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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Sep 1867, p. 1

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'TjÂEISTRSAN» ATTORNEYB-AT- jLawB80 teLtnto te Bank ot MOutraai saud sb cforporati o! i tae ountUof 00148110; xeladt, ha., h&0, VitLl, 0 . W. cà. I.0 nuorg, Q, . O. ilJ. Msomiomur.t. ifWu"thOsoif theCPOa tousarl. p p' .8Lb.o fice o! tha -I IrO ostles OU NION A ATONEISON-~ BUlISTEUx, ATTORNEYs, SO.Nelor ha pour 11E-W.trar Aiso xraneBndig ,iu.su xaToria t.,o. Wfr ecn Y0ANGUSMOUEISON. - J. SAMPSOX. Toroîat.j lui,' 80,1AT1LAW, Vi.CotoNNý aNEs, oo1. VL.B. Je 9. TYC OATONEYF N ro Looviaues it No¶aubulla $to.@ Oa-LIC al0W'NOAw PBLIuC, *bnio. W009N E H. »nTNEL J> earé, WptiearrDlor ESuthorth W4ae- VIoLanaBli0i, BooS.60,lb' S. M. JARYLlo, ABETEE-AY TLAW ANSOLICITXUE o ro cl. 9-Ia 'nAIRÃŽSTER ahArToRIÇLPYATLAW9 *4Mca-Wvei vs by alY Sa. Uc B.FAINANs, j A TOULrY-&T-APUBLIC, ha. ha. 'x SUmrdoLiC'u., 0. D AndS IeKroVtiLawOThft ofieao ro the ,' Of 00". B i21gs'TisbSE Laan. 28&o180&. CoatCHAn uLES C.KLE, A lait#Net AL., SoiC1TO U Oanoor,' C douvyaoarhe., saitn on, Brook, . 414S H. . OACOMLL Pubisiha., a., ',itltby JAMES L.EÏ-9 Damia. Staat. W" Ttrdou t, ot *la Pat 0010-1 . 1aC W 0 AIIRISTZES ATT7 loiNKYSlaCOFIT- JOHaNarssud otinoushha HAll- àcly CNEAC S iLCeosasAslbet, W. iLooaavî.o t?%Al tora,. Rê.je ai'x, 18. 5 BCouS tby. 41 .lyy - e W. H. Szt ElaDe, Mr Swa ouiel t.r1A. ., a oo A . AIWE, LL . IE O UT TRI SVENTH DivISion amsrnwos.-4Ltaorbay, C. W. YWTOM. HOTEJ. abevy#Buaiituataist Port WhiSt "J'I.ktud OplnrIDs.,«-osuyla o rthesas- on csof- b" visitais sud bonrisma M. BOETONbqs o uf«wtu h.!,. <3onaIaa tb9t bf lis. OPOUêdtb% Jawatt u asd ltlttadd sriilsb- astiéSt)., ivars lasOt*" IJXIRIDGE BOUSE STAGE HOUSIE ISAAC FEI¶TON, B EST WinsseduIlqor;s.prioracoi JUmodu.tofortrava$!lors; laid alilugand attattivliahotior. if ALBION HOTEL. 9'ub Jn, 55itIo". MNY 16 Propiator. OIESINH geuERH9' Wblttb, In., and 1860. AN NflE UBLC.? M. PLaNK, - -D - - $tors. >or ofStaesud aim(om Wbforysal ii.Evr N.B.ntollecIdtion guas ta. and r ompat- BonD.ostiars. 9iM.L 0lon ol u . . . oHN C. ;t x* LeN . . ' . AsutMarnLndDd aun Age P.,7 ba lain r ï, r Ili oua d o oth o tos aiedauîitrvi Taris lu Li ntias. osud sud Sinieo, oritla -1tEIiEENS H T-I SiuisouM, . C, lon.Gaogedaworui, M.i ?IGLE'S 11O1EL. T IIE aboya voil knovu, l astabliabai flotal sud puant... bava beau anprabses by 8he sabsaribar, vwhare ho viii aiwais li bauid on band roiy te attaend persollj t. sita vaut 01 bis Vgat*, d*0 Tho. prautisaM be bau aouvauiantl( sud omftatbiy fIlai p;1patadpapara , &a. wlsh aistarus o! of -tlt t. WAah7sud avar,' tmodern improvausait takeatea iavllrs homus durir.glbatsysndthé Tabia bonfl- Ili.uppllied Lta&H imas. Notice to Farmero and Othereg Jro/by glion orbarrl», MoNaagitou's Whlskay, d do. has bot Port.shoerryi aud CogulaOh Brandy 'or SOs siik, vitha lislt of Liquors sud Clgalts of tia. hast brandie. AttntirâUstiars, aud Hors@# ta Rira. 