thts Day, aIlsbI Qe, ~théi r. aie iai nid. bad lau la à Co. .potterat 8ttesesi t, Acutc msud LabllItle-Oe.' fello, lelollu, beaU:;, sud campig ou t of Ontario. hlm, fredsls .t Mu&eh techlld o j>flu là . O-noylCanadian Baake 4ddoun ise ezidal. Irnmedisiely &(ter Dissoltion of Vastees-slp -Dilîso, thse eomosiuo tbs*ïâ the ceadY Crawford h&fimitis. rillian deompeti, sit u Dba oitlcébeW il 'Arroa s ogas"-çmee aud Lanir'a "ent. TiseeîPeI0, ýsPnosvr, akse hel.h Dramailo Troupe. rsck ; sud ilheéerbubasbeen exten- i bummer Olo(hlug-T. H. 'eKilleu h Co. sirelloed, lu gljV1ýg descrptons et hlm Specfail goeos. . Au Inqacci au bdite day (Wodues-£ Liat o et oist-F. ello.- dey) hbltère Di. Carsen, coroner, ahena ______________________thse follewing fu 'rtber .Pariiulars acire kt b roagis u.Po ie eideno etfDr. Lav$ tle ciild, h appears, wu very sicbly' _______________________-satîi a large uerl iebvl-n ONLY *1i60, CENTS A Ml~R col oLaelrd 'Ilng buth __Dr.__al_________v____ do ti Ãud ytihe mt Vh TbTlurà ll Inn 4, 1868. ilu;oethé e lces- canss by tise vioence. A c ___________________________ dter oethtie dsoeaed -said! tisailer- lehe Feniaus. . failser afier ho bail hiced ber-hs-tbcr, ~ 'Issre mesuré but very lif le .doabi tIsaibdls.altedy"eyu ia ai ne laie dte ibis baud et out ibrocia Geerge voald dis sud ho vould- bave t C, Can &ada ue r ipiratical attempi upen ge aaay. S9h. &nid tisai ber.taiher appeas-odii ba, ep>sfce u sssyfrvsih a 'fie silee e iucsiu <' leneé. Tise jury retus-ned'a verdict tIsaim et«) fifie iisp eusad il as smb l on tis ba demis et George Patterson v u so. y, 1 f<rent Lve anda benthre cd byviolence received fso. bis ftier s-i peoit in; of tsLarCl. Ano th*bercft tiste ai'ýbitftise fIs-i t fane. pomb sin oantrs t crober ieî sofi pattefben les ot a quie*, erdes-ly dispesi.t 1fht6e s an r acé t otPisdtien ahen eiset-but wheb lu liquetiseholaIl a tsir, e ~.outtht. iseaaud ~ beih offensive eud abusive. Ho la ratber C, aivr lu petsetroi.len eetagisi batie etndes- tisemedia.nize ,ani aalks very P érelaposesio o eihtbateresorlame-bavin; a determefi leg.- astIlles-y. Tise' Globos Ogdonsborg cor- As et ge te prose vo loarn by tclograpis j) respondent claies chtisot ai ibpoint ors- liat a nwrgbsdsrpinb tseigisbbooed ibis-yt beusand stand of biaoa uvrn i ecito a beau îraced ai tas-as Coiliugaoed, bai arme bave: hbeu ceiletefi, witb uniforme,bauoyebs rrs. ba'speach, &. ; sud aIse tisai ceutracte 1 ýc have bsen mais for perk,bs-ead, aud otiser Faà xoe k Lussea' CoÃŽsaTtLLLTioNse seeeaslos. Tisis mss, os- oay not, ail DRaà NATIO Ttottu acre sounened te &p. X bé 'truc ; but it le gratitlu; te (coi as. puas-lu tise Mecisaniceé' baIl, Whiby, for T ous-cd tisaitseGOverume nt propas-atlfonstsre. nigista oly, en io.morrev, <Fs-lday, te arssail made, sud lesryibing le lu a pst. Sains-day ud Menday oveuinge, Dcxi. si etuef aie fes- an 'inmediate mes-e te chseck- Tise *11 of etare" for te.mos-tea ailiiJ9 Jtete seisemea efthtie usraoders. ' -f ve lcludes lise grostIries' ilas-coa et As-ta In 7ecs-o cge tise de(ensire terce ef this ceun- ne, Pogne," auicd a rday'lsagiable farce. 01 ty'vu lu a mate et detective organizalien. The seuatienal play o! "jUndes-' tse'Oaa- Il Comusiesvesos-sletd ;j iutallous bcd ligit," abicis bas been s-.eivad vus se Pl 'ýtuot besu tormed i aff officesmWsdnet machis tar eaie-res- fi ubasleeupredssced, b baea appeiuiod j;tisese vas noeemm4saariat vilii hogiro, n Bursday cuculs;. And or pilc corps, and ths e S-itte suppl> tes- Menday erecnu;tLË'pIa oftuhe "Bis-sets aC tisee detlolcueles, as wviiisa meel lisle e! Nov York" la on îb. pregramme. AlilPl sesgeucy, ps-oued tee mais fer tise caps. tise plsyïarse oethtie bigisa sud biet claie, fi bilhitis ut tise es-ce. Nevacli le ciauged. sud, deubtleug, ailho reecived by an-. Tise treupe, botsb egularesusd Voluntooru, boandefi satisfaction by omi tbtisase ging are as-med vus bs-sccb.-loaders. A place teanspeeple. le sasgued taeorsy ee,(fs-e.tiseCe.