Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1868, p. 1

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~'Apil 10hb, 106. I nS kMNYSON TK-RQBsON HO1TSE,J atitru, SC teié. Wizîz' A#z, T UriE éuborber bep t teunpuneo fln$L e. LItÂME L ~ ~ .1. s teaied LihebufliDig formerly kjon [IL O seYFOR N- ,ôuiattr.la letal, vhli habas N,»retpvat- .N ATOREY OR N- d, noatunlsted, sud fiued up ttrl b ti1 ~t ALerua~il-4~î~t haste! styla. The ooîîrepeàih M.W oîîdu hud ~ taatd, opoite tiîle 1oet f., sa »tise * *~" esutrsofthe Townu. Ch . ftiaiilwsyOte»lIbisieallilithoHoQihid ~. D~E~NE~~ Lite stages* for tlrbrldge and ovr»en, ORRCONVETA't5»reuyno4tg ort M)à-eel or gteaordl GOG BB De DyCi-eul lstersalvys u aeu4ue *iie-vicorina lhniding, Irih a' i'j fl Âg16ITOR.AT-LÂW ANI) SOLICITUB >i~t Ohspeer. hunr'-@TtoS. 5oro$0. .OSO' B BUISTER *& KTORNEYAT-JL&Wi B goisîîpr lua<hnaury, <.onvyfoer, No- I¶Pn~AOd tt L. Seraof B. & J. Un iupboii, Brook 0Lt.,Whitby, out. Wilibhy, Novulo10~41. 46 * OgOIT>i)lt . T1Y PUBLICi, &ï. top IW ne 13ILILINOe, C#g, es g n Door southof te Whitbyt don. 28, 1862. _______ R TIKEY AT L.&W, SOLiC1TORI« Tr &oiy tovysuir,.i.,Caunin# -H# j. JJACDONIMLlio iAgOU & fI iATTORN EY--ATLAW, B sohic'tor cop(outiili, utsriv, Notary J. IIAIdWERGILBJdIWOO»p TTOR Ï- j ' »OLCIOR17 .IAXES LAItON, ATTOlilq£YAT-LA6w, SOLICITOR ?ti- DlAi hety, diitr ee.dc c» 'West of Ut, qii Offce.16 tfCiCItANE & COClLRANEJ0 BASE[STgIt6 ATTRNPiYo, uONVEY- .JAnoens sud !Llties IPublic, d&a., ô&a, patrosn4i5'..StO- poieTown Hal. Po" By.OveEBgiO' liock. ~ OÃ"c*aAwz, .BIW. M. Ceounàxz. tIaunty Cyevua tterpey. ,Portprrpl this eoebr, 1866. 6 A. JQêEA. 0S* s' oilcter lu >hancery, AS., toraoyd&Coq &CO* 0QFVIIiotudoor teLitee, egistry '44, hurcia street, Teroato. . IL. NE, Il. A., ALLenîieoy-sL svSllîo'»ClacrCou- * 4.qsuoeir, &0, tJii.c-lîuooe ttrout,.Moitit 6 (tige.polit Oc, Chiws, (1. W. 40 -LYXAN ENU(LISIlILIL li.. n ARBISTZit ATLAW, 8oloiter l it d[J eery, Couveyaser, &t., &a. iwccstt,-epposito tbe Pest O000c, ('choya. gURGEOS TO TIUE COUNTY GAOL, IByron Street, Wlutby.4 De W& PERJUER, Il9, *BROUGHAM. W'OmetaHum-4 $01 o 0anad ôSteo oeek, p. n. l WHITBY. » uli raqDit' Wîuesr, l>y. mojUrO visD. Tmuoz,, HOu. Mz,,»,*. Muzaa, (for iurtogry.> Ail of Torôuto. 2 ltewg-Coatie flouse, Byron Street. 1 - ,41 f K OUANT TAilOy,ROCK STEET1 rOWNçIeItKTÈkEAsuEEiltWHITBY 1 . 5. ws t Io'cloek'. O ILTF IXTIR 'DIVISION COURT.- *av itep.40-1y -VICTORIA 1NOTiel, 4exÃ"RGE CORMACK. î LXNDEIRTAKING1 ffUNERALi fullv nüiplledàsud attci4ed b tnd b.eu eept constaitiy BrooI4in Drug Otorô.; D. faiatfite01, yf 13ufo fe., u Wl».s ud Llquor. of the boit qsnhity for dicaipurPo«,. HrecatileMMdcoAlewy n%~ Brookilu, C. W., lesit 25 (orglaîi44 à sainte' C'urh, WhUioy. 6propared te giv. Music and Signg jo tous, tesaisnted nuînbcr o! pnpii.