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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1868, p. 1

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NOJ7F bARRYSTBl~ig, Attornoyis, Solielturti5 dro. O er 1OEýWcMorn 11iLianieo lJelldlnes akhStret,Toronto,OC. W. ,?#routo, July 20, 1801. O"IU NTY ORSOW N TTORN EtY OB ON- tario,Bu;rrster sud Attorney-t'iLaw, go- l~tru ohancery, N I'b Ïtblic &0 GERG H . DÂRTNELLt cer, DeptyRogiotrtr1N,CON VeEYANur ty f 0atale Ofce .Brýook-it., Wisitby. ÏROBEUT .Je WI"LON* pAlUiilTLIt 4& ATI'QtlïEY>AT L4W, Sotoiern icncry de.Whltby1C. Wý m,.c- VieSeri lttilding, Brook MS. WfhtI7. 'b t.UISTEt-.T-LAW .AIl> SOýLICITORC hàiicîury. (laiosl Trmt-i. Tuonto. 2» J3 AlIMtlS * ATT le~-AT LAVV, Selltto iciObsc' ouveyaceor, No,- tjss',d,-NsxS o te >Stor 9 of E4. WiliSly, Nov. tq, 1807., -. 4 SOLICOU t>iNOT4IUY FIJ>3U, &a. &os - V slliWsdW. . W.#Jx i 0)ILLIRI4JM, CIIARLEIO C. KELLER, A TTUUNEY AI' L&W, IICLiCITIOBIlN on, 8111k, 0. W. JO 11AMERLULlNUD A TTOISNLY-AT-)4AW. uSOtLCTORt IN A ci. Ohuoory Notury I'llleisvoucr *o iîiiî %.V. ltîrIi Vicbtorist iuck; à,îrdse iogtrytIico. 01IIOn irCk tru'st. 48 A TTOINEY.AT1,AW, SYLWiCTOI! IN (ihcscery, îte., &o., &au. Ducnds,, Stroet. t.:O* Tiroo doors WeIt of th. 1104t.0t1t10.0. tolIRANE & COCHRIANEI. B AiÈ1s'rzR-sArlNls , CtNVEY- * . t>seurs suid Notturlesu îblic, t&c,, &,o, 6:11. Couinira, L. Bl., 1 W. MJ. CoatAs. Coutity Crowu Attercsey.* I Ç. A. JNS 1D*klterp 8Soilcitor lù vhancery, Atm M rosoy, &e&ce 3'OFFIfCE-Noxttdoor te t4l~d tekis- try office, W]Litby. 41 iy il . fîTSE LE, 1*449 ê.tlsrch Streel, Froronso. D AtitilEItTLA.W, uSolicitor lu Chîani- J~cry oq vuot, &o. 40 It. J. GiTNNI M. De 8IJUGION TO TitIP, COUNTY GAUL 0 yoýrot, Wlity. _____ 06 W. FJI5IIEMP , M.),D BRIIOUGHIAM, MrOrracus iovns-8 to Io0a; 2i.,and 5te08 - b'ck,P. en, 1 JOH'fN V., HAM, ?ÇTAIIY PUBLIC@ ti.i5y pril otis, l1888. CUOIATUB ItE'i'bN, B o T%'eiTooh lil- HoutTtLoIo'1lock. BAILIFF SIXTII D-IVISIO>N COUT,- B LtWig*k$L-1 AUCTI'JNEEH. Addrosm.- ouvete».404ly VICTORLIA IROIEL. W ILIAM SOT,PROIETOR .(Lute *JOIhN RBINSON,,$ II1AIR-DREýSINQ AND SLIAVIN SALOON, BHIOCK &T., WItITBY. iýr Flois?»or 'riie: BAX oi rncl.. Wltltby, Janu. 22, 168. I ONT4MRHOT L. V(tLITBY. C. DIAWES - - -,PROPRTETOR. teperlor eceouimodtions. Caroful auUon. tlesc te the rolinsrumuliteo< oftravelors ud IIîtuou tassbingandesiîed-roox, nud ready Ot.tiro cil aye wittlit c @ll. 12 iJIIOYNTON boge te 'uriorm'5h, lu- ?!isblacs i it ' m> t lotorls snd strrusdisg <JIiltctsti,,thàt tp lbss porsod the l>tlOu Wlliamu Street lataly ' eqoaplo>!b> J Wt,uncdsne imusica>! ltttead ufnnnlsb tlu noes, Llujuoet n& Glgà?e'-ýf the l5~>~iuttiv, oesil -a swAlU itlu tcld ÇOMMEROIAL HOTEL, -BROOK MT., WHITB'Y. tr, 81ubcrber-bogg-to unnoco o hie .friands sd tic. unýleicS a h as ir-- PU5tIcipssstof tbaoubyo wol ud fs-. Volublykls . ioal, wbbe' h le Wln ôw9tt*ed p Ira hll)elo milies wthovor>' eouvout$ Wlaei liqlt0rios'5d sud olsr.Go4erfolnr W5>'5 cil ti) sptsu an e., Vbarges Moderat E.>1 ALDWEZLJ. SDI1 , 24YS MilU~ 10155i luVe tu riturs Pilore thaxiks fur putSfavori% W» 1MJJCOP, 4TREETI-OfSSAWA. Apl'll loh, 1661a. THZ, ROBSON HOUSE, Du?»As BTtIEro, WIIITJBYC.W. rrflE subscrlber boe 6Sq aspoaoq ShA*t ho OtW p ptghroaghont,in thô besatof stylo. Tho. premisare piog»unîlyr altuated. oroslto th& roettCilIce, £Ullu Inlig cnrofbeTown, The gIlsihvsy Uuulbuscalesi 5tMise IlotoI,sud th. âasg..for tlxbridgo sud Boavorton lbave Ourfolrlotlessl ar u stor ndc W r&yMw 83 0 W»A Iloaisto litre onliborsltermo, GuEoUUECUXIMACK. Wlltby,YFeb. 61h, 1862.,8 Broàk1lin Drug Store. ory' &ro. ,WWlnex snd Lilqneîs of Lice bobt qiality fer Mcl ipnrposMem. Hforst tfCattieleetcfneAgays onYèand Brooklil, 0. W4 186'O 25 8propared to givo Mutile and Sibging'las slm oaa Jitnut"isiber of pixpîls. A plilcctio: te