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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Oct 1867, p. 2

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~the gaucun On lit no, 2, Rhigil.n roadt pickerinf en lrdny, Oct. 18, 1881, PoTSi'. $l Rapi.rnnta, k4 titi posy of Mr.' ONLT $160O CENTS LýYZA WhlîbY, Tl»iur yOdO1IGT31867 Sostb @at lo .ayire aluu 0 Y heWlt4usý Assui Stsibitlos of thi wus held nS' isir grouado lu tlsatous, os TounddaïWedidsy, îb.thlit Md Sud lut, Tb# eshbition vua am ous t iuu' one, id blé Viat fore shimeit nid lndusîry of th elel Couus of Ontario, The nei Sad .,uiloue dill ehod vua d or the di. puy ofi4gul.ladin vol<rau(11 , Mnd WWa grass luprovmeut oun th. old TouaI bull inhirs,04Sformer exhibItionIs, uer. bedfva, aid aobody uuW s' îItlag. la tbe new drill uhed, theuri vas no jamblag et o*t e6lss, hoing or pabint saunon former seeu.loni, b.t4fribodybuda leuiy ofet su mb, tii ght o! isa prodac- tioue of oueo!fthe buit cmatin la tiésewo Doiminion, 000t ofmtgays e.,"'olor tars mi dren," "dOb 1 micooiru M sd prinepdl t.,ple01t coriraono,ai former eshlbhfr4 n ,vr ubienrd nittI# out, sud 91lb. otranie lé grambler ceomd not hsp belug pleansaitseovrrcoureniet rmoimel ansd the azeett»anae. sa wth vbieh shi exhaibition wo ari. ad0onl'ho bomber of vus tory lorge, bel.g seau, 1,900# sud asmueddth.mnes of last ezhibition hy oyar $00;1 Vhlie lauoe classe s ihere Votée mora enîri thonai tihe lm@. Prouiacial Uablbi&lou, hwld at Kingston, Foir blood bus.thora ues Ivo caîre,,nudi. or arclage harnip 104; goerai porpose, Pal druught 491 Caie.-Durhaoe, 69;, Devn, 26j Grds,471s Ayrîhiire, 11; Pst Caillot 12; #orkinx uil,4;f Sbeep --Licouterp, 19;jCotavold, 18 j Soth. doua,832; -M nluoi 1 ; Chviot, 4 ; Pat Sello 1; SvVico.-lurgie d, 14; #Ial bMd 0 ; at lg, àB;grianased u a, M t; rogol 76 ' dalu'y produice, 08; pooltiry, 46; fur. imploeoti, 26;, Bor. glemisur i 1; domesti. muu(aeluireu, 187; ladies depurîrnnt, 181;fine mi##, 46; mloacelausoui, bop- curops, . Total bomber of entris, 1,860. On th illè. wasnot a rer, largo uitendaucoi nd fié moruing vas spainlusplacing the var. fou. arole. la their di5'.rent depurtmatat. Tb@e ihole diapla, laàvomis, o! tise conat, àad msocreditable Ite tise esiibitoirs. At thsesoulher, entraaoeteraing ta tise right, tb. sons and giasa halta sud 'oas-ple. tore fuameuesrot itlhout exception, 44aie <stýAn v Was qisumntail, senis bloc n wry tstntiholil ork.box. Th ipeciment ef -besd -vorkp obsaillu, r&Wsd' end fat Beurlins vo lnla trasad! ire iroeea repre. uetng 0àaulanid bit'hnrppO very der. IWIdt strsoted the attention of t he upecla. ton. Il s aumostibeauailnlpoime. and the àamdwork eof Or <(orlouai tovufsvomeo ý,lin L àde-n. The diapla, of<boiovers,* jsoPery, aid farm ros t reoh, thonih "lt utairry good and ou ase of ps ye igow.s vas aSievorthy tIse attention of tb - %mts1ou Vie diipiay of drsin grént estes! totbe izooilestamageuest b, tise Praidest, Mr. Jobs Shier, îhe diusetoandi the.1 aeOeetnr, Et.