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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Oct 1867, p. 4

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ice. la holoby V,îtr@it ifi ulestlots ddeu tiso e c'ar liotlit* or th tis Lwli las tise Cisîst>' of sturiv. 2isa Octobor, 1101'. 89 le Ilsrey giveii, t'bat appieatioti '10 mpade ft!ole LrcsaLÂTssaOr <lit- Je lîet $Couelos tiseeoot', or cutiso livti nreito1 for un Agt te thse part lVerry end ti htby lHail- "isilssdtoetoinîc war tise Isuisd UCo sskuc àlisilway frein #otise poist ;tsgng, ai or sar lPort I'erry, tei Scs 1ae Oîtsrlo, I'sstwcsstise teo 4'r isc' r(iwviiimiiii-orEnst WIlt. bwe'Sterlimits tf tise Tcwlsidîs )of týyw fors <i itis ssblwjg tihe eusd CIoItncmt, or iîrissu ssîl Ssa Likse<utitsio, boLwusen thse polissem Lfor thie iîrîocf lijuovilssg Le ut (lise eSOg.l River. l9fAtguot, 1807. t-S Lfo mForte. ýAN;'LEy 1'. JlUtiIANI lugo; te tance to tliselisliststit ets.'V litlsy eiriedto give lii.trutioist usn tis , (w. Cooltîrg. sus npps'y to Ur.Itssîser, or ut tise )ot & $hoe liQrtIus ft STUCK 0cf srq. JAS. BAIN & Co., Boots &Sos ¶2 41peclpttC li cuulsie for tisheaes gui lit pnieus îst csft ilot (MI ii u ma- on. sIloRpsstriuu< seutly axeasîteal., ie-uSr tullue, MmrcckIcstreat, W istby. IUIIEPJI A. IjÂÇDEL. d's Ja.i .9. eu720 iYard!1 et lîssi sestered loita arange-' lisastle use<istiutt isUPplY e owutatawanit pricea. ihet <Ilivereai orsoolai JOhIN J<ITJI Lk L umiber!1 ssaelua!ity MRER. .onto, WCecau r order&s BI'ST QIJA14ITIES 0P Alwv on lîand at Lowc's.t 1ates. gW' Cal sud EocOLtJNG, FIELDIING& T. . :1 IIuocïc$xi' rT WhibyOct lui86. John Keiths u te totreset ioîussd essUI, c<riigt iseretulOpre. r S!orse-sloolig « crefuiiy do00, aud on tbe bUât kssowss soiesstllt, priiliien. Cf Al kisîsit of Biet k mistk' is£dgeei eo t the olsi stasi. JoHiN KEitTH. *Witty, JueeBis, 107. ly?-22 ~T liE sUnlerlaned beg tua annetince thst liv* I lis 54urelîsi.ad tise nterest ofbiti. lLà Iss tise fWvlstbl5tlvemy stable, anssdlisavils sisiue lite adtiitiongil ic reto inhuras ead ve iielei, tsuy sre sua-su' repssredteUslîpiy Ail orercisfor u'vcmy ln te utr lsssnSitr, isnd te MW et tisepublic cqirotzseistb îromtl Lis avery respect. . COULTIIÂRD & .A.STR ONG.8 Wiltby, Jungs 12, 1807, MILLINERY 1 1 1558 Sntsiutege t». ennotinca ets a ijo& ofes~ O»siuse" aausdiVse'uuity, tîst isc 'ss 550W ij raeolt eof lier $prlig <tock of' 8illiisoy .##sd lo rrepasred ta executelo Ioî-55i1 In riruwasie Ict %'rk, iwit)jis daOîutei. Vices@ u% ekItsae ut tisrsit isuecee tliansefor lhsst îavoure3 gW- S1J1C09 14TILBET9 OSRAWVA. AprîtlO00s, 1860. Lanld For Sale, T (0 TAILlIEuSMICTANU$ SEiCII- iluitssasail otitemo wlLlI epsrdsa *1 w"A "'PO E T Tise folsIglist ni Lotos', 'e111'bc olal 10' f Or cadI, omt IrfutValu atlison imo, vI, -»t Lot, C *l"C. Marn, 200 hAras. LLiS tia'biusiet, 200>' mW U' îj, i 'Tuatsto100 ~ W7, $rdI66 do 100 ' fot7ti 'Il Beinosst 2910" Lntsi tV, si usiige, 200 El 19, $rdl' Restels, 100 si a Mit1, Sui " Essiy 66 ' Lot 1, CiL h ' Vemulin -Sa LotiT7, front " earvi Lo)t 22, do," do, S 'T -ltis,' oîueiMli, 100' Loi , 9tiu *' 10, 200 ~ ut et7th " dsic, 200si Lo, .2tIu " do, t200 su -lot 0 thtl " do> 200 66 1ot il, Itix ~dé$, .200 66' LotJi,Oah do,. 200 66" NEJ! 27, 2n54 ' Wh1by, .50 -" Baverail ussý1bi beîliuost, for bush-cesg fnd Viivato el-îialileTownso!Linsa- Cr athr nfomitonappy to ROBT. E. PERUY. Whitby Whitby, Maroh, 1$85. 