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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1867, p. 4

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,Iqarsd ami In 1* oi5aedn in demp on, log bolin. g rishard, wod Up-Fet, 2md Ilonomison Gr'Fe tse, sud Oeut- E10p IsA.&C, nover tallilug e A n oes Whitby, Noveii ~'s n - $1155 per yard. ail wool at-.' 90, per yard-. - - 65, per yard, - 20, per yard, a witys o n >ban[d. aber 20 86?' ~1%u.r. ,hi b.slloe town tlime rSÈagt, on easy tormes. 1 0 TOLOAN ib s 11w Irerroi te JL. $1sfi mon -PlIVATE PUNDii îod inortgpg ecrt or DoÊleutursiv ry oy rutae g -lb. i,çrreuweou»on y imeown tin. the prlsseIi,. - rate#, onyuêrwand Town pro S.veoit gond i~Provid Fais forsale, ily isw pneus. .in, suad Ureenbawka bougbs <sud acii. JAMES UOLDEN, A @aligune, l.ud tusuruns ansd Gens- t, Wlsitby, Z-oi u'.B!oek, Brook Ot. - y, sept; $à, 107,5 ]~W P WE 13LG TO INTI MATE THÂT et~h oes p M1LL INI@E RY ANaàiD M A kVizurt YoU WJTLL «T TuEJI C C F> o E,41'.5T AND>BUsT, AT )SAUJNDERS'l Will bc opcned on TUESDAY, thie 5th day offi 'OSI0TE ROYAL IoTELa hoio clection Of 'STRLEET, WHITBY, rge mdditiong of tedieK' Misses' sud I orders atteudod te witia puuetnslliîy pisueatly dous. JIOUXN AUNDERSO fnly lot'857. - 27 HAMLLTON& Co.. would aiso announce that stock iOnow ve'y complete, mid selling )very IoiwJ ~5o ti e a Fancy Dregs Goode, Cotton & Linon Tickeg I ta beeh~, ~Plain & Pancy Winceys, White & Grey Cotto, 1. itnottoL»oTlzo th.etî.Frenchliffeinos Yarn, or O.iWio.* or t» iament 1h1sy loh oser w, ae th. grot Soposion tIsnsaf. or Empresi Cot, Rse redo. thme areon *lliuib ts thlIe tewli B-aok 81ks,. Gloires, f i th, Cousyt>or tOntario, lnes 2ud Octoben, 1067. opF9 elPure, Blanketoi,]Bread Clotho, Lno lm!Fo rte, sheeting, Docokinsq *NLEY P. BURN[(AU hep t IN GREAT VARIETY ces o te l nahitasts c f Writtby ýr6psàrd to glye fnstnsetious ona tbe 0. , 1READYIPDIADEOCLOTI un u lfçi.J . 1 WUAOW,ý 1. W£0 -4. J. ¶IAns, CLOTHING IM ADE TO ORDER. Ce obourg. Ne'w Teas and Family Groceries, Winis and Sr. l Appl' te Mr. Maluor, or At Ltebe tBnd. E R Y l! tonest or Mt. Ifà-y 15.41;bd b<< avilsg 1 e#sed ve- rfed te fup>pJy al ton msuîs<r. pmd suIs prociptîy la AR3ISTRONG. oUnR kNTLE rovember, with tixeir general 'or -cash. Tweeds, Beavers, Wbitnoys, Clothi, Rats, -Caps, IIING, pirits, off the -, ~R A-U5AALJ ~ HALMILTON&Co N O 7.rieCE. AtcouIn C. Ln mCJULLEN, 'MiE enheenlbens beff toenïcatIho Lanttandioiiol -Agent, F anînernd imiwood'entierp, .to m zew AND NoUtAIy pUBLIC:'-. ornIa.euî #swiug % hisewsk ewitisout a dolsrûbt onéo f tise bept amer gel up. lu m Csislt, ORILLIA. cusoup, dunatie and! effiient, ealliud scot,.- ! tzOffleclui Peter atreet, Cioe doo ar e for. buying elsewlsere. bMn. $luvezs's l>rug dioeo r the BIIUWN à FATTERSON. Wlldd ImJsprorcei pArmo ln îLe couuties Jatny 801h 1060. of <>strle and sisnmc on rmle X .B. (3lletions s itlided te an p'op ranuittanes tmde.-d rop Bôflei foýr Salé ~ L. LMProo, i _7 ,ù i.