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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Nov 1867, p. 2

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ifovla4dpftsuuted tho.report nd tlcisotte.on Public /ee. rourevctlat ttsýquouwribc.-vo. 'n M"uebra s tu*, th nfr the PSï indi7 80lth W, Moe icidld1ae -oicet, îc vould m'Ot. that the Boule Wàs, cuil4r Certinre peetlg th banoSItreo ingfortheIntrcoo,îai ail aentetton bMonday, rl&b,* anttentIonao the, itoue. lluded'toïm aàformer debai., Iitof bIs lion. frenuiauon Boncbes to ccupy their Abus.. (SIcr, hoear, and of Sir John A. Micilonc:d, ading o'f the 0111 reiaulng ici Mdembers mtiid Saliades ci the mils Houses cf'Pa&rllauent lon, Mr Daîion aaid Lb. <hcory o! <he bliésioi alalio*ance of six bundreai dol arau *u, that sastIre session vas expected ta luipaq.uuidred deys, the pay' voulai bc el olrsa&.As a niamter or feet, 'joteyer, ln 1605 there voe.tvo sessions, 1sating ninety-rifne tisys, sud înomlrera et 'cluvs-n'dlaaare cents pier day for ,~'oe ssion, ud' Jiteen dollars for Lbe o6tlrt,. In 190-. ,ase, there vere Lwo ses- 1:ionss, andth Ie pcy oqteulled niiie dellars - èlx&pïï@even tts. lier day laitue en@ session, anîd icren slity-nino filtie othe?. Tire truc princîpli, lhocoutendeti, vafixcai perdfçmail ovancq.îlie dît! unI Intenai ho divide tue Ilt>uffë; ti'(%t hnaît wish b y bis ilencle t u t*e ksupposeîl <batlire acquti- 6ésqcitkt flic 13:0 1 >t1f1lako mode sose romarits on lime muilloage laiiewance, conmtoving tiat insteaut <10e ast le,vbiii, seitin -am Canoda vas woereoa, gave the merribera $80 moto '-Ohm <heoin mttai-travellinig cxîîeises, îgsaa'berasbould i-ccs(te vhat they durciar. ,m. Iohave baron tiror aciuml expenses neot te exceed Ibo' a mle , lie Iiniatod t4t~ 6 w oarld uoyv. mi mendmntto *1e. u *set* dCemit-w oft heevbole. , 14» e0111 vas <"eurorad a second time. The.flouse dm wMn v ontlteCominlttee o! 'heb. vé, i e ouridenthe BOl-Mr- Smith thlgie chmoir. me# Ch 4lamberlain propoxe t bt ilithe dedion extenaled- beyond nirmty days, 'meihresaboulai necelve aiiowauce of $000; Il undor thal ime, $8 a day. 31r. JBlake ucoveai bis amýnenton the secioni volming bte lla-cge. After a lew te,àîarkm (nom Meure. Jones andi Wslai, fit. amenaimemt vaslent. TioBill vas reported ivtheut amenai- tisent anti ordereai ho a third rcading on MV*oiy nexI. 1hbis 'teviof tlie day bclng éailed. 3 leu i'.lmi aazl(lit imen the giols.tof o!ofJustice veau aàierindumn th <le tber Gr'nlng, oslrîifi dis sutjecîs *lsiiob ln Ibis part of tIié session vomilaibc brongb t before <ho Huae, hbe (Mr. Ilolton) ààlud toattaclithe mord- "etirroncy'." W. *..Ve60 Pot" ln Ibis anôiualouspiioln it elmbad Isoy, <oevil, th. Provincial Dot"s, vhlc vas legai tender li iId put g the Doidnliea, but net .lni Lhe Lover oviaices. .If they vers o eatuulcite the AdungPayable teGovermemi t ey aboulai i*s1imlt.et tbëIes dne e horloey-lui w~hlchlt tses.dues ivere payable,. 15Sr aJohn ,tald thot the questien vbetlîer tubbhmnture o on i i troduced in tfb* irat'part e! the sesstion vas under "copletattion of <ho Governlmeuit. 'On motion ot Sir J. .A. Macdonaild, <the ]bil te amenai the Act of Incorporation of 'té Oommereil iBank, to. authorize dis ,(qeihlganraticui vith aîyý other, bpmk or hamks, or, Its Winding'up, vas i-ed a ate. 'c6nud Omo, and referred to th. staWnding tôihtWbeeou ah kîng mmnd Coiriisýece. ', i.otopwef.SBirJoba A. Macdonald. iltior62d rote'o! thz Hause wuasupondeti larbimeoe te theýasiall,1111 Oi,9wpolon of. ir John A.,Macdonaid, U*~ouse v.urto ui10Comnmi'o!flim &Vtl'idua dopted a reoluuIoh, "'£bat a >bugrntod toiler tijuty," wbicbi wpqtdto q1,o" -'* V,3ancM iivd aa ldareas for cor- ertiatlv'e ,ho b. lninus 0t t Oi 1 #qftmaié bitvatafiuebo and tS ii0rled. -14r ;w.Ulsluesi. mored te "e to,'ti. ub ~<Ibsmiag<b.de" Weso! Palmmeiit ti4~Mmiwtr" ni" of etboib IHouilleson Hon. Mv. hsulîli moed an-addresliera I»W.pi.a*mshowla h.vlu 1the. public ,Wodp sâïfp roporly, &o,,' orftheDominsion Cousde.