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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Feb 1868, p. 1

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LM'. ry Sanr', if yoti Ét sms.7Sud Wtltv..Tn -Wsi a ie Boots or Shoeso, i WHTY, OV.lT,1 a .".Vîcorlonoitguial ouBrook Sl.i, Wly. se.âge JAI&Vtio, ýRTAZIZ-AT. LhAW A.gi) 16.V.ATtpuW 1301110 'laII 4boletyq c0iaveygaa&5t sa r> ll'obus, . e img- aO5*t doft te iiStet of 19, h J. Cawptl$r, Brouk 14L',M hIt5'yq, yul. %WrrÂiLY qj$ 164, han. 44 W. Il. BILLIOfo BOLCIU& AC*., *0, fAg'iiRI>î>It i.L.aw Uiflo £fuSAIri) 141r ia>lta ~<ule o Spauti of the * CIIAULBUi C. KELLEE, A rîts.k LAW, iiuLtt' tJElN. *uj. nk. 0. W. Y) * ief'I tiiIYTL~ pu,110 &, &e.. W iibl .lLoIvMii jeiiiil <tryisllSc. doisV>S, 1L. UIis.sory, h... v.,ho b. itaa *Urtý. 3"'itjuaWe J CWCiIIAMB h JôiIltA E cAittwt.t<hY&0.. tte,,V&0 ptioss AtazsaI-taroa- uppuaiIe Tova. IL I JU&guumc. tLa. i0., jW--M. Uoomstiua Catuuty rascia uara Voartl'ssrry, sth til 3'enutasr, 185. roi BarseCe A. JOkISs, Unrrbtr oiaeta.! te %qhaSgUCWy, A- ' V iUi-ligat alour gote s gintt UtfiaîsWhiIby,41 1> ÃŽW' 44, Cheab dl sat,'Toronto.# -J.b Eb VARREWELtig ILLe 1D09 iiioaî,ay4oir Law tJi$',ltasahst iàis-acsty, Cori. voyauaast ,o UIIo-Wtiou s ret, 1uaUa o*ibs& etulau*ho. UbaW e.U.W. 40 bYJIAN BENULISI, L L Bu. daery,a.ovyioth.h 6iasoost-Oppuaas t>, l'eou&Otto, t'Sh*a. ne. J. GUNNêJ, MDe IJlIQKUN r L'cus~ UITy (lAUL, BILUUUUAM. 0" Orneslownh-d te tu as. nM., -aud b tS »s.blsM.s, Dg, Amusa, t(furtasgaty.) Agi T otes.3 A, PâtÇINLE, IINT TAILUN 0(0K rU1 T OW »Ncd&L t( é Ktuu, WIUTBY ÏL>S..]Wra.11a9aStr e.t o eiot.k. i'VSINCOURT.- 6myortn. AU011914E1t. Addrmi-' CLERC »'tir beWI4TM iDi visU*Sq *>art of t.ies atornt 0!i>Mtto, 4uvo £asusuos...îbdhy C. W. UJ NID E 1T A IC I NG FJKALIM fuil epî.iedsieda:tLhded -5VA H.at go o ite on lberslttuss Whiîtby. pub. $th ,lut;2 1 Iirook1Jtu Drug tore. *M Wle ia.mîd litquoy*oof tisabaiiquisit fr M.olientprpe Hm*e aekk.r.gz.o~u W . I1ut~4uN's Vaito b'unt he lu. fialtaitbt he ,'Uiit MViitun a auJ' ourenfýliig tPOtid, ilet liti Pub,. puted tisai ibid oq 04-iiau darces 19141)oooapiod b>li Je'W.tA motÃŽls. 1..lssJ into,a.d sdamcle- ed lulrtu~le, vLitor.. fuî oga.îves> euaîlr,. siiuiés. e. i qaora as.a Ugsio Cd tihe ~ P.1. . ......U. ... o Jkaubariisor doirtaqt iut i iusait LIiru.iatuiet lasi. slow êsrt-ii.g 011 tilt iMiIoa.a i.iLiat ls;le busss, ~ t t(lm bet of wrooc', iqllor.,cigart, aîaid rafrî'i- îîî,st. A wous uuppliicd tu lle.Qoîiîa'ia suda aaciwiad yard,. Juifs 'UKII1ILL. Wbshy.îJct.4-.'.884. I>IGIY S H OTEL. KING STRET OSHA WA. CROCJ<E es, _1101El# NELSON'ST. TORONTO, BA8~ETT I KEZIL, . suu'oa ÃŽJÃŽKI pÃŽcprbaotsaremptsscil ti uouDm oee Lilasit tsisdaa, ut a sstiu *Wil u0. s sissoir $mooaaa, Ib#4 tàbaillinasaiss:ta c ia. bvijo si.a soil Is w-hésveur upt ooicoasvaalav sas ns *.aaal,ritiaiy OLito p sur th. ecausltb. idgot*is'b-sud taue tr*ve.iag publiSe. Tilt) vilà lits louid ils ia oUtais sit e iaal ttidice, tsud caoti n 4Pa otiMyim8 tn0,wt 131101>1ES I10TiEL. OP#OUITE TUIE POST OFFICE, INftST., IGOWMAUILEii. Oteber i, ot,6w. 5 S TAGCE HO0U SE tropritr. 