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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Feb 1868, p. 2

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J ws 1111e boter tltiIs s svages;s"na s-bai adiled 10 tise vldbdessOt ns>'appPAr. Busdis w&O s, (litai b nothîn>' on but th lamrbes'. )Ay stIrhlsbolus 'swAvatis>'end (ail ofsfeckhesi. ans i > uIs'long *15A à mit!id fegutiser, 1J veau>' Made. i frilitfal ltSUr'O )tut tise " sereatered sse ley' origenla 1'erril. 1fr, ]tilt eut nsy bhais' otZanti er- -tiret i msb..tbe sisavtd, sud dressti lusf A ileat seaima's habit, Ililit, anti fit fer tise tountry. ie é%ptalîs ashe I ise* - t fansognws-aespeeustfor usa>'frsetomV? itls bliots, netsnbot a gun sL' A prtenanst ib Se o in urfsmemitt'istleorus..lie fisrcapon pîcheot àtt siamhdomo easd ver>' gîoul bmteangee'guis, as.- aise morne powd«SOr,%lrta, antis ase o! spîritsc' ast a breent te Bar UJmlore..- 11. gave likevi4e knlrex end beada fto sl£vo inanti A gimsl seun tote snogers vise vent fer mes.. Fer ns>'owuî part, 1 presctt tis a eptsin iitb m's'aite Atisthisoî> AlLer ttsls,-lie gavetuesà latter (rois mn>' lijer, etpt'esilre atifsis happin'esa îslsoi 55'uIg -Irons Ms. ~'jisit', tisa Irsas alnie, aindi dein>' st t otmSel(! andes'thse charge o! Captel af a4 et, vise would de ivorytin> for us'comfort - -Aboaultlsi'egdi> is tior, veut ,!bôatd1 Éd5&1t toýsa5 t tia»0.0elîllet csad. me, o4leit fr .soe tisse; atde Whltb, Lise vo eaptalinboi t iii. netises' Part or tige Colottgo iselp >them te i rade, s-Ileti s-as, ablo te do, b>' isein>' abie 10spesk the ian' pgusage of tise native#. Otiiertsio veissels oIse arriveds t tise Lime, aud Ilsere wva Mte tgraeicarrleti ontlu buytng sIave." On tise Oth o! Jânar>' 1717, s-e bade n4rlea te the lliîsoft i e dt daasar. 0V dîi ont touclis t tIse tVpe of God ope, liaI nI St, Ileglons;',andi rons thse. vo isaliedinlua gshort1itiîsete slsm.8les, viere, he tiliverodagrt ouss>,.After. s ta>' or ~. ïnelIme. f.'uhlnÏ lu West Iniodlagiots, iý aed fori us E'sgitnd, eud crossin , tise .At1autlc rrîveti lia tisïl'o avaws omstIse -1 et fsétjieruber, arter 1âiie oen absout fretm ms>'natie, counir>'13ô years 4 anti à1vont t> uôntIsâ-1-,ire at -.1pheli~ ai isossu suent triemtivit>'. l>' Lie captairs'u - direction 1I vest sisore, lie s-ein>' Ps-. -'icnsjly ssssiPIuOhdieas V.,Liswhats'as ueek's. .lgas'>'fosr'mss'jn'ney f0 Tondon s; VOL I tit iltut oorvard til 1 lied retorsedt la;sks tii 0*1, lu tise nost soiernin manines', for fntafit rIvi, and lori n>' 4arives'ancc * rou tise insu>' dangers 1 liati osee, t rogs tise snony nimls tase long MThe.plego;tsf iltdh 1)îary fb! l fesâcllisi nua['sdon, *a5 i'tistîv â a e h1 Ilse Inteligetscé;of tistaffl'tbis cf 1s lstti 6àn ustîser, grief oethb,%lois isaving for' »Noars proyel on ibets' îpirits, -11191fitîher' IL1didl Woi eaal' nd leb hlm tise sain 't, £200, vhtea bouse of tolce4iowiniton. fIsIcocragcd b>' tiselhis of Ibis ~>ms'nts, ise fliouostisat. 'fer settlinlis' ls ffairs, h. s'etiirtied to Msilsgasoar ors a trating ex. P>idition 1 sudlIavug there procureti a iarge si!sls$'eU, si is aving thèe r 'cireti usga'rg o ot lat'eu, aud tfikèn tisani tu Vis'. lffkIs' utu bcSLaEnglanti lu sep. t( ,tjàber 1720,. 'ler, i.