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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1867, p. 3

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t'olumto d . t-e.'ait. H. busOa m 4sgwnop v lwbvihi proe dcstnuetive, if 1* sess ent bis pIaà. t tii &Il thé*lad nieptbauks, et Uppet Z.Oukd>O t'sYztt%,dgof!-ihone et Nec DFrwtok dsud Y 1 cot8à, Qar reAderi -are famillar Vith Mjoeauscbl wbleh Mr. Qait soeha t obtsa iIoend. T4, 'kaem faut ib" &bCofffit bfi>tw soi Neu.1 ,é (1rected tae carrj fato opération iih.écphme oeý,on(deai>onp Mr- Ualî osdh ekul ein.a Parliameat adcm plied Io .ndep tien h tii hmoeq* ' t *$à ws eocted, tht eev.a,,1.a4t wedbu brokon. up sud Oa- fédérution ad.fisaweliposipeaed. - Mr. GalPi elet.hîe Blank ot XiUUhuJ :iioerahnua adisautagea. oIt bas &trs au ~a poîetlInstitatien, ln Canada, but it has aeow eaoraeuiyl ex- tonde4 ltspeweto, sud, i-Is pretea: priv. Ilegus rsn ohtlmued, we MaS>'e if becouit 00werfuî nough t te earei Cea alarge, et ~J'IitdTnk abd1hitBs'bfrkboteitraa bis back,, apla ef ay1 how fan the nobls. lb~âcer i e' pÏeseat Geveru. ,*uat mer' rry hic#oheoinea. Thsae lu. uiitutiîna &Ware a. némiee§ fth. people end ofrpeai r I i -'Thea owqis 111fWrelte ensce t filutaIit Mot,180 are deepi>' - ntereatd nîed aseaing hethtabser. vienofn'eta uisjonlfy tat ihusewhe aid t hein sehemes, eInUMr. wKtgesdMU. Dljr>ges, Ur. (lalt fludu beoaduoame f blté ove heart. .Airieady w.have Me. 'Vidal, tirentC>ef the Bank, et Motreal, hnnh te the deiporaîs work et opposlug lUýrii ofet:Lambien, corey againsi lbis willI su4 ithout a' chance ot simca,, kpy sovleil hl t'b>tIe nocossit y et cenving ie%;îcndent pctufîd'ettbaethe Grand Truk wa usedl as 'a Montresi institution sud the Bank et Meatreal eccuples îhbe &aM'e osto.Whou - i ia question et 9ts~re"n traoCers la ne queion as ta ýtibM eholece obe Made. tu imes ot tîp4ble tn Uppeîr Canada thie Banofe Mou. l SIhi atwsys beau th. tiret te #top dis- eeuatlng lu tIzeWesî, wite iî bas aflurded #ver>' support ta' ils clients lu the Hast, Yes Il laaChia iuiaflttIoa whih'Cebired a Opvoibut Ba nk A ud enddtred -wih ex. traerdiîiary poser oven tbe,- finances oetee Ptevine., sud the dosminion oeth. poople. - t1 laf i;u tbat lUpper Ciadiaos voueunuit- inCgthrl rogiaîiug these menepolies, *nf ib oh ninî h bac etreated Lad coipponýt iou. -it ls ime Chai we hq1e, toerqret aber. being théo servent of iaihwy or hankiîg iastltuiioo. ' It ia siuéo tbat *6 lied 4,(Jeverumoat wîieh 46j ÃŽ, sdq-î. ntereis aoe, Ihe wholo peeple sud acttif a foi wily monoyasakers *ho eau brng Influence te - buar upen IP&rflamonto ', la leabeve aiacouait>' tbat th# peuple, 0'ittce, West et the j.reton rei eheuld eluet >mou Wwil b. able te pr.. *ont the misohiof whiah Ur. Quit laa silil cachous CWoetoe Iitercala efth WesC.. eru eeuutry, sud able te brng the menu- poilai , ' t h'o i r .boar!nga. Un4osi ibis aoveroosont bauk sud ihis railly>'mene. pI>' ýrç final>' met t bey wili do what littho more la e oeoaar>' te preduce the uteor ramn of ihe fihances et the ceuntr>' Whitby Towiuhip Cenacil. - lrookîil, 'A uguse 5, 1807. -Al i boýmenibenit'Prescrute reeve lu thie elvuir, 'iii