0 LJUBION MER 1HELN DUMPA5CNEM, WIIJIJ&66 a., PLAMIiSBLACK, 14. iMdPguiq.C ropt ieAte- Whpoior-yi#Jas.,olOtiôni; 80,. - ftte tiao oatitisroitmoWlitbTotsi li. iaV0 1- We beg to intimate our intentionv of retiring from busine&s about the gini of marais, 1868. and ini coneequfee, have ècomtrenoed to offer thse whole of our I'Mutaeâekhck cf ne*li DR y- QOODS Ready aeCiothing. Croceries, Liquors!& Winesé At a smail advanco on cost, iu order to reduce our Stock by isasse dlate as mueh m pesaible, irbus the balance wvu be offered is bulk, w,la tIse gooâ willet bit.licaa. togeth..s- mît a vasse et oua ' new Mitd cligible fprealiges.. te a oolvent pus-ehames-, on very liberal ternis. ur Stook la ail nev aid liss bsven lought un theaiban isai nss, muicaiables an% taseffaer goud satm 10-Ie 15 per cent vlicaper than any othair fliotîsa utown. Our- obje.ct beig, wo raidace pur stock, raisîr tissu s'tek flr jrnofits. 4'b ps-sa mens pilul, from $2 ta $6,- coours. S 50, Werth $3, to $8 00. 100 pe. Gre~y Cottoui.tiste besi value 200 lBedy Coa t&PaaJaeki-ta. $5 lua tihe Counîy. ta $10, wo-tts $6 50 te $12f 50. Staiam Luisoss, llnts, shirtingl, 50 Ovecr.ioalia.tfsom $4 te $12, Wortha and 'l'ickisagi, $6.50 to $15. anté' ias ausd Caps. vos-y lateat 300 Vc.bt,, mus $1,50 ta $3, Worth styk. S $2 to $4. 1 Ds-ems Gbe'ds, lu WisceyS. Pelaisis [Ieavy Vs limsey 13is:îlett. frons $4 ta rhilbeîs, Cebouîrgs, Merisit, M. WorttsM $5 t 8.75Lustres,-Gala 1Plaida, al weol Heavy Whitnsey Ovairc(atings, frai do. Froîselsi Repu&c. $1 te 82,50, vos-ti $1,50 te $3,80- 100 BShîawis, frein $2 tas $12. Beardefull 511h niixed Caatingam froin Nuises Scars ansill oodsa. $1,40 te $3, westh $i,?5 te $4. Hs-a-akfaat ,Sliawlৠand Sontugit Fludderwsfleld muke, fs-eau $1,40 te $3, Hoiery, a fllendid assoaiunest.. Wos-th $1.75 ta $4. U1bosis. Veiveuti, Trlmhiigs, &o. Canadien, Eùgtwh ut; Scoteh Tweed,, hlAek Biks, a detided bargain. ves-y chcap. i)amaok ('utstaise. Laaie andJ Muslin. Eugliads Doeskinsansd Clôtlss, ves-y Table Linisen, whsite aud bs-ewu Iriis fine. Linnens. Engrl*lh ~ ad Mo*ew Bevess. 81k Linsen Hasdlkerchiefao. mandeC Clothso, &c. ' -uf and il olats, Houp Skis-ta, Ties, Englisis and Caihadian 'Flannels, ali Belts andl Buelileu., t&o., &ée. GROCERI DEPÂRTMIENT.' Juit received 100 boxes fie* Layer lai*iis, l inbxes, ~&~boxes. Bufes lie* LaYer., Sboxes do. 15 Iboxes do.75 Nev Valentie Raisins, 10e te 121(1t,& New Currants and i#@i2. In Terne, me offer th ie besi vaIue in thse tewn, treuil 6041 te $1,10. Pure Coffees, fseh gs-ound. Rice, Tobgsias. Sugaru -nf alitkinds. Salmon Treul., (Lake Huron,) j bbloi $3,50.1 15TERM STRIMTY CASH.. 1WàItBY, NON. 27, 1867. Salt water Salmns. 