>naratlve terni - natta', anti wueare led to lofer OstIa, setit' Onu I'l oottsu an théise orate compet i'nce l liadsacqosiretiho ddît.asot agaîi tempt te dagng crs o! tise ocean. Soins 3'ffirs leoro liideatisoya>5tise etiter er lissvolus>selise vas tn bespolten ef ever>' day atOld Tom'm cote. souse, lu Birchisi > ana; 'St vich pliacé eversil qaîsttre fteutletiMed teesvei rosi hlm cvn ii meuh Stise consfirmation 01t tiose pettieulars illhsl sosmed dttblou, or carriet vIistisonstise luisit ais'-e! a romance. ! have oui>' to aSti, thoagi atteiuptm -' Mi1a-v bisait ftusthe iecoars o e 0 l uat ry yeayst 1 ior fllise héIslande!fMstia- 94aer, t rdt'AÇVs«? the,;présent do>' stutier pett>' nativeooreigmi, mnd almost >u unSaffrbarlonos acondition us avion 1h Ira% vstei by thtilnfortih0béDrusy-m clreumfstamsce attrlbotahlerlu "greal nies, îaure, 1tisehévitatlng Indiuences ot tise. Ptavîtratie. Tise tsluîu possepofons o! $htis large'.asd fine imianti by an>' Feropen Poer~, conti not !a'4 10 prove stîant*go. <,-elst mliv late t itlrto, but t-tise de tise fuis ,fla., a couplé 0( regiatere lita.idtru" .Iote'Ur.A, 8, Jrvfi$, hooekeeier, verig Lt«qpam* Sb@.puu-ofi / hi> a Yeung 1869,> v s ifil #uulw Isi *as lmpwwsbf6 And. à ppetoauteo n îtbi a>' saswbs4à feus> ho>'aso e tige fOmt 04«' anus.ketfotige jettera inasa #tàaio a viels iappessed te b. gîtai o( «0 hàýaver.,before roaiie. We .11 heuew thtise(allure ef tishe oitýiminla OV &cou; of itstaîgnationof tradalaîtbe Ushtet Stateu, b>'~il thoumassupo tiseusids veré: tiseva ;ofe!emPle>'. mnts; o! (scieries lolusg, sud b. bus bslngissable te :ind sltblgto do $ of sauac sadelsg thoseaduila tise face. W. knew tisat risse. htihglivers, sud asîlil con. dusse. Ilat, vvertoienpreparti to her ibis horrible tale frontishe socils-teu~ felti verse tisas tiuber ofe!te sn - tise terible o>'forrelie! (rom t isemeet <aulne, andi laspouinlg servile var,"Thse falrest land enoder tise suna lin lerteied, niend t an. A demain wieis case termetivîis abnndassee le nový atei oo missive rasipeuperidtis. Puigisîfal destîs' sien provais, i d Snigris sttatffn bau shows lis herriti front, Etrrviere ise riegies-ouse bauds-adthoussustinl uwlissppi asie-ar.fafllns loto dses and disorder. Radical emmesauesbave iisitlitpd lnoetieir miette Ide cf agra. rimien- (qae diisof !prepers>"- mnd issised tevards isevisitas, Thoer@Ile Do ee.maltf (cetir peri'. Tise segsoee1Ë steai sver>lthng'tise>' cons la>' tisir bandai - ou,. 'Tisaoor uhies" viseove laIust anti stck have .isomsgis todo te heep bodl> anti seul togeihis';:but lise lttle tse>' bêve -tsir sul-h bbeg stolon or destroyed, vs secret gatlseiag o! armed sogrces, have eresti viIdae preati terreor sud appre. heouions o! a bloody contiet',-* var o! roîcre, à ari'Of castes, s ver wvus rois. bers, 6 . s'ai ýOver b rea tiees -tise1 taie, sud, &aies torte, fne oir Sucrent ie the larndiira ive 1i lie, -&Hallepesée andt penty, Wbon *a is soisrous udanS e tise prosperit>' anti iapplan'dot tisaibas et. tendeS ns, v aaegot essie to be issu> îlsenk!sl to tise là itr of ailtinems," b>' *1iss, butSproidene visate Alotet ta eù*sps tise teiriblo autLrings wvit ieisci Odi bretheris are afflcteti. Tiseànôwv aorm wvlÈeisprevaiîti ,on Monda>' tnS Tueua>' 1eatvas ýthe mst severe aone isbas Ïuer vrjsted Western Canadat viti h ie wemry> of tisat tehi- pencei, d"tise oldesi, eisabkti."Tise sourdriftse10,0o00 Pisest, va loarsi,are -otn i.p . acte semepsu« eoaivosî>' feot deep. Travelling lsaltogettier eut cf tise quessilois. 26e ,stages viMc lo ft for tise sertison Monda>' uurafmg veo emeble te go 41 as attIe ; - ý . ' f<ati is Usbtidgoiai eniiod asinog gel "sisuck'" aitishe old tol-gele. Thse sido' linos are ecispietel>' bloalna op, Ne trainos bave, isp ta tilse misgarrivaS <rom - tiseNBUS -or Wouté sisce Mentis> meransg, anti cosetOehy Iwo are vitisont1 tise mails, W.