1 1 ..mu w p ,Yeodllvjn srj ÛdN1 efghem, hotiri o"e. The. rerar te b. 'setlhi os ept.dlly au poqibbI.. Mr. James st s bth tilltutU.. Banik of tisulh $LAnois, LUûdea Wbhe vu arrested for thé rebbery of a aom eot on.ey degned tu bu trucs- iol b Iate (.fobs atu o Yrira opy of" ln pisse uh.rto4 he bu feued bé gili. thé. roptldit -or $030, whle h had beau us.d by the, cuprit. 9ulsea 1 i4 s en coauautted le tand bis tralifoi tb.i. îb- -À pd vAs, ti r té îh Ride t London, in l eested7 avaiug court-martialfeir doiserton, eled à rlgehulouîglug 10 obi ofthtie guard, sud obusot bll<ikd. À multol lu Zanesvlil,- O0, huabesu d.ueusîà ratlng hbl lp tle uhman taue by harlug lthmuglé. Mr. Dicens,., it la estld, rblottsbos tileber 1y as hudred' thomsnd dollars, lu gel4 sfteî palng aIl sîpoe.. À mon oamed Char!.. Sumlîh, eovieteu et râpe et the.Keot Aultu. ha.beau n-u lieneed tu b# buied pu the lOîh.of Jeue# MrI'. . P. 111» va s !.iebyso- -tlsuatilo t Xontroa est . oTreday 1"u gt, e 611the vsuey.«Asad by thé e, duaest ftheb.late Mv t eGe. A liglgy reapeew dportion cmm ColCe- tua. eoumuuud suIcide'luas Wedn.ad ta ILy11n os ivekllIs. Cams, Psns4r treublé#; It la sol! thas Blubop Lynch 14 lhbeJy <o b. appoltd Arabbaabop ef Ontario sud Thé populaion of Ottawa slty bla U, ANNO8.-Àt Whihy, on Wedoeaday, t9th oit., liraDr. Minis, qged lf6 ysareî WhAlbr luancaLs. vol $Sb, lofs. T'h. Mrtesare meuh try dm1asise -. Il ytubhol aming iu but potato, vhh Dre quotsd i et 0«ueta, ensudavsry tsw loadwe(*of wIsI.Tb# prices rethling at luat ivak'u quetions. nits. WÀNLOW'S8 80eOT HINO SY RUP, 10g CIIILDILIN TEETIIINU, - mrentily acuilîtt the. precesu01etttlu, b>' ha>eculig og uicga, rsdoug slig Ulntamadon- ý w lllo LLta M.L'à A t.nd t us'usuîieiaction, and l.it RU'W U IEULATla Toi UJt>Wlý$. yonrselvea, sud - WRsIief sud 1IIuaultb tt'oâr lafanîsi We baio put vp sud sold thlia artilel for yeursi sand C* Mtt toc fJeatlod*dufiqa tat ar otI it wt wu, Lave ues or beeni ahi te ssar of A $taea Iurr o uEruar à Cfinua, va. eto tlma ty sait. lse r drd %te kmow au 1lustaweg btdeitjt%.tsZU i, a ai? e u o alussitun th,, itrary, "ili ar-e du lghitd wish Ais opera- tiea sud élisait li ttrate oet efinedttion et Un lgîfl iefftcta audt ineicamt virtüeA.W #i)resa (effriuomei, «nU plbdge oarr e- ptatiou for tue iulfilanent er what vs homo Ilrd jnttor'lustsmico viser, tii, reIflet 0#ouroi mpton# uand eslmsustiou, reifwlll be otud lut ftt.on er twaty tiilun. boa aAltaï b. arup ~ dnnm..i Ful irtetona folI"rft*111 sh6i1pauy taoIi hotts. Voiei.geunin.nes.lI% <se- kirali et t>UUTI$ & 1'IFlKIUJ New'hsvYorky la OC thé oUt41isIe apbr.ubu i,'vr Sl yDrngg*t lists dttokrd PJICE-Ouly 2*6ctat&, ièr Dettle: OVk. t laiton Strceo, ]Ne*' York, - f05 lib outu, Ldbdomu. £.sland; 1, "Lt. lguni MtrWs, Ititrèalt. Chauda. . 