~ Appication to bd maide ut the (ilco of Jp2n Ji,. Wnti, Stirgeon Deuîigut. <'vor Jâmes Dyrnose Mcdiul iffal, Brock it. Wli;tby. WUM. B(>TNTON luego to 'nformi the iu- 11hahitants of te Coi lty of Victoria allal suYTOndiii1 Unutithat hé Ion opened tho# dictai On M'iiihuîn Sîrot Intely cou pied by Jewett,and ai lie Jenlis. ltitiitîdnriîlh- ulonce. Winos, Liqudyo aud Cigare of -b. boati iuwsyilu atsn Lludî e Fab'2.1864. PRIGLES MTEL (LATE WOONWS,) KING STWEE2 OSHA W.A. JAMES PEINGLE, CROCKZER& MOTELIP (LAT9 PLATT'8,) NELSON ST. TORONTO§ NORITHL OF KING ST. ÈBSSETT &k KEEBLE, - PIo»PBIETons, home, that tlu.y bave taken tii. aboya premImes wih or3 iu .vory respect coouleotly sou couifortabiy fittod up îur tihe acSmoudutlon of! gooanid te traveling publie. Thcy yl b. foud flu constant perional ttendauice, sud 'Witt cavo nothiiîg uuduo on their part,to glye stisfaction ta ait Who Masy fvor thetu wth a BROIIjS llOTEL0 OPPOSITE TÙuEPOIT 4O]FICE, =INe SOV, BOWNigmVILLEO TUOS. BRODIE, October 1»t, loge. 09 ISA«'PENTON, J'roprietor. BIOST Winottaad ilquors; oloriac=M muodatieu!fortravolloire; ârôeIst4bingand sttetitivolzostlo'r. 1 AILBI ON HO0 TEBL. 16 Propriotor'. 0OMMIS4ONMN'ROHÀe m INURXNCE * GENEEtAL AGENT. B.: PiOANE, -- -- PTOT Stages te oiîdfrom 'Wlitbj fit sl iy. Etriy atteion paid $ogSa",te. Çaref!zl ced 4"n- *-,v.ry çieap for Cash. 4 In addition: to the above, 'I have. ugded wa oftCnlôck#ry, frei n ultniêiial SaltLcollar, thi a finetu-case vill be seld ieYMeheap for cush- My motte la hiôt te be.unu quantity of goed Butter. < o~pe plffl, crere yrou andS Duùdu t,, l WJIITBY, NOV. 2r,, 186k YOUWULL c TI B:EATil oOMP1Ipte amsrt&lent ç $et.of china, al 'or vbich IOMW&i cu psialote any tf-47 Noô 1, Onthe corner,' .AT PRICES THIAT DEBFY (JOMPETITIONt 1rEh.. PICKLES & SAUCES. DEOOJIS. eu 1g yon. Mizod Piclhe. Ne. 0, Cura Broos, nil, Uunpowkdur. Culons. SNo.] d14, loane»Ocloi'ed. Gleerkius. 1qo,2, " d" 9 souchong. Woluntat. WiaIî CtengUIo. * lsrvey sauce. PIS c TOBACCO ~lisdint 6*gILac Jutn BhIl"1 In boxes ]on. ruuhtnto *4 2 Iioop raflia. lu tiure.ç N. Faîctice o! Anchovie'a. 0S loj lail,. I iie 4 u n boxe*. Gorgone Atîehiovieci. INOPP& Painted Ttbe. Tin sttoktg udCheviut. VINEGAIl. Whtite Wiue. Cîder. Malàt. Dry Crnibod. Crnahed A. Yellow relied, 1. 2. 2)j , 8,4 and 'L . PîCE$o Cinnamon. batta, (Jevea. Mt ututega. Giuger. lieto. pepper. Cari-v.y een mntardin4m5 >,tutad in lBotte. Grouid Spîces. B~arplluoeo Msigura I VExtaolden. I Soelon't orange roWIn. Litone. FLyeruMn.- Vlotcli satiesa il- Piro»ae 0 iré e ýd Wahuunta.m Wolitut calîup. Worcesteroi.îSno SIALTè Table Sait an drumnu. 