#leursb>' lêlograpi tisaL isere vu goe ef#sietor aset oi Kingstoca. Thse stra also lutos'erdapirtpos>, vo leaitft&erffa arriages vbivisve go M.4%ase iu ato viiitycon1 NÙWady. la ont nstmu tee,s lrgy.ee1 fiuiodti e malts an appoasrsmseo sud tii coressony vs. pnipoW if âseoua0 e the vearbsýr.4,,# o other, tise elorg ma mie. féilluti. ppoar, but thisevng olo épi te w'diippelAesdva-to, t etis sl, bsss;sn04 tvo "'*(uiilmA asiiie iseuogbt, - ffe loirsba, e-gapbisavontie stof 69osfy v oi. aas il lIasa Ton Dssp *uo mlIaifomd, coucoev of Dr. ERay, wbiehi1 , 'hi tise e ~Doctor vritéasnftcmhbistshéleaiidesud a reepeetabls gentlusan Item. TrooUMsa- ton, Wisou sasse*vartsoi at Proust st liberty téi gt1,%,W. ýare glati, isover, tlisai tise etor be urssti op aIl uîist. Ta uPât Zoss-mvs-Over ÉO,00O peu, pie asseibhed e4 the station In Montrel, os Wedosday luai,, te -vitnes tiése iet.a' or@ o! tise Papal Z,>oaves, anti people vere nearly erusist te oasin . Iboii. teimss tisai prevaleti pes tise erivf o tise Zouaves lislNew York, on Tbu"seryoesé. la>', .tbse vre eaiertalined ut supper-iby th isaElhop- of New York. A grand, cou.' cont, laiel r Ionor, vas arrang eaifor Fil de, eveonsi>', t aite plua ou os ei Now Y'ork ecisries. Tise>'saillotifor Havire on liqIrda> sos-ie>', la tise Trench Rtvsiutoz oaTUs 'sse.The -te- foiove ;-Csiose, *066,328; Excise, $258,383; Puai Office, $75,853; Publuie Workà andsti lwaya $32,574 ; BillSiamp, pendiumre, 81,093,627. gr Wallaceeo! si teesu, bad, bis amis&se» cidesital brokos, en Frl.ay lui. LRe vas plus iag vtoes. eisol mates attise retideace of Mr. Lsklendo boad oeler of tise grammer sciseol vises tise occieent isappeneti. Dr. Péils. vas. sous in attendi. ancs,su antawg Walace lerecoeoring as volt ans0i ýw zt vos-de.a euah sale o! stoveà for uva veeks 1nAl. Tise, sali chiper,tise>' as>',tisse anl utiser firmlun tise trido ia town. Nffl tb> tihe cole.' Gocge' Frassel Trais Ieetmred la Dub lin, ona tise aere4g of tisa louis "t, te a entalit, Ssiiver>' ssierous amtlence. Sons. persoua pressatsi"Whvise isse th ie speaker- vere romighl>' neeti.A svtong' (oece 'ef polie. easusnbandasi 'peveated serioss isersunal vielencé cr dishoyal demonsta. 8W Ssff.srtiNoriisecoasicrefsry o! Stge fer ladin, raidth ie Istest it ter te- ceIseti front Gos. Napier gave remuas Lu hoye "iattise s'as' iaAbysiiula would fbts éoes ti is seasomi OuhlVaa, of tise Publia Nation, viso vas isiseal>convicuti in isat city' for pub. llsbissýg seditl ion 15.la inbis nevepaper, bas béée seutslaodby tise Court tu ix Monthe. isprisoasenî. mi. Pigot, e! tise Dublin Iriusmian, vise vastrieS sud cou. vicieS on safia charge, es usencedte tvstvre senîi's lasprisouseist. Botis pal' onr i lieureoiiruti os the expiration of is térs.. c!ftseir couglsseeusto (arasisb securty 'for tfIboi (mre gooti beblaiour. Tis e vit o! "labâi! fiou" ceoa op roml Kington. BI tis eiaith o!f1MrFox ibice buuidreti pers oiwee thiota(to emplyaet tisnes cme tise ire st 1Mer. ton& Distillerjansthie failnre of a large (otosvrdin> firs, pallis>' devn vits lisml- oral otiservise gooti boume. Tise. sis- fortunes bah aveeesettors ver Suit thutro, anti thse WliA!blastes tise sort rrvest cf l'ut leart fpr net a ltteeof tise efflâtissg stagnationa. JuIdeeti, h saye tisaI tise ÉLratsp of Userr emi a i atvisei, vises ameng Iblvrions Illousiogi of l"sovidaesa b. mnatiebcisi of à"thels te beanctifiti hveis.tomain reasos foui bls pro elamtaties ofoUlu at GouwraI Thauskgiving.' SaàLirwO-, BREF Si1' N Mosa."-Tise aein t t ise ounudevriers bas.set. tlad vitis tise cuverta tihe meof ties ip JN Mosiser, frones Liverpool for Boston, gms«tl bti>' ussitioitlo f aia. Tise The -W1$ ontiàéter1584 beeU V*14 $1,Ã"Ã"e, *hieh lait $1,975 yet due him. 1tcrf ng #160 in the batids of thesecoun- ol fto be pald wen Lise.ontre.'Isili*tg 'wss co aq4eted-flxilsg til ettettOtiO)4 pdtni, &e-$175 sthse Sans iý is psItt, 0!couruw, after Liiç,7thea atras would,4oIoked ititoand raid ,for.. The ýcommlttee toge, anareportea I b1 rePmrt ithout amesçdsnesst. 1fr. Gerrie brougbt ssp tne report of tis standing committue on, aphaations 1 t office. Thée r#6ott ÃŽlet forith that-two aà>. 