- ctied. ni, *o4, ovsd aà sdd infrois- tien tthelb.porir ëo! eP#oIurîng Justies s lui Ç<slt.4sèi uleen D Local bo*ltî >pontlng oflumîtieoés of a isidiathm <Iat&ho îter 's GOov.nsuenc vas urts biorg.d tw th. I Ilt<lieewtné any dot tý tb.y eouhd 'b. et leo provo tho hepovue rets existedi lnhe L TIi. GourriGOverusg mv lu regard te appoint IPse, bust <er. vas, gllavd the Goment jep t l st, be'ulgb bhairebail sympasY -44 vpairme tairnau h oacat coure.' . ssa. rnmeand Harrinpui, efoi )Atveu hiu ver, aclonomAtmîonce by a par. 0fai vote,<o havete 13saHoasodecido <lie vii-i tioen, buIit -'sir joiLumuind'Ilis col- 'la eu> da'ot cs ecpy 8a Very pleamtp ,ltSIon b pfore <h.e outry li 'liematter. Tb boi o.igla li téLe SnateChet ber vas vcry ic ido..-.the tildles vèe bmudidso.y!dreaed ;, uhr o bnd o! t1W Riil brigade---vasstuionid,âathéle stb mi of' tbe g4iieny md tii. muio wvas" oxceilccî. It la iieedleés tt ay tLaï the. 'pply of chalce vines fla thoenreshèmetnoom vawu amplu. Seis <beora va s ot tat atcdonce <Lat bd been ezp@ot.d libere belcg 'cot more tibsa fouron five liccdred peopla pre. &#nit altbongb lt I s sd ilailto"'s - ve exîended te 14,000. 'i. e leciaî aut utta1. om vaubeadditions La. reeenuly hae made t <e liibrary of <bis Institution, moog, wblob àI lb. foumd s la travelo, - Bakher# IlAlbort Kyns," Graat1a IlWâik acrosa Aile," lieprrflDiax.n'a# 14 Nev Amorle," Lord MUtor'# Il North. West Passage," IU 1000 miles in the [Rob Roy Caco," liaUi . Equlmau Life, a&. ; li goneral ileratur,-'a The. Suory o! the QOrtat ,Match,)' J<armyotIl a army Lifo on -tbe 'Border," ilPartisan Lite wyuL Mosby,' 01 Thoec'a Memoins of Prince Albert," àmada ",1Grapoe Qti!t9 The Tblnglidsby Legoa"$eDrýi$, "Hmaîory of the Civil, War," -1 Ecce Efomoy" diPymo 'ntl Polpi'tp" McLdd Highland Parisb ; and li ns e! Faction ail the recent neveu eof Troliope, Victor 909o, Miss Brad4ont,'Wiikic Velils, rirant,, Edaund Yatea and otLera. The annual aubacription is only *$1.00.1 Memborsbip tickets can b. had frot any of the cafficera of thIlstitute. -DAatxo BuitaLa-.-On the evenîig or Tiessay, <ho 2lat iuisht,letveen <the bonra of ie anti seven 0oclc, saure on kuiove person managed te pry tLe wledov open in th. rear o! Mn, Alos. Pnghe'is shOpu aud aielracted <Le cubiset, eou. taiuiuigciver $60. The box vas placemi on <Le couoter lu front o! is desi, cloun by tLe viudov' n. Pringie, beIig ln <Le @hop it tb. t1.., bad oecasion ho«ego to <b.i blik oocmuid white <bore somo par. son, lenail probabiiiîy an accomplico, came ho tb, front absop door; opene it and clos .d Il quckiy, Mn. 'Pringle vent' <o <the (ftout door <o sed vho 1< vu, but vhon Le got tigre thse party wuva p coarBlack' s botel, sud whiteostanding na he leoorlie, beard a noise lu tLe bocki pa rI o!flbhesliop, but did, motsuspect aussbiag vrocg, muid psimi no attention hou1<,mund lie thinks nov tise lieu mestbave boon taken atbtat ime. Tlie nexi mornig th.elieuvas' fonimon <b. Annia Fan. : 1 vamp rioe ansd the ceumeats witb tLe exception O!- ivo postage' atampe vére miuing. Tke DaTAIIT à STÃŽATTOX BUrrAaO Uxunlrfrem.-'TLirty Dollars la Green. backsIs a aicient -aitheb.proseni lime <o perchsau à1f. Sclsasip in tliie mout sliorongb muid rciabeinsmitiution. On -a Gohd -buis tbis vociuli e'but a trigle aven <'euly dollars for an *duieaîlou vortli ibeusamii ho aay young Éiba vbo inheuids to, do blinasu. It vould lie imposiblet<o aub man good an invas<ment'il ui aber vat. 'lic-Buffalo Clleunder, 41 managemeust of 1fr. i. 