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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Apr 1868, p. 2

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Âmeeting of the Dlrector suad fiember of, frieu4s of the Fort i$ aud Port Perry Itailwsy Company V lut. Tbere vu a la1tge £îteundesb et leadiug aud iludueutial geutlemae from ,differmt parti of lb. conty. Th b.itgéoo i Ieling snd uuauimiîy prevaili aud jadging (from th. good ruilti et th meeting, vhicb $os i r more 'ucoeeîf tbsu evu te bMmossnguine auticipaled- the construction-,of the . iiailvay Jnoi b. looked pon a. certain.. A Meeting, cf tbe ratepsyeri of th. fora abip of Beach if auuounced se bbe td a Mauebeeter, ou Friday the lOb t. t, b take lucoensidération the amounS of bona tb. towuship îbould*gir., aud etbher mat. t#ri lue ieueeîouvii the rsilvay prejeci W. trust tbat'there will bo a lrv attend < uce@ote . oêomeaile. fromnt th Board of Directori cof the Toronti aud Nipi.ig- Railsway passed ubhreug' Wbuîby lait uigbtt ou tbcir vay to atteuý the. meeting te b., bald at Uzbridge to-day Keit. theibmMayor cf Toroute,_ ure j members &tf the delegatiet appoiuted bj the. cily council vire with tie depulatiou Mai. ElULT ETew2, M. D.-The lec- ture delive.red by tbis lady ou Tueday oeouliug lait, in lb. Hall of tbe Mecbiiici' Juatitute, slToded mach Plîusure te -tioe Who vereo preseus. 0f plcaiing appear. suai voice,,aud minuir, the fair- lecturer trestsd ber eubjeeot i diguity sud calta hesi ansd ibe We xpecîed te bear et asserter cf ilWeman'î Rigbte" -of a like stalup ai Lucy Bleue, Antoinette Brovu, sud thbri of fiat clan yen disappoint- md. In advocatiug the more *ziended oducati on of vem, sud the Opouiug« ci msuy carcin, cf uiefulueîi nov practical- ]y loed te them, Mns. Stoee carnied witi bî heimpsîliie& of ber audience. 8h. berseîf hI put ber ova tbodlry inte prao, tical effeot, having aboimu ýÎ e îiudy of ued!eine and regul&rly îakeu out ber degree ai M. D, B bc buai aeady i.cured for bariolE s coualdorabi. practice Iu To- ret, and certaiily, if ber lis-ury effrti bu aey Conterien, evldeuces 'Msiuci abilite- and etauetueii lu ber bold *éudoaviuon, t dameutrat. the capabilitiesief ber nez. Tnuc!Tas-Tou ToirseaXD i NÃŽT.- nTiti Toetid fismily, wbo, fot the put two V e o b ave.beeu ejeyiug Iber bell IlaysiniaOur lowu, are suueueced tu give eue Moreomentalment ai the meciaulca' haillibis eveuiug. Sl4akepeare'e îubliniu 1rag#dyoý '" Hamîci"VI ýil bisplitted ou the boards, viti a laugitable cemedy. .Ail s1rbo baie Ld îLe pleainre of aefing iis talînied" troupe ou former occuiono,, doubtie, viii b. proient atiop t4iiér laut appearauceinluWbiîby. omos Tac Fux or TUB rmxo- luthe. trial'of a suiti hlscamebefore ; i t DitislUp Couri yuemday, a vite.. IMPli- oetd biméeîf witb the e cre .cf forg.ry. The. ati 0'( the Cae e auWvi artem are do folovits-'""On- lb. 14i cf Maitch lait Tb ou 'aIk.rof titi, love, bougbî nota cf *25 agaoit Dauiel*Haliday, cf -pr. par. s'ss iugrpruie upen the -popi bYsu a frand npoii he Imperial ?aýriiisunî, Ne vt'heultelte Dominion A.. J)c 94 uboitedtolb. people' àsud - h ha et qelueebeeo'ec>ndeumnd aV t'veffhaitingo 00 naîi mt y '% ' tbefore witseui trust the Actvili b. frankly vihdrav d;- sud caueelied.