(Jorgeý Robu,. Ditoivs gire sbe P'BILIST, Bloot Mar#eMd' Mêont, E.AhIaUd; lit, 21«r, old lijly, E. ArkIiut l "ale or cnriugs, Sa voi, euPr. lnd MMà(d8. Pt87 ouoilt1 Win. Grviu,204d;John God a 2.yer «li.t* scolt, J(m, Prlgi.lit;- S.eb J ,2Sod ; J.Wilson, &d8 2yesr old enlie ëiiy . Bte..., lois W. Cailes 2.8; A. Doif, 34d 1l-jenr Olé sotiresColt, c. W. matihin lit; Jobs Gould, 2a;8;»Ja. KeiîhBrd Ilyeuold satire 71117 , J oueslulo;J A. Dur, 2e8, Jobs Diuussysri. - oma colt of 1807, A, Derbsrlit; J. Jorieu, 2.8; Johnba aeyg Sri. 71117 <Or ledi, Job. Apperlit;1 W.. Orvi,. >2ud; RS. .WilgSo ird. Pair of.uiebed borinM , ZE.Stlk.y, lit; Gi.. Eobaon, 2ud; Jas. Pourail, $rd. Siagle borga .bnrnen.Jobs Sprowle,- lit; ,Jobs Tlo, 2.8; C. W.. M«b#wu, Snddlf oueJi.e l#, loi; Vu. Phippa, 2.d; Beau kA lrolaud, oha. Geu"ýMera pup s tatuti , ucen, lot; JobsnOim4ludet,g8;~ob%. Clark; Brd. M dr ars * ,on, Sons.rvils, lot; Jot. JéoupSud ll; oba Muid., Brd. 9-leanr = BesiroR id HRom, lit. 2.yenr .o8 L, .Mtch aIt 1 Geo, Phillipo, 2ud; Johns . IL , Bird 1,1«r old estime, Guo. Middletonq 2.8; John M.Belle.a1, l.y oarod'Piliy, R, Motch, lit; J. Modeo,2.,i D. S. Dw, Brd. Hou. colt of18674 la, Bon, 2.8. PiIiy colt, John %#oort lit;Riebard Harper, jr, Sud; Jobs Magner, Brd. Pair 0? mMtcImd bonus, Jobs Roi, lit; W..in, enco, 2.8;d Bobt. Pardon, Ord, Drusbgh oran, Sts#lll obasMliii,, lot. gure lu toie Jà, J. Dnai"o, t; Geo,. lJiggl.botto% ud 2.; D, . S.mcEnr. lunte, Brd. Tvo-yenr old estire, Jua. Pile, lat; Jas. Shand, 2ud -1Alez, Vilion, Brd. Tô en .8 illy, S. Jncb, lit;j G.o. J.ddl, 2Sud;Jlu, Corbe, Brd. SOue.yonr old 'entire colt, Jas, Thossp. ion, lit; Jobs NicoleSu. -Oae.yeur oid Piliy, Jas. J. Dàrkdios lit; fJobn Miokie, 2ud8 Jobs lBordes, Houe colt of<1867, Jas, I. Dnddaoa, lit; JohbsThoupoie,%ad8jJohn Hovdon, Fi7 colt of 1867, T. Werry lot, Mntclsed horiu,. R.Ormislon, lit; S. D)olig, 2id; Jas. 1. Davidaois, Brd. arbnas-Bmli, Jobn Miller, lit; MWra me ei, 2.8.- T'wo.year oid Bull, Jobs Miller, lit; Yearling bail, Jas. Wbitson, lis; John Miller, 2ad; John Dryden, Brd. Bull cal!, Jas. J.Davidminlit; Jlob. Dqydoe,2.8; Josep1i S. Thompson Brd, Milcb Cor, Jobs Miller, lit 428; J.8. T4ouo", Brd. Two.yenr old "foer Jobs M. Bel l, jet nid Brd, John Mller, 2.8. .Yenrllag boiter, Jobs Dryden, lat sud 2ad, J. &. Thorapet, Brd. . alÏfe: ait, Johne M. Belle lot iMd 2.8, J. Milter, Srd. leo-'Yeur!ing balle,T.Allat, S. Thoma, S2.,. Bull délit.B. Thomi, 1it, T; Guy, 2.8, ît. Spenser Brd. Mileh (iov, S. Thomi, lit, T. Gusy Sud, H3. Speécer,d Twoë.iear .18 houe, S. Thom,#lit, T dey, 