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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Dec 1867, p. 2

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-.101. 1.555. Or.maase~ vu. :0. Dosecas. s...DleisSeii. Crac. Çs.l i lJIsMp.-$. H.(;MI@.. Iss9 of, Uu.aiued Leisr.-V, Keller. ONLY si 60 C'ENTS A TZAR WibTIlgrueay, Deember 1~16 Parties "X-04%edto this Office will oblige us 6y temitlng the a rnnt, é9, yr 41lh»ad raklaag a settiernent Ã"tf th. raecounts. Strlngcn: mes- suiýer nýuK b. resortod to, (alîbougis *ItJI fiucis' reluctance upon Our part,) fOr the, Collection of AUl Accounte vo- thainlng unuettlcd by thse lrst of Jan- ilary. W. are torced te tthe condiu- $Ion ihat the. moro eJenny Wo extenfd to smre people, thse more we are im- jtosed upon. Our own engagcments now s..pel us to have recours. to #:tremw mnaures, te ent'orce pay-1 Ment, fa order to ave ouroolves. Al sazbscriptiona, are required te be paid InAdvançe, sud w. want Do subocr- b.on to take, or continue tise paper, ,wlo do Dot strictly compilwithbtuis Thse Pliaiclasl -sttement ofthtie Province et Canada, laid before Parllament for tise yeor endlng 801h Jan@,180, analofethtie Dominien ef Canada (rom lot Jul>' to soti Nevembar ire tb. fllloclng figures, emnçgm other Items. Tise total recoîpts dftie ProvInce ulurjSg tise yosr endlng' ponditure, $14,129.00, Tise itesu etrevenuo e e- cuatemo........$,07,261 xcise ,.................. 1,950,701- * Fot Ofice479,022 PublIe Woris...d,........408, 108 »eb.ntausanti' Stocis. .,., 878,200 ]Provincial Note.. ... ....~ 8,118.700 Mfuntipal Loan Fand, U. C, 189,782 *unliclpai Loin Fund,t. 0.,, 8.188 &mloaseld Fond Investmet 100,047 2l'tâtal restehpta on Dominletl scebutft f4e 7'42,08,anal tise tolicpeofltee Tise-spp'afent ourplus'e! 1,611,00 'f«r tie ar .nding 81)tW ronds,'lnclualed $2,. 986,900 s.; reclpto lfer' ti.bnttr s oued- tisaI @ar; andl tise ependitufo retclu'd $1,918,117 redempîleionet(puh«c' diit-ose tisaI tiseaiormal vecoipts for tisaI yit"ore' $ I,412,280 andl bié nermal s.p.nallbôuie' $lof 15,078, lksvtng an appîrfnt deflcit ai' $3;8,758. Tiss xpendture 41so licluale. a large amount for excepoasi.acco uas. Zia Mlîits expeaitune, tisbegan con the prcvloua >'er, had, te a certain oxtent teêho contîaued litayear tote saameunt $*1,412,932 I. goon public corS,. For - tlstance, tls, Parliameut buildings $480,. $82 ; tise duties retun-led lai centequeaicc e(thtie noît Arit! 0( lest seasion, amooitlig1 t$2M01, 7.-These ,itemo, 1Mr. Rose, lai9 fiuser ,hse i ltiisnaluisUtoImen,oh-1 Y sffoet, ciet scptiersal cisaracter, anid tigisIt ain>' b. detisutet 'rom tise oral-1 Mary' espenditure 0ethti yeft. 0 lI explansîion efthtie siatement efthlie0 -' nanmesfethtie Domainiton, tise Finance' Ilialater 1saitl!lise Hous@ cas avare tisaIC fis. Dominion, la4seaumîng lis. revenues* efthtise arieus Prerle.., Se40assumea L théir ilabili.Ice.hi as sîlpolatea lnlatise Union Act, lisal tie dehi amontib>'tise Domnionitti as, for Ontario anal Qoebec,4 sisty-.tv. anal a hall millions; -for Nova S141e, six amillionis; anal (er Nec Bruns- awJek seveain illons ; Iiwas (otner pro- tffl #biaI tise DomInion sheulal pa' ,i-. #$mt ofne hmthree alsonts. la oadi- *fý4s l tissaicronts, lise Dominion 4st*pyul#%My cents psy had of popu-ý bê', 5AésstsIaau ueai sm.. àth i m.w.... -u..a. smou tOniarlo of 10,000; te Nova , ec Braaeclc i aSe reueet go m fadltlonal assidmtiem m- muuleipulitlee, wiIbt lIfail eollected, ftuld edtte, ln a vsvy consdrable de, gise, thé aMoutI t.tise' flttiMug'oit and NoýtisernU Rllaydablihl<s, 1bt id aw4 Inelude 'thse' isblîlties 'oftthe. È(nunll.ý politisé undir thse MunicIial Loü, Act., Tise Finance Miiter lainfavor orcre laif a drain on stock ln wisic i tust and mla oi ~-poney' say bc l.gslly lrvexud, andaltio ofta.ystem ofsnntfes w mo di-- viduala or familles. Ho is also ilafiovrtit tise (loernusant-taking tise 'avînge »aMii business lotto lis ecai bans, gos teren. er tise savinaga efthtie peor soeure, and obtin tlargo soins aI'reasonable interest, say six pevrcent.ý Ho weuld Also rtcclve thÏ depeelta of -building secieties. 1fr. Rose wiliiaitoserqsslre large doposits 'f ' Lite Jrsaurance ComfpazîleN' as woll as freé Pire Insuranco, Couipanles, for, the se' curity oet- isurt.rs. ,H. ceuld als. gradtsally èxtend -tise Issue -of Provin- cial notes. The o eronmeait notes have von up from nîneteen fte 28 per cent et thse csele circulation fcise counitry, and itl nay b. furtbev exbeaidod., Hfe aise proposes te issu.