsmd evm traa d iieoucyl tes fi»rfe la s. . ti ltouaoi d" *talos tis m#epevdwaaiag s t >tis addoais !tbie 09Me. Whoe avd baud of Englisis statu. Moue deneaetng tsamullvas1 And w-li «* b*had et Uagl~i oé" iolders Inter- tIsao lgbteuuiuî -iseistise biopinsol este . d nudor eut lavaluabia esool qusien bas oied asuathe people of Canada4 «id om e.ablwêad tss jidgo lilnklssgty of thte poligol bIissé to-f the ountny, telsr miMe eam now b.e oorupted or thair pria- e1itebeegba by ࣠miaJister, or thaïy os. .5eéw' tboeaeltubub.mlied b> 5 Mles or olee.mieelg polileaI bei Indééd Canads ervos ber tle,§0 bho taedby bsd uen, eas.Zbar fret InstItution -dmMoe7d by b.Mg" roanet -~- daige the reedesa sud prooponlty oftise 14V Dbmlîlo lu th" pevsuad b>,asndl. d"M îés lt, B'outh, Ontario -affordu a Cmtse sMd a mas déable s@mPl@ of "bsla tisapressai 'aeotes.'idaoe ivlee or sootiseý rou<e.tle eretributlon sow-sde bidil à okaisrei, tote asla »la of t.tesisfor voise ïoe of tisacas-, 'lla sesie toie tns. lteotrs Tise, Mes làa nsatorlouMs male itsoagaaefi, " is -s-bon aubitiosi selis te' .1mbby - suais ea. And tisetauw-ho descend frontibit i5ispouluo-the respetable 0pd* iînoi-gear, visa bmenorves aittisa Propriéesa huas! suÜd Voilsi tora aop bts salioue isedMasbis gisisour, for fln o glaSat of -ts.maisWhiolinosslteé vhb, bbe ferlaIs rost, lu à tliouand times more guilty t tba teis o aISw-b. reeslves Il.Wu *1 trc, larntiily argu. n Ire Wetltbhe nus lae- tstands. Aid w- oble,. ti#gse pai ofetthe poo. ple ob. sonod ai tiseeore, s»d ibas îhey "vIivota for tliniit, botw-iatsn la ùie goid oftisomid a cauidaies 115. Mr. aoti af 1864 oasle. Eqîsirlos are Md Uas 0wbiecls ttw-l be muid la îsiue lootton.. Theaist d'logo osa>.tisa11tsi silibe. tise ka idiefvsti "I av~be beau ai leut,,one maontabafone oa f .vwrit dellvsr.d te tise ClenS of tise P"u~. Tise eteetion so provldees for tisa - lork s t aci ttîy ualilg oui a e-it fvote.., sud luw-asnsg twtisesiet Imttu ô providus thtno onesalitvoie w-ilamsbis cnama le on tî is lIa nI î ls mode wAmd aelgied.,Section 48 proviaies t4oatbea etorahoi offiorob4ai sesetabis deothi m areu -Weseon of a earslSed ewy nitishses " Isfroesd andcertfld Kef. Tiseraeasuot, tiarefore, b. an> * b.; tise lIste o! 1667 forEBus ad &bé,pe4tise avof Whiblymut bu Woe4~b~ tre d vor me tis fe. fié~M'~tet~Glbe'.r <itnds boases«y 1~* iisL~ uedquald intensadate>i. UIwI thse regoSini er- 1,o uset4 ?lfGo lste btikvado, ot bellave 1. . *or dovq ùn-.iisêoreilg oervbdelw -' 'bbloîtsiaales balei WOve 0sea hàmtaI d aeordlinagte',lsw. $0U~anuw-s: rMOtives 5>7 W w-igittaif M< r, Fwry, w-be'i. seB <'Iro 8- &aray, luts, Tise»mia#adoa-s etotais plc sto a4ie Town i ÎIt iWbltby, ou Mona lt-I l tiseUîIs1ý,ud tis@ polllug osn>fon. quite lae leson Satutday uight w-béasthe pFolstooWwi w-ne eprlio e, tisas tison me.bale boalesom u4-lvoly buffylo op lu oodoiy te bar.se. aïýdistriboied met er ply vita tisa roquinomautaof thisestatéte Vy gvia tie p ot U.. M .Gibia& vw unwbat te valganiy ealed"souet. Re foumi tisat b lie bd ben lomlaag gronaid ' ery da1 ai006 Mn. Broya enîtoed the -Rading 1 tisaIthe longer- heLise votwae dainyed bis'obasom vera o-og "a il ' by degrees»sudbeaulîy les" : a leh rled b.. peeog Sir lobs A. for daysý vus tolagrsus te harry on tleeleto" or h olewndbave#.. e:#ba##o., uTise noeeeity for the great has t.ehservad. Af .Ihugsi eot w-il i sema sud e eaer" o dob.f Mn., Glbbess diftat, wvavenuretath ie smiots iba 'stars tbrisn., soor 'm n ;à adols> Mn. iblas v, old suorall>plois up-courage th go te a PMllI, A l,46egreMtsvtie" i ail»,off <roge is "-proiisod" a s4 "doubtfulot enpporterm. T- Wir laïïlime ou--ôgh'leti, lsow-evr, for tise findsO f Refra id oeoom eai go a o tl st! furtisor s4 ereuse Mr. inv s aont aever, mussiplatîy Ia tisé ldlug sud pile op bisl majors> a its iate snOb a igure se w-lit ptevase tisa w-hle Domiion tiastue n f Booth Ontaril resit Irisa-te tse priueiplaiesor visicis tise>, vidaMr. Erovu, se long batti.d, el sn 'ofis econquer. oder tise bants of Mr.Mowat, sud, ai lues wou,& i ise. unow-, le the insimpis. ast retors- o! Mn. Brémow-repw-lat belongo te, îbl-selegiliuatafruits of formier TIÎoltplpaes, as &lieu lu the pro. em allu sfollow- Ss Twal; ieswnsislptownEsip fWbtby, s e th@ Town bail; i, la oetral ubdiviiioi No. 19 of tie tovnsblp MofPkloherl ou. pnladin atitise lits (nmlots No. 1 £0 lotis No.12; incluisivea In lsiof tieser. AIa oouoeselOUOfe !MM towshaip aiàa poili tng, boos n te .Or* stealÎl eSaebol, on tise concession lina la front of onà- bdf etf los No. 4,1Inthse fitS'aosemiou oi' tise mid tew-iasisfp of.Ploenlrug tla eleet. orjdsiva NlmoM. Sof telà tow£0nship Of 1tioieing,"omprlsed l i lise lois (roui lois NO., la te. lois No. 230 loelgaive, lu afuis o! tbose senai eouoeqiuaof the sais tovssip, ast taeTow-u bail,, lu ie village ef Brénbs m lu eleetonaaisdldvlslou No, 3 of ti@s sd tow-nship of -Pmckering, con- prlin i& Iltibe laie trou lois No. 24 go lois No. 55, lucladsve. la acis of tise sev- oral mooosios iof ssld tow-nship# ai lise paisile bail& la lise village of Wiievale.- lu île village of Osbsae, as-the Town bail;- las tisa Noth yard of tishe s-n of Whiiby, et tisa Moisasalee'hall;j lutise Centre yard o! tise touli of Wiibiy,,at.tiaa Town bal lus tise Bouth yard of tise 10w-D'ai' Whitby, mgt tise rame loume honse ow-aed by James Camerais,s-ast of Riebooaad à$,, sud wvise tise lut municipal oleton uo wasleld. Ms. -EGliens'sOmstingenat LînzAun rrIo a source of trouble £0 bis Osisava friendi. Tise "-friands" promlseon Mr. Giibesspart, siba bu. w-lt,19 aieeted, glve a are-acre parS te the IvIllage. Tise l @eture "y, girl#s is sa th Lagro. Mr. Gibisevoas't do tisat; butsaiys, eltme firsi. But' the olsdovy lnaprobabi 1lity of is ol14040 -spooally atr tise $500 £tis te Volis. îeenm',tl lifnd dod g-is o<ï0no mah of, s fow- y@uisef COu$ 1f. romn a condieli ofo(mroly bouersbisuropetente £0 a sousi visat