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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jan 1868, p. 2

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TItv eIf.$k M&b 'lune.C*ob# ieb4ieâlh 8sport vblci the pspe.baus it*o.ea8 a iepioîud poitionishils il b'as *ow soeued amougit ibe local "Prut W ithe Dominion is e ont sppreeicu i our loug labers. W. ssiy' ibis lu 1no eglsisa t ui; batleriii eaubi bae <tlases,msierll d lori h.k Iaiglthoe i have sioodby us la lb. isour of nuwd. buniler eafaria viii be made i.. exteîsd the us.faiss aofiiie -aoig'oLmsuid miii. h nmons vorîisy lai treu vsai ofsupport. But th. futur. iout h lait aspeak for tisit. Thbe teppioî has overçoci s o tale asbrle(i'etraopeet of the pusi404d bale bock M soute af the.prisueipsi eous iuL av tten Solieslasud garouud îtie tovu ai Wbi lji ef vbich va bave' 'boeuthei"brleiCÏro- iiuhts" lNou Uist e dos.dusngtii pai Olovon yesrs. -lus oting ith. changes .Lleb bavre tlina'place, tise moif Weil ieissaseed f(«es nov uslssig-seme Wu 1 t on# te lé sloop tLe Sisep ibiat k'sav no, -&ts1li"- tise vcolleeîlaî Ã"( absent iloo and i udl @ouets wvLeb Time «.0 thli egrsuaInovsor" Luasbrougisi aborne, voare net cuna.ibo h ierecord ,iiIo p *sa1 sad rseoiletiond. Bui lb.' Cuoosaî.s, wvo Lp, vii uetbielerns prove oae oq(intrs-sud espealhy î this. yeutbhiîe presont day1viiosme bte.nonsema o p 16 Le men sud vaiseau teeusd o46 ad vho 6ii ihe pisces of tics. *ho 'baie goue, before tii.. And vbat ebsuge a isas een braugitêt neuslaevAn lesu 1 borm-muny fa smits, happy sud tuid eleqveaijour#ago are uov sestier.d tu as .tourv quartera ai iii. globe? IRom *»s y ireud-?. fasâher, s mothw, s as. band, w ie st.e, oer, opr-r loved oceG- ses nov laid la tsole ast tirtiily bone, ah old grave 1 Aod, 'bua ws hortaL ages ar uited, Il are isappl lsg ai ver $W old (lieu aifit.he COOe- lts a m seumsay "Mes Dow seirceele.. mmber#d by sema eud usovai se mosai 09 thé Prudent dey, IihSh.-Loobing ovar the irean sd sub._ sequsnu aubers ai îe Caoosassvfer tuse teat me d the sdvs.s. ai tise Wbisby sMd lait#. Rrou Ral vl, ane oi the mesî -promime topies dl.cused, nad the pro. e usueasaij and p.îshsîenly sdvacstedè lu praesedlsgs of iii.Coauty Coaueil àr iait îas 5numach ugob and asepyà iege qels.i o u.M eb, tboise ahlml hfig ise cames of tLe ussbers csas prislsg lises Lodysî-Townu ai Wiîby, Ji&a, [odgsonq and Francis Haler; Whig. byl'ysoublp ! iJus. Drydeu, sud A. Foart- meil ; reicb, (leo. Curdie, snd A. W. Jurmers; Sdgog, J. W. Gambie ;Braok, J. Sall 'Lampion, sud (Je.. Buibasea; Sltq Jas. Callovay, Usbnitlge, Wilm tiîib, sd loba Wdauîu;j P..kag, T. 7, Visite*, sud Robt. Rieisrdou1 ;Osuvaa 'Y N 0bh i s 'oraL, Mil MeDongali Mari s u lmaD.>G. Roeit. Tb@Là a. ter gentlema as ueited Weîdsn._Tise Toms cauueil praidinus are eeported ai eeuaold.rIie léugu 60a4 the dlseessoau. SIon lime to tIq» splrladilyglasn. 'Tbe alluga o.e t îbn bh i#A tisecourt ver@ 51100k - la 1>1 euniversel, o0umrelesi disetter;# ofii.hesr 1850. Tb@.dèpres. sineoa lh aii period' *iie'ded e-ée. and the. lavaietiWhbity 4dfinat.eseapetthe geaiersi su&frng.' Othor esiamities ailiiet. 