bo madie ut the Ciliece oiJoii L.I 3ll îc, irgeoti lknî bt, <'rer Jilincs Ilyrilu's . Mliculi c Iit rock ýt. Wlîtby. (LATË JLATTIS,) NELSON ST. TORONTO, NOI'.t Or- RIN~G ST, I~A$ETT& KEI3L, -PRoPRIEToRS. T Ilporiors respectfcclly. annoeun;cg te thir r1o>, ý lt a i"tuîice, as wc»ll as ur ble ilituStfey [lave taken tii», asboy., proill..s,, wilioli m ar l oy rpmpiet ccc acinlaJ ceuîfurtubly tted tuý Sur thea ccounnsodâtiec bu iloued In coletant porsoniol attendimcc, oand will ICUto nottîing clnd 01> on thicir partto give santlstuetionu oa who may <cirer thein with a Cali. , 36 STAGE HIOUISE UANILLA. ISAAC FENTON, Propricor. BEST Winesautd Ilpore; .4upèrioritct,,m B Sodat1iofrrrâve!lIors; good ste bling and attentive hostior. le - YEOMAN GIBSON. 0 0OMMISION ME R 01L4NI INSUTANCE, & GENERÀL AGENT. WittIy, Jan., 1611> 1886. RT.VE1nE HOTSE, ]WANC11ST791 C. W. B. PLANIÇ, - - - - Propriotor. iitnges te aild frem Wlitb, Cali daily. Evcey attention ;cald toesctmt. Curoeui aèod attetn- tive ostiers. i ' 200 < > lthJoy That Sf su>' of tlie oregong oel l e t 'Pela withln twenty ayx niler thdeuusmo hegqoqsc due us.>! payable, te auieor eluares bu *h lob inia ëOI osie.eiu a i>! * leilbl o t lor. fclture, with6ut f»rthcr nn5leo, ncording; te the sjtututo lu sûob case xù#a4 nd providod - l3Y grdfr,ý T!O~ IISTGN, o. rTrousurer. D Vo.'ARON, & LAW. O01le-Dyron st., Whltbr. rrrI u nidominac lnd .vnig cnllerad lhio ce- X prterstlp for lthe Jurpoe aofjturouno the pruotice of t le professinu oi M e iie ~sto- getiter, lesciro te luform lte public ttisaS Liîy willl bo t1, is rtpt end ptsnct».! attend- site> c4,on 1oil requ iricg tsceir prccfQtssiout, ser'Viei&. 1>ltts w ut r-cuire tIli the . ai> togzes iciolî Scicncse hbc.brout tt liglit Il)th Ie vtrue; t of disceot. Digeno of eTic Threut sud Cheit s;ecialiy tro.ted atnd preecribed for. Ttiseproccss of ithtiiaiicîluulith cIero ittie ktiowtx tnul seted npen u>uott>çct thte Modical Faeiult!, Iopart ni' tite sybam of týieattuaut odnepte>! b>'Doctorm Corilot & LuW, fer'tho ttleedyd a fectul ure of diâteame o fthe cctcd vilpours uad tise rendy etplicatuitoa f atotîized fluide fils u e imitte b>' tte irat tuediecfl t »of'ile dtY l the mouon tcfeo.. tuai, us wAIiiu itrinnxt rutionai treatscsentt ln MIî sue b eusts-brisigine cal It dec-s tie reruedy tb direo ctactit witit the' dlscusd ,tce- brane. Wvitl 01ouI ntimide ktoiruge of thetorsat-. meott fail dîsettuseiq, on i nw ;trliecis.-d 11it boat Ilos'ltais cver thec cviized werid, atnd Stoir UwA large oxparieuco, Dis. Ccren & Luîtrctitisa>' an> nt teeaopremuiiptsi4 Alns ils~itsg tise ohir jor, i4-14play' le luti>!ise- lui bi asuitiîc unth~reofmanîe ofthice Isu» flus to wilic unu stulis e r. t!M Ail Scirgicul oporaîlioDàsuccuufuily perlortued. W i>uftin* dcclr'iilz "Acetttltoun aB7 ave titat of ic uthe erssp/f curfe., V'Calhî aitîciide> to ut al heurs, adu s>'sd tîiguct. Al.A. OA5emiT, i.>, W .L .AI.D t)FFICL-lyrgct, Street, Wliitb.y. Aprîl 15ît, lque. 15. JQOIN L. 'W ATKIS9 SURGPON DENT1ST. Oat'sc.-.Ortr J AS. BYIINE'S Mecioul Hll. Brocli t reùt, Wicitbcy. ~rAlil work warrctctd. Fccuclies stitsticd ut pieue reulcietîces. TEETIIK ENTRACTED ffl WITHOUT PAIN, liT TIIE USE 0F NIýfROUS OXIDE LAUGHING GAS, OR TIIE lEW AT DENTAL ROOM1S, DUNJJAS - STIRE E T, WIIITDY,C. W. ilOOIIS.-Over If. H. Ceclranc's Store. WltitDy, Jane 20, 1867. 2 PH(ENIX FillE ASSURA NCE TCoi, LOMDAID STIEFT & CIA11ING CliOSS,- ESL4J3LISIIED IN 1782. BROOKLIN HOUSE, GLLMPJ,0+MOý-e çT. e,,Agentsfo CLARÈ% & VICKERY, - Ps-pepse. unfaVTC4.! for JAME . . .S > ý.'cne5er. Beg nueet respActluluy ta Infus-mte lnlîuabt. Sîolstsai tii the ohtid t)oftstas-io, tîtthte>' isiar beue>!tihe aboe.pretilmssititeiy ocectpie> b>' Sctciy Pl'eb, iiealstise y it-Iir sety fisÏllhss- eci andc secsioaecd; ucstd lie>' as-e repics-d Se st<esctnnodtt hue t-ravelling puîblie.Tise Bar stgcke>! iitIse obosS iiqcuossais>!cigare, auc au attentive oistier uns>', in ttenssîîcco. CLARK d& VICKEIZY, Pi-peptos-s 1,1-1>' VARS & DEVLIN. - olMb RACTIPALDunSiuI5, Oshmawa Dent.] iRooeem, directiyeoppe. 