ostentations exhibition, of weaibi, su t.lliiDg tisaPublie Ina a peteb piiuted1 aver, 1w0w 1 the Province ibat ho iad (s jeam isow -over tise dllsplalstlu of LIh âms o f-Uaecountry ;but #bât hi olD di ioa Inst-dartoteforce Ihic , lt ot.01 aud sisut now -eho vastiera ho e &larr tisai Il be bad prevlouly,ýMaldw-as(»Ws be tbe future' of à cossu-y, gove rssd b, eople * tvi iai -aeld vbat le 'von tisa tikIt lot $bote wvise atie muohvs sls -bare 'so lonager 'anyaof tiast dee sismaw-hsb alieeV-,.»abypeenfl sy a tnibusteovituso. Yet wc a etailiasg ai prlvaa,aÏialýr-ýsirgaiuag fs-om no doubifs date, nndcgdà heur the vordsaôf w-hiel vawieprououusd vitiaisi a ew (est c tise place of vnltiag, sud tsocuands ros teiss a dfiosiports mode by friand Tis s atbe genteman viso eOMMo ird to isolp bis .follover lMn. Glbi and ai u opposé Mr.Brovua o, sebvatevor #luehi <asolu ieopas u asv aenvaw eoinst sa er sold bimssel f fr' ofie, sud -hofor tw-eaty-flve y bu ibrosagi goond uderli repet- sometiles in thse Wnoss; 'va>' sd somaetimé lu tise igiat wa-"pbuatw-ays slncenely, slnnggied man.- fallj <or the rlgts Of tise people cf uppen Canads, Aad arIber ibrongi W-lon las- stnsmeaiytélioe " rigissbavebeis et lut, secare& .Tb# oaa- mass' prolalus ils faleliod sud bypocrléy, aid tl o nits ai in, order te obtalua a isgiposition f 1orlila-, -self bis policai rWer bu be.aî. Mrt. Browna tis Ion te examina isis publie reord and polet ont w-linehle hue#ver premréd isiaief befor. the public gooti. Contrats lie position, M tise1w-o moss1 SolbcltlugY Votes for Mr. Gîbisa; or tise ftort ef tie 66f Tsteo.9 Thore- are sous pensons soli!iting votes for Mr. Gibbs lu tise. proeeus contei- Cisunai momiers, anid mon w-ho pretensi £0 igla 'Chisit prlncipl,-aad W-beua cas put forward no otiser. laima lu bis ibaiâf tisa. lis libonraty>as a Chnnci mem-e ber, "Mr. Gibli bis u ivou sma mchs t lise checis-" Mr. Gibbsabus givcn te muaieb te eeburcis" i on Mr. Gibbsibas proaisasitggive mutolaandsisnobis anamautt, la thaîr iigiset taudti of tbat pions suid virtaus parij'ibotsly candidate, Tisa> wili, If £juestioned, admit Mr. fBrown%' long serviees te Upper Canada, and tisaI is engisi ho in parlamsnt,his superiority over- Mr. "i as a publia mass, and itutisai. Bas tboîr couscionceutieir politiesl virtuel sud liseir Christians pinciple, art uot.ipflie iont proof bigiass bis iberaliqi. Tisoir Position putisns in mind of tise iollowing' anecdote :-Pormer!y w-heu iscgrces votod lu New- Jersey, a candidate sent n oid negroe preacisor £wo barrais ai' nice po9i. toue. Nezt meeting dey ise exbortod, bis bearers on tisa duty of vcting, and tise diffsus-oice bots-con Whigmsud Demacrais., Ho told tha ofory of tise raceipt cf tise potalo.m sand added u 46My bredresa, same tell yau ta vote de Whigs, tmue tel Ion t0 vote '<or de Deom. ocrais; but 1 tel Iou voter-wbesro yoa gel de aiera t', 8o s-ih $moeof tisa pians Lobb.y.lag, religonsu gentlemen s-ho solicit votels for