1Vr.8b tHE (izEAT NEEU iiltED. ne piLLts BAYE boas supplieà i l nilleusi. 0à i4 isive tin à rfahtid.iii by,' i. snd XV.5tuIS' IWO grad Ostffl #,.e lîuamdoe. if iiMeato la cowciaÃŽsd'ýIo .ie sa jau aç sallaes cemupau tuaie imvs macle et Ib ntVoeftible specties. Thr. As Demi <4iciiel Tt>' create a alguoeus ap~ei.-ultus apuaiiuly esuromiahisa tiM sais. au'd o lisy, ethebo bon, i, sesl> alsm, Noketlurout dw ou Mcn rosies lits diaint.c lipemaon Uafrs,« at riAtlWi'8BlLtUittf, DY&PIIPTIC-AND Vnurvlm ianii 't i n<i, vbmla fer DUr* Oulu,54 ubiib*ahsý asCudeta aitanuaioui e Êta t, itia Iffibio. Sed by à an Drg~iols et 2&eper box. Cei,'rsiETfBuno gbiaggpl is orgwala wsua bil paspilelnsaltb.bos. iby are boçus The tessubid bave the imosa.o<J, Nydkciun ibox, wisb qiente et J. P911à r. D, . Tho 5getml u e arte 1149 o~urruugmute viiwite pewder. goïalaSb,"nivailimuvros k&sVU., Meutreuoïd mI*- tex1 £u.ioark Co., TureufOta, afid ail Dnmgglata. 40 PAIN KILLER 1 An osternasi ainsiInternai îsmsdy for tiie ctite CRtAm? & PAIlE x1he STOUACub 'Brulsoo., BDos And Blado, Iprulins, Svsliing or the oinelt»Tootissclie, Palis il-thsePaes, Zieursigit md Bb.uuationu, dore Throat, Imddon Cold. tdbhgbo, is.- Us. ieueso for any of thoes, sud you w»! ne. ver de vthontIsl. W- n o*l m of tioal Slid be stii PERRY DAVY6 * SON, l'îlE tlelitte.eft t ii. Msnlc»flcs thuto - à é. hauitI«JS aiutomentajeilth MR, HENRY N16Ã"HQI'. 'Io iiv so.of bis bnereu anudpMAXis- et4esa , ,ita --- I h, WIbM , 1885m. i8 b" TUBS (» vEYA Uis-msdoorae fth et ?aP*0E. Mssa;sd leeraocoost 'Cvalslllvmuhls ForSI, 'Aly lof WiIlyMs l, 86.-leSIl ,-VOIRBALE b the inueraign.diet qflA- 'Wlîtby, May 6, 1jus. INSLVET AÃŽ~or 1864; là ti,. mtte ditOMIN HODOOI. ef Brook, -arnie snuolleo.ninat;D Il ITIT r#ditors of tlIuolvont hTs notfia estate A»d A1Ifetl t mete, ndersign.d M ,*If" md th'yai'. reqnlr.d thfnulah à tue, ' iatomoud,. f rolls thi. dta,, witlth*l 01*10, bd ylloit the tsecuà rlt tissâthoi' goyandavaIle01Ht; mD Ion#,,sttin t4, fuait-tehohlê, stoteîd under ntiz,712 tb. vouh,îé in support et snOb elans.' JMWat.4atWhilUq, Iis 11h daY of MOY, Ubî &GED RAIESTRKêTE. AXE ÂEloto the puuaulaasofthô, sub.er ci en 4,ttitI Tibe olS'nr lea qut.d- te r4 r.kpeu.as matalle hlm av*y i lua t It o. 6. Lad cou. I'lkorlugs Filteglnt, MI, ,18#8. lnI Notice of Dlsulutn et Partne rs h ip ! f19 Paritrahi lfpeitlr. zuig u Ttowu of Whhoyi botws.n idis udg.- »Muê, sa: Cabiset Mkae, Uphoisters, and lurnitur. jofahietorera under ti. nan», [ego, sud Brui of"IlTi& à â le"vos tIbsde dséoived b1 matusi .'rnuaut. Ail Jostis due to the muid ri, to f» p*1l.t tee outiLing ladtuerWilliIm Till, sud aIl d.bte du. by ni isto bu dlselrged by gigo.. W.TILo É. L COCIIiANll, Wlltby, May lot, 1840. Au-loi In th* Surrogate -Court of the County of Ontario. (M0TC£Elalulisvby lvmt taIt viii Ai tin £epirtionî ol twenty days (roui th. pub. iiem.i tiimior t'lio c». or us soont ieneafter an -cou tuea m bbeeuI'd, oap liitheJ udge et the Inrrogmts Court 0et '0hon~nty et Oistario, to Il@ epfelmtd (nardian et Donald Mossi), Calher<mg1.1eab, Duncan IMeNch, sud Wi. limu, bIfNabg Infant elitidren ef the late John iiuiNab, uft ins ToWuslip 0t Brock, sud Mary MoNab, vite of th.