200 Blarrois @ 180. D1AJýTEflJES ÂNp Ci-sainTartan. Bi'Curbonato o! soda'. Borax. thulpitur, S3al'oc Ljnm Cîmbphoi. Blue, V'lroi. BlackLjea4'. Stovo h'uI(oh. 90t Bi 'ne. S1JNDBlue. , star L10otars, Cor'. Gehîtîne. gardises lu >' < sud *1 Tins, Macaroni. Vermicelli, Cainned Faawbeg. Aprfoete. Ind othar frislu lu brandj Crackers. Mie. Liqotrico. sugar Cindy. ciary Sced. l.mp soed. WbIit Bath Bricks. Corki., Wrspping Piper. Wrlîiog Paper., Indigo. Orange. Leion. Cloves. Ouhiter andanoi boit 'éti t~ Clotho$ lins. Midrp T. D. Manilils HltrJiRo "Deep 1Ses. *Bed Co!1 Salue Tvineîo. u Fin. MI i ja. Colore d Tylse. Sho Thrcad. Candie Wck. Sslmon lu Barraoh. White Plaît asudlakor forot, TrOot, et $3,60 per 3g bisi. Mieckerel, in bbloq. blâ. Whtiteait,-fi 0 No. 1 North shore Split hIer- ris In barret%.. No ador Splilt Hrritugé, in hanrels. Ne. J Itunno Ilerrnge. Largo Table cod1tua1t h{uddock. Smoked Berrînga iu bokcs, BRANDIES-. ('tard Dopay. Mlaouli'i d& tles, ChctintpusaVine i Greer. Unitud yino*aran. Dierara. SMLPTCH WIISKEY... liaay'sLe ia. Iligloiaud Malt'. Atevard d COI'. ?aliery, VpORTWINES. arhms4 Gi-lps. Do flËyWINZ$ý-.. DoineT isdiaunopl Crovn. * enug,,r dson,$ sliotb Aie. Puss md. Pile Aie. Blood's Ponto.' (4nionouis iPérteril * LoudouPortýr. ' WHISKILEu'- Old Tom. Wooden Ware. R. FItd.4LL% -'- 1' "Whitby, btcw 13, 1867.- aul1l fur r~u ioont ue n Wof site eu», ai; *Titis le tto cetf l4i~1ij ketti. -othofllia tuT ii't ùrjp,Ëhich tookc the flash «; , oaving th ii boute haro. I snhlerod 1i0imtnoe yptltlbitig paisfor thre wecke., 1thuin applied 'J'euucly'î Flaiterlt nt oîsf o l n Tor jily7'i1ort t K. $01d bi, J4UNEs B. GERRIE sud JAMî1 X>RNE regsiWilithy- iV.T. WYKIN byallriggits lu tihe tiôuty. Jone 6Iý, 1867. lmm2 MONE XTOLOAN ---os tend ,mortgstge fteurity or Dobentura*, nt aVary MW yrats ofI ltorext. I W» The berrower eau have hie ovn tithe te pq a b.pincipail. I aise rcepr.seut threeofo! lii largest nique. tai-y Coin suiejilu the Dontiijiou- ttat land money at rewrtai » on Penn sud ýzoU Pro- Party. gw' soveral good improv-il Parmi for îs)o, at exfreinaly low Priea. .«M Oliver and Greeauclca bonght sud»Ili. Apply pereoualiy, to 1 J4IQES TMLPEWi 0111cii Aoiiue, Lasd Iaruam ee rai Agent, Wliîtby. OFPIE.-citiliu'sB!ock, 2rectt Wlîitby, sept. 25, 1867. 88 MUTTJ&&L INSUR4NCE COMP'Y. 111 SConaY la now fu1 yorganized. and s f preptired te accopt iokit on Paenn gùro.an4 tiheroby support s Hoen. [nurauce C'mpanyý, hava tow uopportunity of dolut 110, 4g ajplylig ciler at tihe Rcad ofe, or te a.Dy ta Inîlca[ agents.Ounr rates yl b. feund a low s tiose 61 any rempoîîîiblo Mutusilu- auràüteo Con,îally flCanada. L. FAIRBANKS, Jit., IIBAD OFFICP-Tho 014 Jegitry 09li Building. Brook Street, Whilby. LIICÉNSED AUCTIONEW WriTM!oOu<tI ONTARIO, YORK PFEL SALES atteudod on the. ihoitea noc, sud ou'roiunnabl, terras. Toenis eauhmade sud bis pusnted nt thisch'onîie offic for Mir. THE I.JANCAk3HIR * FIBI AËZ(q LISE INSIJRAN CE COWlNY. 11UD» CIlICE Fox ONTMIO-N. W. Cerner of giîtg esd.Clurch $trocts, Torono. S.