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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jan 1868, p. 2

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aie soL Batsll.é. t ONy si60 CENTS ÂATMAR WhiLby, Tliur*usyimuauary10, 1868.ý 'Pbe 0rit divlisinlin b. Ontario Leli. ib. vmu"og,; vu m"au .Wv, a rm Dito 25. Tb@e vote, b.rvei, vue net a teut vota.ev. dJi&Iaisiee4Wbs vo«a ofr vaut of confidencea by, mbo cf ithe opp5oiton, and ia ot ueuad lin bsi lisçht by Bon, Aitorq.G.derit dudon.. aid, The 'ofa vu aon an soenda4l' é,ovedà b7 r),, kM.Liîs, ta île motioo< tfL. 1Premier (tir ung loto om.»ýà# 0( the aboie on the. reslailoîeo o*onuoi- dation of theVoinu .rvoaOaa of ib. eol ulotte give# auîorîy to ithegoy- @rameunîto lirseet tiese urpidi revenu, la I)ouipion Stock, aud for au odisposition la ibi* vay, the gôovurnoeaât coataed. Mr. Ur. Mcl(ell*r, and tîboue abo took lo . iew of the. mater (svos'ed, on>il th br baud, the exponding' of tbesurpus revenue la local lnmproveaesst». Other mombers de- sired ît bàv*e # ubjef,9pouiponed outil the astiass4l s aébraght dova. Tisa he 861govrnmunê aoaid net conçast te à postponensent beyonsd Friday, and (orecd à * vote, thea retult, of alibislu givea il otbuer Mr. J. 0. Macdonald fi. piyiîg bii cardo àdrotil; ho ventures on aothing, but wbat bo lu certain iusoreiand cannot b. (oud <nuit aitb. Issdeed, so (ar, thea goara. m*ent policy bau bien of snob a lied, non. eomrnit(NIi ciarasetareau 10 asrcely proyoka discusion. Thera iu naithar ibat boldu.., enargy, utor vgor dîspiayed, wbiel sabould elaracterize tise ioing nsua aliigis of a gurernoUsuttttto:sg lit lit integrityai Oru> in Ifs trangîls. Ali làucoatrivance anrd msnagomnt, nt oo ébapa ils. couru of lise governmont aip eta il usay Uuut and drift wis ibhe popular tida. Arttr tba di. tikion on Tuesday nighi, wva hope the goy. ennuient màa ts courtge end poisn sa- poic hat wiii csnuy with Il tb. tamp of i'aspîwast cli (at5'SItts ilr. Evani' fPÎUltltis on tusba ai iseérred to Iu car parliansentary report, As wii ho sees, Lb.resoluuion hai sean w- 't .'t d- it i Wltl, " Uape rtf" 1pnt r" Da e?, àoi~asa fltl t' burin Oi .sb îOComo<h ve o uolfr,»agua y, *0 Bond, on teIowo ,taa vu 1v;ie'ai î - uEapEon1I~'~i0 01nonruedm .Ieo i#imàeàéloto, . -, o, >end,0loe-lWli, -MI'uge..'4her ~Ton nlo a Jo¶ ,' u,bId pa for vut e aOb qao f satgale e t t a a fio 1h. tise Tom al, île .italrm ta o sai. s quomdo luott1fr h pjdfa U te orh a fr ole, TeakaBoard ooeglersud Vergue... 4 fA.p ua1 Ie r»asaat contre doatt, e .. Gaois, ae A Mueb de taistl.- Tu esrl o NloseTkut . la a or t wn ait 18 mpo4119 uidbla btai s s& qn, uoru es A rt h gt la eaiaiîini entIe uitr oreattevl.bemacaaify ara4,w v er s eolilaagaee Oildeeaatlymnflo hi Nov vui1amntI be, <om e yus, eldauto ut,' Wihanu Wl M y s»'reWas.eou te 111. Worslsp. lisitise eltairi 1 Cemno uinirM fru tendn, Is0l% you, laes. me- sîsotoli drovu. Y. I.aoeld ratlaen bu laglus'>, tb.in tise Coas ofthie Toait . A croird ot amuli bols isad beau -coi-. iecthcg, istauing to' dia melancisol>' inelodyI>'.Wbid iseav)l uo fib tainsd tois Our' deprtore homewsdu. Amann!Meeting ofthîe Wbitby &aud rai Whigby lTsioAgisiturai soliet>' a held atBrcopkiiss on 'Ssîuritsy alste lIîb lat. Thorevoue aer> uir galhering of aseibens, prasant, inaiding the reîiing officers of the soeol. -Mn. mes, ofleuai Wbitby, wue eletad Pre. sidelsi for thaeîsaoing ynr. amd Mr. eo. Ogtou, Vices jreoideisl. ErýMaJonWiiiis and M. R. Smith aanra-uiected Saeroailn sud Treasutre r, D'totse-sToj«b1p of WEhbi .4e~r.TIsos. 