'edWitby ddarfrg tii. ear-thaiai dfrr vas iýo. ireqent accarsuce. -Tii.ditap. poit.elh la ot eoameneing tii. Whitby i sud latte Huron Rslveay, for the canstrue. tion ai vhu hé' . ovi ad made'gigantie efaorts, mal b. lkevlse re loned amongst Whuîby's disauiers for th. lent 1851 Auacugut ithe dvertisers lu ie fisi unm. bers ai tih. Chronicl ,' w, fluîd îosô af Dcnaidsoc 6; Ca , B, Conuier, A. J. Harrison, .Tuas. l3esl, W.,1H. Tre msyue, Jjus. fluctue, W. 8. R.,binîon,' B. P.,l!ubbard. J. C3. Sterling,.- Hugb Pelii, Jetse Veqsllke, B. Budden, S. Burlelgh, F.LN. Neville, T. C. ILaçe, Jamies atées, I. MoBeieai . A. Bannister, Hall & iivingstan, 'M. Bait Hewson, Brown à Jackson, Jon'rs sud Gaige, Thoa:ss gai, isgber, Leo. -lotiaW iofa iithe enaines ibis v'eek? Ail are goue sud" iev onesý fil thei.r places. la May, ai ibis ypar, it vas ut talhei.tirei petitiotwu&asgoi op by persan* ewniug iarmn-Iag sdwlibiai the Corporation. ta have Ibo lioeiii of eh.e lovai redaced. 'f h. erickeieru ai Whiîby piayed msny maîches duriaije i year viii Ibo-Toronto-, D*r'iugiou sud otber clubs un moi of bich îbey veres sccessiail. Tb@. Wbitby races vere eauisînteresîiaiu, empiaily o o ie te Bleay, Tii. lier rarmauces vere by il White ird," à$Sl..py Bil," laniensuChief,""léSetties Cit," "l'rey gagie,9t "Mascow," &-lady Soier," 6"Tbundrba;t," &e.' Whitbyr'i fsvorie trotter, "Bi3ack Tovut," delighied bis irieudusud backers. Tiiers vers seceral grand pie.ies aet Corhett's point drirlg ithe year. Ousely Noble, a vastebmakçr,'!" ieuud desd agi the. ilear af Pllard's lietel, on s Sanda, aigbt, lu October ai ibis year. The, Scotch Kirk, the reideaice ai Me. J.. H. Perry, ubirsngs ai buildings ou Byron sîreet, knovis as Perry's blockt, Mr. Arual's store, the. MePherocu block. Mr. Sîsmur.i Coeh- rauces brick houe#.,Wsluce's brick o&, taiges, ou Centre street, the Judge's pre- soait rasidece, the Rayi hoet,, sud auber buildings, tome ceneced lu '66#,-vere aIl compieted tbis leur, es aise a gocd miny rame buildiugs, Tii. Wibi Literary societ>', (siue*i defanc,) vu*e t ablibdied uayqr. Elibu DBe l thei ietraed biaelsih" lpioîred uvic-9 durlnq- the leur at thebs echaules' hall. Tie schooner -1Oatiel," put out ai Wbiy barber iu Mercis. la tii. samo mouth tvo bo'rss (neyer sic.. elaimcd,) vere (ound $hiot lusa svauup oulai -17,- in te iii s .concession# and tLe event. gave rise te mouci s pecaiansd eaquiry. Ti@i.;«'a. vertea Paciace eaed publication &bout tuis tise, sbýortlly suer tise appenrance ai s&pamphlet published by Cel. Cameron.- At t4 sistiaig ai the. Disiau court Ilu Muy, ilse cas»sfor disposai sembeeed s. ony as 12è, B"e. Mr, Uarrje mss eutertsiued s s oir. by bis friands ou ils. eve of bis depmture fronta Wiîby) aud preeeted mib a Pu rsu ad vrl. eaaupii'enlsry ad d am n tihee eaiug ni the. 25u ai May, Tb#s publiest" of - tihe I.iiuaertou POE, es*Ibisb.d o. ube la aingofthe, Pucke vas comu"us dlii.he bgicug QiJoli#, Misais.Robluaa.4 kBarris, beiug ithe pub alsues, A baoas set op irog» Pbîhll pLiNa ilgbWiacr lotke Sgog, sud vas Lrogajbî hlto WbiIhy-forehii o~ The Wilubl CopnsmneaWa La.ged 1baus about the, lrai 'of octýor, sud ivas pib ilsied aoder tLe aime of the <lnlari Ti,2nse,, Iy "Mo, t"&CabCko,.