31moeStret third.ioornorth of the Outarle) Bank. 1 ga EXPRE-38 AGENT; &o., aise Agent for Accident aud Standard lnsiilanoo Cos. 17 Query vhy f leItShâathLieàole such à rfi» for pictures CLARK'S GALLERY? 5 la, bocuse holi he otîobec Giiry lu t5le Ceusty, ancd ha»smtea tienro -withc litiliren tisnsun anotîcor Artot. itihe Coistit', and cau do qut. as good *«rk sa u>' othor inun utise SThist&# what's tics motter, se dou't ho bsokwsrci about oouîtusg orwsrd. BROCIL ST., WifiITBY. W1ty Nv 2, 1"0l. HIOTI&L & PREMISES FORSALE. T ITAT oldeostablifthod an4 wOiikuowu Ho-' tt~he CENTRAL HI&SEe~oX, I NsJiIANCF, agistil tLOSS hv FIE ase i. effectu-d e11th Ie ntit favor-able ternss, and> IcOSS Eut 1AID iriticont r teseetiteleus->!d il leciin. - YEOMAN G1BSOX, Aaect.WIIibv. SBIOE TOULS & F1NDINGS. A cucmplte ae.crent ortis.lal,-ei cuci, f tsh Tous, sue enad hîsueticte Iiiread. hisr-iiitic SMiIk.Shn Poe, shoe Rails, Piton Tacuis, l ndîtToeiules, & ... &iC., g~WIIOLESALîE AND RETAIL. i2-lyRYAN & OLIVER, 12-1>' 114 YOoBa-UîSuIMEt Toxoucro. r< > ' '[.&LC>EML 9 Americn Steur.. Tummes,,end l'obats et mil dze. Squares', served lilel. Mriguis geoi sspru.vei ires, Eîsgtish asud AuteenrasCrayonsa, 13e»eei'sXeetl. les, Trapes1, &C., mi of he .les> qusuhits-amd us lame.> pricea. 5IYAN & O1LIVER8j 12.1>' Importc-elrnir& O psg t, Toatisto. TO MAC4.INlSTrS Steel Baies, $Ceci qua.rea, centre Omegea, Vernier Calipesa. Steel Clilper R aies, Clper 1Mquaref, Arnes Uuirerl iearea. Seogi e~îsring(liljeft anaiDI.' s-ocrrk, Stube Filicsmand Tobit, PeIau 4",J b licol1 te.1 for sale lcs UXYÂN & OLIVER, isi-is- - m4 Yenge lbt, Teorno- T9_ ÇABINETr MAKERS soi lI at efinil Ces-ed HBairjTo0iýMlfa pnCIfi Tnle, OarwauitecieremaH Blusîes(li i'aksPlai aps- lle Puset Bseeb offi n AdlsCare'.- bls Ets i t .l u , Mci. EAN & OLIVER? -- Geaarélfi *IwET.Mesc-climats t2'iy 114 Tge t 5, 'Po8to. D> -V A -NT f. R, T tt ~SSRACECOJMPANY Capit'al, -,$40.0>0006 u 1 f . i-" !hvuc rê uioit> AI 1n rlt boy, cnpev, is n." AppI>' to, LEVI FAUU3AN1XS, Jr.> 2-lîos.Agent Wiltbye REAL IES1ATB is-OR SAL, CNI'ING 0 PARK AND TOWN LOTS> Ulouse uensd!Lott Watusr ýt! b.uttsa e oT Warehouslusr TOWN 0F W 113VY. PARC EL No. I .-Pltiklot, coffiprising titvttiluabio tract ot hus>, kîirrWI us tue (iildericuroe propers>', i>lttg os-ti ut tise Grans>!Ts-uisk ]fiiicrue, cotcaiuiîg about 18 tacres, isorS <- ls- is. - PARCIII, Note . l ot IlS ying Sousths of 1<uîiwuty trâek ,ýas>! htstde>!u-otbutluuth hi>' tbtroes>! iudis'g te Meilwuiy stties, cotait i about 8- Ses-pes, Iscore or le>.. P'A RCEL No. 3.Lu fe landt codtuiulng o bts nt .sc!a-ltlf circsmotre os-less. siinatt-d ou Sie corners- <*biccmnn! sud Fs-eut Str-cts. PARCEL No. 4.-Lot cf Ilai>! eotiuinng abu t- moosr iaarei ieeO? les4ls et se>!ou te cerier 1us liens-y aîBossd! stres. L'ARCELi No. 0.-Lott No. 7, Block 2, wtcS-tsidaor etlinsci>!tre-et, euosttiîuitc batasesos> wirlet îere lit a osue-ssu!- s-Sif euety frossse ioume, ut premucit ou- etspie>! ly Mus. llsguc Ahsimts-usg. PARCEL No. G-Two *ntcrluct t<Wlict- b y lhrbessr, lylii west of 1?ilssr,. Jais. lLwe &Cui's Was-liouses4, ud i>! lug a l'noîiattîgoors St ilitsucoit s- Ail tIce ahs>ve lmSsarac ptcl iiil stutu -ils eicellesit locattionts for nssitatuiusy rse- tueuteistes-, ansibtiiditsg pattcteg, crituititic- eorporaitionu of tuhe ettult>'toirsu ef V 11ustît>, ivlg ofti tît ,st itn-ekuts oicLakeoite ig)s u. ln vici r uthlie cusu rs> ts-uctiosco elLc Witby an>! l'rt l'ert-y Rlwicry auciîcosi>! s-c,,, , .;lts-çchi.ticir veluw,, sley o155-r i de- sitie eppos-ttnity for isviretctut tu tisece- p)tlbsuultstes>!spectîialtu>s. Am