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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Oct 1867, p. 2

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&a 96, West Fonces, par TSrI 60 eoWTS A T2AZ ýby.,Tbur&oy, Ot*r 10,L186 le exhibition lately beId at Wbitbi- jMost sa.essful *e§e but, vao 6.. thé sool.ty bus th. opporlunity ud, , r t0 ode 'th lb. flei bibtion f<if sooessful, Thé. exai#p1. set by the 'York ÂgrWtallrl Assocation voold, folloved by oc ontysocity-bé ,Mat adruntage w it. Tbietas ssocié, ormwly b.Id butlscullexhibitionsj tbis liera îby opoued îhe euîrles le rbole Piovines-and the yescI uva, t vwu on# ot se largestiludMost s"fa ebibitioC»e uer hold ilu ospa la MMsay spci, comparait fayot. vits tb. lut ProviaclatZubiblîlon. ir est eonty exibition vws open le ?rovlnas, lb. oley vould b. gainurs 1M7r respect;sdilis Isiof menibers A, b. entarged 1 *. mamber of entlime a b. narly doubld ; andthelb.attend, o greatl on*orîiusMe as &,aonu ýy repay tise Society for their extra pus and labos. LAdlb.éarmetsaseod no <est of net recslvlag prises. Ti ce imilDt "0 viii compareVýOr<à0BbY lisat of aay eue ooanly-la lb> Pro' . Ad lbe ioresssd competition for is vealti sneo.ragu 'thons improve stoek sa grlaearal -pr*duetoas, rdsr te obtala thé premuiaus., Lot tb. 17y opta tlb. aies tb lb. whole Ples, andl, vvenlare tab pbuey,' izt exhibi4ion viii resoembls a Pro- ai, morets aa coanty show. At a* tb. espérion eIsWsei Weilivotis eifr maliaisbltien mi MarkSaur 00 on Tisrsdje anti iiyst, Ors! k lss1 , Tb* ekhiblticm vAs open b' ,vlaueantcomsqaeabîy, Ibere voe cambea t fentnies-very maa'y o! vute frcns tisis ceunI>'. Meurs. hPma ltu oà> lîis leva, vee ml tb. briprise for a combises! r'sas!o iop sud aise fora Fauig_ Mr. Milll of Piekes'ingtidfr. ir .116e 4ovusiip ot WitblS, re- pissefor, tlI st sock 5 snd vo à munyotisn rtile, hich vere W&at tbe'iVlsitby' air. k lide boy *&rut asoi(utaly'broksn ; a yeuag ha iiebetinla tisaaide bjreaisoraej OgS". 'b«attedue en beîh dojo Iq large. < boir scouat zibt6a et lb. Village vas s very lageaitendsoug&ai sblbies.vswuouiof e tisa ase i lb. eooety. bu eyerbois!.< Tise Isi, Lwo vilsk vsbaie not mots- thie wli'appe5t inurstm2t., a W001xi iin w*Iîvsr Ultoi g tsomsblp uxibibions tisai bas eer nio 04 se00ffl severiy sjason tue lui.Clay r tue. Wh iîby Vair, le inaà fir vsy of recouery, sud &ab hanov la gDo Imnediate dan- antI wll-kpown citizen of Toronto, died- yeslerday; bbc 2»d lneL On Mionday ho was appareiitly in bis usual heâltb, ,but sbortiy aftor eturnîng home tbat evcnins ho censplalnedl of feeling unwell. Il.grew rapsdly worso, and i ieti aI four o'oîock> Tuesday mornlng. Mr. Cairon wau ut Qne Idîne manger Mf.lbd-ommercial IBank -In Toroto. 1He was a Oonservaive il- polies, andI represontod Victoria la the Patllausionf 1857-'01. Ho wasdeféated Iv incme for thosa&me cenotituoucy -ane. by Mr. Dunsford, andi at the.iro- cent goneral election, by Ur. Morrison. 1fr. Oameron vais alabo once a candidate for the Ifàyorxlity of Toronto, bat, ussue- cessally. '[n 1887 tise ,deoes took p art. la. eupweasing - te rebellion,- andi baid coînmaid of a detachmno periting on the Niagra <rentier.'lle vas a Scotch- mans by bih, born lu 1810, conaequently vas la bis b7thyur. John ,am«6od nternaDY warm friends througis lb.COairIIy, turing bis, business career. 