-Mr. Kiriiissd, the pre.t ea ueieof iii. Ocam mnar ,eel s utntis iaem gei the 'Toma oouueil ta iàQu. 0dae niarea for improaing the 'leva. "TLsmeeting. vsu a <aure. Asýti. Sprissg Assizes tisi yeir tisr mares.94civil casas' au the duc. Iaf, sud 85 tried hefore junles. Thse As. naîrd ou Saiurdy-Chief Justice Draper presiding. Tsesday thelotiJun*, s spe. ciei session 'of the Ooaity Couisil eau. meuced, viici asîed tiseongisaut tise veet gi-miih tise greaî grivel 1ïad'uesue vas disussed. The acharne was dsieated by ïh aie ~rdea'scnsâiiugvoe. The meetings mare hcld li the, Townvai al-IL. eQuarter Seb4ons beiag ibeld lu tise coiuitho eta thesime linte. Durng Jouesuad Jiiiy, a Mi' Rdgsou visa îlseed ta bo amotm- ber ai the Toma ceucili ut tu intlie, eaile rtd op same litîl. excitemasirelative Ini s priuiing seceaino-the ii.Cluraaidaand,. maude a gresa usofbimae.i. H-o Lsa 'beau gouse iran tbe îovu some years. Wisitby sud vieiuiîy mas viitedýby sviolent bol- i damage. Tususda yt, ITib AugsI, tL, towvu, va iIDgif.a sud tbcr6 vasu m. mense rpjtnicinglun hoar of tise laying ai the Atlantic cable. Mi. Jacob Brysu, a higll> respectable cili'u i fWhiuisy, dieti I2tii August. 'bers vas anaîber sjwicil session or the Coatny Canucil ta censider ths oaid sebeme, beid on tise 2Gih Au gnost, vhici lasîed tilt Ssturdty, sud s R6oad by.lav sdapicd. Hon. Mr. Momai I-aeing ucceptei the. office oai-Provincial Secreiary, lu lis Bromu-Daridu admini-' fratian, a nem election for South Ointario mus ordered. hie vmas 15time apposed by Mr, Win. Laing', bat vas again soise, cesaful by su oaervbe-lanugmajoity-the aote beinîg 1343 t> 852, Mr. (cei., druiggist, r".peued LuusieosaluWhithy ibis anonti. The. deati af Johni Dowmvicb ioit place oauthlitiiOcicbcr, sas videl Iameuî.d by ahi clamses. H. mas aery po pulsr, and au.eaifithe lcsding snd mest en. tcrpruinégagricultunists ai tbe conatry. Ho died ut the cari>' ugo cf 42. l'h. On- auna, Turf Club mas arganizurd in Navein- ber. A ver tnumercusly signedl requi!i- tien ta John Hams Ferry, ta stand as Ms>'- or for ils. ausuiag year mwu signed sud pssbiisised tiie latier part ai ibis yesr. An investigatioan litotesamount, ai flues ne- eiveti by James HadgsinîaIready mca- tianied.) shemed tissiLho ad aot accouuted for aumenous suams paid biii..Thbarepot' stitieb at lise ecomitie a pîoiaitedi on tise purpse vte. nabis goa<nid eut lie more tisa one-bau hbis defaicutiansi snd tbey amnted tao $17.Ilien. Mr. MovIi deiivared a lecture ou ' politîcul ecoaomy' attise Mechaules' hall, toards the clos. or tL. yeae. 185.-lI Janey tishe îii aih or t 1ev. V. C. Mayniscffer i. neeordd. Bis remaius mc nergored' viii Misouic ha- *airs, at lb. Episcopâl Cisureb, Peut Wbt- b>, aud vers filav.d ?0taheb grave bY pécople ai ail elumie, sud ai ail denomins. tîcais. 'TheTomantoseil Vas composat tbis yur oa-Meuses.Draper,. e-geiem sud Lynde, fur tîLsNcnib Wrd; Alexader mePharsos, Dr. (Guanomuid H, J. Mac- doneli, feu ihe (eaire; sud Meuses.re, Watsonsudm al,19' e îeSouth. Mr. Fe err àta e.aectd bsyer avec Mr. Jas, Badgsaa, by as orrbeiiuiasg majariîy. lu tii. Ceuni> Conecil, Me. C. Ecbilnaon, of Tiarab, muo .lec$ad.Watdsai. lTise mcmb.'s ireus Ibis -toma mewrs ,ýMasses. ave, Idole, 'sud Draper, deput>' reuee Tise atseïr members attise Cetiaty Ceaesil' vote Meuses J.11a1 Tboaspos..asd, Ueo9. Itrabuzoon, of Brook Misessud R m'a, D. f.rott; Osiava, J. Carmieissel; Pick îraT .white sud jessph Wison;1 Benos oTCFrmÏnansd I. C. [rie; ZBast W.bi>YJ.Riliff ed'Wai.U.jgett;. Pickering, T. P~. Whie sudJ. Wixoù,;. Uzbridgo,Wm..Smith and J. A. Siogir j Seoit, M. pirï ; R.sch, J.