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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jan 1868, p. 1

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-Watchninker anfd Jeweller, Brook nom Uç th lce. corner or uA ~ouiit e RaIl- OMlt'uellscaletthe llollsnd 1lVitby, 1POo. 4, LS67., uso GGRG"CORMACK.IMNhT T flV ?iI i ~i14ugpond; ~Atereqind ccVy fur thecocu- l. sat uot. ctffiu IlcliCoubtLt'il) m jjjyAT LAIWUWtIOECK ~,:Ž~îtY. Brooklin Drug Store. We beg ta o ia arineto frtirîg ra l'uznaBaothe gle tirst ci ]la:ch, 188,' and in conse(quence, have commenced aofeàh Ami) soLlIIU 5UX D W whole of Our i nIncu$c Stock of new i~~~JD Poot atatal 01)i, I't .on.u GORDON, sind up'o.S N o.1 ,o i ~tri o il. forJ MBr a lri . , >, by, olit. ~ .OMM~IÂL OTE, Redymde CothngAT PRICES T ilocl &o.,0VI SILdka.ITJY ~UBiC&O~4 inlorm!siiauobiedt lhlonce thtie:C o o is ,~~NG5, ~ whiehhavze obousi urwlytilrislie d s4roîo- *i-L s & ~ înemTA *.vâtid by hM, and where £hie ut accommoda- i ù r - A9 ýw O11ce ta Ont'si asglj fhoi-jllétot ,<uswy ýiiQr t4ctbof the'bc fuisd. nrna11.and atec1 on coAtta, lu arder tai reduIce ur Stock, bY ~iV Ostieru. csssrinuokoîuuIy îsudlrsstt ~~ aw~~~~i in E oedtis niulî nspa'"Ible, Mhen the balance will bc offercd in bulk sçsf oird E~'kLR, --'------ MI-NMILLER. th te go vlle uie ' ocether s îîh a le-àe 6 our ncw and eligible unon $OLlC'lVBIONTON'S, îOT EL, preonîisci;, to a solvent purchaserg on s ery liberai terms. our stock le ail new TDCO ~ ~ î~ ~ h~ bet erme whe etiabie us te offer goods fromn VI Mbought .IN ilu 1boxes 100. g .o>iTN g a'uou ie 0t 5per cent éclép'rthan anny other Iloiuse in teWvn. Our object being. te lu bioxc. ls. EL. V lsiîtnt o lii ubsty i icorasu ~due urst~kyrair -than fseek efofits. *lst suioktin sd clséwlpg. surre Ud l ioli tit lie. liii5 bjprie flst Jewe ott, iAashelîulssd ltilttied uincirr.leh. ý400 prà. miens' pâlnts,, from $2 te $6,- colourg. ~ md lulirI tl, vsltr ll tbd Vr7cue- , li~o. 0e. Grpsy Cottonli, te~vdeWix h %V 0009 i l9uatce. Wl nos, L1îuuors and C.garilof îth 50 wo t I e.ider. '8lcafl INr 1îo, AatotV20}oy ot I>a Jncl<etfq, $5 m ithe Couf!lty. t.li tgLiGaattIl aiv nle, s,1way$ 1l2 ttqnd - $10, Woth$6,50 te $2,0. steain Loomes, 1>îints, Shirtings, S1JGARU i#j,» riutrsJock! l aJ86. 650 Overeoats, froni $4 te 812, wseth nd lckiîî-s Dry Crusbetl, --- $,0te15 Glitte' ilats a"'d CaIps. VerY lat.est crup.làcd A. ViCORA IOUE, 00Vesefroni $1,50 te $3, worthi styles. Nots (rsu. e , 2m, 3. rv~iuaCUrO1 I~ ONIJASflTRU?, w1ITB~. 