- Tise LondounPAcesPte tissespealî et mandes- lu Chilétae iemalleet drummer. tise troupe s t boy, Sud tise aboIs machine le se complote "6Tise drama "Under tise GllgbtIru~va lu ail lis patse uai a simple es-des- fso. sepsdced ai tIbsoMUÃ1o Hall lut nigisi lecad quartera l IItisai la na-y tea itbsieen more «écl an isutise fit nigisi se t istamotion. y bs l n tise -b> Fs-ao.sud Lsnuhos-'p veliores-gsned P > t > ocmpan>. The "s-ilros-e su" vu, S l atbitisoIîes esais teraIo (rom calla; goui tise promlaed, au cxoi in; snd iigisly'effctive p Velsteeors outil tise lait moment, sud tisas pas-oIbotsepsy. Tise managers doses-vo sire thias-sesvies tae industi-ellies-.greast us-dit fer tise mannes- lu aSie tisey ' ssif tie Country,. Whsu tise aider- là havei, vutiste limie@d sage roosu, placad tise drama befors tise publie. Tise acting Smale i 1ti mesely &-question et transport ibrougisonu au t&anaceomplisised cis, t teO colleet tise difes-ont brigades, baltalioes s-cei ersy membes- vel ststahning bis y Sud compsoles, Camp equlpcge lIos-ady. os- ber part. Tisai et Ms. sud Mstr. Sim. Brose-usammunitionla sta inbad aimmenseon ce e a apas-ieltatly doesring et mou q4sstities. Guaheats, as-mef vits 40 lieu, sud eietd troquent &lud geouf us op pounade As-mts-eu; goals, pais-el thsei ae. Tise Commissariat les la tisa Tise capital pîsys eisouldt Sa tise> doahi- *zpeslened bada e tis Imps-la ani es-i § m ii, atîs-aci cswedd bouses. tles. Es-es-y iattallou of Velauttrs hb» SenitesuAcegasss.-W rgs- opelesan lis cas-gonsudmmd istiui-sargeon, aud no ibat Mr. W.. Warren, of et O sisv, te. a egfot bas been apas-ed te m»ate seisrdeu ce:rd a vos-y sers-fousIjus-> ou 0Me4d6y i etffo ses-vinigit'Seuapibie 10 est gel. lut, by abîcis, ve smdesstand, b. mZay 1 bst defadrs, Sud te ensalrfte le m-pemihily oue suas-rm. 'X19appeant tisa la pal&*ai(ftises-e hoù#u) short sud effecieu. os-l:; a spltîfu msbin., lu lia tau- lh Io staW iedit tise psiyoetbiI'me:,sla nos-y, biséeOtaleeve Osegis fa tiemachin adito ~ te rifa, lî-.9 0 efsa sy-bis as-m draaa lu Sud broklmea Ive 41cf om of » eg5ceU, t asountes-met os. plie. .Wemre girsendestand tisai gaifre" - 1Ur. Warren fla tfais- va> et s-eovrs-.j Qe~ms~dmg leeq bve is-lS res- 10toins:g tise - salires. la Tes-acte ii mue îlbee i*.1 oadwiis b thal ub he ie euty. We tuit trissé,. éLa 6mi *. l b -LaMot a Ft asSam c i .ha Ani th Ail 00 tiiaciple, Oveiy peos, auDWbecouffl à mbueroeded to vote asthb. anai estIag@ta&4 blgibloi Il tacureil foi $800;, obficBUà £Dirootor. Thse iuueo4il wtly luterced lalu thsaoum, ofethe inpauy; sud 1luindûtyýbocud, fa thse la-S reca of blaccîf aud f<show members, te ipbold it by bis influence, gooed yl, aud by. ibis eouuty Ifustitiila ýCaunet lasars. seoe" f g trishj iwhiah îh.y socepi(far. aildiugs onlf) as cboip, If soi heaper à an aucy otiser compmny, fordted on 'sol mlbssTheýexpe à ses for rent, &c.9 tr mach leu, aud tise faut thsi it affoirs tr mauaged by officers asud directors well nean te mosi et the members enâgis te ummenfi t i ,tshe rty support of thse insfet'ibisgoDaqti. Tas 34m BArIÂLIOit-We bolieve ibis ne bedy- ef men, under commet!udoe Lt.. Colonel Pairbà nis, le reafi te toue ta 1urt notice. Soute cbatigie-bote tabu placs ameng ihé, efficers. Wc Lbear ihai Capi. Qamoro, ofthe Wbfth> Rifles, and Capi. Gibbs, efthtIe Greeuweed Infantry, ave -rcsigned. Licut. Douevaueof Ne. ibu been recemniendedfo fr iboe. o- sand et Ne. 1, aud -1Mr. W. Dow te tbe racant Entigne> in tIs me 0e. En- igu Yeau og, et Ne. 4, wiil b. promeied tthe Lieuterante>lu lbe te osCe. No bppelutoeeni bas. been made et Enllsigu in 1isc C., uer *et Capta infathse 0reeu-weed Company. 1fr. ýHart is te receive tbo oct ef Ensliâ lu tise Breekîlu Company. Dpeaing of the uew 1Melbedîi Chutais, Oshawva. Thse splendid nov Wesleyan Metbedist 3barcsta Oshawa, vas epeaed fer divine irvie aud dedicated te tbe publice vorsbip of Alsnlghty Qed, on Sonday. lust. 