ý Wrig Fit snd'Wý McGreg'r'. '808808, t,"W. Oable; H3ok ; H. Tboansd flart;'Thoinh ffevett. Hugh MeaBrien, respected 10î Iiku.d by alil, died at, Wssbiaigtoai, OPthei 1511% aiJanuary. Ris àre.naitià veto broughot ,back anWiu Cg~jtemu sd ithe fânerai proc * a vssconaid b7 a largi anediosi ope,e and by a grest nis5117friends of -th,.ecessed (fotua dis tanîce. Tiie (eiiowiaig curions address lu aâ latter -rec.ivd tlirouglo'ilse Whitby poist- office, waspublisbed lis Our, comua sin Msorch. Tihé lettior wuasisiled i#t he United, States -ta Il, br. -N. lliy,' * ner of 'BlickTomn' Cînada.".: oo ,BlickTom," the Wbltby, favalto. ut noir gone, ues we learn (rom the CîlîtelCLE 6f anotiier date; 7hen,'the Cad borne ws iin lois prigne, and thic Wlutby boys werc aiways reîîdy and willing tn bot their ,66okQtno dollar" on alil *Black Toni." The. coluing of the CHroNi<ci.z Iroîno August ta October, are filed wiîh reports of the meetings heldl by Il r. Perry on Clic çccasian ofelloir, uining for the Upper fîlouse forý Ktng's [iviiiion. Thbis genitle- man vOuld..w*ithout s sbadow of doubt, liave been clected nt the tisne bad bc ont reigse!, conxeqîîcnce of a t hird cand[- date-Mr. Gattinl-having eîitereil the liâts, atIre spimc party sie, nt the las-t moment. Thésmaienyimprovements which occurreil in Wbitby in June. July, and Auguset are noticcd in the CnircLr.. The buildings put up were', lM Lainga' hband- sanse rcudencc'attii.creek, 1Mr. Vord's Carriage tnctory,and s'cveral private bouses. The 7th day of September wyul long- be reuicmbcred as a groat atid important day in the annal* ait teii.,wns ni WVitby. On tbat day Albert Edvwîrd, Prince af Wales, the haïr apparent tuthie British Thrône, bonored Wiby with lois -illuxtriroîs presence. aud rcceivcd the addresstes. con gratulationg, and warus nopi. cnthuiçiatic polaudits off ler Mjexty's lirges af the Caunty of Ontario. 'lcTheown presented nm. a nd lively apsi fa:1lu' strcîumoci (rm vcrliuStogip, anidl'wn aIl the publie building'1rheentbuskisar un the arrivaI ai the Prince.w.ts verjy grcat. Aboit twelvo ibou,,and perïonit wure present. Altogeilier, the visit of the ýPrince ta Vlitby was under tlie nîca3t r,.yvable auspice; tire weatuer iras de-. Iigbit(ul. (lhearrahugeitentৠcomplute andI sitisfactory, and the - vegople joyouily pleafi lta belîold their future, King. Adý dressers Ivere rend b>' e lb ityoe. Sbcriff, and Warden of tire County. >Mr. 'fl,onmasi Shîaw, a ireil kno'.rn citizen (of ibis Loit, met vith a fatal accdent Iby being frn over by' iliezepresatrain at tie cTOSSigi nougi the itation by wliichlo is body vras horribly xiuîtiiated. The Cuîaioxtiz aif tihe smise datie conlains à notice ofthie .k.sccration af thi. desgL The remuiis ai a yaun mian tnaine'! W..Dursat, ivera i'îterred st st, Jolit's Ciîurels, Port Wlîit, iy, an Tueaday, lSîh Novsaiber. On the follawing Sunda>' moruiàg ih vus dîsovrr ed ubut ehe grave Joad been deepoilied. and thue body taltan avay. Tlis va iii h first occasion vs erTee carallo.,d upan to, cbranitlo a