- be The doeuatut ih igued by,52 memberi er "6Royal Oasi, - Caiia Hume, clesred rot fthi, tii. port, onWedueoday, Apnil Slit, -for Oawege, viti acargo cf Fali te vbeatl ibe properiy cf C.Draper kCe., of ii.toun.- S Dzuoazàir'u Youa oAMInuos. a,.,eerdially agrec vit helb.felloviug, viticit va tlte trou a ltlue cf the Quebec Gazete-" This.excellent 1littlemag.ý- % Zinc continues aV- grest. favorite eOf the ujureuiles..'lutseies$ýoTored plates, bn suapi; volcf cubeying moent enfuliu otîruetlou, rouder il exceedingly aîtraetire, e-wu se a areal itelp iu the von cof edu- Ty cation. Pria. 81,60 par year, viti n Tpreetue. Publisig 0ýce, 473. Bread vay, Newv*YenkCity. - Beura GooDs.-Mesiri. Loves snd Y Povell announce lu cîtber coltines tie ifarrivai of titcir large stock of Sprng aGoodi. Tho entenpriuing dru have ad- - de0 suester depariieuf-titat cf dneas r 'sud mandle nikiug -se tiair buieus-an *anueunceuecut f'*iia, lubtlea, viii bc à tskeu adrvautages cf by lte ladies. [Se. EtarLTCLoi.-'Ailwork sud uo play makes Jaah s duli bey." Acting ou tbis priuçiple, lte lerkntheutoruesiina lev a iaely petitioned fer oarller heurs of aleuing, viticithîe zurcieuta have .vory' graciously grntedl. -Theto iencitiarefoe., tic public viii bear lunzuiud, vilI itereafier_ ba cloîc i s aoen o'aloek, P. M., initead -LiccvuuRe-Rer. T.15. Csrtwright, cf Boveaurille, vo learu, viii delirer a lecture Ëore, on lte 16th lit,,in luad cf tbe Ladies' Fond for ihe &pine of Ail Salut. Cburcit. Tii. ubjeit viilb. -lé Xis- toriç Pictures, or Ppular Bket citas of Euglisi Ciaracteni sud Saines." Tuse Baanàor, MTevsta.-Tbe di- coeary of îLe body of Peter MoIufyre, s l'armer acar Brauîfond, vite disappearéd during lte violer, affordu uitile aid in un- rarelliug the mystery of hi. deaîb. If musdered, ncbbery was net lb. objict lu v'iev, as abouuî bu dollars lu murver v'as fcuud iluoee of bus vest pdefî s.Tbe bedy vas muai mutilated by the. ice. EnBriîo Màav.-Mr, J. Wardo ef Tereute, and Mir. Wilsou, cf Mankise, have silged articles 10 aheci a mach. ai fifîyr single birdseaaëi rtheio t o of$200 acide, and tte hatpieusilp cf the Do- mtiiunThe mitak i viiaie place ou Tituriday, the gib cf Apnil. Doobtlmt-iv tb.'rlun ilii havea chal- lene roq;sN~hl17 Poutsan . - lutile ioy, agecl about ii. ymans, the sou of Mr. Cita.,Kereryt cf PriOîhal6wuva drova.d lu fhe laie'on tiL. 2grd clto. te vas valklug, on th* !ce, vhonigave, vay ander bims, aud Lesani B is bodyvas feuud stortly'aftenvards. Gay nîgat Aud tondore4 thiete résignaibon by a uuauiraoui vote. tion bas bien 4.4 for tâ-day (Thura- -4ay),aid the. pelligdale on the, 9th sud léili. Tii. canididates are Kouai. T. . merritt and W. Ecele., IhocfSt, Catiar- ezpeoet&hs tie Eniter adjeumusment et P.aiesi yUl bj front Weduesday lu Passion veek ouiatheIbmfolloviug Widfte#-ý dar. -Tii. Souate, it ienrc.perted, _7ill ad- jeuru on Friday ulgis nezt fer about. a Râj.AZir Exvnexioe.-lî lM îaid tit gr, e«teusien cf the Port Hope railvay te Lukefieldi oun te e vyl-téMud Laie, is tg b.; comuieuced îvitiôteuldelay. 