'i urbftnity .ofasanner'made hlm popular in theB.dk1, andi dî;ring bis parllamentai'7 oxperferce, ho wae. one Q tb. -Mst ppuaruembras la the lions. The i. Plobrerlg eoanelmet Vunuanîte sajorua. M. emàbers ail pnosoo-the rcee is b.ebarMinutes cilut useel- lng tenedsslpproveti. Mn. Mller movea irtat tis evefflgrant au order.-on , li.hesarer, lu a lVOrO! BleSadDale, for the sansOf $10, for verS doue ou a bridgeplanS sd posta for fixing lise sanie, On motion o! Mn. Burke, 'a ay.tau vas introducedg. reati tbrce sever4ilimes, anti passes!,tle inpose a rate on certain Iota te the :zpxnss cItiese :avey tioeol. Iror Éoyt tat hereeve grant bis oraten on tise treanrer- lu favear o! Oliver Johsnson, for $6,11, for i22 tout o! Cise, inch piankanti lsying il on Bridge, on aide lino belveen Iots 16 ant Il7ilu$th concession. Mn. BarS MOve s 1atise-reove grant ble ortier ou.the' Ireasarelufaveur-o! Francs Postill, for $Z,87, 10 psy Asdam Spears for plank, anti James Whitsois for timb4r ho bud a colvert ou aide lino b.. Ivoee lots 26 ans! 27, fins tbhceeéioin. Mr. Millet proetes!tise petition o! 0. J,. Green, pialing for a grant o!f45t for tise building c f tise Drill Sbe4 ai Greenwcod. Lesv i o r STAKNO A Pi#iÈu.-Some lime ago, a gentliuan lu cbantesiovzs vas appoiuledsiuditoi' b distribue tlis funde linbe banda a! thieadinsiiistralos among lise creditors Notice of tise audit. ing vas publiaiedti I se appened ual a few creditons residiiig is a certain 1par. lion cf th. country,visa bas!, coileclivel>', dlaims te lhe amount a! aeven or Ogil hundreti dollar, fromth le negleet o!ftk- fng a country papes', nover beard e! tic 'audit unili afior the report o! tic auditor isad been confininet by lie court. Ticy lien came mb l . ovu n'te lnquire about lise likelibootiOo! aceting 'their cdaimis calles! upon them attoney, wvio examineci mbt tise matter, anti intarmodtihe hselat tbey bat fore«er liâtIheu' mono>', une< v. pr5snnse, changedthem Byve dollars for. lie informalion 1 'Ail tuis resulteutýinl ieing toc penuinus, ertote carlesi te. suscibe f«r a psper, Tises. gentlemen bave lo àlcai eiess tisa i vl CI t tion lb.res rouI s!hem lises, anti serve'as a varhlng te sOthe*, *ho, tirouzgl lie came motives, ail te lake a5 piOt.. irgïia i Frra&s va * yows c densati lisat t tise»O LcalC the liu' Qth of L4SaaAT AM «BAviva goulu The menuiera cf 1h. lihrary proper f or jis pas loar nmber 38. To ttis, how iver, may b. added 42 snbscnibers tise reading recta nid library combined,: aa ingl b.the otai ,rnembersisip 80. T Iais ' yoar commiltea regrets la-a considérable deor,:as from th*. year, prov!ens. Duri'ng tlb. paiS jear no, new hbookaver. atidotw tb. library; tise namber of volumes re maini'ng tb. sanie as of tise date o! tb. .Iai aunnai report, vi; 1100.1-Yonr cota- m istoe iopod- dting tii. jean 10 have, matie a cousiderabîs additiont10 he Jibriary but bat i lîot tise aecssay <ni ahni devobe for that puipose. Luotiser year shonîti net pis v'ithboal an expenditane cf st leasi'u $100 fofr ibis object, atndimeani motI be devisedti îoreftsr. The reading room wvasopenei i Nv ember, 1866. Tise subscribers number 431, giving a revenue cf $1 12. As timsas sb. seribers bac! the privilege of th. lbrary,.