2 te (1-3:-es iluWinceys, Deinines, Wrelod Vsoý(,LOL I TJZT,ýWfJ3f $ t 4i resGod) m rioq &4sud 4. JOTT'< l>IUUIL 1ojslo~r. ~eay % lîeyllhketý, frein $4 to, Tlilbetâd Cobour'ga, Mgrînee rhe 1og Wb fIlle 4btri-sts i, ol îwcsryîgo s~ Worth e te $6,7à. Lustres, Gala Plaids, ail wee aiCBS 11 r. (8fi nt lie 1,4 tesai *sîîlen»is i nthelî W y e'eninp'e, froml <le. -Frenchî Repps. &o. iuusmniiL %~*~ftNI~ hat u wies lVsr5~ciansd rafra'sli- $1 te $2,5W, wertil $1,50 to $3,uÃ".10fSi-~fon., $2 te $12. lse nier>N i~Y auts A Wolf slîi tu leie. Gou)dstisliilg all10( ~T~lo, &e, &, sul iicusc yad.Bearduli il 1k înixeid COftinlge4, f rom Nubas Searfs miloe Towu ~ ~ ~$1,40 te $3, wortli $1,,75 to $4. Bre-akzist Sliuwls aîsd Sontags.Lgs:o own WhHtdcrs Oct -k 4fi.cm11,44te$3, Ilosiery, n spilendid onssortmieiit. Iiset~ I~~j~b~w's Blortii,.,75 te *$4. Wb:s c lTirmingse, &c. 1' b-cas M.- ngih ctch TweedB.ack-'Silks, ad n n Msi.Moiurd l a i lla¶Ies ,ber Tlb. I'LATT',> - Vëry elienp. îatiî:tskCurtains. macnd d MueIinesh S S ab, ~ N ESON ST. O RONTOEngliei Pooveleins and Cloths, very Table Linîten, white nn rw iis *vuÂDLESO NELSN ST TO O TI IineLinnene. C ()Visuîery Mt'11 ~'TIiI. T igihad ec*Baes h~Linnien lnndkcerchIiefm. FuctSporm- '4ï &CI IfASSETT & KEEI3LE, *PiorîtiaToli. Mantle Clotllfîse, &.-Cif îdColîeloop Skirv~, 'rielrlii. loor ta tIheReglisrY Elsh and Canadian'IFafinuel'op al 3ltsad 1uekice, 0., - Tsill FFEB 41 Y r iPîî proprictorsatî 1et iî ssuonea et -- r i lsIr ijliadm, utila di,.tniséo, as weill asrieur s.ioîa iloile, iltI imli ave tikec 'tlaistihavr î.reuiîes, Jva ko,C, wlibii mr) ln .vary repec-t esV-sesis Tarate. .0 irl'rtsaltlyïftte-d uî)loir tise aeî,sdsii ~ m~ ~IR J~ ?A1I ~ ENl igSyRU. _______________ ofgse.a 016ialthe travteling publie. 'rhey wil 1- i vI SRU CRIL LT', L L. IJ. lllie iinssidliitisst itesessall sttoîdii.ee, isd TREN.1 T.,W,&. euv ao!sigUri ,O<nfa , grv e '"Extra <GodenL * . ssiatlQuveflt, salIcolis<> li tfGs"E l'as, iîh a saisati, tu l 44 <nil. o tuO lin 100 Goldens. rcecivedus as4w' aylyelaisins, lu boxes, é & 1 boxes. î~- le lis' Ntet oihPalleAplRp Ws . * ù B1OIO1E'ls H 01. L Diio ]okeu new lytrs, - -$275 s. kwater Salmon.l2ts erVieAlRsbrr L f*(L2S 4JAiOA,) 4boxes - o ~ ~ --~1, round ilerrlnge, eîîly $3 a bbl. RVT Wu*utu n91aui Tn, boe do.rench Br-andies. Layer MaLinA; 40 ' N~ew Cgîratend ig. i n - > elOshli . ___________MOTIOS. BIODIE, Tnwiltr h ~4~i nd Sherry. Seîn ~ îNZA~« lO'IdTE ietwi-ou0),tl, -it h W hisky. Crlsà #w <erswstlOctober It, iSSili. 