12j"ta No. 1, round Herripng, orl> $3 a bbL. Pure French Brandeb. Af nes-ivan Rum. "Illhand ina iaPorts aud Shery Olil ITsh .-MWh Ik i at Whisky. 91 ()ld Rye %Whisky. Âldwinli't- n i aDf. 12, 15 asnd 30 gal- lon packages, at Brevery prioes Englisis Ale sud Porter, &tc. B. i. M'MI1 Q.Uery Wby la ILtftiset the: a-loe ach e tun for pil«ts. AT CIJARKS GALL.ERY?' Il o lu. ecus eaih hase ise haLosc.uiiotylu the ,Vuautyiatud lis*,morepattaie il'tla cliii assai sha as> tiaer ALit lia tise CossuS>y, asd mna do q.aie augoo.wtrk Ms aay cha isasi tise 10'Thostii h:s te maintier, mse dontib ESOCIL ST., WianITEt. LLA N & Ut C1NAIN C ES y IOTIC TU, CEITOJ<8 OP TIIE LATk JO0HN SULIAVAN.ýý D SUAN? te" as roth ie Court of .1. VI l'O 0 7îos-,nide litLise moiLtt rof tise Es tale o! o uil san, aiad lus coupe of SULLMVAN agains 8SULL5IVAN,. Tise (Jeditoe i'joisunilsis. 151. of the iNo. 1, -on the, Oor~ AT 1>RICES ITIAT DEFY COMPEFITI-1ONi, TEAs Yousng Jlyson. Iu) box(-* 103. ville t'lut lîi boxai. Wilito Wisss. (;ruslaed Ixtrit GUt velluw T ratiseai, No. 8~ . lan Jsarsa. san Boittes. 'Pissest Spastu. COFFEB. Lssgti atin. Uer aluos. alo el. teuton.FIJT TA>oertls.ti lloib.aan VAebft'scin ' ti SueisaTifi asépè Stin ia. Otps oig. s.! P3ite Xhis' llbomed oi#$ts. fr »' Jirsazi idtta "SOAprtPâein Tns CeaLlieI PICKLES & AIJCES. 11sd lPickles; '&lo aut. i~sîc fAvielovies. WeaelrisSauce. TbeSAI.T edaIl. t5 B~ Os IbRYT»IJTFRIESAN Crenm Taftss-. Ei-Uaorboste of Sodui. Aluni. Borax, $alpisar. Baiig Pevaler. £p"oniSalio.. sltpte. Senrs. Ouam Cnipisor. Blase Vtrol. Buisasua Blue, B.AIit 315. S1UNURIBU. t*sia 001altins. Surshhs ii inls 3,aid visas Titss Cuisied Peasises. Asit otises- <ta.la bidy. Crockers. lssasatà. 100. Brlly; lenip secd. As'uwroot. Wiiîiq. Bath Bricks. Corkp. Wràpptng paper. Writlng Pap.er. ludlÉo. Orange. Closes. Nutinaè. Paigoe. Hîaittsus. VGafs . n.d Bisa...-A Noe. 0, ( or.sBroeý oie Ikd 1. goc, sa s PAIlLS, lie. Neptm Put'sled Tut es. PIPES. MsasdersUn'a T. 1). mailliiA ltsr Rve S Dotp m. Be E»Cotais gélit. ?Une. ies BailiTwina. fisa Tisssd. CatuallaWick. Wisbte PFianad lako Huresi Trout, ae pe-bbi! )lAckeyel, *stb slsla Wlitu Pluis, llo.1 ieribsr jIs., Ne.labisd.spiiu[rlaag, I 1asbsirrat. las?#, TableL'Codth. ~ HI dicki. Basokd lerbss a bks sRANtieO Tomi CbuT, ar1N inG as 01haWs4 Toips -Doit i -o llaniay sasyPot. lt.vt&o'pldy Case Gin. Pected, in. aY aOltis utrner,#U000with ai1ru ihunerpsd tgbtslsi~ ttoon'èaitr~-buat as tert a nytoor;' iover, I revded asysef up tventYyarud togetiser. vits my-hezd on my ksees, mydée"mnel hanide betvslxt. n'y, lcgs4, ad wy litt:!. gtev botter. body coveriasg oiser suy enri. Tise saisi lutfi5unp'dg vsdvslikess 'eal& bst'aseatuvk vans, tame IËq I Ai ot se mach'regard 4 t. 