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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Dec 1867, p. 1

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leu DUhiDhUo rcu-AT.LAWAN» SOLIOIT4;R o th te stévmof .& ï4rqôjst., Whitbyp Ont.' >1 OTAITFB E1,*p . OOLIwYf, O, .*0 KIov'gD btebsw Oeeto Onimil, Uts. DooT Soath Of thb, Jan, go, 1062. n. Cebueil, Unarlbi ]KOU r7 NEy.ATLAW, SLICITOR 1lu kgrot. 1 IiI brs ef s oW0stoi iTZU 'ATO'NEYS,UNVZYvo 5à tnd Ilttarles ulié, AOq *0, &UWU110 - ppuiteTown àU revu iýAttorney. . 5 fistut solite riu chalseef?, ât- u, WbiIb. 41 iy W. IUlàSTkIELEe ,~SoIlelor &ae., Au., ,i-4l, clàùïifitret, Tornto. mey-o. VAEWEI, Con-B. Ealolg..AT LAW, AS. l hal usr, ..tio-SnesStdorsi, Moi 4sP9$>ffi 4, toha10 ÃŽ. . 410>u JTAIIbNtS AAILEB TR8C il TLAW, liter u GsaT-M kmau poIlSb LtOffce, hiuiava. o 40Y JOHN DlLLINU rs *boe daé iumfih. Iupeuuble, wben the 1 w"tlii àod wvill of business, togetberwfth ï lOto 15 per cent bdapkr tbh a ny otherHotu r*duoe our "tok tathtsr îhah seek tcr prOfts 400ps.ms'pf1,fm $2 10id, 2o0 Bôd y Coatsi & -Pas JacketN. $ô , tO $10,wortfr $6,5O tot$2,0 *0Ovroqa$f, trous $4 t. $2, Worth ~00Veusfom 1,5 te$3, Worthi $21014. WH ideý,n mkef rom $410 41 to 12.01* woth Oi450 o$, oftl & Wines. m4 trëduce u& kb balaniC6 will ,b. oftred 14 bul, aà tomb. e- Osr- ew atidel&Htbl h enibles nes b cifor gooda frein colours.- îwtho connt.. Steaca ýLooma, Frits, ShiriMug sud Tickiigsr. Gente' lase d'Onaps. very Istest Drm Goo, in Wlnbeys, Delines, Thibets, Cobourgiô, Me.inos) Lastres, Gala, Plaids, ail woul dé. rç'nch Rqips. 4c. 100 8b14*is, frOus $2110$12. mi ppie wr usy qu9puwtYýl WHITBY, NOV~ 2?, 185~s ~es~ifu1l il sldÇoisîtings, roni Nubas Saarfe.and Hoods. 4,40 te 3,.wm $1,7!te 4 rafstSbweadSns o. 10 #o ilddsrsfleld make, frein $1,40 te $, sa ley;a Splebdid asorttselst. - Worthf$1,75 te $4. Ribbone, Velvets, Trlmnsinge, Canadian, Englioh & Scotch Tweedàs, BIadk 811ka' a dedd dbargain. Etighish Dàà0kft and Ciotjts, v al Linnen, wié-n bro*n Irish T.iýST fine. 'Linnens. Manile clôths, &te. Cuifs sud ;Celars, Hloop Skirts, Ties, English snd Canadian Flanuels, al »eJtosud Buokies, &c, or GROCRY D~PATMEII. ossg lymon. jIran coloresi. Jdst received 100 boxes liev Layer Raisins, in boxes,? kIboxas. 5TOBAVCCOs I' boxas$ o 1,50 Nô. t round Herrnge, ovly $83a bbl. Fieetint loi boxes. Iboxes> do. 75e Porc Prenefs Brandies. Twist moking and cbewihï.1 New Valeutia Raisins, 10o te l2&ot& "American lRuin. viNEARI New Currants sud Fige. " }Iulitiud Gin.white WIII. In Teas, we offer Visa besl vaine i lu "Pôrts and Sherry. cîld'. tle town, from'6t.ste $1,10. or OId Irish Whisky. ilsti Pare Côffes, fru.sis groutid. 