'A. ALEXANDER. Erooln, Jutti 88 oNTAII omOE WHITBY. 0. DAWES - - - PEOPRIEPTOR. »uparlor a.commodatonu. Crafai att.n- Lion t. lta reinreftnaals of travalars aud gasats. 05piwfoussabluan sd shad-roo, ntd rcsdy oatiara ulvaSyo wihla outl. 1 VICTORIA HOU$E, nupONDAs518,, Wmrzr. JOUI! SPUEEILL.......ProprIstor. eqlit aubscriberalrsia infotinihismnuy .1. friands liant liasl% nov carrviug on Lbe aboya liotel, sd tlat lie, supplies non, but the. hasnt of vine. liquora cigars, sud ri'reab. nie. A vausuîîpliod LtleGooistablluig sud enlow dYard. JouxNaSPttgklL. Whltby, Oot.4. 185. tu THE ROBSON HOlUBe, DUNDAS STRLEET, WJJITBY, CWO, GEORGE9 nOusSUN, Propristor. TEE asubsoribar b:eaâitogsainouc that ha A oaed sithe bu nit oruury knovn as irpturo'. Rotail wiieh boabeauonv ai, relrnrniahd, araâ f tti np trongraovt. tias bestofstylo. Tho priaaestrpfssbt aitaited. oPposite lbîlPott Qlfcoandl h cantre of ltae Town, i nh TheRlalway Omnibus cle th lt otiaud tae stages for Uxbridgeansd Bosverton lava thado*o verymorning. Ioarti4i prda,'. GEOSGIC ROBÉSON. ittY, lIai 1848. sol BROIIE' HOTEL. (4TU OÀNÀDÀ EOT£4)> OpI'osiTE T OTa offFpiCEl, ime STTI IOS. BRODIE Ji ,alcke lo'SIinsuty, vieiblaa nispaiis- ei orooc imu'kaaplnt. Bath tha aya su ti Jud Of the MMoa kulful oper.tir. Mune vsv. Bur t l aa fi tîbt,. ,tpsvah" Of itb Çb y d.~Zunoema vatlîsara teprdZ 3 obst abori ot we- L.plns sud soclis Péatu ers-wll ,»on Mt Lmoralla sttampl"irer, th" Ibair origialpice..CumnWnaeby n *Ob"a, Ibu tb. shugh ab saprso os vabobas rom l'aetffar of*Yas, polait sud put $hana logatlia, sud Laite tlbaau theLita nst vatolh unrobant. ,lié %tampaauj aUFazves thaufýwt mgt auj mor brand It nsy os or- dar»rd-vba batLondon, ParI, Genoua or vht mît; aud maay a Mau Who Iliuks hlbm agauainM4 I .*Tobias,, of Liverpol (wCW saoattit la, titst ho eau noer rega- Malit tok.op Sayergood liai.), la roally «ougaàcboop sud poorSles Imlition. Ilow Ainarlpau Watehes gara mae. The Aumaican Wsltbauu WM Ioit a de no sno& uncartan prSoasze-âni by *no snez luuompesntvorkaau: Ail Ibîr oparations, <romn Mi réception of tLba v umealawsl-tba brase, lt.e el, Lb. silvar, tlb, goli ant tb. preelout s to .ltae oanpiatlon of tha Wbate irrlsi on, undar oastroot, and udar boakliifpi paai compétent direction. But te greatdlatiugullilug ffutureaoft hair Wstobse, 1. b.ot titaht thar a.varol parts ara ii lladé 1 ytbeauýnas,tb.4 mobt perfectaud dalitaemachiner,' aveu r oagit to thea ad of human IjiOsr,'. vay ouaof lb. more tIban iuaiib.-iîl ufaliiyraproduces evcry euo «eMiug part vti th ita rnayiugsanuucy Il tras aui nacanir, b suaka ou.eprlet vatèlà 0f or auy partionlar styleansd thouto luns tli tudrd nluuaemauy to ré. 