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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1867, p. 2

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"va Ce lus i "dq7 ".lgbt. vi. npce 'to sect lie bumu proe.a meeting rcmcw.d verc, ti'o 00 bat dfuspp.lt#d, -meery. .ew f cvrly Md - vih th# ide m. TIsre veredibes'ac îam -iuyor saU mm», .Ferry .sad wisli besmnuby tb. report cf isWW t h bey dItil ot soomi ý- ÂA'rn»M of lb. report, .wbîeh 1ét Paulol7, Wt14 b. fouItr a zoos qis'b. e acia i js-s t e.«o sptl«g dD. "do, Md ounecoufelllr for eeb vol tak. pie. am 'thsý*lut eadp&y ,the 2Srd of îb. uýedu,-msud, in a comIt, l b.pollll<%1n tIe Iri lu Jsiua. Tb* mrnug ceas r., lit. Pevelhý, NershWard, Mr, 09 Centre Ward, sid Mr. Draper dueomnlt 10lut6seprcaei udtlou cf lownaàis. while car leadlng moanare .*Mgîngl if, % stebylwansd Tùua blthie ticvit,or grealci' part ofth#b ,rade of tisatourail lb.hmosimminent âanger of being savepto3cnpltcly ssay, Tb*e muet sienoueê«effort " bre tsnbut ýMrb bn> pronmimet1cepitelisis lu Toronuto, su4d otbeiron .sic»'tonbe, t o eessnot WW lu cehlel i lislg BellvAY# Oorti troum btIsa aty. -Tus vcmold have Io eelOfW oi tîlgtiff 09the oamre trdie of tTubirdge Sqot,,Break#, sudpart efluab,' Éod la (M s al tse motheru oioulsps. rAlta i ho pvomoen orson Rthé ce0, leetto! ofskis, lIse ai sentaly. lise, Wiltlsyviii b. eompheecly ioitel, and didiIeloto utter lusgnlflaneau aistn. ÀLmotier set ous mettes' desuing the gravees ettotlos leCtsc petitios te radone the limita et tic tovu. Tisai docuernt boa bsea prcparcd aud plted-_Mr, J. K. Gordonm, Solletort issvlg tic carkIge of g» proeuolg, , Tb.s'e$au%,ireeeeoeve 180 veu oiubetle hurgne& te tfiecortail- ma"t of tic présent as'ous»nbhy estanded fitain etlb.ecorpos'tlon. mecs people la b.e toin ae vllini te bave -thse pieseus limita redmeedt u arce. Tb ist!fluly Io Lb do se tirlnsd lu seis a mauner s reol b. u ust sud equtable te al parties. *bâta Ihas sisal beo! fcourse' ve bhan. dur opinon,,',Bat 15 i., v.sbit telb. matter s oîste"#eue i msltb. ecrues f*lcstiouoiet wiemensic 'ticTownO 'bclhf irdlveood, lusten cf lndshglng lu Ibesi sudI persemel aquoates, ubtlu tic lsugVne tisai breaete ie vcy cslMuce I( oie Teva of Whitb,ere neyrer more nut of place ti«tat tic present <ise. Tise Anniulveaci . Aus'.,vues. k& st a Wil tl Isyer, vilit ail the igôtel fetlvl tintlg tic L eclon. lucre vu a veil preided supper, serred boute, uiltit apusietovon e'eleek, vi soli" u. veeelre, snd tise 61yeang flks'.-.amd eom te ol d 0«90 t$%d k mtis te igits sutte tee» s u. diýi l dasyligOt. Tbicjovialsicnussdg MWe a spteadil ome, lt4e e bulot neole ýes. 400 periocs Fétua9. Tic Prealdeat K- ,-,gqu,. stk XDi Msyor of the t*W, wi blago $h Outofet-lieons, P.. MW* sytic mar tialatrlmio! tboe kg. Pipsand s«Over., oeselc=onbis rigisI U~1hi. 0 s.k~ W imlportai tiu rlurge qs t bpy< $6,70#buo, vbli Oubaws dees ast ,puâr la sic smu ls "et ail. Wbtbyls Is. do,. for S",6 01000; Osimus, noune. 