ý anud vealti nnqtsestioesbly bave beceme mombens, as $1 eaci (seno no readiug roons in existence),tithe receipla may pro. perly h eidbat $68.60. .Tiseoxponditare cf the.oom bas beau largelyiluexesuof ibisosan, therofore lu place o!il boibÉa a sorce o! revenue il le really a seri -ons brden ou the Instituts., Yoisr commigl.eeare loih 10 report i fa.> voun of elogiug th. readlng néoot, but -un les. il cau b.nias!. self.susaigeno oh.e, c'ourse ho pursa. Tise cual course -o! v inten lectures« vere ssautionedltii eantijoan Cern nitteo iecommenti no oxpeuditare for tis objeci lb. coming vinten. Theo Beaucial statemeut forthie jean euding lat Apnil tlut, lea ubtaitteti here. vitS, Shoulti i b. stterminedto- echsange th. tue e! holding the annunel meeting, tie iluanciel jean sisoulti b. made ho con. fam uheneto. Ail o!furici la resp.etfnllj aabritted. WiiîbY, 4ti Oct. 1867. Witaby Townsip Concil. BAOOxs.î, Oct. 7. 1867. Conneil tuet aeconding 10 adjeanemeuî. Minutes of the lut meeting rend Sy tise clar, Mn. Spoars atoveti, secondes! by Mn. Fisierthiah tise minutes o!thie lut zcci. log of ceuncil, jasl reati, be onot apprameti o!, outil thesedérnisert a report, presenteti -le ibis conlil as its lait meeting, by Mn. Timaîisy Fsies', relative ote s opping op cf e vater course beiveon 18 anti 19 on tth con,-Canics! Mr. Spoars tîsoveti, secondes! by Mn. Willia, liaIhelb Lve furnisis 50 Ibao! gour tb Mns. Wbeeior, anti grant bis enter an tise Ineainron for Payment o! the sas.; tisaI thoanra o! $10 b. grnues! te Mn. Jeu. Burroughs, ta Se expeudeti fantise relief e! Chue. Mater, an indigent pensen, anti tise neOve do grant bis entier ou the hree- auner fot lise ame.- Carnes!. J. V. Spears presente th ie pelition e! Joeselet illWiilamBell anti Jas.Bedaon, pnaying for, lise pasaing o! a Sy lav vesiing certain portion& o! tbÃŽ 'original allownsnce for rond ielvecu lots no, 22 maiss!28, 8Su con. lu thse phloo Mn. Dryden, move s cou'l Sy Mn.' Wilit. usaS t'ho neeve b. beneby anthonisot ani nequire t w gnonSbis or4en -on tbe Iresanren la faiurof A. T., Tunîsor, for repaiteus brIdge $9,03 1-lunaven e! Brown à Patter' son, for 3 rond suipers, $2100 ; in favor of Ulayward k Tylin, &1.16, as par acceai tens!eved lu favon o! Jas Kenspt, fan, mc. Carrieti. r Ut, Wilris, sois, seepnd by Mn. Spears, tisés Mitas Grils sud Nicholas Debakito b. sroilti mmleioners toe qxpad lissajou nt*asfio. firmavl sates! by, bis ecSueil 32 f in a Msisspeli.- is vtsendb>' Mr. Spears, mail do nev adienr antistand a. p. m.-~s.sarnseîs ni broire outinsu aasy,..enu e nv. h m la Cebit-nt oonsultat1oh iîh the Emparor, Ih la saidtb iat thé foIIowia-plas Ib i e set. daen o f thse Roman questlaa hie been ag5eed apon. Itely te talte possession' of theý Roman Provinces, but Pape Plus lx. te romain in Rome and MWrotai iegovera. .mont of lb. cily antil bis tests, vhiantlis tempdral.pover of tb. Popes viii cesset, F'loreuco, Oct. Si-Thde offilers of, tbe Ppaol fortes engagea gfagharia dailâitat h.7y galneti'a viclory le that battis, liai seveny cf lise enewy verevossudod- and 110 mat. prisonera. ,Later.