'prbomo. avary part of tbt tobg eaand It lo- Mr athst ayery soopoacding vaLtinsi.ba llki IL' I prt'cf an,' AMariean Waltikom Wstai sloucld.0'aoutl or ljurai, lb. 4wunor bas only t. id*rmsti oumpsuy, sttllng taé uumbr of bisvlais oani Lb. pars vantai vhiter lt ho splng, luion, jçvel, Or Wh£a Pot eud byraturamal i ha o »Id rialvatha doraia fà JW uich &nyvW amakor would u110ay r fulls'isî iniy hi iablsa on tM#Wua*ouiy. TIWeY ava f'uliy sucoeaud Ilug popalar prtjndielu taé et" I là' faoE<uropéen vetobs, and Maci a hr~%minatiou and (air trial fortbsrisotu>s.laahra Tlaayael"ln by ltais improsai machanleal processos titan eau b. ma i iodr ltseold -<aiionoi lani- Crait systeni. lb.,'manuifacture watctbea of .very grai., froni a poid loy prisai, sud ssiistanhi artmice luinsoîk sîlver luntîug ause, aspecl I, apad te tae Wats o! Lb. armer sud lunibaruis, t.baotesttpbrouo- mater ter 4L:. nýatrt-r sd aloladies' vatohas l t j ,o r i.a Ouest eanali sud jeali sassa but the ludlsponstb1e re- gulta of sil titar vawtes llet t e simili a. si (0»TIMEKItEPEUIIS. Lsouli ho rammbarea ' l-a, x jtb siaglaiuveut girade nain.d 66ibm. watah Co uy, Boa ion,"? &LL WATCHKS made by thoman Are (mli,' Warretd. ! sapow e"Omaogivan t. tae purcitasr tee a gsoo& et wima gnIM4 $t Company or Iao agent#. xs N i PPTN 102 BUnotuvar,Ius* Toni. EOB»JNS * APP'LETON &hCo., 158 WMIBi»toW S7., BosToW G(4XWEIA Arar. RODENT WILKE$, Towuosuà hMomu4a. 18 Acau, Po CAuankA. MONIEY TO LOAN. OXCEY t. ban on good Parias, st lgits par cani iiorcsl,. J'YUAN ENGLISUI, Barristar, Vaava OstvNov. 20,18147 ITETERINÀRY SURGEON, ocautu, hastho ha. comaiaucod îYYIruloti n t.e aboya lina, ani b.dliopes b,' strict attai. ion ta btaulu.eat. malt1la sitar. <of publile agia' lot.), Msrkbam, 8 VARS 4;DEVL.IN. EAC&VTJCALDoutiII, Oshava dmDonuiloms, ircctly oppo- liucoafLre#stthîrdi doornorti of te OutArlO Bmout. gg ]glpIIJs sUENT , .aloAgent forA£cident sud t6tandard fueniraco CO»- 17 R.PEAKE. WHITBY. flEEEIJENCIS$ Di. Bau.rqDit. Wztoiru, DE.Roua, Dut. Tuo»uuxu, 1)». lnZ, Du. AEWrS, (for surgmr.) ýAjfi ooutoo 24 lzuwumrcz..Centto Houa., Byron Street. (OVa'! I~s1 Corir ia, J jp&psi to80gitaNsIgue 3ani nglgla.. v #0#1» to be aAtdathe L&0CMos o! J* si.l"u o D.sUSt, o hc wMdua.' ESI.AIIBBD jX1782., GÃŽLLPSP1EMOFFATI! h CO., AgPi4I fo la Lonion. - Aps $l ud,1s. YEOMAN GIBBON,, agent, Witltit~ ASU .ANgEl CANT Capital,-6400,000. >.lino. Agent Whitby. ROBlE 1NSIJRÂNCE COMP'NY 0F NEW NAVENO CONN. Invested capital-1,OOO,OOO. guidas te farmoraforinsurancs, ietaohadvalw tageounn ra-88saviii aliogother soporsoda the ncoeusa 1 o opait..pui theMuta,,! itia- Fania'r»havoail the sacri1t' of the Capital Stock Of $I,00,O00. priny is token at or &bout1 Onriuarirupr.mium notasroquirot!.1 JOHN A0Nuw, Wbitbr, Juang 28, 1807. $mon-£O TXIE MtYTiJAIL INSUR4NÇE COM1"- 'T"1S Comipany la nov fulIy orgnzdand I. iii prapard te sucapi riaku on brin Bailings, and thair cotents, Country Sciiool Bouesa, sd Cbarcha,. Tisi. wishiu.g 10 tn- aura, and theréby stir.porta f loue [nsaranea Comnpany, bur've no an yofdon mo by àP scitisur et 1 0 niad off, or to e :agants. Our ras#u viii ha (und s e lo sthosa of auy r.spouaibla MUtas!In- surai Cinpma»y i C uag U. FAIRBANKS, Ja., IJEA» OMFCE-Tha CIi Itagistry 0cou BallJ$ug, Brook StreatWhjitbyi 3.B.somu, £lao., Pauznsi*. DoWAin M9CKA?, En. mvosa, Rour. SnÂz , g so G z czîtilasoffoa, JOUXrWLs Dt" .