'For d4.U.bli Steel, Oimua lsethe lia ttLs eVi *eto $U6t#O; Whbuy cou,. <lloulng ligurési Pleai s&a Boava.Whiiby, X.4,1 mil4icq alse, $44, Ca Obs bel. sý frlm ou, tise liesfor Ice. export., lu gt"l.tic empausslv sielmblie bueboleb et Barletd y fy, Whéia. peua. Omhava. '11,700 08411 418 Whitbr'.451,M778 45,974 54,086I lu gour s'eperte Qebnue is set doua est 6,»54 bancha - Wbkby 4,266. la tii item ils.diobaippai ee Koatreul sud other pert e - fCsadesncg, otcourse taksn loto scceunt ç were thsssý tIe igau tiven for Osisava ,euld luasidIprébaobiliîy b. more tis rbh.d. Oea. exportad fMur Carniages darlug tis e yar, vWlcd as $381 ; sÀ udsbsuriIote .mesut ef Wi bave giron the figures ai tiy a&p. pàr la tic prîste t rt, -altiseug In l mmy o( ticltem!,ve ui m outitûb, their Tb@ic sisai pea .d limber &p. proaeis perisape "ne6t#0sort e tous, sad oae Cicelativc'Impbrtance o! Wbiby sund Oebavsaiuperta of export to( thoce principaliwhma0(o, traIe, Bas 'bilo Whltby coan ciais c upeetos'lty la-tise aipmus of t ssu'praudul oeObaua, la the amoeut aendet et ofItsi msunatss, cal tic traie lg ImportMd sudeportesvisicis Clsy orette, prpoderite over Ik meal degrom,- Tise figuresame giron in s*0llniioa sprit; tbel -rans edaese-ve usd toise u *order te suoppi, vseteci luormie ic Ttr atra awpLv Doàu o r ci.w NîvarAk.uasMA, - On TUcSdy lut, J. 0.DravI uv lau oosetioa vutic espes'orpies.of Wiby-vca tbonst de" et ai ibouse osn s'>' Ystrees. Tb$ decesad bsSébecs for a long time pas$ leading eàntbors' Inoiar litensd aI, leued issel f, like tee mmy oterabefore hlcm, uatovtunstel'y le b. hret! awsy by titi terr'tbly degrst!lnx edastal iw oefc iatempareeeut ll t bu eshuslostet! la au unîlmcly .nd, Sudt ie mîing effetf c meful omad'heses'ble cas«e. Mn. Donun vas .Datifs o!fich#Ntis of Irelasi, tise ceot> AntrIns, ve 'ellfe., end camse tu, titis coutntry vises 'a ver>'joua sa. Be9 vas-for c long lme rwdelent ef Pdae 9 Edasard Conu-ty, vhobe wu. aseugséged la tise Fritlg busisese.ic «me te Wbitby Iu 1851,6ast!oblaioed emplmemtou tic oIt! $4WiltEâpo«4rt'" wvisisi'vu stes. varda citauged tte ic1Ontarilo Reporter, nuder'-tbe 'puprleiorsitp of Mr, l.'H. Fensy,-Mr.~nmabeing taiesin panerist jticuc va pabiisci ý odes' tis.Ioisstprpnltcrbip eofMucra.à Ferry & Donm".a, ato lune 53, Wvies Ms'. Ferr tmt4sl, grM.,Dorsan becme1 soie pnepnlterald bisse.Tic Re-1 pfareuVIevs4t é uaIualofet18617, abiseitoi Wtcr1' pblcstdon cf tb.'Casn etucomemanoet!,r,DM>'. o sset b.. cam edltcr of the Wbitby 7aisman, lis W"ie ie dipisyel muiS igoreas a iiter, Sad eertluuyo 4asv* have macs tu, knv, dit Dot speirefils. O>ont. 'Bas oves' bis àolwt'gud (ehblcia sa uqme*,u"diu e. vleglsetDaelesnt pre5eat. - ne i'ost mamter la ony .117 or tevis, s»Mneoffllear of tishe ot OCEe.Depatmsnti shall voe t -ai*Dy *, leeu"» fr merm of 0<Parlissnent. nhe Pestinaster Gns'l iAy VUtb$lis - «omtt of le tlseTrfasaryBosnd, estb h àesystem of A acentral eringaBa s etablls.lid as a brsueh Of tIshesot CoeDjsatnst tA$ Met of gaoenet. n.'Ptmtatesassh pis. le sa are a iiastmd, gare te, ceeue odepeaits for luemitOstis enetral 0ofI sd repy Lie saffie - sufedapoct# te b . cutereliluthe depoSt,boe'ka, sud ru sekuevicdgcsu.nt of Ik te l raoamltted te tise l'tmauten Cesserai ultiluteto ya. Suais 4eos»Ibte utotb.lotse Sto deaue, eizare, or detusin usister legal >pi'eesesgine thse dep<tsos'. epesllte b. repold on dom"si vtbtIe >Iesst poaible der- ài Ls. Thse neon. ic d.peela"' NsOnut 'de- pitedee v. lt~drvo.ne t be loèc tIse. PEe Itrsued