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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1868, p. 2

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Nit @ad , Viae* 1.15ai Brogis- Boom P.pr f-L. Mita, Absent M mbio-T4quu or Wbihy.. New siniungGoods...At KeKlilaa's. Win, Bryant. xig1l.t pice. for Bitter sud ngp-T. l'uns. and Ceotte"-T. IliMeMilau Co. Twuty-filro per cent têda6tieu in prie..-. T. P. MoMilIab à Co. Dmotsud 51oe> Élinga-'Uyan Oler To Talion, J1aMhlniots, Cabinet Makers, àM.-Ryan & Oliver.- Poét O15ce 2alingâ' lak-P. O, Deoat- Litof (ouaablÃŽ-Co. Ontario. Seud Barley (or tale-O, Draper Co0. AIYOTION SALES. IÃ"D Salnrday, 2Sîh lmt., the propurty of Ër. alOhu McCrau, en loi 25, 4sh con. On Tuesday, April 2ud, the property of Mr. John Giaileit, on lot No., 8, brokun fron, ~ukuiagT. y.r,.Auciioaeer. -ODNLY$160O CENTS A YEAR Whfltby, Thursù~yl hMardi 26, 1868. Cnadin Parllîunent. -Altho0gý h .ession la e xpecied tw b. a short onoe business before the Dominion * Pallamsent progresses but very lowly. Th~e principal matters o! inturet vbîch hav#, sai yu, engsgcd attentio n la-bte Honu. f COMMODO, aie the appoinsmenît of Pr. Tapper, ne envol to Englaud, on th Nova Soouian difllculty, lu'ordo'r in de. fest, if pouaibie, fb. objecs of the repeal delegaîlon ; the civil service expendituro ; the Kamouuaka election ; the. ppoltmeat Ofi Mr Gray as Dominion arbitrator, aud- Mi. Roa'& lueurauco bill, almo billaoro. duced by 1fr. Rose, reepecting the cur- rency, banki and the lune of Dominion notes. On Tuesday, -the question o! a change in Ibo management o! f theIndisa lande occupled the Houée., uso mumbers conionding for hauding oter their manage. - mont f0 the Provincial governments, wbUe the Premier of Ontario oppcsed sncb a eoureealloging tharti local governments bad quit. Ptiough ou their bande. The $30,000 appropriation for fiv. yenre te, defray expenses oi geological survey wus granted. The House. adjourneai ovur 10 Thursday, Wedneaday (Lady Day) boing a holiday. Tue OGRAND Doixiox Piouanzxo MATOU ta nom. off under the auspices of the Whigby and EBut Wiîby Union Agti cultural Sociaes e promises to be an im- meuse affir-a Big Thing, as aur neigh- bore acrose the lino would oeuil . The scatch in le be open te aIl corners tbrough. out the Dominion, and even ta the Unied Satco, anud so liberal are the contribut ions that the committe. expent 10 b. able to Offer ai much as rive JIVNDttED DOI,1LAR5s in Prizes. Already equel ta $300 cf the imont bave been aecnred. The Match fuIlcame off about the middle cf May, On Mr.. Oamplines faim, neer Brokî- ,as 1 !aîîimtod mt weuk rMeauin iwear the latter in eZPlaaaîbo'n of the àMagnêinu llght, andt »a propenties of magmasa, ve iiudfer yFth mneh attuction. the, îs.ououa eeoldd frifh a very liqgbsbl. far, a bbmeu' i, .DarinelI and H exe.llid theumlvetinl the bstrienle litu. Prmuobaud vas lu sttsmdauicop and auor perler playing-a grest treou la hau If as rsy île., owa.id the. ebefsu cf *0 s e aulos.. eupy. Mictà.a, Who vua- rsestly t*4. * dt Cork,. onailbartie of mràta ndAà. b* *Fidfcýby a re MW be t+y luà andtis ui. anu ffenosr-4a' tb. sgil e f oui Oshairaetemiprry-wbuhi' q~b. '~vt icosqpeustly b1ailever Iota an eppoiiuuity utet ebu' n t b. mônidea, an& be yul go tué mus eMt of bli w6y le0f4u'4 or lanveÇ nt, aexçufer malining th. bom"tpljsw ý b@ i mouidee isa, ah amsot te a ma, vôtod fer thb. J.Abral eaiddates, àad for thii free excrous e o thtelr rlgbt çI oufrage, or fieuti of lb. P âJkators, v a w bellsve Vu! ai&,i a>tlf bit cia subool- master, keepe aàridla onst&ÃŽ4,piekl. f«r tb. mouldens, aMd nover mlsip ase te "la!y-il bo. 