2.8. Tiéanliusg beiiecA. sSece, la3,T. Golf 2Sud Bcd.r Srd. b L.8& Tbompsous 2.8kBid obs Lauslit, Vu. ero., clé bel SovpWVu, Gil, lit; A. Psiks7, 2*d, BoA pg or,1860 , 8. Im., lit, y Cnrrntbme, 258;- A. Pilkey, Mir. Boy pi of 1867, Joseph Pieuios lot; 01 Tous#2.8 snad 3Bir Fat pig, J. Sprowle Ult nad -2a. s bah.! <oil whisto,..Brou., 10t1 0. Pilkejr, 2d ; Vu Thompon, BTM, 6*boubel spring whist, 8&DnWooplit; J. 0 rb.., 2es8; ED.bsrt, 8,8. 6, bosn! bartey, (2 roi!) Wu, Tbopaou, lit; J. Gsrsbnu, 2.8 ; JueséKutbo Od, 9. gsrp.r Jr., 2ad;-Jos.. Holmo, Ird." 6 bu p« up as, Joba, Miebà.1, ,1 los. solo"., 2ud;-,S.Wiloco, Brd. B 6bu peutumail, I L.To ~lot; Jos Hodguom,, 2ud; A. Pilkey, Std., 1 16bu. otl, MackD. I. Dow, lit; 0e. MeGClivrny,2us4; Joba ibuti OM. 0 bu' outoqwbIte, OC. Bo0t,41;* S PhIppo, 2ad; S. Souervlll M8,. 2 bueor,J1. Bute, lat; kanCnrpmu ter. 20. 2 bu lm ictby ueed, . Boit, lit. 2 bu doirer ue.d, U. eR...., t; Mmra léeosu,2nd. 101bo Swedib îrnip ouedC, LB* lit; Joo. L. Dacidi, os, BSuhofdnga -dpJnu. PUlo lt; Mrs. 5 lbavmroed, C.Blolt, lst; loba Micbsei, 2.8 101h. unngteviewat med, C.eBo0t, let. Bal of bou,0G0. Ogitos, lot; C. Bo!î, 2ad., Busof tua' 'L W. Fnweollit; W., Tblompuo n, 1potutoos, W.. Jdffry, lit;f imne Frencb, 2ud; loba Glunit Brd. 12 iruots of! usmipu, EL Spencer, las Imm.LI.Dnvid.ou,2d ; B. Rowland Brd. 12 rools or mmnaaglsredoC. Iqode, lit, John Verrni, 2oc4Gd, o lgginbottom,, Brd. Yellow globe mua, A. Bur.tt- long yellow, Oj4bmde oumemnded for Brd prlzé; 12 roots of cnrots long ted, 0. Boit, lit, (0. Ml d, 12 routi of caiots, wite, SDBuil, lt4 J. Rodgioa, 2a8, John Michael, Brd. Resper mand sauver, counbinedBrown kPnutersoa, lit. 2.bore waggoa, Hepbaun&kRober!., lot, Robert Ralney, 2usd. Ir"n ploulh, Jas. Wlker, lài, A. B. Porteoa, 2ad, Brown k Pnottersou, Bird. Woodea p!omghBrown k Pnttersoa, lit & 2a.. Tornlp ciiij, -Ja. Cisyton, las à 2a. Soi o! harrows, .ood, B. EsB"e,lit k 2n8 Mesof bnrrowo, 1,0a, J. Doid g., litt, A 8. Porwte 2ode 2 horseasclCrntor, loba Doiulge lit. 2-horsroeor, R.Uinel, lut k 2ai Gang plough, Brown k PnUterson, 1ft. Simnw cutter, botte power, Brown k Pntiterson, lit. straw enlier, bond, Brown k Pniterson, lot, Sorte nire, 1M. Baribolder, lit. F4anlag miii, Browi àk Pitterion, lit. Wnluliumg MoobUn, T. W. LiMornax, lit. Chara, T. W-. LuuorosaliUt. Pr. Blicir Spnusb, B Anhand, lit mand Pr. Doriulagu J. Peolits.E. Ank. lad, 2n8. Puir Polad, J. Pian, lit. Pr. nny otber mnetyE.XArlauid, lit;l à Trou', 2a. Pr. White, T rorm 0, . Thoma, lat; -W.. Majors, lad. Pr. Gesse, Urge breod, T. 8. Henryp, lit; M.1uvu,2â. Fr, Gee, u ai bred,-B. Crma" lit ; T. S. Beumrj, 2usd. i;E smB olt; C. r, . oit lit. soit, lit. 1st - il U.d. 2 Pomplriaa,, R.Guilde, lot; C qd, 12 table Curo, O.sait, lot; X. Blow, 2a8. 12 table Turudpu, B. R.