13 1, N.3< - 14,8, »~ 18, S, ~8,3i A, rle. cft 'lmet uuili.01eoti of laed cand preruislsatuate, lying &lia b luîg loithlituwmu- atiotlp"fwmby, atoelsai&ý, ooutaluîîug h7 cd. pîeamînrsnan ago 'mr ef au sors, bd tse "Me ,moreot ~ o f u ounpço et cfa part ootuuibt.hitef,ite elgitttcoloiea- cliou of mid Towmuitiobp ef 9Wltby, and îay ha kuown b> t. fottowiitdeedPd O, o w> t: c t.omiemoiut (in 1h. saitent -boudmry el bald lt thirteen t tlte-dletalice Of In l lmiei unù 1*t - Iliu, ths omt ît cith.esst mugis thorsufs thaîmes metitmenyfurluea wsew isimlftylIiltka; thotuce mutit ix- leu dogrece,'ot euoeebthAiu; thomo itteîutfh q lr'tfenrdor e>r ,il tocatn u 1 yIltukeilthonco th Il i mtedegs""", vest une halu,,more or l,1 t he place t bogn. tilug * T91998 AND CONDITIPNS ,made kuowu et the tiine o! aie., > Toronto, ïIOîh Novenibur, 18647. WILLIAM TIIOUNE, ;<.>siucnî,AuAMOGMas. ÀTRINSON -& IEOSWItFLL,- Sommcuons FOR Aixteum df..46 NXW CARRIAGR AND Waggon ,Shop là prei.îued to ulauùactatt .. n waiidm of lN LATEIiT STYLES. 1117epatrsoug eatiy end promplir E'Thruee oorm EAst of Laing'm, Danda W bhllby? Aril 0, :87. 1 PHRNIX FIR1E ASSURANCE cotg L')MZARD STUEET & OJ'IAUINO CROSSl, BBIà BLISBIED JN 1782. bILLESIE, MOFFATT &* Co., Agents for JAMES DAVIIJL-N, Manager. 'f SURIANOE egeîl tLOOS by FIXE ore .1. ffecti.4 on te tlust faorable termp and 1.OSSES l'aID wthunt roferocte i he lard YEOMAN 01B807, April $rd,1os$. gtWIbr ~pRACTICAié Dentier, Oshawa Dents,; Booms, dirqetl.%oPPPo. dmAlte *baro tue 1me.-Eit. auceono ^Il0U05ltref't thîrdtloornorth oftbe Ontario W-,,BXl>itE; AUENT, &o., auo Agent, for AÉoident and Standard ui enî,îejoe. 17 Aceounanti, Land and General Agent, AND NUTAiIà Y PUBLIC. ORILLIA. tg Offiie lit Peter olfot, me).door ntrthef Mr. eliaveu'és Drusi 6blue Wil lid tOln.provod Frie is îhe ceuuntes uf <ttrîIeOamtdaitteua er mile. - N B. collection&S attouded te ud Prompt IenD. L,. t1elii ironqb. 1L.C.,lion. Joluti t ni bn, bl,.L.C.) lion.oore crawford, M. Auiune Mourisnl î s . . P., Ni. litenfird, Eîq., M.1P. Il., ., 1.. Bocotky Eq., M.P. Il., John dn le l'oq., Wistby ; sud cdi- lor& Barrie .Kremir, Candien J'ust, Limnlcity, nuîd Wbiutby Çnuouotoi..7 BERT AND CHIPAl'E$T p lace toeat âj>goodBuistîma Ildnumtoit lat lb. sund llatt 1itcm Vol ga, locasted t IBof. Ili cognm~e uOO of flic deioftetMr.,Ili. 1D. leByitendii ?atjetisi beufdispcedoflis utsarly al l h liqieg l mehini. Berositer, lite W- Ili t @t11Uûdl heo matsgcitout a C.'BXYA14T,ýviiil evote h1lm tite uis iow d ienglg, c b t1iA '1'wc mof y0tt1t8 210U vho vîiit t cbtsmm e ý1ôtoou«1 kuuw1eilmcocf aIl ft. bm'ueroiuom m9 TIC ' fliffli; ilt>IATicilJ MtIiAN- Ig , COMK ScIh1N M W, TINANdE sud LUiTCAL EUNY- , ~EenUb a&fuml corps of exporienseil sud 1=hmhe'htW oopeteult nn.ttocr#". Piwll cou eter autauy lime, Tîtere are no eciso- tien.. l,onnom-and other Iformaîtio, ai4#re.e A7, JC. BDtrITI, BeUFALO, N. Y. $'?1 0, 1867o Smmin 7 0 4 Front lO, ' 40, do 106, lm0 18454 16854 04789 foi 2846 lui1 10u112 84&# 6 -61 70 7 40-- 9 lu' 48 43 5 tigb480 11668 1q8 0 175 48 91 78 -Il 01 1.90 180184665 10i 284beSi2 1861 8 4568 47 09 18612884 56ô7700 il 70 ,s 76 .4 980 -7:2,90 sis1 t- u 917 si os TOWZ#SHIP Dor SCITGOO. 