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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Oct 1867, p. 1

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mi 'Vo 'e- t ru - telsr!SeM B#ltrr Bs' CO J(I, .Le 15 *çWI*#IS 9. # 4S71,To x 'v4>NATANW pe, ep t legit r uufr stt Litss ehscostal, t bordcu e fote ai i>tf. .- W. ~ %. W lty aopEET JWLON. 7ale 'W'ýgjj UnieOn oe h oweIlSotorte 11h>'. z C.. W.wt TTOREY T L&PUBOLIC Tm. Se W. Il, 1144N05 SOLIOYGi, b4 61 4ý AliTRtAt nWATLÂ W tb i 41h. ,W 511h>. k 'qipuWEY -BrookW ,osi' 49 -1j 1AMES #4A»ONîb ,A KTIORI IXy.ATLAW, éOiiCITOà 18 4Iia&wgt"lO. 0- Tlsret er 'eto IPoot oinuc. &IRSTR TTORNICY,<NVY Vaîoa Lîsl.ViOWa OpumteTown LS PsyOiO~.l soiqw".Blonk. i 'S~~~~~~ -1 osiaî * W.,1IL Cà*iaias. a.nlter is hmsceYAte OIIZ01doas ta tise RiagItl 00.oeWhPby.411 TW, H. TEc!L, d &lli'lKAT LAW, Sotiiter lua cha- ýAWtoliANCBiIY, *CNEACN -iUfePrinceAbers, two Sders weal ol , . oismu'a sare. 1 ffJQEUN TO '<1K COUXTY GUL, ».W. FERRîE, .) nP. OIsc loiiu-8 to 0 .iQ sud 51les A. FaIUNtgL h lUCHIANT TALOR, BRUXJC STEWlST Ie.fIalst Ieu..-goustU o loek. y s~iItlupItiret, 8doom E&4 of %XIAtVILLAGE, C. W.,0F~A 111BIT IVISION COURT.- WgiqgW A1JCT1OHEME. Addmem- ion. 40-17' UNMES LANRON, oiaN KY AT LAW, 8OIO4C4TIT N'1 t'csai, Le. ,o. *e bet ualeit.' ISÂAC TEPNTON, Vrorleei A L310N lHOT EL.-1 JAMES BLACK, 14 rpltt Whtbj, JAz., liti 180,. IREVER HOUSE, ~1A088TIS O.W. Ujt.gem t. afid (om Whitbr cmii daliy. Evar ptietatiOls paid toguot. .Larotbl oi Afen- JoliN Ce. NbNuLLEz)f Ataoutant, land and General Agent,1 ANqD UTA tY PUBLIC. OlLLIAU 3'Oficeo lia Petesr rtrect, oup fd'nut oi J Mr. illffeu'î Drasg stînre. Wýed itmasS) iupruvad Vstsmlu tise eonitii ofUIt4as1osd bl5noe tor min. N-. 11 (uiietïoua atteudssd teand prospt teauttancoi sse. nlon. P. L. bioiirion, 1M. L. C, non. Joisu elsusoun, M. 7Y! C., lion. Geofrg e raw1'oa-' M. L. ., (1.)l (l m4wnEtoYq .C.,1M. P. .P.,9 Y7. 1 . Mn e> Kaq., i.P P. li l Ua'e;yiq., Wlaft y ; asi d - tora Barrie Fiaminfr, Causdian l'et, Lisiîjsâ, 1'RLNULE'SMOEL ]CINO kSIWERTi OSHAW. GLOB]B HOIEL T«"itol aSpi-.aaiueîbahin uspaeime a>' tise subourilbii-,V>det JAalJ sWi> b. olindataasa s~i> t at tend l.ormonasllî t lis vis*itao 01litgigguestis, &a. Tise éiile. h ave boeu cOn vepseutlY muS oottMbty SituS np; mitdpprd e wîtis oit.rn ofsowtofire vai, sud .very esodbria s iproemutto maketise ravoler di seomo durtia.giu iayItse dtTable bouittifal- 'iysuapptled ett*mlt tns. 