ý excisequer bis.& By thon*' Moins, thesoling delit nsaylbe pald off, and thts h a prinsary oljecc.Iný Nora Sceltis era la $648,600 ; ln N. B. $78,.158 Invested ln lai ng Socleîles b>' 8.412 portons;- andlnla Ontario and Quebec $2,470,000 lsy 10.200 depositom a nd h. supposeal the esuablismeit of (loverai. iment Savînga B'niss ceuld, realîze a large amountl. ne.wotild MIk 1ev a vote et crédit fer expenditure. ap te I 81.1 Mircis next, as Pariament cetîla clhona on sere aiectîvo proviceanal teis homlaiesIontiveînrovithsmand' unsertalned-expeisditures efthtie Desin-1 Ion, Il cai;laipeaîblo te maies. n>' re- cuaae estimate eftfuture expousditures.c Tise estImat. for defoe inela$1,000,000, et whlch tise ordlnary expenditure hlals than huit. Ralîrords fer tise *ieo D- mniona requîre $2,197,00. Weris laif construcalon aécceamt,-aieî Includiaig In-1 tercolonlal Ralway. Tiser. are noarîy tisres millions due tise (luvernivaent for loas and adrancea, chicis shouflba dealtà wlêi, and if bad, yffilttn off. eAoe'srsling le a statement matietln tisa BOUsse,011 t 'ts'lay 'igist, in repir te Mnr. (Mit. thise ft,tig d7il la neerl>' a millotanda sry eouiiury. Dr. M06G14'r Pealttoe Bosse et en local cetessperaries pro. tend te have iade tise dhseever>' tisaIDr. MaGili, os accouaitetfholding iii, office of-] sisauld' be lald iulds-that tbe Markes' qoustionoo'sid soi b made tise tet qaee' tien os'; bat that ai&Heal .sinl pro. -motlptghe .gdu e d d- ofils. towu1bI talln asesure tiseentrsulen of ts othacls hy.ecrln mah fcltesf or otbeap id r epdliega cabeumuuieteuftas *esld proveât thé. trai ofet h.nortshava to si, nc ilrestsned, bel.1ce o# (rom whittY, Por lith e .lsioh et this muet desivable objeci, the election* of meurs. Perry and Draper,#tiste Cousty Ccncll;fs argiAiasd 'i. eéle of Dr. Gnu, sas Mayer, fer another ter.ý Ontr ovai opinion 15 that tbs (asioes sit veve, woolal meet citis general approva.l a tise haudls oe taie-îepayersi,1% cet- taln el l go a goed wuy wcvds pàt. ting an end tw strife anud contention and cenolalnet <ail te b. prodactive cf ths bust, realtastthie tva. andal htiag lateveetset tise toca. la Oshaca the nasses efthtie presenuý resee&and deputy reeve, Meurs;' Fairbassis andl W. JI. Gibsaore mentioned for re. elailonseas&leu these et Meurs. W. D. Michael, Barke, FovseCarssiel#Dicisie, Dalles, Cowan, Wall, soi Back' are muo tionsal fer tise position sé as cu asfor tisai ef concillers. Mvr,(Guy,tise presenh rfeeveW@eare in, fermed, intends retiring rom the twnihip cooncil et Eost Whiiby. 'The namesoet Mr. John Smih, Massrs. Abraham Fare. vcli, J. 0. Farewell, Annie, Richard Bar. per, Samusel Hall, J. Liais, Richard Luise, gazledesî,s&o. are mentioneil as probable candidates. Mr. R. Sssith, ce are bold, aise retires. lai Brocok, we are toldal here la liisely wo b. a severe centeai for the positions et teoe anal teput>' reove, bea veu Meurs. Brabazsud analWon# ios n thcean side,; analMaess«. Malcom Gillespie and Tise Prince Albert an'd Port Perty pa, pe rs onoonce tiseonas#esf euts.;B. Major, James Grahsam, J. W. Ailisemu, J. coroner nt the tisse et uis electlent la1 B. ýCapb.ll end Adam Gordon as prois. tiscreis>' Asqoalaflea trou iaiig bis ost [able candidates. as a member of Ibo. Legiolatire Assembi>' ef Ontario, Already, las their eagerncss te proclaissthe, faet, 15e>' bave gene tbc lengtis 01 annonclng tise nasses et candi. dates cho ave resol>'te content the halls1 cis Dr. MaGili, in case et a sec electioss. Andl thos ce isear màeettenealtie nasses et R. J. Wilion, andl'Cisester Draper, efthtie tevis et Whitbyr Dr. Tocker, (Dr. XeGilh'a fermer epponoat) ad Traman.White, of Piciserlng, sud Caîrmn Campbell sud Jeohn Dryden#,oet he townsiabp et Witby. We are, bovoerer Inela tina tlsîis tistaIer loggias cobfrer* are snaiclpstlng acue. «bst.Th. position, a ce udevstaud It, if tuao. ,Dr. feGili, chu. satili a magie- te# reclired sbo sppolnasssut ef coroner, anud sabseribeai andl 4ceis tise stis et quali, Mtioneufor tise latter' offie..'LA 14ceili isneva, ose person c agnot l hehi0is0efic 0f1 soroflé and laintisecommssionteuof 'th peau et 1théise sauYe ..TiseDocter bas acte& lalu ie capacit>' et coroner; but hai# taisesn fee. He haaneyer, hec. ver, reafgssusl tie commiusion of tise pence. The case le