8îtme e cf the Expendif ures cf the Dominion for te jenr euding, Jue BOîh,0 1808. Tii. eitimates of expeudituro for thie yesn étdnig Joue 30, 1868,9 rere laid bc. Ffore lté tous. yesterdoy. lTe aggregaîe amoecufs required fer tbe variens services ef Goierumeut anc giron, sud an addition. aI statameut cerngu; £lty pages or mere, Meails cf csiimated expeuditure in eacb brauci. Tjti uggnegs:xs st-re as foleus, ouitîhug cmuis r-Civil Geverurucu:, $569- 289 ; adutinisln'utiou ef justice, $93,087 ; river police, $31,200;-,peultentiaries aud pt-mou inspecter, $22,246 ~i egslaiiou, $3021088 ; liierar>' sud scientific imottu- lions, $11,1150. art.sud agriculture ta- tistias, $7,835;I immigration sud quanan. tino, $60,000; itoapitalisuad cianlîieî, $81,485 ; militia and gounoats, 81,481,- Soi; pensions, $25,115 ; publia enrs, 81,913,376 ; ligit bouses and ceas: ser- vice, $192,501 ; oceau sud river siesux service, $136,600,; Luberie., 848,263 ; ludemxiticu unden Seiguonial Acts, $144,- 648; ludianu, $8,400 ; culiiug limber, $7tbo00; rnilway and aheambea: usîlga- lion, $12,142 , msetieu *038 celleetianucf revenues, $2,197, 20-Total, $7,060,70. Amount lb. iemsi fercivil Izoverument are tbe followi-ig t-Liant. Goenror efthle Provinces, $30,000; ad-* ditienaltt tblaie' Goveruora cf Nos Brunswick sud Nova Seetia, $4,957 ; Ge v- et-notts Bccreiary's.Office, $8,370 ; Deparu- mont cf Privy Council, $17,170 ; Depani- meut et Justice, $1,073 ; Depanimeni cf Milii, $19,750; Dpsntmouî cf sec. cf State for Canada $.15,090; Dep. cf Soclyi cf Staie (ci lie Prenicai $13,970; Pte-1 ceirer General, *20,070; Depîrtment cf1 Finance, V38,626; Dejiariment cf Custema $23,000; Dapanluseut cf luland Revnrue, $191286; Depantuxeni cf Publie "1'i-ek, 038,611 ; Pest Office Depanleoul, $45,- 334 ; Depanimeul cf AgricultureTerni- gratiuu snd Stastia.c, $18,466; Dopat- mont cf Marine aud Ftsbenied, $15,068; totatesalarias, 8351,545;1,Dominien Offices, Nova geotio, $113500; Dominion Offices, Nev Brunswick, $5,723 ; Deparîmautl Ceutiugencies, $187,733 ; Arrosscf 1866, $712,786.1Iems for'peuitintinisini-lude tbose of Nova Setia altO Nev Brunswick. Iudeuinity te meuibor. is net iuaîeded lu Items l'or legislatîlcu, hi ieiug 'provided 1 l'en by an Act pasîcd ai the firai pari of lie sessien. Items for liorst->'asd scieutifie institutionssitacluda cul>' Ibose lu Outatmo sud Qiiebic ici foreri> recein ed grout.. Items l'or heipiai cb'aritiesi maelude grautu te marine heipiti » l QueLe ad lte Lover Provinces; sud1 aIs &ix meule' grant iu aid ef'hitiiiuusm lu Tornte 1Qeeb.o sudModetreal, $28 C',' 000 ; .construction cf railvay boipecu Haitex sud Pictea, *200,000 s consina tien et naiilva> boiveen Windsor sud Au-t napoli,83 00,000; counttion of Bure. pea sudNati.î, 31,750; se 'mmi tsëteack ln Wesîetu extension, $190000 ; to'meel subsidy te do., $150,000; t*,ipboidýize otiterlinis in N. B., $141,00o; . tirgs> Ipeatien cf laiereelonlal rafllus>, ,0,-ý 00; ~laent-end, epartueusal bilid. ings, .