46 Malt Whsky SGARe Ric.e, Tebacces- Old Rye Whisky. Dry Cruaslued.1 85 ars cf aSl kinds. Aldweil' lin v10, 12, 15 sud 30)gal. uobdÀ SImon Trout, (Lake Huron,) j bblo. loti packages, at Brewery pncee. Yuîîow rediiedi NO. 2, 2XI , 8. $36-Enghiah Aie sud Porter, &c. sX and,& W5 TERMS STRICTLY CA5flI. PC . T. H. M'MILLAN k CQO*;~inn WHITBY, NON. 21,41867, !nt4gs Guood, News for, theJilio!11tr ruin Sptle. $50,00 vWORTHn0FGODS Know alilmeinlsy Ihese preents thatl Ieau sud do syai3F CORDIAL$. Seli the CHEAPEST GOODS in the: COUNTY oOOTÀRIO, Extra Gioe. nhild why 1Bccauso, fdoptîng Ithe Cish sq~stýno , my otte la set Wlnos SMALL PROFITS & QUICK ýIZETVRNS' euYieApple, ueaefty' FRUIT. MY STOCK 0F FÂtCV AND Msao oelesl Sultans " Staple DryGoÃ"0, o sltn Is Uow complete, and for besuty, style osud cheapuee csn't bc espassedi Citron BOAl'. In this niy stock is very large§ aund more attractive than Uêtuali g%" lv . 1ed parie fs 'nrbs e wtibiais rnageÃŽ"$vii di.tetheir tdvyatitagc lLney. Tbes behi pin o syansd Choapness. Àfun"asnrtmbent o! MOURNIN Agwmnyidiobt oq. Ch D ostul nlad o 0 icUI L uý p laT thmo aerieet notice.. AiW,,a chi.cection 0tBRDALEQUIMN & rluid te order, lu îhe'itst SAR style 0W rs Suttnssd sating l enias vrity Biver Glosa. TAIL ORIKG DEPAUTMENT.- lothing madç e order on pro ared corn Sfoareis for foosi. tis roie by s-casworkdbeil, asu ni,nMt.ese -t hie Mst Pa- oMciuÏble .Cloth to select frein. -AÀgoidlitguarsntcd Specal atenionclîeto Ibte o f BOOTS ÀAND SHfOE. inezevep' sd Ti-ns No. 1.2an sd 1. wemsv's, gir'ad mue'. AMme, Overs ioes for clan weatisers Grocores, Hard- WtupefIsel is * a o, nsetIon Il r@speatfÙIIslnIritesi. (Vuli paîwe heai4Barleyo snd< crikey P. Dl MICHAEJL, os4* À O8 QA CT. 1 no t. a"w l Of ng and scE1eIuIw. -T-Tf a, Tfl'\.N, b um1~v\~ .611 Re4~ic )oi"gi' frrnotto is netiolbkUnder- on~ ~~ L DuaaiSt., W!b n theCornter, HIAT J)EFY COMPETITIONt 14ixes i ckles. Oniovs. Glierk.is. Waluuts. HiarveyBauce. iIpeeof Ancinfee. Wasint Catsvp. Worcestersbire Sauce. 'table Soit in dra. 200-Barreis C0$1 80. DRtYSAL.TIiRIES AN 1) I>RUU5. Cream Tostar. BI-Cuirboatse!ofSoda. Alain. Borax. Suiphur. BaigPowder. dtin btivpiot glas Vitrol. Black LJeand. Store 1'ollis. Button Blaue. BOll BIue. SiuNDIItEli. Star Ios'ters. Coi'n Usîitne. Sardines I lu <,sud abois Tini%. Ceineiesiies Aunants. And nil Crae3 Bilçotil Ilar'j.y HemîpE 'W bitîtu l3atl i Corks. lVraptl Writinf FLAI Buta§&. Almoné Ciôieà. Ntstmol CMngas. Cluaa Celery. Bergas Vstilt W bite Paint. itair I tYlites Block n o No. 0, Cera Broon, is orse . No. 2 4" d MeulA Palute Tubes. Mlatabe,. PIPES. lieîd&crsov's T. ID Manlla Haltar Rope. 60 Lcadlaig Lins. 16" Deep Ses. di Besi Corda. Reine Twlve. ' Fine BaIlTwins,. CeoloredSi wlue. sas Tîsîsas, Candi. Wick. Slmon lu Barrals. -White Fisli aul Lke pie xpout; nt $3,J0per, M is. ulices, iv bbli. 