8Pur-e Coffeefî hgrotid " â!'iky. PÀ 192 - ice, nie. -t "Od yeýhli Y - LUnion S, T'A. G E H O U S E S-ga8 1 dkiss al~~o1' i 10 1'2, 15 and 30 gal, citron f OUNTY OAQL U MÂNiLi.A [-Ë"IdENTON, SOLhnolTrout, (Leako Huron,> j4 bbls. lo câ~ tt Brewer i7rle. 9I1 O -bl EST %Wineti5 I laôruWpras~cm ~ TRS51UTYC~l 8105iBsind;daatlooa13' or' »; pira oial stabilngaud À 18 attentilvetolsaIlî. 1AN_. ix? E. AL ION~EOT L. WHLITBY,$,N, C27, 186t. 1 it .g T05A5TtEXLW5iB' ON ME ULAI, ~çCESl -___________pries____ ~Iii'i4 , Wllthý, Jan., lôth 1866. 41 ',W r, L hie thia war1&fl OW' .éhrý grid -iuàr' , cd ga<ils auM atic neê ui-litserowiue& dmO lar4ettas op ont o'dabt. o'Ir6 a gl aikît jade, 'a ouiy-bài rifaer roti', abot,-' And tfo élOi we:u me bongoaz %0amouru >- - -$ýt 2 !J5Yitts i qiai e;ivu Oer sic a tbheug1 s aibI.oftheT04P "';1'nel FreeftsP4T-WilIt IïL$ - rchiect of~S4 >u silB .jît1 Thé ç±c or~i (pro% tu urenfi.Fi) -th ir' magndfce 'Lt teuaj es- - 1~thé'e1nte'i'ar of th&itil'~ 'Th!&a lea question which bai oftexu been i~faimsud uh qae ~~ P IS,% asked, but *who ceausVi"5er It? - eesna: Théyawdsb toçL. XiaîJulde sonry le wide epreîsd over the cb~" thée Div'Irîe Àr hiol it kSquare'ha1 iti enubraces millions of thO iulýith-ted; but b, or"obeeqlu0 snltle. ýtO~- m ankind l g n ral are as dark upon the ' this prim icip ei nlu MltoOuF»V , t f mysterlous crfi as thougb there wsss naoOur i fiuest Uuilidines been erectel -Whi'te' ueh thing exigtiug; Theci-aft fiourlsbs al lehi at1 Wlo lu tîsis couintry, aud luehudes mauy. bun --i, 3neî'aSif'ox Mah tbnd brêthtbru, ho, kebép,, '-itè 1. eiu fl~t~r-~ilit6ie secrets as faithfu ly lis tboug h i .th y were r-, M. l epertct Fs' p etasa o heriuoticaily sealcd up là their heurts. Fcmisji iciicuc ~atliile reem asonry is a great fhsota. noble, uîni- lie gl56at prliïcile ersh re 'i he e versalinsutituitien, which esbrces 'witiu uysteries oet he crft. ýIn,îethô ,Aes its feld people of ail climes,- creetis, and 'ý preeerveb* wi-asth iom' yf tè"¶ý1 -(Mb 'rXi question sskedi, ee ecu~zlelTeniîsTipiara, utlo. lcqthejrvas: hob wislic4 ta bbcsduttcd ta ilse crait, sl fon europesPalestilisca 12ein anmd finding tisa t nn eet tol é w s oteu' soi --exôr t . t-ould bco iado Mason, conceived, that a snosi tertifrhtrE~tet secret tisat couidhot e .rcveaied'ta the oeecuaç yh.