'Tha zau ae ce. pifneti over sud ovur &gain cf Ibis uinfair trsatmen4 ',but aillt ibmremoantrances have rumalined ouubeed, oraaulyeoried te provoke thé editor o! 1 lias, flndf«s"to1 greater outrages oison téir riepattioa, body. At lait, unasble 'le ,mre rin theit iodignition auy long«., a deputatiodi is sppoiufed tu vatt l sîsoalb. dîter o e b Pnicaor, andIbtis fa iseaccount et the interview. goOn Thunday lut ye sdltprWu ustonlelueti; nit te sayalaninod, i tlu5 livaiu or etàe une- tout by a -body ci mounvlao, Iie aall apper. aniceat, rfighit have been lionp-y cannibail» (ronm Fuj,.A Clo n oin hoeveî,reouled. teaiiii ao i vWhiteuObal urta layer o! black 1uedandi dul. A tite'inspection of!btharnus-for ibey carrLl nruri, liis- trumeauts lhavlrag vooden lanudles longer than titis lexeripin caud aaetî pput i vth an Iron bodeati e~r thon lb. villige debt-sthowed thiea buie ouldord Irom the. fouudni. lborth Hall Works. The. plmy Coupann ormneda lîoliow t.quere lu double aiklintabniyu Odtor. lai chair. Aller aieliminryn eethat the iilain ton mns Ue telaprupare, tby r queset C41 y. editr te rend wiuatlio lid saui lest week abolit ihe tilluvcr', McNerny andi Dceriulay. Ioey cdyt, andi read tIiaIl"thtry ver. moni- durb." liera lhewui toppeti by an jacltory chorux o-I'You always iane the i. ulder, for everythlaîg MoNerny won e monidan, andi D)cnrnriy imisa anouider, and Ficher vbo. veaut to Bcwnanvilie vas a monidr," anti wistet eloeWC ci lrdiy b. uxpeciet t.ru- member. Pirbaps tiîey eccuielunsof! an ig tirtaai lua a maiilor. W. deuil;thinsk va 41l . If we titiperlîa.ps fitwotld aot ke 50 rur wrong, smmco h sla veil-known tat tat lie vis tIhe tmaler cf tiore t *" vornfcotiarg out on record. JUSite cuuorshava shioo lI.s proeild upn hlm. W liaisfîa _od an eppotudîty, je uditor aikot whet MuNuruy ausI Dermondy wves1 "Mnishllitna," ropllced the OchousW e thon ongcested in a mid ve tiret the nioske hal btter istand ar% it a.ihcase 'là guneraîly In aboutans bol! self cen ho, sud rejrseeting Dannondy se loea meulder voeldu't hurst h. naotiidonoat ial whJluýto uorrect iho enro mnigit Inflità l aulmlahupou the apotioes char- cter of th*s mecàhîni mi.!, A noIsewlîlch foI- lowed, madie vth the ramnmers monht have bCen meaui for eppiauso-or Il; înlgbt net. Anytiiiagovasonpruvonied lb Ooeot the chorus îaarirrkiurgtliatthon. vere &oone pen. giovlio beiieve&l hefb. rwu% nd nlt lieb, but tirt aIus no roaseau hy aine thast lb lied net beungrilty o!faiould. beo laid tû its charge. 'W. couidtu bteckueowledge tiet owIng tb the duprnvi:y c! humen'z~ature, sucir vah htire cs. -Wu wru cic, assuraint tire Conmmis)lotion tiat mouldere are -brrd caseil in an ailire mîstako. Accordlng ta their owi stiitemncrin a llouider Io aanModeci mon. 