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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Oct 1867, p. 1

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S'm . il. GOCJZR&NB5PLesIL, Be OV~QUNTYCCO'NATTo]&IMtyTOIt ON- tr last <lisoery, NoAkry Pnblie &0.- irken Dilowm Ne 13ildil, ondas GEORGE lis. DARTNEILf IARBIU6TEe, AT SY (tXZ core, Deput>' UitcitrtwJ, Moatr Sitrimrdi loVy, sud exatsituïTt55Cianceri' for tlie.Coru r't4arlo, 0ffice Byren-o4,, Wlltb>'. ROBERLT Je >WisOXo HU ISTJLR & ATEOILNEY AT LAW, Soioleru itace>' d..WlstbyC(jW. )100 Vigttrla 3Balltlg, Brooke st.W lit;i. 0. ll AU VIS, k EITEIIA'i!-LAW AN])SLCI J.K.(OUION, Oo-vrLoves d loveil's Store, . W . F I B N S ~OLICI<)U NOTABY PUBLIC, dia. d&o. sQhhavfa, d. W. W. il, 09LLINGI, TAS UIIOVEDh 1iwOfie efîsai cLhasnbors, r 011Os0Door Seutisof tise Ii.try lIlas...o-e, ~Wilby, Jan. 2s, 1882 TUNrAT L, S 6LIClTORlN .10Je ACDONELLJ. ARRitT t diA'LtOiL)NY-T-t/tW, lileioC tisy4 ici ~ittlNotary ~Je IADlI13R UitBErlWOO", ATTURNEY-AT-IsAW, SOLICITOR IN A .Obaueery, Notary' 'abiie Cess1voyalicer, b.Whiti.y(f. W. ooslsitialok- iesx? t teglatry Office, eon Brook 4trest. 48 t juins LAJION, 0 AKTTORNEY4JT-LAWI SOLICITOR lIN Dundas Street. tg*Throe Joies Weiteof the l'est Cilie. 1 BARItiLTER$S, ATTORNEYS, CON VEY- Basî*ars anîd Notarles Publie, d&o., a&C, t'suws Â,.zac-Oi'tout- Oppesite Tovn 8 lI. Cosssss, LL.,, %Y. Ua. CecIsuÂse. isueti' rovu Attornoy. F ort Perry, 20th tieeesnber, 1865. 51 1ME. Ç. A.. JONES, i t orneT, &009,&00 1 "OfyIi.-IIoxt dofpr te tis e Bgîtri' 011l", Wlslêly. 41 hi' T wf »IL TICULE, ig' 449 Cbusrch Street, Taogos M1 .FJEWELL9 IL Le Dot it. XCUEE, Be A., Attorsaey-at Lavw$Ietriust~r, Con- r*i'an..rdM.. ftabllimeoue treet, Norths f te Ponst Uffce, Odhavat C. W. 40 .&YIKAN ENULIOSJqIL lé . n ARititi8IIE AT LAW, Solcitor tla oan- 1Ccry, Convoyeneer, &c., &o..ý 1~sgoi*t,-epste ho offece, f.'siavl. 40 rW, OIANCitY, di C;ONVJIyxitN Li OO Ulepriai.. Albert, Ive dooris vetof F-9->. Forisun's#tore. 12 a. J. GUNN, Di. e.. ýSUR3ION T 1VIE ÇCUNTY UAOL S îr eot, Wititl.y. D. W. EFdiCtLIB, M. 0. - QurywxIcaouss-8 te 10A. DL, and ôSte s geleele, p .- A.. PÉINGLE, EXCUA1INT TAILOIL, BRiOOK STIIERT, TIOAS. KUSTONX, rONCLEIIK 0bTititAIUItYlI, %WIIITBY ..Lofdco-ýCotrt lls lex o oclock. ÂTINSoM le àOSWELL, TARUiB81M1156, KistgStreet, 3 doora Leskt et BL,'rereîàto lStricot, Torotito, 4 * RCRJBALD DARKERt - - - - - - . .. LL.. . , C- .. , -.- - CI . VXBIBRIDQE.SE STAG(*E IÃŽOU 8r4 lrorietor YEOMAR GIU8ON. C OMMISSION MER 01L NI! Whitbv.i. J~. lotb lm, 2 _nnVERE -RouIE, B. PLANK, Poreo "igs to susd front Wbitb caoel daiiy. Every psf utoîpid te getits. (.reful sd j#ten- cive untiers. .DOiN Ce if eMULLEN, hAcuntant, Land and GeneraJ Agente A&ND NOTAILY iUIILIC. 