ïpçp ,gtl Qucen must o iijurious te thé îlarouc io ê uorgdb1i pçi e~i s ud se n t iu n ar sed fo rc e ýtcr d isp eis-e tltise ir is i S U d în u ; îaro ue iJils '41h t ki ý ,b c- G rand L dg e a i Y o rk warbre h e ars-e b fTI. y t il e 1- hi d ý A t b y holding ber Court. Tbee ùe b , i b ie ii d J aîiedî&1p aof txc Ihe a c 1~ p i ao m a n ,a -?re e ' mn a a o , b u t th is ' n t avi < n re s u Brita in u n d&C ' r pt a i c 5 1 t u î in side c em pu sory pon ler u deý ,p e p iar lôd ge s'; atiid o nîiîsù d h;' Ë o un 1) idi r circuuscncca- Mie bca-we ý adenýt thé auspices'cf the Popes - 'eore M as n ,a nid rose h i g h l i c h e iaît. " W ia t tl od s , til i P o p ery .eham ne d îs c ar w is lreeknat;or), 1', aendeîhabdcd âby "Par- tucifsùu~b'~~enmi~~sr i li sm e t lu rin g th e m in aîty f H e n ry -V I. 1, matii stT, n sud 'ti e s ecrt o r Fr e f ~ , r r sud aô l being able to ex îiracti t ie,;4 br t, ' c egl l ua h be r c ed. '11 usn; i aud i tiot îi c y p e s d a lI r.(S e . 8 d , fH cn r y V I., - < ii t h e u , î 'ç li e ,çec sla it d e uio sis ;c gd , a i u l - brehrey apaâs uisd.Thé Pope sizd 1) snakiug it fciany t-o nicet las togek.hi- -Mud;sdiee tl ~e- 1wlsat la treemasouiy ?" ai r sked bjy .- lthe P rinces during thé rëlign, of d Jcirge c .asiu i catianft gal us -et' i n l ' u ved t aieé li11 T îse ausa er aras, l' ou s u ad ei" 0i5 u s - - .f5 tie 1 - t _ Tbey wcuh, arere initiated, aad became arer' erçcld,"klt1, peieý'bu e n i n o i t i u t h e r d e v o t od ue s s t o , t i e 0 i 5 t t a n i a i s l t ee r o i t s o v i v e d& a i" q ' 4 h s b ' u g l Henry VI., on ttaining is majority, bc- driveil from ele counu!-y-tley fpi i~Ie ca mie a F re en ss a n, s ud t ook g ie t imterest in a s on u nîb c'dia re n o w d iýadet o vin & i, t ie w c Ulare o f - t ie b rot ierh o d. , BH é ' t Ie-w orfd 1 xi ' soug t out-by ocry ieans , ,ths ie 'cicrgy ad , m en of ci ti ingjanud -knewted.-e i otism rI îW-sec eeýë y Ia ud- uiug'the ycaé'~ ofe Frceiaasoury. ber l - Auer-g tise Laudtdowhb M inB.lut-b ié FeafstbP£nrl4saa dzwîsal b là aien - British Museum us- aietirio i- '<f tsecrft s çisp' t e 'u " t e "Crig lu f Fretn ur a ay ," collectai[ by, t éy -c nsi re gingiim5î ery t ih- that Lord Burleigis (No. 9S8ý -artiçWe 48l, dsvitinurs'Lut w iich Free uuas sery is traced bock .,t t E ree în'asen wae nevç e cîf u sd iviisQ- w a6 a tede uvia.ns,, aho 1 erected ,tara o pilars ual a lyal suije ç. Frec itis onsury s fa v Q aud pliseed tiereon certain chàracleris,' sudireglusâecnrdslsa il L- imitiuta - tese pillars exis rtl J id ailti à-a"uriers brtlsrls Ilcase na s ta te d b y J o e ep b u s, ar se s a , u e ef lu n d c iiti a uia o f - m o un . ', WI h : t- qs . F rc e m a ý -aas e xciî ti ug in ; b is - d y . F r e naso ry , s ? sOI - as nee d et L a ti nr c . I it zistcd l in isn tla in tbe -Lim e of, té ve i o! ' - soei l 1Y i -lu tie 1od eCs ià Druid; heir temples, 'rse, odges; tbho- chi ofiodetity îiowil ulpoji (tuttand u E esiii1 o fit e ieg l i i th ir b eau ty ils tise suppa'sod ahana bavée a iasonic m byeoftntl lIu 'oriîsuoet- coe .p,- n -iVsic isbl lct earangment b udcor tYeu ouid -bot.'cct from h ier], tisa < ieiLn îhtie'ra gmto scrtswhsi yaraiton. 