'he BR. Egerton Ryeson, ohiet saperia- wodant et educatien for Ontario, officisted tthe meraiug service; sud the Rey. Dr. clferc, editofethtie Chriutian Guar&ftn, I-tte afîieotn, betb occasions the harcis bclug crovded. la. the evening, the churcis vas literaîll>packedai ils pee. lie, man> e!faise. were trous Wbitby, te bear tise celebrated London divine, Rov. Y.Merley Punsisen, preacis.Xit la cati- sated tisi no leu tisou 1,500 persons voe prelent, sud man> sol t stisi figure falls tseri et tise namber. The centriba. euos aitishe differeni services auseuated te Tise toîcgtsph aneunes tIse doatb ef Due efthîe Most prensul ob cas-sOers in à mesiaan -pelilice, darlu; thse emimtila es-led aSieS prsceded theo btealing ent of civul va- lu 1851. oazsBciaae. 'temideut oethtitauited BSîsisdiad en Moudmy mes-nin; lust, ci bis rasfdoue Levuses, Pouasylvania. Ms-. Encianats s-u Sein lu Prarkin Ce., Penn., April 3Stb, 1791, aud wvu, tisete<re, fa île 77ib', yeas- ef bis âe. He vas edacated ai Diokensen Coll#e., vies-oho gs-adactc s-us houoea f1809. Deotin; isimoeli to tise sady -et lav, ho wvu adrnfîted te the bar lu 1812, fs-e. viii e oroîised in 18919 batna;beau rery eucceimta lulabis practice. lu 1814, beovas siected te tise 'enamlla ie Buse et Represtaîfrau, iîougisb iiapellîlal cas-est difi net reali ses-la ull 1820, ahen hisevas elected te- Cengrs-es ud oceu eraed a roputalieti, Det oui> aes a doSsier, bui as s sagatloas etatesman. Ta 1831, he vas appoiited Ambaiudes te St. Petersburg, fs-en viseuce b. retonnd tis-ed years aftesben be vas eleeied ltoeUnited Stites Sonate. Ai tle -alose et bites-suh e ire lotai privtis lte, le vic ho recinod outil 1868. go wvasoaIe ppeiated Ambmsss. les- 10 Greai Bs-tala isîcwis posi ho filied vilS es-edfite iIf s! ud houer te bis Contiry.Ta 1856, leovas .lected Ps- saotui-et île Uuited States,, R. labos-ad, hut am'aaceaui, te ll tise jealeusies aMd talmeos abfals ezaited lise.people o! sh4ýo emais-uad dufbis sîmesit tupro. vent tise dreofilý bloedsbed abhil oe. ed bis relisemeitfs-osao"fc. bis <aiSes-rI a; emgrsted trom Doue. gji sud settl ePenseylapi tqarda tho end of tise liai«uosy. -in private luil be wsss-eepeqtediiy ail for bis suifes-m BitzBà a DLs-Thoe-ace pou gee t base bail-le hecomin; véry popnlsv lu £.AW" a-e rnd<sfat,- tamisa the'nvis e o the own. Tevs Counior..-There-was litM*stug of tho c«Ocuil on Moudil eveulug 11Ott fer wcule af quorum. Tho TToronto Bpring Racesconte ff d6 tbe'Newimsrket co1urse on fth.16 I~Junet sudl, are expected te b. the Mostili ierest- ing'anud excitinfi over hold fn tho Pro- lvo a is mi n -The é a~0< e newed attack ofet heFenians upili Canada have induced thse Direetors ocf î ecru Townshsips Bank te cund îhei fonds to montoal. (or Sate eeoping. bTis mal bave beom a prudenti measure, btb opîe.,,ý suÉS I fiw usely luiantielpatie utf a Pos' sible attak uoilt the Bank byas party ef marabderâ ând net (ar cf afi Iibvasion ot ibis part-et tho Pr ,ovince. Tis falfl 'e have ne faà ith la apy sicerestaempt of tise Fenians upon Ciad%. 'If tbey engage in any. sicb vill lfneaa ttqnpt the Unlied gta10s Goveramenia'111,probaluly snterfèe te preni , 1but asbonld îhey cone i, i wilh be ly te meet deathi by ballet, bayonêl %ad thse bsiet. - Ù4rbrookà United litales New*. Wsiingt ný, June I.-". nSchofleld, accompanied by l5nednt Johsonc, sud ,Adjt.-Gen, Thomats. pnoçs-edetiste va- office tisi& morning, sud teck 3ôéaessltn. Gea. Grant subsequcutly cptiLd con Gea. Schofield. Tîse folloaiug is Gaen. GranlCs reply te tise nouminationofethte Chicoge conven- tien s- l'Wasington, D. C., IMay 29.-Te tien. Josephs R. Hatrlcy, President cf tise National Union Repishîlcan Convrention,- lu fenmhlly acceptits; tise nominatinet National Union Beptsbiicau Convention et lise 21s1 ot May, i., .il seems propos- tisai setue siateipealsioetut> nee, beyond tise mes-eaccoptauM f ttise- nmiltiei, .euld ba expressed. Tise pnoceedmugs cf lise convention wene mas-ked s'ithside., modes-atlen sud patniotiomst, I believe, express tho feelng* cf thse gren ua et tîsoso vise sustaiucd tise ceunis-y tistougs its recent tiale. 