8mfibi, C. Daet W. Kerr', sud Joa, Atkinson. PLai wbir- by-J. Met'komnzia, J. Fox, S. Tomns, anti B, Roaland. A tote oftWkse ~spassd goMn. Crsvford, tha matlrnag prcsideut, sud't0 Isa oaîgohng eilioans. Tisa fainu (on the esis arto be belïoo ban-aofoea( *iittirawn, and ils. maien, fon tise Promutl, 1 fcture of vine a auaeuterprlaa alsic leti in tisa histit ettsagoveinamen.- Tiii is houter, va apprelmendst hon saring il desl, it ib,' tise luusuc, iheamebr prommise yet t asame large proportions bu Canada. Mr,. Heury'Ste, o asl ton, viso appetusto bar. a tborougb couldti nul eapeelei te bava tâissecs. reiicai sudd îbaoratuel kuovladga of jeet, te on; hie hier> 10pronoulisea pon it ilitelligetiiiy. But ah,' net leava tlsa seule. ineîs t tise isole question of tees sud saliries aiîh tIsa Jtiges?7 Tise,, abova ail ethers, o ulbeoib the meut competent tu demi wiîh the visolps ubjeet. Theis- peut f Xperienceneas iayena, aM Weili usthain presett position an&a' ars>'dey experileca oni te lIench,, it 6& apreanmei to esappi,' Ilium wiis menues of iformation, respect- ing tsconmiuci muid eiTon!ifiiy of Re. gsrîana anti Siinfi., viiaiswoaid ha le- aiisie.makng, bas dau.iug tisa potsilent manafaclanait coma 8,400 galions <nom grapes grovu la bis eau viooySrd. Ha bas nov codas' ealtîvatjoa about ira acres,' oituateit a short dittanom Hamiton, tisa wsola deroted te gnape aulture, sud aspects to b. abile opsodaa. doubla tisa quastit,' aext >aser; Wd bave'receival &amples of tise aiea, ibroagis Mr. Bynne,, itnuggist, ef tiietowst, and icltoas' ismbîs opinion, asavell as ilsat or bettes' judgcu, it ie fas' upaerr tothe Imporleti articia, ins. ils a bsanie limé it ha leui-coitlysnd yeîsd tue rsucit er ail ubers in tisa ceas. 1tis oaaligue i iae é satisfaction er TasaeLs uoorsd .rlsv.-A terrible allais ocearred *4Olerbur& ,Tenu., on to âàest su old mu ai>ad Duncan. Duncau drov a pistil sd uiot off tise siserlt'* thumis. Psrkington's. son thons firat, it illing DuticsssV misosa recoin- lng op eItisaeimomenrt;frad, kllling >isug Psrkingteu ltssantiy. Seatsg hie son slam, Parisinglon »hOn sot yoeng Dunca tiroug-tb. baart.!Thse most intense ex- citatsent tolowed. Oving ho lise axtan., a 1 ralrtions ,of both parties, furthas' troubliap jprclicndcui. MIL. PAr-roi, MP.P., vili amepl Our îisanls (on bis continued iindnus, la for. vardhug au Parlliamentany documents. NiAA »'RAXA BUfo-iafoi. ioainq ara the relsisa sautdes:- Fo a, a- Kennedy sud MoPiu- MËctu e e.tdby 6mssjorlty. *Furn'Dpaiy-Soiuuand MPise-Mc- Piseae eed b>' 98 majorit, . Conucil -mno. Hiral>, 1. P. Foie>', Jemias.McHagis._,., Dominion Was'aroome purebStais.ate noir OlYcrd Moitt iapsing indacemnts. Mesura. LoesPowell ara determiaed tW beep apg-anU ,vthIsespirio! the limes. 3usd îb.ir idaerihseasaat sud pricied bils. OtuÂnîse 0OUT AIu-M.Yeoma Gis- son annoohsctes'bis intentioni to osilIhis winier. gooda baby cot laorties' tomalte rooni for Spriig importaionst-&$Aa he anacueont cf I"OltI No-.IV' Dosiwsov STOC.- non. Mr. Rose, Finance Minltr -of ils. Dominion, bau iasaed notices caliig for teniders op to île 3189 .lsnaary, la, Montînas, Torno, Que, bac, Otas, uIltai, undit. Johnus, NBi. <or Dominiong sto n mondtotcf$1,500- 000 h in ount@ of $100,6 pcv cent interat. No tauder te ha acceptait baba par. *t>- MR, Mriis requeste ue to inform bis frIands sit patrons tisat ha vill beaun- gaged inl Manchsester, the forileoasiug feis aeehs. AiU citios for section asies, ",. miouil , sud so cuabla 1tiscasto are t 1kuoainx tisat tisaobtins apura sud u 1 ili b. sîtendoti 10 la Ibis absence, ai ihis an (-euniuie, Jit maid quisala aonaluation. In viev of isou reut-insponlacce ttisoltion cf ils. difficuli,' oigbî, a. saSsi, ha lafi te tise Judges. Thse Municpal EMitiomna in lNrcie. A conespontieiit, wriiug t1oune s.te thea huaniser lu ihiel tise reasut municipal eleciies in Bruck baie been coutesuedï, sud ils. means uaken te ensuna the dafeat o f Mn. Unabaznsays.s-Sisitil afier the genanti eiacîion sise conserrativee lseld hsetiugesud blad'delagates fnons cacis uciteol seetou uppiniti viso mes 'luscon.