Mr. Gibbs- " Don,& mind uhe political pniucipess 'Of!the candidtes,"l tha> saar tbut voto for'tiso 'stars' b',1 Pire ut Bri 'uglitm-4ossonabla "éLib-w This Pm em sr ss-s!ii bloàgiug te Mr. G.B. Stot-l, ut lronuhi 'tsad. tbeprem- Jus ecicplualas a: n éi tory b> J. W. McXGegorer0g n, eregret te Jearn, destroy.dbj Are ou n' id*y ,last, 'Mn. Koeýgregoit alilbis tools sud utoilu- trade. TWs total Iom la estimatil esi 'rs liiiitsiso isecéaity vot-iag 'toauusi tise ovuers lan hait iu vois n . JBrowns vwu olweteal for iasbseiptioss, vWhou aumdiaga meeting at tse vilage - ca ti 4i,ýkeint gouded hm-put dqvn ,sis"is pmo a onces for $100. Mrl' Gibbs vas asises ausaea4tW ho dàuotîiklo te ido, seoutil atiýte béUlss Mr. Gliisu i dsinet1 iW ~* TM lelïo businessie004 ontu la' ,ohe,'eOsiv bins T' l .mbt) g,-# : iowed hm tc, pod tetheMI; ofibis viaeutiseloroto po î h, ep~b.te the,' follov rutepaprs luRae ai.t . . L ' ~ ~ ~ ~~. Mr. P&zt..b vun ia ags e»jomuLbut t îmeo £couutv, ansd la e-m lunUspli fol.lJ lu.sud d vus &if opinion - *ncs~rejs.maof.iuln âterests ol t llaos ueth wIi sq~~sayILAt proes bis, grist, sairj, ud 'aiigl Otàtsrtiol, (sa Kr. i M.êaat SI1NCI -w- ien.. i$Pt susa, homo f0trions sud tbuitty 70 lu saealuglu ao ovaiie ~. ~ w~m ave*b10'f bis serige front four. ratier aàIbot run.'He or t"019,4rooti yars, ansd have grown, luisud barl, tlt Use cf bu, -BA"W111y.L...A large Meeting Of tis$ dopei but I is .epo sdvale.a o eus Imminesnt, and suppCtiêr of bft;.Brown (ro ail tsb4pe . nî ot té ach ueSs.belectore oftise Nort th sobaoe soO(ibes ~inr.,, thé- o bi al tsi4suitbeasà, publie o priviste pou lim vit s ience bod M, Talor'; e il 'bu 5oïhseiie ~eve e n m TIsey viii nover bol od b bs la ialoo. mettnng Couservatuv 1 omond§ 1 I.y V.usu b#i lse a is. É-tbe;i' eIfJb 'biii tisat bave 1ýMr. C. buasiavas m ports Of Alse eommitiees Wr'Oah-a.booliseaM»sfjjOOVO î ;ai& ' -i lo1e vor in atise Mlnistry meetiou v #te eàqvd, l ilnîg iats .6 iptalos tetopuble0 a>re issl y or Outsvio cndertishe 07Browns vii hlbav aIaaslsona. .jorlîy li kuovledgo ofi- out manicipstlave , roussis l ong JReformer liSe fary ad lng racica '!peréuu Nd à sud et thse nsom i iis tbvnslslp, 4&Ms ittoitiselu ofs'l>, 4tse '~ep'pi aae~aîeuiin ra S,5.l clinac V h eol nJbdpstosàeg li «m . u*flTbe B u&obrnaa ~ftberti6unpcou 'lo i b.o-va* Commnt, a position a oiismii.Tje usWblby mon are 'bilrnand44 44aced, naoit 4estsfollgilre thseIlbouods," usolie a hooublys£*Or,sma iwglv.u(good iu':-àqualificatjon for ths ei!caeglgslatur:e es-of North is Otouo, .brs ofghe noirProvlsscetb f&W Other meni. isel id lM.C aceîfu 1 t .Bw' ue. th Qctautrio ean uila'botter dýaim f1 B otQr eutioc ,-b maît'bé' àeqdiaslted vitbail ttscr vanta 19 applies nearer" votider Mr. Gibb-in'*Iov 'of ail -ieeaiIuo.Teefatarbonood ipdbudllg deserios-vssnled tisé elactin bticibioaJ as aïrongly by theu peopie, sud gre slrody' bis Baster'sud irg et eàoev:eploaager fo. speaking vidha a'od oe.Frons 0ev0ry agita4iug bis Caikit, townshipItectbl Svo ,~ensr *pcsecro.