uaiust»V uiritilicg tcp o toiti e m eis -c doee.1 ttpcr'uively lsettnsuy, tti cei>' saue Appicautinc fer lus-Sues- pusticuluris asinl- tonnîtîtien, ta ociade ta J. G. MACDONALD, eus-a of Commtterc'ial Banîk, Rirsgsto». Qr te TRIS. LAW LEP, Me ciant, whithy. Wbithy, Feb. 12, 1568, 6 BY-.LÂW No. 158. À J3y.la o taaud and as8iât t/te Port W/eiitlcy ancd Port l'erry Rail- way Cô6cpany, in tise con8truc-. tien andequiprnent ef a Railway commencing at - the 2Town aqf JV/sitby u ithin t/ce limzitiq of t/ec ParI/i W4< Ifarbor, and ter- ininatingl at or near Port Perry, on .Lake Seugeq; and te ma/ce and grant toehc. said <ompa:cy terefor t/he Debentuires of t/te corioration oft/îe saisi 2own, ,for tise itam of fifty thou8and dollars. Whui-oais aCompa»>' bariug b>' un Act ai' tise Parlisiment efthSie Prov'ince of Ontario heg ursd1>' ineiospos-ateti ondes- Lice nana afIl The Port WicitbT7 an>! Part Pers-y Rathiy - Compan>',' witc tic» pus-pose, pairs anti auticorit>', untier suoh Act, et laybng out, con- structing an>! flnisicing a Railma>' lretc iinu»tha limits c< Lice Corporation of Lice Tawn aof Whitby, os- Lie linits ai'tic. Pori Whitby Hias-bas-, luth. direction aof the Grand Trunk Rail- ira>'et Canada, se as te seonru a fa- vor-able cenneetion Lhorewitic, at sanie ctcnienient point mithin the ssii> Tomn; Lience tiss-egh saj>!Town, Lice Townshcips o et aLon West Wbitby, or botb, un> tutu Toèynsbip bf'Roacic,1 tô a point bn Luki IScung, ut or ucus- Port Pers-y, bave gene inte oporuLion unden tho provisions ofthLie sai>! Act. AD af w, I çeesu5 aect nu1tme UiW oeprasn oet<ho sel>!Tpw,'e la,-foi prncipàl, ho Oum of otIret sail dollars,, ancIfor interest, ire SÙM on 'n>bnh-d atcd1wenty 4olboa*,4ne ne iereib l0 !à ans-car. Aund whes-es,"tbe fttaïspecil aeî i tic. datlet, for payiug ticherc p inuturnntit ofprJncI al liTiîg du çacb ' yIcr- ,(o reuanc -equsl yearly $inking ?tidî r os- tbi-paymier ofthLie prisipal' 9 the saiti >ebt,bere: t.>' utend>! 9<c -b icirre ', ne- ëending te tht> Act respectiug, ice hI> nicipal Institutions ai' Upper Canàda, h sevoen milîs au>! Ots-this-d cfa Mil t» theIi?4?lt.ý lita ÉBsl ttÉceroerr enocteci s>!iL if icereby ' onuote>! by Lice- unicipal Cauncli oet5h. Cor'poratjion of <ho (cmr ot Wbitby, ShaLt ho DebfnturéàL tht> corporation cf the si>!-Town--'t tice n'ou ilic te sm ai'114s>' bic. sausl'dolera, il.u mmiof fî sWss$i eue Itunlre>!, nos- mare tics»five'bainý dre>! dollars caeb, beai'ibtercît ac tihe rite aof six pur'cent, per anu»> payable aS tico Cntnl'ieBankinluhL ý_ oit'aiTo-.ante, sticaîl larthicitic, Mate tha passbng cf Liis by.làm, b. nia>! sund cxocute>! b>'the bMayas-oaithb sabd Corporation, an>! b>' Iiniduly signe>! an>! euale>!mitluthe carpes-ate Beni of tice smi>!Corporit!e-n ;os- b) snicb otices-pus-son, bemg a member oj <lue Counil oethoLicedii!Corpos-tieti, us inia>'hy an>' by-lairnithLiesaid Corpcoration icescater mude and puas aes- rthaS psrpose,b>appointe>! La cc Ïboute ais>! aig'n tt> sanie, ual>! Deben. Sures te bi sa matie au>! exeesit'»! tcat Lice suni of tirethousasi> lIye bun. dreil dollars,ofthfLie sul>! sus» ofI lft Lisosian>! dollars, fj mnicic Deben. Suos-sc are ta ha issue>! as atoresaisi - tei- uic'witi tise inteesct ou Sic sc'euaio nu t fDebenturs-case i15 sue>!, an>! ne more, alcalI beemu puy. ûnic luah n>'aieyear lses-caftes-, and LIce aSsoie o et t îm et lit>'tison surs>!dollars, tori- îsl ch eentures shilbu issuacc, sicîli lie mie paty able ici twcnt t, eqiut rsîusal itstal- mu-uts oati-mothussafs> tire hundred dolles-seci, cith lutercét ut Lice s-a of Mx pes- couL, pe unutc, bpay'able ficat-yeas-ly, an thse first day ai Jauti. ai-y, au>!tise flrst day cf Jssly, in vco y eus, and!sic>pas-t ofthtie sai>! principal F os- intenct Ssisali bu inuele payable ata ime niase ttha»> tceit'yenssfrein tise tirnu Licisbylaî sichl Lale elVect. 