- tantion aand nominaledt he Reeve, Dapat,'- Reeve, andth ie ceunillons,,ail conserva- -' tires. Thise'lviteti Bnabmzon te jein, *ho rofuseitd oi saltbongisho isa s oomiaeti bis coica of eltsar 'tise ra- avrs, rafesetite? baie matbisné te do aihI the miliag op et péltied itits 'banicipai esattaru, anti detarmina&«tïn 09 neu'au - ,depc adent candidat#,. Ms'. et. iclr' Sook s imilar nom anti nefosed te joi; bol f# mgra idapendant of part,' siue.oe."la -aonmqence vs, -on secocuai etparty sphnît ranoniate10igh -bu aosuquene-o! tisa resaIt ofthbie late Panliaméoýy el0- t- th Su-laretrnu of ail,,tisa somiaee..< --tise eonrentioa aVihI ueaxceptio-ia or M. St. Johna, Thea artte isacstos eet toi os. Tise rasaitof bi eel.liig loto accousul the insner isn be icis -*,&~à aeomplisbed-peailbei Mr. Braboonu, mer Ms. Cowa aed-Vas, ah apt ~osWht'LI5SRu utoi Ar-'alu . maaagemaent fise Meeiahs'uetititta, wu ore glati te losia, outempîsa ébtîag aàsaripe of reauwiomes ot-ibafire cf ia, is-vlitote pae.about Tlsas'day -*v~ Olp~0~biaut., partelaa or e Wi ud> Ulin.- adoltensted boeeg. pli or E8183it uMisrisir*u-Ti aW.h Ingt on correspondent of tdme IorZ-says s - It le dntiassteod tisa the deaiinl filicg tisa vracancyat ~àWmaiingtOs4 -easeti b>' tisa suidasu ad r.gs'ited tIestisof Sis' Fredaricis Biruce, fier Initanie Majesy's Envol F'- tmoudiusiry ond Miaistas' Piaaipotautisry, vu e sasad'b>' s slsgisî peetaulr,'ccimen. Iàsance. Tadpoaî rpaattvaof tb. 'United %tssgdo ,S i4asticai' a maneast aancoîdîng itisathe elatira sas- poriance ef tishe n.ls'105e11 bsa,' nacaiiés £1,0la~ te ustria, Turkey, atiCssud S, te-the UnitedI Siatus, £4,500; 1to sladPotgl £4,00 ;sud geoOn, grqdu*get$ lover se. ,endLog 1tisahe4smiuisie&-raltime tanding ef'ascis countny. Ais -sAgmentation of IPucin Pose.Mr.Lavles b0*Mi vioigte ffg ri Fk a pe syug ý g g oS mmat4uad Ê ~daye old, taigbei 33M Ibs. ýT'Tiu thé<le steatye, theGIb! but 315 lbo.. PooaANOGALLB5T lions Ai..- -Attention là saqotstedtu te iueonce in ndaer ibishbain laotiseeolamlss, Tis sitibi'aapparatÎ9 k -iare ailtisae& tisa> ara repfesaniad te, be sa iafford -' fsvos'blroppciisuiy 10 piotograPiers for Ton dl YoLIIicts Ravs."g-Tsise « ealleal papasr 'commaees;lu s oeacatiyams vusb aideut pretedy., t. là O jupe isatly prntcd, sud, couteas amil,' 4edius sauemlt se ssiiitsny a. Mvar>' Oui, Fs's.î.cîsur.-Tse Grand Mamies' cf the Indepeudant Ondes' o! Odit Falloas, >fi, Henry' MeAfe-, cf Windsor, as'uivadisu le Toreuito on Monda>', te epen a nea lotige in tbas.eii,'. A NiW CosioawuioxàowL Casuscahbu bean opaae4 in> Guelphs. Tac Fiseunàr s-rsearr ,acî se ROUE.-Goa. Fcil>', tise Commandas' of tbe Es'pediîiousry Corps, ba& ased tisa Emperor to permit tha retuna .of thsa Fraucis trpopst e Rooeas. lisais' qaasta as Civils 'VecelloantI Yditeibe une oves'. crowdeul.-Tissomininous reqîsést oieates a ganeral feeling ot anesiacus antI disruL'ý "Tas Srismw osrai zAoi"lu is e nacce ofs àDowveebly paper,; publisis-at -la, the- lierait attise 4t'Lceas4, À o-' As,, oaislîtn" of Ontario. i is, very naatj erpull pro-u sI*MW'PSItmst bue hlds4~beima sbuiuafuflY tsmanagad, glift e àW *de»,. b. WOel4tutrodjicé ,ý1). bllPto»Ehw Mr dions forîjddrcsand s ud f4sSn, iiv*i400 ilubjects. A motion of M Sak f . pieuf e«arospondanDeise' bate t s tome diictsssien oy*anisofl n(àb. Vromnf t il p,"ale>1st tiseuh s ptisll7 racSielo b 1 arlo w u ou>'$40y 0,aid1 tisae thé,e,ïg7em: losernmnent, *tad 04 csstodian -oi thé -e rAiuD fond& lsp Io, Jauui'y suskln a>orémhrv p 'Ymtu, on babeIf, .1 te. Piviueu. V<ut satuynu and "etIls d exptoitlure e(pomUd tok NMsdky.Il sý .aii fit thséWin' minlon governinent. »-islh It la proppaed' te Inve n "'at 6 otnliei to&;.!Isea. Journel ed 10Ksi>. >foiuiq, jan. 13th.