'Notice te Paniers and Others LlqssomaWitilai.nd iealMro'?ut 1> L'oo, by gai lois or harel; ltcNanghttiis 9 'lulevtt, do. .do.; IliampleroExtra )4M iod eonl.ekBrai, witSi si eigi of l114'siaîd Cakatua at tise heat branda., Attentlvioter», anS Ilesses' 10 Jure. A. ALEXANDER. Brooklln, Jain,2lla. 1868. -4 WHITJ3Y. 0. DAWES - - - PROPRIZIOR. ràapetrooananIO40tles. Cas-oSai atten - dlons W tise mulurenti of trasietotisaiSi gueit. .'tlsa.ouxa itsbling and mioJ-room, and tnady esîVeris il owaym vittin OUi. 12 VICTORIA HOUSE, saumbi.s4er;z, venir. JOhii< SPI'ttLL--------t.. P oitieor. T 119 se é4lber deaaoi0laso usis i n isiîy Ifridliai tisat lie lag now eaiarylig on tise aiqskeliotel, ani tist lie anppiiem nnoue bal tise beagt of vlae.liqas, ci arsa, aud reSre.as mentis. A Wolf saupPi12table. Go.aatin muS eueiasmed yard. JON PtM LL Whltby. Oct.4. îlOt. Su (LAT£ PLATT'S1 NELSON ST. TORONTOt - N oRTI OF KII~GST. BASSETT & KEEBLE, PoopiîiToia&, et, s.T ~i nnueit home,ý$ b taYhave licou tie abovc prmnisem wbrolîi are lu very repaoonvente11lsuîva ossfortcbiy litteS 1.qj? lOt tise aceosuusodmtou oouse ud 00mu4tit'ving pubi. Tise wlil b. o l'nl constaut perimui attendant.c, anSl will l ave notblss undone on it arî;tg lité maltO fl w m tu hlo MAY 0tri t ssus wth a DIjIpAS STENtET, WHITBT 0C.W. UZ Eolb on Uropre aiisi-laifruit nw aîerld r' iflmi i enrnvt .dr1Ismumi.Sql It.d p thongsoat la l wq<Lt '"4m 1-rfzllR.OJR 75 GILLESIE, MOFFATT?&I %Jis, gentl bot (NOUJIANCE aiit 10S by FIEore I leletesio ieusoit ftvotmbl9 ternis asald: 10511 PAD itisont rerm th he isIosr lai LsAd»n April Srd, 1586. tiNW'Io Bq, 'SSURANCEICOMPANY IliE nhale d habàvlng been appointcti Appiy t0, LuVi PAtRBA4KS, Jin, hOMM N or NEW MAVEN, CONN;, ln"estett capital-$,OOOOOO. <11;8oid etailised mmsol, cruhi e fin ti lociit,,iw t se i i mlTding (sI. oilielea. I Fgm4n$>rf»f9pl 'je OUFS m~a dvasa- Ceutt1cmpswlen ou %hobicMtuell ima- Farisers have iii thse muaarity - of the Capital OSk or i,@oo ' )rdinary Vanne r rlcakuien et or abont Oneo per cent, and no preaninn not« eoquirad. JOHN AGNEWr Wisitby, Juno 28, 1867. 8nm2 TUE LNSURANCE COMP'Y. Ssi$vasd thtir nott*, Counlt> Sehool IrbTjspase i iisiLgt. 3"- Lon inyae r.ow uoppontuity et doiug =m0, 1 mp itit iIer at tise BcS offce, or te 0181Yo tie01 ci OgutuUr rate» wlt b. Ss und mc tow mx tisosa. o0au>rnsaonsablo Mtuali lu- snrasace (.utnpassy lat Výn i. IlRAiD OFct-T'e UtSlf cgitryOffice Building, Brock Street, Wiltby. 0 F iVicEÉa às Do'xÂs.b MKAXr, Eu. IMàouo, KQtoa. ri4s, G U lxo.iusfaTrom, Jeusx WILLii, 3>AvfD S. tow, Je.. JloL5Zis, I.Llei<u A. ICI1ARDWrN; W. Il. BILLINGS, 'Taxziniair. Soraesxo. Bwii.LleRoyal Cadian Bunk. -Whithy. Juiy ts.1867. 27 Fire Insurarice . coly ESTABLIS}iEi.) 1803. Capital, £1,945,000, Sterling.I IPOuSA IlavemtnJ lua'udi-16O0 TWssIEANCES sigainuat long by Fre cftncted IL oia tise anot favunauile tarns. Alit ioçeom pilS wltlaout tnfèrnscnta tis asrd lu L.'ndosa. RINTOUL BROîTHIERS, montreai(ntorsi Ageuts jqr Canqans.YKANW WraT Aapior Wiltby, Osawa, Bovraaaville, ii narroulnssuaticnistiv. Sinn's-26 TRE iV ERPOOL AND J4NDQN - Caspital, Surpan., and Remervesi fitudo'. ........ ..........1,7166 favestei ln casaida 2...... W000. Fteîjm. aetve~,lun1969, wnàre * 5,86i,2à0 15 AILT Premitissi, npwAirîdmof ... 