1 . Pt. 7,10, 175, 1862845 192148 14 69 107 Il TOWN8HIP OP' ICOTTé Pat cf Pt. of W. ~ E IPA0 12846 1860 128456 1832 00 2 8 4 5 le1 i28466 46 95 De8 80,29 80es 77 22 9 27 8298 9 98 -8 "4 419 1975 237 TOWNSHIPI OP'TRORAKI. 8. X. Pt. 5,1 19,11. MI, 180128454 87 i&610i284 6 110, 1800 1 1 60, 1861;i 1 163< 1881 2 8 4 b 6 as, 21 28, 185 60 à 2 8 4 66 1801 2 8 4 50 :80 1I2 84 5 i 60 112 84 fi 1841 2 3 458 6 48 go 20 21 70 2 60 24<9 90 1 41 ô017 19 48 238 71u41 8 f7 111 06 1 21 687 -12 142 1 87 86 49 92 94 42 98 22 12 104 92 62 72 48 55; 2480 2? 05 57 58 21 79 79 93 Il127 76 79 12 79 TOWN OP' WIIITBY. NORTE vAR» w257eoruBROK OMTS,. 1881 2845-0 1981 284-56 1861 -284168 MOI 12 8 4 Iô a 1881 28436 1001 2 8 456 1891 28 4 Ã"8 1861 28466 1001 28450 Mi sa2 4 44 4 44 4 4§ 444 360 809 4 97 4 97 4 97 4 go8 403 $45 195 we AR», g 0si mocx IemZ? 1601 23 18811 245 1ui1 -112 180 1 23 11 24 i$183. 1261 2 12 250 287i 48 ode 54 ]RADENRUR8T'S PLAN. 13k. 1). Win. st. Lt 8, *, Il. Centre t) 1 B.E.eotr 8 «2, WaUtTot do du ý 1861 -18081 WALLACB PLAN. 1861845 81-346 SCADDINGli PLAN. 1861245 1<0 ô8 1 39 lie 52 06e 52 060 10os lao is 2 01 240 2 25 1 25 140 1 89 8 18 826 948 7 99 864 12 65 a 07 mS 690 990 11Ise 960 44o 1 3e 370 WM6 PAXTON, 19 16 844 925L g- Al l e aboya Patentea. Treasurer'. Office, Whitby, Doc. 23, 1867. flou Io keep the Feet DRY & W ARM JOSEPH, A.*BANDELL'S ndscilect it pair of wa;i ()vtà rshw(s, you will flud them of all kinds and of the beat descriptiôn. Superi or BÃŽu'ýfato Overshoes, In Ladies' Genis, Misses' and Childreiss' BOOTS & SEQES, of every variety, the establishnient of the undersigned ia uiîsurpassed by auy other in town. Theu stork is large to select from,- and the workmanshl*p gond, and in aIl cases WARRANTED. £WT' REIAIIIS AS StJAL. go'. Hoads of Familles will flnd it to their intereet tW cal and examuine. Wbitby, Deceober 4, 1867. JOSEPH- A. BANDEIJ.. GREAT BARGAINS IN Grt.aat I rgains iti' 'hatà and <' là psu irgains in- Blanktsý, Flauinels,ý irgains in Ileavy Double, and a 1 0 Ie Kuot mli mnsbi Ihem pI'eseits (b cati an d de; Seil the OHEAPEST GOODS *in the COUNTY1 of ONTARLO, and why? DBootse, adopting the Ceuh systedi,-my ,ihotto [s 'SM A ford1 izIiFJTS &QUICK RltJRTlN SI My STOCK 0F FANCY -AND tap e Dry Goods Io now complet., aud for beauty, sty le and ebeapues can't bc unpmased.j -Io this my stock is vcry. large, and more. attratctive than usuai-, and parties tavoning nme wiîh their pat.ron guIiltd[ oteir advattag both inpoins. of stylo and c.1pe . tilamîuotment of MOURNI NU& GOOD8 constantly on hand1 and doe up inl the shortest notice. Aloo, a 'choice collection of BRIDAL EQUII>M1EN '[S tsniuued to order, in the lateost style. 9&»Dresti Buttons aud l'rimitniugg in endiesé ivariety. TAILORING DEPARTMENT.