'rlry areAU ani nti nari, an'] eveiy oue lirasit dUer tira flnent-looking wvrman lu t.vaî for a vi le or le trylng ta gui cric. Tbey sstaiy et borne eveniargia, andi ou Batnrdny niglit I liey go te lied et savon t. bo remavudtino any tearpttion to violae the flacny.losing brr-rocara lriw. Tliry get up Intu l nIiag, liglit the fire, andicnok lirir ovri hreakfat%, *arnto break tic morning glumbens 'cf tirir wi.TIruy go ole ceuon talbath. mcmn irr isrd a'crin~, air rke tioir C11lldron ta srruîay ficirool ira tire ftemuooua. Tiso wiroie deseriptiouu wonid bo taiengthf' to iurarrt; encli render wililease dd ta tire ahnvo ail tira %.irluez ho con recoileci, -sud liea INi eppmoîdlarate tirte chreretr o! a inonider. Aster tlir.abolie -pruce., -. euightenlng ru ediror, ire depulsutlon îe-f'ormed lie 'rrnd marcireti beck to -work, feeling that' If theair opiinie aailioid bc priaut tire correct'tlulug woarid bave beau doue for oncç." Nov ail tbis id veiy cautemptibîc. It is Dot lan. thas thie cribbliin asilly andi vulgar in the extrome it is lu. sultiugiy offensive, d ssurae u punceive, intundedt tab. nos, .far ;as the bibu sud heurt te«'tuim*~al, bandedmo yoog noideT sL y.4mTu Gd ,ind 1h11, fiabéàa f-tbe afifýj-te aîy*I tos y mre ofa b sod W4Weas uMsU n i a reetuami fltTO*ua<ô. » iý « 1 »," vp ý_OO i atouml iÏwa o D ïï ' dieti suddali s ..iuufdùotfDr, 'Wik Ise lan Torontola day cr,*uoilaee' athi 'problbîtith- l . A efpvear'e jrysie aq L "ig ut he thenetue c b $$Tas ure Bn aieàïGi,1ais t p awtiuadidaôtesot i Mitemuy hée tb. Veinateeranti Service Militia, aid tlb. naval oi tibeDominIon. Tbe fiel. ud.oeundinumburu are bufoeoum ad ais re plut. wIitmilitai>' neyes, <alo Duzezýsom w rYox or Di. Corsrs.- Tii. suit fer sngets iun pouding la the Se-1 prom mu Cotie boleay cf Natal, ho- ivoin Dr. Celuui sud'Dr; Green thre Donsa -o! tbee ha, aas iste b e .- cideuf fafavor cof lb. bere!4calbibcp. B>' ibi doctelea ,b. le deularet $tenid, pOsý sessied dfalhlirirlbu aa isbopqsend' tô htdas trietseaitlîrgiats nd propert;y cf tir. Augliesu Chàlanthe a.Bishopnie o! Rsposiru rasm u ne u,» Tin Rs:LvÂr.-ROponfi are la circulaion in kdontreil tuaI freà ui easlarge &Mount have beudiseverutiilathb, Grandi Trunk nellvay deparmouafs. BaraoLÂîs.-Bradford le Infeuteti viiiia gang of hurgianu, vite have ben porating ooniirably-lu tlbstores cf tiraI lova. Suvuveal p.uty robberfesbave alec beon ceurmitteti. MORS $Taî JS T RIS i Càl;L.-Tbb teiugvapb, il uevW appeau#, vas roug la aacucng intelligence ef the daath , Of tb ýKlag of Bavarfa. Il vas not the relgmrlog eoveruign 1 but bis gvaud!stb.r, (LaIS MoneuPpatren) exKîeg Loufa I, who Wat Seu tebits ii ccut; and bis desth eeuursd et Nia,, net-ai Munieb, as stiteontheaâb.ule despoteb. Tzaaî SvsuuiÂr XP,4ult xAUD luit the steamer Mgzgia, loft Clinuati for Uayuill. vitit &bout 140>souls on board. ,Atr the boat bt ms4e 12 Mites oe îber tirp, ber bolier ozpkoded? tot.dlg fop Ibe duck t,îjeotisg greal boxes cit reigbtin tias air, aud tearlng "swsy a giuat.fpnlit>u of the. cabie.. igbiy pue sons, it ioppoeet, bot their lives, Thu steamer wva aînet n$301000; and ln- sureti for *20,000. Dzs orNMs CLIxrr.