WU ls.s dté thp'yable Tfoseheinsm e hargIes rrallier Comns, f tise tiB0oue ofyearm euitc Prsijrde <aiohn os oeie sgls £auentie aia suaio'O tet pasLr1t o proin, o e owr8. r goimeudcogat civilaSase SoJehaom Ths e ldlof thoens tisefebarg, or r i oôtro grhae rk O gaisatioen. icîu' -euTb@ a otic B owr usse e epsn a- tim ,inebommet ! îb.ipeauseo cn AheuOo.sanenioîoni sration o ti partneofsthe roser tt, et the powerttenor ofnis, sts omgila ivil tahe oru ic eial4o! ontie rigis eftoe. te aote letcvonos aialu Tb ersralsecapaverud tat iemiaeloyed douctbeby peluupotctI. aorsutc d tienu o bâtipev e eupeti opcrsilona_ eti obfslae songgre, oi tlic c eu.O trlfolos, u imitaton of brefsanilt se cmoe s lava. - Zuae ril;ý eoCtssss Zest o ru Tbus splen.i tltroe ubtomSe2 rn laet, s' ferer., is, efterettueouat eoes' play suvre W anbd b appueer ibis eues.ar Nicayt, Mvealug, uanurd a erenin tis Chartes boell. T ndeuentais.enoengb ater Te ef e isovirc.vcdlk ivan &0.#ludqlarge mîteti cf épr. aioscin,0' k., teronmises, aTi apes and atek lemareeu aniedtoe be lZt ofmetdsl eaeding t Ise ui alean. s n.p trifuolt tVe solt.se Sera-aen t m #eu, os btangulo! eo "il tvchees i. b eee saietel. Tgentfr tamearen eMicgis, urompis,p sud Jon Tiesy Chsres ,B cemy, d.Eles Js îAOdeag Spar.o They ve icoerl s del. ., V ud e a lare a lasîy guir oin a ost ti pemies.bie nT'true sud Boc ley ereulrefore! b e ll te oifermer ImtdigoT Nepcu lu OcnIeTos V x -À nTher aemim e ount inf ra ndi puarieéri dOuts,â.1 asaet, ho,- mattcrW s ortw. aMr, pisue Usseieo bio resolutiotof viich, b.uhWtigiron notice, tiet -s cemmitteo b. spponted to atqir heh7tise ien,. . Catier, Mineteof iliis bas A ri:bt te ait suÀd voeitlCh. Bouse. Mr, Bokecontendcd1 flrsC, Chat the, office of -Minister ot Militia. vans oe- ot - probfit under 0 g Oren; acondly, C hat thse dlqait lngî claus sglbcd te poiksons hsoldiusg a oh 'Ofices;- 1Ilthat thse exemption coild Dot BP. phy etads e! Odepartmn esfenied beloe thbo s't Sesion, sud 1< Chat 'proqeition <ails, thon' st any rate, neue but the aiD- cos l;;noufud',suntbh' obeiptioe laie.. ar Jgibla, sud tih. offle et Ministes' ef MxiitisDot linu,3meution-,cd, reuderpll is lucompetent té ait With regard te Cie disual f lou cso, boheld tual, uniras It vas strict 'y .uufeced, Judges ConCrac- tS% Péstmaue, sud t! hr Crovu OZ. crs, vould crovd Lb. Bouce, aud thé ludepenideuce 0ofl'arliament,ro 'uld Iha gene. Befcrrlugo Ce t hird pont statet!, et tise l)partmenî sasoui!bît thé Importi Act ezprcasly sid se; autitinChe a" nce@ of such -Provision It vas fais'te oAssume Chat peier vas net; ginen. 'fTse Constitu thon gay s utheiity te Cthe Goreruier Gos>- oral te neminate a Pnlny Ceunoil, but thera 'vas ne provision u toe B.loads of thse Depai'tmeuta slttlng and îetiug; anth ie ,inféerence vu tint, thsosa pouers are net te Impliet! as te the Diotîsinien, vhich are expaesly givn iun s apeet of Quebc aud Oritario. iJnder the. Canada Act, thai'. cenul one deisbt tisai thb itiata pMilitia ivusdixqualilled tromu sittin- lir.It etily u'cnders eligiblei certain per- sesmettined. Mr,. Ec., If electit .might *14, but tiseIMusiter of Mulitis couhd not, as that Iv"' netontet e' ie ecpro. nidet! for. Te sayÉhA~t tise Idiniter et MUltiitcouhtieit