&v SDow, JAS. 116 ziriasv. A. ICE ARDSO, W. R. BILLINO, Tasasaan. SOMMMoi. B.uoera-T!w Moirel Canadian Bànk. W bitby, J uiy Sth, 1807. 27 IPICEEIAL Fire Insurénce Co'y 0IF LONDON, ESTABLISHED 1808. capital, £1,94,5,000, Sterling. Fun& InveotcjinuCanada-0105,M00 pald without raforectt the Bourd Inu L."ndoua. BINTUJ BitOTUHEES, Miontrasl, Geugral Agents for canada., JOiUX AGNEW, Wanar Agent for Wiltby, <>uha, Bowmanville, Bd aurroaudlug conatry. uosO TUE liVERPOoL AND LMNON INS1JRÂNCE CONIPNY. Capital, Sarplas,ad E.srvei Fonds,........ .......... $10,271,075i. IuvaW at.uCanada............. 2M0000. Pramulma reu-evInlu1886, vora.. $5,962,260 DAILt Preniu, upwarda of... 17,000. Sbarboiirs porsonaiiy respcnsibio for an. gagements of the. Company. SW'AU Directora muât hea Sar.iiolder». IN8UI&ANCE efoedion, 811 classesoo!pro. perty At current rates. JABK EISKZat spociaily raiacad ratas. LIFE DEPARTEENT. FEÂTITES. No- extaÀ hagefo Xilitary wbJdia uWs a orl<,ooSsk roldia, Or hitaupa t. adjuitu W harovatejasou74Byinmaasitood las Wiutboil s a5rgiîonei mii,'vols A vioog tasvaap xara,, Ilpîud neanudraggad Mdt1 Ama'eà UMDuborday * Tak? Tltamgs as Thsa,' omité. ConIeulments-i'iàty i Il ai'# uneoua ýhIuvtiings sua,' gsg,9 TIteir minis ara ayoafi re.t;,1 >'t gli orbadilt's s' tise sama, Ti to, tvor fbitit Ieir Ibooins, Bu ua k' tha hast o'ktitey can, And tak' taingsasaîbo,' oomaa Suffiaient for lait day Io a,'a STisaeI l bingisansg; Titan dinna ye suakl' o' our griefi A naor andluîg goug. Drav lan,'ourst.oil, eWotedcrb.fi, Lt Caro geuplthe lnm Bit duonansd sunoka yoar pipa lu pas. And toi'Magegs a thay cama. fa maunusa ttluk ta> yon'1l gel Igavo Tro lia la forunes isp, Au' bookt forover laer atilles 4au'noor bas use aiua.ap. Thé wilîtu' jade la fa' o' ticits An' ilo sits'iIpis,' you soina Tbia',uiiuid tc beau, a.,' je moduu bon To Lakit iinga stite,'conté. Au' feed youirscii on hope, Nor idl1 vaste aayoair ima, But710 i'.onz talont.» écop- Pu t yaau' aul tholp ÏOyou, - Don'L tan as ,o re n tam', PFIratdo vhat's rtcht, to e ptqti, An' taklt' hiagssas te,'comae. *tffss es ot forvejalsus À tvelier teilaeaaLoof Ma llingial min Wiho entereda sciurcIs inanîthteper forusance. ofdivine :>oë. Walklng tup1 te aMsls o!fte chictfieastot sarmomient ln front o!ftae cdtmuuiou hable, sud theon Lurulng s sonuenaault, ho spraaag over te comuin àIris ani aligittaiop Lte la- bIs. Tise officlatiug iéigynmi, *bô *ras ronovued flor lis groat atreuglt, selli t.e offeudor b,' Lb. necit, aud burledilm bacit a msuuong tho people, whce eho reiaiir- a"'Llusme Insensible. Nov, the Nouvlganl saeverfond o! vitasesslng feabo ofastrongts, sud te clergyman 'Iu qusestion vas aveu aiauwarda uas a- teausci. A",ailablafet Ias pbrfoumat by a aobdiic, a 11alingdal man, lunis gar.