<M ienr a vehae tise iase farious' rate; lobiia r0al,',g 1,s as ac. utWb Obrvli Mr. Paxton, ueàîiored vith favor, Wby vhS bi. te mai, a 0 a Il pariij 4udý,from .1 es;a.'of ppeasiug bis-anger show-as good record sithtisepoils.-,s s 'i~ujolyfstise ùmig Wneuibinafor ia boue. 'Noi wilii evrillarge. Bofore- lonsc1aidIog idosoe o! onr Ina. a, IOi ÂLW5A t5LIio tisis atice, -vouay as4 !!eli giva a littie' look ai M. C. Camerco ~ LiTONt5Ii, ITZDOriiNf i 241' ILIV5T9&UX r u£L - o E iw.Sandfld Mstcdcuaid Wbi~ty .-Bowrs*nhkger, ~ -. CAIIIA'l05.Course of tise saine Sun Pr.ubus,'ft4gravtedaséasît-tue ar. Soma 1ev ycarg ego,, itviii bo rememtin.5 u aineuets bered' a sovera iforin of 'wind and 'b ise da bas..l *ticulars of w ;eocàscs, t ill bc1,.recul. b r~~irngiug i t te -au-s lececd, wcre Tertc «s iq'ussns a swaps vr eue:"e n, o icdlicec îssê. Mr. Wgna Tta v asaitt ie short. Urne 2S. éc cdfro>m nd, :datenant:of Mr, Taomas Paxton,, 1w :bis mondmi> fottI.clssomeM. Weivas n(ortuuste ;uougb te Aie» for tise"Ang ro hthobospf4aWsinsîîtutic ot loe bot i bs rplaad nadito Tuesdy mo ,4Iàg. T4cy. 'bave,.not to-ther Jamagoe, bis feisees were levelled ~ ~~aog tyet 'bemi' r pttsred. Pçpfr ave ,s;n- wvus tise grotnd. Mr. Paxtoan coisng obet amn vi charit£abienos'h to il týtjdtbe. als on afterwards, saw- the wreck or pis-(*a bs n.h ýay Isja(lsaeîopurin. a cauvau- t geler nde Îý ie dt-si ertosti cfbis tenanst'$ proparty, and Mr. T. vitisa gigoersoen hi.iouMl o ý,jb moenboil ountéisassce, gatherig op tise or raibur a promise,0 . ' . rublaà,boit bisioamecri jg foro . ..G twa mut2r-joha A. hoi 1- lowbave tse prIsôJiï4n ' àilaIiprmss.Ate oe o conscience mue tmt fi n ,0claauities of tisa storm, prun bsIpa and hoesaaiet rons tbe ivés sef-Mr. Fsis s ed -(nover mitral, Taie, bei. psuom of isbi mra Joremit . ofbis negligece. Bust soit frlcsnx ie aeyuay pape su veofpotherait Iulbo. Soma people wili-nover lesan tiseis th ii. oue1,9 Ma.' Paxtons thon tooti a adlr té« S 'wlsdom 0f minding their ovus buls @i Îbe&o itsperi, and;lua amisstanbd d w ooded bill tso 9&frarttise ustocish«id Mr. Taie a receipt for file Wslli ontogi VAIbundred dollarsol i à,1Witîbàmasly Purenoiuslike rggasgj Tl&s t he figure Mr. Uibbsosnvassers spirit Mr. Tsi. ;.fuoed îise'geneou" Olier, Bustisa: people of Nont have beont offoring for votes. Thse plg lis stating tisai ba eould truts te tise forbear. none ot hlm. Ha tbisý casuwu ouiy a little -Il borncesi." .an"eof s=c/tàalandiordountil isetter limes .faithfully befre.- An Whero tise pige are lusuger, the bid% are as came. A successiosi-of bail sentons fol. aiens on ebleis be let bigb sm $110and $W. 