~~~ ~~ CD1çA-1AKdCo., <11bo Agenti for )s glessitre l u A ýiug h1 aIrondo hu Wh tby, sudt the Cousty ofCOtaiol. tlitthh b c»ptfi'ntod Agout for theoaelirat.ciit eEgiîshUebl pan] , sud t)tt ho I. prepsae4 tp,roevo appliâ' Cestons for riiksan d obtatn PùenttM1§ on thse xnetr.aeensble tern 11 ioM ~AGNEW, Whktby, ]Pe. 4, 1867. to-4 BIRITISE AMEUICAN Capital, 8$400900. ÃŽZB Undriod hbArlng beauappointod Agent for, thte sbo% CcWauy, le now Ir pred te lcuerpro»rt àasat LthkS Ny MlpE, on thno mont tavoRM6bie terne.. Apply te, Levi FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-l2mem.Agent Whitby. Nw bakry, on In oQuit iii iiiil eatOOry Wlu windsvoilo', iud'IOeerinloni .4id baud ln band hbec kept togetber, #C tiivskep, Mid itorM n d gloi; Endrd l bibà wUc.oônld notkuow For hearta lîke Ours oe.cor.14 no iHîs ~Hav fi-eud pro<4faiI ThIr lovoaiight But 0eam *!ev fonder firmir MLJI.- Twin harke ounlt' ul'icauio s Iu oucertbii otw fate s'f ttrod Noer nioun.r*hather w.isi iby Lîqwt Yonth'e frà - iid*4esnis-teu yarM~o i Roped, till teashWdtOpëf Itepe had 4cd, Theuep&tilifeeIng' icut vue dry7 Vau I t swoit, ,jo ltatdark hotir 'ro liuàk id*iiiùt ai tous a(ig .(gha, Our btid4l orstta eart 1 beer An u irsb te bloomlu yadilhat Whstto 1t6~heg'~t that spethcd ht o .To "!,e" jupe-te» Toare ag yes, It la awiÀ. vheu hoaven'n habrglit,< 'Te shîre'It'aoctuy beàmo it ilatîed; 13uL'âweeteV fnr, 'm d efoudis ad bligint, 'Te bave thtue near te wcpCp vii tue. Thon dry' Lhoae tests, thoogis> somethiug chabged Frein wdt we vero lu earlier psutit, Tinietli)ttLîbpeac radactagd Rath hétt% a 1o7reiln ail uts truthu, Sveet feolinge w. would iot foroj For l Iue betjoyo-tsu pour. age i The Cricket oea the Ilearçit. <Prom Dickon's Chri4tnis S trlei.) Where tbe 13by came from, or beZ Uri. Berribipîgl. jpt Jbld of eL luntbàt, flash or îiq 't 4on' oy. But a1. Bsbpy thieri'Mesi, lit the arma eoflIrs. Ferry. biugle fgusàda pîruy toleable amomue "of prude s iseeibleito bave lu iL, Ivins ine wus dravo geâtly- tothe fire 1y 4 stund7 figurei of a man, machi tal ,ler sudiluc oider than benielf ,vhb b teO atb'opa long vay dovu to'kiis ber." Butt ebi wonth the trouble. 0zfoot as, with the lumbago, iibt b*ve dose le. "Oh goodhess, < Johnt1"' malSift. i1Whe4 astate yo'rï in w ors te' er b lt Ho' wa om oetb4g theg re i t uudeniabiy. "The ibiek pâiot hungla ciqis lipon his eyeleabes 11k. >caudied'tha, sud betweezi thé fog sud gré togethor, there *ere raiuboles $b his erewhiskers. "ly, Y4 l se, Dnôti,Johnlismsp- ýýer, slowly,nàlie uprolied ashawi frinm àbopuî bis h'reat, and varmed hie bsn4l "iL iL i't ebaýi so lmmner 'ivt.- Éene woudor.11 1 'Il viols eiiwopldu'î cal! me:Dot, 'oliu. 1 dou't flt ikIl,-uaio Mrs. Pen'ybîIpgle. poutlug lui *à ytbst ai bee he d4like it, very mopli. s"Wby iliat elqpe o l"itbue 10ou5look, gdovu upouher vitli asili, anSgiviug lier wýIst s ijbt a s'ueeze vas bie litge hautS andin ouliS give.. "61 dot aud"-bere lie gJaueed et the Baby- "Os dot and carry-I wou't Uay it, for feàr 1 qpoi iti; bt!1 vas very near a joke.