crime af Ibis ronture, ini Ibis iocaity ; and another bas ot raaice taken) pilace, Doring the sîiuînr ai 1800. and upia the.cr.d af Novcînter, severai Of Our cîsen er. alliçtcdtlîraîîgh death and sieuntess in tbuîr* iiuilig,,D.fà§ing rani a insatigunut type ai disee.callud bythie dociora ,putrid sore triroat." Uidreno vreto more liable ta b. atinckedby tiie nsalady-Especiuily iluase betir e(lcâges ai two and tire years, Severai af aur neigliborrs and!friends vert breft tof bu&a ai brigliteuit promise ' iis pidcaîic, Dr, Clîcckley, wmi a lîaiveil ber. ,saout lire yearx, recelvcd an official uppointmeîti lit ti.e osi ndies about tbe end ofi-the venir The agitat ion for ti-* vithdra*il of Ïie îavn Of Whitby froits the auo<t' for municipal purpumeaf, occuPied the coluiosorithe CUUoxietL fur -slong Otne 1at tige eios'gof the yer.~Véae noticlug the. nad ýec d.t ut the. Bayonuthe lst dy ja, ,b violets Ja*uev G of Y-7o7ill4~ ' or the conneillars i East Wbiihuy, cJrofl.1 idled inaur'igsus ai th-, lth'of SepieminA ber. The, CBIIo%Ilctf ithesaue date uotielses:i. ay improvemenîs ibieh týoci place. duringthe. sommcif Speciai referenesois made t t il Royal Baud, the "1Oniarlo Cbambers," sud privai. dvelling 4anses, and ta ithoý ne* Pesi Office srecià by'Mr. Draàper, ai the corner b1 ByronuL Duuda is ieExc.llency; ihe, Gavernor Oenteruüi visi.ed Wbithy, an iMou dey, Ociaber Gui. He. vuS4cerially Wei com.d, aud received addresises frant- tise MIsyar sud tii. Wardeu. Tii. demansîra tien vus af a mols sccesfaul sud sg-ree-c ahi3 nature. Ott SundyNov.. 211d tbe1l (aetals of tmp estimablo Young men-i Ur. Jacob Nôisrse -sud Mr., Adam, Lnogau -t pace in ibis hava. Tii. 1ivmains of bau 'were'foliowed ta tie grave by a very large eonneurse ai mour.uing irierîdi. Me. Ale%. Balmer, au oasd vli.knc.vn resgideti ube townshbip ai Wbtby, vus accidentaliy kiiied by falliug.,eut af bis bug gy sbortiy alterwaida. Mr. MeNairai, Station masl&teraiei.Wbiiby station, te- ceivcd s compliasentary dinner on the. oc- casion oa. bis renierai Ia Pari Hope iu December. On the. lait anof a the ycar vas the great conteaî for the mayoraityf beturcen Messrs. Laing sud Draper béingà brcoit to agi issue. -Meetiugs wers Leld, uightlv. sud no sinsu ezciteinent previl- cd. Tbe electintank place' iu Jauusry.c 1863, sud resulîrd l in ie eetion ai Mr.8 Laing. 1à 1863.- l'h. iawn Counili vas coin- posed ibis y.air oai eslis. Ferry, tibson, Caimpbel, Devotiii. Pamrpil, Wallace, Rave, Caineron end Hail, vili Mr. Win. Jaiaîg, for Major. Mlesses. Peu-ry sud Rome were reu:ve sud da.puty reeve. Jobhn R'4tciff, Etq,, aorEEst Whiîby-Woua1 eléf,td Wardest. Tise ailier mcimbers (of tlhe Ciustny Cetunzil were-Messes4. 1lliek.i, Bretbour, Butuon, Camipbell, Fairbanks, OsimlGuîy, Kàntteay, »lars» -Mc-NO--; Nelson, Sarigwuer, 1houspsîs, %Wbutt, Wi!issud Wix4oîî. Arucîber iortiunuîe suicide byéa woriby mai',11taiai e Thos. Bailt tck place on Mauduy, 2tid1 Feb'y, A s:rane ieovementi la catablisbL a lLegitiury Office in Nu.ruh Ontario vas I made during, ibis yerr but toiaily faulîd o Hon. Mr. Mowat ai rs ug.