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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Sep 1867, p. 2

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Sa1 OOL nos 15a!IT5P 131Pîa.- #«M" esôol building OC Uie school à and7 9 019decI as udetrOYOcdj im kou Saty moriîg laitabout 'S oFdSWk. Tii.orrewvasfil&discoered by ,Ms. ime lvin seu ii. prenOI, Who Pv@ tb»soaar. The. cidre c4itents of. t. hbidilsto formnemap ,,, vire COO- minsed. The. ordvOMd unr Lie building1 wu wieli diflilty osavcd. Tb#. Ire, vw se -sut t1» . iformed, wua tii.vork ofaM lseendlary. .,No Insnranoe. x4form a n tu4AuNaScl. T'h.e eform tUiomph lu Nova Seotia buabuna.omplctc. Tbsy bave wipa every *thliuec theî ii.solltary .xcýp1lon cf OumJ*rland# vhicb Dr. Tupper sîccoedoid ia obtaiuing, after 6a aevée troggle. The. voee t"&ad 18 Iloformers w oic Coalition- ft. Mr. gHwosmjorty vue over 700. Mr. Ârlbal a mambos, of the Candisa Clabinet, le auOiSt b. def.'aicd. dé DOMINioN WÂuhaOos" lte i.noe *blhMeuers, Loves -k Powell bave glivs %0t hir elcdid nev prim, l'h. titi. blaà mont bappy oisad ouite h choice w whleb ve hope the pairiotie diru ,iii bas em ea reasca to rejoice, a th. soue et Canada lu th. proaperiy aid reno uof 1h. nev Domioi»,Onu e&dit. of Douurnow VÂaooss lu other colmmue. jTu, CztsLIIDATNDWzs-Wiizti.- Prefasoî Bond, le'anononccd to be ln "Whihbri Op 1h. Oitand seÇond of Octob.r, *hac, h. violperfors tomeof bis voudrais faitse oua vire, tb bu eztended fromt th. tev Ontario Bank 10 McMrilla's building. ýrhe papers apeak of hlm as a most darins WuuvevUaau.-The races over the faarerit.ailudveli kuovi Whitby course, are aumeouneel te ce.ot an Ibo. Itt andl$tls Oeiober. 'icprogramme, ad. verisée1la chier columus, texiuhts a mccl Ilbel bill ef fare, and hspiajagret liber- Mity mal spirit b>'thie club. 11,9AWAT AVOI6uz.-Mr. 0C. C. Irller, Geliellori, 4tif Cangtan, mef, ve regret te bave ta statot iwlîi àa ratier saere acci. doat jesurerd>,(Wedsuday). Ris hamac tob fbigil ville on bis va>'i e .setien, la cempan>' ti Mr. James Lemeutsa li. eltor, boti veze tirovu oui, Mr, Keller rathen violenil>' sud mmcl ioInuel. Mr. No. 19. 1H.Cocuetis bas jusI rcivil a large sonsgnicent of is 1.11 importa. tioaa; aoget aller gessd ubinga, e lot o! excellent cottan at a jerk.slliiig a yard. Mmv Javuans'uv. . Jas. Jobnsto u a lmi mal. vélieble additions w ils stock of<, auka anmud jeweir>'. Tiséapecimeui v. bavescula iroacies, neit rrings, 1omif-pluslinage ke., aid- ladies trinkets aue unique. xev Geecuar AND iquau.-UMv ThomsasL or.~e re rqusiel w ti e# vl l u u uin n li e above> linot la tbweéstes 9f iext veele, lu Mr. Dehs -Pe.J. Pon, as bus man>' frila l teleemili>' vli h.gldtow ai, anneus me MoIn tention, ta atiblieh boimslu1 WMstby &gau# te gir. lemisulah - muae, diveraismeit for terme kc. SOuM Ousaîo CaUsait Aaaeîouu.ue ~isîzesTU nnuai exhubitiau cf the Auwntltaral Idt>' of Souhiii li It mebrclle sta h.beell c1 Wcacilajof nI veee. iw -fOO-e DuaMi.Hop bu lae or s pleidid motc ta sud oses, veili vrthy th f hssersqulnugtjing Ibo levate aid brighitraop t1w. i-fatal <roui s"Ti.hou.3000 i r rdcrlck Villiarn Adolpbus Bruceo , K. '.B., 186ý02,voy tethbemperol ofCblesas sou of the Tub pari of Mgln; bora 1814. Hue ben ColonýIal Socretay am'neus Kong, Cousul Geneërel et Bolivlyia, onte Video aid Egyp.9 Ou Lord Lyona bolus reoalled front Waaugtoui vitii b. rcmembcrc liaI h. vu ssedel 'by 'Su rodrik Bruce, Who ever $snce "dirgeo the very deliecstc sud rcaponauble dtm, cftliaI cu- bas, ith greai tact, seceptaie sud su- cms. l'h. doecasd gentlleziai posacssd ablitie5of Do mounorder, vilci