-The voonntiers of!0Qarbaldi are marabing aOpen Ronm. fris eveiy direction The Ploronce preasurgoe b.goverumont 10e antiipale îbem sud ocupy 1he City vus. Â repoerbasgainedfctrrncy tbaI b, imerican Minlter, non Go. P. marmho hms densandedtise rleas4of Gao. CGAnSaI- di on ithe ground t oi . a acitizenc f'lb. tJnited States. This i4 àonied, buât it la tris. tisaIMr. Karth bas aied th. govern. mient le show clernenby te tise distinguisis. oad prispuoràs Garibaldi bas fines!au address deconoe ing Is&and surging bis followers bo Carry on the var for tb. possession of Rom. Ravie, Oct. .-Tbe steàeg turope, from New York, liasarrives!. AmerîcnDespaicheos. Riehîsous!, Va., Oct. 7.-Tse tral iof Jet?. Davis la set, dova for tise feuils Mon', &Y lu -Nevewnbor5 i i -the Geverutacul yl net interreto, tb.re viliibe, 1no poal. pouement by lb. counscl ou' cuber side.1 Tise triaisla xpecled ho list severai veebîs. Nev Orleans, Oct. t,-vcnIing papota1 bave accoante cf tremendous gales aI Gelveaton on tise 3rd mest., esî,maîiug tise dansage tu wharves, siippiug, gonds santi buildings, aI a million of dollars.iat is e igist oterflov since 1837. :licago, Oct. t.-Jewvetî "b Cos, ice hansse, on 20ts hoort, vas dosiroyeti by t is a. e. ni. os, $10,000.1 Keokuis, hove, Oct. 7.-Tse car siosp o! tb. Desmoiues Valley Raitroati Cota.j pany aet tis place, voeodesîroyeti by fins, fait nigisi. Tise vateisman vasbannes! te ticatis. Lois, about *35,000. pisiladeiplia, iOt.8.»--TheDmoat dlaim tise City# antiare rcjeicing over tic prospect e! having a majonfly fis tie State. Tise result, isoveves', le daubîful. tis e c lions la ing very close. There are large1 flemeenatie gains. Nev YronS, Oct. .-Retenus froeston yards oe! pliladelpistalegs;than bal! ef the cily, shov a Repablican lois e! 2,6b3. 14ev Oneaus, Oct. .-Tse intennionts frnm yelov fever for lb.e24 iseurs eiîding at 6 o'cloci on Sunday, vote 60;-,ans! 49 for thie 24 bonnseontiing ai six a'cloeis Ibis a. s. Tise veathes' la cool, wvieS viii probabiy tibecis tie disese. Ne en S, Oct. .-Ths e Er'ld'é Havana,, Icîter msjthle yeilov foyer ba almosi enlinety disappeancdi A sure ne. medy for tise yeclbow <svet anti biack vonit bas! been discoveneti in the juico of the fe- maie vorbena Iser. Nev yenS, Oct. .-oNii-y 820,00 bave beon n m Seu, froul Osmre, for lise relielf o! yllov foyersieos .. ew YenS, Oct.8-Ti Trbn' Ploreude correspondent saÏs ot Uaibaldl's LirtosI -Some 201 Canlbinli, Ivo dota. palsies o! the 21,tls niluent of tise lin., surnus!cdthe Ibo boseat 4 'J ,l W, attestes! tbýtier bÀitd!ailthés&gùit4sudans! aI liai boises andt oabünoa4athe tables; tissu tise ieutenfaint éss5ttlw4mgies.1and sis-",A btter fer jms*e' "t 'îràtise rendo o!arrest. Oarndibads-$"I .59. posei, eau tk la.nsbali." ý -Teofficer e! the 27iis oetnsea, soi car1i ietn omff mal as haves, v ois flielesajshirt. ýA openiai train saated im lna*S 0s99ng. Tishey camioti, ita puarFlorence. Tluere 1 ading isaI lb. lidinga hads preai, eors veres ben onvey in tu, Atessadria, wureonnov fa, Gels!, 145; %chbange, 9 At the serenaie thoe Gen. BSeridan last algiat, tb. crows!inu 3ovdon Square vas se great tbat oyer 50 ladies faintudti, one bail bu .ribs broen and itses vto wnq or Il a. men iiO isîighutsa aspre et i ytisehope of gin- isesiona to0 parly dan bit bi cooo àts agie Word ious are Donna- mon visose ad!- soeereti by thse t4 i/eEditor f ise Wlilbp Clronice.. nl jour lait veis's7laine, theuamei e! a wortby fevr, vio, have, bandes! thensselvea Logeties', for-lie parpose o! givnig le tic village o! 