01100fie liJ>tur atreot, ols. acer rortis e1 WjiJad u provad Furiuss. lit Le coLustes of otitiilany ud Uitnue fur osale. N"D. Colectious atteildtd te asdprompt roïcittau@es umade. lion. D. L. bIet'isepion, M., L. C., Ilieu Joliii Sitsupses, jid. L. C., Mon,. <eorga0trawford, M. L. C., JJ.(jssIttroiu, E 9 . (Ç.,M. P. 1P., A Mgu orrinots Eq., B. f'.1P., hi. Ditesford, Mb.q d .P, ' ) lConkcry, Ei5q,. M. P. P., John lligi Perry, Esq., Wlhtby;»,and cdi- torsç Brrie l.emtiur, Cassediau l'est, Lissdsa.y, -and Whiitby CuRoLL £.7 1> PiUNGL]E'S RO'El KI S7WET, OSHiI W. GLOBE MOTELi rf IIE above vol) known,old cestablishoed L liotol, and presises have boecu pssrcliated by tho scbsriber, where lie viii always be fuel 'nd on i ald rouidy tip attcu enicrsehali> L:> the. walite cif i» guosto, d&c. Tite promsises lhave bhosi convefletstl r andc oomfortatly fitted up; paisitad, î'aperes , &o. wltls elisterits of softwatter to wabisis2 and every, anô4erimproverueut to malte tho fzavoller .1 homo d uribgisis itay ,uw tIiiabie boauti fui- Noticeo tg Farmer8 iond Othorso LlqursWeitssd <uj totallMorton ls Fond- ly proof, by gallons or blirrel; MeNatsgliton's *Wiikel, do, de.i bos<t Fort, Shierry, andI Cogffiack Brt)ncy or tue. îcle, with as itsof Liq norsatsd Cigarm o(f the hest bratdoç. ~tteititaQtiet.,audJ Herses 'oelitre. A. ALEXCANDER. iiroolilu, Jniu.27t1s, 1868. 4 ONTARIO HOTEL, WHITJ3Y. 0. DAWES - - - PIIOPRIETOR. duperlor aeosssnodations. Csrefti eatten. tien to the. requaremotits of tras.clers undI guoste. -I.Paclotns stahiig and Ished-room, and ready' entiers A l sw i> wthiîs cuil. 1 VICTORIA flOUSE, DtflDAB 55KTui, W1ilny. JOII~( S'UItIIL........ .r etr fit)Ove andthot lie t4lsrs 150510 cbut tlise bst oifwvis,. iisers cigsPr;,a, cnd rrexj. mon01ts. -A Wel Suppll.d tillie. 004 *st.lng aud enelmed yard. JOHN SPUIiILL. *Whithy. Oct.4. 184& 89 TrE ]ROBBON RHOU-p, DUNDAS ISTREET, WIIITJIYC.W. T IIE subocriber boe to annoinne tht bch ns lassec the bu Iilig forpieriy knowt, ss$eripture'oIliotgi, wich isubeots renovat. led, rornliolitd, siesd fitttcd u p throiugbou t,lu situated,1 opposite tlit 1'ost Office. udlutiseé ecutril oft toeTown.' Tho mialivay Omnibus galso at the IHotolaud tiie otages for Uxbridge sud Boavertoîs leave the door everynornrg. Bosird Siperday. GEOR040EBROBSON. BROMIE'S IHOTELO S(L4TB OCAYADA JbOI'L,) OPPOSITE THIE FOUT.OFFICE, KN , OWXLLANVIL Éôý13TIIORosBODIE, R po riebe it 810. tbip, odboe &DytoCh*wata f it) euàtbishedot AprilI&rd, 1 loo. 0< I Japitl iiwM e là Wtcisc asienmade. Thé Ameriotan Wutham WMatchiinlaMade b no Auch unceriaZa proess-.snd by nosuaî1 sueompoteus-workmieu.. Ail