veto en- baceed by bigb'culture aid an. extensive ecqiaintance viti tic world. ie toats for the. brash of .the. public scurduc, lu wbich h. bO cl suàzïauelfvatail position,. vere generally scknovledged;çsud wvile tic Iuteata of bis connîry - ere aMly gnarded by busu et Waebiigtou, b. cnjeyoed the catesmn of 1h. bigb functonaries cf the nation, tu wbich -bho-vwus aedited. To be a faitiful sud efficicut rcpreaentat*tve..f. llrltain ai Wacingtoi, dnring oùncbeha period mailiaI c«ored ,by Sir, Fredcrci JraWceaus, sud wIretai ai th.eseMe time th., good opinion or f 1h. people viii iesb .be0lhata dea1,;iasàcceoOf vici *Dy mainuight h.proid. W. au. aire the oeil ovent *@ chranicle vii occasion videspr.ad aorrov IhiluEurope aid T'h. October imber ýof thse New Do. inifo J1 liy, vbicb làe iet siof lb. volume, preseuts as; ill 61o f <ar es th. Angusi or mmpe imnniber,wvilch vas ai velli eivelby lhe prous of Cana, de.. We partlonlerly a1i attenionou tanai article cri b. Tiîtiof l b. Foos in l h.e laie Mr. Tborea, Abse, un excllent tale loi eapmeth.ui, enliglel -à"Amie'. eaet~lh. -di Old Mai'. Dtory'f la suggestive faorusenof business; NdiItiere la ren ai'lrI'sketch ecititlel, déThiBitrBs of Beabs," b>'Mii. Campbell, of Qnubeo, vic h vys oan admirable leisona ta parents te treel chilI ten ïusl>. UMi. Huriet B. Stovels ai. ticle on Hoiscliold Pairies le vorth the wiole pries o! thé magazine, The Music al Poitry lu this-auiber arc Vory luen@ ailudeI, al t 61 <becontents, wiici arc he. elcomealte cfeuil>' circe. iti co l'of sus P.Mnqtl 1 vith bélng concerned in marder. Jiowu cÏ d dmulaughter vers the cply bleu-. os Into vbieh te tldug *«y humin lifs vere divided inur ou ouvy. la otbeir it icuîrla t.rewcr dlcr.stdcgrec. 011 thc Crime. Homieide'lu ourt*vvs murdur by vlolemccitb milieeaforethoilght; mai. olaughter the taking éaway lie lanùddeî ;uarrciig, crueli reauent, ehsuca ucglgeue, k. He Lodshp ,iloatraed hi#a-uiag;by rcfcrriug winorese ebc. fore the Court; f« umlnatan bla vhebyc Lhrougb th. neglect idf diyof aàservat, of the. Grand Trink Elalay Company, aà ad -lois of liteil .udbcen 1;coud., Two case -o! larceny befcre the Court, vere icxî rcfurrcd to, and bis Lordsbip poiutedl out with great clesrnema whal conatitutcdl 1h. crime-lb. eolona utalking 1h. pro. perty of another. la poinig onItii.e dily of the Grasnd Jury ti visit the. gaci, the . -Cnout commented upon the escape of tva 'pmmsor, aid inforïed 'Ite -Grand ýJry, lia it vs heu dnty twnquir. job, th. Camso ! Uiprisoner sccape, whoth.r il Vus owiîg 10 th. negligeice of the par. tca having ihea lu, cusay, ortw thI. - security of 1h. building, aid ,liaI If ,lb.h finit lay vitis th.-former, îhcer vlreH11b!. to beindeto4d,it vuehdutyef uh. Grand Jury t lre t l..His Lqrd- ship coîciided a brief aid demi charge, pertinent tothe cases before, tiCours, aud te duties of the Grand Juroreafier vbicb ubeletter rctirad. Th.aeosouï. Important criminal eases w h bed.o&Threu e ~itesfor usurder, one for mans1eugtrnd a tbird for pol- aoning 9-beot hersof suinor ilaper tance. Th.re are alwogotbcr but four civil case on thé docket, oue of wvici bastarea, becu-disposed cf. Uv. ,Zhn Iàgguu, Q. C..'is the Cîrovi Proseutokt,)Er. Alexander Leiîhaid Mr, Kolchal, &te 1h.epully oth.r 1 vers front a distaiio, present. CIVIL SIDE, EMnbargh Idfe Auuuance Oomtpany vs. Wliftie-Âceioof ejectment. Alex. Lelth, Fàq., for plains. Verdict for plaintifs. lu the.sits of Forma os MaManp aid Bavage ri Tom#, th. recorda veon withdraffa by îh. plaintifs, lu order, ve vire bold, t0 avoid bciîg îou.suitcd, licy being uuprcpared 10 promsd viti th*i l'h. court adjourncd ai, 1.30 p. m., u. tii nbs(hrdi>mrl t 0,30 adock. Buri;ng frder andI Barglaryo KrsusNsow, Sept. 23.. Bldeuce. Canad&absiulI -461411 support Ou Dunlay mevuing, betveen 12 sud 2 a th,&, iuteresting Magazine, viich on!