-Aesongat the pail- ý liens prseîiiad vmc ud sonoinlafavur cf thea Wihiby & port, PMrs'>'lay m'charter peetd y Mr'. Pist". Also ululte. nf motion b> Ms'. Blako thit hc viii, on, Wednesday nue, more tb. Ms'. Pstou'ai. nam ib.s dded toe is laI f mmrberu' étr tisa standing eomsmittes on >ahl1isys. Hlon., J. S, Macdomnuldl, eeondid b> Mr. Cas'ling, mqved. îisat thé Iloieusresolire itueif !ncoCoinitea of tbeWisoe on Tu. "sdy inazt, t couaider thî following s'a- solutions 1 st,-Tisat it loi expedientto repqal rap. 20) of tise Consilidated Statue» of Canitie, Intitlad, IlAn Act respectnf. Lise Pro., vncial dut>' on tarern keeptirs, au fan se the pains rolates te i.Ps'oinca oflOn- tariîo." ,. -1 2nd.-Tisat tisareshall bapuidle lier Majesty. oves sud aboie ail îtbcr duties or sumxspayalble tisercon-on pieli liceuga; te bu. hscafter issued, tW adi spirituois fiquors to bc druuk uon thaprouîise. lu I ara, hotei, tavcrn, bouse, vemai, on place, a dut>' of twelve -duliars. if .ûdrh place bç aitisin tise illûrîhipal litmt cf miîîy City,. A dut>' cf tons dollars If tise samne ba vithià tbe munuicipal liîrslts of ai»', incotpos'ated town.- soda duty c! l vïÀTlaàri lt'fiïam< b. not wiihin the , tists of any xstçiscil>' or towu, or tisa lîcenseab. for a v'ezs'l. Ord.-Tisut- ith *.v rfofy ibettes' col- lechiîag - tlae id du t>, te Lieutenant- Governor In Council rus'> direct tise issue, cf §tansped pupes, on wvii@ hall buwirt- ten or printed, as ho ina' direct, liceusiea of tiese verai values as deacriisad in tiae seconsd resolution, -andI that no tavrn Il confie anici sail out b. austamîted and aigned by tise Treasures' of Cioi Proiinçe, shall bc ut any effect, but the part>' hsold. ing an>' unstainpcd icenge, shal-h oi slt to bc unlicesncd, andI b. lisible to nil pan. aies iîriposed by ssny Act, or b>' an! by- iaw, on partons uelling apirious lipsors witiiout licanxe. 4th.-Tsat one or more peronsin iver>' county andI cil>' in ibis Province, mi>' ha uppniaî*td tei deliver and ditrlbute sucis licerîses 10 an>' municipal corpobration sp- piying for tise saie-for whtch service b. ,s.sl b.csslowcii on eîcis iicbnae, pur cent, on tL.. amouint tisereof, snd hg 113.11 couistersigu oves'>'such liceniss iusedby 5th-And thse gansmeScled tforsssicl duties shiali orm part of tise Ctiîolidated Revenue FundI of this ProvinCe. Atter explanations freintise lInm> over thse resuiutions were put andI crrrIed. lIon. J, S. Macdonald n'oird tisaI tise flIuise go Iito cesiitteecof tise isole te- snonroW on the t'iiiwing râeuLiù»sE Tisa ithi haregolvei- là3t. - Thist sIl duties, revenues aud moi- neya mtsatstsever, ohftise Province cf On- tario, or whaicthe ,.Lagisiatureocf luis Province hait, or lîcroafter <mu y isar tise poirs'o!appropriatiion,. shah forts one eorssolidatad revenue fund. te be alsled tbe Coîismoidaied Revenue Fonud o'diîfta- rie, te lie approprisited for tise pui tlser- vice o ettiis >rovince, in tise inanner, and ssbjet te tise carget-s, isreinafter men- tioned ,gaeueu FuntI siali b. permanen)!>' charged vush ail tise cos, chsarges.antI expenma incident ta tite collection,$smanagemenut. anti receipt tisereol; sue ci sbs charges, antI expeuses Seing's'ubj'eel, . nevertseks, to e e seiewcti sud uditatji u usamner -dr etad b>'suA d fti.!gls, $rt.