thojrýop.raîosos,, t'roumthe revept,;Ã"n cf the rav uiteerli-t brsss. the M,,tr,i livpr, thi elasdthse pre411A oi tsse. t ii.e OUspletloe etotsel W*t4h,aTore er4.4 'w tuudoir oi. Tpe!, sud, nd*Yroietkljfl[l snd eouqetpst -direction. Bnith îi reatLtl u~hgfatrs, t their Matces, la the tact thot t juif, overaqi partu are ail nas4by tihe ducat,tii:sobt .errfoctsud delileateW litiery evpr tsjrouglit t t, nid of hu=n u ld suxtry - Every oue cf tiie more tien a huundrQ d p"rt of ùvary watab i mdss4 by a mD5014%i. that Ifilibly réproducks every due .9eeding part wîi tiste suct uuvaryiugseoraey It was only oeeee.ry te »sake, osie -porleo wita o eu yparticuiar style snd thon to adjuist tii.Jisundred maehinés ueçassaryste re- frdosse.iwvrYPart cf thtiso htt, 8an i 1- owtl ve ry oucoedlig vtob mumtlbe 11k. i If afsv art ('f' moy 4niuWaithiuns Wateb »sloenld lott 01 Irijured, the cwner bat oniy to tdlestisé Coneimuy, statllug thse lmero ifii watssh and thei. p aistedl wlisetherlt ber prlngt piniou, jsswel, or whait flo toidbftr4urumis 1 bu w'suireecive te dt.ç;rd a tileWhi ir-li atismaker swùuld sssj ust t te » poitlu., Ibeo upl atsy resPcectnliy 'ubudt tir vitee nt tlsefrserftà esly. Trsey ihave fisily aucceded inu ercolsssng popttlarprl>udlee itn tliesetatecsli i Jutr of eu.ropeassvatolies, eand seicîta ierogisexassiustion auj 'fsir trfial -A betitArtiîcTo for i ho Xn l'y thleirlmprô-Otiod meeioiai procces etian eau be mâdo uinter thse old-fasioned l:audi- coi t li>stetss. -'lisay moeifacture watches of oery grtide, front a good1i ow priced, esCl aubsitnissi article 'Ili i »i sver isitttissg ca ,es.pee itsi lhsdpted te flic w.îuîs<dttise farmner -1d lutmbermssss, te tise il:tmc lirosso. meter 1cr 1the flavigstor' s.id alsie ladies' vatces Il piîsu ld or tUe fluen tioaseled anud $eweie caise; but tlxe iud;BPOestslie ro- quisste ef al ttseir wttches !à thgîtiseCy s@hall tw (4oiD. TIMEKEEI>EIS. lt ehculd bu remenibhored tint,, el;elt their t4ingle luvest glrtie nsmei" Il lie Watcti Comi . aîsy, Bos tel,# ALLË WATCLIÉ mae by tisetu Are duily Wnrr#auteti by ,sécalýerifcttegivon te tle ptiroliaier tee 1%-good nt ail timtes ags.iuaL the CejxpaDY or iagents». ItOnifiNs & APPPZTON, 182 Iix:oADWÀY, NEW lo<x. OBIS&APPLETON & Co., ID$ W*Wuagp, Srmoi, (izugitAl, AGENSc. 18Aoriir ou CANAD CROCKZER'S MOTEL (LATE f'LATT'S,> NELS8ONST. TORONT0, ii Crl F KING ET. B.4SSETT IL KfEBLE, - PscorniETOna. houle, thaut tisai' have takec tisea bove preirctes icît arc lu every respect cosîvenlicsttv aus comfortahiy lItteato p for tisa accomusodjstioiî of guess ;aud the traveling publie . Tisey viii 11e fvtud in contstt pûrsotii u tteudance, and Nill loave îsthing sîndosse 011 thei part,to ulve 0atlstaelou tu ail vite May l'aver ttsem vith s -MONEX r o LOAN () ytce auneon good Farms, at eiglit mONpecut ittercst. 