17,000. sarlsodera petmnssly respculiile for an- Iragelouta oS tise Comapanuy. SNAII Directotm inuist b. Shareisoieri .1. kft F ,IPPARTMEIT.,- *tIANCE effntd on ail a m<r of pro- Prt> At entrent tutesl. i FAIM BISES AtmOpealiiyr d# fawslU. LIE DEPAIRTMKNT.' Nbextra charge for R W ifay 'Servicein defencècf t the Countryi Idfe Poliies forthe ibieeftt 1 '-Wife c' Children are-seonro from seizure by Creditors.' lu hm $7*111 am. too4a Itumtruntlon given lnu îisowooh Bou*, it- "Yon,'liatr qoit, r'g ,Tisory ut Mcml. sai Co'aispoggltiosafaisle!n.xlUe5' ae.tlohl<1 bc giver. 10 the ciltivwalôn or tue.vole,> TEIMS:-Istrntioi d'tihe Piano,,$10. theory OSxnlul'eonspýOaliloss, gSa., extra . Witbrt septelnber 2b,"1867. 8 1ICK, DESffTROYER.L Taimiial from JOHK HIEYDBe!t 1 trioS Mdiiir'i Tiek De*troyeor ons a few ofS jt sBiaep, about"às monts go, belote uiplaag, htisrs ere Ond wîppi .cab aa4 agoost dos ofSemn ~~n isg tlaenab ut tlis cleo Andlsi to m'taia5 ho.ageS o pontfssg or dslpsasWgo 1e iminaderit tise boit i oer uised. 1Wold tubokemt 85eti lnto sud $1. »85 cent box wiii deain 20 Sheeji. SSol evpYMwlsere. RVGHJILLEII AC& I'a.mzionz, Tos.orso Actsht10, 1867. tfN "AIbion H GIe' JAS. CROOER, - Propriotor. T liE , obaerlber bop to Inforn itsala mny j.pbtrolii and eaïbtoinerm tisat ian lion talion toiqsbuvogetve premiaci, whiseh.lae» hgwiy isisailcd and fittnd p, ln tise Mnst tlaoruagisaueandcifortahtp pmkn8sînr>aindi winro h. hope.s Irons tis eoncteeed fmnsltiama t bi eonmsusas, te giveo r bIe atiafagtn tois lt giWe.tsnd i e 4r eaabled t. mret tise te qalppieuti of thé~ trsaveliug cosnaunaity. JAMtES CBOUKER. Alion ilotoi, EIst nsickot squsare, ëeptoauîbet 1111, 1867. 84 NITBOlJS OXID9,14UýGRIKQ QU, OR'TRI IÇEW LOCAyA.Z.NSTHTIVO. AT DESNT.4t uiL>è; DUNDAS STIlREE Ti 1,UITBY,'C. W., IIOOMS-Ovr rM. IL. Voeisane'mstore. Wlslts1Y, Jane 2f, 1667. 2.5 For Sale. 1O (hACRE , lag North-haif oS Lot la, TowHNoSmai cf PIOERING A ir*t.-rcte lii prlvilege, IF r ie llMa sud Baa. Tise lot compriela 'ia a quantit> et vssuln.o Çdar. 3W-TF, JUlS JMODEReA't 4 For titne, &a., ppiy te, DAVID .BOYER, Lot 14, 7tis con. JPickerinsg, Brtoughamn P. 0. Septaiuber 10. 1867. SOmça4o b»]RECf I7FON THE 1MPoIrrERS!! WEA 1 TEAI! Tg 1 0. T IIF, bONT!EAL TRA COMPANY, A Ilic- il ritsf., 4ortreul, issviusniut timportesi la ilcnaîtiLy oS Ornais sud Blisel T'.sam, heg ta ailts aiîetsiinot'lliTraite,Iliotel Pro- priultot, ansi lrgn gltallollleltstgencnnlly t iscir liait oS prit'.b. -Buni-m oS Ciscuta ands BoxeR orTes willi aive mana> b>' gctisg il di- tant titongi tise Importernt. Ail ordon. ftr 25 lb. Sexeç anSdn pwvarda carrnge froc te ansy Itailvwaiy Staitiona lu CausSe. Busynrs liviasg bayonS lLùIaiuw ~'Stations Wini pleiss'e lmod Paat office order, or enclose noteit. <ti c aringe wili Se psaid ta tise namiretmtstion ivtithro aysier rt5 oclice». Tom viliiSe forwrdedimtod6fely bu iceilpt oS ahé arsitr by smaial