ývwadq lit. 6 Cucombura, -C. BoIt, lit; J. B, 12 mi Prsdo .B0 oitt *bsiCileuy, C. BoIt, lit; Jobn Peck white081o0, C.Itlt Peoi raild Gaons, C., Boit, lit; John BodIOo, 2usd. Piokiiog OnipsIL B. E.Tomlln»Ioulut, Potatos usnifflO. BoI0t, l oba Michael, 2n&d à Ibo bop fMOI le, Paliert lit, Min DehorS, 2.8. Cisokor, C. 13B ot!, la oba Obier, BM u id targui t 1ry o!fGuid' Vogeesbles, C. Hqlt. J 2.H1omr lqe M. O'D«osu, lot; .11,90M cdringe, 8. Wolhey, lut, MI . Dosore as .; L.Houe 51.1gbWillimu Webb, lut. 10 idi pull Cioth, héouemsd, spuus sW vois b, bod, Mnr. Chas. Lqade lit; Mar, . 1" JMled.'1 D Bowermas, làs sid ,d.L le Idu saticette, hte.adïMua Aiez. Chiaol., lai Mira 8. SomcnvIq, 10 yaSatinette, fsctoy made, W.k Bo.eraman, lut muid 2di,. 10 ydi Fauzaelq home mode, ail vool, Mire Wu..major, loi;U. MeKousalu 2u0d. 10 Ide home.moecoo«.Varp u. Chas. Lynde, lit! MinM.XDebnr, 2id. 10 ydi FIsasl, factory uM&& W.'& Do Somntslit sud uid. 10 Ida Flannel factory imode, cotton wnrp, Mathwiou, Rsslstk-&Vo, lit snid 28sd. 10 Ida Rug Cirpst. Min. M. J. Smith, lot; Mum AIe.McK]y,2md. Pait WooieusBlaniti, Mathivip, Esaeiît k Co, lutsund 20.1 Coverlid, husi,, V. D. Bowermas, li, Mia J. LÀck, 2a8. Corerlid, iighl, Mira.1. D. Clarke, lis, aid 2.. SbcphcrispluidMus. D. S. M"Acfr. lotie, lot; W. D. Bouýerias, 2usd. Pr. Voolens tockiu, Mra. Jhuem Corbett, lot;, Mu. D. Tberotoa. 2usd. Pr. Woolen Bocks, Mira. Do Thoraton, li; Mra. JohnGould, 2a.. Pr. Cotton Siockingu, M"nB. Brown, la; Xia M. Harper, 2.8, Pr. Cotton Socho io, i, S.roue, lot; Mié M. Hfarper, 2usd. P r. VoolaMii., FminM. Harper, lt; Mu.s Scholca, 2usd Woolon Yjam, Ifro. S. Tomlinsoa, lut; U. Do L. Barclny, 2u8. OtsSinigle Harnmen ephaLJ Gron, lit nid 2a8. 101h. Fins, matesrsi itite, S0. C.Wilsonz les; Jas. Pile, 2usd. ô 1h. Fiez, drencd, 8. Blihi lit nuad 2ad. 6 bo 1h.luts doeaad b, band; 8: C. Wilsonli. Lady'i DuceaM.Sbos,28 Childa Diee Ui., 41, legb, lit, in Alic le Hum,8.- U. RB. Piller 2n. LAdy'à Bonnetléi f'r lit said 2.8. Plece.ork olt, M Wsllex, lit U.i B. Fuller, lad. - Brown, 2id.- s11k C"itespaeue,MisBseat i Mitchell, 2.8. Fm"cyNittiug, Wt flilitt Mino B. Dieso. 2usd. lit,Un Mueslis, 2a. Eusbr oug .ou imulis or lae ki 1 s . -sx- 8 ' 8. a>) zsma biip, John PF81t, J, 2ü.. Stricklando lit, Mins -otylm Misd photo. Lot, A. Bau»#, %ad, I'bhàld, J. J.Pother. gMoilt i~ Ea4ro.-in acqumropsating in jasdisuli'ik;,,mi" N. &iickusd, portrait 2 Vi.!..' Rai4lmm . Gos. lddle; Boieme d.Lna., MWa.fi, Bill; Blilton <Jhne, Mu.&J. L Uk; double ts4t Ce lu" Tveed, Muibevaon, 8";olitk C;, SiripedaaduiasTwed8, maî.wsoa, &sseiftk Vo.; Scorli T,, ýMbeous,-a Rateigitk Coi,.;, recomtnendod; prize Io -IscormaMdo Blaush eta thîe aMM lie iid roco.muad in futme, that oeps" rtepizu. bu glim to acter,. mm u husemde biausht, sud ' vould nou roconsme.nd Mn. V.m. Mjqo borne.