-ils rcuîsrneuiforî Nor 0til Outiio over Win, Laing, tihe vote stan'ding 11,1$ ta 639. bMe. beilaugail becat Ifr. Caineroîuliti North Ontario, by a 4 twajority ai' 24. )Ir.. l. .Cochlane ra apipoisiîei t.',.uny Crowbsi Atoruney, in tuse1 - li ce aI r, Tretinnyne, iii Jaîl>' 'flic fi- nie iîid alit. ie la> & tu(i Aligusât,ait c cdrl#ctt's point, vo lil noticed in the Cliîuoti. ai grat lelisgt ib luurushelul under the aiuqukles nifise Merbcaiits- fii taie, and urus, iii every respect, a grandî,t us vehiaiaslaiuigi s4ldir. Tie ieRc. ir. I Cayley %was aîîpaiflttî.d techargeai ibe I Episcopal church ut l'art lWikby, iu- Lhe ,lace oa iti ue u. Sir. ,attand, vue had rdigneu tise incoibenry, lion. lMe. Mi-t (k-c iectaîredl'il, ftVln t (diecloxe oý utie close af ieucycae. and gîude iii.echanici- Iisitiiute s doiiosution ci $20. 1864 -I the roiuficipul rîrciion aif '0V mer. lîatly contesteà.,tige clectiuns for '6)4 mere exu'culy teuic apîc ir. M.Laiugwax cil IMayar irithout a1'pogitian, iii. ailier uîe ofrsa the coîsîscil being D.J IVaneroi,Robe-rt huînupbeii , N.W. Brown. Tiiouams D 4cii.Yoman (lb. an.,, John lIlauiaPerry, Jaml.liome ntd W. 'fluew. Me. J. ltall ihcUipaS W~ cet iWardese ai die. 141sn T aniisibcrs mere Mesrs. Bicitel Gti>', Siiil, erry, Rama,W baut, (iamble, Brethotir, l'out NeIson, MeNab, -Kennedy, 112 son snd Warren. -'Thoue oÀi Wiitisy iaud anti .JIsjls. Xardi. The aurs&qtiÀps*r deatS, wholly unexpecied by bis isu ily sud frieuds. By bii death, Wiuy lait sa 'caunicans,lilberai mînded' citizen-, tise puer, aà geaieraus friand,, sud bis (amil>', au inreparabie Ion.. Th e "tomai baby,"' via. many ai oar old r.aders wilremeuu. bar, mas adepted by Et- lady (rom -e Brunavicit, via mas nt Wsiiby e visil in. Oeîaber. 'Le report ai th eert~rteid ouuny cael-rsuk ai Mo> real os. R. neld's, accupies.conside$fa spaca in ,aur coluans, tbe same moed.Tise ChiaortLm ,of the 24ofaiNaveadber, cumnus obtuary notices ai Lard Pal!nersecn, Cîiei Justice, ,MeLeau. Théd sanie tsmbar sica records > iamtly." Aus Engiish iamily, named Oru'aros, nnmbcring six peraous-fatber andi motber, tva sans -sud tva daugisiers -arriveti ber. iu ube year 1862, ail as mciil andi ieaitiy-icoking as a stnong, ruddy Eugiish fsmily caulti be. Tlsey sctid domu en a fanm on tise Lake Bhoi. Shos tly suier rcmoving ou-tise iarm, a sais sud dangisier dicti cf scariet fever,, bath hein,, buried on the. saine day. Tbe year iollewin, in Neov. '63,the istiier dieti auddeuly, asuer s i.m day'sililua., Ris midom mas bornes suer biaiw tahie'tomb lu juai imelas mnonti afî,rmards. Tva chiltirenaie mnnid dugister, vho Lad siace ecturuedte taEngIand, dicti vithin the saine lime, sud the auly surviver ef thé fumilyle-lt in tiiscountry, mas klleti by a kic i absohnse -lu s &-able in Toranto. 1806. -N W. Brown, E;rq., vas electeti l'y acclamnation ta ti Mayarait>', and Captait HroeeantiJ. H. PFerry, eth the reecluip addeputyr.-reevulthip. The aileui meres ithe ê cuncil urere 3Messes;. ». (iibson., Y. Gibson, blacdonell, Pavait., My>, Theur, ani Yurnpd. Clv.in Camapbell.ai tIhe township cf %hitby, ce cupied tise Wardens chair; Tlau cuber Protar TioîspsnWXy, NWbcT her lap- iasru, 'Nelson, ]Drydcn, oy>, Siniia, Wiîte. ilaigl, Wri-Iït, Spring. Fairbanks, Mi ciasel, Rectice. Ou vw" discovred neil Whliuby andi Pickering, as ure Icuen froni ts e ýCîî,taicr.r. athaï; date, in uri. On tilu Stii day ai theuane mnt, &lic