'piicaticn.-IleutsrA. À. -PrinSle t-And N. IJlow-Issd been reeeIvccl (rom t'.flcoffice gl' licenrte Jkspector; ib'tat thIsy recom- metsded thse appoicstmot ofthe i followiug 1 h1os. Huston, re4ppointed Town Clerk sud TTIr.T, *"'4 tsf. y _1-; isi oftice te ho at the town hall, ant isi office bours to bc froin 8 s. m.n. 0 1 p,., John -flopper 4v b. r. sppointèd, tovn hall kieer and bell rirgger, Natbaniel 1Ilt appointet Iiéens;e Tn- xpector. *74r. %Jese dimetntedl,.in tise r. port. (rom tibf. appointinent. Tlhe cossîscil velit loto cosnuittee of tihe whiole thereous-M.r. Drapser in fie chair. Mfr, Gerrie moved flint tihe CL»rk's mal apa b$400. 1fr. Blow, in ameudment, nsoyet that it À discussion eusued but 1fr. BlOW's motion tram carrie'i.ý Ï li1r. Co chrane, secontied b> 3fr. liow. muved that thse claur-e rlrrs toflise keeping of the. CIerk'i& office iunLthe txswn hall be struck out. Last -Mesgs. Allin, Blow anud Cochrane only voting yen. Mfr. Gerrie, in mnoving that Ufr, N. Clow's r.amec ha struck out usnd A. Pringe's iuserted for office of Licer9sa igsPector. sâaid that the. lattes'getitlesns.n iuhld i, ti:îe à -fce for 'mnj'Yment,& -114 hàdbc saiti,-been a falthfsii oticer, and no charge lité! evel tseis iouglit agýatist i hua. le cOssid noL sec, tistrefore whliebu huidbu Lssrssd out. as tisere wA4 no cause for it. blr. Camspbell dit! flot kunow wby 3fr. Pringle slsouid have a lite lese of the office. 3Mr. Blow, holie ti, ias in greater nccd of it. B*teto Mr. Pringie, Jiu hlie' noyer came inlucontact wutsh iaas hicense ingpector, but lh hA ashe,- 1lthinupeecr, angl bïd ten hiquIed tss !Wlis thin- thsrce Mfr, IfcMilan -said utsiPrirsglebâdbc1i very uucourtcoug asid uscivi1l isl, iii ffic,. <lilsers', perhap'-,, b.d nlot corne in- contact' vit>;h Ii .bdit. lie %,ras forrt>'0Sray, lié liati. 1 l ie s iusnh ;slensure lu support. iîsg tihe appointmnt of bMr. lbsi. Mf. ri, tisossgt that tbe gentîctin whlo hald ju4t ïspoheni,lisai' botter beu Bilent It appeareÀl, thsat because Priugsr didti uéuit Lîseastu tey vatte iul sturm 11r. lBfow vas not in i vr f disscisur[ ing oit oo$ccrt. 3fr. Prin ëie, howce4 mod bselli gieoffice because uDo othit î plicistiona sat breenfndte. on a division tsskissg pince. Ms., Gerrt vas tise oiy asernber-who vuteti in fisvo of Mfr. Pringle. Af Les s Iegtsy. discugsibu Lihe m0131Y ivag fireti at Lhe saute ignusmuit fis of pté viont yeaux, r.s was- 0i6o the Town bal keeper il. Tise commritte. rose and roportcd tlLe report withcsst amendient, and Mfr. IDraper, secondeti b>' Mr. <ors, movedin luamendanient, t(bat the salary cd tise Town cierk and Treasurer bc $350Ç and tisat ho be aliowedti f0bave hiâ offtle in Lb. centre ofthtie town, andi be-ahlowo f0 transt suc> other bissilleos as ise deemni ncessr>'. lb.esuotsu wv loit, Mfr. Draper alois. voting yea. Tishe report was adoptet'. Mîr. G;errie -then iistroduced a by.lqv appoifiting Lt.etufficeris as abpve., ,WI Meuors. Lawtier & Johnston, uoau ntstoas, At a salar>' o1 $10)eeis, af theLb towusisbat keeperla solar>' at $140 ius.Lead of $10., 3fr. Draper, secos.de(l b>' If *îisde, niove t iat ins the opinion of thix cou#te» tise ssessor in assesssing firme andti afal iug landis. useieclî'vcly for fartaint purposel, vithisi tise coporation, aboutS, vison quaiity of land is quai, assess ail at a unifortil rite per acre, lieepng ,su. view ait ail Limes tise qssaity of! baiildusfgi antd other improvemsessts uhereon. Tise motion wnm lest aller a, lersgtby and tetillosdiscussion- ~ a-l sr.Draper, ,Cochrasse, Camp- 1<sr.