>' cots o'clack, s valciman aIetMrtana brevery5 oui anuand sdlisiillery, namel Driscol, vas mur-à oedollar pe a ou The publisher lrli at trffas xlatiml JohnDeiaîlk Sn, euteal - the sef. beiougiig ta Use ehore establisis-t TzursxcsMruisO A Bovxs Cn.ment broken open, and about $2,500e Tzutuàyz-Mwix tT aowfi oustmic. Tic murlereua vore traclet t ssPwuauoa.-Mr. 8. T. Hisoid, Cape Vincent, viiere Iii; hirel a hers agent cf ibe I. O. of G. T., holl, a ver>' sud Irove tovanls Wateniovn. l'he. c succeseful meeting at Browa'eCorners, lie fliovel iu pansmit, sud-vo ba.n'b>'1 on Tuîsal>evening Sept, 24th. Mfr, telegrapi batlulet evrening troe of -lteJ Series P..OT.,o! ilvr prlg Tm.pariy vere arrostel lu Watenlevn. One* - risi P.... fale pigTm upposel accompli* le tili et largo.' -ple, Prince Elvard cut>', bale lie chair. Tie fourtb bue inces beun arrestel, sud At the close tic lectirci orgauized a taros ont ta be a son o! Mr. Gemuel, o! temple iu conuecîlon viti theb. I. o.f G. Toronto,- 'h lThe u, turiel Qceon'i T., Which viii 11eknia ruas Wellington eilence. Temple. l'h. felovlug arc aime of the ofliccrs eleced t-Wa C., T, George W. LiAt5T v ut ECsst.-IiaroaiNrTaux Servis#a;1W. V. T.,- Pilecila McQnlg , 1711,r Aitsm c &ae orz-ms W. 0.;,UBlît. Wbteman ; W. TrW ýOirah Nsws-CosvLim in i WCmoz,-YIorence, McQuiai; W. M", Edvarl McAr@ou; W~ Sept. 23.-The Roman gvr iueit tk- Il D. M., Sarah Gordonu1 T. 8., A. O'Lary; ng prcatinary s télegourd agiusl B . IL.Sq, Ceuiavinc Servia; LR8,Jaoean staa eiticit or a subbcu rising vitLin Walters Nigit, cf #sf.ti, Wodubiud'thie cit>'. Ail tie poutifiliti tropi arc -Mi. Hamman i îi ll dmoeingoattehie beng vwitidravifiom: oîtlying points iu a folaowiug places sEeec,..Ciarelp i, 1.provinesa af 3ivila Vuecehiat Viterbe à . lt 'ucMIX analOcoerZ d ilVilletri, ail conseuntel dis sud ,Dssbartou, Oct . 3:Daiflu Cresi, Oct. aroand th isedt> cf Rome. n 4th, for ts pipse o! crgnaisulg acities, Florence, Sept. 24.-Tb gevrerampt i. in conaietias vi lie L . of G. T-< edn reeta th.eiicsira of tise [0051 J ~Romantecriltor>'. Despatebes <nom Hnome Tic ate ! D. Llciglcno - te liai mai>'as i ae beeu umade i.- iel,,o! parties aspcted to be in corres. la l'h. fallavlng, luat iroecivelle.aaprivate pon4deesvii Garibaldi, and île fllôver. il ltior (rau Bou *bay, vil! (isya 77JÏaM/te: Garibaldi bals bora arrestel b, ti#c hall. Su anus> h. ro-ith h -haefsl sby alivia. aM goveruinent. ReH vas»'taeesi pisaner areW "iretedlul' the fate eof- Dr, Lilg- vbile croieing 1h. ]ýoùàsaa froitier' atonle:. "W. fuel greal muaziety h.re - Maneieatei, Sept. 24.-Âèras of ai., about thc fate of lb. locher, fiousviioni legel noter an, silîl biîg*mode hure b>' o as geaeu hoad far upvrw -o<;a th%. polie Yeur. We do no4, hovever, ciabittlb. *tlonds, Sept. 4-I 5rimoril -that ho accote givea 'ef!hils iurdir b>' Miaand Kelle>' aid Demy>' slIcI rom LÀerpoci on in bis Alusueul companious. M oi e, single oni o! tic lalani oý,esteameos,-for 'lb. on eue he lie er Chrstian Affican Who tUnited Diaes, on Daîuida>' A sipccisl. accempanedl Drélvringstoue <ois Boom. commission le ta h. appointelai diiil b.>'bas returiied to os; and ve gontde seonauaeble la Manceter, to.