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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Oct 1867, p. 3

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> rwn prizoas.onDI Uex i.» f«ire of 711h.t bise. Mr, * MEeuuryof GWsbavs, obtslned a'extra pria, for U0., Oshave, vas swsrded a nueiber oi ps, ed or thse buet cheese Ival M.eer 1111 &hWsil.on, Oshawa, veve esrded la an4d prn.. For bst besblve, tie Nuem Thow4oý 0 Brooklil ver as,. a Ortan brd, and >ir. Uetyt et Osas2dprises. $MrI. F . Gimn, of Oshava obtaihod «zrot prizés fors bnà slil;macine 4 pn'n$inf preses,, power anesd iUsstg te i ti chmsëine. , ~Our enicrprising tovemrmen J. Y. Es&imer OQo. obtsined an extra prlzor an sifip- SW itn. %bib l espokeeuoflln the $or- epondonce of ihoe6 lobfs ufoliovs t 1 *,Joseph P. Ràlner & Go., of Whlîby *bow an eeoeel.av pleco olfthe ellpte Imttorn, wvLiciî, 15là ak4 n, ot o.ity streàgthone tthe camebut aio uhe 6 ,14 t reoffenlng, -(n no"be mmanàre thé tteeo e, b pîano. :Tho. elile ocase# MOSta blon dSIY Mo«LrUC4ed, ccSslatlas of twonty l u nloyes; of voidboue topiber by gnuelln the mnict esd M ptmanner. lTh. grscelfolrme, â1teot finish ýand evet tu t wtruck nos as art*culrly< oJiA"" 1 01 tào vbolessyothe Gloloreporter, the xisibionu nbeen for Klnpeon ast p4lsfess. Iierer e oln ail aoute-14000 t"«# s1~old, end tiis namber, 0 bocls 'DeW L tesala' of àslssjle &Y lne Toronoe, olin4t o jnd;ý itlayet a rst fêIIU'lowing ar e eýloetd oUc.m Wth egi'tig yur.-Tbommsa tock, %WFaboy.', Preeldent; Jas. Jimino, O do lt Vice-Prosidont -Jno Walon# Potevboe'o Lad c*f B.t ý [louou# irnsrer, Tai Wiona Taàpo-l»ozlae 1 he Domnioln Warercomaè - viiiolirgeer i USRIDT-kMiE oruef Wy thse Domi'nion. Werrooma. -Cout; SACS L «Unus 0w Cotixtr- PesEr. Lavie.'. enouce.litUs la Ceqessr.- r ,. Lvler au ah Suh.5.ld'a oid , -e. OSe s teaks of Drockery h.'. É04os. À Nsv Beoo ees oasa.. suel'. lln a. sMd ge l rgal.. Ais Dr. Tuelserta Letter. Thse foloviug letter froce Dr. Tacier rvu rousired-t.. lai. for publicaton-Isa rb the. Edilor o/fbi" H71b~ yonlcZ4 8xo,-Baving bone laored tia, sei amarîbe wh Ima". epon the huilàgx, e tIse lst@ nnminatiua la tbe Bkling, Ou ho suject of tise êrcise of thse eleeslre ranea ishabail cacaed msuy b suspect <tisai vue U sa4ocsse 0)1 nulverwi sfirage le' ho- presentooediîioe of sOcl.y, sud ibat Ian lug mbierit obe i ae oit to mee;ta souSqise1ebug yon vili &Wu vnmaso leur myself frouns e boairda supicion. TIses.preasatvitoee mqneiifldte un~ lomt*ud usy argumoent, viii, perisepa,ýre.. isteber tat1listimiasnsy etladte shen , oppced tc eniverslsuffrage ie th. proeee iztetiDg al. eot 5001.17, bust tisaiI i.. ,ai sa.tise dety ' f aiaite té edmiesi ho people t(morallf, of catet, as