2»>!. Ticut the> Delenturos se made an crecute>!. Fhll, upc» tua h>'-la-, taksug efiect, buc>!eli'ics-c>!ta theseauj Puiît Wisitby uni>!Port Pers-y Railiray Com»pan>', 5<.bu b>' therniuic>! sur àepies Le <lie pus-poses tabac-e coied anti ta ha ether, c'ouditiene>!, icaiever, thît befuro tue del ivri->'oettht> maid Deberitures te Lice ui>! Railîva>'Cern pany, eue hunidre> ticousan>! dollars oiLice Capital Stock eftShe ssi> Rail ira>'Comîpany shal! bave fis-st becs subacribe>!in» Lita stock books et tic sai>! Comipany', and! Sertpar &uS Licere. os> pai>! inta aome anaeaof Sicachas-Sec. e>! Banks of Suis Pravince, as rcqui-ed b> 'tLie Ac: t iscorporatIitg the> Bau Coumpany'. 8r>!. I'uarca eqîcal special rate et seves nulls anti ame-tItis->! eta msil, in tice dollas-, pan anuuni, in addition teaail otiies-rates, shah lieu rase>an>! icried tipan tice whoia rateubia ps-opus-t>'of the Mirtiici palit>', iu eacltyeu-, dus-ml Lice perie of t ,*enty yeru after this by.lucr shahl tako effect, tes- puy. bng the>sai>! Dt>bsntnrs-c, an>!te inu loeset tues-cana 4Lc. Ticat <bis by-Iam mitul aIte cffect an>! cosue isclo force on the> fiss day et J»!>', lu the year ai' eus-Lai-d eue tisousan>! cigbS hun>!se>! anc sizt>'-igcL. 5tic. TicaL Lie vates et tise qualille>! elce- tors ai'fte Townuoet hiÉby, ounLiis icy-law, nicail bu taken ounLice Li- Soeutic day* et June, A. D., 186$, aS nine a'ciock, a. ni., nt <ho follacring places, riz :-In Lice Nor-th Ward, ut tIse liichatiës' Ilii tdie Centseus->!, antLice Tow» hall, ant inlutice gocctl IVand, ut lice fi-une hanse aine>!b>' Jamtes Cames-on, meut et Richcmond! Bts-cet. ihreeLie lait municipal elces mi as bel>!, anti Bustram Fouie hs lîeioby uppaintu>! ýetpis-u>u Clces- for- Lie Nos-tic Wtd, (leos-ge Y. Smýith; tuai tht, Cents-e IVas-, an>! Thomas W. Cieg, for tht> South Ward. Dated Lliia lOLh dci>'oet Ma>, A. D., 1868. (Signe>!, Rt. J. G UNN, TIIOS.-HUSTON-, , MAOR . Tpea CLEItK. Aild wbt>s-as, by te msai>! Act ef Parlia- nient, Municipal Cerporations are 'IAKE NOTICE tcat Lice aber. e i enspoere>! ta grant te the mid Ce- 7A Si-nec cp>'ofa aprapore>! b>-la*, solspeh sum n o In fppnoyi or mliich miii bo LaIton into consuderatian b>' Ecbn!Ëfe'P td C b6aSicot heConneul utf'tic.Caporatian ci tice <hein Muubcipshities;, as nia>' b>'<ho sas>! Municsipcl Corporations ho TON O F IVHITBY, liceughl advisabie,in <he ay>'ofbonus, 5 or donation,- <o aldI> ic Sic construe- Atter the sanie shahl have bec» fis-st j;Uo oequipmen of the said R.alway, poblishe>! et Icat feus- tilt'Icin eat oron cfaiy>'ot ti o mokas uShoriz.>! »ne>ws.sps- inteus>! -inu»the> limite o! undos- Sic, mid ae4 bt« bo unuertuken Lice saiti flerparatian, via s-lu tii.Whitby by thSic. saicôùîihal1 - (ItaoI;ICîî an>! <ho-Whitby Gca 'tts, un>! Au>! micereas, i15 latrially-to tho Inter- after asie menthc fs-arn-the finaL publIcs- e.its an> >vantageo el Lie 1Corporation S't ie brecfi,tLb.date et wichfrît pnb- efthtie mai>! Towna eÛ Whitby,-Shat hbCtioi ias ; n se t*enty-,fistSday -et sncb Ralway shoot>! be niad >! >, A. 1D.91868, antd that the votes nt tuenpletede> séica ual>! asd Sithithe octessof tesai>! Canpercatiau wilh Îabepuuyt s hé oclietg-lk1"6bb>- êtatc îhenr6un, on 51w la QII#11 u ArtsuMo blf; ei'îcI'O1utsdlc dna $7-1he lest kstfgc - iicsever>' tos>guoaund h utnd-s esie r - unstrie udwonu nr, feudaiismr, and!ef-the' oldrelatiou of 1e d gpftceo'irue<s 0 t 8vk And 116lfortno>s bitter blat, sd vassalin» the. Unitd States;. ", bbbJOha ~ Ssie DPinilS:rro* kéée; Il 10$ andstcbaequently, kiflioucVan wiîdom. " 'revgret ChaIvi 4 ~robutn~4othpasî,' ' . g.bsoeaëe purohtise8 land in!bc i mme- ve>fr~~i~pv< ~ - laT the îiIÀu4e ofMigbt fi>Obc-i," Mtoie ctyofort Oa- nge* AÂîi, Ti o4 aeisLa.l in - ' ormjng.s tract of tw4tsty4,our miles »in 8ntcrsr-*bb~to...r id bi4dÈr'euias âucltillbood iuudi breadtha by fgr-ty-eight inlu eugtbs. Tbia --- t> ~ ewe weke tiii»a d cr, a-ptute wou code>! Lipori ibo old çonditfehrsLc ac lbuhSc7g al htietouais cf Li l(oIperse>- of thefondaI tornue. Its lord anti master te * lu hug he o nboercskins.. nt A the lrbs i~bleth8tljà imut.s was knrý*n as thePatroon ; was entsiilec No negoes er-allwibar skias Vear reshso,, fther sic.»; Vppn> thosuccessire o euî 0ennsionnd-' -- - ;PODO y 111rY lo*t-t ei' fkin.The 3ystem in o ,enantty w Y t>uo ec h& Whu t eebr ,. ~ , g a béa».