'C. Bryant, bLasLe. cous tory efficient and poppiar. A largc corpe o! goerienced touL~s arme empley.. ed and the Sehool la la a bfghhy prospen. ens oeedntlocs <Oshov;.ue of-te Wlueai d moutarlod tock orDryOa"isMmd MIihcoey <o ,be yub. in lai tu"v. Tbey ecjoy adr"umaa ilionI lu tbwiseoson e ofin rgouls Ila sicbous. bi&mar mket, <bat cuabîs e ct o show a &plu,. rtwata vr bypriec. T 1heim" stc !liDry Gooào, aitabie -for au. efu- <omm e i wit@rv vor1 e m tisai' ii b. tîng >Slty, cem"- luS.Adc Churbi -on OSbbéti ment, at 3 o'ock, p. as., by <h. Chaplala, >r. ii OfDr. Thornn ten. aà etiom volilmtabes ,o wu, p on îLe oeatloula aid of the'beaeto. 'ag la cnetsr focAmasa ebeice lot of frasb. fally gcrooe, viele listates 'ýcannot léie sdrsold,« Aise Crol&eay, bini aé& lense0~s The obarmaa, togetbr wtb the, loca aupelnteaden't imed r. Kirkland were ap. poleted a eocumiîï.e <o prepave aud . port a soiée. o thé boaird for'tih. batter Ftbuee *, fle et ni su ti~ ove iàel&t tholn iatestleon etlridig (ronsbualea u i. suditDotmae oflrlag -th. viole a' thein 'sotock of Dry Goodo, Gnooeries, Wine su~.d Iquord, k..,very lempfo A cii <omlneîdlg nleor wili convi" she#i o! tie eli.pueas of mli gooda sold b7 MoMIllic&Co. umionw 8A.-Thbe property of the il Corneai" Spencern, eonisîlug ooes, 9 o ro ug h.-bed a n d g rad e c atI I m pIe Maets, ho.' Tle a il .1taie plae if bit lit. ideil ,lot No. 82, lu tie 71b coneession of Whltby, on Tloinrday, Duc. bsh, 1867, Tbe vboieocf lbe property viii ' tesold. elubotit reserv, by Mr. Amouloaa Deapatehes. Chicagos, Nov. 2Ã".-Weston arrived it Souith Botnd, Indiana, nt O0oWdock hast niglit, muid abandoniti Lis flftb aitt.mpt at 10t0 milies in 24 bcurs. Katamu Cihy, Mo., Nov. ý2ô.-WW Pacifie lIotel andi a rev o! twoptory (ramne build- Ings were burneti let uigh. Loos, $0(>,- Ilartfortl, tlon., Nov. 26.-The tvino anti varp aîili, of tb. Manufacturiug Com- pay tAven, vas burneal <bis morning Now Oraeans, Nov. 21.-The river pc- ket Idaho biev up at hei.wharf te-day. wemîncin;- six mon anal (vo mortally. Savaaruaihg G..,iov. 26.-Tii. boIier at Laman's cotton m presseoxplodemi thifsmormc- ing, kiiiing Ivo' negroes andl soniouaiy injuring the emgineer. Loue, $8.000. Plymoutb, 1Nev. 20.-A large, building evneai by E. &J. 0. Darnes, niainly usoti ferstorage, vas deRtroyed by ire yeeter- day. Severai'aajininr, buildings antisaonie fiàbing tesmelsvire- o'damageal. Tii. oâb la tiad If800 Nov York, o.2.Lestetîng. kin Bergen, N. J., a qtîanmityof glycenino useti for blastir.g exploded- vhiien'<Lte: banda of a wonicmau, kiliiug cine pensons anad andi wouuicing several othera. STho Herald'.Washingtoni special amy: tirat the Baluumîde reeolution wili pass tbe ,ïetite, but the lions. iii kili it in cor- mitiee. This ià the neseluhien payiog 5:20%a in golti. ' hainices from 1-Iyti andi San Domingo confiru tIre reporta of ruptures barîveen tb. twa comîntnbes. Osvego, Y.1Y., Ntor' 2&1-A destructive fire last evening entireiy consumea i lan- dall'a elevator, anai thi. lmiierlyido!fDA L. Couch. Long *0,000. Burlington, VI., Nov. 2ô.-Rov. Joseph Terry, Profeaor li the University of Ver- mont, ileai<bis merning. ageti 70 yoara. ,eicmend, Va., Nov. 20. -TlitLIme, for the lralio! Davis la finaliy flxed for lb.e 4t1f Weline.alay lu Mardi. Ney Tork, Nov. 20.-AnIimieàare qius meeting of citons teok place thia evenimîg et Cooper Inalituto, (for Ibe FPaîrpeofoo giving expression le feelings of hidignallon cauusd by tire rocent outrages on the rughts oaf Amneencan cihixetia pevpetrated 'by tho D.Oitish -'gevernment. Speecbes- .r-ere ,tm,,Io by Jtîdge Daiye John Cochrane liorace Greoley anad otheus. Letters ver. aise read from Gens. Banks and Butlier. A couuuittee vas appeinteti Le procei ta Washinigton te urge upon tihe goveruiment thb. l4pptiomi cf measurem for the proteetion o! natuaralizeti eitizend tbrouglîout b voriti. New York, Nov. 20.