conatisg iosiey, or thinoany caisb. collecteS on delivery b>' expremai main. Cas called ilis Moutrsal <ree or charge, anS Teai forwarvded for tisesitne. Notiisg lemsa tsain 25 lii boxes muid. Origialsiackage. Black Tesi vogs, eisat about 50 lb.. sAl do ?,0 ta 100 ibe. green 'Vea.fSrcm '5010Fd. lb.. Te" noi usautioaiealIlasi counîiia nnb.clad eqsiaiuiy eiiessp. Ibe Companay>'Oro dtnui ta tiko aistaind itise Mositrnsslasai-k' nVery artible May tlcs'er be depeaaded on nea t. qualititu ancwtl BLACKL TEA,, k;oMmon Congon, Broken Le&?, Strong Tes ................. .. o..... $04 Fine flavord ew eston, S.;... 05 $060nd Uoiong .......I....... .......45 Btl vorotdeo.... ................O00 Very flsradoSo............... 07 Ver> ue do............... .. p058 Twanlcay, Coannon,................. $08 Fine:do ...... osa Fine ôO. .....................0 alipetftue asdvesy ece . ;......:. I0< né insGnpovdet........ .. 05 EntIs-a aperuardo....1o0i PWeadatioa u âsm d e BayorsolFt bM' the bi lai l otsaa4 nadir gp 'Zaie Y, L wltlo. d ndr gý0d *tat Pt atin of it i4,, î ' ,t l I' zl B.AD TJUEL V.LOWINI*I 1 bereby eeri ist anj ion bia £ arfai moelg einuuoh0 mo tiu4 p fll f il o s ld si,@ bose quit. br ,sesed'm5 Doaeyl'ctr reicopmeàind 11 t rwC. .16. TilutIotua b rtfly tiat lait May I1uiset a kettie of hoillia ti r oi suy atm, wlili too tifs &S 0'10,18q lagtise but-alw. t'boe..1 alidýe4 *ýt ýOràioasg lui forire. et ospe 4rd u ua very abottiP. BYICNE, Droggiti, whitby; WV. T. AtelN &ON, and MAUX K )ItEN', 4> #Ubsu~~cd b> aiH Drogglatetlatise eonnty. June fith, 18~' 2um2 NEW CARIRIAGE AND WaggonSho'p' là propared to ssanpjflttro tob order, aiJ klado WVAÇ1GQN.0 IN LATEST STYLMS. W Rptr n et> nd promptIr execntedp1lltBaj W- Tire. alono XâEMt oi lAn'î, Duadma ltrL't, Whtby. WtaItby, Auril 23, :867. 1 De F. BURKE, Famil> Grocer, wlae & spirit KIGT.EAST, OSHIAWA. OROOKERY & GLASS WARE A WELL SELECTED STOCI9 FIESITEA11 ..< K Ali;p ëtaj' boas ) la Ç~ust the and stratton Bunmm Colinge, lotaieaIBuS- <slo. TIi là heli*onaiartcta7OL sii igaislzd bn.lnoom seisool tisi eziuteiice. isnscqsuofo tise JasaIS oS MrILt . 1 Strsatta, tise Ilyaisat aied Interest basibcu disposeS oSfluneaosrl> aU tisa Volages oS tise chait). hînreater, tise Calic.go ALON'.!will Sesinantse ihen anagemena oS Dr. J. .C. BRYANTr, visa.11I'devotaIlais wbole lIma aud onurgiea to the ;r Trailniug of youug s-mou vo isailslis ncbtain s tlios-angla lciuwleiz al] tise irialiantiniap- îinertintsg tluao Jinois.mEdaatioa. lENt Ti , BA*KIZ"Gk IUBIN ,A W, FINANCVE and }'1VISAL ECUN- OMY rn talight IYi tila Aud tuily Illettatod by 'rcz nolutise Coi- tege Iteaunâ,,by i SuIt corRuaor ezlicrieutiad tisorougial>' casnpetott iuitti.Tu4.lP eaui ettert u a'tisse. Tiser. are ne voca- tiens.. For ter'me asdotser lIformin, AAidi LE. . GANT, J.5ILN. 