olie to'mai. IL ei Pete te eCrevu te. apilpt, Le amy nun2 et Ofie" tise (levai'usiient mighit elsoesto cneate. Sir John ÀA41cdtad, sai! tut viite tise sargument vaslegs1,4 tise asatter muti e ceusidered on a0s lneat! principiee ofcenstitostionil sw ;Asdn tise first prineiple eof usiuuoni w wus, thst tisera muet ba oonstitutionsh aad. visera ef tise Crev lu PssnliamentWhite ft vos truc thst membcof thtie adasinia tratien veuld l afin Choir salaries, sud fi weuid hoe .xceediugly dioappoint.d ii Choir t, salaries were not paid, aud vhile it vrasp s'quslly Crue that Che recas mig)it indîsce 9 members te salefor an aatnutasil Par.t limsent flxcd, thir sales, yot there vcte no salaries afit e thseir Offices. Tiio Unieon Act pronidet! tisat salsries abeutsit be atthet!ant! providcd by tie Panliamunut s of Che Dominion; Lill Lhey woeoOxcd, tisare Couit! b. no ttabehmnts Hie vauquit. villing Che sub)oet sheuit! be discussat!, but If ls bsncsrafe fniend < presented bis usotion, ha (SirJ. A. M.) P s'unit nuene Chat, tie debato b. suljurned,' for threû menthe,ntil suemmers hfia n « opportushty et brioging devu tue bill tax. lien, Ms'. Canscren aud Ms'. farrison < 'ollowed, sud vhou Ms', Kirlepatrice aroe a' eo spcssk na iz clek, the o m ead- dt eourned. <0 Thurilay, MNov. 281k.-The dabate en Ur. Bînke' motion, vas rcsisfane,sd he discuuaieu Calian up by scierai memubero. Il ," on. Mr,. Dorien said tisat îlesdiscussion ovoed tisai doctons vere flot the upiy tues vise dihlered-nearly cnery oeawbo t sod spoken batiug oifoee!a ditfferenteopin- i.q, Thse Intcrpretatiou put un the hsîde-' hl peudenceofetParliatuant Acti b>' metberu of tise Geîerutueut iras dittercut frosintt.C t i hercetefrt bould. litareult! leadte morn%-i trus oonsoquauccs, sifCthe Gonosuer might cail Saa> a dumbas' et udges' or ettiern Crown efflears te-tise Prîîy VCeil, ond!a fins secure tisestise priviiege ef aittiug g and veting in thse Ieus.. Il that, vas tise unterpretation irlulcis va. tegrevait, the soonr the law wvaschamged th. botter. He cousideret hat tise. vie pposth ie motion liait met noue of! -eis. l a ru- em mnuts o e, smenuier fer iWest Dunbaim. Lion. Ms'. Hoe i ad tise disusionbt shem oee Cing st, last, su t CsCvas bhat ihere voie.some laasir ibia nov syes t of erpusent-that it ias net al-il oetiserper(ec.'Be m~iight'isTube silos'- r' edteo'seat sbe hsd Ilisteuteto t lftecunn or tinent>' questions hoiug put te Ministena' 31 and more cari, unascqy« atiava,r- niunciug suetne ltlc,.syooi - eet- fos' gentloeen îd'opp tala-i. â q rarcly ftnesset!. lunCtheSonate, Che. P saine courre vis pursuedby inisaur et' ti giving brietanavorn, inveiving noezpittu. ri atien visate. This vas net a snusoc- o"sttuofet things ; Chey bad sot for .zpcc 1r al iy Mi, Jobes. Town Conseil# WhUl Mondai cerg., Dec. ,18lm, Tiseravas fou iffletmgeorfIo couneil e o dsAy -lu i reaahs or s"a »ass s "au, lit, ?es'ybmeght topth*. report ontiis aI6es!t use r.rportacet torIitasdmMr, Ulitcr, oi chaif s tisc Werdeoelotte, rai ap grie aept tiseTown delseusurpod (or $tm1o. a is a Ibo Isasefq' uof, Ibe propérly noec th itee rm g 06le ..euimmt of tiso Agrislsan"grosssl. 'rsc deWuettsecat. L.psty- <4 *Yom iram %W Zesteober. 