1,YMAN ENGLISII, J$arristisr, Vîsawa. thaa 'o.28. 1800. 47 G. C. CALDWELIL VTegUN4~RY SURGEON, s espt re*rpeetfsdiv te intim sto teitise < ) lsiisabtântscbfMerinm mi tijiiissiditsg nOuni', tYsaa'seebas cossmessced l rsictlco sn tise gb ivelino, and aiIe ]supes hi' strict utteni- Lion t business <ýo merit a ahssre of public patronage. Orsc.-ItsiIn Street, segond lionse bolow tais.H tel irkhauu. 82 VARS & DEVLPIN. SPRACT'JI Donitst, Oshaa 8imeeWBtrtipt Lhirdlooruerth'oftlse Oufak~o Bank. W- XPE.'q AGENT &o., alto Agent -for Accident -antiStaudard Insu rsne. Ces. 17 'WHITI3Y. DO, BOVI-119lus. Wntnie, Du. l$t5Aele, De. Tsseisauner, De.Jepit ~ D. Aigra, (for surgury.), AiltOf Toroutes,- 24 ~~wesre.'~- nfouse, Byront Street.- 2.l2mon. gigneti bavlug ben appelnited ý ,r the. aboyo <3espass laIi ov ' bar* prepoeL'9ragalugt lie, BY or NEW' HuAyEgNCONN. Invested capitia-l-S1OOpOOOO T Iso eta nubllased &sil tborcngisly rel.- ciliLioeo <rme'ru forin"surmuce, ut sncb advsss- tiegocils laies au vili i aleotier isspurothLe tseeesiy cf Conpalâ ou Lthe Mutuetl Insu- Earsuera iav* al tise seonrit' e0 Lhe Capital Stock of $1,000,000. Ordinari' Farie rnuis teken et or about eue peir cent, and sic premiau notes roquired. JOH N AON EW, Wisitby, <lune 28, 1$07. AutuT. TUE INSURANCE ÇON.P'Y.' T, RIS Comnpsp snvfii'ogna u lao P red oaep sk nFartM uildings, aud tieir çontentsç, Country Ethool flousais4, ansd Ciiursuhes. Thon, tvtsuicg te I- suare sîd thiereisi' uport s Homlue urasce (1-n1M Dy, linuvo 0w An ppp.ortsr.ity of doitsoe sa, iiý' splyis athier ut tiée l{esd office, pi tai d i thle laeagents. Uue-tttes viii bd fc uud ,au 1ow as thiose oi eni'respoumible Mutual lui- anurasse Compeny lu Ciaada. 1.. ARBANKS, Js., 11E/iD OFFICE-Tii. 01J I<gistry OMie Building, ]Brock Street, W litby. OFFICERS: ..B. BCeexTý, Esc., PREOIDEs.T. DOxALD MOKCAY, Fn. Msoiso, heUD. èPrLns. (Oro. lrcssIeUroisU, Josux WSlLI,, IaS. Ilew, JA.49 JIOLDXN, Il. INS. A. 1ICIIÂRDSON, -,W. Il. i»1LLING8, RAza-loIoyal Canadien BMunk. Whbitby, J uly Sthi, 1867. 27 Tire Iuisuiance Co'y OF LONDON* ESTALIE1 1808.1 Capital, £1,945,000, Sterling. Ftonds Invsttod lu CuaJa-*f105,000. TNSURANCES egainet -loue b! Fr. effeàtad .oi the suost fuvourable terme. Ail fosses p.sid vithout roiereccote the Board lu Loîndons. lIlNTOUI, BPtttTII$, beniresi, <Jouerai -JOHN AGNEW, WnuaT. Agent ter Wlfitby, Cahava, Bowmanvile, nd eurrounding country. 81nos-215 TUE LIVERPOOL .AND LONDON Caplial, Surplus, sud B.eaeryfed ]Fondus...... ... .... ... ...1,2,6, Iuvestagd il î Cessda .......... . 