-Mauày cf aur mai.Iovbeg peoplseofthtia ova viii regret se leara l.t nial>'demis. o! Mise Cînytan, o! Yorkville, wbase aveut vaie«, ou mnan>'occsions, -deligirtet a Witby andibece. x#r deatit took place an satur. day lent, 2lseand remuiti train disease 'of the bnnt-Miss Cînyton hatoui>'jut pasieti ber 2lst yuni- Posv orriciu SÂVnios' Bàm.a-In the liste!f Post Office Savingi Banks, vhicb yull b. fount in uadveriising columus, Whitby, Oshawa, andi Brooklin, are tire. onl>' offices bu ibis coupi>' leludeti. Otherg vwil -doobtîcea 'boadded hereifici. TE: Muaitno' rlua Ditovua os Tus Gud.MaaL" * I alter as remeve up WYtf~Trosevey nleu9l, v e * t o g w l a a fornighi a~ d- jtfurmeut at the iaaý meeting-lire> inisUd4UPohneve'ù-ek,,sud vhure vuee jiattu',e bàscdut>' l *as tobe in is puce nti rpert vastbre prientî. * As' le reportinison tire dnuieti'iednd,8 I tfhat cuu1d net bu dqn& ,urtiltjppir the1~ handuthé îaecontrate.luadbeuui Pro- ducèti an&,tirakbadti OSyul beun dnc. The, fiuncei, hlieor#d-,.veslea oi0e psituion. areot.l'bu-artrs lire lovu-ýacceutibai be ru'Mavéti '0m oes banis te anotirrwîtbeùt tireaithîk I>' of tbe çopapu, an4 hoe'M' q ,d4!pform&a- lion tiratpeint aise..',I;n'cocsian.,ÃŽbce nild, for iris cwnpari, ire vould conseunt'.te. moeutnoe iee ,.but lu the 1'aitihal>- vreru- lie>' vonitibave, no rcnt té psy, and ire sad toeri.lewitirdraw iris motion. Iu rcpIy ta a remark of (iLnn ove, lire mayor stateut tir h. knew natinig viratevur o!lie-transfor o! htwi r e- couit. Mn. Gennie ciractenizédeti ireOptain's romiase aiungcnero'is, _anti indignantl>'ý deniei anytiig like -coéllusion boeen. imanscfud tire absent anuazi"crs tntlng tirai iris motion, md as muçhi n vie4, lbe couvunience of-tie Captain anithre o- bers cf tire Souitir Ward a adytbing ciao. listing cliciteti viait hé vateut,. anex,> pression o! opinion (rom 'tirrem onlt consent to witirdraw t4irP tion, ' lie regrettdtireabsence ofthUe ebairunnai anti no unsny mentins ;o! lb. fin)ance comm<i- ,teu,. and umiii lie>' vers lu 'thirrplaces #eould say nati iaboutIr prepnity or im rpriey of lb. accoînt. Urn. Campbtell. as 4heonly member o! thu finance commiléce presecot. nid' there ied buon a meeting ofthle comiiltc vicit ire vas unablé te. à.unul; but lhe undereioôçd tiraitire cm" uùttec oft e n- qriiry Iianti tiru>' couditieball bel' t4r termuilrom tire Ontarili tien tira Royal Cacatila Bsnk,-iirat thre manager o, tira former liretiagreect tealiow bnretat ai ivo par cent on'balanecu, an ta charge iu- tereet attire rate of seven petr«ceint upon viral money lb. town vunteti. HO un- derstooti, ho saii, ltait anc or by, enr- ' bers of the, comanibtee hati gono toi lb. manager eftirhe Royal, wha statedt t themn tiat. lie vas preparedt tegivo lb. minai eccomotistion tle t lwn. Mr; Phiip saiti ho auj>'eonol r Gernie'u rusolution te show of Its, 4lng diacuacdtiliathoha d uapotirhe rolett Mdes o!ferpporiing il. 