* I dou't bite, as ver 1Iu vas er." 9e iyssoften neà tto sonnoîhiag or other v ci even, by bis ov aceont tlie lImberlug, slow, 1boneetJObin; thie john 8Ã"'heary, bit to bIighî of spit; s'O rougli upon :te etIe, bt l e'. et go stolîd, but ol 0god. Oh oMor a- ture, give îby cbiidrp eiraue Poetry 1ef Hoarithat hi'd itsé n lu îèiïpor Carrie' breat-bà iivus but k ba'nur by lb.eu'ay -aud wé eau béïr ibbavre tbem talbkiug Prose, SA i< esàig il-no, of Prose; and bear te f$ems iIîté foiý tleircompsuy i lt i We eanItoe -ea Iitih lier iitti'e #guae sud ber Baby lu ber arm i, a ver, dol! or,&, Baby: glau'oiug wit «a ittie,'n "il-gai Jorn, vaîuu uboit ben ue ucg, 10 ames ro e'ot ledomr andS vudôv, lilie s Wili- o'îbitip teokdue care of tehe Érée; vhô vas fauteu'thauyoqk~oitS ljuiut be4, 1ev., if i- gve pou hie tlessre,-si so, old that hie bintbiay vas lst l in e aiss of autiqutt. Boxer, feeling tbat Lis at- teuLions voîe due toe . aàily lu gehoerl, aniS mut he importialli distnlbuted, ds.béd lu sud eit wiîh .b evideniuag inconstiiày; 'inow deson!bing sa'-ire!. of -sJtrt ýErb round .tIhe rse, *bere hoe vasbeiug rub-. be$d dqw w et .stable doon ' no (cigo. iug Id0mai ,savage rube it.ut îmeus, sud ÃŽitaUotashy bringlig bidmef Le sJuWdes sPs; oveiiciuig bi Mç from.'tllly ;Blowboy, lbistlwi uniug.pbaiîr nearihie fine, t t iLe'unezpecte'a application ,cf, bis moent noio e dhé cOoteuaUCd;uW og- hiing an 'obtnusliîe ein uthée Iaby now'golng reu4'an& r ouaiS upoû Lb. bouiLl, sud tiyliagdoira p if hoiibaiS esetali. iiliodiýi»e1f for Lb. nID ow ;etting op agalu, andti tn'oîbicg of a fag Ïud e f a isii o!hie, eut jute the eatlier, a. if lie liW just romemibered au' appobâtatent avsu oi~tarnd to eke"it. i "lThora I lienelsthe t".pok readoilo tbw bobi1.1 sud Dot; ms bràaly7 buy as a chilS aI play ai kuoping -bo"s.',"AnS ibere's th. celli kuuckle o! barf - aid there's tb. ba'e#F; ud'tli.re's * tbe eynaty les!, sud ail I Here's the piothes' bsaka florb &Md& snall ý1, John, if youïie &o ayj thera, -wlia re pou, oh. a~h' let th. dean chuld 1.11 aderthte Sml. Tili, vImiet ryen do ÃŽ' hI uiay lie ptoe f M11~S lovbpy, la spte cf lier rejectiug the' oaîtiosa éitli soue vivety; ibat sho l-ai a mae andS sunprisiug talent for gettiug thie baby ieb dffqculiu e; aud batS sevetl*mas inweil. ed'itsi'h';liot l( l qufet way peouiail ber oWaaD. She vua. cfasare 'sud straigbt' sbape, thie youa'ng lady, lnfomacli tbatlber. gartuenta appeared to blinl coustant dan- ger o! siiding off. those sharp pagei, ber shoulçlers, Oh WhiCk tbeY4 voeloosaiitY bang,Ra eroumevswu t"arbabla fot tb. partial d'cveiopment on- ail pouibli oc- Casions> of salai.