eue fer tee làwyero, undertise eirenmotancea1 #liet6r ïtie ileeter vwu #ver a properi>' saisfied coroner, iles.. mach as h. remaisoal aulil eus ttc magis- tvacy; îor whele t hae otb of o&@tcetisn b>' hlms coreon, anal bis sûboequentl> acting t'a thal aapacity, aid net invisdate bis commission as magistrat.. Andl iftoù ; ln tiser as.., casbe ineligibie tube eleeîed a me mber et the LegishibveAs seuibi>' et Ontaro?7.Until the Leglaluture msthètse.are pointsa tIcunnt h. de. chacal. la tise 'uautins. Dr. mogilisand isis (rien&a s aent itih. la eniîeal te tais. bis seat. W. cao acrcl>' uissxrdan lu tise tovnship et Whithy ce are. ld #btIal ibe eld ceilers wcul b.candi' dates fer re-oitatioai, sud tisaiMoeusrs, BicIaell sindlDryden ha"vcagrecaltu change plaues, as teste andl depa:>'. Picksering la oxpecacal te have a fuît fieldl et candidates. Mr. MaCright, tise pveseaî reeve, it 15 atateal, vanta 10 retire, sud Mr. T. P. Whsite hmbaseen usiedti t tais, bis pliae. Mr. Hubbavd, depas>' rosie, ais viabes te retire, ceauadcrstasd. The namsaoe the othsev caata e ebeur mentkaed sasaspirants fer municipal ben, ora aire hegion. Amoigas tsbem Meurs, JoEbu B lit,,John' aWeir, jr., Joa, Wixaen, 1v., J.' Parker, Dunhartea, Sylvester, Ma. gay, Adam 8peara, W.. Mjtr, Jobs gloigb, s&c. Prom tise etier muslclpsiules cre bav# ne definite psrtices. Tise.4,00orcsson, bocever, to deusbî but thai Meuars. Kea. nedy anal MPa es cl again b. electeal te ah. Cocut>' Coesil fer Mars analBRama. Tho nasse of Mv. MaPis ce à possible candidate fer ouofethtie offices le apoissu of. The Senate. Bcyondaltise fermat recordisg e! tise passing et a foc buIs, suad tise sitting fer duay,tisere la ver.iiy noîhiug cents reperting unader this baud. Tiseo o>tef sa>' lasprtaon conceroiug th. henorable body> eeiispoaing tise Seasie, aIne, the c.peaing et tise Beulen, vou Mr&, Caoaion'a bal glv#ra la tise Sonate Chamb.r. Tise trutis le tbat tbat tise Sonate eithtsa Dominion ih quit. anspnç>eeery braueb eoftiselegia istore, as maoisis as h la expeaiir. for an>' opinion ou uis mater, Tise c-oIbê e.* J practiasl upe tioa if a 'nec ene. Bat We us>' al> assure: Our r<sdrs-tisat sheopiïulone se positivei> ezpreaed b>' sou. et envcotem. porrie, libis eeuniy, osu be sabjeiare s.m pl Ie prustee voiverlea et Oaie at Port whitl, Ihror lm g tint, easoas TiselëfeicngAs: c&spartive state uenî et tise tcliverfes of-grain, ai Wisitby Bashbotr, duulag-i4 7*11 seaeuof et 188 l'ail gWbct iom ,0 Bloy, M'800030,0 Pesa, 9.000 20,M0 87,4 89,M0 lati.. el' eà son. MriaSm, la *tis ourme etfihW 0nacil stateuens, eMaoe in 11eHoma.o!, Ceobos, onSturdoy hast, sidh"'In Cadol liselipeorts la 160 ïmaseuea' *29,777,8$62 trous chics tse>'rose le #52#- i37,616 in 1866, sheclng as laeres.e el pts auntsa t *3,42 9tru ciais Bonoo.-Mttlton le darffeetlteSb.@au> nensaeemenf etises. la"diesvis a li. au nec peisool re«en sCentre ate% vmere île>' wil have onmraoed al (eîtie F unt anotler--"Wbat'sq " O uru *itl,îbaIMr. 'macbenaie 6 t. b.p- 'Pelat ouïef tii. run7.Ïiluîai gawsy Commfssle ais Doe hem , eQr'4 t~euî t>ýy f-utao, 87 ijose îj.day,g s coc, bofoie Ris, Hoor hU.àclk Büainu, Chairman, John Eaaeliffeé Zoq, J. P., aid-Ja.-Âtmead<i-9qe -J. P. atthe eopenilg cf thse court by Chas. King .1'éanJMgrand 'j4rurs lsaviqbeen over' '*sfolewing ç'geuolesses an. awered te thisir nsses sud were 0worn: Jesrm ILR.N MouvCîgar, FOigZNr. John Barý4 M.Nixhswander,'- A. D. Williams, Andrew Graha., John Bor"a, Hiram Kest*er, ?oçamJd Cssboit,,, Davidk'wpn, Tises. Edwards, Wim ofagtï Jas. Rsmsdals, jas. Mitchell, Péter Wall, .0eo*. Stock, John Sinclair, B llit tspvo.le, Thsomas Baevenson. Thé Cisairmas, ln sddresslogIhe rand Jury, ezprîssed bits pont satisfaction ai the. absence cf crimse in tbe coanoy, shoesb. ing only two case of isrceny on thse SheriY's calendar, sud those cf a trlfliag character. Alter explaisting the la,' as applicable tte .nature .«. l chargsu' sud boss, ibe iM.01 cse a arceny aosstituted the oeneé ln lac, ithe Chair, mas made soins, observations as to the doty of thse Grand Jury in visiting the g4ot, and .