>' hat which preVàl*sVveurop a iJits are visible. a, tit.ne», ibd wbièh isUll ists on thee '>Manor Tibrc an nr âsài'ts ôîýf àl Tbtre the> 7riAud,iÏlicose~ro,beyond of Re»ésehaerwyck. r 5n pnvse u betýt 1W-pmun'i love tic*ù*- >iwoit ru ( ,,- .Tho tàànnt was aimait a vassal, e rég gions, yot -wben,'the Esquicin. -bave is Pruvur und teàr C00 o tl usSrouo'w-- hg te fl. s Ille loue >u~ somort eaatil1 nI4u<ie.' - Tub oscTheroprincipal amusement Tueis old lege ai wt i Wlî îqs 11*0longerCold, i coases, ih etreei Pivo i itI Wýaters TuIi ; tbe.igh<ý aî.dg Wit fie llerifl 701 3 nd mln, n the' Wýdfer nineétyniuo youirs; and >! ghsemetimes the>' baveua now one.' Id)e.f te ti»>in oode ad l thers îtifl, for two or'Lhree lives. The. The. nnexutîeu -of Alism a the.United~ >1 lu tbe "Laisd that Migbs biave bec»." Tount wig net te b. puiid iu moey;, but in 1 copvbllyu>ri In * trbute. Euch yonr.tbe'te*naut c*âsittode S Thér h dlw"(Od!'an îe fiëiÏ ýfteeru * o-»n' e- Whetcic.prodigil taon went into a fai' thetri-iwt>'eed u alu lresltthèicihlctboPa rio suta»>' *un1ýylie poa ystop».>! at Alinska. » Deaftu te 'is'elît appeit, buuhehsof whceot, ce.;au>! as -hie kitceu » >ileuu;n t W hilse >1emr Jo »le a pai deor, bat in» baud. smanycuieos ,and1 The. peap o thero do» S dure for,-theii' Wiisitarno riferws Acl' n Iléal-u, eg, n!s ruhetec t'Sc vaiu ur» ai' spring. Wheu <ho river begins te Uts 'our bruneStiicid her' leums, kind8af ai' mproduce. At the tinie 'tice r!Uun hey Saty ili ac,rWntler. O And! lier e yeuslok ln>,o te ours" termis were fliceral, -au>! ove» ganereus..-.Thée temvnl'y i%" wiell cleeIcied àlàcnot s- Dl the >'Lu cf Ighb is;iboon." h>tnn11keWn tce oeai ie cavslry., There b a abiver de freeze all Il. Tho Lord of thce lun"or waà the abject. >jurîcuud it oe AiTiasn c drtsln,*teribstvnrtea> ape t la a good place for enaters. Even.thé ýy Ftsi»weuid seek ta esîter th-ore, malre sttipid %et of' people neyer lived thasi wicule spont.- te Fus :would titrottg its c»hormis divine, ,these wba dwIsdL tpan Lice IMauor oai Re»ý- la-essenS 'r-suhr 1. . Mg f 'Ass It si'<-ut repoeol's ats>selaerwy . Tr hpiîs la ogthoa'ran- o ute goad baya arcundlut.' A ui t e t rupee'woubatd saa k leiipi sla e Educatien le ver>' geerai. Tie whaieï Wivc» fl*bs ry sword bî'teeou, sinceflepirte>!. The'stispidit>',- lu part, Nase u1bcy tricd thce *oidc,sd6-ns lasl- resiains. Yet thc'riaa s nvor itny un- go in qeos - - .rjfle brigisi »Lttuuid of, Iiight' have a bos.' ilides ebite psart ai' -tise 'traon. Il T he huntcro do notS lwayostota r eaud - wat> moderato lu baird' tils, au n>!i all Cheir letterà- wbeu ice>' opesn the iseils. - -Nobody, and Hie Doingub mont»' mitters ;but ektacted a stuser- A iispit(h octrtre!b L fluuy Wr>! - ' vionce and barnageeof demeauor whicls fise psmuCtUmtiaýbnÎeutet th'e eu.diug of Ilecisnutihé N. Y. Ledter. boyevers- stét«Su colonial imes, becametiepeengcae) olrprertk Mr. Ponuer -,Do yen belleve lIni decîidedl>' uufakhioenli atter the es-a(,f-ls>bv;t pc, nsr xelh ie vi.1ëvrl Shàyac cnoi,- bi 1-te 'y ible spirits o ai3'esliief ? I de. My -Isole tue Amneicu>p Ijepublie. bite»nw*ho voteé eeaa i evc oLcun i oe Ilile lias btitn infeste>! with Lhemt. Tice> expeeS Ihat office haldters shiah t'ake'off t ortise lectu. -eare of varioszs ki>!,. 1 coul>! nanie ,a tholir bats. ' Cc irt Ccii> Pasno.