- rison aI Ohulastisa. A brotbeu soldier itebi up bis cap sas igit la te ait -as ha coui jandthe BoLalliigiasl mnu Iking a aden loiea, iocked te cap otit o! théi hond o! titç'otber vitis bis riglat foot. Theo use4of'Ballingial are saidt t av a aliange sud barberou onbusib en lu drink. lYbea veil primat! viLla finket, the,' irav LSd, sitort tais'e, and poiusiug tbacun beada otiser, te,'inuaire ià a amicabla vs,', "IIow l'au iiiydtl go M A certain portion of aschis kin lhdie uusuursd off on es &ide, Ldtitaralalu- der t thlita ia!ala carefal,'boy i4rouand vida c"ol, so'MI he biskuves calsuol pana. luite b0oy%,cosrttin distaucaiAlilpue- sont tien set t. voit nsut bisut! shah eacit otiter la aildirections. eomatiaaa tes. Buçouauters ent! fall,,but iS 11111. bloodetting does cne of Lthepatente au,' tanina.Itaisay bcasitet!If tas.strange combAts arist roi a taltubté or abeddlug bioo< Il as si net t.te bd,, bat titatitaeuius bas beau bandai dowu fromn <ater to ton for us»,'geusrtions, and tast su,' Hallungial mau Who refusai te Ogit wvien chiallonget! ,rôtld be bi5aaid as àacowari. gelelawntheanwedote, t-Ttyo Eng- liait travell er oe isakiimg auneenualota titrougit Norvogian tand, sccousiset by aLapzpguidea; il vas susütua ime, said theady oras eztremel,' bot and! op- preasiva;é ., laarng t.suaiet. bair va,' o#er soea ligit untains,lte,' ast down ou a goodsalistone 10 Oresb. The Lapp gui'de abooi aI a respeâtale distance, but beiug lasqalsitive, as lais 1kplegauarall,' are, ha kept itis e7es tlrniiy Ixaion te Englliimeur, te observe wvitLthe,' vere doing Oacofo te travellera tppeni ho vearuansd visbingt. cool his haot! ho resoie 4i, os vol! as itis bat. On seang ti!tis Lbina, extisordinsu, proceai- thg e (l app shoot! forsa moment apoi- bounni-ita lasinover smon auc t dig sas s vigbafoue. IlIathon boailbis band ou bis brasaiCave s most unaanti,' towi, sud subii mbsilence.IHsoaie o D îamaîk, sud'ta ýtuaveliers proeuediOn theirWvai'. baltltae Lspp couli not be peroiuW,nai-ua, ccout. goe90 near Lise Dliabýa raasthri,'or e s u,'W mpope csou, shi mt la icuha li ) Iida IthI Âonalyiys 'sp' 51 bi miles) vasone f tae slo*estansuaddest lu n Mylifa" . 1"lIas,'. avaîsiap len eau nkfnl Litat 1' did net, yild -10Lte tuaptatlou .ofLthe Th. prituting establishmenst di Poqltno, vas not anlike., lu lus manaeenpm In titis ciL, Young Tloraèé 'bai a barid lima, as Litafollowing vi-i aitpvt- 1'Thea organization andmoîaEomuoht of Oui establishiment voe é vicions -'-fer 'an appreutice abouli havé, Ono usasbor, ,and I baisa' eess ion' of teu, sud-oftan tvo or titreat once. First, eni eodiWto n;' neut, thse compsuy broko up or broke ap opr broko 'dovu, as as,' one migit bavo kutovu iL voulainsd s mercantile frm ln ltae village becameo ovurs and, managera of te foncerý ;a;nsd so vobai s succes- sien ouf suis sud o! puinters. Titesa changes enaibledme te déentansd îeceive- a imore liboral sliwitce for thoflateryscars of aiy sppronticebip; but t Ol4wueva tao liaily> rnlcd frte;moat paît, sud, sa bo instruction, aver,' one wudprfc libert to.learnvai ho cotuld.i. l <ot s but tvo, or at moatttraerBsnotWr ibmployedl inte priating departaient, iL wonli havaepnuz ed au appreutic oaoidi s, practii kuoitdgo o! vjsaltever vas bdoM bnewee lsistereà 'sud ni, bacit lamaei 1, vorkiug o#tae ver,' Con,1- sidérable éditionao!fLte paper ou an oi!