reevo proseueed aud laid upon the table a litter frein the Iteceirer Gceur- te U4;ô7tr" , tIseMutiîlpahtti6s tenfd, U.lW sa twilll bcepaid eltr Augusit; alieh.pottiouaiootPetertiEed t r>. lug for ai eluswance,asud te b. rehieveel trom thé performance et stattote label, 'uit, lau indigent person ; 4aI;etue petitien oet George Maseuu, sud ô others, prsytig lint et 180#, Qth ceî, bc srvoyed unden the t 1 cnuM1rih senutedthe patition t .' Fei '4bIm5otherîi, prdying Chie council tg repair lsrid FOCrosampbelh'f MillI den ilili eubittaUll auJ permuneet ~-D'>'emut~vc<igeoudelby- Mr. islw, thst eea iitIýoe be- eppolteâ-te draft sa tutinicueoet Cha lîublie expeuises ut tise corporation for 'flic présenit ycar, and report it tise nxt'neutli% oethtisecour.cii ; g ald cemnmittee te be eOQ j sseil- cf the -- -reeve,- tise cirk, sud tiiiï; lz~-Carried. or, LCMat he reevee Ind 1Mr.'Fiier bc. ep. peinied a comusîttec te luvestiguilo the -: omaplalut iuf James - -l.rydett, 'allugee b>' pi ai~gaiuistcaetaiua parties f)raltcration 6f*àvtZt-ceiinsu bet u lto 1$ sud ID$ 7bcon.-Vurried. -- Mfie.-Drydetu, aceendet1i bIc n.Williît, mnovea hat,ýbe rçcÏo b.clucnaby autisbrixed a nd rèquired t tegrat ilet;erdcr-on the ftreasanrr'Ilu taler et Jas. tJuttie, fer 8$3, -for prihthlgr'tn lver et %W. 'T.Uolds6ro', - er&eL-rur't - htghwaàya teor$1 Olt, tor cut- tiugthîISLeal sfitre etJea. Kenipt, for "Y 77î, fe rorpa on ibA~dgc oyer Caop. -belil',Minldam. i In- u seumdmet)t, m ved b', U.v$ pont%, seconded b>'sWlhattn hie- %uti., et er $1 p W aoC gn,1nted ithoqîl tus council bainjtChie outtils out W. T. (.oldsbno', fer eîlCClng histhes ,on Cwo Vacanit lots lit -Thenm th.e rn&Iualmotion, 4as aunended, iii put. It 'l t vas acr!ied. 3Mrt, Prydeuimovq g ecendeel by Me. Puglser, Cht the eeve bce lîeeby atthois. çdand titred te pétition Cie Lt.-Gov. ci Outa(io; prutyIng tiiet a surve>' bc madle of lot .10, Uths con., sud etha aidlot b. -parmannutily mrked at tb. tuent sud ecar un gie %W C ien.puutt,:lud hat Jehn1;bMà P-t.S.,beemplbye to'te pr. ferni cait werk tude hé authMoritee QpptýIosI*ae ofirovin Land#.- Carriedi - Me. àparo, useres,- eoended b>' 1fr. vrýlhilni Éos ituito abor, cuit ti. dck - 1 0'u4ýlo"dto uôtlfy Ithe iwescer àet ef, 04 oton f f M, . R mith, secoidhd by tf Mr "A élst eRoisra requeted-t Z cicm u ti utipalit>', on ,aoun, c f the detalcations ct a fermer treauzrerY- ranid coliecipe of the tonslret'WytF,t adtcrir t at thVhh4f, rnetn 07this Au acftcounteCf jË7" ouaer $'85'50, .,fer gravelliig 00 rods oetChie Neuquen Beqad v was ordereel te be paid. of War et Loggerlieadeé' Washington, .&ug. 7tb.-Tbe foliowing correonduehapased-,betwcen'thê Presidsut sud the.Secrotary et W1ar. SExecuive Manîldu, r Waiihingtotu,tAu%. .5th,18. fSa,- Publie c ccsideratidns of aiih chiarscer c3otns tae te sqy that yonr iresignation as Secretar>' et War will be ANt)iEW JOHNiSO. To Bon, Edwin. M. Stanten, t I' wii i Sértro plicd as ful- War1 Departaient,, . S ,to inote of bidtbat 4oei rrccelved,ôtae'!ng hat public coniderations ef a silil cliarecter constrain yen te se>' hat u>' ýIgnaienn a ecrtrO~ wuh hoacdepted. lI repi> av h hienor tc-say, tluut