-eeaamented nupon* ithe serions encrasse in ths nomber ef oniortunat. per . sons con5fned froma lime te tiîse in the1 gaol who were berefs ef reason. Thse Couv1taise called t he aatemwigÇs of the Giand Jury tiste digicblay cf procoring admiassions for ihis clasa of persons lino the Luoatie Asiyioi, Terôàto, smnaiN.thaî the consequec 'cas thitt lonatica acre Ire. quently sent btiste Criinsi lLunatic Asylum, a& Kingston, fer cant aeceioaryt accommodation cubher in Toronto or eli. where. T ecyi ~t.Lh.19 i cas the doty of Grand Jurors 'tlbrùsgheuî' the country te taise the datt&feI j in cean. consideriag their .pg#eusutetgr in ordcr* o ihai by that meaus goverou sjes a b. indnced. 277m Queen c». Saraht Aniil Starks- t lsrcen.-Ths Qraid Jury foWd a troet bill in ibis cas. AÀ'Souhcis7srnt Wnsr issoed for ti arreatofetButer Hartlerdf, a c elîncu, for contempi lanéUà'lténdiag court. Tb@ prisoner wu placd:'eon trial, si on V/'edasssayTise larceny asbarged wuas ho stealing ef soane articles' cf <esae alothing, Prisener cas foondgoilty aend aentenccd te fonv mentis iePWaament sn fio ccnnty gaol. The. Queen vs. Cao. F7aZla.-Two d grue bisl#cere foisnd againsit tis" prisoner si na tuas case,-oefor, stubling,Msoney, au.d r the otitesfer Iavceny and r&ceivig, Front c he evideoce it appeared that' iii. péisener i 'orced tise tilt ef thse bar in BoekW i gaera, Uzbridge, stealiog therefrom ~,in blills& b.e property eofBaack.le, aud a44o a coet,r b.e property et Josephbs. if.4'Ail iii. prepersy was foand ou bla p?4sou Sen. ti tenced te four mentbi imprisosent clîh 't bard lahor. Mfr. Smaith, fromt îb. Conty TJ Lttornel'a office, prosecoted. .'Te prison. 8 trs l'a beti théeaboesecaes corg adt(nd. fT es. V Tiseracere onli'four caa' où tise aociset. Inu. Walsos s. Kfdd-Aation e n psoaniaaoy note fer *100. Verdfict for Plaitil.-J. lfamer Greencoil for plain. 'ifl. - Ontarfo Bank vs. Daintry-4ction for balance of prosaory notsý Verdict kv hilIi 11O .-..~ion for Joe rs oster-Action on promis. scry noe. Verdict. for pIainti 1evor 32.ô9. R. J. Wilhson for pli ntiff. 1 Aneron vs. Morrimo-Actioai on accoui for vecovrery et tise price et sac lega.- Verdict fer piaintiff,<fors'8'74.-, G. Y. Sitis fer plainirtf . R. J wfiaenfor detenalant. Before îtse iiag iof thbd"f:'éu Wad nada', tbe Grand ;ury matie tisoir jsueseuî ment, cxpressing <iseir satisfaction eaIbtis etate eo the gao)I; but regropIpg tise. serions *sCres. lu tise nnmbe[1 a 'uattes coniinea tiserelu, sud agakedsali, criss huai informations appeareal obhave been isstied selel> for ise 9p0!poftpreccring' ih.. as asylum<-- Neotee. isa12 persena elftli ois s.appearealIte'have bees sbd. mitteul during th. year. hi çontd a requsi that tishe fflmligtisi ltlie at. provision jnide fi taslus 'foi'th*e»on. tnemeit'of loustics..,.,. 1 .The GrautiJàsry'cene tises discisargeal, anal 0e68à 'o'nse, Adjourned session for Monda>', hlutmt. Tât Nav DOMIuIe ON vr'..ess Johns Dogahi k Son, Tise Dewaiser aaber 15 more iisaa op teî -de. M'là The Mev Dominion ideesin fixed fat ba îi@ itersinre eofCa0=als chetier tbl# tarrltory wouA d offe. adva,t; tages to IDdue emlpausts te moti. tîsere ana fwe',wvev. able iw maîntain tise ev. -ernmntt anal tisé eotvy.- At soma futur. time tise questioofetacqolrlng tetritor>' 4çeld b. btterconidec.i. To dose nov mi tinybie d in man ýetfieltiand~ fore fncur*rnig"a lotge expenaitasrc, for Vbhcfènmusbù à 1wenlbèhuecsponsIble. Tise debate on tise 'ots-c reonlas- tIens cas contiaid up Ï-0,Menda>'nigist, cisaitise resolutions weve ropoed l ils aseadscnte1,; Thse ameaidments provîde aie agrelement'(i te ba arrived at caististe Mudao n'sBay, ompanyt ithout Orst rce tciving'ttho sanctioain Parliamont. Tise' GOkbe apcaking et tishé debale on tise' veaelatloais saysl 5'Tise amandmeaits ere intendeal te meettse objectienscisicl, had.becai raised durasg the debates oaitise reselustiena, aund tise ' drear eveai (roaiMv.IHece tise id. mission tisaâtshe malter casnec lai a more satlifactory,'citet. Aller ag îninssserting tise great value oftso Tevritor>', and ceon- ceding.thÏ-limîolay'cf leavlng l ilnils prisènt cotpdit-ort, tisat gentleman uàrgeal tisI 6ïeal'3rtaihand ssal ielanadà,shuld taise ti satov inbaonal. If, hecever, pcople'froî bis country *cail anal settoti tiser., ieso olti agrea te facilltet.accuss to-tsaIceunir>'. Sir. John A. Macdonald pairtl>' cits rcfereaice teolobjectiens- aasg gcsted by Meusa Holton, Ilece, anti Par ,ler, lauaicised laite a -lasaglis>, able anal statesmn31u1*ea ddrass eai tise meit ste ishoe qazesWtios, ,lHe sait!iIt icas net noces. aary te admit tise titi.eofthtie Comrpany'; if îicy huai an>' legni rigis, tsesa oulai be respected. illsî Ilîir charter