-Governmcnt stocks are qmuiet anti vithout a deeided change. 5;.20s reg. '62, 104*5--8 to 104î; do cmup. 107 to 108j; do '64, 1(04 ho 105j, do '68, 106 10 106j; do Jan, andi Jmly, 107J to 108; do '67, 1071 Le 108 10 -40's reg 100'5-8 $te 1 00* ; do coup. 102* 10 102t; June 7-Cs ob*4 ho 108; aliy * 051 to 1051, Pright<ci Morticr and Saiclale Ia Kiangston. t A frigb<fuî munder vas commiutid iear ibis ci<y he.dary.'I A macnabat bis doiter smud thon âaot ituseIf. - Jolie Wallete, a (armer frnm Pittsburgh iovnsbip, vaa <aig Ãœlï saisten fro. hi City $o hie faces vbhere'ilire ,Pos auac.- lion, samioof ifrmproperly. i Wbie ou tho roimi lu a buggy, bis sièter oltog aMong. aide of! hgidinagto i e m h pa ,a'revoliver W he be ock of ber ceci Jupdet o! ucbug#gy m4 d'plocéd <lis male of thé revelitrlu bis ova moculr ici Bireod. ' iived- but a shoît tlmc. BI iso admrieciber dteeesd as. te's b"lclicd aperse.fl i d ,Wollando a ltera keoper cf (lis cltyo 1001$a vsei age.'Ish e .nu~sd b. nî bevs vasf ~ ~ ~ t'é otbs'e r,<îîh ~hc mr,ý. go lsad pnotiouaiy tbinetdoese if obe perail( arrlng Wollard4 efilyli( tic pm<e blsg v4 aluliabre. IL: mardcrer, aient, su bon,' befèeo eomul<tcd <Le crime, vas la loucamuAbpr peaned qcllo'e am, andne oone for A- me.O ment ospeet Iaf lewolA b. guihîy Po drenAful sunmeIL nucive toath n ua isruêusothe 0ovp' £ff -coileet tbe Oection Waai hot that thonM dlon vestcontrary 104th. noies of tie çot iI,'ior that the copunéîl hid ne power, 'pis« the byilav, btit,,ecatwe tliO eai, tl=lt it vs njuribopafor theTýýovîr, delrdthe motionOut of order, aid 5f 04 ýtiat be' voeid mot rocie i1Nol Sir,ý yoù are somevbit ad.quitinted wii Municipal Iuiittionaq, antd- FroeeGaver tuent, suid 1 ask Ù'i, .didyuovae did~~~ ôe v' ~ro lie chàIrpjýn ef meetinàg, thq e ooof % corporat4onW' or't Speaker o! a Logia;lativs e siub!7iýreui aing te recelve, muid put ta theoaseombli lover vhicb lie prosiuied, a ps'op.niy vnitti resoiution 1'That -bomiilating posilîle I mO sery' to a44, 'lieu boan 'lofs, for ti Màyor of the Towntcf Wbitby. Talk of lIuaigan deumpot <bt we> cafi"underta 44 ýRuufa, but lui'Our Nev Deucînie rhere ve are told vo bave trec govert mient sncb 1a position, lu almoat. b.yoin belle£. The lMayou-'athougkfor 'opIpin lk pîttemi aginst the " opinion" of soit eut o! ton of tho counciller a, thobn fi gayiatbmcs soen-abail no& e'xprossa p IolF., But tae procceti. ' ýa The NMâyon's riling vasi appealeaifrro by. the conicl, m Ïiiithé.appa!çoitainc by' a tt'orsovsm ta three. T4 i Maj' tIiii utheb. xiution- 10 tbe,ci whlckvas.mlodon the ame ide. Th by'lav vas aet to the comitté of th vbolo. On the IMayer qaifn t4ilg I chair, Mir. Gerri moved that the repoi oftheb conîmittee b. eceved.. ber. egai .the councul-eaure ta a dead-lock. flic Mai jor retnalng ,te put, the rcsoluliosâ.' lier .wssi hliw that on tvc direct yv*ai been stîstainetl, on a vote'o! 7 t68l, an the Mayor decielngt lifould nett me' dnmother stop. Mv. Gerric'a resointion i quietiy laid on bialtable, ' refuading'hdoevei read It 1talb.ecooncil, auid ibere, ao fan a lie MlAm concernti,; (t sboeid romain. Tii Mayor '*ug t la as net adviétable t procceel furtiien, and ibi -a thoraçtllat"f the time being, aboulai bcelav. ",lit a' your ozperi îence, ciid yomî ever read c heur o! a puîblie offlecer taking tlit posd tiQn? Il l a Mayor cein pit hi% opirîbal againat seven omit o! ton corîilrihi not go a stop faaliicr, anal siy that thi tckolek conacil le 'ÃŽFwerlffl in iuis.bands Or even another s;top. %Whj have e catir gOat-a1tIl f 1!ne resolution .m:it «Ç oiwboW1 ier Were it net tha-t tife questo ici lmsue raisei- by the. Mayor, !a o! suai a serjoui clioracter. I vaulai hoeinclune a te ugbni tb. vbolr mafieir. lluk vbeti flic.Hend U a çorpratiocni anerfongots bia-public po sition, et ho-bld detianc* a t14& wviolt cauncil ôver vbich b. presides-vhen hb deliberately *1'gu¶s" the çoncil, or <ht corporation, lit la igli le that tAie pub lic anid the proushulîord speak.