- ma&e bluakoui sbighliyvorthy o' a prise. -raiowih vork, Tis.. obsos, lit;, Batcb kEo,2.4. Bide of Jppeý Lenther, John Colo, lot. Bide of Cal! Lwer, Johne Coie, lut. P'isaoi J.y. Bainer -k Co., lit. collection o! contecotionory,u. J. V. Sam, li,U. R. Paliler, 2e. Béqaeti-offloinrr, table, UMi. Rowe, lot, Risques o!f oiera, bond, J. H. Thomai, lit, Min E. Dehari 2nd.ý Vindoin bii, Rl . L. àManro; lit. Vork-box, Mis. Gouid, lat. Lilter press printiisg, W. B.Biggine, Clrronîck office, lit. Barrai o!r ir, J. B. Bice oti, an sd Barrai oulmeol, P. Prauis kBro., lit and 2usd. Cornrn6lGeorge IddIe, lit, Mr. Drapegfd New Vanehogue. Mr, Dirsperu ev Vsesboaii, Mi the Èw1ar orl uhn OMude in lu 1WSy. II uns oeilyon Tasdzy Ilaiwva nJoyed tb. adrautage of aecing il, thoroaghiy1 la ii inorkiug order. A long aiig Of Icumin ili <nitlaIdes vogoaa kept con- tinaml, crapia e_-oui archinasuid ont suotiser througb <bu ilding. 4Au qiek ns thonght inagouaara mn1oaM, uid reS- gels are losded baside 1he wbaif etthle anme time, go tbat ibore aire no compti..' losg caplas, or farmnera beptit i lduigbt ernptytng thoir inogoi. la tise'baiiditsg orIb tie nei irehonse 1kr. D»aper os- pended upvardi o! $10,000. ftislathe on- iy building of dmsekind ibisid&eof LskeOn. taio. Poui stories lusnlegt-in île icconé musd third disebiu na reiouted. T% builing , i coaatrteted o! atout pias, laid Lt, nidiu aaîd'irnaiaiei inheire th barbor dubonehea nIthe old vire. bouam o!f1Mr. Well. Tise are tbre. hopparie aud the1 grain la diutribaied throagh an iommese$pont iato the Ves sels. Th Oazk ud'île Relievoté bath bing liadudinil. ine aiood hy-tbh for- mer initi n capacity o! 3,500 bogheiu nid in !en tison hall the lime tisatII, tooki, laud, ut ise old inarehoaae, . sa cligine aplutcned swu nd, oad as mac sas "go te Gîvego suit corne baci, yjouei1 h. la lime mIen yon rta." Aimotitas mach ins irernicics, au tbo laad '40 baosé people,,eaa delis an bousr, can, hi donet, o, Ithat tqou ateod c f <armera vunt4b ihole day long ibeur, loidâ eau -1»readil y i éiaegd eaIbli act, commaiitteul auder ge rvoain am tiry eseitcrncnt, anué lanot nosi4y so itrongly co&icrnod aisMeGee'adellbrat. aund covardlyoliortu b Sbhut tha reppla- tion o! oti eSeonsgng to the Party uhidi h ho dencrtedl. and inho vere tb. meas aof niin gblis» Ioa pouitioun vie. ho came p 1-ct ca 1 tise country. i tel; Mr, Dcii. Pmi, ansd Ict ui not <or« ,ur cvory iatue-bavc thse olé tiing repealc- 15 of two lismcn msking gwwm do e4s.. h of no Towa Conelca lie Monday, eg.Sept. 81ha107 Tise Towns Couacl mt-ant tise Town vu Bail,- aIS o'clockr.The ,'Major in tisa 1 chair,l'he otber uembira o! ihe cosuseil il proieni, inere, Menu. Blown, Broyasthe Cameron, Don"r"u, Draper, Germie, Perry, Philpaid BUy. le 1%0 petihion of John Bgamer,auîg the coaneilito i'epariideualba, ko., ut Ramera Cornera, vas granted. - ae FrounM. B. Cocîrsue, lsin ho hai iîated tbat 1fr. G. G. B. Coualarlistig del mode an à aigamen of tise moueyi. 