uni>' cov- cruai a sînali portbion ofthea«coulntry; anal <an tise veut tise>' tre' mcre trcspnssers. FIr yoirs Canada bas tthbise casil>tyo rssom for expansion, in looising ferward te tise uture. Tise Western prairies of tbe Unitedl States hod draci nacwa>'80,000 (romn Lover Cinnda alone, because we, at proucail, isialnuL equsally attractive lands. Dla>' oulai jeopordase tisaI Ter. ritor>', as Amnericans coulal take posses- sion, In a motter of auch unationaliriper. tvsnce, a few millions sbould, be ni) bar. Thé Quebea ireiouioaiacleail>' contein- plAted tiselUnioa et nil Britlish Ansorico, çnd noc casç the mnosuitable li.me toi ihcorporuath ie Norths ceat. Dr. Tupper Mrv. iicKenzie, arnd olliers, aigo stroîgl1 supporled tise -rcoluîionx, anal after a speech in opposition by Mfr. Dorien, tise L'enaittcc rose aa.d repertea tise reaulu. diona vis lise aanenrmeait." Tise publie accouait anal estimates for tb. year care brougisl docai, ana lliibce round reviascea asema leaigts in inotser1 solumai.1 Tise Postal bill cas pased cîts amenal- onts T isepiicipai werc: prepaymnat, of postage oni ettes and nccsqpaperas lete be o îeni;pnid letta'rs Sa; unpaid 5c. Tise maximsumssrcgitrolieairate l ise'âo Tue.day Det, 10tht.-An enqairy from 1 Mir. Glt elîcitethec (act tisait thbe floating debI cas $1,882,000 Iles than thcamount stateal b>' Mr. 1Rose, tisaI amount bcDg nec in courspet ircmittance lu tise finan- tasi agentslEngandl. Tise tlosig dtsbt i'tluae redasceEdntte about $5,500,000. On tho motion for geing ite Commitce etofil lipi>', Sir. ,Dorion, secoeadb>' 1fr. a lsSe, moveai an amersalment, exprasaing à regret tisat detaileeil csîia.als ofthesopublic a 'xpenditureisabd ne& been aubositteal w ise leuse be(ôtire lrwas assied te accade te ise aîspropriatioss rcquired b>' minislero. The atuendiucat waa acceptet b>' ministers es a vote cf cent, of confidensce, andl cas rilccted b>' a vote of 115 le 22. Thse Bouge tiers cattlite cem itte. and alpssedal vote ef aredit oet Ove millions 10 mînisterg. Goed allect Qt 4brogattng the Racipre. et tyTrenty. 'Accord iug te0 tise 'Finaceminister et tise Dossinien, Hlon. Mr. Rose, tise Inter. colonial trade bai greuil>' inerëea ameng ourselves. Tho exporta in 1883 te tise BrillisW' Nortis Aserican Cclonies (rom qaatipveper cas lu amanni $935,000, bot il Isad ineaacd in 1867 te *3,480,00P, aimst double tise assoent et exports the yesr ;previcas. Tisaimports (romn the Le ver Provinces are inareasiag enormousiy. Tiser. cere nov thae lUnea ef steamers piying beiveen tise Locer Provinces anal Ilontreel, aessisg op freigisteel vitis ceai, sic, an.d carnying bacSkfgeur. Ieauan Pnners-Esctaement ia Ire. Thse foileving détiepaces have beau reaccinaer Atlantic Câble, Daubin, Deo, 8, (éver),-Tlse olseoqules' o! Allan, Qenisi andl Lanlin, wvepertoried iboe te, do>', andcer«e't ooasw;lc of -o n immense maifîeuatittn of sysipetis>. Tiseproceedings ccv. similar te tbowse rorh teti I Lesaisi, Man cliester saisiCork, but in snmhers lsthiaen strtuuu frrexecidti n>'prevrissune. Il la estlaisted tisaI Or>' tiseusnalmon msarcbaitlai tIhe fianenal procession. G&otid oricr wcas main. tsllid Il nîoq tseaie. isA tise ilsol sfssr AI-s large meeting isolà la Dubln. on Bon. day,aspeverans speech cas aitade .Tsba dae4te bave ossiined osetiia'uiio t res- iscnabi, nature. théa Youngy Iraloui.prtya dvu 55twlteddiii UMrlu iieJnVise ,o'tlie Gnsdunnts, s cisool te %lady h7 eaasless, but of tise 455 PUp1 pli tise ei t t ii vhon, là were .tiadyu, . 1nali , sud crerctuvaiud sonlaneamos clbol, P:aa. 1 lithoera wsxs'say violition ofthea aw ig Was t lut Gusa aso easrdr#u,' log is'a>' outila, wssre dolug Comumnsoo tcool wurk. lcis (tramuîsur IAcil pOPua*h 'usw'sril toe tiita, from (overuimaîît ual, ýth is aofe $18S. exotuolvea of rues. 1011pla EuRoco cas nontpreparual et prcs'cnt toe lot fo stuer taorcsolauisai er tIse aid. met esît. h loasisiht ,It ci.» omnisui.sury si _ýMr. Tlloy'a divIion ta î.arse Graisionar Scisool studios, ud stsstit.teed thelan fuilistitn dangastia of Ma. Ituâtoa lied beau onti pehlid tb -provtdu s Qrammusr subesl bouis, or lesve tise TLhe (,'harmsau isad lie hallIseard oet lii ,nalter, and tisai atqaireaI late IL. lia loulid tise boi'k requircai vus on Algobr. nsd alca book sseeas»uary nha Ie Cr.aismoiaSoLoteli c.o';se Th fet of a pupsil reoeivtug instruetiots citis- in te wlls f te 0ruminsssr Schis'blinhsg, <lid #lot couistis uta tat pupil a (Jus,,s cu scisohar. To rsîk o«c t;ho or case isist foi- loc Gr*mmair.r Schisol otuies. Tfise mtaios, isot tise busidinîg, sslYsrded tise dilithasctioai Tise debsute cii. fliissslj aajourncd itil thse nazt eneeesh.