'Now is tise tirie t loved, aindiloft Mr. Tate 'comptiratively Toronato,$£0 isonor tise1 get a gond priee for tise poukers. l3ribery poor, se mach0tsotisiho of ten »si u if vitda bis pîesoiseo, vu forman usaccursabls Vr.llaiton had pusbed bis for evenstise vont cxpreoiîy ta, opp viii aC430ptiftfrmayuacupals ntorest an bisrent, it Iud have cruebesi voie, snd directly ns etsbbonpis uL $5 apiee 5 vo!. hlm. At tongîis botter seasons and good bis Nortis Ontario eonui Jolspfiat Tlsmpsap, ~ price.. enuud, sud Mr. l'sxton's tiberaliîy goae ild appiest anad forboaanuce veoe t forgoîtois, citiser times-Cosfedoration- Mr. Tbompso-Iilse Mr. PAXIon-is in principal or interest. - Mr. Taite à 0w rtjoiend, frons tise QÎî tisenomiea f tie Beon»Convntio ota weal:by sin,,sud 'ona of tise first stock. fbrmbet uts breedos-i Norths Ontario. Sacb is tise new Dominionï. Tse'c oNorth Ontario. H. hu always taken ea rdo ia u uto aaos gainlutihe wliptçI .l alie oftbe duct,.,-Now, ve coma e tetia oapslamns 'Ça4in blertIdmuet ding liSe iaàr ountyisbavi (b lees 'Mlotad Loise 'sr. MALCOLM GLLSPEESQUIRlE, fie wotildy i f ho could, dou'a chair no\os ausss114. tiaesince ienulues of safuture 1805. Be le ~ ~ '." ' Mr. Cillespia ise geiserlly looked upon vnd fb olb te-sq i loalEiifl8is a s ery.tempored and rather seldesisman. lttbmcd nfa mans, a main Of du ce audundnunbsed Wu have noeeu satd of auy of bis beats-. ica homie, ud tisei iutegu-lsy, oducated qnd r cd, and fsvor. tudos beiug recordod un tisa 0w-n paimp or 11is remonsaovifn novl ed wlisi a goutonsjly addreb.> Ife bu spoken of st s prayor meetiaig. Tise ian- ~o~ara ofe ua M. auseoa'~"îi a' is gis;tilunts of bis biast appear 1teise Self.. Self, Il o, n ol-ot _Poid't o îqsaslitisSelf.IHa liSes tî: parada bis- views on I» hr~lalbrsrn aspo e .t a i iepolitical ocosomyvwhenever occasion per- ansiSn S5uio lwuu ofa good residoist eseettv,~dtihe mita; 'bnai îhom pnblie vievu 'are nover il. 0f mat C., vo ag polislaed manuers 6ftiheveilI-bresl gantle lowed te clabsht certain uitie private doubi ssrsw1, wyr mais. Prudent 4asd conaeieaatiouslu ail vissws of bis os-n. For itaslanCe,,s (e v igistes an*d unfurtai bis, transactions, Mr. Ttsompu lats ai. sealosfge la the County Council, hobis madea iisilf 4sb w-sys to tse c bit propogod tu ecoisomiso, by rednig ailtise Cadieu tiitleli .asbrougisi u h discharga fbt pub aiarieg of the municipal official», front the"nlaecaiodf s- lie duty, tiss good qisalities whici goreru trensurer dos-n te tht, ihumble mosâseuger; Vit carbagai fur tihicoal. bis private lifo. Tise unfortuntu splt but, sisagular ta Miy, belore -thea closo of Th!i& couplet (romis11 wbicis tookplace ira thse Iefortrmulasseaif luit àseooion'hiii adamuantLine ides. of muais- as -vo curaquota frot t~<isse tienom'atuiouus ere made, bave cipalt cooysoc long urged ori bis 00is lincus ari perhaaps theo utitucss£s, b ecame as olssstie as ab pioco of work, but sisey use- rau giveas bis wu*ily oppanont an sdwatitaga fs-osas[diersbbsar for, ira un cvii momaenat, or un usaacrspulcpe Ravins tiesetari. But those differeucos have biteas atilai ussr tiasatcsaptaiuîs aif tisa "c-vil ber of rarlinsieuti wbo sissca iappily'iealed, and tise nomination onuy, befactually voted auraogsseof >' osi viitl