>' lb. tial hobhu Mst lil>go## vitsh ieçm usof the parties nov lu jéli thero'on loto thse aiazpiored laie cmehti>' Tvo ef theo charge of ta ntlugpat iu lie iol blut o tbam'w, ver~ se duitto a certali ex. viai, t>' -tuut ila1h. Mission Icasttii u ader a>'- Auuanfotaniat coullct oceurel ia th. -&i- &»vdnoAa.a...mc1.i,. hos La tm oaf 1.icle veicirbOetwa 1h. 11 si] ti di mi $1 ai lb ha i g .10 t soigbt iWl>'ou lie majuulsNanccS it vsr me la regard le liehesîélti of flic dn.. büt Uln relus a lusvLai juuch an tablisiel ad thiaI aythiis1cme se>' ln, ut r.sped oulI h. qulWsupegnoius, boad hors aie.an ir ofrfe orber od remlarty 1amongst thse vWikuin ici Imuut as>' 11 o n -mr - 'ie6 cermiOgnonvhicb 1 visie& ,-Ttw Ila no aubt, hcvcver wissg tthe large ue- surces cf lise campa&>'as I ~lselicthe." mevlWed.ltact, e11114msudÂbllty cf M.: râdin asa busins mi. l . I z ict atel. for lie sâmes on -thse uer.e Fmmo luc ir.ae ne,-lsL c "oa maeas"l 4letd lee. =ert^ reuwich bas, beuians"Yayd d idt-utain 7$22,85ilu goîlpod iu c cwueis halil tbree a re, wviicect hem $80, Brafd ud Gericis lue1 lati-No. 17, Stis ccsiou, quartz ire loks voIl, but no se-ay, 16 <cet eep, a acres' Cash $8,000,4- Short, Moore lucîlo d r-a=re0sud i1 lemçre iotsata Wilccx, lite "Mcorelr th" - ,4do," se latter vosiafa, Ai gel aay DasIe a range fo $M Qt 1.0 c ;Ã"14 and 'améall q'isantities rilv perpc osn. à1m. Spariug, oin*cf lie o0narsof i. "Eldoradc," aoel d 0 en os»s> )f f150.40p ton f >'" liaI ine, unt lie>' aIhav lidà s tity cf ti mue quartz Tare>' k àoucrusher viici mm@ lai short cf« that ameutît, y1eldiîg ni>' $87.50 of gol, sud J4,;25 of ilver, but Ihbse iovWiug lotie ofjeqauiya ilpilate of lion Present lu bsequartzald luie Impcrfection cf tise crocher;* A su'ai! na"ntit>'fe ictallungsfron tie crasher wus burnel sud fa o ttajpala lire.' ins se mach goldaa-lWa1#P laen out by seperater. 1Tbeï ,i-ft-,t 1lorde are8i -and 22 foot.deep respeetivel>'. Whilt spcakiîg-of cruslsu"-Ia' aSay bcilos Turle>' k Co.As vfs h l u sn operalien, hhere yul l e, irmare lu rcrkiig crIer ai Eldor ansd ouesat Bannockburn by tl i uMe cf October nezb. Tis e gine sud- beiier cf one o! thems vas being put lu lis plee vlilc I1 vas there, and 1h. Richàrdéon Cempany' have ceulructel for a stoéie'iuilliug 30 x 40 fomilu vici to ut thelri ersuiber sud tber machiner>'. J lesvizg lover sud nipper Eldoradl ovllage t Nto rth I steppedloto eseveral cf the hatelsansd ud the. aceommodatioun il tisai. cull be bookel farln a place »a i, sud vits- mil a>'resait'belug s=ad tho lie o-. lu mlnlug districts. Pracoding nortb isie«01Desperao"f 66Knap& Ccb." I,,Queou'a 0Own," wuin &a Sanderson, visa ave 4shusfts, I"Jehn Bull,"f"Deal broie,"9966Cariboc," sud "lBalleraCi mnes, viici arcsunk frein four ta ort' eL Mt of tlem have lied essayasuan il yield more or -les gol os silver. 1",Qucn'a eWu" is10 feet deep, essaya $82 ilu gold anud10 iu silver. IlDeal broie" Shews $22,2Q lu silver wyul tracs of gel1 ; ti. mine is ouI>' 8 fuel deop. Ballaral le ail toey er>'ricisbul ne «Ssay'bas beu mdealtsdgs frein i bed of ssnd salibti binof tbc mine i aluovel tuul vin talen and $1 wvenu e gol vasiseltroin IL.Cariboo-of ti ricisuesa of this mine I bal ocular preef I carried abeut 1IJ peeks of gavel wvue! lay acatter amenget tise brckr erck a tise top of tise mine te tise Ballerai min where tIsere, lepleut>' of vatormul vasi ouii 10 grains of gol, ram IL I foui aft.rvarda tisi tis gravel bel becu par. tiaîl>' vuesislb>' JMr. Joisscutle pro prietor, - previeus>'. Mr. Joisnson tel, me, liai fortise Caribea viii Its ton acrie b. bel been offered $30,000 but inteude, atoeklng it ai $50,000, ho loft me lu Belle ville Mnding te open auctuor-mîne nos tic Carrlboo. But I me>' ai' w. lu lIai part of tise ceuntry' liste nettise lentl Ide of tie amount of mining being doue 1 Mdadoe. As far sa could barn not lem than from 190 te 150 sbhairc nov sink iîg lu tisai township, Maruiowra, Tudoi aud Eizivr have alec tielii.r céf Mur. iug v ork; ln ut sl vercvti* Vesittlb Souldofet lcdrîlil list vas-,br lucessantl>', eailtise minera - çverywl spea vît i tise, greatesi confidence oa! h ruci barveai h.