-fsrsst. Mta<Eio1 terrie, go- intention-not te oeY tise ortier ortise Preuidenit.but te reissaîhtu tchiarge cf the. q,st.cflco inili he lit'forgily ejeeteti, unlmiaO@insudled liy thse Sonate Lu ItÏru ever th. offieq tu .Oen' Th~omasslu aceor- dence luiii- tise PeusidenVo'uortie,, Thée excitent isere ln Intense. &#dm nUafler>tiso$nate vent Itto exe- cuov teosa conmitte o( fousr Sena- ,tors ýproaeete 0thse vas office ansd ils-_ foriessei ertar> stanton that, pending fis>' aetiolsu, IL 'es tise deis. of tieseoSnate aud disregard an>' ordera front tise Presi. dent to Lb. contrary.. Thse comanitteO asio wal eàtiupon Gaen. Grant ant i hsd an inter-' vie' vitShlm 'n Tise commrittee express tLlselies entiref>' sass8d vitis Oc.' grânssi' position rrgssrslisg titi atter,"' Wanhington, Fub._21-Tise 8euate a fe-' minutes after tvns o'ciock 'vrent fiet executive session andi cniiedg therelin savon hourp. Tise rvmnqval of Stanton vas (al>' dissise sud n ith anseli pirit irs secret '-sion. Tise foilowing resoisstion' oticret b>'$,cnter Wilson wvas agreedtie Wihirea tise Sonate have received sand consities-ei s commrsunications (rois Lie l'regldesst ateting tisat hlmIs removeti E. If. Staitton as Secretary of '%ar, sud bas tiesig,na- th ie Atjt.Getleral o!fise atmuy te aCt 1a3 Secretar>' ut War ad in'trm: 6*1 tla tisefure resoîveti b>'tise Sonate of t»m UuniedStàtes thit mnder tise consti- Lution snd las-s o! the ÃœUniLed Stetes, tihe Presitient ha& no power te remsoyôth ie Secr'try of Weir anti tisignate an>' cther ofilcer Lu perforas, tise dutles cithat of Copies of tise resolistion a'fere orderedi te b.c omniunieatetth ie President. Sec. retar>' ofl ar, antid iuas.eca New' York. Fois. 21.-Tise Herald'a Wasington speciai baya- " Thse useobrs of Lise Bouge of Repre. sentatives wbio bave takenth ie most ac- tive pasrt. in Lie late impeachssent schseuo are tise mct exercused at tiste seiai of Lise war bt us-en the Executive andss Con. gres. 'I'ey e<sssideret tise deplurabie tailore o! this .st attcsnpt nt imupeachsnst as inaliy s§ett!iug itis uitsplefssatst busirtey-4 anti noir tiat a fres!, net ot lsoi;tility kas arisen, tiseis isndignations knosr no boussts. -- - _ . .0 ington slecial kltsS - "'Wjes ,(,*n. Tlsonîas prscnelcJis aster fr-onitise Ps'isident Le t;iko p'imses- s's:îs of Itise irstiistmîetit Lu Ifs'. Stass- Lons, tise latter askeÀIl hisiiio a copy of tise orties, uliels wnss given, andtihons:sis. tormet Gusi. T'fiais thsst bo vouidti aie ime te consisier tIse mater. tGen. Stais- ton bas beeauativiseti by oves>' ssorbes' of Pise Sonsate ant iflouse te resttt tise reuxsov al, ant i tcundouistetil>' ildo so. Gan.. Tisosins lias openi>' dcclarcil tiat bc ivil t.ke possession of tise orffice u-usorrow snornng, andi if resîisteti by Mrs. Stauiton ilihn setfor farce 10 excecute lis ordero." Washirngton, Feb. 21 (11:40 p.m.) - Gets. Staiston us stihi at tise uepartsssent, aut wil remsain ahi sigiit. Tis e dpast- n10Iet vili be cloâedt o-wurruw, iL belisg a legsil isolilnay. New York, Fol),. 1,-Tbo Tribune s -Gem. Tîsunsas unoursees Lisat lie viii prorinilgate orders to-morrow te ail thse attachei of tise war tirpartinsont net te ut,.> an>' os-ters fromsi n>' one- connectedl witl tisat tiopartruent unioLs Llsey couice tbrcugh biim, tise penalty beissg dismissal. S"A comimitîco s-as appoirîted b>' fhe Sen-t e at its exemtive session Io0 s'ait apoîsi be Jusatice tartes of tise Supreme Court, andt ie>' matie an affidavit agaist Con, ihoinas, elîargissg thâtet hâdatviii. laWth ie Civil Toiture (of'fflcbill. Jus- tice Carter imanetiatel>' made outI su orties for bis arroat, visicis lsas been piaeed lu ie hiantit of an officer vise baî gosse in scarcîs of Con. Thomas, iShould Score*.ary Stanton refuse fo sus-retîder pokiieission te Gtan. Thsomas proeeitissareate obtc at once beguis on a writ ot quo icarrant#, wbich takies prece- dauce in îLe c4ien)dar antina>' coutp befusse tise Circuit Coutet an>' lime.,.Ap-, peai lie 10 Liese Spremne Court." 