-Ottawa, $100,000; -Rideau Hall, a purcbase 1,000; ail vents a 891.000 prepenty sudi mtioi suâdsi repaire cf or xusalatut o [ i bitiitiîiy aWouoeain regard tse u ý ne, 'in, a nember et tyau ,mttenwîtula ver, repll. li, carg cfspotac viieh had$kly bava been added te the Juge been muade againit hl. pekig cf lbsuperier Court snd Queé'i RaBnci Mmi.urpich aol do ot.And so the ,jivetent lneouipoteue vime dta îiu 3>.sdO:pt.4, h cftheir judiciary would be continuec eemmude tha ti chrebo aud peacu 86 diogracefut wa;lbe. ae et the bar an( &go& îbould ,b. loft te tii. lergy. Ttc.. th. bencb ini the Province of Quebec, lia, vho chos1 te maiutainu thera vould',indera- h. belicved tbe cases there bad ne parai nithîe ovuers cf the. advoviou. ,After lel in any aeuntrY in lhe world. - n. furtiier argumeut Mr. Gladstene closed carely hoped te sa lite Minister cf JustieÀ viit au appeal 10 té Meus. e taie Seoueendesvoiing l pot a stop te Ibis degrada dellut. aciontien. He (Mr. Doieny hoped to7 aeé'nc Lor Stulyrelid, ppoîu te 0 more such'ýQ. C'. appcinted in the Pro. Lor Stnlirelie, opointo atyvince of Quebec. Meun woue nmriê il actieu. iu the malter, iayiug lite Houe. ny cafflcosisted inli tIle mise , liar aitould rail until tti Cemmissieu ou t"sie g Vtoe htitatings on the aeecf alec. lt-lai Ciareb qcettiou $bon)ldmaie1hemirl inaAnd,votiog in f4vpt of thecand4idate report,. and conalnded by muevig biis relu [thrôugbvbchs*e intereptt l nbd.-bece lutieu, cf hcçh bhogave notice lait lriday, aPPeluted- BO univereal wus tie titt tbWaubjeai b. e l: over fer titiccou-* dtiffatisfactlen viii lite beuch and bar Sideration of ÏîLe unIPàaneut,. ini lat Proince, liai aemýplali n e vented iu tic ministe rial jeurnals na, well Mr. Craubournu, iember for Stamford, as in îtose conîucted by thé e poition, moved' a reîolutieu Liai tthe priuciple Of Thé Court cf Appeals iad beau alluded t< 't.mtbi hiug titi utChurcith bota- as not beiug able teo overtake the .'ork b tlsd nov, sud the détails Le lofst tort fora il; sud lie would suppleme nt fiait Parliameut. - -taternent, liaI il vas now, a cemmnor Tht deit.wvas leu sdjounned. practice witi persona oued, vie desired 1< - defen psymert, le hàve tiair cues goût te neied Btee News. lcCor c v.elnera il sas pretl Searelty Boyard i. ugtiatiig vitlt te Englisi Geverumeut viii a nv te perfeaîiug a nov lreafy beiveen 'U. S. Gev. ernmeut and Great Bitalu, similar te tthe Genman Ceufedenatien îreaîy receuîîy rati- fled by t Sonate. Il is expuaied tai ir. thé. nov tresiy proviuions May be madle le prereut aul furîher difficulîlas beivecu lte tue. ceuntnies in -relation te aifeuuhip., Pitsbung, Marci [30. -Intelligence neaaiad bot-c, lit a nblecdy rot ccaurned ai O'iNeil's ceai mine, near MaKeeupont. Berne cof ONelll'î men vite bad bien oui soestime veut te vork, sica 200 Miu arrired frue a tucigiborngx; ort, jsîtd callaci upon titansecoins, out. Tbey net-e armeul viîb clubs sud eiber veapous. O'Neill sud bis uxed repuleed ibeux, abbot- lu; and lillixg oeeaneaunsd wouidiug fins, O'Neill vas eevet-ely wouz;ded - by clebs. Thte moe bave gene baak, sîud Mn. O'Neill ha guat-deul by about a hua, dred aniued mon. SCRANTONI, Ps., Mat-a I 3.-13y thc breaking cf a abain cenuected wyu tise hoisliug maalîiuny at Diamond Cei miues lu tbis city, Ibis moring, s plaiforni cou. tainingi? men vas preaipiiaied te the boteux of lb. ibat a distance of 186 feet. Eleen men were iusssutîy hilîcO ; oee as Ince died sudd ive more canueot lire. Tiuey leave il vidoie _àmO 28 enpbauî. Advice rmmJoha n.1Itahel. A sece'nd louter <rom tie noierions John Miteitel te a frieud in frelanO ia pubuisicit in thxe Cerk papens. Me-telle the Brother, itood te taire wvniug by tLe Seutberu Confedarse>', sud nel dam