1 endos-se ihels- sesolu- thons, sud if eieclcd le tise office 4eà -cl dentiet tise United States, it wilI bc nsyý oudeaves- le administet ail -tise laws-in good faith vitis cconemy aud aitis th ise ofe giviug pence, quiet, snd protection oves-v- alses-e, lulimes like tise ps-osent ilt is lînpcssible, os-atI bc s inenily #'lî:pne. pet, te la> devu a -polis-y te ba adisesed te nigisi or ws-eng iisrougis an adîiuh'instraiiott of fout yens-s. New political issues net toresean as-o conslantly snisiug. Tise vicas of tise public ou eid ouestas-e con- sinly changing, and a pus-el> ndmritsis tsre ifice sheuld tlways bc lefi frise te meute tise vilI of tise popl. 1 always have s-cspected tisai viii and always vilI. Peace sud unirersal presperiiv, Its se- qucuce, vits ecoueîuy of admînisiiation, ai lîgisten tise bards-n oetîxation çviile il cetsstantly reduces tise national debi. Let ut; have pence.. 'lWitis greai respect, yoar ebedieut ses- vaut. ~ C 8 . OsANT-s." 1%e, AbyssuniotlsTriumph. Neirt te tisa gi'slflcalien 'aicis'wo ail toIt *haunlise uewe efth'tse ail et Magdeain s'as s-ceited, iilte satisfaction vo tel on basting tisaI tise Bs-itis Gearsisnt je fsithfully abiding b> Ittcpromises vILI) regard te Abyssnia. Pour daye atlas- tie reltuse et-tie captives, ive d$13yc afies tIse fali nitMagdala snd dentathfTlseedors, tise Bitlis force s'as on Ira vsey home- s'ards. Ais-catI>two, tagimensibave cm- has-koi for Bombay, sud tisa remaindes- of the ts-eops us-e behis; shpped eu tapi dly as possible. Sisadily reistin; ail temptaion te aunez tisa country andl ou atItIsiiother suce0 ertos-lue'he isImmense empire et Britain, tise Impolis1 Goves-utisb ave sbodc b> tisais- es-iinal doterminntlou. They bave ralaased lise suisjeclc eoflise smpre, sd tien iropeau, frein tie ilînaldom oethtie Abyssinien lys-sut, tbey h ave sisovu to castes-n petentalcd, sud le tise p eepeet=se 'esid genenaliv, sos' Swiftsu taril a blav Greant Brilain 1 anu eirike, net ouly wbesi ber interesto are htisvlved, bautvison floues- sud Senti- meut cali fes- tiseorsciset ber power. Tisa end ftes-wbicis lie expeditLion waa un- destaken ban beau aciiedadditîseut à ny isiioslor dasigà sa bciug cas-id eut or maifsithe Ahysinisipeople trecîl frein s t y s-su(aride, as-e lef te vos-k ouillais- destin> in tisoir ovu away., Abyssinsau Wonsen oau4 îpo IgoiIsb A<s-epf. planis for bridge lu Breekîli, $18-41, de-; t 9OOlbs fleur furufshed Anme oiJdbfy ,aud1 MW'c Wbelcr, inditgct erceus, .$8.00 ;i ing is orderiln _f4*et c f JdÉs.-Burreugs, fer thse muin et$6.0, that suni te ho ex- pesldd lu ippert eof7sroï Silver, an mdi-, gen~ perodui, and tîsat tiser,, hé auher. Voc t <arnisi Chait. SlâWt *ith SOîba :flsart and grant-hie order on thse treasurer 1er ths ame, $2.00.1 ýOn metion et 1fr. Sprat'., secdnded by Mfr. Ficher, a by-law %vas intredseilasu p'assed ibrough 'the varieus stages, 0e ameuil Ne. $8, appeinting Z. Blair, pismaster, sud hlazard - Wfkc2, .pundkeeper, 1fr. Dryden mex(os. sewnided by Mfr. Fisher, that a committee cnnsistiug et thse Recre, Mfr. Willis, and thse mover, be sp- peinteil te take inte cousideration thse prepriety cf mskiug certain, necescury Srepaire on thse Town hall, sud ascertainiug a nearly as possible what will ho tthe pro- bablO eXpcnse et said repaireasd report tô ibis council at its nestt meeting. Mfr. Dryden nseved, -secondeil b> 1r. Ficher, ihâi g consrittoe etofiis ceaucil. censistîng of thse iceve, J. V. Spears, sud tbe tuover, ho appeinted te adrstise fer tenders fer bridges sud te decide upen thse came, sud te cuperinteuil the repaira on ronds as rcemmended iu the, repert cf rond cemmittee. .And tisaitishe petitien cf Wms. Goldsbro sud John Orainger, in reference to sidcwalks in Breekliu, ho re- ferred te caid committes. Mfr. Spears moyeil. secended by Mr-. Dryden, that thse aies-k ho utherized and required te notify the municipal, council et te township cf Beach that ihis ceuncil ai gtasit thé à étisof $*i,OO 