'Audley "$6a local habitation sud a ne amhcÉLng thise levers order sud sebriely. Tise nov Dominion, vilI Dat forta: agrestor craslunlise hisîory o! Ca.' nada, jiban tise apening o! a Temperance Letige Iull intise isory of A.adley. If tise drnsiard le 10 be recilimean dne. stores! ta position anti s.ciely by inia agency, I knov e! ne infinînco go power. (Cl-no persuasion se eloqUeut-.-noex. ample so pare, as tis i isco eauhoex- ortes! by amiable anti heneveleul ladies, anti *heu wtî Ueo hem leaving tisir-bornes -baving tise iloecy o o!le'ueaises', ans! calmly biaring theo uufeeling remars of many who have net feit tise direct e!' foots cf intemperance lu thein own porsesas. 'We canneStooanuci admire thm gOO&i Aeor 1dm sigiiy prise thoir'dsinterest. etneas. TisaItishe mensiens cf Wellington tmple (hIzoe tbisey mens! b figlas tise Dako le lu the van,) may realize tisoir st sanguine hopes of succese, sud ever live in tise possession andi enjoymeut of love, pnrity, anti fideliiy, la the prayer of jour substiriber. A Model Towis. Beniroois faanu Ismanufactnning tovu mn<ar eeTn.lits prncipal foonsier 'anir sole "propriten is J. 0. Jticiserssou, a leading memben of tise Society o!f frens!s. Tiigeu.tleman, vitisone on tveolisher gofrioess,'oundeti tht Belibro'ok Spinung Company, anti ecles thoera lie Beabreok Pilla. Tise factory bai grovu se large tli hgivea empîojment le 11,000 baudw tacet oo! vieneiie lutise noighborh e! tise *oïks. ha Besbroois tiena isnon liceuicti publlieuse, non is tisere one lu auj o! itesnrrennding lande. Thoere are no police in tus, place. Tise Iris cou~ otabrorarenos, ocenpy every bovu lu Irelauti, anti have Sannscks for bal! a tozen men ecaciaong oe.y oud aide, bat hosra are ho polit. lu llesbrook. ]Mn. Rics.. ardson allegea hti saselong ai bo keeps ouIý a publie bouse tbey eau de vithoni, tise police;j but ais.eon aïtho tap-reons ia introtiuced, îthey vilI require tie coustabu- tan>'. Thoiseo edmnknu in Beabreois, iu short, tise eperastîves are Ilsesbosoa sabiety anti geati enter. Of course, il le not mautani leS ais! Ibal tbey bai@ net thein fauits ýanti failinga liSe manisinti cîcryviiere-; but ibej, are wisoiîy <fee fronu tise sas!aconses wviicliare te .bemes vitis pnilicij evetj nighin lumurS smaiîer popu- lations. Andthie population'o! Bùbreok is composes! ealireby of oponâtivez, visile tisat o!faan>' otson tovfus are mixes!, cons' pisiug tbewesltis sud the pour. Tise eportuvs îcmulme hae nt ho' opin- ions on, the question o! .tise absence or - presence of tise- public bouse. .ýTbey are agreesl hibt if licenset bouses vere open. çd. in Beibrookh' tb. readieg.nocus, '-1J iibrery, tise' meboolà,,the' cooptratite se' eltewoalild Hb.. detes!, hl ouly toc niais,, fr lb. allureniente o! htisdramt éosp, and 4tsaI uchen eslablilhmot, .isitiseate unkuo'vn in Besbroek, lieé pavn àt. yods! eoon b. reuainoti"a t e oouy se, bal tho police Sarroi, e, baisus eeut?. anti'tise 4anS calta volticogne. in fasisicu,toee, atidiomeà novir spp voulu soon , bIcoa ise uribis. A1ibius Mn.' Lt in5a collio otiJ Qivuj. s ais- up..