lanrebellien ogaiîtitihir raiena. Beeidei, aust-uoiL uther, Whou tic scuiberu States vaut iet van ube>' vere in fulI posesion of ibair owu country, te baegmn viti; tbey Lad regulan State Gcvernu.euta in fuît oera- tien, nakiuglava, snd euforcitrg tbons; lie>' itd possession of ail titeir evu chsies, rivern, reilreas i lh a fertile soli, foc- tories, -at-enaIs, aîeonnieî, -cannon fonu- dries; tic>' hau slaves le tili tudr gnennd, sud fecO the ariyan sd ibee slaves vere net s danger sud veannes te tise, but s sireugthii n-support; lie>' iad accoin. plisbeit geterrsîsnitnaval commandet Itn titeir sernvi"; Issil>', tbem people vore moet-eunanimeus than Inisbeu ore, er are likel>' te ho. Ai tiose aicdanînges viii viec the Boutienu States ceemencmd ibeir stnuggle fer lidepmudrne-ali cf Lieux-st-a impl>' vautiug te -ibis 'à risi usàilca" lu Amerios, s La i ete lthe Irtsi nation at homo. Yet viti ailttesoa ad- vantages le atari - viih, sud viii iteir galsuir>', unauluit>', sud neseurcos, îLoe Sentmmu BStates yen beacu, crusbcd, ilamped' cul., ProôM tiisMr. Mitebel hdeesa smenaili ttaisatîe Soutient Confoderacy vas ,vus'ied b>' tic .upeiior >p -ver of iuc Nords, vbît vasunembar- rassd b>' au> ohter couteau, se vould tLe Ii ai homeiIf iheyîeo sgalusiEugland, Le -greni te powdor. The 7%ises sud its ct-respondent taete a ven> ' dtseeagiug vies' cf the prospects, in Abyssinis,,- Tbq'commissariat and trsu. spert do net got' aleid cf the llgbling' force, 'sud bave>A bard -etrstgglo to keep it living n trom da'yte Aa f,nmibond ta certain te be alleweèd ho lie. a novw monthas at leut befoned deaision ni. arrived at.ý Ai telteinsufficiency cf salany. ruit hit beau used as sn argument te acceunt for fie presoul Mate of affaire,, ho weuld oay liat; eut of the 28 judges i~n Lower Canada, ho did net thiuk that more tien Ovre or six aver ruade £I,000 by thoi pro- In repîy te Mn., Masson, lon: Dorien îaid tiaI wban lho was lu the GeVarnnut but thnco bid been ap- poirîicd le lte l3nch ; oeeorfthese bad beau Oive lincs in succeaxrive Am inuIt-a- tion5; ancîliar iad beau AttorumyGen- e,-lfaud for a nueiber ol' years a ruember 'Dlne Ad iiciins ; anelier liad nt' ortine iou elatedas oe fthfLe ailest la ;r.s in '!onîrtgtlte targue oe eocfthe âstv an. mest imuportant cases ever uûnLower Carnda. '[bete net-e ouly Ilîrec e nojuciges tluey lxad ap o nted t lialf what Mt-, Dorn iitsdead; above, is t-ue. md ih nus corroboralcd to a greuit axteut by lhe :ubaaquvr.t speech ei tae Miisiiir of Justice, Sir John A. Macdonuald, notîtiiitr sens cf _a comuplote rcvoîution In uthc Judiciany cf Quabec, eau nender il neppectabie lu thé ayee cf lhe people snd cf tiat Province, or iu the es- tiiratiou cf thc peopleocftlite Dominiont. Il is a standing disgrace te tic morality, te aiviliztiliousud iihe intelligence of the aear i it ne lire. Eclilpset9the SUD. Theo total oclipseocf th. sun uhicit is le taire place on te iSt cf Augusutoret vi ii prisent suci a leng dunstion cf dat-i. nUmi tiat asircueuxeru are auuieipatiug it viti unueutual metest. Freux near Adon> te courrai lice cf thc eclipte cxteuds f0 the suetiteru Coulst fMev Gulus, cross- ing Hindesanthu ie Bay cf Betxgal, te Malayan peuireula sud the Gulf cf Siaux onuh ib y ; sud as certain places