1417. $N3 " sM . W., 6 10' tisedeiseutures (ort.ls <set saetilcpsitof ms7euu(-o ac splassadoue il bcsm=,ar. ane "h."MM uloi "brysg tise M usa tOsrdcli4pr M.Deaper M'" bd .«asn«t aaor vsi n. oaassi i.bd ait dassait ierenthse coassesl,sund tu. r«rees *ises05 ise rdon cleli. He waed jounse deSs ùmi m uoesson outheiselfe.lie Mbasu oijeliceg ioleprpwosloesn lu.repot tisite«v elossid ieone PO Owue flssaproPOer,, Es ie . aut. ad isuteisiisret qucmkcp. scssarase.vhce. sit oaccailabisa "atona werp mit" op la dos vlsep ok frtlser the Mayor b bcaiou- 41812J s tt th i"madi.e .Stise 4 i l e t a i r ui i n h e a b o , a k i n g4da l r y lions#,sue MEr, Urprr repos" dtisai ictwas vcry inîjirlaut he consitl as.,s dstiowiscly uuderwsd wisoa il 'W» tis$ narrisiosu the eSunmuuicaiiou. Durtusgtise wll Feur tthi ie csosfiait bsdbccss aift ieb.waurd $tec tisai tise cipsarmasî s,rnTes?ropeny[r, ( lr suptsbll.] bis maisde a ss>l.sary report%V do * b. vasîca u. kssov, trasssaeuthiîbus"ss.îeon thsepart d'use te vis? Wa lsopds id ousepruqss'ly-siutlorsz*sd? If W34 ssoeeeasy thse cosscil elsuwsll nowwisat 5555c ticaugestes w., s..w is, ii in rer isatst sey min, t>sdp aIftiseIrait vay la proiike .wuYaSd Mir.Prr reterrd .ebera lt ia armerproces- hougte 0<15.M1uisl fur in(ertimon ui tborizissg tiseasr- e4epl i4euftise Wc"dea8r by lis emçsiiiee ain latti slropcrty. unteetuse atirzingtise Ifayoros algm.Sare to dmisel1 Illndtelièrest cint ~- Air, Via1ser deelred lauisssow II iMsyonyeW- nwold rasaie hbelégalatrcf 'Isle Mueor ajail dmtiabc baiti Oaad lise opinioni Ol'dift '<tiseîin isea Iattll' as isIocausoco" (or hoe ue e atisîs malter. sMd usi et vasw»i. trdi tisas al tisedelseatssre muissus attse am Mr, Ferry-Was tisai opinion s gicu lun vrtiis l'tir iaaos-iîwaa' big. l'srr -lla ise heay ol ijcti g la hy tise opinsin 97re tise eulisi? 'te Malot-5ishavrisil its Me-' Me.r t'cirry-**Wel Llut ber.aliler? 'io Msayor replIidtfipit Issa W" à malter ocii isci bc sisoutl faîte fsnbssr timea ta coiatrlie vauiisut 10 lic usi.lrpoesuda re(sis u s do so. Mr. l'arriy desired tla itssvtise name Of tise bISgi gai suilsorti vlsspius.tn iste Mayer oilssi eaed. lOifeild thalfi wu ouly rigisi asndiproper-tid vwias uait daFso tise coursetois at lse isead(th ie 0""sr- tus (Isr sasi resvda legal ps t o squesso lsuid iîtrui tisa conîseuiColn rhm Sbe g44IL bis ayun reasaerlid tisïshoe vasuit.tt laliier- a oit i. S luse iss<srsssîo te secotsncil. Et rwnue 110 tiso.s tion t ditihoedid o i i is ls ver lis goy tii.îe gtfile opsin fur isisisseit fo iin s giassS inprotecisgt I nereacl ii. suepayes.lie dicias.4ed auny isitessntial disrenepet tuhe cvodisnselhlaatsebho did, but ie d.damot ex. MIh?149diberty ola mnioissbu igaladrW#c'550i5 Mr, Draiper polotted it t he taut ltbai U. Vafty'àe- prs, lithe uil would pome, a noled suetisa» sei puncisus. o(iso %V udes Jiroeianisd diesss tit iasitte rellapui ol e M it ttu 0 egniise ietsssurcfa titout <trtiser csssideuslsos-011141d e sit.misbu xsugist issst thesere sisuuldllow the conslilteS tu. ejccrtprcgrmn. ami t ru,.ie t itaplat. rir.Iron v onldoIo siec .soun. o<îse ent11lemenI sisced a thtie report gire aumef reaasssfor "asg ton.1 The wwava vathe blandi. ceuli ssoido wtsritt i. and vosti bhairait aMtIf tseMayor dit iunt i alii. alsenturee