'Tire chângiaiof tire account ai tire towu fraie one Beink te another 1mdcrunteti a good demi o!fipeas- auri feeling, inauruch, as no roan, caulti bé aseigueti forrtire chainetj-Ru undor. stoot liraItirhe mànager ot thé Royol etel- ed ti e tiri o as prepareti ta ,;glle segaod accommodation 88 amiy athel' hnis. 1 Captain Rowe apoce again, explifing lire bapk sayetem 'pursuiedin in 'he' côtumno, a! cf iis taliniga vitir tlose f nstîtutione,aùndý witirawing an>' expressions mûteb>' hlm nt virici r. i.. errie 'cculd .tae offence. Aflor soine furtirer remarks Mn. Blow gave notice lsait ho would ah tire nexi meotbngeft1h. council moye for informa- lieu respccting certain reportEa as te tIse removril of tIse town accouait froua thse Royal Canadinu Banis, buferoeriuch a qtep had been recommondedt a tire cocancil.; On motion of Mnr. Gerrie, aeccndeti by *$. Philp, a rcaolrilioui pasi'diîctrng lIse Obus lea prblirh naines oai-absent memubers ai tire cerincil, one insertion cacir time, lu tirhe e<cr.; JaIr. Campbell dissenhing...1 The Townr Treasurer, in repi>' te a qtiea- tion frein Mr. ?Isilp, sai4 hou md been'fi- ntrmrtcd by the chosirman, o! the-Finance coanmittce, ta close tire Banik account at the Royal Caratiami, anti open an eccount villa the Ontario Baink. Counii t jeuirneti for crié week. &&r.snruso Y.TOWN oif au4uia-The Cocilef Stratford pays its Tevi< Can- stable 8400 par year. Ingerutol payailst Town Constable tire -anl ot uu f $100 per Ysear -Ingersali Ohromn&*, Oui Clibef Canutable reterve ' sly $20 a year. ,But tircu, Wiby, alq dSrt lard or Ingersoll, ia a model tavais choeu vo-Sirgit ver>' vol ,dispensoe viii'dm,. r vicsofa Cie!Con a ,,to~.géth erîe Osiriva-Oco. Gurlcy, Etivatd Duclee, sUputyottwlli£Dow opffl g«itire is e Jaire MoGegr (b.Goti, pete nter, mA. JI OULD et,~ Pnnieanti Mattirew Dulles. If. 8.4 saeauve00R1 bave saia Ceea A pnineipal'pat of tire business te b. e oa -_ brougirl before tirs Rendit va,-it hiE Ibeeff brulitoi -:abeut-Ihbe'quptim-ca b w-Efo O a oay k ",oei' slr,and tle tak lc. tinto, ela aitieratian'tlb. er uv.e a* piltt EWAD. reuves or th&ceuaiyr *veêoi 4'ti_0 * bew is 4 kuouc tend. Net ou. et ourmnicipal represa um ay sar n aà e.a.a asr tlr e ro butvsl gmr rcçd -,,iirê Bonchit illa- 1150h. s4fsmnsC is '#tmec'; iit ot ir te wcvtby ,.War *w Wcoykvvsii,* W M duar'. aircougb tliat euIWe4conty aleis -am iii*as tepsufl Y= iisbeaibs tpvâ Àurnugtir .I'd wà"re saU ciles thus mater oftIrqýGM e 6ary i às *e.ioeel *5eflc brougirt srward byecsnm dfonr *oldb ~ munU w eooneniats. But alois agreat rus~AecIwus~Pu doit of fuas anti fethers aniucalvaste ae5ig(u4sdNecnCy<5vih~' o! limie (th.Councl1a abody having uo MWila bc mmI. a. cessa, dconwtaniihmei pavler ta intei=e) &s;*'a 've S arrivei asi" laioeweisu oes0<smn drh 7c trilreneuves anti duputy' ruevessirut h l 9.1 *0aire aven r11Lubla a Irte attend lire Quarter Sesmions anti ýýannitg terah&uîIla ustamie n ailtbave lau tire Geole'a salaryn s magiirsios. But 'o'pueourmwet pesa. onneonst tris il;alal mak.-buiieve. Tire>' nevef dQ pesilatvrlasesaJburst attend.. 