tosn ai W'liiby iras ini great cacitcent. On <iai mcrasing ttise' Capîsia-s commu t ing thue several Valunteer companiesaalang, the front, rc.eivcd entiers ta mastsir andi pruscoeetta TarartAo, at ance, 1farber orders. Wi(hiiu a iota boum oai tie re- ception af tie ordcr, tie voltiteris ai Whitby inusteredtiut foulstrengti, sud answrieti te thée eau aiftlueir, camuusdiug otficri., The vaiu#teers oai Ushama, Braoklin, Colornuo, ar.doahr p;aCeS, n- itmere-ti ls qoul ailâèrity'. Nover, b., flore muas saucis a spirit dusplsytti, or sûchia boiti front ntscin b> ' apeaceful cominuni-, ty ugainàt iuarauuiiiig vâabaiidu, or cathes' licir ibreatj, la thse sanie mentis, vo rccordcd tise dest t b f eChas. Bobets,ý Ile vas ver>' destrvdîy aud higluly. es teenied by aibebJassesflic store of. il.1 cuMilli k &Ca., ai Ibis tamis, vus brokeis, into a ienhenight ai Sstarday, .&prii 14th, thse suie vas lamu open; but tu oaey' aÀ* a iç,tl burglars vr ucvr '.ti belote tIse>' usd tise apportuinity. The>' homevar, effspeti, 1e6v!or, biud thein, a coplet, et aiburglir'a ucals. -l', Ohd Bc tOre,,," 'vîsiclu fer 30 >yeaue atooti3se canipicuaoniy ai tii. corner oai Brneik aud Dundon straieto a,-vs pulltcd damu on tb. MW ' oApril, lunair,.temalte roanfor nov ' ageiiwbuilding noir eccuipijetb>' .kPoelel, anti knamu us> 4saroamP.",Tise Branci IOIa'an ak vaisopcned af MA ii>' iîisiii.preseut $~t.Richardnon. sud Lis.Ageise> th Ontario Banuk bhartly mter- vsv.rds iith tir. Lackbait, s Manager; A fisa httie boy, the Msq Utr. William oiJlang-,of tLls leva, .mel yuL h bokîsg 'fle es'Lelis aiofMsyl,by being laent ta deals. 'The. OraL day ai Joue Lraagiit ,uaeiLer exciiug lime amaugesi tis volan 'teérs;'Onalbaiday tbel iagain' respandad spag te armalii alaeriy,, sudandý [aoaaon e insur i liii"Obotiier ls in atnrý Win, Laing 14 23 9 C. Draper 1 Ta ;iicw thehlii ines i laila the. eleetion ont oaiaads ai 4 00 voies,ý oni>'somie 160 mere polaed faltogeuiicr. Oi caar4e, Lb.eaating fer eilseïr rse or de- put>', mwuail shsm, fer the olecia.'if Meurs. Rave sud RaIdes Lad. b..nas foregone benclusion, Iu theô Seaul Wsrd Mn. Drapecrvas eélecté inla spite of imif, sud me Lelleas tise natepayeras "tedw5isefy in aeudiag Lim, even. agaiust Lis consent, te tihe Toma, Ceuncilibtis par- James MeCteigis reeve, John Milie sud Jas. 'Wizoný, jr. depaty sieves. Ceeu- cillons, S. J. Orcen, sud J. B. 'abr The content vas a ver>Y'severe orge. 'bers * moetva otiser candidates for iii. eave sbip,-Me. T, P.- wiitc sud John-i'Haigist, sud fa;tseo fcea epuiy' reeve no les. than air aitagc'.Ler; tLe dsfeated-iindi-, dates beiug Masses. &. 8. Campbell, Jobai Weir, jr., T. C. Hubbard, sud Nelson Obapanan. Tiie latter Smo, isamear, mens ua .înfide candidates ;LuioLiving been nominated, eheir names reauaned an tfis poli books. Theremeto alise ima aher caudidates for tise counieul, Messrs. S. Macitie sud W. R. Barke. TbeLs geat objeci appeareti ta te le defeat s tickai iarmd b Mes~i WbtcCam»piseli, sud Wizsou, ftov ie sud depoty, reeres, iii MxcssýsJ. B. Parler and 3 . Machs as couuiii i[nd' ta ibis end"plt11 ar made sud cacery effort dirc-cted; tise'resehtÏ sbems sucemsiuuly, for.aniy teo out oi the ticket abiained' scet, alubaugh bera>' voies vers palIed by îLe