-. individual Patriotistm, individual selfcon- rol, andi individual selt-deitta depende s, tih. action o! tisaI people, Well, thon,#I1 oeil upon you, nov thal 'yen arc te b. 1 admittdinto a share ofthti governmnent, 4 to remember that yon have no0 alight part 1 in making tis change, in no sligbt de-7 gros is Ibis vork your doing. Therefore, uposi you rests more stongly Ian ipon Most the reponssbility of se acting Ihat our faiLl isjustifict i nt our propheaies arc fulfihicti. LaI. us noti tien, vaste oui dine. in cmpy, vauints o! the dhare we my_ have bail in'tuis vork, or st icals in taunits 'of tioso wo have epposoti us; but lte us tinivo viti all eur migt te mais. the future of Englanti undel ilst tons constitution ithore glorious liaS tic put. A new cisapten la beginning ln, Engilîli m try Ypnaill of us, andi on yen more thsa on os, epon sivit viii b. rit- ton in lh i rai page oft tut chapter.ý Let us ss, thon, mot, arnsly strive that il mai be a mre lorious record thnnven' b. giouous past, becauso a story f grener7bencft5 te bditasnitj. A PHÃ"IIAL SoL ilîsa Imi Lvdo -A ýo. mntie incident lias juat transpireti in WVashington. -Twoycsart ago Ilugis Crav. tord Pole, a yotng gentleman thon about tvnty ycu 'rs lt, sdiddenly disappeared froua sotanct: munis to tie dstuay of bis relatives and ' acquaius*tancîm . hsubse- quently isca nie kuovn thatbaild come te Iis country ith five innded'pounds in his pocket. Ho sported about New York andi ther chties until bis fundia cota- ,mnencet te n short, wien, is a fit of deperation. be enlistet infishlbUnited States «cavalry as s privai. soldier, and in tlii- humble eapciy strnggled againal hardships antidprivaions te vici e adl been violy unneet. In te mon- imie is fatlsci diedsome four mnts ago, lcsving lugis iir te abaronety andi a nug li ttle 'ncomc of!, _5,000 per annui, or about $25,000 in3 gold. The yonng baront wvu duly sougt for,5sad, , aller an xpenditure of $300 ln atvertisens, 1il vas ascortainedti iaIheovu s talioneti et Camp Verdo, Toxas, dishargng te dutles tif a tarrier. Colonel William S.. H!1îyer, of Nev, Verk, wbe betiame inter- ces ! din-the cas, ndtcetl ir Frederick . Bruce te roquent lic dicharge of Polile, kwbich vsrýoipty.acedd le by Gen. . rnt, T e ong Sir Mugi Crawford ýPollok bus, herefrêben tusîgraphed iefr an ti o 'bas g v n up tiec oc upalefl of hoer anti enfer of horaes toenter tbport a Scotch barouetcy anti .£5,000 a year. Top. Paîxca AnD Pausxer oPIAt- An EnglishIl Jenkins7" viles liaI "the Pincess is taking baltha at ber bouse in .Wisebaden dailn, andti hough ber kneo la quite stiff, ber Royal, ligbtess la look- ing beto~r anti ratier atonIes'. 5h. takts ,drives disly', and may b. con on tb. ba- cony oi ber resdence pla>vng itt ber cislren . Tio'Prince sn everywberi'-, 1bathe% anti breakfasts every othier day at the Motel de la Rose ; loungýes anti chats anti gosips pleaanly, ad unaffetedly: 1 iti hie frierids ; nisksa few golti piecce at the tables, vals about in the crowds alois, taies ie collee. us'str the- Incs at Kursasiant inanot ini any vm asnye 1ilier by foreignies or tie Engliu. Me : ocsaWel, fulli-oi healthi an ti e joy usaent, 1andi bas a. plasant, restlesi way of casly geting tirougi lie day. As tiec cias 1commenced in Naseau on tise 241th, anti lier. la pleîîy o! anbes ltin ntiipteti 1 tint he yl bhave "sea shooting inuthe ,royal, formcly the ducal, domins. .