-olît, ane malte their power feILtI care not vhetb. un the Mayor ageti h the by-Iu-os ncrt go lcng as the pnoceedings talter were fegaler, anîd in caimrliance witb the StnigItulea or the council, lit Wai big tludnduty ho aiicv tIie ceuncil te transact smicb business al tiithaugbt proper. Ta oka . ny other pomîtîon, im siiýy monaitraux, andi shows eler à total Ignorance ot Britiim Governuuent and Bnitisb (air play, or alauinentairiy per. eîmýil weakinesmout pîtfui tebelîold. ['be-nuniclpat'lav alrcauiy givea toltay. mr ie votes, vbieh ime ocarmuionaiiy ises, But wihtIres. tva voteslime la ziot con- "atý btît foraouth intust have ton votesl Hias o.arduimoa onday evening vas aieti- lng more nov loi. At tht. etc g e, a reso- uloton vas olfenred. IlmimagtheLb.layor. by fsing Ieoutfmunthîe chair, rerolàu(inî offere d by mibeîeof thimsconnmi, liai otaily jorfelteailthe contimlence loi tht, council."1'hlI.ria eo the Jfaytor refuscdto reud, or allou flie council to vote ripon. icre, I viii admiit, a dilierence of opinrion miglit reasonably cuist, between lbe. bky- ôt anth Ie council, arndlin accardance *ÃŽth bis tlîcory aimaipractice,- Lb. resolotion rasq 4uietly 1cM:-en lime table, T.t 1: rouid bave beeti ciirried, thoee'I'n doubt, and that Uihelit ayor ltrwa4ot [qsorting once more 'tar bis ten odo, the resolutiain vas daciared eOut of order., I yull nov coure te part tvo.-ât Lb. meetif mgof the cauncil a vcek agor, a r. solution- waa pasaed iuiutructing the bjayor te have a doed -pr «rt o teGvnr ,ment for the Drui Slied p'opevty. '->Tie survey o! the çro-perty ba-beun mdesut Lb. deed engrossel sînder Liîo Mauluîa lu atruchienq, On ieokiug Imitqte ab.i '0 ué uiom.iy it wmA mmcattaîned thstat ir rcisolmiom vas net ato§",-s.nltg -thil tige ex-eéulien of thrëd~' at Is neeossry pover mait lie $vei lij-hWv. - 'le liy-lmv vas ou Mo "y -'uhg lIn- pas T n comiarsict bas tMie or t 0 le' uld - bi'm lie. le o n las anced*1,00 anAgaulo. e ti aU lu-sI th Opbe -oo u th e ui -isarel d ôrl'f th,$, yfr. "F o tmav felutio <o ,ljay l bdthtene sfpmr d, $1.00. andvioc i cun t e sre ld »I.ll , deèe uty pdlui menth Gfraor safs t',t antpitin, 'is n Do mmb«. ;%le Ï <o eur#e8, eorulDat,a un, tbc neztbig tStî so.. Both ili1c.goc Jé tem.c aree'olean ud too.esfui teaciera ýo d iî4I ps*.eda tpsectioai$ the h. for yeara e .êggdthir .orvlces. ut-~~t ho rjocio'ble 'to:ýbeami my huimbl, tesiuiiqy to t~~.ç ekh.Gam <b- SchooIÏ are dolag -i piomotiug tii cn or -o! a bIgLer edM"ftoa (c0evr 0octyl iii ,j 0 bug repeutfnlly te .oliciet<ho ýattention lie- parectt iseadvaniage Ibese Institution, 8- ûpâply la fuauaahuig ý'thém vitfuianOppor. go tîeaity of givIug tbeir chldrec a superioe en .dueatldàl,'lut an expeose compirauivelj )n. triflicg. I'-am hippy tao-kcov tht >ai ,h 'tb. sébools are lua" ulahug con. n4 iionand togreeord thafacs -tt "h01 ;, 1 Xbnîdie, la Ibo progrosind proepenit n-. of ïwlhléb1 ams# an maby'b.e pected, moil id lnttrested cuider the able aue nictendeced of o!lyexcellent fiend Mn. Thompoon, ce enl joya a larger sbire of prospenity tlicesa Stractieg youtbs -froci.s'riont and dista Ssections of the eonaty, and bas rveacbed a id fltatO Of effieeyJIduce' hardi, hoped Io or sefory7eiratho eomo. lorming an icter. il, modiste lii* betveen <heC. .Selo and ho the U.nversity, their importance cbLard. hl 'iy b. overrated, îund to knov <bey ane hogadui rsn h' bigber positions o' in àaeîlneaa in diffoaung 'the .benefliw