-TsaItishe Legilatii,oe - Âpb sisaîl Ïgot on'i *nate os'pmi n 'Viole, ueso- rlaio os b fehtseapps'oprlaiossof-"Yst çRrt of thsaid Cîgsnetdè 'Rvêe Çud, or otiny oter taxcri% îs t>' m pu pas'poaaviserk ha& noi besi d s' emos - iam~de by ' of tise L' -ta it- 'Or. "id Legllsilv.Ausambi>' tofsv su& iicsvote, elciss.UsW' bràug4$ýfP »ltheAtIci bairs t tbrbe th& . eà vie tise id Mrs'.Cambpbdit> uit- bth file *ue asried pssvste, Lsd fuil tis auiclt shmsi&-î t hae ba sghtlov*a#d7by Ms' Biak se, 16 bins>auoppos'tiy of $!L4 ing u'nýn t inu. ' - :ssJ. 'S. acdoitald did af stteipt t¶e#k4id hlsjlassiiton speechl, buntad Lbti emusisea nt Haiitotsveaspie.. of badinage. MUr, Cssuberlaund and Mr. l4srguson doiended MUr.,'Cuiiejbeil, lte latter ilng tisaI ilvas tnmaily on liss part A MrBiis, std sk a gentleman ffs vs W ,Llt'to dend liîlm4lt .M. estou àMà th@af w~i tie sbe, c6oer.sesticonfrdicther . aaibell. colpU luasîi t e oiÎ-orampel. Moui Blaue Ma'. Vcs'goous fe of ist-e "tlucE gaflas itofl. isolirWepyusta eSo f nt olcWo ,ba b rged >1w(M ll5inWssna hin dss sttaclng a absen nia. Tie 1glisit cnl-an. *at m~a>sThe ô viat lomnel,7vu. beroe, sd h.sinpo~cd ms» s ut macynud ufe(bod bf oîitJn (110,Blake) tis a s 0'm o haViftg *ted lit an uninani>' inanner. Hie lion. friend'u byvary reinned hlm of te haro t 1in sBf 05'li "g ise "lia foeglistupen li» outîp." (Laughston.) Be, mut congratulata tisa galiant colonel on tisa vs,' lu viiai li fougitt sud won on a certain mamorsisie occaion, ur t tsat ho. it been fertunate enongi t tegave isatistsmps. (lsAughter). f, isovever, tisa hou, gentlemýan sisould siigmatise-bins agaîn ln tisai îsy, scriseS-à ctd wormi tigusi uru, andi liemight, bave somsethiage ta show tisat tittl vas flot s charge misicis ougitt te lu11 rôis>tise hou. gentietnau'* lips. Mr. Ferguson, lu an anry-rtiloinder, dur-c iug lte dellies'>'of ahicisbho as lsissei b>' tise Hcusic, said, perhupa if h. (Ms'.- Férgussdn) Wstihi the natue ofBa'ke, lha smiuid Éli; tigrae been open 10 sucts taunts,1 Tise ison, gentleman isad spoken cf bhua (Ms'. Fergisson) tlgistiug upen hie stumps,. lie undevoti tisat nmo te iabon,. g n- itltai shemtels, vbeu tisa>'died is ' 1 98, l d n ul ve u t i a i s sm pii t e stand tipon. Sût tisai ihey enceti theis' livas dangling from tba end of a tether. Ifsr. Bhake sidst cousiders'bia excite-9 ment anxtwtsrd, *6 1de net dacin ih noces-1 sas' ayus'a Woird, excapt te gir. a lat tieniai te asitatament alielinoeminu vise colis iimfafs gentleman shnuld bure 'atie, unirs't liaknev it te ho tris.." Mr'. MeKeliar vantail to hava Ms'. Fer-i -guson apologize os piceti la tise custed>'i of tise atsgean t t-armt, for lihe coarseneu 1s of is lasgussga; but tise mords not lssviag been takion dow aitishe moment visen uttereti. Ibis course voîsld net haro beau ilui orties',andth ntistxaten ds'ppeti. b>'Mr.1 Fergtsson sîatiag tsat hSahbati net iatentiedi = a> a >hing ilumltin1 but te repeal 1 atcksupon IimoecfA motion of %In.j P7ardees fer a ratura or unsold creva landis. wis oppogeti b>'tise comuîissioetr, Ms'. Richard%, ou tise groufitt of tIse ex- pense andI letigtls of flune il wouid tsike to gel IL. bits'.Wood, isoweves', consiticreti thse raturnssecesssir>'. andI 'wu iiereforei piched iaio b>' lis viata ceilleague, Who o seeiug tiesaus. ho bil got iotoe, tendarad4 att apolog>'; anti aunidt thbie jeans and i isugbuer ot citeflosme, Sis' Henr>' Sithl groeaI>dtvissad the premnier te post Sis colleaguienin bettes' training; lits. Partie zuredtwtfostpoeabis motion, andth ie ifsea adjouirseti. 7'padti. .Jan, 14eh.