iniorclts ofi' -f --si hamsi u A -quLbas _ bot i&sî dUllar A day su is 111OWn âsalar omnto agr&iKu Li poddlgtiaitié iibscossin rai 9 J brI ie.W5dm sii go by d autedlMinisie tee mn oobug heirboa& udou"e'pursnetlae courie tf the' teemas o ser hef Ieaassd r# 80' The nissuofMtisaibuill bd- never app55red ususe of Ambilb7t cbo.falInf tht u(sthen, aY pas o( i.lAoie sideatal u5uraasce *i'3es brngtg ie - &' -C a., o aiso sosiosa odsùai koil d lie do sw~oiseeonîns v -aglsist ta'theWeesrntse. Tb* &W Iof e Csobourg esst*no noie."' m" MCI (tl~s~ s, binS ipsds," nov more "tisat .ploi W, roquest attention. £0 tiser*dvvie-an youid say,> ag bis uasser'spdals fi ist or tie msa ry 'Ir perbaps to'easx 'n at tIhe feet 'oflobs 1gaoing' ,tiroiigb .a id of canine gynnas nt bien licsedf a ,ud angle cf about îi-hirty, aun bound;l do 'ns 'I id' yen bock £0 yonn ago saxon" 1 Ai"s clan Camerais1i M. solesomo Yedomaary- 1rsl a torsed ItCoagae, On bis lips teUrv, asd écho S. 'His ig oe=IoslosIiy s-hile aeticable Ides- Ibis ietedered hy- pride îong tise roti rond$ fort-ls Ontario,. ais alorag tiat, sigcod rts Outibw-ll have did no».serve lisos Meng tisa raide cca-ý sit lis las- Iceusiel>ii >boüse of parliassenî s aise on w-ila ho pose, vus tbvoie sud pttnry to the vili of stsuesLs, ouaeof the et evlens of modern -ina w-liais every one ju e thie isumbloît, r <emateut part ai'tisa> unbsppy meuory of ry 'set o!twrong, of vampire tb bis mid. Ibave deîtroyed tise great emspire. He ave tomuitted's pu. idu'fPrvdne rmisi ho. acuts. ýtouusptP -Maus ng u ti7 CsSasIlso brav d,ý trîsuble thon shait %gain gay; lo Io no rbut ho la a Lan.- mie politicias. Ho boA of Sepataud, him lie usure as- lati lias ls. d-hcurd laafssnsy.11 Dlrydens is ase correct oa mremary. Thse oevorest in -81. bis legs applicable to Pvould sacrifica the bis eouIitrY - SItise enaobling canute te Cariyon -bips se, net- only aueng nted, but:acceng thse scosstltssents isavu 8imiI*r crutebét, on' of pprkaps "as great eIeve bains, a streaàk! sdfr il éees rt dbts9 latier afring»iso obn SaadfildMA zampla te ai future ia Canada, ansi one havsie eus .well for bean adopid long Prst.sKi sà ces b 0 iet Is a I'bestton isthay -sec, lu ori pisot M#40a; nba dieplay of lîsir selves, aroe aish as somo othea. But Mr. GiibA's daiusga'oaà anelri ina y bave o!sanged utince ho be- plausible eai Po à 0 dtefreisitv bananes, Lion lias ait ts'-i tspen s'no tblitsk 8great servative44 b a ihts Misa large rajos-itr a ut s 'drlir electiots-aialonu town n pc)a-5ta be ides ot -Mer besd quartera, dtsritig Ltse cortet- assytisng-ti taevemn keepers réceivisig.tisé greéutmior vag -à îé,of bis atténitiots.