of à ,y. tulerai edueition canneos faito b. à source rg of gratification te everycuie Who koela any id Juteonet lib e welfare offbia country. No d doubt a variety o! ceuses' bave combiuied e in tbe iccocpliabmeuit of tbis gratifying Srêsali, but <liereo eesidlu epecialli ai entitied ho honorable tmention, I alledet le tie eaiigbtmntd. lib.nîiîy <batdictated <lie ca saeoDr Conety' 'Couneli aet ita meetlhig nr ini January l'u, by *blob a dotilderable Il nosu asa;propriated for their encourage r ment and -asaissance. A viser and more laudabie .zpenditere o! publie woney coeld >, bordiy be male, mcd, I earnesiw~bope, the Ccning year viii vitiieu à a mlii-more en- Slerged spirit of liberaliîy on the part of i. tbou ae o hom aur eounty intereals shahl ho confidetd muid ibat the appropriation of DfJtâay.av-' vi inot, only U - i*bïwoil' but renewed inii n augmeauted -(rin ian, the'yein nov aspeedily epproaehing. le 1 bave aiaid uhea. Institutions are doing it a good vork li idvanciog the untereesao! f a bigher education lu our conely. 1 re )- joicesibis good work la fnot confined te Gboya', 'but eztenda to girls aiso, snd tbit the latter, as Dur ancesaive diets cf ex 0 soination abundîntly teatify, s0 largely d aivail themeelve of, andi iea&o creditable a - neer profit by, the adiutasatit.y op rply. &ny, ,irrangemenit that look& tovard, i the ezeinsion cf thia clama et popila !rom e ibeus. eitutions, mmd -îe practicailet Àof vbieb vid bo, et leastiniith<e rural 0 districts,,ta vitbhold a bigli oncationi (frouie so lrge,' iuterestung and importiant a portion o!f<lie commelty, viii, 1I tut, be vioely 'ebandoned, nt ieast enilfemale sebcooli cf a coorespoiditig charoeter Lave been provd.d, 'and ini sncb cuupb et fi o malte a bigLer cultur. accesuible f0 the (air dauqhiers as Weilns tb. maely iono' of cur Province. That teechers, thongii actually euigaled li the vork cf teachinq, do li nome li. stances- retrograde, la no doubi, f rus-. s or tht. apparent anouealy, a vamiety of 9roasoti may bc asuigned, sudm, amnong otiiera, the fact that our acheel ayatem, as ah preaent constituted, doea net furniali the stimunlua k miglit enaily bo made te uupply, to mtir up tbe honourabie ambition o! tes- chers, ho ezeei in <Leir profeasion. iTiiough lite yena bave witneased a decimi Led improvreneDu yet atilf'fitciass teach- era are not 0 geuerally anîd eageril ioug5ît after as tbey ought to be. . ?eraons o! inferi.or qualiufications are, li many instan- cea, preferred, becauso <bey are *ililg, as mnay reasoeabilb. expectemi, Io give, and, in nome insanuces, 1 regret te add'( nimeueecugi to ofler, hheln services fcr à lover salary. lTo meet and coueleract <btiostate of tiiine, .aci grade o! certifi «it might be uiviested witb a mouiey vaine, snd appropriationso! monsys (roui ppublie sources basaI net as n6v, pea at tendince lng ho' bigLe apropriaton&Theth& inu "IL coulom"atior op.r slager ezoons. s.uufcmted b b opecIied bhma.i as a Zona,. suhd -wueblcsuc4by is Hou. ÃŽe.hmivltlctl i viteis boom. vW , i use big w*&d. beyond tihe calibrs Io Lawrence a mnof muni 1? Oyiil çua'ses corne bous go rWâcibut fMo .*uppose&. Such actions ciii seuirsfoo lebthe ovèrnffene,-,notbing buicoentcmqn -,mde m bytieun b. vecelveda a - palliaaiot *< for thia nobhange oS pairna.or'iie id ourable *cpp&tt-1Aî #f'Rop UNd THE FENIANS DUIY EXECItTBD. )r IY Mancbeoter, Nor., 22.-Tue clty-bai lbc Il appcarance.',ot'being lu a antat 'of asiee *Mon, extraordinary precautlonu arwe tiakè f *by thé o oýoiï 'e nt Barritcades have beerî >erecued lni the streets for the protection co 'y Lb ÃŽh roops. Eeguwar'nfmntry r tto at diflerent poti(hin the ciy, pnd, troops of cavairy. vleb lately a rt.idheei ,art 1, psrading lbheitreets. 