250,000, Premiue eesivd lu 1880, wvero *5,862,280 DA4iLT 1'remiums, upwerd sot .... 17,00 Sblaroboldere persoually respcnuiblo fer en- gagemients of tise Censpeti>'. gAlDireetorsl mnust b. Sharoholdra. PIRE PF.PARTJIENT* INSrUKANCII efféectd on ah Iclasses ef pro- part>' ettrrant rates. PARX I RIK at speciallj reduced rates. R1 extra chafrgo for Military Servie in def.ee p th Loife PQlicieo for the beneflt of Wife.or-iiildrn are seouo A $5Cent box vii tei 0'Seld everyviierg septoinber 10,. 0582'. EAST MARKET 8qVÂABE, JAS. OOKEXU. Propriatgr, 7IIUE uboriber boesto inforsu bis sussuy iL Ptrons easd custemoerg thet ho bau talon, tie àl;oi e ,etsislve ýpromises, wi;litli ho is ssaiy 14sufiséd su td i p, la tié' most thorougJi oeIra i mntîr eUd vlse .umin , eîstrtgivi truater stsfete, leis gucWý1é0g Vo4etrer nslsid tb usset tisey@, Albion P * ountiket Square litis, 187. rue I- Wr.ITHOUT PA1MJE ]3Y TUEË USE O.F LOGAL4~NZESTHETIO, DENTAL B00318,- 1)UNDAS STIREETS dILTIIYo C. W. _ EO(YM1.-;Over M. H. Coeln.cbrsue Store. 11E dweliing hbuL&o sud presuuses ou BT- BON lio aiisT, ut proent occupfed isy tise undeosgued. ALSO TUE FEAXE BILDING ON.- Ã"OLBOFLNF- TREET, "stui y cepd as an Armooty' Thse latter buiidlssg W! b, uiterod te a dvcllixsg bos or Sto;re, as msy b. requited. AÉPi' toi GEO. il. PARITNELL9 whiitby, sept. 4107. 33 For Se. 1 oAGIES, bais g Nortii.helf of Lot 13, 10uintishe ti cccoasioo eii TOWHNSHIP of PXOHE1MG A firsti-rato laHîl priviiege, Trame dwceliig sud'Brn.- The lot comprises dlise a quantity ef vainable Coder. W- TERJIS MODE1ItAýE. - For terma, &C., 1ippli' to5 DAVID BOYER, Lot 14, 7th con. Ptckerio'«g, Brosugiiam P. O. Septomber 10, 186ï~. ~ meG Greatest discovery of the l9th * Cetury 1 Pains Reitevcd wl thout'takeeg lMedi- cinse 1 Egyptian 01 UELtEVY£ PAIN IN STANTLY. Ne o se leeeof Isedlite firtslewued assois thoeworld lia sy preparatiesi tisais ssÏimdued tînt wiiai evisse ais, aches sud paine sIalliuait s sussir 10. se P ped ity M tise0 1,G yEPT L IL. t titgmie feu sietewlaey un5 ate batisas(ie ia- suediete sud aiàmoilsbeious cisseje wisiebsit oce- siosio e 10.wiso are stsiIirtn Pt egu etisster hov exeracississg, ctsppcurs auder il ssfissce a l5 m agie., l i te usp Weiidcssrsuelliir, as4,tise 71lit = l>up is Çl it,osieOr Su o Ibo sewarid. lNe e 1 vi de wiiiseeî ss viso bu iwed it ose-tiîllie;, vherevsertbe MEuYtTIAN OIL bas basa fiatridsseedit suentir lsapeeil h tfer piin.rellovitplrepa rsilusWs.stusy eam imou icdibleasetibiti Ois isai cosnplisita kertoforo cotiearedliy osai- statbyiici" SaS&Iscabie, are freultiy cssres by i evbotles iiçvedt inat thne.nuwilJips'ive to 1» thê r 1 netorlous Fenians kuowu as Col, Kelly Ou sud ý Capptpju - Dpaoy. Ou theîr