'I Aptil 3, ae. 16' 2so- ~jONE Y tb loin osa good FUArta elgh pet catit iutoeast NEGLSI 1"UANrtNLmto, isi )VARS & CDEVLIN. Mm'nceestrepItishirad ooliort SIls.o Ã"4er] Bank a.ç 3W EXplIE-7. AGENýT- &0. îsoAo fer Aeldenutj tanUdard lu.taVe on. .DR. PEAI'Er A il of T os-o uto . o t e t Ahyuuiu, ip, tisé country W, viiasso mucs 'publie àt opaSipn'4aie noÏw- heing urnS, s u b mh of Muhia, end mrrouuded b>'Tsl'p boesauedans aS4 2 ptimn#, sapinit vhoan an>ilesntib, fosai 14.6 1i..- ao 0a, i b13,4irane iiioum Motre Ila ageoai alC ud a d e b p- - , l e > '. T h é e e l m at1 g o o d 1 bioney,Faiits, cor»,iid 4spiCas.'tIlhie besids greaitmanorai' reore ; 01&ï coppean d itoualire touS iti un- diàco; so t1iW4i, Ie là hpn y .Ont govencuett tg rlifriend'l>'and coin- merdiai relations vilhs o rieS a coutry le 4~y né' moine iil-.dviscd. ,Tisé yeiiglois"of Lise country la chriatian. Tihé rsHi'n faIly.'tsim té h.decennded (rosa thfhilidtsaitlQmie, Sieba bore to Solpinonster ernea u rnsber visit té bis domains; aind thse lion oS ,Judah, or the lion, oS St Mmk-tiiasaint, ltit lesup- ps a, bavi g co mn1e on a- spécial mission tem-is their national einbleinm. But, tiseir noétions of ehristiai it>'dTe vasti>' from ours, and limpose but little rasîrint on their couduct. Tiscir'priestboed, visoa tise> boiS ln gi-cal re4'reuee, are ailiun- dcr tise jarrisilctiou of Lise Ahooua, or btgb priet-the proeut one, Salama, being, aecordiug lu encrent report, tise liSti visa hbm iloS tise office. Tise services lu- tiait hurcis a are con4 lueti ntise Geeç tongue,isdemd laM IZ pt6thiisau or tise people. Th.ey deteat tise Roman Cithele Ohc, and, like tise votairles of the (Ir.k Ourcb, adore picterea r 1atispr Ibmù Imagea. Ti re mebovever, - erime excite# no shasase et Siagust asaong 15cm, ncflcetiaig ta fast, or to Cosupl>' vili' ioine of the superstitions Observanicets o1 dkid rol he'O, ~ ' t4 i leir eli,* tsjs' e direful resuilis thatsua>' accrue» 10 tisen. ['hait drema la ceusposcd' entiret>' oS white ettons; tisatof îhp vomen ofon long visitb grm.nt *ouly w hii c sidk shirt, bestava4dby tise Rsi. ortetie, la tise distinctiou of the Abyiîsinin nobilit>'. Ovar tisas. .emi-elvilized. sosibarbarous petiple tise Emperor Thénodorosm mies vits ve-Ty disputed alma>'. AIrer aIl, bp le but a forînubla rahel, viso, having tistown off tise yak. of Rai Ail, hi. fatiser-iu-iaw, tise thou ruling soverelgn, Sas taken tise power lite bis ownisauds, and, b>' ver>' sueetus- fui enconnters vith i$ isneighbbrs, C. bs siceeeded In neaý1y doubiing tieseotent of us îidouipios. Ritsreg Damevia Li> Casima, but on, , pcendin -tise Listone h iea s au sad t ie nm e o ! 