-flainel vestale of a si»., gulan sîrucîtire -,alio for sffoiding glimpes iu the region of the< bock, of a cor") oo, pair a staps, i lu oir nadeasd green. iz* fung l" a in Ob lua tfe of gopng uminhtn at everythiug, and absorbed , beidks,'lu Ibe perpefuai -eouîeisaplaîieuof eior s- treou'& perfectilon sud the bh',Ms Slovboy, lu ber lutil, errýoo!Juigment; May lie adtehave doue oqal ouer t bor bondadni teber bc a o - s u th these ditS illesou oot6 tLb. Baby's beau, viticit tbey vere 1 ebagloCual mens o! b=,uglnguto 1contact 'witlideai doots, desrstair-naili , ed-posts, sud cibJr fereign subtsncee, miii! thop vere the bah est resotit.o!-,Ti bVwboy's constantese. týoitiesuent at findxa. berseif so kiudhp, treated, s -utïleS là somcla ocpfortabls borna. po thb.'sutentai su ad epatenta 8lovjeby WëIJu alillasukuevu tô fame, glil Tiliy haiS beeà bred by puble chatity' a ?ouýinug; .ihichszmord, thoagh aly tif- sniugfrom Poudling byp eue vowel'm leugIlt iey .pdifféent in measqitg, soiS èkpres quit. anetiter Lhing. To e s enosietile Irs. I0erbbi1 corne <bmck witîl!»ber band;sgisga' iug a grua-nt enstnifrytun ¶0 Itfà jî "i"bs ei, on beeui 'RedSthe witilg on the other iiSà' sali" l'oba. --*.. * 'Why, John I My geoduen, ,obuh' "6Ahi1 who'iS have thoàght il 111 obu retornedi. nover mena te s4,' Do, sittjng on tb. floursud -shaking 'li- lieadthbim, létliath! Gitirf sad Tàçkhi. tona, LEs tepsaker 1" Jolinodded.V Mns. terrybinglesao4dee&alio, ily te 4 aI ieat. Net in am' ut: lu dumb ipd pjyig raleeot; se6ewiug op ber liiiý tLt. vEîl, with ai their ittie force CLb4e, vwene nover medp for séiewiug uop; ,I . pil q1esr 61 titat,> 'sud Iook'n g-the god r rienirfugh sud thtougli, in blen abitrô4. <sou. MsSlovooy, lu the mesutiàat. wlio bai a meclianical power of reprolu't iug Scrips otcnnreut conversation for tlii delectaîlea cf the Baby, vilh ail itbe sebèi - strack eout b'f titeunsd siltîe Neuni blianged lutte the Plural niiber, iuquinel aYantS of thât- yo'uug cresture, IWu j Gruib sud l7ackletons tbe toýy.mker» th,' andS WouliS t cal! et psstny.taooks for v.do' d1ugLcàkes,aând Did its mothers kuov the boxes wlien its falherS brought -tà home; andso0on. ,' i4 "4AnS that is rbslIy la corne about V,~ saliS Dot. " 14Wly,-sbe sud I woie g1!.4 asctotgeiter, Jobn."1 Re miigjit'lie beeoitbtinklng of iý bw ueanip thinkiug ef hir - as ahe i.tli il tIM at Sc cothtime. IL. eI&a li peif lirwt lhougbtrfill peaouneýbut lp' Ume Dic sauer.- CiAndS ites au 4lqlAs nuluse lier -- Why, bewi many ypoire eIder tha u , lJ f Groau as-!Tackleton- Jiîd ' - "ow many More cups'cf fou chat! 4, dSrink to.lnigi t oeeSitting' lÉsa~nttir huiS Tacleton ever <ol in 'fouar, I von der 1,e' replieti Joun, geod.bntueuredlp, osc lie drowl a chair te, the round tab1î, cL! begain se the coliS bam. 1"Ai il eaetaiV* I est but liîtie; 4bai that lth'. teDjCy'; Even iie-itni. ulseutiatt 1t ý tises-oua of! ilal inuentussin c Undereiudredpetfauiy jnfci6li e muid counfeetioaiJno..-Fruit, Spasme cia (N.' P~itof il ri ln memn. Algio Lob. to steamdIesOecm1Ntalug Beôr *104 .hï Nb. 1,lO» HE'CORR 45.Iy OOuui,5flLI'i

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