vallsa. ctialeîeslly), op t sadaterd -st viîc bol visid 4haeen sd vortIti>'.of sait oeeen.Thue, ouviili dlsbtne irs.ple ln., goereuenssand mot, at ll PPçseýdiow baî'of proporuy qualification, r à umeon l oratil snd: intellacîusiiy frtl>y of sbsrlasg ln tie go"erment o! àa woot115 b>' v"ld for. ropreatir., le viii soonenetiser ove or nul .nougis 0 là1esae place himsolf on a psit ,in bfroopupi, viîh thonuWho, as lthe....en lo, vote ons 4 mort propent> quaification'. 1 liare Llao buae barged wihs drocat.. Don tselasme ocoaelols au ilsreffe aY zalloat. I adrocaued ... eothleg ofttis ori. Y lold tha electors ibis candidates stipfly madiwdi amnitsciù attis anb- 'etC. But I1vas ot.going t. cjola tiem MfR. "KENNEDY "BONGO Of SCOTAN]D., et psMd tigeorO Tou Llng'rlng Star. Oh 1 Whlstle sMd l'il cot, byou, MI Irioqh Song-KstbieenMeone. Hem. Cam oor Guid Mign stedon. V »ngileh 5ong-The Desth of Noloon# Ectven tVasparts mieriennedi vilgifé a oo"o t iooléotea isai es sud Suiathp.Yu A- Man'i a f o e' bt Gis me &aLan veV s Lumep clsnd. 'Wbo e pnurany, liea. Scots vhha. se eWallace bled& PJsae.TOrot.a nia.s ed. Poorop. .4V bomeusae S o's60ôL'.- 'Lieetsas h. ookSto&acd 0, thie io TIn vestors. TUE JULIA GOLD EIIG COrePANY, 07 010 BAC94 Pfrt Issue 1000 Sharos at pan. - - rrif£ MIE, ownedIi Compat qir i. ý m edi h batnitedisn Icendfin aueh quéuntltim e 616 a. ,$&I bwork;eg Ms tirs ldnmsnue Pro"*ts 'Ihe olie.,s'ord su excellent op"onnlL- fo arsl as hh7 yl ttnqeetlisbjy 0100 *M cluelgiier pr*»s hait 1s 40184411t, A'towv tly'emali for dioposai wb#Ieho.à ma bonle ,as wll as:f1rtk«rin- otofil. osa>. 1,894 *e. . .rhunt GOlLDEN 19g Een(vEBDs rail ortmsnt of lb, v setSji.lIc OXDON AND 1'AUI jy,.ILLjINERY,- any> Other Bouge in ITova. apte,&, Attention ;a dl-eotea 50 Our Stock of raU slnd ,Wintsr 2Idnuets. SWe bave vithout ofheptlon, t lse largast, MnlloliJEtboit und chompoibt TO(,K O01 *O W5 nve faken the FIIST PRIZE foila'.ahoablsBonet., ortUslagst'ton Y«Mr st the Coeitl>' zilbit.on. W» The Lte*t S'yles oinI f WS~jUT8 elwaêya on hanû vs,>'chaup. <loSd llooP SklrWt or 50 cet. Fane>' (Jodi la gre plert «t.lde Il bfore pnrclimalag JuNs#'ROCHE, WB- o ctb0asi>' trimaaed, esiddoue Over on short notice. IMRVED Farm for'salo nTiEan r6rfssfor auWItlod.alrble Âsnmred-Fsrn, knonseatise sutt lit of NO. 16, nceSu«400of lb. TQWNHIrOF, BROOK9 *CONSISTINO OF 10 A BiF., >npwiroham ci.ar.d 0srs., vlsb 20 srs Melle# f1e ti<s141jirPe7laoivom btàtqLLc r luia ohps..ne- Damaiksi s Cauimee, - Coatînge, TAILQRS TRIMINO4 DOMI-NIo N Readysmade C LOTHIING, for clieapu sud durabi- STANDS-A. NO. 1. Clotbing made to Order in the IateSt style of By fIrt-cla*wm tea D OMINION We beg to annone tbai our Miliinery sard Are 130w open for the, esson witb