élIe John MeNab. Date.! I al 15, 1868. Clmi. C. ItEilmI, Soehefir ferAppliihlô.n. nii 0 R SA L E. A DWELÙtifOUSE set & r s11 TIOWN 0F W1ltlVl"1 ho nm I.ÃŽo -A .tomtalsag 8 uinu *t 111J 6% é*4!IctL Aoeoi .lîend era -k*isa £uidon it a rletol beariü lant iaad bruit T:es. , choo W» Thoe ahoke viib.hao»M thoap lî oti utas> teins. For p&rlebars upply le thé preprieton, 4Annuùal Drili1. Ceuuauylie No1, viii pana.e eoeh lV NESDAY & FRI- it . DAY ovenlngs, comnmencla?,9 on ethe lît Im itant, ei 7.80 e - cl ock, at ths Drill Siaed, uondîl tunthor jotico. Thositaidaito. 5f svsry utaqfiber viii ha su- aiittied te roc.lvo sigbt dollar onneeunplotlng bis drill. whilby, may à , loi. im4 PtJUStTAILte s aliseraseortheicoero f Chaneor>', int i.e 0eo SMITH  aÀMTSSITHI; Tne Crssedi' etfDanlel 8.11h, laie of ihs TQWN8HIP OF SCQTi COUNTY OF ONTAR1Or, 1<oeins, à o, re, out bie bsfois To souci so- »s. de.ussdtbai Cistlso »4 @lumsae .sddv.ssuZêbariitleilil au.i ef awwoml $51.. tausat e, rt Isrueoo sud Ilas oftilas ett l boe dutp lsy4t usba4qdsit be.s,4t -wpt# Sr.r oslto 'uleo m» thle Ph day e p1,me I. "b ette on fwhtyý tot u ~DAKELL S.y 1. s to*~n odc n b , PlalnE'êSeltir laI ;il i boe4 eu,, IMNpO0RTIATIO0N8 bE' SÂPi4a &à ;ANCY Dry -<ý O4S,' Itot. Prom oui long experiébée in busines, snd ube extra ile we jpesiUu *fà anh euableil te offer yen Ffrs-iuaai, Goeds , e. IidItuii, sud nt price whlch wîll compare Most favotabI3' WlLh tho bout bousm.in the MILLI NE III DEPARTMENTi IUnder the superintendance of 4e luiy suuppiea with the miSt Issu. ilol goodà et -tho easofu OU M A NT LE A14tD Dress Makingl DPÂWT!MEMLi1 tinder thé Superinteldtiéhft 1 In xeference to an annoncemient- of dimolution of the cQjisrtner4 te infôrni bis Moinde aiic'ilimerous Patreuts thýat l t, l eîiîi h pn uls$aed by bis la8e ftier, iii1833, aI tho OU) S- TAND, ff&-a.3 suâd 4, etISm'B140 c11KtJRO ST1ý ET', WIIIT BY, here 1beç will ilue aiwuïy iaud ready td atte i , i"*ata Of quotlem. 'An endiolyNov 'Stoef tho best Manufactured aitmre.'.T {O4TlWA TSIL UNDERTAKING M AU iAL SpBie d auhei'Wetofe WS$me 6plendid sjpe'IM'ent bf Pictùtre Firà mes, and. Gilding. &member tue Old Stand. vu M e&-oXlt.â. Whitbyl MaY 4, 1868. l8-!y J-NO. TILL.&-,. CABINET 'MAKERS,) llpbol*steireî's end Furniture, Maitufacturera, qu--w .