publiccovisi4chicuon o a'higtt chararter, wbicli alone dvo indue.' ed mQ fo4continueai tho, head eOfth. De- îartuuent, cous'lralnrne net te rexigu Chie office ouf Seerets!r> of Warbefore tbe nozî meedtingoetCongresu. Ve r epcttuily yours, To the Prcgideuut. Since CthenStautou bas ueun disrmiscd, 1aud Gin. G.raunt app)iteel Secrotary .adl Ptr Exchanige. The editor et the Wbitby G7azette bac miade a grand semzerscs nitto the tory aud coaltioa rauka; but lu ibis the Refermens ef South Ontario havr& susincd ne o s for the editor et the Whitby Chronicle, a Coneervative iper et markcdabilit>', has coeieout sfrengly in opposition te coalition. 41 fuir exchaiuge. i la estl, ià ne robbery, empéciall>' lu ibis instance when the oda is ou the Reforut side,-Btrlin Telgrapli. The Ocean Voyage ef the Liftàltafi Vie Southuamnpton Correspondent tif thu London $tar given the folio inug particul. luts of tlfd ucoeustful ,voyage oet he litie raft Noupareil , S"The Afinerican t .-ratt Nnapatreil, forly.thirode dscrout ew York, arrved bher.between live snd six WoI k hia evening, and inlumonreel off tii.dock oshore. This durlug asenuture lias; been condnctcd by John %Iiiketç, cliptain, And, n crew ot Cwo, uained ficerge Miller audJaJrry NMal. lent. blhe léoui>' twoty-teur teet lotit sud felve ftlud a hlait i.e read. Tb. raft, îVliciî lia twcmusCs, consista et Clre c3linders,juoliteel at cadli and, unîltee togetlucr by cinvas connuections, liaviuug ne raidock, ant inl' streugtluened by> twardrt shippeuiiti suer atrong trou stock- pieces, Clie whîohe kept tugethie»r b>' lagh- Ing; A waterprof cleth, hing over a b-om, clesedet ech-euud, sunî1ivet le- dtumbing a gypsy Cent, effurds sleeping accommuodation. twon eta ime, sud tlhe tîtird- keeî,iig watch. Thisu is fixed on a strenir lockeriluwhieh theprvsoi r kept.- lThe rnfttryto sevun tmes ftroi o~s f weathcr, andtihte luit vespyl iolicti vus tlie John Chaçuinuatu, a werk ohfie, <(Dm ,wbjh ie c>'er. given a fowh, whIch IiailI civYe au4 well. The>' have arrivud vltl thirty gallons ef water te spare.. lb.Captaiti vus poi>' Cwo lsys duiriuug the paissaige, othîcuvise ahi1liare bc-en iperk.cî hcaltii, andthte nen aule lu geed spirits, tueuir cnuiiteuatices lenkiug hîalthy aud brouzicd b>' thue voutîet'. TIsaudno clirotiometer.oui hofird, aud sildi ydcd rockoning, andI corrccîed tlîeir position by Tessels they spoke. Thcre us a sinsilar raft on dock fer use as t bout. 'Tue raft bait kept perteccîy vater tiglit al Chie ira>', tint a ieuk ut auy so rt h4vink occurret. She ia' itteel with au apparatug. fer ,fllliinà hu tubes withî air. Qulawtriai-the raft, 1Mr. . ILRstcb. bi t li, President ertChie Chamber cf Cornmerce,,wtut ons board, congratulutcd the crow on the uccecaoret heir dariug cnterprise, iandti todetheun aDy good offires Chat ruiglut ho requiredý 'Thiccap. tiin landed, on sits arrivaIltu report te theý t!nitéd States Coisuil, Cajotain J. Bijtionb'ÃŽ Trust CaN-urs O.luoir.lit Cilusequcu. ce uft ib sInonso ay su wiich' the gituerel arssesou-s 4took tho ceussoetthe ciy Wheu ûîalciuug tie-assueisttin, the City Curuncil receutly deouneel it desirable te eappoint spt eui uuraeern te. tiake the ceusasif carefull>'. ilcse gentlemien have mode hir rettîruas tollos -8.Lawrceê %Vardý 1.817 msales, 1,541 teîules-tetal Z.858; Sr. Devid'ii Ward, -4,221 muales, 4,7011ternles.:total 8,984; St. James' IVard, 4,080 maies, 4,8flil euals-total $,UIe ; Se. Johîn's- Wartl,-4,376 malcei 4*,S7 rfemaes-trltai 0,2738; t. Patrick's Wayd, 8,120 naie,e,498 fetuples-t toi 05,St St. qeerge's IVart, DLhhumuile, Whri, *5-5 Mmels, 0,70 péals.