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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Oct 1867, p. 3

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eat.urdYom Wbitbl; Otber 10,18. ~.... 70.a #t'O. ......... 4.aSOetou .10.11#10#perto an ao ." m440 er in l arond.aarfec bt d T4rtur o eocpain fcdn ltWNTO it.io eidm.wne" moii., anlmiisio càybalsa..o<b Dy ati Pae, kaawu math. ayluopaiin wOadm doilaliam tei OAut, wlilama uîe.up cddvind te younel4 yna u wlse- iture lay rrunW4wai, to «ahtddaired 1. WINSLOýW'1 ER CIIILDIitI TEHIO oilaUthe .ptb.u.*e ituet.hln¶. ay th# gala., ,.daisg ailt iiaaiTutso- A&t. fAuxdtrd laa oation, and TU-itiIULAý.TU TBU13WICLU. Ilo î, iot.lsr,- 1t;viii give ras to yourarlvtns, and et and JUiaIo S.Yeur Infant## 'spot op saii sold tbU it el sfor BAi ivÀ u CooIanom AS&*à Tam-v we li.av noyer boeabl tIo te 'vof 70 cv Eac o ir À Cama ia,*n mi. Neyer 4i4 vo 1mev au intauc 409901malti WJIATWbonKditU 1 fin ofezo$one, sdiies.-0817T- j aoit ado ttlmdii <vt v haroW bis matltedm UlateWr9DU. N lailMtoeu t a vilireomthe utte to"In 90oa V a.mlu rugglt4u f vogou&l. orid.y leinos 7.18e. Utraeth fov i-k S.ira Moubru utthe y.» 9-08125TJcen einat8. ffolborn, fnd5h, 04Enis g44 it.lh I effal.Ckt.ae, dk.w.êaragn Za MaTluePBh agnd. m7a4l sudclbie ?é , » la M- rtd boom. Alo eta t.he bonuia ~vorknan. w 4. icmT. SA LE » R~aevnja.coid by lin- 1 bsi 1 e o m0 ob ,rl, I. in LIST. OF MED JLETT1ERS am the Wbltby 1Poo 0"0.. et of ýOotobr, 1867. cala. Ma oh na WA Fancy, Wool Ladies xi-..; sud Ohildren' Bhaw1.i and RP&no Vool KRse, &ci LOWES &POWELL MoIey s 6ved uodey nu Your Iilinery lm deiJ Buy DOMINION WAM~OOES, Mkntlo., kutl.i Clothi aM Trim. "egi lu grmant ioty. sud 10w.. & Powell, Wlibr. REÂ&DYýMADE OLOTHING, Wioleaie à,ftets t Poth y ou, My roi l8e Bat4yMoh 118 aaolutioaiot - A 11...'... P1au"tet IRt VL~4ty Ain N D AK 6 MLI ,RYY s"C. ai $ctteul Io aldo tour Stock of lu* bave vitho opt , i. v'a et. 019»t 04,1111110 . and c b . tOCK0, Mr -We haie a nte YI TPRIZE foî-Ytablenble sfl'ttt, !or tl s ton ycors at the CouSy sbibitIon. 1 Tio t tyiao *r110 P53flm - tWpi, , eaubUfré rohaaoing BAITIIIORE OYSTEIISe lobstmrs,-. Wines & ]Ltquo, OHIPPIEWA WHISKY 1Witt M.8 ABTWOO iS ty, Oct., g, 8e«. SmBo con WiÉnTD. - I Tairng to Ordier, it DOMINION. WÂl~EftObMs, i5IIT~Ysp o1é~ ~ Dry ~ - &4, &CI, ,~ompfrt~asd tracti,.,.t - - hO * O ~ z ~ O us iii. neI. c MJY~TISEI~NT0# lasIMNS PL ~%' P-ino (Fast colors,) fràm....o. l0t eles N.iauon. Factor-ies, (stout - and wide,) from. a*. .a.1 &l a à l a 1> Bleached Cotton,ý from. .................. lotsIets i -4;O ood Fal Dresses, from..bab.............a a $1l,50 te $4,00 Red anrd White FlWuneis. ai ........ 25cts to 50cts. t.an&. elaketts, (Ca»madiain and English,)fom. ..$50t$,0 K In loths he offer the largest stock- of Satinette, Fuil Cloths, Enghlsb,'ScbtLb, and Canadian Twoe4d S81k Mixtu'res, MeIton;s Whitney,$ t aýit rovy reduccd prions. i ~ek-C ot i~ m ade C rd er. CP-----qvu- - qw -Rw a. WrFor fashionabie Dry Goods and'Clothing, serViceabie BOOTS -& SIIOES, and frcah ceap Grceries--GO TO,9 ITBTY, OCOBEII 7, 1867. m~ né -COCII-RANFig, DUED»AS ST., 9 JY The Subscî'ibeil' ,is'dcsîr'ous o ir n hin is customers and the public, that he has j'istýreoeived aIl eil ort. cd STOCK or Ladis on band; Grain SoosiIBU l, ndalag Eh o and TInwâreý, at the noted" Cheap Houa., remember iiiw MATOU g.W COÀL 011,, Wbolesale and Retail for Fi Five Gallons of cair No. If Coal Oil, for one dollar bill, or on cents in iiiver, Very Cheapl seure ftve gallons at t4W 'f' !NI APPL E PEARERS-Thre'e thtns f ori4nk pesrr atrouigly flna8e, âebure 'o4e St J114 &BRO'] tff" CASHI PAID VIOR SEU IN~ At 014 NXo.I athK90 Y. G,, wiIl receive this week a large, coxuplete Stock~ of DRY GOODS, suitable for the -pail 6 poaew and fresh lot of - BOOTS'&- SIIQ'ES, For Fal and Winter wear, conoistin'g of- calft kid and pruno1ja, and heavy weair of ail kinds, whieh will b. found équal 1h style and quslity to any in thé MAILKIUT.- Repairing promptly iittended to. Prices very moderaté. g.w' Oive ~& call at James Bain & Cs old Store, Caldwell's Block, 13.ock Serect, Whitby. SA -L IOR P9 WIIIY, OCTOBE1I2, ISAsO-L IRTP Al ,Complet. Assortment of NEWFLLOBS liardware, &c., &C, olCmplete -in the -vari- ons departments. The above Stock'bas been purchased ou, ON the very best terme, aàd will be sold at priïeg, sodefy beipg un- , air» Will the public pleage cafl and ju4ge for thowselvus Wbftby, eptember yis 88. ffIINGPIELIDIN G & 00. Cali the attention of the publie to their uiyu FALL STOCK. Cotten' Goode veylow, Qxrey, Cotton for llve t cents Per yar4j Fast 001,ored Printé as feceia. Wlnceys at very Ã" lowôù Ã"RSTOCIÇ 0F DR $ss GOOPS3 is wll assorted, compnising. 411 b! the Bssàon. .REÂDY IAE OL( ýÀND CLGýTiKIN MADE TO OR Haývinf rapt a Cutter front or us with t the ýnoveltiesl r-e -eau wi .Alw'asOn baud at Stock. aind hdrnIFML R - ý 1

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