éfore thenu. May'the prospects b. realizel, for tioses noble fol lova make tise sutaci, on tise bardent i rock. vii ý,a vii sudd -etemiinaltuion 1overeome ail obstacles. 'But 1tiumvc -tri passel toe muci cn youî spae au tusoi 1essieuanmotuai loe itioeigivissg 7< 1an>' description cf Banneckburn, vis a, ur frier.d Cro"7, laieof S=aborh liton up he b oIe, 1An&atensta il thse Governmcints î se accu>' ruasu er-ur. aonslieftlnù the clama of delinquntgi bmeu- ro able ta, thclave may'almamîbe numbercd VI on thie 0gr.1 vr1urap gruewilIbavboeenomade nlbtse -»l e' ausonîoafOne 7Ilviseloi t he.troiubleîeft b>' the war, If il abial!i Onally'h.bé ald'- tut a Ibis Proclamation l c lygod **h T 64iin nopain l, c pOlllWalgame, v ticrefoïeo,ut ais ivli Dot'- hae becu 1 ma,. . Jhsncnnltae a s>- captal for is case bcforc-th»e pcople 'un The, World Appvovcsthe proclamation, ff but hhunka h vwili nol givo. lie ex-rebéls Oc th.,righiloa vote: "1PrACtlcally, theie nevamil>' typrcqla- dg maticn is viaffordD nief tepoin de, w prived cf the eloctié franichiseT~ lh. le-a gel. operation cf an' exeutivo pardon usl tbis;. if a person intiicllsud puita on trial for an ofi'cnce for vincihoebasiscen <par- ti dofieiho cars pleal snd'piove thse pardon, ti and thercis>'obtain a relesse. f lte'ho c secuting officer is avare of the. pardon ho fi yl cf course commence ne prococlings, a, since hc inust kriow îiý ie' ouil ne- ceasarl>'bave tuis tLermintin. But «a hourd cf rg' îration le net goernel by 0 th.-bardoere -rations-ant govrnel by lhine a u ercas a CO.utcf jatice.» Tic Eveniniy Post ià in a quauîlar>' ta viat tic- President ineans by lic pro- "If thse Preeldeuut meaîaby ie recla. a uiation ouly ta place bcyond tic <car cf trial and punisimeni for ticir crmes, cer- tain persans lu tic Sontheruu Ststefor- s mer!>' exceptel rom ,amulat>', Isisi orocla- matien viil b cuogisi o! uitile cainse- 1 quence, even iy tic persona in whose 1, favor it isdravu. If, however, h. means e ,b>' il te'ese tb tiacpersansi political prvlges whii hb>' iheir crimes they hbai forfoilel, us hie organ, thc .NationaZ Intel- ligencer. ,prélend%, tien il saboula, h. Te- garded b>' tic persona wiem il proeeuds ta favor, ase sdangerous is nmud iyl sîrike tic gesncral publie as a deliierate attempt by-Ibo (resident te dola>' and1 iuterrupst tic work of reconstra.ctio-5 Pgrave end dangerous Obstruction cf lie1 laveof Gongreas."1 Thec ommue141appravres cf the an- "6Tus careful>' prr-pared sud cîcarl>' ex- prease document, in ancotier column, il ils ovn beit oxplenaton anud Jutilfica-1 tion. Toa -iis.complexion, vo a&boula 1coueInluînim; but vliether the tise, vas Ivli choscu romains t e b.mcn." . The Tribun?# Washington ,correspon- ident (Mouda) rites as follos concrn- ing thse proclmtion- 0 "1 h.e1'reidenes'a Amuesi>' Proclamation 9 bas hecu tic ubjet of much comm nt 1 to-da . 