'Wamingi tFb. 22-Ktjuterst ten- oral Thoau.ts vas arrWaed Ibis nsornirug ai 8 olocit, ou a warrant issued b>' Jutge Carter, on an affidavit of Secretar>' Stan- ton, for a violation of Lb. fitis tection o! tise Teure of Otilce Act. SGen. Thomias tbus noruslssg repslire t o thse office ol Secretar>' Stanton, and vas -immed'sately ordeeed te Lise rmont uset b>' lrlt ~rAdJ.Gees'l, vhiîis orpe;fGen. flarres' ing ezper of usakinl grenier' ontise narres' gang. Systeni lus tis«e ittse aluh ratio0cof 50 to S0. ýIL s'as eassy te sen tI;at it:elodu tfisjezopeuse suineeaset b>' Isavsnig ho recommeodet by make tise joos'noy tmice f nstu,4 tof' dtcee' advmutageonalyi as tise nus-s-es'gais'. ratury a> trassconsd cylisiders tte j not couve>' more dtous ne.Lalf tse'freigisL babIy tit ia of Lise broati gage trains.. iitis -r'egard pow-er'o! -ils eng te tis lercâfef tciienansbei of avieela Of etOitt8 10 tia tbe locomotives, lu order te -prvethte adisestons Doon I wearlu>' out of the uines, tirau.*.snuli bc divided ioiely Il doue on eitlsçy sas-vwos-r'bs'oad- , Auedsiviug viseels, 'thu charge for stations, salaries , &c.e- wa citsOi> ly nsitl nec csssil>'tisé sase in Sets a> ctmki. Re is extremel>' imi dit! nl;orwtosider it possible te'luilti snd as poss'ubieti m e q Pn i lrst tissa s-.ro s- gaug o ailiva >' Carsn I>' be flow luii.i'in t1is sCountut 'aI$4,OUO, as 1fr. b>' snceestsg i FOR lied eâtînttet. on esis viseel Ii 'V 1ýCamnieiaànti asidti veuhlse Ms'and wsheu lisis iï eianI>' attribsitedth ie calannitiea of theIsc cast Glisier y Gr eat Western Reilra>' Comopany'of Eng- cf course abolil, land tie iLs diasimiîas-lîy o! gange witis tIse ~Atrc altogt'eti uther lunes, anti <setiser lie s-as avare trains on aoass 4Liat Lisatijse s'as nos- ciangus>'!te gauge-e 1ctire sesions at great expense. Cillation msuet ne Ms'. Shani>' ropiiedt tisI léIe md anter- ussions ise$ bodY shoodt Liste b h ie case.IlIe ttaciset dacedimn vîitism gr'éat importance ho tsnileruuit>' et gauge, use ou these cr151 Tise cost et trarshipmntof otgrain vnsis us-y, os'tLb. spei Mfr. Fox b.d estitnatet iet tiro cents pier onel£ If ton, lie tii not consider il vorsît ho less In a50> case th uisass Lescents Per ton, - si1 takingtishe tise cas- muet be average cf alil Clatses cf t'reiglat, tise cet 0c1f b>' Ivo, if nDtol ratsisipmeni vouiti bo iscr(retitua 23 ir niait be to ailLe P0 cents-Per ton, internai arrangui -Mr. iVc3d auketi ifl Ms. Siani>' Isasicas-.Intea(ti s madSe an catisuite for tise We'llingtons, slong oaci. ide, GIrey anti Bruce Rtas-.tise conductor lx Mr, .Shissl>'repliledt tat lieliat estisat'sl' ccc$auarY Lu s-et ed tise cost of slso. gaue lime s-nnrin" , eunts usc nort ir soas Guelpuh, cossssitnted l l emg, ssi li eteietpossible sîsanses-. ut i514,000 liers- i lit:is spasi Mile. But tiesa ol atis ha li18. rolsibots-en:tisesni,! Lis cify in isat directions voâid -bocut-fustabl!e mode ot siderably hIigiier. 'Tlic shlé qui b ls-. Cusmberlnd asked isl w tes'flise tii, t'-11 e àa irigea-I r ussa>' ses-c le" iLisas mn tiis Cuet te'Ii ahliPOt Coligilr>'.. IUWt~ !of traffic-levos-y laor . murns-rom seu 10 Dcnts ier tii>. 