'evual. ýYoù, tin' iportions oet1he iodge' tof thia d are,- e ,pluiou, 'he gi-cu eleccs o K i ug Edyrard granted à tIb rter o9'~ - ar, u m muoson, presiked as G.bl-s t Y-, i h, ~riuodIOrn'ýoa -o.Ju - cuit f-'oaa ail orde9d Jic asonc~s-chiii5t b.rogu- Ophe t lie évident, eterînul, -ad uuiitit-sul tereti. -R1ing Alfred was U.M.. , and ,ponI~ pia~pe fuioeliotit u bis delcatin~îpeo-~t~ep~v?-~ ftltt~it~ rfiill ~i n rail owhriebsaïe e' i s- ti ,ld protose eveýrjtbiug t tflic ir rdassts tt Yend aresudh6r, - . iÏtcttiem ,f 'f éodd; DlaB oti0eoy, sadt v oiavé-tê ba. ireailZ5s he ment y nthe C orner r1-IAT DE PY COMPETITIONt Redin. Johs-Buitl .rottîsgtel- Jgsbes*e .Or Aiclsavleu. Msas-ouCtànp. WercestershlicSauce. MALT. Taille SuIt iu drusos. M(1 Bkisrels @ $1 80. No. 0, CoaeBreoma, aira tIucL -No.2 &% '< 2 Iloop Pails. 8S -1 1 0 P l ' a i l s .. Nestsid ited l s Matcjei;. Clasibcis Pins. IPIrES. Ts ilsaus1% Y DRYSI &TESIES AND ICOR»A4VF, DRUGOI tMnlaIlalr~P UreaihTnilai-. ' l Jeaidlg Linios -Cssrbouutc Lt Sod r ' Deele SPs. Aluni. Bcd Corde. hioraix. Seiue Twlîîc. s lph r. F ie ail Tain.. lahg Pwaer. - Ciisrt'd Twiste. Epasatn Salt. Mise. Tlîrefid. bai-Sed tîs. <is die W i k. sciiaiii. Gfuni <ampitor. Bitte Vitrul. Salîino it Barres. Black Lend. Wliite }'it a vi id Lsko stave i'iLsls. Ir ut, ai $1,01' p ar Buluosi Bine. Msickatrci, lis abus. &t B .111 B i n . V hit s F IA Ib , stTN IIIE a No. t Naulti; Siiore SPI tiisg.isn barveo's. Éa. 1 iblrador sj>liIM Star LabM-eî-A. - - ila brreis. CÃ"Zrs I sIIl a . - Na. 1 i uan Ilerrng s. Sisollvc a lY& , aisd arbele lArge Table Codgtai. Tiss.il i4docr. ble.Cro tl - Smoluzd lerrîigi lu b ô Cattied 1'cscîie. LQOS . iîd allier frita lu brandy. lusss' crasekema,. rtls. Biscuits.OarlDpy Saga. Liqsrec. -GIN- Souaurtl &Q sOteld Tom. leisi'p Sed. RUM- > Ar-oiWîoot.Jaaseu- Battih icS.6OTUIE WH SKEY Corks.--Iaail" liy.ý Wnifing Peper.-"- - ewM&C'I ladîko. 1FORT WIINE I3 Orange. 'Ri e'aOrI- Doneudiamoi Coirila. AlmoudA ES- - t Bure ilil ilci Eouriugs a. ekes. ~c. t3rc*es s. s. 'elsery 's. isd. »noblIsg Âp~il, lUS. 4 : A - LI. A TTORN IV .J- DotucMa-1 li a t le4 tear PsasV' 44, tyChi J. B.. V tortyu 1

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