-Aniongsltise bills in'tr,,iusdâ thibs sfternoon, mus euefos' tise incorporationt of tise Irstepeudanl Ondes' of Oddt Fellomi. Tise <otion ofwvueS Ms'. Evans h-id given notiee, for tise appoint- ment et s comsmitie, te lako mb oconsid- 1aration tise ps'opriety of paying Count>' Officiala b>' salas'>, istend oltesg, vas discusseil at somo lengtlis. Mcssns. Ferrier, ltc(!ïii, anti LaitIer, spolke mn fat-or of tise continplsted change.' fion. Attorney-' GenerargMacdonaiti, desiredti tebavise «isole malter loft in tis a bads of tise gorarainltisah question iras oue of toc luncht importance te bcelift in ihatdtMas cf a compoilgea; tIse <iscle«u14ec$ hesaiti would be deat miitt b,' the- vari'mmnt. Ms'. 85mw, Sir Heur>' Smiths î4otites' other membens took a siguittî view,, in misicisMs'. Evans acquiesced andîwitsdrasr ls motion, Tisa résoluitions,* respecting Îtlse.consoli'dàlion of tisa revenue fun&iwre 4nïyuïh~tt», ln is - q -e ing rs. bMciteiir spaignopposition té tise course pro- peaib>' tisa .oïnvrnmmènI to iurpat,. n- 1cxpemtlu.g- tise -mo -no>' inlocal'_insprore- m ienla, itistAdof loeking IL up lu dominion tboudit. He.alÏo- fosint aut uts.Ms'. McPhirôn,4sibrbllraior, aii aida botter :U;an miglt bsaebeau founit. _Ha iýnoved su smnendffiant,, ioisted -b>'M.2Da Tisot tisa Speaer do nàtthe-,cbakcir fertise purposo of g.ing- Into -cominittea c(tievblïUntil tisa estimatas are [brougisi down.'t **~4 flou. i. S. Macitonft- ald fdhiras glatI thst bise opposition bSud shown tisacloien, foot, suid tielused' tisapoliey of tise government te ato tuka tise'surpluis ut prenos;t 10etiseAlirotis aProvince sud 1invaait itl lu Dominui 1on eds,-ýut 'su Ëper cent; sudiséhuKW t tb.»sbuId ,bc s apported ilu <sein edos*t h iis respect 1tà)Be saatise fii cf1titis Province lu eaa o! -~asc'iaf dafenided tise appolitimlat eto Mr. UçPberson, endd nid tise 'gereu. 1meut irs reuii>'1d alk ta tetutie- ion. Mr. Bl4ke,iln tise courseof bis me. marks, discluhmad malingjtisa voteà Part>' . o. ' sen umeutts lest apon tIse A ,atfsWOshsa tetige 014 Tes,.# Bob #srkie,cof thseMotropoila Recmrd (the cleresul bamorlet e! 'tisaday, aftar tisaoafbt o<pts* Artemus Wrd, usy tle Neai York pras, Dot êIatl,' s Long reîîowi, bot l f u>'ont tliiks ha aiu'l vritp nasses, jet hlm ruetith.e!cflavinj'*r Oit ont,old ar, atont - Te its (cuoi;hereasbeat', eq ick t ore 'e am ae uu AistI a a ve ulte o.' - * N eleauryfne s, s losdiatisuanti întatoe. Ansd yonu,' "ss&lera te., Alntie1 ere «loata yen go, IWO yctidîi o s, o na.ore, lo:iIsis hbore pisast, nshowiai V p tise citI eio..y« wvan. Th'is lathart' 'oonigIdi 1» Offl ôm Yod, Oiontolti,'aar, gitosmil 4 Tlsisk oft tioauuax ualoo 1 Yog'ne pfrayiout li.esbcnL- 013 Pickoering Tawsrhslp Conseil, TIse Picker'iug couhai ts.biptîsant te adjeurumesit. Atauîters ail pi'cVet. Min-, desâ ot iat meeting reati aud approeet. Ms'. 1Ubbs'rtimovas tIsaI tahebill kiep. as' b. instructed and flu iereby autsorizeti te have ail tise doors buntdois hall Isiaget 1 open free>' outward, If accord4asse viti Chap. 22 of 29-8OVi. - Mn. Milles ristiaI ithé 'age ortier lise Irensurar te psy tise' folPawing pariies fer proisions,~--cleting, atd. tïrewào4i, rendecetib>' tin teindîgeut, peonF,. Dosnald. bMePhe, 8585; Stepisen Gar dinar, $20.54;ýJos, i0t$.S i> Taylue, -$-12.30; is, Wocd,.,$i7.4;' Vîous,. Tripp, $40;- ILo. 1.Palmes',. $15,00; . 9 %«rigIat, $22.350; Titos. Steven. son, 80.50; Jacoblteraua, $260ul; 8.,J. Green, $Îs6.00; -Jolisft arkur. $2i#,40>; Paul Lawrence,,* 815.60 ;-,Tbo&. VlieuWa, $14, J. à; P, eas 2>J'Ivsg $23 ; andI John Ç.. Mi iseil, $20. lts'.Weir mores ttsïothé 'Reve ortIs lise treasures' te psy tise fulemissg parsons tise suwus set opposie theirn <sisses, for îork doisc onthse rea&tiac-T. Thomn, $19; Rebt. Obapinan, $Q1; J. Sliepherd, $20; Ueo.,<Jouihia, $15; Jubis lmie, $1,72; Cisez, PeIt>'. $11.75 for drain tules; Jas. Stoîtt, $ô; Jas, Palitier, $9,.41 for îîtank; T. P. Whsite, $9.50 ior c4odai inîibes'; Peter Niâbit, $10. TIsa aboyal accouaIs being certitied b>' the o mmlu- ,%louers appeisitad b>' Uis etieucit 10 ex- pend tisa sime.