ý-total,- 71220;~ total 24,10Ã" maIei, U, 24,900 tcunnhes î grand total 49,016. In 1861 the poupulations waus stateel at 44,f2t-tltug i;îsuwiig un intcasec iuîce theon et 4,100., A N.w i#îuvueIt.-WO ulnderîtene hut tiarre une prourluectii et a nov thiectre beingj sluortly crectee iuciTrrçtto, on a uîucht more exeerisivu seule thun the present unu- uightîy building.,J'otiwatas oetChu ceaI, and planus oete building bave been pire. pareil b> Mr., gau <imon, sud vo under- stand hat $16,00Ã" ban; becu already guar. suted hat goiîfiemari, lu the toi'nsatien o! a joint stock comupen> for Chie ebjoce. The octseme i. net altegethor atiec eue, but has tuilleeurîtîl nti f - taiking aprao ps. tical shape. lie collection of goilplate stC> Windser Caoule fb estlpated «t the ylue OtUPvar!ëdi ofrvosiiîion--o untse'Mdouief it hbau beon sent te Buckinghamr Palac- fur h use eft'h. Sultan.- fAt St. Paiuhe, -Dzil, roeeutlj;arin od min,~~~ 0bs Iol 1111 vngsb. 4- ,pf 114 -d 'àatlg deUot & Tob 1ýr chi do,86 grsnealdel sd0 'ýd'9rind hihdop lIA WKE-Inln bltby ô, on Sudy# Àù giji't'1I, 1697, st the residenca of lis ;4..IswM 1r:LDbly l,&0 t.,. B. l~te 4 0mr>oTrbo Koadtàl ightn lait, bth 1lust',)K-1W., John Clioe, Pqsorof tl!êe ,grqgotioa1 tWa 1 Ï. ; Whitby Marietoi - Wbltby4 Angait 14, 1S67. Pulwlestt . #2.000 a $2 200. prn..............81 0 .1.1. .40i. Pottos.,âgts.~ Skis.........~eM a $1 10r ]3arley........ . a. 52c. Uys..........416ctà. 49~ey 0. a 501 Docks......40e'. perepa1r. FQWI..........26. a30a. W.e.............. .. $3. a $4. N-IW,--DVERTI8EMENTS.; 'ro RI; LECTORS. S.outh Ridingi orNTLEMEN 'i) 1 bcg respectitilly te Inform yeu that 1 amn a candidate for the reprecentation of the South Rliding of On- t ario, in the Legiulature of this Province. I-have bepp encouraed t9o offer myseif as your teprestintative, by an invitation froni a vcry largo number of the. tan intelli. gent and iîîluentinl electers olt te RkLniz, chidly 'ýecèidIents of my ovn township. If rcturue4 te the local Parliament, 1 iâhuhl conciderit mny .uty esrnetly te c». operate Inu ery meanure condeucive to thei prospcri(y Ofotoswountry, te aid in de- velOPIing lier. regourceg, eoztendiag lber commerce, en euragng ber înans:fieures, unld cenicnting thé. Union ihat bas been foruted under the auspices of tthe Imperial Governuient. .1am ieourable to a nianagetnent ot the publiec revcuue,. hi a mannue'am eenoun, cal s wll b.ceosistent ,,itI the.public gond; f0 an lmyrovoed cyslern of stqport ing aud regulatiligcOrT Prisons, Rteforma-> tory Institutiàos Ilospitals andl Amylums; to the psi.sing of s well connidered mn- sure for the suppressi on of youtbfül va. granctylu!ntor cities; te th.elncourage- mn f iamfgiaoti, purticularly 'by