-g of tis:> Baurd. G.'. . 'n t,"" i, -cs eppeltitad te taise tiha 61113iJ., ss"!s'reqsssrcd tîy î'w, attd $14 remuiiersstiohî voteailMinsi tasrefur. Aeunsmnittee wuisOF sppoit i.nite an- ra'ce'tïnsti for tisa buil'yeartyesanurutioîss. As uhsso oss« bu piepire cireuiar, aiîowiasg tise olorieof-t stdhess t tiha Gritaiartàctsoui, eaid tisa honours gttcd b>' its pujilo, doritisgtIse lit four vouas., 1Tise quartorly ehuilaso tise offioors andJ ta- cisrn vert thona vote4. Baverai aacosstscere leus c., Inlatise tasoaso rsof'tise cisairnin Ylssuaca, (M. Ys sed. To lte Edilor ofte WhifIb>'Clsroisd. Whiiîby, Dec. 9ih, 1867. DEsAU Sa . To isear anti ssarkset men taIs, anal te resid!yor cerrespondeat's let ter, in Lise lut Issue et tise Claronidie, a stranger conid suppose tiret vo had a set of meat, extravsganst and, onacropolous, if net; corrapt men , tasagiof affaira la Whit. by. It is ail vevy wccl fait opot he ove ei a nec olection,) for parties- te gel op a cry of làmoit trugeous end scand alons lit.j temsple te impoae heavy taxes opon tise eagteyrseSase tfattisaemoi'onte rattayr. ean.ertatee getIlemn rageons9f taxes wqsesvvrpaid, wers for thse old mas Set propcrty, *wiaai ays vwu, andl is, otterly werîisless te the tocu, anald for sa expansive bell, chou co liad a geod eue tisi servet ail psrpoesabefore. The nec marset proper>' chiaisbas been tain>' hsvgained fofr, anti pisrehased (rom Mir. HoueS, is tis e'st location in leva, for tise porpDse ; le cbeap etthaie price te b.e paiet fer il, sud thiseénato tise pressa buildings apeai it, citi nenrly pa>' tSe@yearly tiebantorea, erincipal snd inîcresî; and if ce boilalà mariset honU, andl Towni bail, 'ce'ciVii1 bave an incosse front tisi building, chiais vilI i eIcas psyý t'or the interest on tiseenlia>'; but net- uni>' that, wcecas haie oun Clerksuana rreasnrer"sOffice, env Police Office, Col- lector's Office, Couaicil Chamber, Hall Keeper, Inspecter of wcec al a>$cales, &o., aIlgintisaeone ceistrl apot, easr to be founal, andal slaysa& b iand. Anal in- *tendl cf paying hshf.&aozen officiais te attend t, e hvcrs et s mait »toeu liSe tbis, ata sonoai cost ef seme $1200, tve or tisree can perfora: the viseie labour for about bail tise mone>'; tisai saving &loue, vub tise iuaressd veverce from creigis saIe., b>'. having them in a c.uuvenient spot, woalal psy tise debenînre, as the>' secesse doe. As te niarksets not payiug sn soe tiser itrcus, anal butcber'o a st seing soi t a iigiien rates, anal ail tbat, I wenlal ouI>'sel tisi ce uit lea(rom the errora of etiers tw de righi earselvea, sud in tise irai place ce avoidth ie stupid errer of Iocatlng a markset hait a mile (rom tiso buiness part of the tees,, anti wu pot, itlaitise vcry centre of buainess; sud nexi vo aveith ie errer of puîtisg op eostir b!ildiug,e f say $18,000 or $20, 000 as some ,m' ailevaows hve dons, -and we are content vtcýis .00 liildings, anal se an our arrangeme uts fer tise sale et butaiser'a meat, or anyîising cas, we uceed Siv' ne chance fer measapol>'. As yen sa>', Mr. Editor, dasngers tirsrot en 1 h. ver>' existence et th.eicca of Wii- by, aisale a arel>' tisse tisst menaisenlal becosse vise sud give op tissr local jea. louica anal aquabbleiosudaticuit. upon gometiig, cietier Railroad, Mfaufaa- ires, or an>'etiser aisea o erais. op tise jocn anti ieep la in a ioorisbing condition. Excuse me, Mr'. E duteýr for trcspassing su yeur eelumna. I amis&c', Th' foulociaig le à ,yaopsiseofPresiient eohnisb's Mesage. Ithi ssgiven muais imbrage to tscsRcpoblcan; baât la lootil> ipplaudcd by 1tise Demeaatio papers. à onder tise circumatancea, anal cîitiseb spoicsment resolutions bangJIng evevisis suâd, a" toariesa' adou m t fer Mv. John- ;op t4'e hePLeral ts ,Titi Presitient spaiub ,éking tiaI.he pintiuoid disergé'ixalien et Una, t bhiai thse Pteidnt, bu s o, te5 caica le h b t t0 e tise.Wvisare gi~ 'y h c r w O l-sent ti degrees of 'gotlt are'.ss vaions sa 'tiseir sisâdes of eisractraad temper. 