'lTles-ne ,Lsscs d. But il thise tisat sidthtie cout of labos' iu tîss countr>' acet a uiailcateu stiouiti bo cossitierod luntmaking estlinati, e às, ncb as tilt Lise ditierence i ltise idtu cf einbasukssist is-su Tàrce miii uni asosl itiIe juiL L-o feL Sets-cus Lhe niars'Saris-iflu s of s-cman sît i scati gange. extra ontia>' of1 Ilons. M. C. Cames-ou sskcd -vsetiser IL titilius tiro >'nt voit ina-ike ais>'pariiesalas' differenceti tise (allai ihh; sil! si Whiithy and Plos-t Pes-s-y lissn eltohit in Western Cati s-es-c buit os tise mis-scos'orbrooatigasige (fl cli'ula>' tuai Lise uljeet of tise lin. bel ug ta carry loisu tues-Il> tu savr1 ber, aud' uot te coummet -withs an>' otite s- ant i Lltu b. bc lifte. traie inrsei Is'. Sisani>'saidt! h*ist i wbld 'lucesmslige per ton dtilai tlis expeigs teLohave iL constrt:ctid on tise siYsteli5, ai iere,a sanie psiuciple ustshie Grand -gossetfisai outise narrew-t cas-s couiti Se bkereianged. .Ileco4nider, nue ca sails-a cd tisat.4lie isolaret gango ef tise Prescott vantugeosis te cc ama tiitaw-a Rail-a>' vasn isaitinse dis. muce% as posiblic adv otage tlis e RosndratWstr Mfs. Curnbeslartt enquiredth ie cest oflàfcafrs fthLie Iras tise listes alone mitisomit equiperient. 'bmlky niates'il Mr,. Siai>'y gale hiwsestiisiate ci tise cent40tis.'nii of tise fine alune ast $11,t000 for tise broat s'hisolenas's'oaV gn andi $15,000 for Lise narres- guge. A Questions 5, bs-oad guage road coniti Se laid dow.tn fron Bs'oad Gangs Ot King Lu tise count>' of Bnicecleapes- tIss bo ushntionet on a oas-os'gui>'. lino trodibis Ci>ty ttht'etof-os'kisg, neau sanie point. insIlr-conrstenplal MIfs. .fMurricis asicet if ho regardedthtie dus-n tu thse 41t. oas-rom gisage principle s an experiuisnt accosut of tise in Mfs. Shisul>'saidthtî l ie did, a% tises-usil$ hein>' iseusin ws nu evidonce.te ishowtisaI reils-sys of-tsat (Gange. Ioilti on fhsnt sa'steus bcd'lpsitt llvidertdt ,Tise Irs-(I (u Mr, Boytin l repl>' tu qseslors groititicidtit un b>' t ifs'r. îfclfnrsicis, stâtua tisat h liidtishe af tes' -es:>'curefi supesintendeace cf tLaU lnes of raila's Tise lirsoatiu nov building in New Brusnsw'ick leanti asitiin Listp consîti ot s, irisethesO' an> thtie narres' extendet groin E puage fiues,- menticueti b>'Mfs. Fox L.ad tasnce ô!'500 mil, pai dividende. Thse Nos-s-s>' hies bl1Mr, 11.innalori ni1 but il s-asuoct fais'te qimotis tholnierri poIntu. lns aguiàit tise systeun, as IL s-s nulexpectediot hast civer a lf tht.> wouiti psy, beir.g laid ticsn nt Gov- Mtr; Laitlaw sf ernieft experts. tu develop a aparsual>' rom gange. Ifs setleti country, T'rissavissg ilu the colt th isogoserstg 0 o! comstructomt aould coter sihe expeuses guge#,Oulil doi o! transhipttint. t'> stptSk uttise, Mr.' CauberiantI enquis-ed visther Ifs-. 11-1. volews-s Boy't geed *vu M r. vo'extisat ài fafts-settetksb C.!iisBè grsage lin. coalti be ateeketifor $2000pr pos eig cars-ledne as mile, .to de tise sainie amount osf business 1150. Titeotias-u s s bs-oaS ýgauge- rails-a>' stocked aI an Sequenti>'-adopte expeusie cf $3000 te a toile,., 1 sud Port Pers-y7 1 fs' lyd saidS tiat- h. coineideditisIis ion 15cm' St vIes- tise Toruntoi, G( -Mr.. Camberlani enqaireul lie< homatie iaus-cocr thé Ai&firenu i et-eautiseheoMt o! cou- - - stuctig of o! stsasror, gauge [uise anti a svc A Ii1~ lj-'s r gaïiair eLGibviltar, Jan, Ms-. Boytfrepicul'tisat Ltse sfepista,, iSiGordonti baltast ertlssorks, JIssu!,oeiteerin>' anti " Isu3Y tro 1 1 ootiigncles avoaldti'bo Secheaper eos tifée auteru asdt i ýnarre- gaugnern cii.&ae choe anti as this tractive poWer1 ,o! Lises-isole adhessOn, it portant te-utilise aMj mucis svelgit'o!the efigine.' Tis se lu, tise crtRe'anderreview- :helimiteS aveight o! 3Z'ton4 Lo nearl>'. Ivico 1hâ1 eigsI in uoise then 'lails ù uta y'ard mis e 'ted, iiseis nes thse liglit candh eiuesi us euge railiva>', hhsre- ol.jectious. Isot. Tise o-î leessas-rily bLe ves'>'gs-eat. o! tlu eus lareatl>' re-ýý aCsipared with tisOSe lu :iabg ' aIirsysof tisa-coals-î -diEUuet be reduS-a t Iccet b. witiso! thc betty of e reducet iat tbtn ver>' 'baL it- cet ed, dthse restý; ýrai t ogetes'tise prescut mnrsnersus o! eOus' passezgev "l a s-oroo!-double tests wmith a -asaesi fr lmieen u-tisein, I a- iiIie ,ui' 40 th ise riecfcars in ,4 tisé xities,fac e t ic, saige fus- tise coiet ti niakinX a ioagjourtieV.