'ib o d o r u s, on .aconut of a popular propbeoy, wlirh forntold great.gogr rand. pjei4nrdur. in tisé Teli of a long promisSpier For ai hiie tise prosperity laiteS, but oniy fon a viie, anSdsebnlibn hai s ats beeu everyviene rite aio"ng fil ii.ki'y, t cqired subject. ude ro ali a Itis inpoessible t 10 rm i h eorflictisg account. eantinualty ablat of lie true charmcer e! Ibis soyetnign, la & tis e arl4 peit Qf hiÃŽ relgn hoa emas to F-have Ïlven _çviqegpa of greait htavnry, vis- *-deib naiidssetion, and t10 have adopted 'a far seeiug anS progressive poliie ; wbiie Fhlm great amniaiiity anS gqod lreedingî Land aiveel amiilo afid &aciôus mainnes pIpe 1- enliai tot.bisa, aecured tisa poil will oS -al whisoeaiu in contact, vilshlhm., But if vo ihay' udge tram tise vety uncectaitl 1. sifty poli e>'hahais uSopted ,toç!ars,, lis i untottunaite prisoners no i su uspower 10 hie uavity aqd bouyed ords are but l11100 a epenhded ou, Vromn tise tris ho savwed ail ail limes a gr-eat'iiking. fo Euîropcai, ainsi on. Bell, .uu Engliahai niaritd té an Abysasiin varuan, vas tei i.mnny yeairsfhis chieS (rienS aul4 advlàéia Il Ths e egta eutaibiisis riendi>' 1ýiation -betwcau Grest Britain andI Ahyasinia. bai haen alen maoted hefora tise ccnpion a tisé ptséent Empetor 3, and il vais la raitat it -ai traaity sieh originale5 vwilS bis credo cesoer, UneAlil, Nov. 2, ý1ff, t.iait Mr Plowden, lu 1852, vais seul ont aïs can. à.'aeand i-. Bell ap ri;tO10 baye hem 5fiends, aSüdthongi-tise nov 'm cassiS not ba brou$ht,,,ePcîhe'.delisitey 4 ratiS>'tisa tresl>' an detanwieg 0 tise can 's nui, he vas prodigal,,nrougi eftcourtaoi > wrdsoudeva>'siguoS ontwsai b onsi n arnS e2ferenceé.y-MUr. Pifow4en Aike 'M 10 Bal,wvaâ cempht*ýIr'Ça 'n: oiTOÏ bbis g ct'louasmnner4 au iwents»0 tar ai&.tuabi( ,,, 'bslu inis vase vilS tSeé'op'posintri * sadois evryvierson, th. roU, 1ii ¶ caieton, anS tljt b. »si ay ci my nmbmay t; zugiand. -*0ee oy tl4e' Ilam op eu tie 'cbrstiaas . . poarnpe. bvi~o~ Sd p hbs vont on ain di 1 6 - Co nst i ual 1 6 e ~ pa in g b .. tvoon ise Brilish g ve rnanent tanS Tb conul, but vitis no resaIis fiai lb.th atul nogotlations betve thfie tIv o w v e1mul dvet- n ho 0l. suotuatt conulnIfS-I In o lie'slpleasateo 'o tise,_ catons asspero, vho at oeieimpison-AS..t hia becauseh hose çute assrt tisaf, lu- tsad oSfaakirg is, wv a>'teMmaas2 bo SaS saiS, Caiptain Caranïba beau la hlm. Non did tis. sovelogis stopi bte.T hlm Sisapioaaure fell on oves>' Enropan, vitisin bs' neh, ainS Ibis leS te tise isaT pri3moet o ai lt tise nfertunate people vWho are nov ciuaing guci ms gn Sf hop anSSea ln ti .dreir>' prisnAt utg 4iia'Cat. Cnseou, letmter dateS9 Ang. 20, 186, doici-ibos thonabig ai glSt lu numbon, viz, Ms- lssaMn,; et viios sacre audon, D', ' ne o, 'surgen, 10 tise Abya.inia màission, LotPiduna Mcasrs. Rosntisal, 9true ra, e an tsissionairies 1 Davd Pietro, an Ilin anS hsistlt'-g. is4S anoçisentermn n ih iu a o rj i jsy n . . éi *p t ta 1g13.4 , anS MW bldtudMi cenia on il tist t.an*il (*mote isalugis tise>'too ham àttcn boce wili the ti t Nai M gd Soi i'Magdam bis. Easaatlal's son .! îS mn4 >cr .ttl io çIluasborns saS vicisat- tu "d àoS' lire. A ýiT lb. iIiïsslioeA thse goveroahént proing fuille le 155, Mr-. Bassain, c LevAinle b'birtÏs,%vas Sespatcisadtio AbyÃŽiia te ltan tise ne- leaie of ~ e oniappy' prmOnrs. u, 11ke theise, ebt 1m %çirtousl>reesived, baSeS wvith Savon., anS better theI.