i vanld b.c bdout! -otitènýway. TIsel tssera te vai m Iotahave tise muttclosed, sud il W"s hîisoî!lsme ilvau âisaliwi 'ils. Mayor agrerd vlt lte 1ai speaker au l te Ib dbi itisutissi tt-t gIo y btoise su ul dit equaststss us lm tiss asseolreaossalkmsyoff&sa, peupte, ssdIi ie baWlneo (ler course Luit Iouk #uil Mn. iln'vîs ll s ne one vasldi1114 Mayor adoviatvasslcpl'Lut iab. lic rougsi isselegui s -pissi.oiit, mîisu iil tSic'.rsi sthe cislpai rstk Lo sable taua Wviatil wuasnd tlipcouni slow visaitu du. Tîme wan lu.-tse taOYÙrbai tre spirffultyte Io 04(y bimel(alreasly. ,M, gy tisatheconstaltice rie. am reort Iborrpoirt, Mr, t'iilp. Ii lssnendsseit. ns0wd'tiastishe ouraui ýe reiusprngrea uniit i Juve la fit asn Mîr.twveessteuslcd (or b.vissg teutise r Mly a 9n Mothiingouvbcuinoi! bte-niglt tit toiwork woolaikl um oMn lbe sllegui-1 eY aid tise Iiayoi'e word dt iai a s.and he fni a çoil a nigi Su tlliis. tlwOealslP'a uosaas e rev'ats Fer rpeetlsjmtj ie alIse«svs<eMeaeaw. A le po thutepatség, Mcaer. ErowwCampbe1ll; hsia4~ rL ved à", Perry, Tise sse otecarnithé tiem ottitru=eislie a"- raloiteralaga vsis ise dditon 11e. lo ies' 1(o',orwigutise consnltta.ruc au tse Mayer le- 1midm tsar osie InM Ais on motion oflMr. Ferry seconded by UMr. Esuvîs-, oi y.lav autintzsugtise IMajor topaccept ounlîisa(or. se torqration a deesio( tise'%VOUie=propenYva sud a fit" fini. oin taln f on tisesecond setdialud in0 maue th ie île fo ont sipurpoe the huston caiteulatteiilas roi.c n, reqnlrnsg tise Usrsec resissp 0< a-bill oitlsbrddf- oit dtam, ussiupin Urglisiainrorimury oc- salois», wbcn tise rte nigb1te o apC"sîld-asMIstisre "ig siiig extraerduisry or ssrgept$,beljg4 sirsng isaprivs isedmpreeentlatsse 'b. u t "10 te sesuci bs oisspa-l w r0ny 'Mr Perry mversss riyspr tbacourse toltie layo m10tiiftisis Wersiss sbsçid mention oce* t et o Yp«es ad ueoà doue ln ise tortus'byIW. sud tises biîsg lu a hy -lav tor ueihues'. Mi. Cainenon oegreeul liant st Vos, aundpolnred eut thaï! the by-lav bcfona tise eonscil describ- et! tise preperty ne t'rtoflot Neo., " -. Att.esietrierlo luthe report ivas slp end, eudservads Ch.éisy.lesvies d a -'eu 'mnr. Est>'Powell, t'~e Comptschi. Dessers» sud Irovu-7. Tise aies' lutimoicd Ct isho ba nenerne te- hiluus.f tise eonoïderatieu ot tIhe matter ef sigtingt-Iboby-lav. A by-Isv vas bin-hstluIn endase,.! aç. pcitngl-turnlragOOktmerfor 1860, sud paa et Isi for f r' cv, adleputyree ank one onscliiî or A stoWrd. a. folev, Northt Was'd-1L .BchioAld, Meolisuios hail, centre Wurd--G.Y. Amuis5Tovuisll. SouCth as-Y CakM.Csnrnsin. A isy-lowal;vospnssed. bronelit lu bvMnr. rPerry, sppropriutlng land forn drilli .Le4- 8 0s coveotintook place lu raSat ie', tte i., l i ispselcion, but Chie mstter va oIJ, e']Tetp unul alter lhe Gevoentnusupe Tars tort, vas kitn The Misyer»lid isefore tise c àuil sitae- miento ri te ,ruosmts s'iaitted tords er,<ss'g and lmprovemaatio, andi olcfties.xpesdl- turf up toeisat Deee ltt* iit Onmotio ofMn. Iay. the concil a4jetir- et! fori tve vceks, To t/w Editor of teflic WtfS ji' honicla, îtuSis, part ln Che iMarket diccusaien, se Sas'. fiave, it ie tou, ont! as 1belicre <ver>' mn vho bits gos the iute'astç ef thc Town of Wbitby et heaît ungit do- eppese the i.scisome o, eoiug a oaMr#i9t nt Chi tie, vhsill>.'uunnceinary, sut! ouly calcuiotedt! t Cliren u atditonsh burdois upon tie s'st"pyea, viss,-guet!