'Bât tibeso acts of Ceaigrasa cen(esnd, tisem ail ,togatser linone cemmon 'ýdoom, Inaliscri imisute vengtance on classes, seata, parte" ifýr opison choje aomamuaiilics for offeaiceo t ceansiltacl h>'a portien of Ibemag~iist tb0ise",-Crnmenit te wchstisay oe obe ilence, c as cotsion inisarbareos agea, r but Clurilianit>' anal civibizatien have madee mach progresa tisI reeourco te & pu- aiishmclnt se cruel an~d onjoat coull mnet aitis te ceaicemnatien ot *11 unpvejùaiiced anal rigisî minalcalmati.' 'Tise primitive justice oet tissage;, especialila Ib tis coun-- tr>',does net cenalat linstrippinsg choe Stites of their liberties- and rcduciaig ait of tiscr- people, wisenut discÉinination, ta tise conudition et alavery. leays lho h avrare itlasassumed caltai is sstcnl of fgovernailant for tise Seuls la; not te ho per bpeInai, if tise guarnleaefthtie Censti lo- tion anibcu broisen provisionaîly te serve Da tempoi'ary porposie nal in a part only' et tise ceunIr r>ce ceai dstroy theitevery visera anal for aIl Lime." Arbitrar>' mes. sures often -change, but tisey gellarall>' chsange for tise it'e,-lt is tise course et desprstiam tabias ne hsalting place. Tise Tise Preatideaitt.nScansial -<bIl 9la iminI- <asti>' anal ave th ie.elject ef ts. elacs te contertise privileoge oif-,oting o tse tegrea,'anal te distranabia. s'uais 'a numober of visites d a egtlre tise toiner a clear majorit>' et ailtis te elections laitiste SeutseriStule.This,' In :tise'"sJntis of ssme personas.le se importaint, tisat "ilW lion eftlhe constitution la joaliflel as tse ancans of brilnglng Il shout ' We*àre net paranîtteal le do cvil tIgeod nMay corne, but lIn Ibis case tse andis evil. ýTise sub- jugation of tisese States te negre domIna- tien -would he werse tisan tisa' militer> rleapotium undr wchsti>' srenec'sotr- t'aring. Tise blacs in tise'Souds are en- ctilcte ha cr11 lantI ismaiely gorernati, snd bave tise protection et juat lacs for their rigluts of perizen anal propert>'. If it wcrc pructicable aI Ibisissîe tw givtrem a govaraiment o! lieir ecai, Il ceol b. questioaiablc loo >s.;'bul nov >tisa>'are permitted a l c l lgitcîaturae, rersrganiza Stabes, andl dclPreaidéaite., Ne inde- pendent Govecisicait bas been mainiaineal hi> negras. Thse nessuge goes 1oai t r- gue the dangers utf tise oxtengicai'et tic eleatîre francise, anal says tiat four mil- îliotso etgrndcd slaves >'erterd'y esainot bc midéiasttelligent-fvee te-day;' Thée Preilident luesilling ta joli% in aaiy plan ta better bise condi lion ef tise negrus-lin Ili their rigInts, save transfarring te tsean 0e politica inihieritanca. Tise Prýesitient 'ai- babs a he s.uncountei 'nillioài't&sathtie' Congrcsionsl, plan bas ceaI, and-Bi sn'it ciii inarcase tisa issrtias cf taxatien anal sony bankrupt us. We muet net, ise addi, delude earscilfas. l ii e quairenastrong standing an>'.siald probabl>' more tisai 200,000,009 dollars pen ycari t0assaintain ,tse soprcusancy of negro governanonta vison tisa>' *re cstablissed. Tise mone>' hua Ilîroca aa> If put laite a siniiig fond, ceulal pay tise national dabi lai filen years,. 1<io'rali te Iopo tisenegrues dli miaintain tiseir ovuu ascenslancy. - He discuases tise exîcail te chiaistise 'Presideail may go tocards preteating tise constitution anig opposing tise unconstitu.,c tionni sacsteofConsgres»s.anal sayslb nsz cauased bitim macasolucattude,, andl ise bl. lieves tisaI Executive uasineë to tiro. Stitiitional acta migisl in bigs tisa. et part>' excitemcst lid'teW civil car. Tise civil tellure bill la nexl diseusesl anal denounceal as'uncstituioaial anal ex- tra josiciai, anal promaeteotf aucl ilaipre. vcniiag tise vesraI et dushonesl cificers. Tise Presidcnl then elaberatel>' discusses tise fianiciai questions, anal -invites te It tise osriy 'considération cf, Cossgress. Regavding toeiaiaffaira, tise Piesialenî say: * Mexico e lreved frein.forpig inla. terposition, anal pesa. reigis lIn Centrai anal outs Amcs'iaa. Tise Uniteal States cere cresiitably rcprcsente at tise Paris Exposition, ana a a ganarai confereaiceofe ai nations, naicaisauniversel systeai àf gold ceinuge cras agrecal upen. 0f tise Alabama dlaims tise Presitiant spcaka as toleca: Ne arrangement lias ,been reacscalfor tse settismeaîit. c i eur daims for Britlish dcpretiatons ,tipou> the commerce et tise tnited Sutes. 1 have feIt il My tut>' tealdcline tise srepesitien osf arbitrtieai mode by. lierXijesty'sg Gev. anment, becase.il bas isitiserto iseen se companical b>'rosenvations anal limitatiens incompatible cîistisahenigbts, honora anal intereata (f ut counry-.