'bits, W h t e F i a is , à NO. 1 Nottîs Shore splI Mssr- Norings., labarres#. ln barrelas No. I1IloSintt Hbtrlngh. Larue. Tsbtb Cosa. Il iddock. Suuokod lerrvgain bokes. 'llerfruits Il brandy. . i5nrste Irs. b1grtell's. s. (Jtar d Dapy Ogc.ID GIN-r Condy. Do Kuyper& son. rsed. BoolsOdTm Seei. Hum-, 00t. Jiita 87ritha. SCOTCH WBISKEY- ItatnosaylsInlay. rng Paper. IHighliand Mail.ý ig ' Paier. Steward & Co's Psisry. FORT WINES. VOR'G ESSENCES. Muaiux. 0. &II'EiRY WINE#- id. Crown. I. ALES- lu Youuf¶rr & Son'$SSotchs nostuBansa luS. Pals AIs - Biood's, Porter. mnl, oviasneaa's Porleii Mfalt. * 'E~od relu Cgis.in. .WisPFed Srtbf. MIkPN h Iass and Wooden :Wntre. So i leON THE- CORN.ER. t45,ly ut 'n. ti - ~ln M!gelià'u 'A4bea Roc Bar) - îes ibrouah Ibesi ofboi loewblli wasatperserwî.. mît it Influences, 'ad no cîrcunistato of the, fu-1 ture codld erer o8 aiaté ttièMn- Do&0 1evenà destb lad'the'pdw.'t4 ee le Idso luWje,"tie5.tipng lirisouls.,,; 4üd wben midn4i b bd p!esed,-and, Rodines, se- coÃŽding tâd tbe way o! lovera, bad repeated-i ,à.thmMsnd-timcs bue saine thinga lu. oSer *orde, lie leftber ina state of mihd and hearfî icl precliidsleep, and kept ber tntsi! the 'tnor luÉas6ttib sly 'tuni be ali the 0Oowers M x wu bgoodforue* o t'ipstbls o ie lé emed' th, enicicl ber sseaiv nbloonling wreatbu. if'Wé mua of the smiing images arisivg before ber mlâd's eye, sbd Clt thele iï r esit pis- ii,rwas, a vision of! gold .,mbiroidery ýon a nuptialdress, 10 whieh. ie olten, reverted ln itii dbthé btaeia hs',and trimulbrïgk. 1v nthe mb1nibg, Wlen iii bltie 'tb.bave hicisItbe choie. ftiie lInrýIa ss'othe gay costunmes'*i5' susé;- but bn tsaI 'day thbe cbssrcb.ýbelli 'cf Aigos.. tli were tolling for tise deai.W of Counti Diovysius, Ani À A_,ia was .oblige,,d tb emnourning liýttéasiof theiÏ.-hre, wbole sisys sberemainedbathesiIn-tears, for' h lb.asof. ber; fatiser'. respectesi Jrievd, and the patrovnof lber -,betrotiesi.Tise' departure of the lattetî may aIib baivp bon- tribtiled, to herýsasnesa, On dlie fourtii day, to dispel lier melancboly, mooti, gii. beg'n't'o'enubroider lihe driMs"fixesi upon, feeling it a satisfaction, in the absence oCU Rodines,,tbt.shee could,.still - empIoy . ber. seif bv a woîrk that had reference t6, im. Verstonsendeavofilkd toe ôuceàsi from ' -ber' the summensan'd imprisonasavtoi Eodives aslong 84 heoulti,. Inyeting larlou pre.