-Clothing made tn order on the prémises by ins. clasý workineu, à nd an immnense stock of the mess. Fa. shionatble Cloth to select trom. A goud Ils. gnlaranseed. Specil attention called Io a lot of BOOTS AND SHOES. in mens' and w îmenmu, girls' and mi>sei'. Aime. Over Simoec for dii;> taher. Groeniem. [lardý vetoe. &c. Inspecton la respectfully invited. Cash paid fur Wheat, Btrioyi ye and OSHIAWA, OCT. 28, 186t MONEY To LO0AN T EL osute o'mny-'IAE U i -ongoo moîgae moîtilyor Debontureu, ea t low rita ot intorcoat I5'l e tOrruwe.i enu bave bieseWmu tinte te Ipay ie prlutipai. 108 mlerproalit t Iree î.f dits largeol moue- tan> Coinp..niem g itle Donîilitîtt flsa e ttonny at low rtà tîce1oou Terni tsnd Town pieo- Party.% gar Sevoriti gond imprnvpd Frme for aie, ut extreimetly Iuw Prim.M Siler utdtO r-enbmcks benglut end muid. Apply pareunaity, te JAMES BOLDEN, Officai Ausigne, Idid Intinrance aud lieue- raI Agenît, Wbitby. <JFFICZe-MoMtiilan'e B!ock, Brook Ot. Wilitby, sept. 2U, 1907. 38 P LAST'ER. A CERTAIN CU SE FOR DURLN§o.tUT», FEVEA qOREsl, SCALDN, AND ALL ERYl'. TIONS 0F TUE IKIN. RUAI> TUIE FOLLf>WIN0: I herehy certif> Ihat îîîy mon fiaa le frfît mores ieg, @to mueh mn IhatVie Il.. htfll iff, tend laid t'-e bout' quite leare. 1i oninmnced aing Domelly'm Piater; nuit Itn t ut ta eIl ourod hums ýenoopei. 1. trorgly recomrtteiiil I.t ^il stttterittg flom semuptitut Ofthe iakitu, tie I fluae een il proved iniail care.. FRAIuCLS 3 O" ENs, Ex MAà re.. lImmte, C. W., 1960. This les to cerfify t au tiet Miîv 1 'lotit a kettle of boiligt tr on m> atm,. wiioch took lte flicg off, lavltg dies bout atunnel bore. 1 suifiétred te mor n crntiuting pitniefr tirce weeka. 1 thon sepîiit liDu îci y'c plitetr, it at onîce oured me lun averv .2'1i)rt ii e. ,Solgi byJANES SI.L4i'IRIF and JAtIFS BYRNE. r'ireixlm, Wiîthy' k.T.A'IXIN èON, muid biA ttE HIBI N i k, uthu.wi, sud h> ail Drugotietielis the. ouuîly. Julie fih, 1l"?. lîmoe-22 Prof. J. ' Pout LIA the lituor of atintuiîiitg t.'hie ninali e al frit mdi, inii tIiUythat ha e e- plà r.d te rruve pupile for iitreotion oui îLe, IlluIing hailteli yeairm exporience. he feals, otiîfidet tof Wbeuitg able to pronmpte a raliid ed- vtutuenieit ef pupils, wlto na> be phsoed 'ioder hi* 'nition. ltiitroiorion K gIn luhorough BEtuem, Bar- nient, Conolor-pul, fuge. 'rhqory ofMtwi- oua !oîupomltfoiu, suudpiticuluor &teomion vl heplvw e- lte uultiva*lo! ofthe, vdes. Vé UeS -Iiostruttof f tit. Pvi4no, thenryaofmaicai corm ltboi,&i Oextra"$. Wiitby, Sept+u.in *,186. .WJmlLby, 19, 15117. * , AN-D LIV W. .1). MICHAEL. Corndr of Riag and bSOmeYt'. Strate , w.l ONTARIO FAUI1ERS' MUTUAL INSURIANCE COMP'Y Ilioae,,id ('hurche». Tlioee wiliirg t lu- P-nre and therehy ssnpport a Home tuoturance <2npgany.-iais row agi opporturgity otdoiîoe un. bymapïplytif nithior at h lime Hd office, or to os owa tho eofenyrosoblMtai lu- HIEAD CFFICP-Thie 050ldegtry Office Building. Brook Street, Wliîiby. JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 708 TRE CouOrC ONTARIO, YORK e- PFEL. gj REzsIDE4cE-là ot 8, 11h Con., Dlarkhau.