'due J. hic: on accousaiof drill iled, h. a0ol dcog the concil te mai eb achpyrent te i.san From G. O. S. Co.uay. notif igl > coneil atisIh ladoetise &ainaen aabove. de Thi clark talé befora tle coancil e ter coîluwosrolla for achooli for 1867. obi ,ma a mps GofflAAL Tb@ Major iuf'ormed the eosnci Iabhe c bail aunpeuaed tldhe! couitabie, dnsirig n tle pleamne o o! l ouncl, o. acco0uaior hc bis soudait aM île bong o01J10f400014.Pia (eolored) obast. e. Atrie b.trnsaction of other bWaunis "' in actver to Mr. Draper. Ibo rmajor gare th replies to sinomte iqueutions of pabile imuporance, and the reason for diwergiisg th Cameron.. vasoviing tobÏ&condact in col. Fil feeling fome@ youuîg monq and buring dow. Shi Jcteran'i ihuty, sud cnsm s atloriiy W, his (île moyori) amtannd tInt o! Mu. aipe Blair, oinuer of! sheproPenty Ou >whieh Wl Jeffersonlad boiUt bi shaust,. Ha foitslit, ,bisdatyunot to Pm oîerascb auillegai 'Al sa, sud, in cossuection iib Caueros' wl conduet; l ho ogisi 15 va s dati <o M&i.cet pend hlm. Ho rnght iai. uape.8edbimiosa fora certin time, but h.o 01:1 ddaslsg the pleasuneof 1h cornicil. Mr, Gourde nidlhaW valiad for aomtec lime fer imebody to.toke 1h came op,th aid lGokie oCsmaron'i cSodut ileroagb, In y,. ne woald more that Cnmmeros ",afir b. pid p to th li'o! Ocober, and ihen dl, his ser'viccs hi diipensedvîth uliogeihar.1 Mm., Drapermored obit the cooueil go or) iuto commitîei of the ihole, on the m. pension.ofth echie( coiable. Tb@ eonneil wintinto commiîleof th a inhole-Mir.D. Cameron I. th.e hir- fe and &rosiithosi laking nlaction ln tise the motter, movral of' the Membera o! thesai .coneil nffirmiag tînt Cameroti' bod doue liie tise toma gôod in rinsoriagqusauio niba.apoc Ou motion of Mr. Perr,,île sanuof c! *24.50 inu ordoed te hi pai8 te Mm. W. pic J. Spurrnll, for'I" Miuslae ubaring niz a.0 aleep'kI 'iiduydoge, on 28i1 Augusi in, il tobe paid oîstetth dog-tax fond, the The comnuites- on the market »u'telvai bromgbt sp ibeir report <bhieh vuidopt, La a on thé.. EP.ltui.. Ainn. ama...Of, 1 J hie jury atrloà asnort aeliberaoo, M cmere-i usj oed a vetrdict of mot gailty, on thése ut, und blocktonou0" sutndi tisaSt duepriioder wuaIsane St piaing of bLI aides M time o!-tise occarree, 1 ,bocfrrbeat tutu, M !0 Lordabip ordered the prisoner to b. udrgNz o putla ae oh$ uýnty gao4 daring rg day 'Se opvas ac i s lieatyu.plusnret a ew.obwr Tes a.Ir. A, . .MAUir.TUR aCASE. vuas aivrer'iui e Ie - ~been luadly beaten,as TA Qucs c al Insr' béfos hbde& , ri.nervua ,put tipou, bi trial for the mian- Dr.-Gilesilu-gve sugser 0 one 'Wm. 