0foi' grading hilI ôpposite, lot 85 tti con., aise these uts et $l5.OO fer scpa iring bridge opposite lot Se. 24 ttiscon. Town hune. ps-ovided, the municipal counicil of Reaçis gruans e like amounte. Mr-. Spears meves. seconuded b> 1Mr. Willis, that the clerk ho sutsesizeil sud re&luited te notify the pathînaster of roand division 14e. 12. te romore aI obstruc- tions from the Breck rend lu aid -divis- ion. 1fr. Spears mores;, secondei1 lbY Ur. Willig , tisatishe treasurer hc autiserféed te retain thse sum of twenty dollars, te ns-lits. burse liii for hie extra services as tres- curer. Mr. tyden mores, scconded b> 1Ur. Wiilis. thusitise triisteesnof tise Wcsleytin Methndist cliurch Bre-okliu teceive pet- tismion te ereci a fence lu front cf tise place of vorship lately eretcd, addisig te their lot of lasndOô(etet fthe rond llow. suce nnsrth cf said building. Mrs- Dryden presented sud read thc re- port et the cummittco appoiuted at the last meeting cf thse council, te inspect the rond and bridges tisroughout thse town- ship. Report reccived. 1r. Dryden moyes, seconded by 1fr. ,Spcusrs, tIsitithe ceuncil go ie ocommitic cf the whole lu tise report Just rcad. Mr. Ficher lu the chair. Cnnunittee rose and rcperted Ch@e rep'est witheut ameudments. Report received sud adopted. Ms-. Willis meves, secended by 1Mr. Speuns. tisai this ceuncil doues'o adjouru, sud stand adjeurned until the lirat bMon- day lu July, thon toe cceaI tie Tewnship hall, Bs-eeklin, at 10 elclk. &.m. Thse New Bà slwgW Froject. Aets-aci m s iyfreet ifrîondfote Os-doue. bgis, tb-agris s -somPolu dto isie iba -ogb taInsbb a aSeS70 ilteWvit e mvef tntse iw eb 'ieovs- ti sails emiîfa;sen te, pns 80 eboestes-su oiTraak reue sd 8trave viihusGrand> Treacis.tisedAtisanda >' tisistiso besce rouhtefs-latie vomiiios affect rounte r e est heereoôual c (ail te emeaputsed, suad toid<Ytob pait filu aue llet lgia s foan tilo ot T is uexcelantsakis hanet, and ba eni Te Gdc t oisef eu ustiseen - a peltis-stisai sus aisa. Buwt ibiseprojo petitr ahs Me ie naiset-eent tisvoe su tise mea diearout;e b en estandc thlue fne oade eti e eupie etirftilon. o ipay ic othas-oeof t uds s-ssiiy tsey oebsud aS b 'il s- elishereareto shec onts-hoai ies-tst oie rs res b eecti h hafonatiaisculuosleGovos-usut asou ppin; tstisieTin Our t eailtka tise lropng route WhiI ue poole t thes-lsnds-erofu-te b-la; tpopaflofe Ptis nd reiffWaeî us-esc N o Iu;iando iereaghthonoesatise isitNewMeai us, tbrg the nse odtiain vhe ieontais- it l rond ibtBetCiatfetAicast, ise rlyioe Bi aiy viiiChaleu tboctd tehe qoseeeot ao ilwapotiib t if eus- ruil tes- dlfbest elopedat-ine butoaste fi arqe, asdolregray termîeses-ot iet île itauegaerdaehi fa te cepin fi ili be II;ut e gresat i e h sdisd ra-, 1 ge, vo can u t hope f r an> m e sen e ef 1aousmerolal suceese fori.- Wbsen tIa , rugjloif, on snery 'baud, tý:fin4 tSi: ss-etsdeoéai iroutafor'trads sud twruc, thâmadaea etpublie -mon wv Isei pensive 1roste, ci vuotéuillious f u'isild.' inta; ,0 Il aimin;., lBis.moitinoosav ahi tai ocl ad eciloual -oosidoiaes, 1Co & u sp thejudgweule'toi ven lIse mosislflsla eOurols eitissus>- - - s' ; va in 80~avluastAunas-es aiidrap t e ias u s u is r a sr e u r e o r n n n e ase i F baildi g, sud as bars besu eqmpelie4 40. aee atégppliés ahoe *0'se scouietisale. frdi the tidat> ii iuill suiliîbd. ius' tomber is rocelued asîmoit abolI>, liii Atlantic States, fs-e. the Caùadlanfô#li14 wiseuoo ils-caches tllem trofi thse O"ta valip ~A dut> ef, tienfi t -*é dtai- lai ou' tisps-odudi.