15 bo- bglimèê the torce wr lu)MouiCuL!atr~,, I acata cee an'id tlrnlýtire oaf tr Ie- <te payersoet tirêcoti> 'beald bs 4Wus&orle # it*amrrneail Sear auir;u ratlen cloacdt ltlie arantnsesboui ft WThey jr. sacenr«I ani sbicaui municipal economy viren utieret] b>' some Wuy healim a omtinaaliymasi en of tirurbamboozliug reprileuatives. :nnliAs fatuthe. invulauof yu diloP seu Nexs lim fI teà brbigbt fprvrd , n lalb ..apW m4 we ,x Coutl'Comuneil v'e hope te b ilion- Làrk taecsa . îhsial. - lrasaelra rtret eUZl apogy. Ttce nyamu i uài.watt0 Pickerng Towauhuop Cosca.al. wiatenîhi'Opveianiunlmo'ias - - 5aiarosi tir. uesaei« ç vpis Moraleeuriuues Hoev long viii aie îtracaientueaiir.ssArd?1 -Suilurda>', Mareb14tb, I18.. ai onuel tint peneaesieeIiA eu i siy au eut inrmiseves (r nuajesi repneech Tire Pickering Concil met pursuant t l e aicild uuugy rY laiina u, aindsi aire tAl adiaurîrmeni;- 1membure aI prosunt. YOM, À;AW OUL ,bdinrites et lest meting rend anti apprar- Ouliva Mauvi 24, lm. cd. Petitions of Wm. il. Ricierdeon anti otirenu, prayingfoasgnnnt o! mens> ey 2h TO 90Edftor Of ire F, aib>'ohm Imprare'tie aide roati beiveun lots 8 antid 9, in broken front cen. ; of Geo. Ballant]»;.g,-i Ioe sbieahaia g o Mpu alej 0 anti otes, prsying for tirs survu>' pIlot bn&o r eTns?îir e ' 18, ini 4îircour-, of J. I. Mautgouly sndudnndot tire aiaI0< ir of ravi*'4 nul a otirs, tu aiter lire'boundaries -oe!roati' lm009fa 1< k ete o ïb divisions Noos. 08 anti 52; of! Ambres.oe i am p csius insecr',i&@'gtrcamoes iloon. fan tire saln a! a porion o!lb bmeth de seat uiteai Ï pruihouie origilnal allowamice for roati beien lots dtioèEdsntwOi u MOicwa dïa 12 anti 13, in tire Srd cxn., presunltd b>' woaisaistylo, striven wih l esa ssdilty-larall Mnr. Greeni; o!fOe. Tait anti otlirens, #M p . sa Ibelio elunsiusr orliir lroaMroiid 'jç Ing tbat Daniel Flumerfeît bu remuermiti' v.publitvo k's usas iau-ndut" ai iv fortitrco!f% bouse occupled byWldcv yePd4u0ualcwirerla a anciuOa fi aude, au, BIh,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~à anisn; !W.- siraa'î2 uam -j.ecuer" telae uiney"-toutiail @ePpe Ellsan sn.-,ofý in ,Talo " 1t 4lt avgev.easehuuam eiil alsfuaFilge aIrera, asking thée itntncll for a grant- cf ruiaa imaiwhet1cet dior" saisiliul-k sair ucy-oaid lu liq nidntlng tire debt ou' Iievo.. S II MM, -t hsa tiig suaroeadedt tire Àgrrutuural grounda anti bilinugs; ireuvas mnr. a-Ye Bael' li bis accus o! W.rl Br nsd oirers for relief to embn un et Of bem imd luîpbotter c Robt. Miâdtleton, nreaentod byMn.PanSermt s imstggrsist iuui ryue, Theclrkai bfoo'hecoucul cenlifi. aire incuidmereura, Apoigize ast nd bneil cate ai Jueicea-in refëence tto oil isuî.lacntrngli Parir, tolr sonsmaiririane Fge edro'oviaineist bIlg eut fita baldi rsile< ing srp; ailirehéaccoul ,o! W. H. vekitkoe .ausrsvra (naea is Hi gin fntning anti advertising, antine" 01have ana airesm tire &Ccl. a! S. . Cochrmane fan making cime flaimu, ; aeredt rouliseAHall ork euu# lire tille deeda for lire. drilli lbed praponiy logevbfu iei.rowdYleai as t uirf e oait in Greeuwbod. mb ree'uc1Ébu'esn On mation o! Mn. Miuer, theo by-iav ea vO aimgiïuib. aiu - f eiaIn appoinlfng township officurs vas resel5 la Ar vOny-n , ous.nscir. Inr, îxoupreiente th tirepitian oa! Ireciautaessd». Wiih re "Io brouas e Tiros. Faucher and ti arsforeanrelief to cm lclng a ome lu Satnnay uveaia. fOl a,' Jas. Osbornie. 'Ci'Le ideeýtevrmiya(wc in< ¶ bc do, TIse Audutors preselti a report o!' the asu lll re e tnier eirenI a ren 5110<i tJonporalion'a account for tire year 18017;. Isunut ,Ira t wva doinerii¶u.Y'sritusr wu] Mn., WiXason mares ltaI tire report 0 a! t bgw h e sl iAhenOhaa m lad tir. uuditora appointedt laaudtitire se- .