'o*"'or threo thou. it aand aPostai polcioenu are dlstrioute. tamong ,the police sain.CIergymen it>v bove n closet.d wltb thie conaumned a prisonera thi ea«ler part of tho day. 0 ;'verthhng hdicat beyond doubt thai the Govennucent lu dotermunn ot ta, .par. don or commute the sentences of tht onlortunate meri,'and limmends 10 malté *thoir eXecution an lmnpooing démonstrauion a of irmnessa nd rigor, ln ordr to putý a I uetj to the Fenian violence and outrage. aLondon, Nov. 22.-To-day thie Commit tes appolnted bythe ameeting, of- lait evenîng prescnted totb. Quicen at Windsor .a pein for the, poitpunemnent of th çxcetion, stManceste. Be lajesty in aumcit'direct manner declined te ýgrant Çthe petition. F London, Nov. 22.-Preprations are jbein made lti thie ety. tô obstirve, in a peculiarMannes', the obsequies o!f the Ventons wlîo are to suifer the deatb penalty- htomorrow. On Sundiay afnneral procesý- sien, wi.h aSl the usu l mourning devicer. wlii be organized, and îdarch to Hyde Park, vhereaa slm luetlng willbe held. Mnebester, fNov. 2.-The condemned Fonians, Allen, Larkyn and Geuld, suîîffred tb~qxtreme penalty et tb. luv, in ibis clty, at ton o'cloclc thîs morning. The preeautloha tskeh by the, govenament to guiard agauiust in outbreak ver. effectuai. Notwitbatanaling the pt-etal-nce of a dense fog, and drizzling rein, thée crowd' that witnesaed the exécution was very large. Parla. Nov. 95, evening.-The Pmper- ors o! Itussia and Auatrin bâvei ferm.lly tien ied tbti ienticti ôt parti e lpuhg in te prcposed conferünce frcrthe settlement of the Roman qutestion s uggeated by tii. Emperor Napoicon, ashave :dîîo nearly DiUtbe samalier powers of Europe. The course that Prussia nîsy îpuraîîc in tuie matter in fnot ofilcially known but it ia beilved she wili send reprexenta tives. The note recmntly sent Irom GrP* Britain on the subject la a à ed boed( s a m'ots formai objection. is Holils tbe Pope te known te oppose. in adianc# any action of the contereneMhich ini'adea the"rlgbee he nov enoyg, and particulurly any plan 1dlvesting bita cf bis teMporal power London, -Nov. 2.-Notice vas giron in the lieuse of Commons tbis evenioig tht theItma S.rd-Stenfey letters relative ta tbe Alah&tma diks,'would b. called for on Thlinrday neit. London, Nov. 26.-mhdiestRouge o! C9mmonx this evening, Mr. Disaeli, Chan- ciller of the Excbeqtser, mored a vote of Siopply eof two million puns terlJa for the expenses ot the *'Abysoinian vi# lie upportd is iotion wtb a pe0ch, l1 whlcb ho recalierl the various pacifie cf- forts mode ln vain by England te obtain the releaite or the British captives, anîd juîStified the final" action of the Govern- ment ln sendlng a millluary expedition te Abyssinie. lie thouîght that should it bc found necessary fte replace tii. Indian tronps sent, on the expedaitinn the ame nt o! thi. supplYý reqtîired by the Governm n tlght be incressed by £850,000. & bate enaued. Fiorence.. Nor. 20.-Gartbutldi bfi far reentered fliitn bis recent illncsa as be consi'dered by bis medical adt'isei able to support thé fatigue of travel, and by permIssIon of the Govovmont be wl'll bu- mediately set cuit (om Varigune 'fri home ah (Japrera. qret l'bc reports tust itaiy haild edte the Propos tIon o!f rance for & genéral Con- tenance are premahure. 'fl italian Gev- es'nnent bas tiot yet signîficd in an! way its intention ofjouning the proposod Con- gres:., RESTER.-On <lie 21tblu est, <be wife et - W '"__atr "-eq -Bae-ce,0o-a so Pro.pra. nie'P41it4, from *2W U,-61 M0, Worth $3, <o $8.Ã"0. 200 Body" Cocte 'h&Peaa'Jaolceta $5 W $10, Worth *6.00 <o *12>0.7 50 Ovorcoutýo, #a 4 W e Worth son1 'Veut, front, 0 < o *3, Worth . $2-to $4. IlayWlitnoy Iiîktfot$1 $ worth,$5 <o *0,75. [{evy ýýW<bituy oveoinge 'fon i;8ifdefliik lXk4IodCoatùiés, freci $1',40 <o $9, woihuJl 75 <o $4. Huddrsflld màefrom $'1,40 té; $à, Worth $1,75 ta *4.'