12 d4~~~AI ela Y FÂUME JUS& ONR'FSOK T211E IIAUTIIORI) LIVE STOCK INSRAUECOMIAY 1ICOiRP'OIIATEI) B1W TUB Legisatue Of Conneeticlity ithaparpetulal chsarter. $tO00de I s e etW te i u l s t h e C o ff p t r e lî u s s e a c s r ity f o r l'ai Iloidcrster. Tisîs Coin sny len ov preprci to Issue po- lidsc on hiVIL sST'OcE, aaisist cti DEA.TH AND THEFT-9 At nsedssrsstc )Xates et' Prsulum bifu'caton anu F'lsgieh expuirtiesi eofover YFIHT VIAUS. Tise Pioneer Comnpay of Asuerieit. HOME UFFICezl-No 2e8 ain Street, Urrtlord, Cousu. cw' .IAC!<FIE.9 ailgtofl Street, Itastiun, $SpEiîty & WesutiiMassît levs; 106 Iirouidwoy, New Yens7 Coos& MuS M a M egr»; 480 W alnut 5'trcau5,phi t l9illiuY . A. Cosaus, bMasagora; 49 10% Sale 9Str eet, Chsicsago, Mmsu s O5.Tsswlo, Appiy te, AaUXUr, Wsssim, Feursssy 20, U487. BÂLTIýIIE OYSEISY Fruits, Cigars, CHI1PPE WA WHISKY AT Wîsitby, ]33rokto Whhtbys' r' net, 2,1807. Sm-se Oeo.Ayers. GENILUAL BLACKSUITI, -ANXD FiBST-PRIZE IIORSE-SIIOER, DVNDqlA5 GTUEET. Whitby, 10, 1887.. y2 Doiler'for Sales' App!y at Uic Wiltbýý Tonssdry, or to, JA.'. LOGAN, Eaq. 50 rîckeving. Farm for Sale Or to Lot, witbiu og mile of BEAVERTON. ' PSPLENBIgB Agg Sn A ÂCRE, (60 acres elcared,) boum aud Î) barn amilOrcisard, wiliilne scmlecf thse fossrtablojg Villaue of l*c:&se*sn, t.lie pro-ý p3aed terndnuso f thse Fort Rope, Llnetay and A Complote Assortment of- NoW Arrîvîing to IIAI'4ILTON September 18, 1s67.-, WatC2es &Jewelry* GET TIIE BEST. TE subsriber begs to annunce that h-- as just received a Jwellselectcd assortment, of new Goods, consisting of- CoUd and.Silver Watohes, Jetpasd 0.14 Esr Rings, Gatisad Sîvier Osuardi, [Finger Rings, Bronce»e, SeanI Piunot J!enilî Cnâws 'iaisbiis, Letus, Cîssrss, &. 4&Sine asortimnst of French san mÂuercsn Cloclas, 6lcersschaim Cigar Ilderselrlir bot aRd iothser Pipent, itceI spectsacle§. osiiAWA, MAY! 1867 IIALL'S- J. P. JOllNSTONI 09ILAIVA. tf-20 JCARRIAGE WORKlSl AND WJLt KEEP ALWAYS C £~GOLD AND SI An a ssortmaien tof New Whitby, Juiy 24,1867. aN MI 0 s COC A! ADVERTUE1IIEN 0F 1115 IgINENSE 1AI1L STOCK. PnintsMEN (FPs coo1)fr 1......... Ot5tole Factories, (stout and. wide,) from....... ets ' 2C Bleached Cotton,from.......... .... 0t"et Good Fail Dresses, fron. . .o....... $,0toé40 Red and White Flatneli.4-. .,...... ........ 2ts te fi0cts, Blankets, (.,anadiau and EnglijSh,), from....$250 to. $6100 In Cloths hoe offers the largest stock of Satinetts, .Full'Cloths, Englisb, Scotch, nnd Canadian Twileds, eilk 5fixtures, blelton't§& Wlitnley's at greâtiy redcecd prices. C-lothin~ made to Order. IW- For fhsihionable Dry Gooda. aTId- 'lothing, serviceable BOOTS &~ SHOES, asid lresh cbeapGrcie-OT, 1WEHITBY, OCTOJIEPLIY, -1807. fl~5 Y FA RQU 'R N'Sa A SPLENDID LOT 0P, flR1~SS G OODS Embracing-Mohli's and Mus1ins, Shaivs, Prints, IToop Skirts, &c., -t cost.7- Cheap Factory Cottons, Scotch Tweeds, îîd fineasi t Cloths, for gentiemens' Sizner vweari K~ i iils ~îeY. ta Embraces a. choicp,'assortment of New Fresh Teas, Sug fees, &C, &c, CHEAP riOR CASI. Farmers produce takeu in exc-hange for goods. JOUIN FARQUHIAI 163 KinguStu West, Toronton A 1r aiety of Cary'gs nad. The proprietors oti I j S9tab1I;shui1ts possesâfaciflties for manufacturing Carnages. that enable them'to défi compitition, eithcr. in price, stylé or Call and aeefor Iyourselvee. I~~~~~~~I T0Tlc~~(ÂVV 11? LUI3~W3 27 AND(C e tin n 1plos e i eg ngaged a, i~ ~~rn taa srl£lI ' go d i to a -P 1isarchy hld th'e lsiuie itel lesipe bava bLnasait This lu to kettle ci 41 tise flli cil sailerasi tis wuoka. 1Iiý et once curpé Pzsar-OTT SONS, and iby a11il D Silver at par. & CO.S. M4 IL ý lcocn- RANE DUNDAi -ST., WHITU 1 1 pour peir cent off for Bank Notes. 1 0

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