- nous Imrseihuve mureto tis Liu char. te bear aiready>'.Ai%,su instance of the <011' uf masrkct building in teins like Wlsitboy, 1 bog te e.Ai yous' attention, te Cie felloining, <rom Lthe Lir.t!say Petir-'of Cihe 20tfl alto., A correspondent o! Chiai papies' vnies:; 611ans cs'etibly inforcilot hat tise but- chers, sme iglin numbar, paid te the town ef Peterbsorenghslaat yar semeuisere lun tise ueighlionieod of<8700 tos tail rerits. Nov 1 will astinste tbheage sales lot Chas aightbutciers te b. $1,500 each pes' sununs, viich is M. ssteJsacrmusC admit te lic a rer>' 1ev estîsate. This nelireseuta at 10c. pas'lis. 120,000 s. o! ment, sud Chat tise ts'ifiing ssdraneo ef aay 2. per lb., abicis Che> coulid eSil>' eh. tain, (saîiug thoezelueite rigit-ef seiling 6>' retail,) vouit! Se impost!b>'tis hsutebers-WbaC dees it show, eren nt Lies. ian loir caiculatieus? Thot Cie tem o e!oterbsorough paldeut $2,400 fer $700 s'cceiiet!. So vei recoguize! is thiç tact b>' eus'Amaîlcami neighbcisrmn,-1 rater miore panticulani>' te the inioblitste',et York Sitot-Chai acarcel>' suy loin et 10,000 inhobitauta andaundes' vili baie incb au institution as s Markt LHoue, sud sien in Peterborough, oui> ti otisar lu>', s By.aawfr tecereetio'n cf a neiè Tovu lal vas rotet! dem b>' a maj of ores' tisîe te on@, ,Tise aboie b y no meanaj shows al' lois that îoult! ho sustoinct! under suci c state eft tig, for avile me voie lsta 'o paying frnom 8 te 12 cents pes' poun t' the buecisers fer ment, i uit!. li aI of tie (armer', ti lrge *or eni0lguantit<*, ettfrons-4 te 7 cents,' whileCh. ,butées iu Peterborougi illa voll kà>wn oebîsid 15e. pet, li. liuring mset he y ear.fl.I Tii. stand Cohen by* Dr. Gusain,' tise Mfayr, lu the I tereats oethCe ratepaYers, se moet preper tut! croditable on bis part ant! useope hoe mmli persist i Lt!drefuse te tiesen! te aigu Cihe dehoutured, satdiiug thie town viti s most outragons mAurket hebt, sud tis catîdaleis attempt mat« sMpose it.- Thse Iaterccloisl al fread The tolleiwing tire Ch. reselutiotis luCre. hucet! by Ch. Premies'. . 1. Thot fer tse purp"ofetomntroietii 'alvsy cennaetisi thse dort of tnloiri-idn Lou'p, lu th iiserneeo!quelb vît i ie lueo e! s'slles edmsgfreth ie Ciity o!tIlui- hao s solse , esSoia s o ortis Àm.e"n AC; Imi, pride.for thié pmission of Rupert & land sud the North- ~rtrioy o sr of0f hem Jute unie rilh Cauhdaupon- ternde sud condi~tioe to be fzlr.ssd lua Ïelreses <ruithil 16jsof Asriëssst oft hia Dominion to Uor res*tyy ~îd Wilalt shah 6e appruvo&el b7 i th e o. ,; 6,Tbat It le.am liOCTlugl oexedient &0 ad- drea. ler Mmjooty, thst oe cwouId b. graci- onsl asI by sdwltu sdvle et br mms oijte nolle ituts'aLaud sud-tl0W North W"sstetrritory W" theIi. Inouiulcu '(iassdsg, Afid te grant te the psîllAsseet iCa- un"d sutborlty te Ilealso Ir tboir fiatir. velfart and good goverument. 