- Thse figures efthe offliil r~feort alini t fabi" tisai usa-J &Hi Ibis cImbe-, comm; by iaayof et ta1a, se fer tise Amesican markIet, reseisin; us tissotsgb'the- Champlain canal, -Tisaà abio- gaien eoftise reaty Isas Wadno egelctid cbeck tise demand fs-uibaisr iftc ciase" of suppl,. Foïe emple: ties-e vers 465,8;,2 thousaud Ieao pânsa, fibeards expeîed (oit Canada la 1806, tise total value etfvisicb au *s"4,583,075, and oet aisicis nm,$4,408,5154 vas palil bylise '[Uited States ; iu 1867, tishere were ezx-ý pos-tedt1533,192 îionsaad' coi luà ai, tise tetal value oet aiiaiswas 4114;,342,sud' ot alsic s aus $5,043,367 wuas paid by tise United Sitaies, Tisas it viii ho seen ilsut vo boy moes Imbes- ef Canada sinon tise abïrogation oethe. treaiy lin vo did b. fore, sud tisai ae bave te psy lut as higis a pricefer it astison, iith- tise duty et tveut> pes- cent added i Pas-apesnoe protouad political eceuomîst can demoa- etr-ate bey tiisstyle oeti"proteclion" aida Auses-lan lieesmte sud indut-y, mes-el> making tise. psy abat tise> did before, vith iveuty pet cent ou tep, - And tbis increased te%, lotit bh keptin mind, la levicd ou oves-y iseaebeld ils the land. No man 'topai-s bis old bous, os- boiide a usa eue, bai laetus-ced te psy bigses- for ,bis lusert tisu, be paid under tise Tlecips-ocity Treati ; and It le noteriens tisi theuaude haro becs obliged te defe- tise e-aieuetoernesmes-or eans, and cen- sume tbeis- iard ocrninga in pcymeut et lues-oued renites-fornoe iessaons than. tisat Iambe- vasse, macisbigse-ta ceuse- qauceofethtie abrogation et theîs-esty,aud the Ieryiug of a dut>. And it bas aesked in tise cause ay ait us caship-hailding. Tisoumande ef skillc'd mechanice bave beau drivea (rom tisei- homsete, cek cI accai îomed eusyloyeft s ais tes-places, sioeply because thse building of veeeels bas, by tise breakin; up oethue tresîy, beau monopo- lizcd by tise Maritime Ps irinces. 'The re- pot( of tise lpecial CemmisaioeofIetfue- ual Revenue gave tise tacts snd figures ef tise destruction eft tiis bs-sncb cf Ames-ica.n indusîry lu detiiasd sied wvus abat inteligent, csrc Ceugree bad Il rrotcied" lise intes-osaetoftishe naty, hbe abr- gation cf tise îreaiy, sud sis visa st- s-ibis acigisi cf puisimeut itbadl î0lieteil tise provines fer ibeir demesues- durits; tise rebelin. Tht fsut a eimpfYibls vo have added one.fiftis te ops-ides vo bave te psy tes- al eu- ambes-, beaides broaking op eus- business of aisip-bniidiisg sud baudin; itahsuhi> eve- te tisepro- 1vines, Undos tisese circoismtauces, abere done tise I"protectIon" faîl, aud &hise els tise veigisi et tise 4"puniisrnui711 Tise mot s ibes-y above procisely Sea resait. W. hareoenly beaun ofering 1a ps-cmium te smugglcra, The fihes-mc demauded pretectien ai vel astliselm bes-men, sudibey get -itinlutise chape el tvo dollars pet bus-roi on Sisbreaght f(s-e tise Provnuce&, Tist aiuty verk lu tii vs>y: tise fis ms-e parcissd staI sreduced prien et Canadian fihes-mets, sud ihec trauefes-red te Ames-ican reses, tisas put lin; tis a dditioual ivo dollars' abics tS people bave te psy ftbesi- sakeielintt tise peekete eftbtoso smuggiera.ITu aI cernes oui et the people oet titiUniW~ .States ai lest. Othes-, sud noi lau cenvirtcitsg, <ali 1mighî bo taies fs- e biody cf tiiaoffi 1ciel report, ail 'siau;the bardsbsp oci . injustice oetka mabrogatiom oet#a henifices B* eçipseciy.reay,is o-des tufollea ic a i b tise inspositieti et oppressive deties fi )tIse name of protection. ors it le sheas ttisi eetsin hmpeîtant ludust- il interect 'as-oe broken op and driven sase /the# thi 1p sci f o!mbssier la made 20 pet cent bigise tEs fer et'> ianaiseole ets-uggling to eacas 1fer lii9.tsmiy , berne, sud tisai oee tise y --boi anis; or isss-ary -orlgs-.s.uuana ue * s-sida; et additieual sappiies and ' mseey., h itéj b d . ,T ise a - u a n e a *p *ia eed , up6nta goie vas- ootia;, andi a desceat apon ijaijédian doit eau seo eu le sode if tise efforts efthtie soldiers as-se so-ted by the ni ss ef tie Irish peopl. 