-It lasBaia ithui largoe atalpgtce bf thomt, whwdsï presun'c IIowà~er, the- otaIte wént on. Tht> lu a dockyard ef Erigland, nabîhp of meus> 1 havé detecte>! ut varsionsCimes, Bat on. courtis us;t*iue!fLise leaçes, and né arrieus thoususu>! dtans was once built, aud aIs arge ýthes-elfi;sonbus', uudyet se lezy-se un. traubles eccus-red, ùssiil weusy fivo or sunîtittidé ha>! tsssctullltalê S *théis -prînciule>!, sud.yet aesiu»tiug sueb airs ai' thiity years ugo, wbeu tise tenants' lotcilauchn.Thetk ~edg'1>s ~okceke 1 cnseence-so crante», iv t licet pro- ticeuiselves disconteute>! Ture ci>! for. awav, icut the> immense mua.r remaine>! Leuce'acf geod bat»!, Chat Iamn out of u>aiities adtidied ont wiib tise udvanclug usoBole>, lcte ua feeing af. diânp.Z ail ptiene wib hiti. - *demere>' ef the tige, bsct the mannes- cf poistinesit Logain ta mctnifcst itsolf lt A Atter peri'osrling <ho prapcr iscqinta- payirsgLice.,- réttt' iras troubiesasue and> LIU bIoy» >rau ferarc.Ird. an rt>! ccucsnCnéd flties, I have eveke>! Iis naine. Ttl i as-ar& dsh. ven when this crus to a large pioshcng aius¶Ltise vessel. flse ffos-t leusnec Ohesaps Ioa liulted, baUhiitent camprcrnuiced, tenntstinsiste>!Chticîtexcite>!flic ridclciLe pcaosbu su~ ~ ~ C -peeaduéo.~ il i t iciu5 ,auwlit oy-aucctieir onces- 4, tscr»Scd itsdignantly teiý-rath'tieu;~ ubiuifuman las is ondta éryva tos billivd lir woconûrisbelonged ii '9- ' cts ýpsîui ais»>!n,"adýoý rinet>' aI uisdc4cj 1'.1 'iutrtgMy stIndy, tatehe-m b>' right ai'long bolding;tCat. tisueil hi. exctrhi.Thme>' wtr"il tÉbat a nu> pas-loi-, Viiithen an>! ni>'c'llas-, de- Lice whlistejcure cf the Putroon mci us- cces-c uecdcltaoavercorue thce friction; au>! cn'aura my substance un>! piovakos me ta rupublican, unstite>! ta the age, aà vestige scou»the tuge s.hip, >'ielîlin te bis ,pr.ecc Ili- tempe-. il 1 go froni Lie-, CiLty te tbeof ot'u>ality, an>! a generai nuisance a-bic» ure, gracefuiiy gilt!idéd iùtic.%tewaves. St cescuts->'the iips ts-iel-fasSer tCan Ç <dP, ocýglsta be yetuavcd. l'ice ci-y etf"Damtina agreat and nuble ecause ~sids me an au> ppear ta umens a bustIer, àai-agai- with the reut"Waas s-aise>.'félinistrse- toLsie>pèrîsap5 the efirt cf 4à 'W dene-, oassimple day labarer. fisse>! tn pnyin an>'shape. ËShcriift-mihoca clà! -cid' bave evercanie theobtacled A Thuis spirit ci' uval loves te go Lnuder Lice luieut ut ta 1ev>' ou ps-açert>' ta entorce ticit hinies- its ps-ogres>. A single, grain 'Y numne cf Nebody>. It was noba>!>' <at Lice collection ettise Patrooît's log.u am 'l u- ~nieyblne!s~e 1lelS die wiudowc opusn, thaugh whicli the came back with fowes- clatîtes iind mare sin-le wArd ci- actions,as- glance af tic. eyï t, r bt o aS and! sîsile>! ni>'book. it was tas- and teithers <hans the>'bad wicen the> mu>' bu traught cvithintiiilcos. rNob>!> that broke ni> favorite c'offce cssp;-ctasted. New an>! then au *oflicer waa queucus. ý 'e cenustric bu the ju6dges ofi b'> ~ ticat set tise ct te eut miîk eut et acu klid 'SalLihe issie the Patroon watt amount at our influence. WÎVi4&bo glatis prscusvu disb, cvhicic the gi-ocer hit lgail>' gc Fn- i' a Mi-. Pbiliip hem much ita acanîpisbcsa We csnno4 5witb bis foot au>! lcjké-tiat ta -pt.sis, Churcb, traini Alcelisany Count>', Newr ho -aware Lbs-augb: wb;t à wi>!e cii-cie ia for that woul>! have b>!ad c onsolation,- York, appuare>! uptin tite steie. -Tbreugh masa>prea>!. -- ri but broke juat enougic to be toc> goo>! -,te im a ieconeiliaticn wuce affecte>!; j>sst A ut - -fdene o i er Sic tro% aira>', aund net '- 0e>! ouen Senow wie do noS norbut w m uAutia.eudsne esi ese : onu knew0 ngseliard labans- has nmade a curios t sre f- kup.O atbho ataime>!the> entire estatu, an>! made pee otjfo'e eo i afoso r- IL iris>Nobo>!y Licutate mynunts, put generous concessions Sa Lile Lensants. Sa rpicce. ioTheyfro refuse t hi.