the latee Paris& Loodo'n Special attention gi-yen W ll Otders la the aboie Do part'm'ents,. As . aedetermined to do a lcaiog trade, and-uphold- the reputalion of the D)OMINON WAUREROONS, As the- cheapest place ini thé County 'to get Fuahicfnableý Goods, laies' and Childrezs' Boots & Shoos Qf tbo best 7mater î l aad£nsh at sanmail advance on1 cst, ait DOMini" 'on Wauerooms, and =nion litko 3iaokisi. lmet- gvup farmlesitihe 'r'slynupoa A &Iwji odosalevîoint §t rugeiv.aï THOMASM~ER ioL. sud, lm8. BALIILREOYSTERSI Lobstero ,ý OH-IPPEWA WHISKY AT 0. . EABTWOOIYS, UrecL4t. Whitly, Wbisby, Oct, ,187 S. NMAC ME'TITTE 11 nnul of Uls Instnte viii ât 9 oc ,at esIlechan Hall, Oflier for t aboutaar wT viJIth tb.el.ctod. Tii. a lirs Ban p.ry Kaq el t6 onan soI. 1la ex hatail baîs o UuauesViii r i t hiby>0& Ot.*, lu?. Ph otographs, occupied by A. A. Green, Artiit. vUes-e .10el preparod 50 take l'Uotomi'eî, Lttergyuis, tmJc, ;raonashi.rate.. gu* 5 .CLARKN'E. N. BI-TU.Onalo0otpph Boom. iae gre Nclngulding - o'.store, Brook Sireet, WUIlwy. on oe IC S4 Whitby, October 2, 1867;ý BOO TS 11,ANtI The, Su.bseribcir is ,desiros-of lilforming bis cnatomerg and the public, that heli useci 1awelasot eti STOCK -of ýLad i., ' and Cides BOýOTS &SHOES, r Fati land ýWîier, wear, cônsistingOf calL' kd an prunela, and he.î-ty wear of- aU-kinds, wbich . iii be touïd equial nad, quauity to 'auy ini the MARKET. Raiinj"romptly attended to. Pricet very moderato. eî (tWe ,4fcault James Bain k Oos od Store, Caldwelj's ta A If Il ils Wt~'w~ruai-~mD I~AJYIVLL J1VILJIJI', 1 H*Ulm, OCTOBEN 2, 87 MCUIJNG, FIELDING- &- CO.i Cali the attfention of the publice to. their FÂLL STOC0K. Cotton Gooda veryow,, Grey- Cotton for -five ponts per' yArd, Fast (olored Print tn cents, Wiuceys; at very low price&-' URSTOCK OF' DRE.S S GOOIDS- is wel -assorted, comprsigail.tbe novelties * ~Of the SeaMii. RE.FADYIRI E OOHN AND CLOTHIING -MADE TO ORDER. Hiaving ý,engaged a flrs-c1ass Cutter froun Toronto, weecau war- rant s-goti fi to ajli who ft»ror us with their orders BUJILT QtALITIES 0F Always ou1 band.at Lowest R~ates. W-"'Caul and inspeet our Stock. 1Whit.by, Oct.q, 1lui. éCOLUNG, FIELUÙING & 0041 BusoK Bris?,Wroi conts i il veir, -Y Iioeeo APPLE PEAU! stroigly qladc, mser. TILL'&B Càbinet 'makerg & 1J1 *ers inall kinds ofOCa nlave no*bu, hand, the Izrgcst touad in teti#,wbieh th*4 si rebell d-àmind n tobeunderold by ai]y h fl andi examine before purhaq betfio of GiîMIfdmes, (Awprieon nmu .AtO014No. 1bo Y. G., will receive th complete Stock of DRY GOODS, alsca a lew àan41 FAIMIL'Y OR- hlardware, &c., &c., Ü4s departoecenfi.- Tihe above Stock bai the*vey beat temrins1and viii be se tir C.A

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