pis.. ing tu adê(btrvnewtnec of al eligible settlers, and te theiostering. of Agriculture, on wbicli our prosperiey cbiefly depenels. As regards the.Provincial Goevrunent now in office, 1J chah, 'i returneel, oller it, rio factieus Opposition. Sbould Itstc es- snsti( b. ni a patriotic, judicliuî,' n siatesman-like charapter, 1 shill support Mly long midene in tic ltiding bas. afferded muany of yen 9 pportuuities of! jîîdgiug n' o ÃŽ, fuliictonsfr the offi ta legisiator. -If I amn isteemed worthy of beng y'eut tlepresentativie, 1 shail endeavour te advance the intorfflts of :uy coustitucnts et cli political creedsi. .I have the honor te remain, Gentlemen, Your , ery ,obedient serivantq 1)AýVD IUCKEII Pickring,À Ugt t 4th, 186f. 92 - ~tô tus Ã" -Fr bo' '.Àot decrabe Cus; ushlie un tflèvsIt rtors ahou b ld- inte heiac Ciîurket @441' queslea prviete aàveO n tMuby-Iaw be- iligtal, e O eo req C Your WenàdIijp teu esl a eeettng tli*t rpo*e, etC as cari>' a date n s#jpesslb uor, lent. 11. Brusa, - -cltimeecom electo r iv ctlifled te vole th. Mur- kTh - , tlth -. bd], o At 0 00-itT'lek aie1 odnbt thle Contflions., lu tlo Tewin« fWliitby, eon M,&tiiJii Y f 1eeà ofetwbieiu ail J 1 ltii go e th. I>eaaa t', Cut a110.ài, 0, i, a NELSON G. RIEYNOLDS, - - BssinC. O. erI.1,Teullnscn, Wltby, aug. 12, 18l7., , 4821 humerof d bren Kaker Wat~tà2 CeunI> t Opwýtorle, t .:- T-o be'gen àtin -To 94t t; f- J.ithe Court et AcofZO. Nlii-Pritis, Oyer aud Torminer, and rI4oeral t4ael Dalivory, wiIl bd 'htldans lu a8hd fur lu. Count>' of Jtitaria, ln.tbe Court 1loChe, lus Chr Town ut Wiitby, eut - Wodnesday, Sept 250 1867, At thClu ruofet12 'elock, nocu,of wlii l Cironerg, Justi1ces efth le Peace and ail utlicnu cuneeriielcilii Coke nuutao sur Severn tlietu- sclves auerdingi>'. NELSON O. . 1ÉtNOLDS, ,,sauawr,,C. 9). 6lierufl'u Office, w latby, Aug. i2, 1807. 82 A CARl)S MRt. JAMES SHER-IDAN. Jiebusnuur.dvd h' A. L& S. IORDIIEiMER, vit) ho ut W hitby 8. timis e year. Ordaru. fkr >1uîîing i'isuuus or Mloduaeois, If loft ut L. AI,. LIN 1'u4 BIok scndM s10 ic olreî wlil b. Drefaîil uttie-t.ied tu. Auguimt I4th,u18.7 - 32- Piano - Forte M t TÀTOIEt P. BUIltkhlMbèlwgcin 74Lanuolnuce t'.thée siilutut o Wiiitlhy triatlie la prepared te give liutructious bu the Pert flopb. Cobourg. w i'tbW A u.fKlSh s te uomli rad '0 sd u ple, tht he sasreeu SV.Ahi wOrkwrui eNTl.T LaI esATtI c«s t riu.term helen. Wlsle tyAngnfitthé , îse t 30clho W-ranfAU Sc ùrDinWcàue8 Mt piS 'st'e tk ivo Mnsie sud 1Siiuglnglis - 06os, U>Wa slitdineu ui A,'leabitd bunigdU ai tfub'Offim0ô o1ân L. Watklài,sdifocuDeutlsi, iRoyal hi'tel, W hitby. Farm flor Saie. F Oit SALE, Lot Noe 25, ln Chée Oth oncée- sion et Wlîltfe«, ucar A»Iàburu, lfi&suerep uttiter eullivation, tise ret,îaliider lun go ocd lend. 'sesugieaclt ffobr next. ForCofsc.,pp>(fb>leer rspi) Aibboi' W>!. fiKEON. 1-- -uouu NICJI<JL, çEZCnCOuW~ - - - Acuionir P. <J~ uSulyBSlSttV. - 441a40 elrus Qyldeo n dalialter- on it tro Ira onda>' yuof t ,aI.