-t ucâtion resioIrei, itsefif oie rigc 0pcr cent in-ficat ellme, simd if tise preipeet uisps-uttiinsing, tisen a lts9 me si ers- suastosite -e- 1>' large amsout et' bus!- e disetsicts o!f(Gre>'anti samibtetil>' -ricil, tîsien tise of s-us-ling 'ill rcpay tise 10 lie- cent.inltirst cosi 's' timno. lits saissacase Ippiy Lu sîmast an>' district - aca> il mouid b. aissolie vn a natsror-gauge s'ailmsy 10 per'centils fmiât cost; borne in mmd Ctia as tise, $sgo tees islecoît ef-issuS' Iltliis ors tise - broati-gisage 'l asts opste iiiLise casae ;glý1o s-sk, as tise Sent-i y bnecaes iL te bond at-i- 'asnconatie tiselule s a de, anti s-safisiitisItisae CVonips>'are; nov ss sisportan 'usof lusnbes< suad j; wis carry bats 30 iasud il! tof tise, Dotload ,01 a augse train. - d$ andti' -Tise Englisis sev e ct la nuL abauîteta )n accouat ocCitt costihuesi Illegeti Sy'Ms'. Fox-, Sutit ieuo gadual>' te brun>' it L isî., <Jauge, selel>' Ou incouvenience-lrsing,(vos ed us ons #Il aIdes -b>' lins" igee s 45ft, gini, atiil ae hoEnigîteis Gssernment1 Cui anti longdeiiberatioa. sag 1e o! A-m ' Mrical u feet, Pa tire. yas-s It .basbisn Erieà"t te Oionnsatit, sdib- -d gavebis Opinion oms &eV. e stated 401b rails s-culS, ns- niontinlutisi coants'y.c spoke in vos' o!-tise nas'- j n (shunt btomunies'stand [romi -(tise Biht that tise break o! ut>' Saris, « levent -on- qaeâtioiï of trsihosipsint. thons taken ou tise tisirti lt, îilca retulteti lu it - --l teod, 1h>'a M.Jîsrity o! is- gangerineieI le coiu- t t, as regarda tise WbitbyC railes-a' lne, tise que*-J ll an open one as (r-as reyandBriceanti olser[ 20.-Tse Brisisi bark tisss comf'esfaise, anti lmaIt>' sacceettei n iringisi>' hens ta hifé.- ,- WuacxrsANDmuiCsraqVÀaurîcsAnsoanD.- Tise remmirs efvrelem sbroad repos-ted tea aise Ilourd of Trade in 186,in preecei S> tise llovis>'reia-ira z-" I hs vetu-u mst te takcn cuiy rur v ii 's lwordi - Pifisly>,Ps regards !creign constrlet, it Orsi, couaiaus -o.k., &e., -repos-ted ta tise Boas-itr sade b>' len M-ity's Cosit. Ir ducs tueî, bes-efoeeb>' ms'if seasafoius tIsati hcontuiss i tise -rocks, "0o., f!' Briîtish' sisipo usiict iappesed eos the shos-es o!fefreigu coantisaTSecostil, tisere i4 rense a o eiuve 4bsat, fs-ostise short tireibait the sysuens o! cotlectin>' vvoa5 -es'ecimesfrm s-ad'.-tbas :Seesln* operasion, ver>' mass, vrecks, U., happesi- nlà baier Majetty's pauesuons abroat, os veil as Io Bitlish siin lafoseiga cone- tales, lare Dot repos-ted. Thiril>, tis tise reports ezteutd ove- difféenmt petiot.. Feurtb>', tis e- s-otie ., at res oulinl- -cade dtiuastere te Br-ita issipi. Tise s-cported"5>' cffieers ln Ser' Vjcauty'u pose esaietta abs-atiare lutende&ise IncluSe ail tiuneasue, baths te Bs-isaisand fovelga ahi>'., .happeuning oanthse coasse, but us mons re- ýporta feveigu shipe es-e ssot ucudet. t le hope t tsa stise reurissebeceme moe rea-uergular, tati trmstwrs'titisiér taurn vili -becone tof velueMuAs' rthssex, pes-ieaco of a (osa yara, tise vveeks, ho., ecn pes-hapa Se iabuiated mund arrangeS, s. te ôn cias vstmie report ef vrc&s, ho.,' haîppeniang os tis ecoasi o!tise Unsited Klngtom," T asppeas f ront thatables tisat 686 vWeis vove totaît, test, asti 178 tL.maged duas-ishels.year, excluive-of pl. tisions, andi that oetihesétsters,- 131 ce.' cas-rot en tise iseato! Eus-oe, 46 on tisom o! AUs,52 on tises. of'Afvlcs,163 osn tise. 'et NortsAserlce,19 on tIssoe Seuth Aserea, 37 on Ltof, thautraia, of lires bast, o! ireese port, 422 vs 403 b voeu bélis> bus-ni, la b>' etss b, (alii>' Ou 60 b>' tarit nelaue sui Itiqîce' slxiy-lm sr-.sem i ttso f! tise p of PIC IN1 THIE OF(»x c!ow ý i

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