'h gencral inte pr tatio u put 1 pon iii la,. uaL ls author in icd i that tioe.tle viom It applies-are re-establiobcd 1 fully in aliltie rigistiof citiznobips, rincfuding nfrantiiement. hle lagiven oui tisi utest vilI oon homal. lu one !ef tise Boutheru States, iirouçh tie courts ;visici vilI bring eut an opinion from a tUnited Slates Judge. Tise Bouticra men viseo have bcen lobbying for tise Procla- amation seemn disetisfid ith IL Tiey' a lale tisati i laiside of visai lie> visiec. ýf Samne ara bold eneuglu te eîy tisatitis Ilaulior is dissoneti and bas faitd tw kcp is prom ises in tis, m a ter; alectisaitie hProclamation la tise resuli cf Democratie ,t reliticianai ceniroiling tise Presideut, and 0 a intnded for plitical capital. Tie>' a stâIe furtiser tisai net over a hundred a Persans ln the out illii bo bnfitted b>' '_ st, ase nisiof tise classeta 0 vim it ap - -plies have alreid>' isen speciall>' und a individuall>' pardned b>' te Propiden. 19 For Instance, uarly. ail o! tie rbel Slte 1 agoverners bave been icretofere pardoneil. !- ad in Virginia tie l>' man vise as a Ir member ef C ongrese. and loft his seat ta ,l engage lu tic irebeilien, andvise bis ual a ben pardeneld individuall>' by tise Presi- &n la Tisomas 8. Boccck. Tise generel ça impresalun, hoeer,vs, tisai lie Proi- w- .dnt Intendel a inlude, enfranciement r, mong tierigte retrel te thm O ebele w receving tie amnet>'and efore 'oon se Gon. Grane's cilice vas. bealeged -,ihi d nevaspaper cerreondents, looking for aun e rder fromntise Preidcît re-opening Te- c0 gistration un tic Boutisern States, No îrsuci eirders have bectu s uol." .ftf MOTOr eulmu Aircassu airlai. quiet hire, l'h.evcier-appoar siatlcle vitis tirir su;suad ticre appesi le have becunoDo moro liatiriance§s NO trace of the. rescuel pni ,ones Kellj sud Deua>' i...... a:...-..,.A A.,s o ntiune abis uigmibt, us iad n caseffl n.ull.'o abbing bislinefcto. > èe Ioohcdlj thoi. as uotiing more, ac momi.gol, uouors @*e t. h. sol, uotbuug, uotiisg buit1h. id venteut As lie ent, -b. laobed et el vh. îruited lunhlmainconfident>', aid ho vonîl have lied foi him, but tis ook val uat one of regret, il vas bat, w' ure iimglf iaI the poo)r fugitive ilipt- Foidi>'. Th.u h. rau visiontbesitatiig,ý vcii riglta toise gaté af 1th.edcuy, sud, mIl île master. Hov vas tie-bargain sale? 1no', bibIt th> vonuld >'trieo-hat Iowu lhe price ; lien lie ýonuces o! gol vere lier., but b. miet coult thcm, mut »mreý bimicf that ot -ane vos vauliug. l this vonl take lime, and livring "tus dîne migit lieseo t have asaainated, ibis trailor, aid peuctratel io lavu vniti. out Ions? No . oMut have pravidedr for evrerytiing beforebaul; aidéh.u th.re are, periape, lu l tis counry'. dlicate laits whists ragulate tresacu, sud proteci tb. niorest of traitera. Wh.n tic tboenuti o! galdvas couted, Lapez imilel, a.pee &miles in Spite cf hinuscif, vie think i t se asduie a goal hargain. - 4thousad. eces of gol *elih t liaunfranes<9f a iî, Vas h.ios v elpld 1Thon tb. sasss itered litta h. tavuu. Lpez waîkeld he hu lightly and rapil> ualer is tl1.kilgausmu of geld -.h. ip07e le > tb#Mc j ý 00 le <bere., he Wai, end di cd. l'h>' eve the Empier. _M 1 openelbîl syes and et oce om tbat isvwu implacable desth t lt iud îe lepf rihon ho looicd yossdont 'a wvu b. mekiug 1,nsor tratr. làWh.r. e Lps 1» Il ou. ma.« Thon tbe.> toldhum ail.- BetrYed b> len, les, the eîly fricil vho remeined tw bim,-ic old not restrain a .1gb, lb. irsi of is agoiy. MechianiUl>'h. foi- iaved the sodicro; tic ruet mattered bot ltile tu hlm; hocommence1 ta dis. Wbet did jeu do tien?vIsat voro 'Fou deicg at tie tim cf tic.executien?7did Ste noise of »0. gel1, as loi ceuntel il, ameih.r the samI cf thé Oro-&anad the crics cf tlb.