- lùilbioa.d, Lo' pull Ramage (fooden) presp-s btAk bayoni us,' ioyisl> strçebi --and Y cau scaîcci,' recal s dey viteein va vero net itqiried 1b,' our vork. I vonli fnot iuply tiat 1 vorked foc, brd- yst I titt itt but few apprerlces wor> more stoaiy sud fsititfaaliy LIai I dii titrouigitot the ftnîyears sud ovr iof us, stsy at Pouatue,. Witên-I lified et borne Il b.d slways beèa iiova sday'sfisbing, at lasit once a nionthin l spring nsuaitai mer, sud I once vent buntîa5;- but I noyairflabai, nor hantai, nov atttcuded a douce,- fou au,' sort of paîîy or fandango, lu Poultney. -I1 doabt itast I aveu, playet! à gaime of bal."1 The folliwing'là a bit bi sdvicc viic Mur. Oreeoef gives, teboys o! bo, a-. " Tito,'s,' hbat appreuticesi i dix- tatofai 10 and onît off<aiion viti thLé boys of t-yý.if i., 1rgrtit for their tie.Teothe ,'ontit vio aaks, Io shall t obtain sa 'ducation e' 1 vold assaer, 1'Liara atLifai.o!sgoot! master, 1 itol firnai,'Isat most boys sua,' titi botter acquiro tae knovladga te,'neai titan b,' spouding four'-ycsssla colleg&!Y Tvic. duriug bli apprentiencsbl i. Qraaiy vas siloibteviait bis bomne i- 101 initia aler joumilayby-*ay o!dltae ErlO canal, ounlitas. e tçst vto.ho 'cent sn udu a smio, smil. sud saitaif au boui, sopasay yst roqiambai. e* $* ,&t -sbiatyou wvan routri o! your leh a 1 ,shi 1ik biL MLad duvtetaon dokb~sllî i * i1itae cablu vas cles f It !Is boisand umado ieaiy for breakfast, I1s,' noting asto ,taé good oli bdanes;ý' but if su, oun eeka te recal te gbod oit! inoboata, I objeot. 1 trust I have due respect lfor *tbé goo itWAyet va ,often itesiof, yet 1icfol taIttis esrtbly lifo bas beon- practical,' lougteeiasu swectened the,'Lisinvention sud cutruco- lion of rallroade."1 Witile in Pouitue,, M. Orale,' vit- nesset! bis furt fugitiva s)svecasa.Tit slave escapet frontiteStaL. o! NOv York but his master caine over ho Vermont atai him viti thLitefoiloviuagresat- "I1 nover sav so large a master o! meus snd boys se saidoul,' on our viliage-green as bis adveut mincit! -suad te esit vas niggerlesi, te lte place witence ho came. Eve'ytliug ouenu aide vas impromlitu soi instinctive; and nobody toggestei tisaIenvy'orbat. o! 'LtsoSoutit,' or Of Nov York, or or te mautor, ba i mpelcid te iccue. Oupooplo bolt! ,Injustice and o0ppression, ait! actai aslbftey couit!n' hl cp IL'1 - Horaco usai 10 attend tihe célobrations ofLte Pourti or( li,,asd soanotiu;ca vaxked Tory entbnsiastio at Lhicn, le tinksts tno* Ibeir glory Is88 departi. goe uiav i.- ' iTh Déclaration o! Indépendance soundai (ai loeu antediluvisu thon ut nov does; ltae quand lot ltecoloninso itit King George, if net recmit, vas ,'cI rosi ; snd te oit! aoldicrs fogot forsa day titeir rbeumstisns, titeir décrépitude, sud titei p=vrty "d vire pront! o!ftou by-goue itrsiBi iandtheir abidiug soirs. 