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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1867, p. 4

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àe01m111,14 1boume sud ottrioainfVo II erton, thsepr- 1 tasliitus pf thrt flops, Linsdsay u ý MONE RIEQUIRED ho trait two> tiéseamessu,îoftont, lu be lt,) W ho pended on loupreve- e.14b 1exessoisfor saiisble Villae rty lu iblaws. .. Ani ' C C.0,KELLIE, < tf o or, Cdusji auton NE5W CA Agi '«D =1e ILEIQKU, kc. STYLES. tly ami promptly et Lelpg's, Dusudea * 1G àa lora ss n T4 muupof Meuver 0 jfsf t lN. s5, Lis )AIR N TO'N, 0*0 fsr.d, ut 40 oref"Joboharf SUNd on Tis proporty and 0 é e f Pay-1 LolNî. 12 ~NDRD.ACRES usil flesàpof SentIs-hali eummaiom n 0 d1lun ,E OFB-R IilN, *l.red, 5Aïd a tous # fe Lét4jueîtheoela id, l-llFLt'0IoutIltus don- sMa or 0"M &atoied, Appli> te, Isoovery of taelth 4 witbos aimesI otia 3 PAIN lu m"lem. eft id 1 J& , , f u 46 100 46 luueLo 13, 4Y, *'100 di 2*~f' 3 y. ~100 di 13; B ~ , 100i6 di f14, ]B. 45 00 dé Th#e1mk$wo Lot. AdJelu th* Keuok, (Gev! emmot red,) s"d thi other Lotlus berï ïre in tit ud4 piles frous-&uid ltosdl.i N~ NPt,4t lut dona. 5 iÏ1,uil klvor es 6" Lot 7. IStiscnomlo,20 ooe, witlslu i Mrlle$ of tiebe odsseî od ELDON-Weî%-24, tisoouesmion, 100 OodLands! "F mle'.thée uusllddcsju$cfe AL8O 17E RAIElu10TRI OIrTAIIO XININGCOX'NY. 4pli t'of WbIitisy, P. KLLEN P J'oh n,,' Koith.- le osu ine to te hi de ma p- ues te treat berme. sudce, aoordlugte. thse meut pproved Y4ov iseretefore. tru1 lnpem Ilie-tseilug ourefull>ae' esud où tise bust kuewn moletifl prl"iî* SAlliUadoflabe sklmsd genéral $ds'~ rd,24. . 1r2 Appi>' jl tliI.WbItbý Teuidry, orte, 50 Plckerlmç., L ar tlaInteroet cf Mr. BAT ,u tuW tbyLl 'ry tbl.,4 sud bitilug 'êedlm2a addtieum elu sil loen sd e- biais$, t sy are no* prepeved te msuppi> 'i ordors for iverinluae uperlpr scanner. sud te u0"e tise,,,usblovqplrem.ssI proupt4l>'lu ever>' lupet WAiTUN OorianÀuu, 1 EwàmAusvmouo. GEliIEAL ,BLACKiTÏ, ÀANDl 1 taites î.éi.FIRST-PRIZE HORSE4HOER, lITA Bn*. B E Eou? o Jm te t SMadliuum - fWued 33I ' R4 raulsu Ie osed &sud StrAtteus Bualsema Collage, let#d et Blsf- lirhm s et te hesr faslo. This la thse *onf PiA 0110 egm.id lth lu. . N heu.Wb ituerao- sb og u olz. ma ius o u euimtesee r. ~ ~ I oosussmusler of tisédesth, of-Mr. SI D, ijug, di oort trttsnt t su rmuedy *Md e'omdsoa b ariuj ui o hse a bb.$,u p cftu eeii >' s!! eà t ha. i.... .et t o r thUIe chahsi. -Hem*afta. *5. . AI.0 JeVRItO, mIuegeo hioviiusoe:i tih.id7 "Y IFOURTU CONf., of WMMWOY con TAISNKO96SAcKt8* or tr wo goodiirà ïaB,,mmlior- for lesing, on tise premies. TEJiNS md. kcoevu on appliUoiont, DARWIN KEIýTl- Inaureso uMd BenerelAgent, Whftby. Wlskby. Apri! 20d, 1061. 1 fP L A S T E R A CERCTAIN MMEZ 701 DVMI,.. C-UTI, iViVsa IODES,ý ocAIDI, ÀAiD AÀL"187'. ',oe O 0FTUE cSICIN. ,' BEAD TME lPolLWINGQu 1 cvoNC. ., 180e. fiber ertif1t t i ysois -bia £firful gmore o musli no tisaIt asefait.ue l ofsud hld teseros. qulte bars. 1 eomseisoed u»lJ Donelly'm Plot.r-sMd lnss shot ime it coro hlm o 4ol!y. 1 gtrorgly lmoommeud ilt t il$ s nUis <om erupenflis knse baie mee l proved l inl,= t4mea. M Tisilsu te certify t11s$ luadMy 1I*upoetsa bettiee ofbillu; ta on My 'ara, wllb teck. thé lems«oDIlvugtise bon. lltuu bars. f euffes'ed thse mceorutiiot lm' for hre weki. 1theumylid alUusl l Fumer, It et once cured a à lue wey,4bi t io e. CAlTAIN ATEIXS. Bod b> JANES il. (§EUlE, sud JAIxs BIJ(N2, DrugitWsts;WT TI b>' &H Druggist lu tisecocunt>'. joule Ss,187.l2os RIYROERTY' on Builiog.Lots. Tie fltoir fi iani Lo., wiF. be eolJ loir (ormali, oet sti sr Valuatii on utîme, viz. L oti. tscon. ~, -m, LuM Lo t 1,71 IKolme1r, 200 " wu i15, th " osoroutlo 100 " WU 7, $rd" - do 100 lm , ,7th "Belmont M0 At1,7tls44 Uxbrldge, 200 19 $d Bemois, 100 'Ul M EuulIy, 50 Lot 1, OUs Verulein 8 Lot 17, frout geoimï, Lot 22, do, "de, U7 loti S, oimervilii,, 100 ' Lot if 9th ' dot 200" Lt 6,it " do, 200 Ut 8, l2tlà " do, 20j) " Lot 0, Oîls 6" dot, '200 si" Lotil 11.2h di do, 2 66 lot 11, Oetls do, si NqEU 27,' 2d Wilto'y, 50 si W*orel valuseble buliding lotsg, fer buliessi endi privaI. reidenocs, lu th. Towns cf LAusd- es sud Whitb. ;Cr fumrier finferusition spply te UOBT. E. PERRY. WhIltby Wbitbl, mavub, 1866. 12. To*wn LOTS ]BROOK 8T1RvEEl sdjelusbsg tise uw.Buiilingcf LOWES & LOWELL test front, ou Brdokbtrset ,smd 9*fse4 tsohç dot, tW anlfetAVdŽ ro t, t'y90 fe ep tesa Jes". O"r bsueepurpcsee, tisse. prboerties are, ,p::C~reh. r of lietloodls 12Leyeod, uir etse cld Prioket B to açquai Pubbhc generally, that STOCKý , wýiih wiU b. tii DrC ooda, -Parasols, Printo, UOhawlo, Putory Cottoni, Tloklngs, NMantli, Shîrting, isud Xillinery Gooda in 3w,.- nets, Kouiery, Tweeds,KRats, Glovez, Gamàbroons', Ribo bons, 'Cobtus;Linn Drils, and a LreStock cf ltady-mad. Oothlng, in s a4oy'~a Pant& & Viýta ., ftheir own afoti. 4190 a onplete ,toc k ~sd a re, 4rckry suid p1aswarel,&0, dr etiined ta sell hdp for CASH. A cail is respectfully solicited. of Grocer0 , &C. Al oýf which they, R.&J. CAMPBEML WBITBY XANC0ES%ATER EL 24, 1801. 10 Watehes & Jewiry GET, THE BEST ma sbscriber Iegs to announce that h. bas just receivred a T , "il selected ausortment of new goode. consistingof CoId 4nd Sil1vyerinWatches, JeOt ani Gel ar gnf g, Ceold md ilver Guando, Fisgsr lisçs, ErioeIease n Pins, PensiCases, Thimbues, Locisots, Chensme, <. &CSO seontment ef FPtmcb aa'mi uit sCloedts, Meerisehem Ciar Reliero, Briar Sbot and oihest Pipes$ steel Ipecteies. h3* si1667. . V A i . W Til H, EoILAN On,-,,aturday, '-2U*tb ma nt., to4econtinue fô W~KONLY. 2000 yards leayP s'it t 124e.Worth 18c. 1,60 ~ ' aney do. 160. Worth 20C. 1,0066" 180, wo r&h 2ue 1,000 Faney Drcss Dêlalàet, at 20e. Worth 25e.- 600 1210- Worthi -190. 600 " ueliue nt,20c., Worth 27c.- 400_ yards Mized Aipacca .4 20c. worth, 25c. 500- yards heavy Gamùberoons 2U,. wor.Q 371c. Cottons, ouier y, Faney Drets~os, Parasols, and straW Goode, at eeost. JUST REWE-Two tons finest pre. serving STGARS trom tho.,tanuturers, cois- i*6titng of refined Né. 2j, No.- '3- snd NKo. 39& Cruéhed A, fBroken Lest, 1sud Grend ,Aise a_ Dew uupply et Fresh Groceries. Ternme cah. T. H. M"'MJJLAN &CO., NEW Ott ( FARIQU H AR SON Y8S. DRESS CTG ODSbvb "Il- A 1T 80 - g mbracing-Mophairs and Muéiins, Shawl, Ptints, Hoop _____,pim &cm, at.cosL £%Ceap Factory Cotton% Scotch T1weedse snd Lie Cosfrgentieme' Summer wear. liÂTS iindiffesa vaiety. GIM ESALSIE>13.1Th.'a roocery Depart ment joslE Embracesa choice aaortment of New Fresh Teai, Sugali, Cof. N fees, k., t., CHEAP FOR CASIL M Farmer. produce taken i exehange for goods.le JOhNPARQUHýARISON.ib,V Silverst par. Four per cent off or*BsukNotes. - a TILL & B: Cabinet (SUCCE>gsoRS 70 WH. TILL.) makers & li1phoisterera, anad deal»- ers in ail kinds of Cabinet Furniture. Have now on hand, the largest and most select Stock to b. feund lu the Country. whieh4. a&re seing 84 price .to sui the times, belng determiuedftut tu ble unde1sl",j ny os utietae Cal!~ ~ ~ f sidexmnebfoe rchasing elsewhere. A choice se- leetion of Git Mouldingo, Çm ila nake.) Lf4ICTL -UAÂLW ORKS. S8ingle Rneaperg;' and Mowers, and Reapers Thes nbenb.iwouid eaU 4h. annfte Afffie 4nltuaL rom. JGGIES m. l'À F. de of tihe best- ma k' of Upper OCa MA , Otober 3, 1866. takte n elecbaige o wr1 Ir. 1 Ibvic LOT - OP A SPLENDID 1

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