11 1«oGn. O'Neill *as nemi esiaà ced, vIse "sd nittaà t Ite f heli Iafi Deintentien te male ay lngs-b> Speech. Poislâg tie lut mentis b. bcd îs-arelled oués5 a : large etion eot ceunis-y te Isar aSsiestseh riais pope eto illin; le figjt for tie delivrsauoe ofIs-eland. Ilu. uns beà t te audersiand ai once tisai Ireisa 'vas ouI> te hofraed aitishe point oethcie'bayou et. Egland igsi ho prpas-lu; te abolisis lhe Chas-aisa 1ysiem la Islsud,, sufd altos- tbe tas' et tenus-e 'cf land#,ebut it vu uuly ibreugls test. Iu bis is-avela be bWdspeken i l os cî etoes-y cit> ha the ,Unjionq ,_aud' foaud tise aboIe p eeplo s-esdy te cemmence active vas- upon Bogiaud sud -ber .depen-, deucies sud couspel ber ta restes-e te Ire. ]-ilu -ber oevu gerulnehi. Wba&t People Dow autt a te ho saifed tsai aCionlà , at once te b. taken ; iho mouetueut la saiftly ;oiug tes-yard sud uetbiug-, ,n eartis eau nov stop il. tise day fo pen- iug the campaigu îe- net fan ditat ;'nea re- thtan most people îbink, vIson tbe green fiS; bail be uulas-led again, sud on Bsi. teSb soit. A. large tom et meney au saised and mauy nov rocs-itcniisted, .altes-,alsieb tise meeting adjous-ued, soi Fi ai lae ti bit ici lui te -f A short timue ugo s Royal, Cemmiseleusae au appoiuted iha Eu;lsnd te- sepas-posie'0 et enqis-fa; fie otise ps-epsicti fulfoi. hulit> f uuitiug lIse Ceas-te ct f quit> sud Isa. Tisee pluiene et tsssues-oua 1bad -i eolmefiorshave heu icla sud tbsf as-s nunimoaslylu n à dus- >fet l ps-pomèd 11 fusIon. ITufs therefore sîmeet certain tisai- the iemtiuiou*- Viii repert faveutsbly.1 Tise same question lia beau ld'iscasaed inu1 if ceunis-y, and tises-e appeau te he 'a ots-etsg desifis ieo nite the cees-tetfaisances-y viÃUs thesoueastoetcominqu la. ' Tbsfea. si6à itity oL tho sentence bui beau doubted l b>- soeabut if ils. complicaid macisinery et tise Englis ceasurt aisances-yeaube united wvus tise cetusun 1evcears-ta ;s-ly it fs net satpossible te effeci a simifar'onien iu ibiscoisyTegap& Tise influence ofs cingle individual upen lise proesity et a place vas; rem-as-kabi> ilittatad Ilitise case et CËhnsuc, In tle I seuils et Franco, -wisero 1,.erd Btouglsat 1 resided fer otie ycassiput, -'Dfets berh l vent tises-e, lu 1832, Cannes as a emal ilsiin; pont on tisa Méditcrs-uuasn, afisbout ; any (tsente l'fcotssiend Il cave tMi s- lubrity ef ite attiepisere sud'tise beauty et ils situation. Thtsre vas0 Oateelya de- cent iseuse itb1e plaise et even s comfUtl- ahI. boipl, for tise acceodation et strafigers. ftter Leord Bs-eu gbarn veut ibis-plse g ave. su impsulsa te -lecal enter- pnisei andi drewa afer bita quite a, ciolon> ol iiits-s5i wisebuili eieassC ii ua n s d cottages, visicis auitintpatted&a nov ase-' paot le tise iesu. At ps-sent Cannses canu bouti of!hôeils wose construction lias cest tues-e issu a million sud a ishairet dollars. ±<e more chatming spot 'carsho teunil as a rasîdeuce ou tbc coust e-t Aie Medtierrauean. Tise pebple of Cannesà haveimstafucd an israepas-abtlesuInLordý Breuasn.lie mity IraI> ho saflto have beau îtsc founder cf tise place, as adi asâ Ihe-anlier cf aIl ils prosperily., A ghatlîy discevery bas jusi beau mcdo ai (lit i sand, near Groan Bay, -Nov..- teWand .Sema suIes-s vent recelstly lu tisa boat ef a pasin; vesosaheobot bis-c ' ou iijîtislnd,and tises-ccamée siots thistesu deati bodieos, ftozon, citfiMy togétises- under a placeo etfrezen catiras. Tiase> lfouud a'Journai, tres aifchi appeared thsaI the bs- siUne Q ûuims, vitlt ssint eeu pess nu'*ad, vs isevecieedeon Qull1landou lb. 4 1» bt Peromhos-. Tiisteeù bobk t-uo bu-tise ïaber., a s is r wsv5 rcArriefl cffi iiiiedritting vesseasd datpae Tis' ata'.nand a Ms-. Dovsley, Ispi a *journal e ie d*s0çithe 241h oethsta p e- As-s-mues WÀE4e îu- ùUn lg S *pbhoso, thselad te vis e lIameuto& hiA. lomui Watd lait a pos-thon QlI hâpéoperty4 seciveil alettes- iately fsena tise ezeaitsr, iufosmlgtistar srangements .bldban te nt Dot the' ome imin bc viasin Jliu. AÀisanrapt iost ithoat à ; ceai, eaisltreo ecan deep epeti tisai lievasfocliel &uts-vwise,- id dfd set freecîy'sdvertia.; T*' e* skiidferd reiselow-'uôri.fonad aibi>, "isea thi shipe came iu," tsas he bed netted. à Ioi etf$70,000 on tiseii ryage., Thé pues- ovuera migisi haro bad good blahies- cit*tse Jlack et visais'. Iubisér, If noîhin; m(ire; '- Tom Bayes-'i propet, *vihbas beéui a lihigoiio en boUs-smerersi bs-oda ut hilds-su, bai beon avas-dedlt o' alai d ps-e snsed te c hoel.legitimate lot, AWazawe vrO C".As.