alLers. Jais Wright, retias, A. Gordon, sud t. Je ohn, depuiy reeaes coancillons W. Steel sud J. Shaw. scraaa. W.S &rinrete, Co ait-a. Rail, B. Feilckl C. KSubiii, W. Taylor. M. Gilliespie, rte, en ery- Betibour, dspaty neeve. ' Charles Robinson, neevs. Wo..Sinelirneeve, W.BSWItb, aeputy retire. Messrs. Me-Ruesud MoPisa, ecas« sud deputy netire. las thsetownship ai Wiitby, tLe old cauncil ms e tlecitd. Mr. J, V, Spears va oppased by Mr. R. Biekie, but 8se- cared re-aleitian by, s msja'nîy ai 22. Tue .&vei&tu of paît of, Mr, obai Miler, a Tof l.sasa be Lrd, miii taIra pisc, our resdiseia r 'veiided, ou-l Wtdaeoday, tb. 22ad laisi. Tiie aorangii. bred Durbam, '"d big b Ired grad ecaille ai iLs Miller's, are aeued aliavec the Pravince, tise stock.- Laau ar iced off 1pmiamnwbmisarece ebibiiad. SB au.isu, siiansd limbe, frou'bit valiabîsLeices- ter dlock, are advatisedfer ,saie S ai i saine lime, sud aise 1*0 prias oels by Sà Cornet."0 s CoatvCeacitfer 1868 vili T'ue Paeoizn £DPazsgIAT10ezo, a ., SuEu.-A ver>' commendable movement mas made sanie about dsne siuoe,-4omsvrdso presentnug Jabù Shier, Esq., Presideni af tLe Co. Agrîeulual Sache>', mitiz a suit- abus testimoni4al, umak ait csisp o[al aif Lis long serviFes intouaietiou0ftli iLa Society'. 'Pcvmen Letter deserve atessi- manialin [bis erespect tdamsMe. B liri1g saraices t e oicety', sS-1e, Tressarer, President, and lincerjkâb capacit>'yem aiter yese, fer fourteea yeaca bave heecU uremittinig us lisey ha'1 Less ialuable jthe b.Saciety, snd Do mark ai tb. Soceity's sPpreC!ati of (t-ie ser-vices coulia teoejecat orita mcli be.. sevd 4onLiaï. 'W. îrutiiatmembesis viii sel separata fotthe ls.anual meeting en the 18iL lassi., mîthont filh>conacluei iug t -is niaiher, sud outiliciii Pau ôvr' like aabseiptiins ta alLer testimonis a& wet tif, inattis neighibonsood. Electea aof Scioot Trustees. At-tLe clectiasi ofiSabeal Trastm sta. Say (Wedaesdy) lobai Fergason vas aiecied for the .North Waid, sud&M. Tismaite 1furitse Ceaire Wand, wululoep. positioni, -inthe plais ai Rugi Frââsusmaf R.ý J. Wilscsia.. seterni hua oPired. lit. Prondio os e eleeted ia IL. Seni Wand' la tse -Norths Ward the eletagu pisied a vaqdewried vote o an sale the out..gaiag Teae, Me. Praise, faribli services -d" the pu aigiyeaesa, "WaLbave becs requesttd ta 5W., afi -w le vaemave au eiroceas impression thsS appearsta Lave geai. abuasdl, îLestbe ceu scitiool premises of MiésDansis unad miss vasi, oCentre strecel Laves"ai besee dgwW p<aatre.Thls.promisies, on ,thé cenirrx,are flusiabeà mitL maod,sud, are ln îLe mass. comionisiie sud tourna-?. dieu cauditions for lise receptilea aipopilW Fstasowti- -The irieuda of Mr. Biiýîf ,eyaildsiibepiessel taaImm tbst be. la asiel> recoevrag<front Lis.rent "d gene.. iim caased b>' suit ar Capibilu Be.., a gma. eta esa,1 sw serieusilI th&#, i i. dcubiful wtts be mill be ablet tâe Lis pacesi&W Ceni>' Coqa.it Bmuaius sas .1 lis te tous' ai WLuîby, at ibe ortonting "m oy, Janus' eyW.A .etvwg ,ettvc ~T [SOUENTAI KND AMZJDMENY ils mautet ofiLOBY iE Cre&lorsof tuc 1 te mecisto[issapou bwbsy, 27t1i o aissusuleu af thse Il .. a th vaf.t,, nE t I làu Asir i Suithi. île il uai Dry- Tues&i stock' 1Miller t, one

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