$sAtncyefove ~montIr; LF ust receivod, a large 8ko Good H-feavy (ottus at IA2, ts ryad géot1Uloottonuîwarp t $,5 lc tku 'I'îe ~rj bet o -~rins t I8s per, yard. ALRGE ASSORTM D F Fa miiyGro0eriele AN4D BOOTS & SUGES,'ALMAYS ON H-D. Thehîhe~ cehP-riçqe pald or Farmcrs' Irocluce., JAS. JOHNSTON, - t- IBeg' toJonnonuce that bo bas beca u'ppointed- SOLE AGENTj,for WHITBY AND -VICIN-ITeYo AND WILL KEEP JiLWAYS ON IIUAND AFI. STOCK IN £~GOIJ D SILVER CASES t.« -An assortnhi.en oNeW àJe welleryju'st recei1d Whitby, Jul>' 24, 1867. 29 Ly CLEA RI1NG SALE. FOR ONE MYONTH OLYI -At OId No. I on the Corner.- Y. GIBSON w'îill offer tue balance of bis Stock of SUiJMMER k 0ODS, at and under first dost, ag the wholé stock, mustbe disposed *of by the Fi rstday of'$>eptem ber next, To m'ake ýroôni for large Fail Iportationg, I3AILGAtNS WILLBE GIVEN1 - N. *B1.-Cash for Btitte r. Y. G, wiIi Pa-y the higUkst Cash price for àood Tub or Fierkin Buttér; Whitby, July 24 1867. -GbSN HURRAH 'FOR, ThpuWààr àuJscibrbsj retéiVpd the IürgÉt1 and best assorted Stock ofý Evrbi.ogh ýýiti to thPý,Tow Ã" wn fWtiiiser a of which,*il bë sold at a:smàll adiu'ance "n coat ti'OSL onsekeepers,& il consult their ow*n interebt bc _ i atNo. 1, on tJëi; ori, end e'x>atine-,his tock -,and prid&betore pure masne ewhere. 0f the best bran Wib5J'uly 24e 1867'i 100pores West-baàf 18, ,7tbooepsleaet , ach, 100 aéres 80 acres ise ni go aores.o Wu.t jLot, 10, la 2nudeoaeeccho - fle eh 0are%, in a ;eed ttoe o UI, tîvAtien, geod -Framoe Men., sand out- buIdIgs ged >rhadneYecr faillalg spring ef wstr;,' IPO ,Ubre..,West-iislf 16, fle the 2n.Icoues. chuu lcqî 00serés, 4u eieared. f rwood redees;tudtbd li. the iliga ef Filc stt and &ouk1lu, itl.y Ase, 0,000 lse *of wild landl, toebcuulgo for ilipreveel popCty. Tlttes'th te sbov' ?prte uds for puyment,*ou eucy ternis.' Apjly te, 'AS, LAYON, MUT UAL INSURANCE COMP Y.@ à-la. hdIu dtoaFitrs , - olMu r-y ïurdé sûàl thoreby .ùpje'rt àailOMO tusurane, Company, baeve rew su oppertuuity of dencg 00, b>' urplylaf elther nathlb. epdvbui or te, carsuce Cô làl ~ti Doli uMuk, P07J A. ILCKÂRSON, W. IL BBILINGS, Bixzis-Thlîoeyal Canaffion lisuk, Wbîty, YqJ Sti, 107.27 B~t t*.-Shoe M u J3, ÈbZL bpgs te nei4fybicso - Mo erbis -0 * a TOCKOP'5 -Meewrs. JAS. 1BAIN 4id. And that ho hai jasI reeeled, su hà benstoit- ]y xdlj>iled vICia G*ente' Of1 eýoe'y deseiptlen sualihe for thesessen'c wea4r, and et-price.. Cltint anoi1#11l a givees tleliefen.~ sopalin butlw eeeaintd. *liitby, .laly »e, IBOT& Pi'aailiy Groberï WMfe: & ilrlt KING ST..; EAAÀT, OSIAWA. ÇRÃ"0KEY & GLAS WA1IÈ ÀWELL 8E-ECTZD STOCK bÉ À1L, KINDS, May 29thî, 1887. 21 ?I - -isee Ina iller raic ,hr ýIa 11 erau- for ite-pi Il That &Av5 cizad te o-poà fi on, st.ihe1 V. Mâstfor t ne>' sud a th icnel htyi, bW~ rate suai and mmài whele, t&citas OC t Chai' bfndred orft ltee!Inten tuile bleaCtthe ý Mont -laTerentu inas au t Irirobt osî aluna ; ud ne a Cut e srcfro t haâll e 0fret i be ms ayal Cwent>'ee, ra Y,. Tlu 'i noueau tbh aul eft le TP casto hià,ipplf V on>'P keuispealm Ia, uumin aié sua riisl o eaie5Ià duli t at Tîtnat ts .JNO. SAUNDE'R' et>P'QSLTE IROYAL MOTEL# I3ROCk STftEET, ý lI1X ~Ire l ien" ef ladies'M ippe WÂiorders AtenDd 4go *11 tlafindit É*M Èepslesautldo»e. pire Insurance Co'y yYs On hm -èred

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