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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Feb 1868, p. 4

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w- dot 8841 19, 7, Pt. of IL no,' Ie, Io, gerh.eat itg * iT O tucins ud d t liktheuo sentIt ixteen dWoe., *sot ont- ob n;teorth iseventy-to' doegr., eut ~e e d fflitko; tUteoo nortix l- t« grg wot on#* obole, m1ure or lass,te. e tttoer portel or tract of? bcd'ond prori ttusIgnalIytng înd-bnlng ln theIituwe' ýhip ci lltby, arbresnId, cowalioîng hy sel wýeîomenilt nê» qiurwt of un eor, b. th; uneortin oroies bolig omiood ai Opsrt of lot îîurnbtr îiiîrlsen, lute elglîth eone- .1er, o<salA Towtiolbll of Wbltb)y sud niy be knonwa-by the f1tlowi',tg d.scýrlptielo, 10 vit " : ' t2ommeung («-thfi.. csterii boadary of Wald lotîitlrtueîî, sft t lis it4tono f Ave coes 0#04 fifty lîîefroc i te tortlloooet ongle liieroof i f101184 sont-h seient-fioùr d «Ofee west Iwo cleiso lfty 07lnks ; tbonce ecuýto ix- te»'eis eut Oc obeluts; theuce nortit .ooî egiî r oe., ongt two 0110111%suîd 811 Ilko;ticnc sîrUit th pueegro.. voo 01rî 'oIe re orlos 0topi.e oic TEibls A14D CONJQITIUN$ made keove' 'borout-o, lMtSt lovoiber, 1867. WILLIAbi TIIOuxE goîîxa o# it.oîoi. 4.4 ximW CARJIIÂQE AND Waggon, Shop 1 prdoptsrdud teuîoilutteb fU,51iitJ of IN LATEST T $LYLE6. g4r le!paîr.tg neatlty atd promptIr oxeeuted. gý Itiîred-donri£stet Laiî,gs, Dundes strc., ,w hitî'y. Wiîltly, cloril 23, :867, 16 FIE ASSURANCE CO., L')M1iA1ID STKifrlT & CILAII0IÇu f1). £S74JLJSIEDIN 1782. ILEI1,MOYFAITT & C0., Agrents for Catiada. JAMESP DAVI',(N, Manager. Ng8ilANCE nizoliiot LOOS by FIREEgré .lc- - oîî tiinn--- 18: ', ~ N. FB. 84' Front Ibo, 40 ý de '10, 2.' do 100, 18, 4, 100, I1 , "0, 16, 71 9w,- * ,10, 15 15*1 1*45 01r OCITaffle luow ait mon*b>' thee-goroeuntothat I eau andl do- 49TG01D1in tke»'tOTJNTYof ONTAÂRIO-- Seil wh ? bconleqtih th asenm y motte o #SM h? 14% 18719 TOWNIHI? 0F 8001'?. niof Io, 2, 100 154I84451 2tew3 0, ï, îïl; 1218456 do, ,Wo0, 160 09466 8,4, loi, I185961290488 - ,7,100, 5485 26 8 9, 186198458 9. E. Pt. àil il Contre , 1, .19, 1 son'. coltage D4oa 01 P ,;f10, Pt. l. l. ,10, part N. , 64. l 16*,à84 0 87 ili180 98 466 lue, 18410 1 6 60 .18 1260124 5 2 8 11 a4 ô 2, i1024 1.00, 16128 46ô 87, l8i2 8 45à " 9 il 124 be 00 870 485 &20 21 70 260 2409 2 96 il141, 817 71 41 8 67 1004 1 21 .67867 8 12 il142 1 8 TOWN Or WBIT»Iro 10813 WAAP wU? 0Vor1005 81111 lui 28450 18612984 '66 1841 2 8 4 b 6 186192846 1061 28456 1661 2 848 6 1061 28456 -1861 928 444 4 44 444 .0 860 SPale DryGoû le iý>w complote, sud for beauty, style and cbeapneu esntbsmuod t a P pli ýI S 7l tpk is ré*y-lavgadinore- »ttf tieè., aiZg patesIvm , me with,ýtbe4r iptrouag wllfli1d i t lle a 0 lt in 0101,ofstylé aria.; pes.4 l uracl G4OODS constantly on band, tand donc n lthe sbortet notice'. Also'a choice collection of BIDAL EQIJIPMÈe!T8 tiedt'order, in the Itest style. 9W» Dreos Battons aud Trimmings ipendless variety. TAILORTNG DPpARTMENT.