À 0eIlilokilgyonthfl Prince of Prii3 l, ais a ere § vi s shom ho appears tl e ,b , i t e." "ri Dria'ÀLm--ma"Under h'ss till a correspondent of tb. London éTima describes the. vaiiofe b Sar, ini ,wicis léethis athere ull b. isard tiglul- o ing ifi france anti Prusit ever com o te ,te »bleva t-" 'Tii.vaUley of lhe SarrIol atan1ôst _as ë n n utaial beauties asalit tbe féal ilve of 1h05 cereva worm rovnu. aIr. u Green bravely deelinedt 10deprive another von man o! a chance of geing in Jenkin's hast, apo oll'oring ratier te, stick te tie wreck o! bis ebe ovu until thie lileboat arniveti; but ere a tihe latter couiti reacSimnsthse berolo tellev m vas dniven levardsltho wenlng cuis o el N a nr t i M ess!5 a n d i 'a s l ie b o nt,, b o to n s u p , niacife thiebreaiscrs,îhe vas, acen-stand- hàl ing an her Ieel, waving his boat bIng. An ,Ws instant mare tise man bai dissippeameti live andi fragments of timber wvielinc fa'rta- as cd a boast ere erasiing te eplincers tise against the rocks.. Noneo!oflie bodies ce have yeî been feund, l'io siipping lun o .pert sud the, public* buildings arc flyingne their fSagsetaIhaif-mast ever aince liais oc- jus! cus'receej wvieShhas at a ilbo over tise tec NIL Hiovu ATvHALSA-Tic Hon. 117 Josepihavloe matIe-a tniaptal entry lu- nigl te HsLI!ax an tiepvening af tic 241h nl., les accmpanieti by Mes. Annauti-anti Me- fed, Lelan. On arrivaI aIlis.theatatiaif ho en-__ tenéd a carifale fi hb> six gry, antdim procededt linugh the -principal .treets dis o! t b. city te le'Parade. A l alng th i i lino oft1h. procession lie sîneets *wcre liii tirengeti by lionsands. Neari>' cvery or wintiovi*as BItes! vith iadiesu ia oteti- bisd fi.d lhiu' ymptiy-vili tise demnsntta- and lion, isy vaving bantikerchici, La1Apr vcry large numbern o! carnages vero infa o tic procession. Tiie bands of tie Unionti Protection Voeîpiyand Volunteer ami- toi lor d scoret'sveet iusld, as hcy pasi .4 aing& anners b.ining appropriate 1the mto s, ad hundreis cf torci isghts fe en,, ie te s. Scne ; Tien,,. as a bnili- s, a&ntdispl&y ofirevorks Ires carnLages 1Sao In lise -prezeaien, andi also froin the buîildings lua atrta thrauckh'vici ascri stilau apower t, ait straci vas mmi aos-have ho c sio.- r ui st. Louis, 1 St- royal flen ut uvetentiona tract 0l Uoi'ing il vas, lirnged viti peopto. IMm-Hoe. tinusaiffir atisresseti thepeopie ror a fev minutes, ccustanîlye referring ho ithe splendid victomy the. lettera. W peeple mod gaines! cicr Ileir eppouents. cingle aduer lin said tiey mustI hank lie (>0(1.of oen ice as! baIlles for Ilseir triumph. Il eigb ii" de1o Is passible fon bita to mak is.imei!eamtiiy business MW tise masasmblage, ho sasd io veulti. onli thanS lie citizen» o!fiHalifax for- -hie "n'~B' mnagniBecent receplion tbey liad. given hbitatisaI b.ono anti on anotier occasien i. veulit havle an Heralsl te1 epportuuiîy te6atidreas Ies aI greater coielyd. E leugti. Mn. McLeian, lnresponse to l9îsd o! ah lpumso calla,'spoise fer a le* minutes. In Dam- au n't 'u mouth n sainte o!f ighteen glansasufincti,.>seveay.eigl anti sigebonfre lit. Mais>'o! lbbuild' ingu un Haiifex antI Darnieuti vere brilli. anîl; illuMina c&l ATyroo nrinterba. lit tend fr fntl<awl dise id

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