1 doubt taât Pouituay lbasaine. 'beén so titniloi vwitit patriotie emotiota as on tse axulinugi,-' t ropu,sy thna u overuur 01 - Lb.o frui itee of te SesegaL It lianelu la comptadi tht during his six yeaus ]Boolia raigna Meba asianaged ti gaIt id of aÏ ast balla!. 29,0W0 '"goesnudar teé pl:a o! spucai- ing bisraeiiloh. ! t es. 20. 000 soma 0,4m wereslauhteraoume starved to death, instan *andi ottes. v>eo sodit'c siater,'. Ris sacuas d"a iviii prove s grait biesulug 80 Lita (sas- peopl'ofthose districts viticia ho bad do fouirje tusus ssMai* A uluwisîc-T a ppvai Jamestovru (N.1.)Jeourusi urges tihe dulf net b., of tae business issa o! a place 10 siveutise 1hiile ie lu titeir holu pa iste lt equestion diseove s. .ffecbively t va ra ldcce «10a- foliovil biact tae folioig.- "Ina g-enaam , eWho te efforts on ltae piltof sumarchant 10to, eusch geL traiel vitsouat adveitisiug la viopg 10t mate,à otiter busipip mon'lu teplie..Whatber toagh smn blileve 'li dvWisiug pu not, ha béen1 *111i tonoie thatthéL , nevopapas are 'a Wbers greah belp tO te placesud-litaIbusiness couise amouante ho ver,' utIle luplaées that dou't pesAs e snpprtS Viooor Moueo!dieus. &bsence alun ofunevipipers Io a bail aigu forspNÂesI- lun dovu,, a busiuaaapoint-of, viev, as absance o! bagai1 ctuicitas inlumoisis, o! scitool bouées lunibavé , ciacator, The mon vbo Support 'Lte aiÏbai village Papr do more to buÃŽ14 uplte tautiosi plac e aka it po'prouansd 4ra 'n l tri ite., tin aliotitarinclencescus more fi biusad. Thoefre lte man- *ho , ap ftiano Ouse in and t4e.lte buets of taI pros- mcant penIt,' vi hoiC'éontnlibIte 1hosusia 14 itig t tres to desibesad" où te rait-o!ft.e bées business mon, ausi doms temons g. s& ibe dcp '-q.- -biting1 RoXAi CÀ7noLîiaAzTs-T Ire- te hobi land; te Bouin Catolilea constituste four t. andj blftiss of tepopulation ; lun, Bitisht Arn- veyed erc~Lofitls; in thea United, Ss&a, vser one-tentli; iniRussa, Buiojue, ona-nIntit; laitiug ln Prugansd otiter German Stalea,, one. aliovan tisir&. In Ouest Britain (exclusive of Ire ite bl lut!>, tIse sîe'oonud a ballusillions out 'manse o! telty-tite u uliios; Fraue, IitY-o! cour àr bunt of tbittyb.tau; inlu Amiruio ii u0 lveuîy-seoito of tbirty-diva;iluSvi- lta s çorlaut!, one OuI o! ivoe, and hal,i l ii Iai,' twenîy 0oua opt o! Ivanlý,t,' of 11O! te tita, millions.o& Meico, Central Wza Ausarlis aid Souths Amerlo, nusari, âa ara, Roman Oslholcs. The situeola brase of Portugai vida Ia four millions, Spain vait Ilisiateen sudsabi! 'millions, sud Belui iLla Ils four-anisa hall' tillions.sui Iu Nouays' Sueden' sud Doesai tera tiLad are but six titonsani Roman Ostitolice lu Son. a population 0f egit, milions. ýTtc au- Tîberi tira Roman Catholie popula tion o!fivthewIc Wlb sabout one isuadret! sut!efgitt,.ira" fi va millions ; tlit.ubia Protestantpopu. matai baLlon about niuty-.lvo millions.La, A WnaMusrGonV.A.