&isnet 1#0 b* epp.ianacdtisI reat Brîtaîn 1 i er. oint lin ber refusai te satIsi>'tisese Just anal 0sa j7eiéotrMi. Hnbbar, "tt iil. canncrs.s. L NEW 'SC Whltby Towniblp Ceimatih., - ro- - - f-4 Su, H.Uer.ec i Connail mset pun'nant 'te sdjeurmsa5. Ail K1T1Içà,JOOEI1 c tise isembers'prescai.. eosla heehslr , aiiig tise aoc ..1r. Drydlen moreb, scéda b'm v llI, tisaitis omado o/re*olvsfitltlotloea esbor <Clo.... comuasttee ert tise wci te o nslier the . Juior Ias. ulcipuitlr. Mv. Dtydcn li h lr. -FseuiyCa i>titerose sa] reportedtbei lwn Ùubi. .... 'Besuivesi-Tht 114 con itteo liavlncrbisr4 Dris . tise objections of theleosusnulte (rosaitthe cor- - Position ofth(le To*aisbip o o! LiWitby to -Thequarter-0 the sect. orderatbI etbv tilisarpors àteof Pli lois, (et <tu Isst mettng,) A la tlseretore Te- ecuiee sl pcIvedi b>'this arcemibeshoot - $Fi'Ola dues]duo z-vt i. tbWleonneilî suid 1hT iss1e . .1 sise ss refer WisitbyoqhlsIpsy ot'ertlsamnutt (uh.tvé.: sûrs et biais oer hono, tise sinus»hallec bu 'h ReuxEv. fnlseulîemens t U ail esbalcesu tie "hVIMYr Lv. -bco nnutipgilm ' T. Pl'suLs a Tubier tisat tise report ofthtie commitlse et th*,'- V. W. Coi'xsum chboie Usndo1.td. Carriesi. - ne Vu". Aucur Mn. J. V. ipeosprepciute'1sadreid lise p.- BIL Lz, La tîtion et hleiauder Anstersoas, pmyhntpv ýra X lU. J5LAxZ, L fartiser-grastof tan doUear, w caomplet X.'Mao Baalli job pli bbe aide flunobelceen Iotau, tonduSa$ ~ lib, De. r. Mvepeurs moeas, sceondeal b yruluer, tiaIvsei iisasnseiadjoursp.IL. k tand s»d- C0001 j(pnrner 1i11 tise loti at., tsen te maetait tise Tocpsuhall BrooSin,'at 10 A. Mn. Mr. J. V. Speurs prasentas tise petition ofA ti Ot Jobn OÇieY, prsyong te IW. rliavedirons fa'x eAutiead T'e110 creprexeaical tishethisýon ot George- <'oce>, 'rsuaeltr n vsce oun iissd . ' . WiityDca Mv fhsmoves, ascce hb>' Mn. >"isser, tisI tisa reeva l'a hereby anthsiAzed te gona liis oriur on-tise-reasuver, iti (avroe isetel- " Iecin rsonisr for thisasanaps i ler îj> i.pectv ane%, rZ-bne ydfrbt ilsing balalgeoen lot 32 ' ils sleaié,lcn, Ï '201 2ot ts irirs Spar.-etr .and liaid i Wgtsioîs, -Cl. ~ ,or ln aluneis. SIc; te I)eiteJjali Ansov, »sper .yasrsolsI-reai d mat., 1IL Word,. fton htsldf<'gbridge f. on sTise o'ns&r i ltssebf Pics.ningr, $10 ' P ;Xrassai &kîre.. 'for - ' c" ae b eav 61; h udg ',-for gravefltsa * 'v. iuerjîrescel, sii' laI.ni'tapon tihe Wsty table, tisa petits(osa ef J. Niosi, anA lu disent, prsfn fovaetoCliarIlIs81»U, an indigmgCLP Mv rdens ,oves, seroedtb>' Mr. Jisier. tiu ieuD. Barrow»a sial ae (ltil a tsi' corporâtlosi, tise rite bcherel'>' athia.-1a Mxe rrussaid D. Berrocatwaisth Oumof '7at66t Mr.Wiia novas, ae"caueld by Mr. Fts.Iaar, tîî,t tise oreve lm lierais>' Isdamuhfled fer iatvng ai, order on thé iatrAnr te ýG; . FHiaiestas 3 for thé am of #im, ..leus.thstm nesblsg' tise asncl, t'en rraveîhing dosamoiee vsiJë GIOS & lu tIse ails cesoeealon. iccsrdiaig te contrset. Mvr. Drytien mv~scne > f lh biset tise reevo lié isereis>' anthoonlset Wt g, on besauf of Mlisaco.'peraon, ia fraeeu aldiil disw 'XrEES tg cisigetliaooan. sbtsai (ttsibitd'3 and l ' D ut>' saisitliet ofEtatonWlultIy, supen reçelng ,P AND e. (rom Laet Wiltby, this.met *,7e. 'à"r*11 that paý itoved 61 Ut, Dryden, sseceuded (q ]ïr. ZMt it Fisîser, bisa lie reev ve 4irquiresl te goiant' is- erdar on the tbreansvsr. for sa, te b. expendesi gnpeoi;fer $1c. lu, fsro f J, »UMZe 'N W ZDA teb > ua eladed ,for thc bandit of Chus. huilr asi lmai'; or 04, 'or tise beneof Ana Cohdisy , nat pe s o r tliree tisai- î, lonUM hava, fer the boiselïiu ofAnis M'evenu, lJdl-Whitby, 1 Coassiril adoorneti.--Ir SEALNOTICES. Extended nov annenemeûts o tise (ollowinli irais, wll appoe next we!ék Great bargains in Dry Gooeds, st HAMILTON & CG, Poosioinable Miilinery & Manties, at HAMILTON à; Co, Docided bargalus lin ciotblng, at BHAMILTON kCo. New f0ruit nov Tecs,?and Tam*l Gsi. ceries. Wincs and Brandies, hftzevr best branda impnorte& et tC Jast reae d 1'case' 1 Vinnan i fldalla, Atl 4y Depet. NOLs. i sil2, TilFs c "!TRS h CUIý -M. ODonoaa. ra EON é CO. sa aoebvted linm Ha& CUTT'VUS-11 pubie,-'a1 Sîaigbo, c nish, cen lanad Bld tont frant CO-AL Op Toi priera Whit', D, On the li -= tau, BA. k eratIA.G Couna Jai -Celemni, w. Cooke, Miss Il Gibbssn, Wm., lotchirs, LMe Joisb tssIe * u' o ie l, a î le sd'erhrlt cht,ý Dosmcv1 1

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