- (lsUnmotion et gr. Milles' a b>'ia ira passed appeinting (fao. -GOlicitrl Ectum'n sng t>fflcer for eleciorat division Ne. 4. 1 Mir. Weis' mcvs'atisat tise Lime for ma turuiag tise Collecter's roll b. extaisted io tisefinit of Februar,' next; Mir. lubbs'rd mores tisaI tise mye orties' tise tressurar te pa,' Ta P. WV Site tise Oum cf $90.93, bing usone>' expended b>'fhlon- in tise 4tls mard ins 18116, sud Lise furtiser- assi oe$4paid b>'iSun for euitiîggdomu a illt on 815 con.,, luI front of lot 85. Ms. Wéis' mores tisaI tise s'avertier thse t'aaus'rWtopsy Jus. Andrews $1.50, fon repai ion a rond scraper. Mu. Milles' mores tisa tisa reueagrant hlm orties' on tisa'lrasusses' te tise foiioming parties fer vois dene on Lise oails, riz.- Colin Philip, $19.60; Wm. Knox, $100; MeCormack, h;Joues, 870; Jas. Smiths, $65; JeitC. Micisell, $41,11; aud alec' th theo taustees 'l .- t .bec, No. 5, $8.12;- Sl . gic. No. 9, $1.47; haiag nen-sident sehboi taxies due aîid sections for 1807. ' Ms'r. Milles' mores titat tîte nacre groiat aut order "u tise tressurar la <aven cf Hectos' laiton, for $25, paid b>' lim te Wm. Forsyth, fer îenk doue on tiseti con., anth ie ftsrthcs am cf 87 ets. psi ta, Thos. Janutings for repsîring a road semaper. . Ms'. Milles' mores tisaitisae treassirer b. .sutsorizcd 1 pay te tise serersi mambers cf tisis council tise suts cf $1.50 for eacs .present year, antI te lise toma ciark $10, dey' tiedie $,1isescuneiors 85 fore TU Xansabeter (Eng*)REwminer laed, 9,4 opieg of lb. papes contaisiing an, tcoeat .1tise Veisss zeéctions, in esto!, lais ingaup s llghtsingprm t o tsson bots-aldeof tis he cie atthe - lime, ruila>, tsthe ekopstyssed on plurs fl*ly bnacal tegetsel.. r1ée if dghfut destitotimu in 11 À large 'ssumbvof oIiruman are out of emjmpaet îhs'oigboial à1141Lthe lUnited lYsa Grveat Estern" isu beau ,lying idld(for toit' noitinu lu tisa Mem2y, ,- 'Tise Mayor of Piéton, (but-,re*4itlY fe1i hoa4 Wnuost mb s $LaluVat Îaery,%Mi cale Iver>' nr be!ng drowneîd. Al iresusuil Loudms, Ual., Trecaaly soltI isesý is6suiatid's an'iea ssd uped,?, leasing two stfm111âedstidreutind,' locked ssp' lu Use iouee. TUe>' fieraneur> ram aise d;oscve& ', ,, - - i. Tba coutraet for tisa Leghslàir.prntiug- of OPiario, bu bea a wtledtetiséI1cs*r -4Aseh t ci lbe " à-Ai~dToiuOetCafs. laýý eba ggast pos'fmatutskuown. tise LocalLegitulatuva of Québec vise: dpcp no t anderstand tise risseS isuguawea;li onsu feelisbigl>' iorad', btissiaiAll thé pee" in*luEngibb deiras'ad 1ot id tgpcl boibent.li Couet, on skates is thé! latef nof eit y. fi4l rimingotn e. t'epdf W tisi M.s. Lincoln hutends son ig bur eld ciolises to be exhiisited lu, la u t lund'yi ? # élii t?4Mon- tr4orla'P.: - do arly, busainessof mure :tisrjai egi and'haffeiion dollars,, - mon$p l i teC4lifoTnis f.ute-pTisn.. ad e3an~t 1firee t1 ssy pelsnon wîlewii stark cotrèue ; s'io~g ea ustce principleè. lu tIsaI ai!