-M CALDWELL'S BLOCK; BROCK-STREE t-3 WJITBY. The undersiitned desire to infoxm thoir ftiendé adi the pubie, that they hve enedhto efflavtdoinilîp fdr d~irliii où diÃœ above bdoltiei. Ml rtilesmanfscard by thora yl ho baud of the bot quality aud *brkr. nianship, which =they uhWarate' uso erund tbeir stoc'k wili sI*ià be fonnd Dow aud xtnsve frUuhwhich d éele" ncmo b. mttdè Tlîey trust by utt.nding te all frAéi îlth f*lhlthey ttidy' bé lâored proinply to mccl a shane of public patronnqes JriAs. X. 0SAXO. Wbitbyu May 4, 1849. Fresh tim TflL 19-1y Arrivais Spring Goods of the Latest Styles, at M. H. COCHRANE&S Tweeds-En glisb, Scotch and Canadian ant ~it . l CiitAN E'S.. Clothing . -Readyimadee and tô) Order, iat JL il. COCHRANE'S. MiSS GRAV~ I ~rô~es~ Io stocked with Goodu saited te thé most carefnlly atudedt tastes, â9ad kt prices to mect th. limes, TFit OLOTHING fiortment, under the superin- tendance oet 11K. BUL, se long aud faversbly known f t'ho iipubliceaa,a P'list-dm O Cuter, l afully stocked wîh Mena' aud Boys'e etobinig. made ou tb. premise. Or AUl onders heni1bËle 'execnted, dnd work ltnrL ftnted sstffhctry. Boo~*shoot Aià Furnlsbing G00d,4 u IIII SO whuLb.ýj May 1, i86e BILLIARD Nevv âid Large Stock, at M. Hl. COCHRANES. DYundos- Street, Whitby, 18.ly l'ABLES FOI ÃŽA Ë wo> frstolas secod-band tiai.d Tables T trsai.e à heap. Tho:aboC tables muât b.eu.d by tb. lOth DAY 0F MAT; -NEXT, One or bethvllbé uit ýrîGism. roi rpgpaal iarlsrsapply to Wblttj', Alut a 20, Ioes. *21n-17 Rooms to Let 8L>K ibsr apntà ouly or togor. farten enenpis h aur relsu Ite n t ssioel pa.!b' i. gli,, vbth eus thobsjIb t oUNi Ter- qlled, sud l .ltln thé tlespoe of vWlha Atist vould aM ornesauuesteà profitable buslieosa grBui*dboNs WIi*Lflo N à Wom h#Mi slg l, jfisibe aui itti L1"V ER.Y a D~t~3D B ÈbsiltES TO 1*4 bu 41 lu >muih41t pairuAt the lt II Late1 ' oeenpl.d bý' Meirs.* boüiihard 't'n qnality et tistùmd,oad îlso'sded teuimdth- prored Utsconvasweanesud rebie0onib pre é 1:e01 i M-toes pog nsé otot n the WAIt Ofeuomen 10 mentka re t5li C Efi NOII;ATt. N.B-Corerod Coneganestfor'fil. anti ladisa. Prompt attonidance, as hsrreon WI~kby. Aprihi 1, 3808. 14-tf $LIÂ*Q 33ANLç aybasa doelard su the.2s4 bpuwi. b . 4Jt braieaou rnta~~ui~ bf è&, BrIJ # TIIOS. LAWLER, WHOLESALE & UET4TL GENERAL, QRQCIER, WINE 4NP. SPBI i LAMGE SUPPLY-VERYOREP k 1à r .tutr thèt~'rsu d bëst' FOR SlE CHEAP IOIk ÙA8Hz STHIE CHIEQtJERED STOREé ,TEb e g, niiiià t thait our Spring and Summer Stock is VV now complete, comprisiug the Iargeet- and best 'asuorted Stock we have'- ever offered, and at iifecl lower priffesttlian i lt season. Fancy DressOoodo, (lait a ri siety9rey and tVhite Cottpnia Black Silks, Grey and White Sheeting. Colôured 8ilkii; ahirtingg. Piintii. *Faucy Plannels. ]Priuted -Kuulizi0; eancy sud whuie ais Shawls. Haey ]Parasols. tmi* Bladk 0dcibodfgi "rhebit ClotiLuktreg; Titoia d~is;Prà ta and F'rench Merind. . - Bats, Capii, Neckîies.Bcs, in great varie.ty*. Spécial