* Caniadien, EBngliehh A&tetnh Tweeds# Engiish Doeekins' ý&ïd lati, tory flue. Ecglieb antd Mosé' oow en Malitie CltiMS, &. Euglib iatid Calnedh<e tlasinolsill e1nta' - t) t. ~dsic sets. I "SUUw r §sau.5 JUder the manage] Me. andi veIAkcowc 1 ANOTHZR SUP FfELIf Just reeived 100 boxe& new Latyer 1Ëaino,' lu boxes, 4h j boxes& Boxe Ile* Lny,u,$270 Salt wàter,îlmlonl2ets. 4boxes do. 15!No_,ron ennngonly $3 a bbls Iboxe -'do. ,75e! FunrëFrèrseisBrandims N&ew Vale ia Raisin, 100 <o l21et&. "Amondcadit lu. New Curnlnsatnd Figa. c' lid(;In" tn Tes roffer tebctilnlu i la ports and S4emsy 1 lie îowln, front giato $,0. "Old Iih Whisky, Puro Ceffet., .fresih grounfd. àlait Whisky. Ilice, Tobaccos. J"OjJd Rye Whilk û c f ail kinda. Rio)~ Awel'aeii Syn rout, (Lake 4 , 1bo otpuig,- a rcwy pinuel alAeli u W1lItB3Y, NOX. 2?, 186t. NEW ADYERTXSEXMENTO. AGE NT WANI'ED,» IN IVBITBY, F " FueIS.UC.9DINCAN CMAR , To Toroutoi Chltf Agent for Toronto. Nço'ember Lb, lui, 8n4 MONEY TO LOÂN.f 11P lii ubmeri Irer ematffilly sinrmo the LFairMfetA affthd %noverai t'>wnssîp,.ofthe Co1UtlY UT VICTORIA, sud tiie adjoliing towimlihpa o!Mar* nMsu Ra,tiait le I..viit. tend st the 1 Vilege of Deluoverf oitii. lath of jeer ntrah19-o'eiodki iîbon 1,t onsr1Il, .. con tiie 1 1Gth, ait 12 o!eioceh4 tiom 1 an et KiCrk-. Tiro fnibxorihor la aotinr as Vainator for -the Colonial Latnded Stcnrity Comnpany, LlUmiled,] ad ab.o t f« the FrechlkiBuildit und kaviqag Society, Taîrouto, two lioeiatiea isavitrg the largzet t ipital, mnl loaning mi-noy nt the lo0-> etiL liatera.ut ofany otiler soeî*a esli tifs DO- minni of cansila. Fur furmier particulara, apply to the. aubacriber, J03N GRArÃŽAIr, Ig Dela tlin ont gçthe Crow laUnd fUieor lgaaPald ona evcral lots oi land for fiale luislh Codnpf' 01 Ontario, York aud Siineft. 14overmber fgth,.1 U7. sin41 INSOLVENT ACT 0F 1884, Ar. iIEIIzzDmEW!s rn£EroT., 'In tii. mettet Wu: EDWAE9DS sud Ã"O. JIODDEB, of thefirm o! EDWARDS & la>DDEB, o! tihe Village eto! savaju,a soivouto. ~2!O'tC lu erey gvon <bat a 'mfeetIng et vois wîli bl t fur'aI uny dfc, lu-,the. To*a o! Weihby4 on Tne4cy, tbe emaetlDa o! Detni n ot t <o ô'choek li'i.aftor- ticn or Lb. pumpose of!cotialdermig th pro- pnet e attllmig the Bouok debta c!tbe ali i (.lens a providod-by SUS, Sz1o.l t 8cro 4 iasolvot Act), andl ordonin of tire, sufair eto!the . Emmtste neralhy. Sete<ritmi anA, accouais viii siso .laid i* thé 'li Credilorejahevlng the position of the 'l"ta'. BalsAJAMMES HOLDEEn at wlsiîhy, tii t'lot" dp~e UtmI 0. mm. J in4 WLlîby, Noseeimer 219 1867. ,ypting....... ....145 ,8 150' Buule.........13e. a 75e. *a*1pet t« ro rjr ~{, M'MILLA1~ k 00. r' Ml'. AI tagwA IN ID 0W TUE PUNlIS 0 Ta£ or- tbir, Pickerng. ad Md. diai.; Towvashi A SocI tel o" iaai-SMesuad f.Deug ters," id that utsl, vih be hoidbW lundir tire anri ce* o! -tih "NI. Androv'a go. -Clet an the oslagoi P1RIDÂT,' th lIOUs XNST., Tol Spe-2d the 'gb vi' Sangs & olattor."' Tite eveniug'a e t lhime4 Gsi!! eeumalt in part o! bart aUdr ',muoioe d sonog. 19-SuPir -at -jîut 7 e'eloot, pi'e"afr Tii. Preatdaint o! Socierty, IL J.-OU(N, Ie.,M 1.,ii bechatir et 7.50,P.p. Tickets 60 cen bat!W'ofnmuiebrs of <lie coëmmIuee. nt le tiiesCf ienne. I. & J. Caacptreii, mi n&(iO, A. L>il*e, J.r' 1uqa o j-1. -mai., andi John er Ireoi, Wiîltb 'E. &h.-Ssmith andcai . *'iul, I ;,A Ait r, irookln. 'Comsi'na Me :- ELR.GM!t~ of the bts -Our ni qEAT otto8, T c largeat 6to ciotbs, 1 TNERI-- DR ta 5fiItiuidGar yGLup in thq bat C19ING Di? ~~Y-DEP. reas, sugais, Fi 'ed fron th<e En A.s thekvhole ,Iamoa quubara W un. I I. GIJEN, Fs, M. > hltby, No. 9 , 8' CO AL Il CUITS PM. Il

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