beiug tmL jîreugbt up: a second tisue at the Msp. tb, che1ster poli Ce Court yexterday, tise vcr biw $gain renaanded for firtjîer 1Dnulsry er MAuChoster, Weldnesday, O9o'clècli. Thsis -lhlerning, the suppoapti Colonel s Kelly snd capjt. ýDosy a vbvtýng be at waîsded by the a mgistrateï,, vero placed Pl iu a col U àh aview te reinoval 10 ille ans city gelBlevue. About' tbree o'eloek reai Uievn wsls drawu up, in frontof, thse ~ policee.curt to remnove ail tbeise pieers Le geol, sud auioug theth tis wo Fenianis. At this lime tise police neticed tve mei lsauging-sbo'ut wliomxutheysaupecteti to be Lii Feuienos,-and e polsexmoaimade a rul, nt tet eue oftLhetn to.er.rcst bhla, in whichl' eýtC suecded, batt net until tise man bd bc e drewu e dagger cnd -attempted Ltea tab ri bilm. Tise tsow vas avoideil. Tise ether val, snapecteil person madle bis escape. lunM consacquesîco of this Kellyansi Deussy vere Liat put in irons bceore being taken te the ven. When the van loft tise city it hec) te pro-. 5li cced over Ardu'ick-green sud ulong HydIe-Mac rond, a fie, open street leding tetise aosl, and iicsarly a Mile- in lersgtb; It va- n tra wn by taie horsts, sud was guerded- com v resc belsintj by scien police-men. '['ho van Liii had procteeded ubout bull s dsile up ;lsisth rond whet', on pa.ing uniler the viaduct whicis carses the London- anti North- t $Vcs<ern Railwey ecroses, 'wlth-au'open der fieldl on tise iglît, e volîley cf éswçre flred et il. '['rhe poliemen,, net ,seeiilg TU E where tises$bots came front, tlrojpped off the van andI sprcsd Liemscives out wide. Tisere os thon a ruseof ed or 40 Irius. do men upon tise poliée anti 9tapnLb.van. " Onse mass bil da itciset, ssnôthei a ittnu. a fe mer, a thsfrd a bayonet, visth, wh:ch tb.>' cosi set te wt.rk te breask open tise van. Oue WC masn took a revolver and fireil it iute thse citi Iock. U1immutei',_ men vitis largo etcnea ie -oeeoettlcrn of ncarly 1001b. weSht- con brokie îirough tise top cf the, van snd tise Qal panels oethie door bubind, and. setinai l lb, prisacuei-i, inclndistg the Fenians, et "C liberty- lThe poliemien elleeetinl a ani b dy nand madIe t rash te prevent thse Ls ptisoncrs being liberaeoi, but Werral fe. clip volves were uiacîsargeil among them, and and eue consauble waa shot over one cff ils sai eyca, causing tihe oye te. pretrude, and tia watt teken tu theserirlmar3,,. À young for masn, a bystander, wa sho t* throngis tbeo mu bead. It is expected tise Feniaus, boibg lu in ireus, viilbe recapturesi. Thestreetsti ef 1Jancheatcm'ihave beeiluà a state et greet exr excitement alitise eveni ng. Theo filcer sug sîsot luth ie isead la Sorgeenït Brett.