'Parrnaet, naGer. U tieaat ts mamtgrot, at.Ibi Wbi*.by staioni. on For thse defoace, no le mring of tise 241h Of iay Ilai e edo, tleb. on,scousr iioner pléeadnot guifî,y. lIewinabiy aiseeiscébeen cstoti efnded by D. IMeMicbal, -nq., and IL. ont Icaving tiroir satas ,Wilsoni, Enq.; and the prosccutioa u u f NoGuilty7 nd i )Pdactcdby -ze. Dnggoa7 q, Q. ta., iaelar&nd id& IL Cochrno hq., COnnty Attor, .C or. Boncs warranta vur ~Jc firet vitaseai clledué tise persoua of! (tao lira. J.aian Parmictl widov e!f tise MncýOe and Dot me" aC41-ro<ber cvidcnce Seing inu. Thecourt rose and .rpreted by 1Mr. (CharlesK gsidrmcivin; a»> presontc M vs. ln the secoud car froin îteemv; miseit vai - as ido. tise omigraultrain o»i île 24'b or ajul atiedhcai à>, *boentise mcsr car maislit. t1ieiri. It document. sarmedst about 4 docok lu the momn.Wt00îl %. '. Tu.of tise emoguts avre kild- "ln te'Paient C r dangliler, anid ber baband, Vin.Sot e.ett, iho éied lnsanntty il, Uthse V emdc nigrantse eo vais hn Ilse mccideit erpldc h Rpponod. Bisa eas ado ber buaband al lliggiscorrespond* e time ofiUbes&c0-eidotTis7cnafrom vii ospiain icoef£ rumsis, asé veto -gbing tb ilwurikee,, (lis tU NJC<>,'q Y.'ederick Ridbardion, en i ne driver. o! le crignt Itrai , .Josephs Elis, sundtIi.. 1I8.'Th0' 1otidj ie, Vrakeumon on tisS train1,'James GL.OBEof tbis orasing beldon, condusclor of the s apotrain,, ra. Kennedy, eusgine-unvcr of thse ofH..Macdonel, Ci siai, George Pope, iicsma st thet, scount i.auasd hais uttio, O A. lopulu, aaîi u as Mr. Mncdonell i rbiiy sttio, 0.A, lopknsstatm i notice in yonr tul item at Wis1îby, 4amoes tiresuou, 'An.do v an extraci 'takea' ataritSapeuinlendeut G. T. R. AL, snd ok!r.ick Scaded "w tred Pontiané tise'-ticketigeot a& tise iinrsrt o1 rhtysation. veto sarmnd u to tis e in of ohr; oratoYof' mac ai tiseaccdenasun& pro oîltdcac - , gy tlat the r..i silr io thiSgiven'ai 'lise corousea in. are imply est, and inhici*àppoarué a tst ti mhejas Tise xrtroo 1 i tise colurani ofthele itby frm tise<lrncev s noglowu ofbe prhaenerinboovs.hecp un savsitimas, iiSotnuraluing tise una.receiveé n ,cremptory lore. ~purepat adpat ihre vire nso aories calîed for thse John Sandflold Moi lor an mucseisiutc oTbe..r - 'ed i u un vedit adertise tie sela t o tse, urrt' 0dsuéretinoi ded Wsub thuede r sn iiuto ' u .ro 1 m co m o s sp ocim ous of th e ligiJes .Chf 1 co rt n more>. r tt, "Pater.t.Com biaatio " rel e Co rent cu i ed (et w iuo ebr d 'N ovr, sir, vist villi ci e o n ty im p mi i s eu v is b ard b M ac éo n cfl'i v eracity lq ýr gto a i t b. c o tn g o l , i a Ies t p a o b . o ! i . f i c S t t i t o cl in aî it inuafilIti lstpansbrnpub.sliaton of tie lis eIhbo B Gi.011 , a- d. - Il 0. Flikolo , lot; zaaa - 1

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