on titis lino tbm duratinu of ttlidarnua iii b. 6 deg. 46 min. At the date. lu question , tie meen viii Le net more thaï six Leurs freux is perigeo yuile tia sun sili'ba it' fan freux its spatgeai a trofold ceudition- ubic i mneurs tihe apparent dinuxoier cf thb, idocu, sud sheus tLe apparent diamate*r cf ihm sun nearl>' 'Mt is s malîet. RHeo thi'prelougcd darkuess. Ausocsuaianace ocurs bu trat-el', a streug desite existe te, maie tbe most i im odeonos te salve certaiunIigil>' important questior n upi'- sicai science. - Uulncly, îLe seotihveest monsecu yl le luInfull blait ocue- oIgth et Augusi, vbieb, viL'i ts iteavy cicuds, viii reuder observations -eltior nucortalu, or Imposiblet excepu on fi.e asteru - aide et monain r -gcs Fer tîi euen, M. Lavernier, cf iteilmperkal O'ivaîory, ai Parie, recommeda t i mm.of tite Frenuait cLips in tiieaulifcf Biamx sbould b.e e- ployaid la searahin; for a suiiable place op tbe caiteru ide cf lte MNiaysu peumnmula l'or à Complète sories of cibserrations. Tii. ' Englistîroueomera are alic mahiug pro- paradions for observationsa la tb& t. ci#4 the edllî5e- out viatori tb lbirophie Lpareuts aný ODubugrieI -Meure, fig t l 1,'1001 n Nov. 28, ir nTii. mora tre. miles Un lioet roi leugti. D paiied ows rd4y paaed -ocf ail dinel -s-i..-- byreakig op-the noise resemhling thO a t ufli -crac-king cf rifles or, îbarpeitecbug. '- eW. .ien t coutinued pamsing bjy aud. bynlgis'vanee, bt- '1 the-ae iée ialauds, more or -lesu numerouu poBttttj, e deiveny,il outil, lte 6SuDec., itir iluIse 66,108,oudeliverj -long. 99 30WNt akiug a distance uashaore 0- Coudc stated, cf:1,000 te 1,16Ã", Milei. la lte,ýUd-d Aufaralie SBsa or Soutiteru --Gosu i teyard1= 1greater cumberef- berge are cf ilar ép- woïtded, or pearauce to îLoe . lu lb.Arche e& orvie ar SSO applial Northbru csu isbavhug igit dee I.El and peaus, lefîy bills, and deep ebi..,ii tellus l'err cf cerches vitb itigh, steeples,, àn4' Lriuce Xci boeum ies iisteeples at ste gables. But or. to pai! lu Greeularsd, Davis Binait.,e r liafinsiee Bay., aeldem if ever, are qeen these large' papotnt poli isiaudi or meumier blocks, mile in leugt, "wl)P titeir aides and ends perpeudiaular as a!lb.theint vall, sud titae surface or top fisas a Uffitt ti table.,Thus.large bange are <noià 2001'te ougidlatid, p<u.tsge ta 300 feet aboya ibe vater, wbiait mates Ibo 12. ','îw, >bleck 900 fatt igit-ice attqut being tue ' rntt 'feet vudme fWer ery foot abeys naien. - suQilote-, W..- patesed , erera i cftiese lut nsmed livrrY, lîlauda freux iree four miles i nlengt. îwBy eîsîs Ou quetidam veyag.es. 1 bave passed some - if fron t of the»a prudigious blockss upwards cf 15 tfDcbu rattsd miles in leugth. If frcin - ---0-- # lancivîtes A- LocusnneAnDs.-Tbe Town Ceuneil îadIr dinery cuiti ef Iugerwell bau bad s nov lutelyviii he ibmîevspoperg pt-mien cof that tevu, TÙ - cause of lte 1. ft uquaibla i. iraceable le Lethe tc thie *-OeTitfIrai aund Utiled suditera' rapant for tite year vas itavked" tioso cbanj United i ti about freulxOeePriuttng Office te Anetiter jrm or son lu tb. aeeuty for the purpose eof goltiug hW-14, Ceenn printed aI a reduaed rats. Failing ite cob e>,em, r'edueteu sskd, lieM -jer fec et;na;ud t tain li éuciasete Mjr» -mach Pp t cepy tle bundun* sud gel ildoue. Aed nated tivea lu ender t etlothie sevu cisddies '#&u e "$ ? tbeuxselvres as otieni me 'eux, ibm ger- -15. Thcoi anti <Jronide gives verbatiax neporerof cf iption pùô lte pnàoaîdigi-uiib, -as aà eotemporary z7Niewfui, iayi, extibit su -ciler ditregard fer order, ccitt pon1 oui graumar aud logic. -- andi alikse siten receli Huiou SDOxsvARe Sufr i CNÂ.