- texte to accounftitober for*tlits prolongesi absence,ý, At liegtb, unabi.avy Venger t. mns the truth in ail ils dresdful par-. tictilars, hb. bld ber liaItie young mati bad -r&turnedto'teCephialona ut *tisaI a if titt Ivveàikiatibv !tb lbdslne o! tueo issoder of: ,1he oent wu,. being m.sde by tihe Couit cf' Justice, w-biclî fnterdicted ail co6muicalio'n on bis part *ith- any oue, 1v the hope that 'the 'trouf migit be.eibblençulvn bybidpoton as a fs-iend and constant cipaioàcf- the count. Wbcv Verstes vras; 'attempllvg tisas t eKplainv Wby _Anielica coulsi vbt slee Rodines, h . staft d s u8ddevy,ý was seizesiwith a deatii like fainîvess,' avd burit IvttUtoasts wbthe b.explanation wes toncluded. Reflectivg tisatitwascbildisb te weetu; mie.soon. teok courage, avd determined te wait >patîevtly' until *lite investigation shsb beho' cioses. i.Ir- father la ' na med tie d4ay on wbiçi tise sentence veai te be'pr*noubced se bihe linsit oflier expectatiun, for ho sdd Wo dilhst that tliâ l judgment. wonid b. an auttai which'would estere Rodines to tev;Angelica couvted tise siys,_tii houi, ,tihe minua ih cvu',îey andi when tisaI day caine aI 1as4,a. ed lier eyes en tii, sun, calculativg, ta: progrédsaudmurmurissg agaivet Ia, tardineas.' Towratda lb.e vbnithg àtso luiardý a nise~ontis stir an sd sbê saptang f iedo nsteasi et 'seelu4, Redines, as ohé'iad- ezpected bea-nig With loy, ' ber iatier appeared,'pale sund'1»0tionless, carriesi by four mev. Tisetvrole têf er, bioed 0suemed teruas teiier, héart; sbe- sieisscd' augàf wiate* t batie bistrbs 1 wltis lir fmbllbig bands 'whibl-c0îuldý ecrcly çdit, 'and zhe nealy fell in'ile as ho wan, for six. feit tisaI ler, faîhor iiýfintýeA weltise baMbIg6ero tii ncesar..~sitateogivet i hm, abs' îisrew bersei mb bis aprse efitb a #ood of ,"Father, ois, aier a grept msiulslrze 'V r ! s I a v n e r e s o l v e à 0st% n % t atttnst'sbue menus er 'liou dgh8 t lluibet tèÏgà 1% t 1 dtrnghis abskseeýÀtid dméd WMs-ttàk liah st bo6ýd rcelve tiseuvoi&blle e, p qesl'tffbs .h'd ahâà i terissss.- téy 4,u ghv le mIih"eW,4, i st~ron ieb' ifp stIL~* 1 ninviceàdb ans.gI aitolIa arrowo. snd the tise day aalvassced, snd tovwrds sunnet a Ilengal os ,vessel aset anchor, frein-'wiiicls Vorates Vorates 'eu landde-n tise besis o'nf .rgoastoli At the. scene. His'-1 ouiter door utf thiis bOuse* Apelica ,aISeS on, dasU "waiting forlsiift; aM biieilfl! jte bild' is armsu wie b. pp.rimaced. ây Ange pit s~Fl eot ýeh .rtd,."ttlàer, h sefflne Il bc uuesi 1- _Pet p ia.'Iet hg s *ee blin brost ? 