#&arage*is s s>'mutilsted tis corps ? itou migbt et 1h. lest hour havi nabeb ioto the milet cf thSic,ansd bie do#etalth. aide af hm ie im bd eaI real>' pardn lm0 a O* C oe loi cointed your gold. And uev, traitor, $Peak 9W horo vilI yen go?1 Wiat vitt yau loe7 Do yen hope for ianor-ail cou- sîleratio' <ram tbie ta vham yen seld tii. mirtyr 1I Hovever bae.ti>' May. bu tie>' vill despite los, tiey sud the viole world ; lu iaever ceunir>' yen go, theY viIi paint et youendulse>l',$s'BeIsoldt traiter." TYour vif., h.rscl(, vii 1> es snob infamy; ail viat viii Yeu Say tu yoiur cilrcu vites ti.>'se>', " aIPter. other cidren teund ns <relit tie; tbej se>' thal thon hast illidel U mnperer.'1 Wii 1 y0une able te boar ibiseauotiuall>' 7 No. Wiii Yen kilI yaursof?7 Nos.Irai- tors arc afrail o'f dIsath; tic>' &tecoverl& Na; perluapa, carnie1 ava>' sane lal a momnti of enger, yen vili kill an acri caser; then, lier. viii h. the gslleyso vicre yeu vili -#silt h. atoei; for evec the galle>' slaves, vie always combine te. gether, viii huit yen <rom then. Hoei s traiter. Go, pariai; go fer tront*Il, aid lot ne eue evbr her 'of tieà agaiu tiat vo me>' forgol liaI there vas, in tii century. e soîiet ier hoseldbis fricil- Tranulaedfrom fthe Frac/oflIva d Woesine, for Thea New Domiînion sir Charles WAadham. Siý Charces Wlhhfm, *be, lila ad succeclolsir John midtti, nez(, vesl 1in tise caunmand o! tise forces in the cDo minion, bas a ost brilliant militi>' vs cerd. lic joinel tiseGuari in 183 servol liu (anada dntïng tic rebellier vas maj'or lu 180; clonel lu 1854:, 1scrved ?n tise Crimes viisous dys al aisne, tlt Jul>', 1850; hi vas pireseuti 1tise btiles cftise -Alunai and Balaklavu lishe repulse of tise 'pavrfgl sortie onl Il 281of Oc*eber,1854 sud lu cempar 1 ith tic lamenteil Calicari veho vi.w ,kiiied, et1lb. bat. of lnkru*ia Ho ic to h. ma&e of poasea ho, tooi part ilansd emuanlýed the storusing part>'of tho th. Siot. seconld dvision sta thc lest eeon:. the DU L»odan tm. 20-Cevecnig.)-À du.SBO' teeibei,1815 ie.îegalal> i pi feum Bralferd reports, liaiKelly JrusnT vSicooiuou .sh a a'l Des'vieseal bt i> tsat r tlya'seri'ards prouiotel Mjor.Gdue- Cdoabt h oie Ioug i âtimmeis te>' laoh."distlugtuisled aud tntrepid cou- Doonbut he plice tbog4 ianzw,"--licd Hesal provionsl>' aervcl as Bnig- ou tic aIcrt, failel w airesiliomanad th.y adlerGcn.rainthtilenclses rcm the Otis bar. again disappearèl. Atugusi. Hée *as néit eppointed Gover- SDablilaSept, 21.-Airuto cf sapemid siar f Bitilu portion lcf Dbashopol ftC la" q Om. anila*5nt ii. mai came w ïutu dm AMI s.nem 14wa . lie laid bovu upon tlic i eweideubly la reat pain. It wasthon a%ýIdotaid bisai S a sot- himnelf it tise, lft breast, noar tise heail. l'h. pistolvwithvibich bc haît caqunittel.dcldvaswulyiug b>hIa Ybd :w*e utiliatel>' reucv#dlta l3ell«eo Lospital,- visere, làtc lutievctuiug hose 1 vas lssmosi procurins o caniin, and lu s fdard huatieho ili 'ual surivli te veundu Rulîmn *as eàt éuuist7 lu inte st; Niciselas Utel, sailays bal liecon- Mfieuée af tic praprieter. - os anative of G rman>',thiry-hreu y rsol, and whaàt lis te silamentable featInre of ibis Iragie iucideun i h, le]bis emartiel alas bulimeb eildrcs.-N. ). ffarakl. Dominsion. LIegiiluture Tempeimuce Haviug seen the besi rosuitt b umbers, but -especiall>' employas of isciliHonseS aid th. b.partmels b>'- th. liegilature TOMperaue e du've bid 8aime jemr &go, I au4 0mevug tga1havee Iais plan r.- aivesi, enlie r iteésI Mi.Tiley\ ,,Isa erWmla h. v«41 taise the initiative, sunI' - ho vîIliin iexpel4ig lie salon romz thei building. Durcli k lehsmiliating- taý admit that stimulante.'re oaI 'nocess ar> mon cannaI Vait ta go to a restaurant for lies. -'Washington hasgot nb of it, -aid sou. cf le hïiest. mai, irc have jainel th. lensperauce caitci I auentgrehtiy~ entouraged lu <bis malter by ct i rjiisl reove rom tic Hou., T. 1D. ÉMe, u ï AÂ Most important simios avaita us; oicitiig lebalea; amidiit silinga; the tJuc/Us ,eewue of lie refresimeut reom - ad "a' liai." I knav boir liese'par lsmueniaij-bous habits tel! on meule buti resolutions; antIesi <mn Ose mSn'u, vit', janv umble.servant.