-Pout Ofce-Uuionviie. SAL.ESattesîded on thce hortent uoilce, a&W on rensonablo terras. Termecai outde mda.,d billoq prlmîled et tbe Ch robfulit ofLe. for Mr. Carter. 17 TUE 1LANC-ASHIRE 1FltEu AND LITE INSURANCE (W,111N- CAPITAL.-2,0»,OO. [IiED OFFICE 7O9 4TÂIO--N. W. Cerner et Ring 'id C(.i S troitt, Torouto. S. C. Tuc.l-Cz.aax & Co., Ciief Agent* for Oittlio. - - g T R£E nndetigonod hbite rreat' pligâourd lt tlu- . frtuits«bitlue nîdo lis WhitbY,amd tites Counnt.y of Ontario. ilîit lie hitm been oppoitiLed Agent for Mie above fir*t class eîgigliu.h Con- pany, and thât ie i. prepisrtsd l recels atippl- o,îtî.îîm for riekeà , and obtaîis preininnie on te most. routouabl oiLome - JOUX AGlIEW, AGENT iTon WusIDT&4*VîozrîTy. Whithy Dje. 4; 1807. 6menm-45 BIRITIY41R AMERICAN ASSURANCE ÇEUMPANYf Capital, $400,000. T fE undérmtlghed atiingeon appolmtedl rLAgent fur tige.aboie Compati f 1le111111 toeiaei e Iiure. topaity agaloist L' ttS BY V the O Igmoit ravorabl tertfC. Appiy te, LEVI FAIRBANKS. Jri, 2-llmomgni Whltby. New Bakory Lpubilitbt liesleo eutatily prepeared 10o fd i etit r rmpitnde ail ordere n lte ilkerv iud 3tiif.lootar> lina. Fruit, iplte.amid' a&l otbier kiieda otCake, Tarta and Biscuité Of W' iaît li 1ds lussigen. Aime Lob.s .1e., ardnes CoosNuta, Ottigarer014*. J. cO AL4 Bker, cotll ur, à *0., Broik et. WhIthy, Joly 16, 1w4. 8 Ool. 1I1N l*hlby, étanuary SI* 1,86. 1,Wjb..............2 1 0,iicit.............. $1 m'logee aster larnc lem. 1 4. tLbrigje. *. ... ..141 6, <'aîimliu'tomm.. . . . .. 21 8,IaUv..rto..... .............. ... 7,Aialy............. I W*tohi 14 2 9 9 1i .152i80. Iloi .27 .... 78 Z.2.4NN Vrhitby. Jannary lotit, 1908. oa INDIA &CIIINA -TEA -COIo HOME DEPOT ,ONDON&ý-LIVERPOOL No. 23,ý Hospital St. Montreai. Patre and GENUINE TEAS, of splendid usînral i * avor, imported direct freni the Comnpany'& Plimnltttreo in ABlB. iandiun the siope., of the HIMALAYAS, bicndod yith the fluet pîitductc nofEVIIINA. OnIy Tyo Qualities, viz. e-70c. or $1 per lb , elîher Black, Green or- Mixed. Fine llousehold 'Veu, contbining St, ebt and 11evo, 70 cenits per lri. Finext.procurable.....,......... ....... .... I1 doller pet lb. ~"Sold in Packets aud Canistéts by the Company't Agents, lu every City and Town ini Canada, TR ADE MA R.K. MRL. MARLK co. CROC] ýA OF ALL' * a heajiun atty a&si R0B1N~?N>~ tri TIL & BROTF (SUC'CESSORS 10 WHf.-TILL~ OT ICabinet makers.& lihitrraddel ers ini almcin31s of C4binet Fuinüiture. Have, now on band, the largest and, moot> select Stock Wo be folînd in the Country, wbich they are oelling as. pices te nuit the times, beiug determined nos. to bu undersuld by ahy'house-uthi trade. Cal and examine beforé purchasing elsewhere. A choiéew~- lection of Gils. Mouldingm, (A.meuiean mak.) e 8- 4 ËP»OÇE STREET, WIMBT. T IC ESTABL1SHEB 1833. SPE-CI1AL %fiugle Reapers ai d 'ft andMoer 1 >1 1 Agent for Oshawa, ïG