161-, ITss la thé sientoiet lie lnsp'risl gev- tramnent sreing to trasfre t inr4 thse Jstrietleu And coutrol or i sregen, It wiuld b.e iopcsdiest té prved. tiat the. less îighlm of s:sy crportion, oorpssty, o01Isîdil-i mawilsthii.e ome, vwil! b. re.peedç;'ud tisat la eq*sc-f diffltrfdscof ogliui'oîî >tue sideut, nataro or vlu. P( t me e ikgis, tis oignie shah b. aunbnitted te Jusdliiîl d'*iuîou, or Use dsterusled by mutui afl ginet bc- tysais tise goreronmeut of CVU nad &liepar- ties IrVsreited. 1'. Tisit upen thse trssssstcreeo of thse erri., tories la question te tii.t. Çn"in goera- sIieSît, the ehiisof the. ludisittribus te cens- Per'esâtier for hlands reqîsired for purposes ut isettlesient, nenhd bu oonaidored asd ssctted l u oesssiy with thse- rqi!rabl. priusc;ie whlcli fiant unil'ortaly gov:riss.d the. crocu iu 0. Tisi a releet cunîustucy ho appented to drgfts asuusublo audtooo to lIer maloay ou tic» eouibject ut tie foregoiug ra.olutioisss Silurdey, tIc lIts alto.,fb>'stee Ri, J' eisps, PPF., -Ms'. Javms Wlseil, te Miss Brildges Li>', bot of' Whitby. MACNIEEC-C>LE-Outhe Ind iust, at Ail iSainte' Chureli, Whitby, b> tise 11R. J Dare>' (aytcy, lucumbent, G T, Maersidcr Eoq., te Charlotteo Mas'>, tCisd daugiter ef Y. P. Pot, &q., Whitb1'. DIED. DORNAN-At Wiiby, ou tise. rd -isst., J. o. Dorun, o ged b4 yesro. The loeai hViiti laiteplace (rom tise rsidence of Jobn IL Lgav eEq, te St. Joisale buriel gronl Port Wisitby, tbs. (Titune day) mrnening at 10 o'Clock. Wbitby Matigets. Wbitby, e eueber 4t 1867. Fan Whess,.. à. ,. $1.6c s. Sprig.... ...$1,15 a $1.40. Pes......... ..60.àa 7.. Petaees.......40d. Butter........ ...120.6a160. B............$a $19pet teu Rie..........5ets, Pork..........$4 à $5.25 . ............ 50e.sa7à. Turit.7...........ec. à $1. Docks..... 40c, per pair, Fous.........25à, a 30c. Appla........40450e DUE LANCJASHIRE PIRE AND 1.11E INSIJRANC E,- JOll'NY.4 Uxmi C>iitog JOBIO-)i. W. COi'imet o . .rso-0 aa &Ce.,CheAgeuti-go ~L frnsng Ii. rierIsluWlsltby, sud'h ~i 1 b lU a thahs9lasben peê=e Dy, sud th ut hlie cpared te reeciro appIli- can oi'riitau obais preiplunis con the cuarae ablman JOHN AGNEWO N 0tb, D T.4,1 C7. Es.e-4 JOhN MILLER, la, - ier, MIuuWSu noms, Wustr, Hlouse, W Isitby; EDWAED ARMISTEuNG, Uirqy (>1 ce, %4 huty; J-. BANDEL, Boe ssssdi.hholttre, lVikby; A. y.MeidolUIox, Brewery, WbieI.; .luliu< 6WAIul, tcam& feU (>111e, it bi('y 1WWIITJYBAN1 (JIANCERY NOTICE 110 CEZDITUOE 0F Ta. CL eiicsert,snade tlit te nia lote of Poveli Woodnsif, sud4 Woodruff gînt Woodraff, il el'uihWodruff5 isute Ilu 4;7QVNTY.UFOl NTARIO~ died on or client tihe sereuteni lsst, are, on or Dofoné Tlirteei Day of ku To uend isy pn, pse-pellse X noh et) o! tie ofusIthe u ise Chriptian nad s!aras, sad seniptions, C<thé! Lpsniieslrx a statemesit o *et ilaceounao ault'Ilsernei, thsey yul IlIn p« elsded irointhe. beucît t fth ps lvrer ccitor boldiug sau, prodssoe tIshamo eor "ue, "stes', lu eua' tts n rsyer, i 0 'oo e Me l 24th day of 3azium 1AT 12 O'CL'cCKnt Be'mj tise Situe appointel fer s t>ated Chin tvculysixth dayg 1867. iU BATTÂLI( NOs, 4-'CWof tisisBaud fonr 1, nt the Townhil- And! eCh subse ft edus p.mi., Wý,Great-oata e0ag il fa partituisrly esal tisi snd uion-eemïi'ssiss 1% atemt at tise 2 titi A. 'CA KCA?. G. o.T lU>,Dem.8, 154. - lect ap& aid theni of FAL lies' Gt SHOES, a, a issnsurpE eet from, ai TED. 1leads- of Fi te - nimber 4,186 lateat st3 1 4s- 1867.

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