-Ppepr cas-e rsacyl inmislisised by las' i: Bs-sii, tisa îUiied.Biatces, Ansi, Tas-bey, IflWyand Roule.1 la Bs-ssi i t la nt 60 per coul dise eont, fa tbm Uuitc.d Biais at40, lu Tas-. ke ai 20, la lialy, &uI, and l in uoia as L2.-Pall Malt 6azU4 Tise etery about Ms-. Oee. Peabedy' eônation te tise Poeo gs-v ont et tise faet thpivhýýile usn Roe holieconts-ibsited fty ponuide tevarda a hoapital abers mrae'et ol,ç d es-p d i natienalities are cdmitted. Tise Colliagveed Estte7»-Lc"Jeya c spleudid quart> et building atone hbosse opened ai Duatteen, usa- Notiaa»ga. -B is a fino modicasandieneesuil> vos-le and et su oren celer. Il eau 'compoteý ares-ahi> vus Ohio atone. A tiid detacîmeu t ofvelnteers <ef the Papal as-., vas te bave lot Moutroi on Tisras-fc, fà chas-geofettise £er. Ms-& loutisier. Tisese vas me peuip acm ç", uoay attend4ig îhewcexit. A 1mw hau beau snacted b by $4 tbt Eurs-matiPas-hument abeli9s uing;-imprims..w ïfeut teur debi. Tii la ' actep ho a libe-id su1 d basaandirection lio tas-tbat abisb rastakaseseyeas & go b> 'the Uuted- Staies and QOg ib Pidaluasm *@l au 15 ceouis-y, - sutzpx vsu s- Us RuvavrU Orrsezsa- Tisc «or-sqint ofEcialà hatO heu lse- ipely vigilanti et laie lu presecuting ibeif duaiî4, Amng ihe latest seîzurda ibo bquded inanulutetry et tinetures, ha, ef Lymaà n, Bilet hCo., etTes-ente, ileDoit lu ise bauds oethe gorerumout lad;. Ms-ady, et New Tes-k,bas decddd 1bat lise Kelly MNtIs Americaq (-iA Con s-est Companyy le au unmitiptad awindl4<' cnd as ederd a erptual injunctioni restnmnmn;tise fis-im f-usscemlng lotts directeil te, tlem. le a1se nid -ibsi lme Tisé tovu fia Rails-ead, eut lu tisé t04 1100 bouses a Tise Letde tise campi't organizeo& Coi, Denis by Sis- G. interview te: ay IQso ieod, te Sd loniy laid iformed tis RiA ere a ivpw m beïeb' Tise Trausfe. 1111"ii li te t.etes-Ih c, bt1s Tisa anapl Meeting cf tise bc iscld AI the bc* eP Mond toifJuly urai. ' tise chais- te bSten cuat ni - BYSrde'or thse Board, IL00ÃœOÙT 1 W BILE ea ara eisii sFeulans lnvz>iu nuade a ainsidetelmil3rd Rý au catsJire s-ohsuton, 'WOQLJEN FA And issu taru-d jt isite uin ci îshd tled it vitis the latest ai "aiiery f tio u nynsfwi Clotis, ilveecdsi% ainctt,,,S J*jslo éed Lail' 'M rov prepared te -CUSTOMER'S $.ndissaaualxsse itin thesi mssl'lisr ltotu as-qkisjd ef( quis- e tisa 'Ir"ps-ée Tise -ssc lCs rdisutit sî luvin Mb i ha iktiy attelndait cen$. ilpvin4g s-t sasicaand manec, lielacis ceultdet 1 factiotk vii liegiven lun(lhe 241 ecia atentionsi viib for cloth as os-ok dune in tIi, viii b a sls-lety CUAIM dhslsp. Tise Subaasr i ile ict the publie for pontsLt mvrs cIu teir n an~Itid pârotin expense, unisko laigse sud in moents, ton -dise se-usmodmij tissutIshe publiec ugisi te s-c trunIzo tlisss, tihe adranuie 'andis, vsie u iail hoMA liiile &IL Msd b yen vus-m. lie Il ,Dtoutua ni.te Iclntor-n'ma, fuel tgr wjko »g popt boit.' 5..tpt pf gsulai med lebii aiew ieSbyroio rd' tg-4 0 . mas-ils -Bs-itesi. Ueo. Mas-i %blain, Mi"s jr Mus-pi Bas-nus, Yrassk uManij Ityi'lw 3iditi *Baves-mais, W. 15. Xeisvil BîuimsMs-s. Anmi ?èli MU esn, isf 4-. "PaYdi * Cib, Ueo. l'a - taa, Mr. B . - Pt, piseilB. Y. leds- * als on i - Reicha of- teo Day esiler day chici oneucfs-em à ars distance te Iviil îhe whIite Incas, mAny et vite. noer swas'WhvIite macon attis-O Weomen uhsick wvtis deligisi en belsldîng sucis lovai> tonns coln usuce ts-auge Yet ricis costumes, o u.Tnuggirls as-e attieste teed tisevisite akin et lise Fcringboes, and continue te rne unperMcied noas a sel.- ilr as 51>1>tacisSut. Naked us-oblus pfes foard timidi', sd gaiae issesr-- loua 11111e faces astisaé strauge termeef'ttbas invadens. Long Seardsansd smoîh faces as-e s.deligiiettisewemu, viseclasb tlseJr isando ailSglea bo,*heus iseaetch a glinpfe t thso mets mout fvord by îe I4ZiEa , xIsvx m-Contras-y té re- bave acced san f unvitatloti1 te vieiltishe United Sistees- su vi» is>' Ive o asses as- ~ ~ W4 G.s,"in.sdtbetp-c 'to