'In tireeo mansheel vît feirbout It vu loir, vesties *gain, sud f1tokd Islid m osedeisaad eÃ"k a comoaible tisuime Il ýnp moiib itatm) aigbtftisaI,1 p,- Te next 1,in-,I re4 yber at asee like Lbh Art,. ich 1 tonde for tisai:pusrpu., fori (sr teguOf& vatise third dn> sfit.4kit WI's6 kirh but h astv ted. or a I vax: Ïéry C.as, 4ofit. netknowing boy expecitas in te kilt soute at tisai ime; se I1 put it -up ins clenrsisia, sd arcie forward. Thse day after &o mousitais aoves viicis1was te ua"s essa efi:eobuige ed vry2hiei, crsgmg", anad tbick wit cf Lrtisrïns vood, aisd n pts -uer upeinag coulaIId l te1t~ fiisd. t l= okddiosal esieugs, but I vus 18 the Thoms dcteraisied t sna azardç. -Thoe e pet in cm asseuntuis a ened-to e te traverse tise bs-oel a sirej friand, sud uppeteâ, sa vs call it at i ow ent ainil like doul'Ibt ! -ailIbebisid ausetisessheuld. dit' catbsau no su tssu a sid dog. Tisb tisai vers fa] ventnp hewas liranssd I l pt setd ail met with lie &hieblstigk pe-net of 4îe fWorths dey 1lied t1111 oneenait tOsS breka wieiciLias1Ibaited; mny bec! vas nov dssgpsd te tI but vssy iiifeseuàt Is tise ftersins, as Place I tonde 1 vu valklir, I sav abouts dozon mnucteeper, wvii befere me;- upots tis J I kolked iQ s,b"bi, twisiq g our Peepn te observe visetises tiey h4k.. loIoped Off th ýcvî:fmeS bu 1w£'-ào utci n'ysix logand, vol saèýdwy tie hvostvus- OD aI1boùnbId tbçt bill 1 vue lkewise on stetbill; tso-e' in r5tise p tisl Icould ce tisas rov tiseir 'asp but it il af sud kilt tIdcatasen-, vbh i vas voi,'1lcould noi asuarealvoe w ere r thoan tisey could carry it te'slance, evsy vitis thisus ut e. 1 stayedwviese «for tisai put 1 - pbplgq wb4zsthey v re , âge, lus rer te " lSo ee 1ib v*ktIy élii'posaibly coos rneàdi41y Ittsigutput as, sud esseisotises-lance; msan aking'asp 'liaor don, 'hsuging tise reW vltis. 'l reaiiudes op fiais ti'so, tisaitishe *ild dukp and kaspt iilfi sofht,ôt lt, sud ~ikentine'ean, e t linst tIse i ffslyk.As use ituastise> *ul,'OWnesasud ful U oýooked as-al abbat nme 1 re ttsey veseve brta, ~14àde 4 p ote .ts-ss, base, luble sud, souciss!l coulalveli carry.tihs streaiss, Avig-l' rc b.u irit i beoty tevussésandi gave ttie Uis.tsl rnot-"q -gte Trut, lest v inhtgrcst an sd discver mie;' ln bo iiig4 leaei tiani su 'r >cbsdIt5e fotOieqsoPleased 0&e, bil lttuth lick *Z -n fiudiuno-use1 landed ielf pstis, net truek of m r - '.~1 bpesMbsg V su>,uet~saemsivisa te~ ieterroiedt miaird net te te go tlssoughili,, but asi -h-ëij on ssg bdore 1- sî sonof 'Wus,I1took u0p -:>4ur,,er 1, modte à5ilr.Wjt soaeoodon sb>4aud rusated van béé'.1kepissMyfl.endssin iTvellinè ail nt lt, ttbirbegsbohétlit éowe sUdDrus-y ladj atiuok me, ( aitis vitisd -The sicit mos-sus1 qiade up aisy pick Enuglis, amo age vitti grisa,' bis iiit* vus îte 'lssk Uime, butstil oftreea.i ýemOe IIvthe hi!]. testaineavil Iopfil - i a uarvey ,t' ailes, 1 ceusas n irbetiser et ot tihse IL 'ile, dise sus-ilPr sl irbemremoua 'fo sl- as liti COAL OIL L AMP S I' OFTB Tl Imi1(WEST FATTEES I -I1 -1 A.SAKP> r Adv 51 1

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