- The' bail posseil through hibisbeti andI lodged sEcV iu bis bat. William Qnuara Allen,eautd 1 te have fircil the fatal sbot, yvas chased sud taken. Dcttusctive Brcmileyrceeiv-d a $hot lu oeeort lis thsghs. Anetier pojlice. 1 maen vas she lui tise beck,- veundeti but the aligisti>'; itis the herses lu tise vanCo vete shet. Tise-driver was kuckti cli' enl bis box vitîs a #tope, A dozlen .arresta trgi have beeq muade. Tbe two Feniansaraet av liberty, b4pt a qndrou etf rgoons are u' pss4 thLe T el grap is f fce, g"arding a b i rrisage tLa sucuot vsPt pypo.u taýin turtiser impottcsptdres. mas Il 0'clock. soli T< emn irereocrie4 te tise Tewn- Pct haollbb>' tis. <ragours, vbe are idgptifleeldoc as issving teaeu carL luntise rescueè' Allen oft la paiti te bave acteti as captain ef tise rccng part>', and bail betin witinrg 7U witisa a uutçrcf felliers for heurs be- L fore -thse an sarrived le ise t ut thse, a body l ondc s aî1eîernary ceu tgnis 01s sOursoal itu s Otemè- W. tboug'bt it vas s recognizedti is Ing smnong ns tisaI nouer buf. dovnisrgbt b oves andl murderers woul il rtsist tiieboiu r 1> open vilence. But e have nov por face, tacoms, the moat audaciens peso- fîreï os et Anserican rowdyanm, evon if Lis 1 li. Sncb attempta must b. put deo% n iii e stroe nad. Nov that the>' bave ço- wu put, ou their guard, the poicemuen of r«- unchester, supportied,. if upemsary, b! o t troopa, muet b. cepable of 4çsalir g leuj is.au>' number et Fenianu, gnd .t'se rabpi iacions assassins viii, -iv. trust, '<b. bis ode te feel that the>s have ',gainec4 noth-' and gby- their outrage. If Kelly tand Deasy tuni In be recovered, sud Lise leaders ofthtie oq_ gcueýdul>' ptuisiseil&We he oFenians gpa tmnsolves mai',*perbaps, b. convincedth îis git It Ïa prudent te allow tise law te take andi course vison tise>' isavo thOcone n- tanc ,- atnourl.sd ba) IË MteucstN PL I> »rCiiA%.-suspictous A1 cRAraToFY iUF.sIRISH COAST, - 13 ris. Dublin'corresopeudeuce et tise T'on. smil )n Time poulainsLise follewriug -- bt Th. sViclpus, emait *isicb vwas reported'Of t' eiv daytsirbao te b. hoveniug about the. wii tat t o -Deiry ia uewý flitting along te o esitemu ashore H4k. o wiii,' ' Le-wlsp, ex-. P ting ývague, appreiensieu, and escapiug to smr Majesty'a gnuboas'and ooast-gnards rsstantly on ein alert. A report froun amS iisirciveen . on Suuday annouices Tue, soetising renieniieble," snd tisat, the taPi 0.oastgisads socru as if tisey expecteti sio. ,riinir." Froua Litnerick vo bear ài blh ack nu' tin u tise Weatwl ÃŽfhat the Imogene "a suspicious loG imouri show tise Lis r em»ote piuces,- bû on bohre ýThiseat-i ceciidga'sondin ia 4vigil ;ant supervi ?rWEEN SMONTteAL, I -ÂxoxsiA8s

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