~.lepi sonars vet ithi. sauggestiOn Taemm Bu't ais 1 only te alS to tieir puat ais,' riiise bittennes s aof ppointad be; ta, uuder sene isa;' retoat tihaItise rnliie.id heen-Improper-y carneS ont, tise aufortunaite pTnuoet ¶ere ani ai p i ou ,a i nd1 is a s~ Em i u ii - lei pitiaiblo ta tiMS tise aCCOUaIs hl> gçive or tiseir erual Sisappolntsaaut.1 In 1860, luit. PiedS vwudespalcised' t .on bphitf of theprimoner, snd o ndc ont goy- otumeut tq,scsqS in qiairplace, as linS oS isestagea asi il weoifror-.qOur* çe %j4jt soaneakilied mocheuipiS and ttzans, gis- emitis," boatvrigbtb, viseigistd, and vie h erto ecai'n tenlsr brades Vve ttitg. iseoption et neturnihgieot ie lSô~sae lime. Mn. lFiadd iWas'ipili' scected fetr tise saaien, becassehoeloft bbind hlm lu a tise Eîuperor's poTer bis viSe andchbiidien anS thqraby meureS bis tnturfi: .1 for,", tise mouaireh remaitedIl"tea àEuopem h is heurtleis is viSe, asSbis qA-q eue ébis ,chelîdran." Ater 'aiu'iiàity of trouble- n Mný 1 laidS id allait returri, aud«iil i is Sais Sain aiAdnn-na compan>' ofS me6iauies ý àbut no ternicanid be wrnugfrein Ibi d craifty potentat., vixo diS %Iin is-lmpover *ta got 15cm juta hl islebces vitisont te- leasing tise prisaners la..nd ait littise>' avoecompeilad reluetanîl>' ta reta 10ýt Il Englaind, afts a fruibless erraud.1 ç Froma tisaiie ta Ibis 1li argumenta anS prtesehate beon rinavaf 1511. anS 15. Sunisappy psaonerm. bavereaaînedt bis .T mc>. Ailtisheir goods,hiaye.. beau, couéý- It fiseated, afn nad'thontise>' bave ou- st SureS lise pin anS ignensin>,' otbaljs ) r ir i e S 1 ,o th « n t A ssie. S e b as g i 'o s tie m n, man>'prauls of bi s ,avon,; but bis-orsS s- as pi omises aine alike usn . lca S t of e these Stoar' intb1.bave benuépet ail Megdais, w$' MW and ,tbgp a change to id DebaTabor, about 111' i les dtleu of Dr. Blanc dm.nbos it a uinal plateau, 2 sucS ai arsee omni usAb>'sS'ie, ', e4unl Y ile 'and all m. ile ln lngs, :r. anS baltea mile ini' breaidîi, atthe enlrena e .' nfth tiaWailoo Galla country. ->Tots ra ý ton,. Ham Laanb-5 entrl 2nS Wm. Cairmtisens, Tnr"er Siseaining Evesý- Thsomips1qst , , Ànts F ivwe ,lembs-à ['rues, $nS Geo.- Th, ['bonipon.- Boas, 1 year ol.dam i li Wsa. Harri s rLu2 ý--.lovrPigof 1861-t #bsbomo 2usd W m., Bu Be siSov-4 e -ýov.Pig. 1M6e bora, ÃŽud -Wiýs t. ris Twro àpl3msof Ma Ua. lvIz O-isf STv. bui Thrnipi enS Thos& -,- leadà Mosu-den HeseSiae-1 oty, li der-. , Lyd. ull'Clotis-5 etl Jas. KVs-on, 2n5'lMms1 lat 4M-Nevton Grahsâa, PairBlankt-S entriez T. IVesle>', jpd Pais- WaolienJ T. Wesley, 2nuS Siteins Stock Mn.. T. -Weuleyi LRaz e1. 1. 6bi Bu kt, ti

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