-C0othing made to order on th? premises b>' firot.elass workmnee, and an immense ,toèk of thé. most FO- shionablo Cloth to, select trom. A good flt criranteed . e>, Spécial attention*called te a lot of 1BOOTs. ÂIXD $SHOE. iti motos' su w0mn'x, girls' and miss;es'. Also. Ovor Shoos for dsip westhcr. Goess od vere, "c Inspection là respectfully lotvito'J. Cash paid for Wbest, Bada>', Rye tnd . SeAWA& IT 8 87 -on Is tItid S<lii rai Alî OFF Wi sueb 10s s"(,W Pfýrpod te ln' nr ongoc ts ofrnnsy-l'ltlltA TE OlD gccd mortgage fecurity or Debentures, arl loy raot f nteruist. P»nbc)îrrinwer cotihave bis ove lie flice pritnipal, te prceétt tiro f tic luorect molle- 'y as iow ratis, o'n F;-rsn aiilrTý#d Pro p-8ovorni gond imprinuii Farma for sale, troîtely low p~riues _ ver and arceibtcks t-ougit and sOWJ. )PI> persoaiiy, tW JAMIS BTOLDEN, Bciii Ass1Oilneit. Lni ltusnace ted 4jeue- qtent, Wlitby' FICE.Md>lliOi'5 Boclt, Brok cSt. litby, sept. 25$, 1857. LAST E R. À CERTAIN CUREFOR IS, CUT, PETER 19ORES, »CA]LDI, AND AU. ERTIV'. TIONS OP TRE 5MIN# IEAD TIuE FOLLOW1NG , 1'wvr-', C. W., 1811. croit> certif> thatt ili mon liead a feirfa ,lcgK,nesie onitanliaItiheflecli ttll I, and tl1o boiequite lare. 1ei cimcnc.'d ns îiily's, lister; and le a osiort tinte it cord conilolf'IY. I stroi:gly rcomtnand il;t-o fleortrig flousretil <f it kiti, ose 0MScet hprove4 in ,, ass PRAICIs OWEN, Ex Màro. bils a 10cerdtif> faIlait may'l omet o ýle of lioiliutigtr on Yn>arm, wiiioh teck flesh off, ieavitîg the 1,0cm almusl bure. 1 rail ltae mon eyornliiticg pouins for tItrce : s. 1 thetn ipplled I to tll>'s Pluster, i lice ourod Me le a verv %hort lin e. 1CÂPTAIN ATKINS. nid b>' JANEo Il. t1tRRIE andl JAIV. INE,~~ ~~~ý -r itWîit~ l.T. ATKIN 1, and MIOK IOO I N ttt oituwa, tud . un St-h, 1887. 12MOK-22 brof. J. Post [Aà the honoro nucng jtr ii§ muni- -cal frieciolnteW tltty, thaI bl spro- 4d to roccive pupils for isuctooi on the avieg bai toc, aro e$ptence, b. <c.ls ildeot ofitoInk obleto îromot m Itapllai icenient 0f pepils,wvipaylbc pla. enr îstrcollon lvcn lne otrocgb Bas*, nr. t>', coeelsr-p(Ai-, a e ,Thery o? MesI' cciposltton, anti pjirt-zéwcuta'atettefvWi ~iviile beSittitiOi f lsevolce. -, or> of Mu4Sil compngsli o.,etis$fi. iTitby, septet»ber 25, 18 1 8 FIRST.-PRIZE IIORSE.-SHOER, Lbty 19 187.94E> W TEEm hu roM dw MUTUAL, INSURANCE COMP8Y .ebi'ssdteir contents, lYcenîr>£ehîo #e. by goîiying eltiier At tii, Head offio, or o10 ony cf th~e loal agents. Oer iftte* viii b. fceund a o 16w otheo'fany responible Mutuel In- urante Comp.any lit canad". L, FAIRBANiKS, Ja., IEAD OFFIC1I'-Tie <Md4 egitry 011e. Bulttîtg. Brook Street, WiSiltby. JOHN OAtrTERP LICE NSED ÂIJCTIONEER. ONTARIO, YOR.K& PFEL. a i ESIDENCE-Le0t $o @th ceu.9 Jtarkhan.-l'Ost Ofioee-vulnllitO. BÂLMseSt.tided on 0Ie shortot notice, sud on restsnsblo tonnus.'Ternscaolie mile s,.d 11% prtoîod snt-the Chueniote oOfce Mror t. Carter. 