06r fiom prison t ' 'go, Tisé hou Buît aise feit ebands ans is tlnesi by ogt." lears whicis feU (,,roui: ber, faer's eyes. .,GoV,, el Tison sie hard »a sob, like tissu o! achuSd, vier. s hali' b6vIti frein hbi bÏei an 'avd liremarked ôtis.er place ! tbat.hisia-brw aÏfuro*edwith vrivklos, i15my iit aând,.tisaIbs b<ir bsdblaubus, as if forby fte'Ts hýlieà ii I. w e "'ldPassed býer h i. ont "lAis!-, ' und sianJ" mse saisi; 'tidy 1"Ois, my G vwiii iurder bilni Ob,- orrorl1 borror 1"1 wandtsrhg. Il Wtîb hthies.wordm ber".Voiéediesi away, fathser.-as if, e bW er eaisank' eh ber l'fthéeï sbrenal, as a '"Angelica, eloseS. The report. 9, Sl.tribuvalliad e frnsis l ,810 pIvsmoe fdr , r es!etènualing cîr ci, I tiougil cuàlstsnces p;it ldin~d' expressed.tise deùalliitisa utiot peruaseio irgui t o!,tRed i vybdr ieart on b otUl csa < rgeos;,enisan ees b y tie agira- seuls be ilegs vallon a0 lb. blackesî ýirltde; se liaI into"canes lx illîýhseendeavours o!ýVerstes vere unable tsitildatforeé' toihel elelintys>eOy lyaStil. peli. Il can be ann tien fWtir tis.iie-isioî tho ieMae tsex.plication of-1 tîeiiey waksu evn a~éhed v tise fre-armnà, or ligit o!fau iisoltappiplfrei&a hardenesi patience, . niy "imise acourag'e,t' ' iid 4#eriâs tb' 10f ihpèt a Serlca, ;?i.esoint 1Cr in'h à4u sita-ci trdl tecnpting ïte, re-vive lier; take courage negs, m«iih sindu hter. - Lot ui suifer ivartyrdoin, forwkrd'téo" ~(Jowsosessisfé d, ii ive sUs, 'sbio If fiUit lw Ibis wMd;sic.rtaiuiy iv 'tieueit, bu ai'tlie'ti themvarlyr's crpv. Angelica, 'lit "e.Ijaili tae.courage,"sAsid Ange. these thr ohi licè opviniie ayz; sec faher bw ny bresat t6 braveo n one otu obhie vili end tue prison.11 Ê1 dwelilg plat "'i v ts. rison! ý*isatdo yen ay;ny o te tsi .Angelica! Do ao eks ai unesiiRodines, ruewi.BEven a snau's ieat çouli noî bear, my'flrst'and uptinder it2' ptinlesi a bri mer ieÏ i ~O r ro,"ake Te tisaI yon Wotili taise* me' te ýRodives' pri- moiirofullv. son Tt'sly:f'grief as coin; a day morrow Iti vishen misery uczes liké a black bitpy,; tusé toO'îsusw 1 oiseittb e earth 'yawns inia daylc' abys, wlloiGiiti awhen iséeiohiers oa £ inidisg aieel. '"ButI'yot ,evllot apslose liwe, fatygr., 15woesgi pisison is ilb. osly' plsoe in ail 'hi'orid pressions h 'w he r b t ie ýî ù n ill w v î e s . - L e t u s g '- te d in e s * iýs ls d, "Angelicss,çhaspelde 61A nbîfor 1t is tI-me yon aprionIsnet a Plate' 0ion ~i. JtgUin- ý-111I 'Seekcstnlmiallsn ii lr feligli, liy tit-. bIibri* alone -ert pou foçr me àiw sitn'Les al Oairwl 1' ;roiu, c » elion e .mto, *6 rs-ill t ;sn éloesh' t.wen WiL nuledbyt lie law,b YOU -WlL E~ -~ 9L'- jWhiýhY, Noir, 1867.

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