-- Apply at thée WhItb> P6sndry, CrIte, 50 ~ ~ j - - -- 'ikernug WIIITBY & SCUGOG GRAVEL OD eU pC i. M . .C. , ton. GoreCrar, m. .Camencu.ys 'e jC'MP.' and1>,MI)mPuWondo ) y Ne-w Bak.ry. AÂND Know ails men liv theme prehsnis that I1eauon à do Seil the CH'APE4ST ýGOO)DS in- the COUNTY of ONTARIO, and, wby? Dflgaue, adopting the Cash systcm, my m' ;tto le 'SMALL. PROFITS & QUIOX RE TURNS' MY -STOCK 0F .FANCYÂýND Stap le Dry Goods, là now complete, and fut lëauty, style and cheapneus oasit- bc surpsssèd. In this my stock- is very large, and more attractive titan usual andparties faeori ng nie midli their-patronng aiIfndi oehi boh n oito syl ad heapness,- A 1ui assortment of MOURNIN0 GOODS constantly on boind, and donc pin to hreatntie Algo, a cizolce collection 0f 134IDAL EQIJIP3.MEYTS t'riisnmed te- ord er, in the latèst TAILORING DEPARTMENT.. lothing, made to otder on Cowo5i%70 t h , p e ie s b y lrs t- cl, a s s ivcrk n e n î , a n d a n im m e s e s to c k o f th e o n e tF a . ,- . u l m a t shionable ClOtîs to select from. A good Aitgiasîanté Idth i- ie S8pecial attention callh4 to a lot of BO0OTS ,AND 8IIOES. n-mons' and - wzmen's, girls' anmd mipasca'. Aise, Ovcr Stioos for-dasmp weatlier. Groceries, Noard. -~- -uevus war, &à. Inspection la respectfully isvtud. Ças1h paie! forf*Vleut, Bssley. ye and - ~N 5lrs Pesa.' -' ý '-X' h W . D M I C I A E LJdge ot e sais OC1AW,0T. 2s, 3867. Crner of aCncd bilmee .1rets, OtAdàa. 1 JDi& ]~ I I EIE j ? ttut Whtl (SU GGES RS I 0 Wf. fIL L.1)- Oec r3, 8 -Watoches crJevveilry Cabnet1ake- & nd I<D ÂEU Cabiet m kers& Upilsterers,, iddeal- NDLVEj GET TUE IIE ST. ers in ail kin3s off Cabinet Furnitunre. lInlthe mattent llare now on* band, the largest and moayt select -Stock tt>be lslbuc found-In the Colintry, Iwhiülh tbey are selling at pricesto sulit the imeo, being Dy Vi'ueof tl »detormincd flot to bu undcsold byisny bouse in tihe trade. L O B IiA Cail and examine before l)urcIIasing elsewhere. -Achoice -se- me Irisi IN TUE (CI;. _________________Tuesday, 4 ibrbegs to announcc that he bas juat received a li and shiet' T well selectcd assortment off new Gooda, consistincg off-.ý tractms 1usd sud1 Aoiland inghe V Cold and $ilver Watches, .-l"P - TOW NSHU Jet and Goid-Ear Rings, Gold eand <Silver Ourds, Pinger Rings, Drooche.,ul -. - Oti0 o,-ecuslii Pins, Pencil Citss, Ibimbîes*, Locketo, Chrms;, &c. 4, flue assortiment of hslfofaua*d ofb> Frenmch and Amerienu Clocke, Jleersqclssum Cigsmr Ilolders, Briar Biot ng0spoei !p and other Pipes, Steel Spectacles. iow*nohi of Pilwj Repairs off ail kinds. . Please note the address, - t'lessxd Vilmet J. Po JOHNSTON v4 lst cte- OSIHAWA0 MAY 1807 tO5 20ZWA. ho bî T asTERW muade ka Dsted nt W lstbyl ~ A R A E W (IIK , Begs to annouince that ho bas -boon 'aointed SOLE -AGENT, for ................ OnI, Two Quaîîjîe., vz - Fin H'5*lousehold i'.,;col, Finemt procurable. TRADE IL5~LA5g Aur 'Jsnawa, MA Rtc. SIR MARXK UC 163 King-Stio West, Toronto. A arevrie% off Carniages on, hand.- The proprietorsoi this Aj 's ta blfsî;h m n t, Possessfacilities for mannfactuning Carnages'. thiat-enable them to defy compititions, eithcr in pnice, style or fiih Ocilt end ee for îourelve. BUG GIES - -di Reduied .e ÀRRIÂGESI Priceg, ali WHITB-Y ANDVICNIT$1~ AND WILL KEEP ALWÀYS ON HAND À PULL STOCK- IN SGO.LD AND SILVER- CASES 1 An assort meit OfNciv"- eweltery just recei'ý'd. Whitby, July 24, 1867. 21 -1M.1 ,(Fast- colora,) from ......... 'ies, (stout and wide,)-Troni-.. àed Cottoui, from-.. . .. . . . -*.**.. FalDrems, fr ....rà.,..... nd",white F'anuels ....... >P IOC 'Ail r*44, ci BÂI .A1,CI -ilgenr, ior ushawa,ý 1 ý ,& £Y,.+ c

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