17 THE LANCASHIRE villE AND LIPE INSI.RANCE COWNY. l1à Ista flvuton Ornaato-18. W. Corner of King and Cheroh t8troeUs, Toronto, S. C. DooÂw-CLAiOK& Coq, Clii. Agonts for Ontrioi. rrEnudersiqncd lhast vent-pleascre lo In-e ?L orîning lisfrietiîib tn Wtîitby, ond t-ha Coîtnty of Vrtario. fiat- i lit s bien appoint-ad ,Agent for t-hoetiove flAsI lous Figliti Com- piny, and tiiot he is prepared te recolle o;îpl- cations for rioke, -and obtan premIca 00onte msrtonbetetets Wbiitltyi Dac. 4, 1867. Oms4 BRITISH AMEIIICAN Capital_40OO rqll uiinderolg[ied hvn enopîti JL &Cent for Ifle- obove Cmiouenuà1 lw 949eteu-,Agent Whltbye New Bake q. ,Lýpobltfl t hbet o nÏ& still>'pre rs e d11 vîitvimpluuealI oeideroile thaeBakor, aI he to Cake, Tart, and i.e lund luucaon. looLot us w.ue. ... U.Bac. ilc IN1 TVA Wbl1by, Janandnaweer, ;oo1808.e DIVISION COURTfS 11 THE ÈOIL TRË YEÂR18.___ 2 2~ e" 2,Feelg.......... ... 14 29 4 . 9 80 &, >sOoIYhprince Albert. ...13 là 1 si " 4 lb dv. . ............ 14 Si :,...e ..... 2 , . 21.. ... 26 ...oo........... Wbity,22 , y I D. INDIA & CHll~A TEA 001. HOME DEPOTLONDON&1~IVERPOOb No. 23, Hospîa t- Meontre ai Pure and GENtTIE '.rEAS, of 14Plendid natural flavor,, importedl direct On» 0...O ie.'5 iOCAtl01. ft fhitiiil.a. 01 f luos$t~.lÂLY blended witi the fineet products of CHINA. Oniy Two Quai ities, viz. ;-1'0c. or $1 per lb, o '0e Black, Green or Mixed. Fine Ilonsehold Ten, coubining Strength udPlye,70 cents per lb. Finea;tprourat'le...... ........ 1 '""" Idollar put lb. g'Sold lin Piakets and Canisters by te Coinps y gns iteeyCt e Town in Canada. T RAD E MR, MARK Agentfor Oshawa, MARK.0 ROUlNSOX4. - --1igiftub ESTÂBL1SHEB 1833. TILL & RTE (SUOCESSORS7 0 WH. TILL) ara i ll inria of Cabinet Fu1ritflre. determined not to bu undersold by any bonso.in.the trade. CaliadgXauie 1-fore in'rcha.sing elsewhere., A cioce se- leto fGilt Moulg, (4 eianm k. 3 &lge, 4 AteH O mke TEEWIT?à 3-I t -P ECIAL"OT singe U'eap'iersf à ld owersfa aji Molweri; Combined. VOOD, élt aturlet pneu. wptm ELO~~k~ ~AWA SSWAII STOCK GKOC~IIE8; &ea. OF 0FALL KINDS, gr -À$ eb.esp te.-*Dy lhou»e la(hotuL Moi' 29gb 187 £ MONYKAN ENiS -<moo o.28. 1866.,4 TuTbîshd nd *ivoft i Spledid romy toblinjç, end drliv ,leu&$ éthebr, wit eve or vwo sele. et laiestaok. ai mp. c d mlcimwt.r.da o n 'Tig.eviiele w.111'bc old et s bus-gt sud m. oneor tti. to bt , i.sluteVOmlOlod for Ott active besbesc mail. W ill lie exchistîged f or)ân rope9rty. tFor taro,h,, pply (h Lyttoer, ÎPPQ~u5 Octolar 24th' 1867. Ottwa CANCER lnfireq O-T TA WA 0, W.' CANCERS CURE) By, a uew6 bûts .lain, Sjmteey and nourl>' Faluless ýproe.su anduiwitheiat oh. aie et the llDe SUM M wUe- John Keitho. EUS 10 onoune eeri 0edos$!arp BE tro, tat&t- ha Is ui k igannte bis 0 etanul fh i wb. yl b. fotittd mlvoys in ras ces teteu orsos and cattle, 'oc.nrdic)g the meut- approted beterinary prinoiples, hteralofore. llcusei-uhoiftg tsrefully done). sud out boit keove acientiAo eprinoipiest. oe- AI il ofeBlasIiwktIt5 aiKgeS waîk. Coli at-lte olit tand. Wbltby, Te.Sra, -18n. IT - soi iIFSeK- i i ,-cry. JAK. Jf I tilA Tue. Le Port îhy, %26 Suli t W r3uJs. Car Ji, BlN .VA 1),Wll.y W~ Wii.t'ue ulit~- t<cin.A 104 92 60-72 48 55 24 80 27 63 57 69 21 761 79 98 il 27 75679 129 497 497 497 497 4(4 408 4 0# $49 40$ à " 195 *01510 WAID, gMT 0V 51005 m115,. 