-Zouisng-. Wu ,hoe it uuefai leaseai viili ceunis o! tIse corporation for tire year sidl t <nan i ise oskaminut tuillh a o 1861, be rîcef rut, andti iai lb.heamuls Ve 5e'pfflr upIl r trei1iiue1iy1 i ir thenein presonletilbu final>' audited' ndsud ulcl~icrrctnaey uriareAseu aliovti b> lii counil. boya Ara yogr virel>. circaiurrpapen, le vind Mr. Mailler moves tiret tire reevo grant olalinv iris eider on tire treasurer fcr tire suin o!f d5Al e tici Uii e..MU $6 te Adin Fullarten, andi J. Monikiouse, aarinsie, for tireir services as Auditene for tire pie- sen ye.r [ADYJiSITISE3ikT.J On motion a!f1fr. Mller, lire Treaeurer wus ondenedt 1 pa>' Johir Retidin *10, fonr'lb tUr Editor of tihe Wh*bp CArc< elueep kiled b>' dcgs,. andt l S. Gardiner- $26, foi msupport o! a fountiag. DzAn Sm:- On motion o! Mnil Miller tire trenauerAiiov me lirrough v as orderedt ta Ps>'V. H. iiiggins, tirécomumueoil y oui papun 50 tramS tlieRl sum, of $23.ilOfei advertiging anti puni- FineMuütuel Associatian fourtire0 Pr inas penrisseccl. rentiered;'ati l -a 1re 'u icir tiroir Irpc~ tnaniul Flummonfelt i3, as refarueration Blackburn, paid me foirlire 1089 sueRs for iris homme éocuplidb>'Widow 11115 h>y ip, cg t'ho 28tir Dember ladS. anti sou. p bé %t o-aeattender a>'akny Mnr. Green, movus liraI onaunecoui !me ouat e-ti rs ear>' .1 ýtirs Ceu former sale oet ttportion of original al.i- M., no'lyl fonriris; palite 'anti oui lovaricefo-rued yiug irti a! tireinter- cotmuuroaiii>ii5lu co0l" UiÏc-wlti section af sbre- nov Grounvooti rainlu rd malter - con., beîwceni tsl5 nud 18, coutainimg -Tius b Si acres more onr "r having becomeu li ATE' 31WÃ" anti raid, b>' ronio.n n-coanpli ncç o!fot24adAOU applicant, tiraiti sth 1acel Wrd raih 21, 1868. Wbîtby, be nov -offceti od'1- 'sale, prepor notices giron as pur epplicatca f Abrs. Bea, arocowr-f ies> aIi tie eftilsin bu*Z1 lb WaCi a » vlan. i rasI ales- d . s'ade 'ea ta. Ireabe Wb iid ad lia. Isëti ils ', îhuîbo h viat- uètbt, gois e!ë or th- ridi ,h le, ,abud, rtof ' 131 des."£... daîltakiu 'Lord Melheuile, viicit1 cqmeuencîîd,,ýAplpou 18, 1835l, lasuti S 6,yoas-aud 138 da. Sito Robert Peel teooitheb.officeossecond t(a.fmIs 'Septembeur 3, 1841, Lud' blditefr 4' years dra anti0 d#74. Tben,,ord,.,J., ouil ihe lion, shir fou,"Deeu o0,-18Ù', but bistlId'., «Il ebip ouay beitiofie.0 das. Sir Roblért, viii FuçeI retene t power Due.ïmei20, 1845,0v sud .re utlpasin'office 188 deysr - 7 Tire second adinitatnaliDuoLrtiJoan- '<q r!59~d 4 2~:taye,,Tiie,-arl of v Db cana s teofu.-Fen.ry.22 1851, a îti fiit00,days. 'Tre admifnistrationu eutl Dueuber 1. 'SSZastd2yamamd 5 P"Il ýdiys. Th@;finestadriitriiter o! ofLord ~¶ Faluienston, wehit eneeâ ebý,'Uài 61 185, ltod' 3 yrn snid 17 days. Thé. 'kri e 'FDobyte seoii.d ,i' srn Oe peo counued Februn>'21, an iWai cg~et yean ni 1 days. The esme Lord ' Palmersicia'. -uod'idmàidistrstioc, vhiuh communeing Joune 13,- 1869, istati6,yelo owa 121 daye. Ou tbideath ,fot or4-ars.* etoi, aniResehi'bcazs Putasi ot hépay! bimd -ime, ,but bis lordubip iorly'belti office aatIs çusin <,40' dàiy. The Rani !cf D.nby'siti d.t ceue eoft pover r cemnionceti Jnne27, 18069ý, d là no ena t.inaau4,8tn lIlapas et 1 'e sud 241 ti. Sie, Trenar tc 5, 9u*e#.