~r ' Ti globe i*'itll44ej a ,o f ra-tmi deaing vaguebas, ilireif~qna dl Cansds, luprsPectdfrls#e¶flux tan- e-miplyed'îorkmen lroi tisa :-oîieraide. It is siafed tisI 40m'M o pies Of "No Tisoougitarae," have beeu eold lus. Bng. land, . ' Tise militArfi gsîsluf lb.Olcasa r- ihment buildings isu been tioblcd duis Dssrng tisa year 156?. u- ttnimibas of, cortnsllmnts of crimsinals l Toronto '1risa !,83&,' Tise tablès shoir a ateeaiy deareas la crln siucq .1800, vise> tb.coinlait- iients nusmbed 8,790. Tisa délegation of th isaoetts o Uthes Toronto. Gmea, iBrue, Nssrovw-Gù,nge. ralIva>' hala suciesstt neeUig ugaat wek, ut Mount Forast; Dursban, ,Sd Wallreiton. A. T. Stewar't e.mpiovs tr homoieud' pesons In isis stores Nie- York. Tis alaifax Suna, mmcl liasbeau lu ex- /tence oves' 20 yess', isu eased publica- dhon. Causa, isard Limes.1ý The local legisialure of New Brusnswick isu bcen proroguad.to. tisa iStb &dY of Major Butten, or thIiseMrbias> Orairy, bas received a firet-clssa cavas'>' ertif.- cale. tise LtiietiStates Govrçrmmsl "Mateisias miseas' ba s bacui defined te b. te haroa cigarsuandInotiig ta igist -À St, Oatlsaineç papes' sa>'s -" The veek of prayar commenced yesterda>' bu Buffalo. lt vas mach vuanted. A year veuld do tisaI ait> neoissym." lu Buffalo vo prsy <dl people;-,lunSt. Cathsarines tise>' pro>' on tisai, s'terts tise Buffalo l6*prcsa. ,.ÀgRUasror àa-DOeu.tsEroL--Ms'. Pie- gott, edites' of tise Dublin tiriabinun, isu bea irrenteti b>' tisa oster of tise goreru- muni, for prinitlà'ngntI ditributinig iroris of a auditions charueter. A part>' of spiritualiéts, irho baia beau bariug.fer il aI Chicago untier tb ise i-c- t 4&'M 1fs adut>sts'uck inflammàble g à"< ilipth ef digli iundredlfeet, andtI tias melI i'5 nom speing fiante mmci tise>' canuetextinguisis. *'tjÏzrlaud, .mýiijàte1>'e OtOlisai d royeti- tait of tiesahort allocaLion praou -need ut tib"w(ousioy by-titPopa on Decembés' 20 bau juil appeareti. B;isa:Hetinest de "pic4ttdtise Divine assiance utompcrig his .mmnw ainees ls s athtisabiasopsa rou t se DL 5 Il, OANESO1i,-BaddeaIy, eitouto Taeudy, tith lest., dsa belived alife a BounM. C. Cawuonya, e&gaur et On. VOL.-At Kingston, onu ady, 1th faL, Jbýd .;Fox, 'piÉuo MaU&OWirer. - Whby, Jas!aj6, 1869, 7.11 Whea*......1.70c aà*îISe Sps'ag........$1,50 a $1.5, Bsrfsy........900, A$1. t'eus.........10e. a 72c. pets, e..... ...s 40ct.1 Buttr.........15. a Ise, F4............153, gayi.-* ... . $8$5 0 pet6toit Ryiq. 0 Do.a s5 Dok....... .. 40c. pepir roirie . 25e. a 30c. Appla...... 40s,50c Wod........... $350.~4 TH 04*IIBAT NEP.9D' UPLIB» Vffl4S hAVZ buts>a mplOi in~ jas hvé lien uIA" id n by the _pnuu.- Or. UÀm.sa., tira gr4M tscpe *puolK anu eads>mhie vta1 5k.Mu~~fP lu iWk ela514wx. f.neM the0» gnou ieot &W.0 . *Sc b5COU i'Mre lu numi- pend inl home ?slts-151.y do et - gEpe-ttwy>duoui e: .,>rnlugl ..cugt,#lm5,.digediid. Tb6y »ue 9m lUier, I r i Is ihc1ansd asy lte -&ré& uftd ai .. Tmuor»:A5.<eé4 al Piii.tr V,.le<eY..ae 5ie'ezgv e"ÂKr , hïniale udas.l su 5bXa5, 55bo1Dd by aUiDrtogUsjg 5i (eàLE Tir. guuiusrhasv. e mamae vJ* ay.ilko u iwiglo Maorie ai J .agL ai. 'Tihe genultu ae là&a pi# snoe. hiwlte powder. &WSater,"cotirv $aMp'on ïk 1!o.Montrent, Md I *. MAS, V.LLUYSk Cii., Tuo"i, lud ail ligigxv do LCorprationi of the. *TOWuTN ,,OF"WIIIT B Y Tir, «tgt Metinu of th. Mienbcof thi" OW N CGcU XC1L fr 1<05 wilWhr» ll - ON MKONDAÂY, 2Oth :INBTANt-, -AT.L>O4îDN. CA fw .fhthe Amy -I "Wull be gvo e! dUiilng&i A"Y p Wili b. giraz 0.100.l-oo TO PHOToGIZNPjHERS f Sadi.ps'dof, lu eunsequanSode us .L npro ten rn ng, a ifu - 'h o aab ee Wn Photographiblé, tabllabmeut, la osa of tise Ilhsatpsss'mwthïisaonas- lu#- TOWN Ths pnemluar - cuds&t of necaptilciroot, adsiues' tIne»its nocu>, anti veni mont momu td A% l Ais «11s tuau i Wiia estlpeuusadnsi3rWrmiut- ç&iantI liglniedStudo, en,, s5-' tantis icht cfa tisa fineat îlecnsption, saaèeao' - ries of' tie setica ind, sppiauteb>' C. C. lut' 1 olÀisosud y L. Vry, spteahssan and aen>'r-' , Mr iiaests Jg u ' Mse ordr o mi "WItb,' Ja. 1 ,1058. s 1135'IIJDGZ doitras teaquuat ber .111.fieudu sud patro» $btisa-ber

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