- I s hah ldl>' a u. scrliibe:ta>jour*Mo,o!total abstaineri, liaI. acyfo besssion, butý, viti Gasl's- aIl- esuflicet al, v19uie regardte leugi 1 c f um e b . J , c Y -Tilt la -a leticisu dclaalcuua ivanld ldohdnor te l on n . Dar>el*vr position, thé, grcml importance c of rii beist talents lu the tory iti rder;sudý 1for the resicu <baltie priest, ilit geing ta, 9-w lb.eRoi>' of Relies, wu ta ko Dnevinc, a<ble vise man resolves <bas bis minI 604 rintellect shalh b. i0 kept, liai negoiaugeý fire shal -b. ofrel.& God grant it eresltiou, aud is 'pub. 1 ilcation (vbich ehe iab ualfebil) me>' h. ave thei. dcci lu egist tlehave on u thle rý cletel meubars. s- ru ai, uiisa, Smr. 22.-Ganibaihi bas- issel s tsrriug alîresetaiuis foillversiiufn. ding uhal tic -time bas came for tiens ta ortlirew <th. lyanuy af the Pape'ail reaicre Bomre te Itel>' anl give thc eternal city its anoeni urue> slecapital ef the ltIli' suntion. A royal praclaniatiai buao aiebeenipreuulgatel, signe1by Kiing Vii r Emanel, varaiig mli Italiens agaissi tmkiag part' lu 1h. r.vrolitienarj movetnout. l'h. prfciamatuon closes iti lb. Ibreet liaI lie -gavenimeu vIil not <ail te, vinit s vigôrais pianisimt os aait perýsaufns feuiggel lu illegal heetita againt tlie PapaiBatiori>'. Iseunses,'Sept. 22.-A destiateli tresu Puailsatmotblai tii Popehie pîublicly bcneuced tie piokoUl salisof lthé Ciureh' lande in Italy ahI leolar eil< doere o! lb. Italien gomenist nl an aPeu ............ . O Potatas. .. âe Butter.- .. ; .. li Ége, . ..... - 106 gayl............$5 Suri..... ....- 0 Tnrie>'s..; j ;..bu-0 Des...... .... 40a 1?ovî...... ........ 25 Applea...... -40 WOBk-O'NAfTI# beslhîlie intestinsi canal ns> be a river vbsaleaslow ovar! laul, tlsraugitoii.ciuuel a tu mode, sud improva Iluir qtfoJiiu Il rons-u nmothly theaciaunels auJ besli;If te 0ourrecf thcni4 lien ticae lu inte coude iajne buit maous >eneeaant. Théa lav ocincsuladotin lature; W uerabondsnce cf ln.orial ~u inai tubes, and. eo»defl stoi loWs bsckinjutebl. bires osel traies ltueî!mio lie e.v.rulctin- thse roc cùonve !tise river, v. lise olutrsicti@u' vicsteiiop !tu scul tiseofal;tit tnbtaretuu bol', !ollow lie smule ul mos-e îiueobstvuetliung fions tise asut aalvuys efeelifor tbis; Ing of tise s>'etem frôm fouinés Eremcin tir, novrer stafer a duels a tI*scu <rOuui>qu, Evaezntethe1ài sud as loug ss tise>'are derigaid Me ypu arc iek, S,ýLee@ hatt». BBAINDETUR li in tue8 00ctcn.t Oamsp. $nid b>o' lDrnults. - UJ. A 'Épuv'<Am ,retonai hu'me, sftertcnjaei arse 5ms,,ui lasrdyroSigisied ibî ber fdieoGa.1 cau, nu&i-, Iseei e ise liaI iesius of slinuomurbis monlne siveiiv-iuree sise reaiiy appesred ltiù Inquhlysltthic coue Ofb69 sresu9aem tels tiem- us aie usai the CIROA auss euu it utn se imse M léàdyit otuii ls ui e"uy .IMY iusur«e e ii nwhl ppeeaumee i inataple iinsolcuuuuususulusi.sr simple, rTse[uomposd usilsfi*CUcY .uritofro.niloinu.uata tie skiti end couiemidasi.BT ils din nulle .jlt sivu f" tanis Isisspsuiut iessineuuid'ucavig the son it beldt but, cicor, wtmciuoo5h oud $,sent by 3Waitor Exprtia, oun e ]DY, _W;. UCAK& No a Weéasyete su., j- -The. u.y Anueriesu Agem sk Thse Weîl fui- rrnne lmor dona.e beauWilbe é soucéts.iel bon-4rom idl ,, eue iw-m lb~ d u ilatiels autune i GeaI À ti tg il si Id di c a tg 1 'Th ô Ztoètrià tor Étiitart Pdr.

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