- 7 (Sprlng4eld, Ill., cou.St.LUis Bopubuîen.) luý nrshciag p;*parious..tor ejiavidig lb, foundatian of tt, nsvStato Houseth fones "anôuu4 thé grounde have beon us- moveti, 'sud tire grountis tirona OP'eet ~They hbats bew, au a.publie Mraiit rfor 'hd>~nau bipedu.,X iib~~i~n buredt tIrutounues ranievaerot fI vas snpposedito-veould !->té been ii*- tenredthoein. -Mie.Iàneola pnuilstet aiafue bisbenl _tuniet in lu m aucaun ýplaceantitire -tmb bas r.msiuet'iunoeau- pied unIe tbi-aàyý'..Tis' bars associationa, sh0ô 1itibv re r ceti mg am~tairs~fp~ violation. - Xi migbl bars bue en. cudl in ' tnos asi. elioever ai 'the tÃ"Or1 Ortsilbuilt- Or, ,.itrout tbis, it sitouült bave -been- removi-andti tiiavôotidus.e"- craton.-flut uayr a prapeirel- a .vhdut iraaor-iu-biovn hIome, sud tise 'lamente& Linco n usmaumnsd ,e.von>wi6rè, mre oui les, ýaVe rinrfe baniesteati. TIrs uassi vo dr f-tsunaccupieti aenileum lefi oPeû;'eivrue havematie a loiguiont vithun ira aeti auld. 'W. iroticeti vitb'dfigusS tt'an obie ôg o! tire emai,' peabua- sian bail mmdc her but inl its ver>' iatsier, anti guéa jihlaste s'itto 'of pigs. Tli' te ecautialous 1I "Impericus Casr,. dead 'ti unei to'Clay,'arûgit stop a ba ' keep, lb.lvinti avsy; O,' liant b. "eanîb, viricir ep t the vo'fIiilaave, ébau14 -pateir F naaimwhehu airo>'1 pmade applicationa 'ii luidàn forea situation ans 'Journ'eyrnu printci. -n ansver'ta lbe inquix2y 1"peu s(oea, an-Auiernfe; stypéle atePpé. to tir. case anti-set lire follcving passalge fromgk; JobzIruu1athir5 ith unIe hlm, 'Can au>"good 'thlng codmiou t5 o!- "Nâaretir' Phiip sarir unte bina, Come, sind qpe't - Heobipsd tire desreti poil- tiOn.' 'Faili Weat - 1los18c $~ning _ '$,568s*1.63 Arnl Belie Bonli Boit 713evl Brnuit Brio Brend Bro6 Buok Chel Chlp *ellit Dan% Daut Gng Geail Gode Ravi luge, 11 il ual. pansmoi kin te.. * Oa sucenti, sud vll sin rueu a Ca e f gibh ppeoi $100 doepoutboaruglii At 6 per s«lit. per Anulan.- Poosiuntr% are torbW&dehor hI1w to gsm s0fseN ltolor, buhnam »b changewilllbsmmtielo»spo*o inglc.-u nrvangout mn">, cor fi rJ teadina miatou threrae. Tbroutaeeti-Eeieulvll 1». ai, lyta irocels sai4n&#end tu ail anplkas îleints oi.othrommueeliloesdde au bybepusîtow or otinurm, r.lauv Wloo SavlingeBou rt Iterm S-Anititioulnuimben cf Pool ùi [W aiuthbuedt eto, agi Barblpge ee....9..... Yoirk fiii....O..........ttawa ?le.......... iw dvili.......... iiluir ru..to...........afluco umier.............Bonale gihon ...........FieLrhuielii ....d.......Brni- fkao.......... Otraaela Pkls.........LeAis - Holdimand ......è - Ottava; ion... 7.... ,.Huron oig -.. .'.-:: .i.lq Nônhumqilla vi....od.......0wimoe mlle..1............ iobmoed es .......... Wnvti MW'-..........wehlngtou .'..Wateilor moque .........Tosees TotavaiHalion nmldil...... .......Itot ph«b..: .... llSug mioun-..... ' .Wcomrvrl ........... .... London ............. Kutrui - . 1 NO mou ator~ usys ste bas luI J>iDUM utUxbntdm J. W. CÂLDWM :NA>IEj; c TOWN SOn meadal Whrt$y, manre - êeed- 500 BUSHETI IV t iy arch 25 SCLOYE TOIGEE8I ,rci, et' iqus. eO ut - r lu i "j

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