-I Ecivard I1,1 depuisiien, aeeîiîtiug ef Mn. Capel, cf Toronto, Mn.r. Hsuteitav, C. E., Mn. W. .Wlc C. MNeeua, sud Mn. X ,B. Houit hid U ef, au interview ou tie l3tb ulto, iti lte futur outtace Dut. ef Bucknghtamxaud Ciaudoo staithe 17- A 11k Canada0, vi CeIula' ffie, u te, ubjeet lof îe ja,-ci Huron sud Ontario SLip Canai Company. 18, l'entec TzaaxutaAccrDgur àAILessor, Liy£, lae uîl, Lait véeefa teille accideài oeecqrred. eIlaud, New the tevnsbip of -.Muebse, about 25 miles cens Penru 4bove Ottava, A sbauly belougif'g tos a tsi11aî- l'armernamett Lambert vwu, burued, and eîbertuan, t vithie hi aieri, IIis merxaut rmsuabd ratce, and 0 miven citildreu. Ou. dadgitter eieaped soit frâm tb viîh great difficuliy. - ît-cieî Ib i tefsluFranc* ia ceuqnce2 fà of e h itam'nfrorOts te owovmiiitaiy law sgnieuliur,, vere, raiber more suggestive ,ef ,-gerai li-don discouteut titan the meagro ' Catir di- itou, lte es pa teies led ni te boeloe. InTu c - explrtlu o the nobtad possession cf the PtY.:fbfiJ «iury, is seeai houri, aud-cormiîtmd serions. ont. pilvilegei . nagti upen properiy. _The !Jseisp và' iang vlgoï , sly aud ustaiuonuly." -la. ti0 he oîtoer houna sd-.ities, the distarbauces -sr vero aIseacetions. î "Utn a pareel Fitsz Tasvirxsfomn l- v vzs-()ver 8Ses., a llasi4àd ,utbovouel i shu& r*in ~ ideubiibe-s la ste iitet Sii, IN rancd IsiuanOsd Neufouadianit, ,frca-ome cep>'of esai paper se siter.r IcitA nevipapeniit ineluce a4l1mniw- tedthiCanagdo, Ilite tthan'CanaautiAu m, ions fiont tls< office cf putimia- rltudsrusxel te any flace vituin.1 t'n, te ths iiei1Ulîx e titi CH 2Zi, Pinc- Edvard Iîland, oi'Nov- Bt-u 1musi bo prepaul ire ceuts-eqeisb by c te followit'g ecit$Ïgceu ondeliveny, s ore ILsius1r intlsdfree on de-ve ts -stothe tÛuitedBles(e t-, U eacit. - z ,Dru- ttc UntitediStates, tt -Y 'cxxtsech - t liw' Canada fviàu>lier or excattuge 1-3 ivîiig uttisreuxtIse Uniteil States. >sIilice-£d#uid Ild et- Ne(tbqid'- I r e c i>o1 i b* n e u r î r- tu b ï ç n ab e r n l u mnc til cIl'cecipsiisle n,' lthe-on lt Pin, t*e cents each- - ýCanada potu'gerateseon u ewiun em or goitiç lteUnitedi Kingdoeu t iSateà itl ses »ha the s'mnt asà Wed lu sie Iul un ndeux sud titi les- on ue ssers ibere voceineci it toCanscaa, du! tiers pgent ala u st o rcglrata m lu CeinitI,'-Bnlslih nev.spapens b.e Unîitedi State. navapiper, ns u0a xen iiili the Iien case mmsto < oly j cents cash for culcenstlon tdoliver>'. ic> tîs JBLB logJ5, A tITS J rate con prittei t ier 0cf tits <1- alai ti Cnad, sd ddrni'ed te ai inCOitada Lt'icc-&lward sland, ied fronte utStates. Pic-T sud,et or fudaas s rxsDOA4L laiAlW.l iipesteti lit Canaida for suy ilgco lu Who riuco-iidviad Itdand'Keufouudlaad - stales, ste . ate viii iLe oeeceast-er -ggistec. limai, -rack,; Fliit.Pp -uT M TÇPAR 11 N>îfj Jones, Bridge. ed, à. 4k ~ l~ ~ t" .111 dl ý

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