18128 - 1861 181 24 5 soi BE.) ît.st. Lot 3, 11 l.Contre "7, 11k. y,.of Lot 28, 46K. tf,"6 66 L. 1 12 180 125M 1l124 $18-le 1265d 2 12 250 2837 48 064 U RADNZVJ4'7'lLAS. if,189 17e Il62 0"e WALLACB PLAN. BCADUING99 PLAN. 1 08 1 25 190 1 21 940 2 915 140 18go ju I.iid;sYOA vAD ihot eèlot N iotgo1 - , 860I 2045Io18 996 9914 2aj1dý,Bok1 , 110 18546ô574 690 64e Apri Orl,164. Agent-, ite, i 2. 11, S8601$456 - 2 99 95 ArilSr, 38,8, I l, 2466 o 90 99 VAS DVLIN Wtelo 1! 86128450 8 64 440 408 de (i& 18602845t 196ô6 152M 14 17 ~ TIîAf'rwl.ictshawa do F, 188i 28464$? 87 4 ai-o>hl'scllte-JOitone eWM. PAXTON, J R Ilîmue tret- tîIsrd .Iooruitl of te Ontaotosu rC.0 ho.,aiskAlnti W Ail the àb0ve Pstente. n for Accidenî t d stanudardi Iîisuîaîce 101s. 17 -Teur OffioceWhitby, Da.e.-18sorlid jOhN c. Dit.cMULLEN, hm Accountant, lafldand Gentral Agent, Iýîv b kep gàe E oh târ 011e iii Ieter treet,oeue deer nortit cf Wildad iopIiruvLti ?irms ln thoecnties j IY &W IA s R - M[ in tof Mj,i.'iip id cilliiue for male.- yu Il. -tc lec isutitiddt-o and prompt lte f lion. D,. >b. o rison. bil.L. C., lIcn. Johieyn - tiîpacti, M. L. C., tiou. Georgru Crawford, M- Es I . 1V., M. Il>tisf4"rl, S P., Jolin iliotn i'rrrv, Eq., Wli t y; idd it- An vrbei tors MarriutJÇ.amin.irCatiadîtu t l LJY, A dselects ttpair of waran, v beyou so sci W illiy îioottco.. _________ will fludi them of ail kinde and of the best description. E14T AND CIIBAPEST poo gim 0gto à O4 niiu»yucsio nstte Sup i Buaflalo Overs&»'hoesï. P j. 'Xlila Io thexrf iAtiritiIn Ladiesi Genis, Misses' and Chîldrens ' «uia nrgunsod buiiet' %94001îIlii existenlce.BOOTS: & 8SHOE$, of every variety, the establishmient of th n- lueuttoqiciO o f. eatî o M. 1.D.underaigned i8 nnsurpassed by any other in town. The stock is vinc . îottoiuetriit*c i large to select from, and the 'workmànshi ood, and in ail ceues bis 1torst b ii êllspome<loet le iicarly 611 the 'W'ARRÂNTED. '_-gW- a.EP.&RS S U . on Vollrges uS&tua*Hetd$îof1lraaf'ler, t-beflnd it to their interest to calb t£olo.g ALoxx willb. noiicr lthe management-and eamne. the( or Dr. J, . 4. IMOANT, l, îo viil evote hlmiA ititele ime anîd enurgies t- tha JOSEPR . BANDELL. - - . vI±z go - Whitby, December 4, 1867, 48 ilrsltitlg o? yng -itouevri wlhteoli'tmiio________________________________a______ tIierotl; i kloevedco cf-ail t-eblt.i,,,ies $11- 1 tutîîtt i e lulePJdnslf~ EN- AMiI;OOXKEI'îNOl ARITIIME- GREAT ,BARGAINS IN,, AW FINA N C 9 ,oe il1'uLl2!IAL £0074 flhiY, ar. toght les tiis - O ' - 1G ' *ud fiiy ilesrstdil>yrins l Inte ol'C TI N efiegg inefi b>' a fulorpa of ex 'ns idand agîsl Jt n Ëo tirs ndote Ifomaio àdr" Geaât -I »â6r gain in Blankeoa, Flannel, Apilî 30, M. Great T3argains lu Heavy Double and < single BWS O< IW' WITIROM7TPAIN, .MEI auq Scarfâ 5&. e u »Y TRCn U U av. Goies IOir0 D... -779, 92786 84 as 98 f968 'flU" o8s14 4 89 4 if9-r.#, 27 2210 TOWN9HIP OP TROISAIL 1 1 1 i ()81[lAWA, OCT. 23, 18ôt 1 ro.% Cabinet ',

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