-' - hould i i [r. Gibbs is; stisrore lui,:cvcry way time. caniss rncted, as hen, wthlid a local candi. Like thesos mus fIef'l,'niLetdtoécandi- J. A.1scati es vitidér'isian and acorai. Our- tovu aligMln re, Moisan. Lasngsnd R6we àagood up.' brifoelw ,and wouid have givous Mu. Pcniy, iof e icisa[ idgosse te tise poile. I asis Lierefre aoisngm pt-Iîîd, to se t'pss fartovas- voery cosui nsnppeniiug a- man vile bau itherto tulk of the,' >oaed omsr1w-, and tisavra dlsccdltTWbes01na or credit andi slauuding ,vItsoni dry thora lu no canse. - &ëry oneviasIoA t tho tive arsl 1 Éer in'a propar ligîI, v wili givo lisn tis e L-is.'9o 1 isoulalor, aw Our, eursIay hayon liau itlatwbeus le, pot-or fno gràonsi wlîstei'r rcithor 'tivsiy vtrsl liesi or petsot}, l- Il. (îibs e ntitod doos fnot tal active ont vote,,sd- If ormnisisloy ltheleaù bausiness, men ae ase 1 -b80sîvs we ha 'vii reise support&a sisanW-ho bas 1514 Anii4 luav'onulreau injuare thisat-repistation andor, P41(u ut,,for 1I e l;,.11 Mn.Gibbs tisat thoro Wvm. lio lt-s a ti. owrsvbebpo"Scs quite and ueo goos crodit, standinsg., ag <s<J fev thinisk o for fuir aud' bouourabla dcaliusg, as iimniÉbiiti -' ' PAIR, PLAY. 7b;'the Edilo of I/gf'ib b4osce Are governnsent officiels vha are dobas-red froms voting, for certain ' ion mattai-it If gO, boy isle t that 'Use Clerk ofÏtissa nc., Mr. 119 &. Mscdasseij visa by lawhfi"tise CuAstody of ,tisa voteras' liât, no voertpd bis dut>', as £0 dluren tis or'Ws listte santiper ton. l'li crdên isaI àhe, andsi aoe ivo asr tisre atisers of M'r. Gibbssfrinds, slsoui fol- Iaw the Count>' Jui to North Outario, sccl etiy â vme lifteen or tw-cnty names Fût spon îl'be lt,4wiseu tise>'alinge lad boo nimprapnniy luit of.I tiîink tise Juigo asonld bave refnsod 10 miter tise records, vison. 'avmy .,ftoutise lova f Wiliitby,'vheèrà -mil tlâiiioliité' sre lcgaily kept, and wviera tho names of otses, votora çrà f r rown, ouldnot-bcs 'pnt on. If tbis inveq t-iontias ba taisan pisot in tise Judirs-t'cishabrs. 'i'it e- nasanaswbich d of-thealm voe it,- us excepi s leranko ill s. gi-est <se1tof mIes of tise IXailous 'a. tforils. Ail tisat. vol! be allosved ta'g It la -ustI nucharital ver>' peapîsr itho as-t about disloyalty and -ansd ail tlttdnu't- s-uuua is 4efoendinî accno a disoyl ",Mrgeoidlsloya bat aItl tisa. >1cm ansi w-osé lt thinla lCrnihtîv. beeni tu oa, AnudsaineOf os- u s auur tue.r-ttv_ -a,- sappeuriaàcooOf being snàdaont by unat lu. lfra titbit partial cies-ks. Scton 7, of 22, Vic . 'isat restai Cap. 0, provitles,,if it ix maie tW appeur uany rate-ls.-s 46 tihe County J uageiM- 4fre theo" wi-it, di- general vs>' nlntin iasssc~,tIsi Lte otestLafot <>< fconsrse, c, correct, sucls'Jssig ssssy,'a-qui-o Use clerk andi roliaible hiOjÀhgtie cnslociy ofhie auu enat rolu soine caissà te produco' thse gaine.'1 Sec. 8; lia>'. at Luis' itin thSs1 Lima adplaea u vloieJ fo5 the iippei1- eoerc uneý'.s ut a nbpergun. lThe Ciercof'the Fedèrgl'on'd Peacoè $hall attend' be.tse Couttotygale OatS a' Julawviýh.-thse. votw'âs lt, vithaint an>' thém lvesg,t affdàitsbassgfied »,titis applicationa' 'do beU w-bicSh 1 bolieve is tise oni>' ay ta bring ganeý il ii a~~~~~~ matéo' iakad aOre court. Thtue .ndisasea't s-

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