atten- io i nvited toun. large stock of Bnead Clotha, Englih, Scoétch and Cana- diah l*eed, Il e#t whiph are eftered st very LOW JPRLCE$ý FOR CASIH., tDn thé shoitest notice, and in the m'est Fashionable StyleiL: FIT WRARIINTÉD. [WILL BE OPEN ON THIE lat 0,~MAYNeFXTL,, a sienla wsojiûnt ~ Io{'esi e ii è èhibitgict W' lso on hd a &'com pleto rnsl<f,'eh~hi~ dbbtîéle Wines fand Liq"o ,Field, and Garden eedèu fl4MIltbN,& c" Whtl$; ÂhSil 2;j6;16lY ft00M-Papé! JU8T AIRMVING A N MMENE 1ý0CK F VE PEST Taper Ü« Paper HaIa!ns AT w htby, maieh 2, ues, *RAND !%GRIkIoN T P. Grand Point Flo nugbing Mstob1 fi tWiby Uniosi AgrieultLa48o&ty, open Ir'1 oul.,nfÇ Thuisday,.9-X!y 2luti 1868; ox THIE FAEMX 0F TOWNSHIP -Of- WHT Wheutb.olllqritg p l)bf ayrd4 4]gCONqD PIIZE, $8-By tshember; of thé Ceaunons sud LclLiltu o Niorth sud Souath cOtiri TIIlitD PxIZE, se à Flw byMsy Blrowrn k 1'suorson 1WMltby; t & $1 add.' Fourik Ple#~Cash; Filth Prise-$lO,,ah. imcoNi-dLAssMEN. VIralt IPzeg 080-A lied Drill by,>' <fliîî, cf uit.w..' Second Prtiz. PS-A par «Mârib*à , iy Woltelxiasd Br"yn>, anAIey »Sà vits $0uieby tbeo ilil C4.Ãtédifior01 fuLit îjWetw $Vthy; . Third Prie, $25-On. cif .aryuliels mi- uu(aastnred by Mcaarà . Whi'&ig hCov- Fouilla PrIjze012-A 8pr!nf.býsg"qaUl ky .J. 10:%,fe Breoklin. Fitk Palme, $9 Cash, JIRST CLAS BOU l.8~e n Fe 06 Fiam riSo-yteBoib mp mon; . Second Prise, $i6-A fir ofisrrows, bé' Hcpasnai .& foberto,, o rki Thurd Prize, 0, Cash. Feurîla Prime $5-A fiaât- - Miis.-rké b>' A. Kctcboaa, efBrouvk?1.Z AIlE, AND UNDER. prPrze, 88-A Bridie "d a$nle bi Wm. Tiiotnpsou, Whitay.. Second Prizer-$8 eaah!,by W. K. Bilhlga. Wilitbl. Thîrd Prite, $4-A Bridie snd MartWagale; -gale. b>' J. MIL1>hilp, Wbiby w; .M OaUAGBNrieût; ëo Ogt-tou. vrletcideut; obrtgSiitia, Tics snrer; Johin WiII., Seerettr>'. Dmzazoqs.-Meara. 1T. H. Sinsitb. a. Dsweno W. Kerr. JO$. Aikinuon, Aies. YcKensi., Jim Fox, S. Toma, isud B, Miowisnd.- bers o et't.Wiity and *Emala Wbhiby Uii Agrienltural Society, snd hilr sou, eutratic free' Nou-mcmberd te psy the. saisi ot$2 cii 8îcetd-eiuas nmon-o>pnta alt eseeptiin oail ploooehmenwho took teOto co prise asgfirst clamimon, orgrat a* scod-i. nue',, ilis ither Provincial or Cenat> ' Poi, Eîsraneý-enîcrssud their sanis Lt. Elat ud second ciass..býoys.-Uplî( o sud uç enstrutefue requircd. Flan. 1tab4 comnputed a&-Lthe rate et' iourtex heurs te un acra. Plowiigto e b.nutJia. Lth-: six inclues deep. s tîkesaséc i l uà nn loved asur t); T,çlets e rabé sw n' 0d ithogrenunà staI ai elcka.n.Ivuwiig te conisà eae, st l aun. . Al inres te b. nmode with the Seecr.ý oo zef tfieylsyjbyletter-(pr" , f jORK WI1418, CGAW, sasO - as.pinv?. -eo-Ayersý GESiEAL BLACKSMITII, AND YIST-PRIZE IHOR8ESIOEIR NFJWiy impoRT-ED ray à orpu, u &- - ' D lt; li ,lat. mrer.- us *slt sa Réuni LI 1 1