-.At tIese élti t ilO Poblo misses, lako Supanior, a nan, ud"A #PO bis vifs baisa severe quarTol, îpiatiuag1lu pu isi packing bis buÛ and t!stlngfl'o M 9 Outonagous, ieclarlng taI ,b. wroud iva 000. vi itobr ino longer. ,Site fliovodhlm Jolis. sîlong te rosi begffng birnteo ratura; amono but haovas inexoM4sbia. se, truiged.i. , Finsl,' sito beosua e xaspeistedt! to If ho di nôt isis about as v ouidaLtrp itauacf *tAritnatet!, sud lu dial condition00, foilow itim fo bis jouîney'a eud. As ho £5000, dit! net stop, sitevas as-good a ber vord, bis ' s and bestaing ber çcitting b,' tise oaaliida, polion site follovci hum luntaI cool !asclnstiug tlas costume o! nature, Titis culy témode bitna g baugit. Wteu tise,'cama t. lte intersc. - aua lion o!flte noat! tevoua surprised d1i meeting viLla a part,' of 'oug .mon vWho bai b..un out fisiting, sut! thon lte bue- £80,1 began ho titink te vifo'a coatumne vus-fot cousu exact!, tise kizai prescribéil b,' court et- qnottq, a-ad cuttiug aa tout avitcihobeus stai'tei ito u atou à- licu ian, fl9t el-,mireral iowing ber 10 stopsu andtei up heu hou il clotite&. Oirinformantsas'.site: uad i b splendid ima iu golng Irons lte cbeing 'berlà te tae bouse, probabl,' iho vasunet luçoa- voniencet! b,'extra clotiiug iàce touliitn botit parties bave liefinitely rpslpoi ud aist titirjoaruê,' 10 Outoungbuï ' rt, -sa.----noV 4t Ottavo .D.si4i' >Iws blls a tou, of-a poor pwulg ciminai vito burat- lut ais vhmamde runt t0 stajid up lunt.e ýdocit.. "Neveu -miii cryng, sli it~umga .'ilse. Ihot .you Dis' gel JusticieA iniutiée," acioto hel.pn-Lirs- sonaér, "6àt'sitlywbat I dout vaut." lut Di$ Titat puisonér'a came M an -exact counler-beb part o! tite position Of te Coalitions Oov- rival. srnment. AI tt-pn.sataiactom'lc*ntest tLb. 80 titacoalitwpilats ra"s candidates on -te Lag WC 6$is laor. dis,' Bted i hattist iug-taiafîti ba s 16muy fl lai" mon, s.elthé or. lweai akiug ou si t0 Li acreasa ruaquoni us bovi.> o îbl jeog natrcu, aîîu oawg r beratant!tise boy,; tÉc 1bita soin. -ftanca' ehavaâs foulai, thea cl , rom aaauoying Lte 1 lu aver, àympbom of ey vas noh frghlaeie aithast die boy, lb, ras,ý bungi,, vs ne ot aaslnsLte laitsà *felng o! the .ogIthe I Bât"E or me5 Axe me!, la huai puopa I Iol4100,000,; ha lu ims vit. bai Dot OstaSe ru,' or lagioa, 4i i, o! a riai men. I ea aidsfortune o lus, st'his dembl, Wa b Coligiasspaph lu t aue lu adeanding lth d ailth sesas e 000,00Ã". Tia dateo £600 M.t Cmiii bui Pm anY' fà"c, ovat! e puiéiaidisa fulastiai s4 udta o! Lucius Pl AtIbetîne àMIlieu Coasa, Au'tboas'vas slu o! £2,00,000; lue Te I ! iait, sud i xilends of-April. E )00, Applus spauS i, 4000, sud fanding, ou i lairs,- taIho bai aiêd bifitaasa eem saa insufficient for là S gava Satuila, tisa uo ienterinuseat »ho ga lila i ems inagea, I cet saverai ituodrat! n d Liilefs luafij 1 uinu AuscricsavWho 'w t ber-lsîaas sppear. «on s faisr. lUttitî sita stesliitê6 gos. i s-eta to bagraaida trcngtl s-aealto goul " Irites oua comrsf Utti. baLlt' titan a - -aao i-. frs4uaat ardeur c eauit ouI, 'km UNsI 1 1

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