> atos; o ysl> illunlthe aurs, left ni>'ice box temnr tRnsiar>cc sasv ti >elîea>! ie c lçcklhedandtêtth i t o pen, deressred iniycreani, put damp and>!the "anti.-reut war" w.>.> unded. "Of tueslecîiiLedusa>moL Ç -. ~, ~ ~ -. ~ tise >'e:r. '.iTheibands are of cvoad !the sheetsoau ty bcd. Lic succes.giou 'o usPaonf,i tèpepicu», figusaud>!ltilplateoI -strair; tice 'est, n> 1 track Ibis Nobo>!>'inumy books, cc'ose 4i ç ~sCrday, cc-ns Sic sixticin incel Il leaves bave heen hadby eut, or émouche>! deséc. Up tt ht Rcvoltiaioua- was-oe eLc esmdtin iee-uh Ilwitic dis-t>' fluges-mrks "luni>'portfolios, naTte et the Van Rensselacirs &cemi to'e a fb-a!.Tuoi'istuetpa cl wriere tioacosti>' cugruvingsta. bebe» censpicio,as, nî frntrcmtheis- iealth b'1Lceoens1etir s>amilp, ke .. jtanche>! Witic sweaty fingers, or Lb. papes- as! digicis>'. Iutîsat crisis fethLie nation, A MùccSC t COCK.-Wbat ridicufaus braken witic crcless ban>!liug. 1Ttivas Stnple theu i t tli (ansd tatîses-at hi», *finicthlngs -<cocus- siitltnesaitlunes-cls i1Eaoo Nobo>!>'ticat leftthScakoys lunLice ardàa id *Yiyer~sdty>, as ta c ss11 g ta ftlke riuistanuce. an eue ai1tteose slernnoccasiong* -doo-,sea!>'ftas-lise thiefs lbandllLChat de- Par-t, IlIe as a stude'ict nL Priîseeteu, au>! Lies-e tàt» lu Lie hanste aof Lie defunct ait Syee> fabulons quantifiies ftomeandu>!su- Wiasressînre>! tisenco ta lbarc-sîiril, on ae- old fasiione>! dock, whiicire» iL t îflnisi guis-;Chtîslo tok i>' fine hau>!kt>sciietss tef e ruiniya'tic. Britishc e>!thé anneusucemesià o& ice media» hour* that broko alLiCat china wicich I toe>! u-ni>, ntact aicich asowsfSite re>ptcbhicitil mas made ta pîsur a <ut>-, Tic. oliciattu-nz tstome>! in a basroI dowu coller 1 sentimuentftet iteul>. Altos- Ilile ra- minuster mas in Ille îitbttcof a discourse Tt ras Nobady Cat bit lber mork i inm>'ltstionssry Wsss- ltéserve!ii laiCfics is» eo aig ai-rire>!,lic cleck il sittiug chais-; with iîe nec>io yingin ain,' iasoacftt<ho Ialersai' tise Erie Cauil, emenette>!otsiking tîrcîre. -InL Tvosy Ibush fer nie;, but, f ti4î't>'A6, If*ao nàt Ws-rcd with negulanity, in tSicars-el1812. saiern touiteliéimpresse>!on lits hlfi-Terd Nobody>'tbatjnp>d up quickor ta» bo endure>!thelieRensacslies Instittite, ais>!1 tht> ineriLable' flight ofimie, ; but liec ! @Lsit clow'». tliat rus 11 duc>, as aro svten i nmust, iii 1839, aS hcrtnition wcatt evideutly-itstfletive, as Shu s hart> ofLeux atce> l'for <bis Noicod th finge et 75. lc!tk instunti>' tailemed ittheic. leer>r *asu sicul>! 1ces- catch bu, miticut flua successor, flic sulject cethbj.sktSeh Pi>! notesiore'"I'àko >'onr Cime; 'Misd tjsudgaes-rjury, I rilmark hb u scb bas-niha>! t>ou h on bis lînlidg t'ô nssinaé'ebis Lue>' 1" as shah hoc au example tealal- 'iiscreunts 1 ruftciy tenants, cc-ho wireejuet tise» u sec sec el! t Dntbhow mn>'nanieleas btiiùdisguises gottiig.trosîblesousu, criticcut fnkigan'bvtiobLoftcs-A.Fec 15<l bs tiis ércispir-it ai'Cas-elesîness puct purS in public allais-a. liii >eatic ccas noicaa lîkene>! Lice 4uick-ness ýof voliticlniii 1 c in It is ni> opinion ticat mare bai-n 4ccial moala; but bcis estate and-as -in animialto thoeguickness et Slegrîph. hascam tabusnes byreaon f Cro.tice raye-bo a ys-his "condition etfHeelîîsa aà-Weawhlsbr lesanuss tSia» b>' the iusts-umuntality of far"r nl l norpltclisi-poneti thenses-veaffecte>! instauti>" ble- aIl thieves, sa'in>!lesan>! countei-teitesatutians moi-tic>'of sartieuiuynk.s- iras-r- gi-pspici the rau ' ý,i1 -frpo Sagaticer i If ia aunivesuaieiern>. 19 taye of lite iris Lie-"SniiPResti 'Var-" icis .1 Lu,' e c-!heetr jaain 'Hgapo spite of iLs tais- face, an>! aiiver so : e yýë iwreethé ' upu» aicith tit>asruishe.Ie" shd - speec 'ut t>' tcesies lcdnts, aiLiceback, 'Jerk tuil au>! upciet bout." a excuse, ever>'mns'biand sicouldtce rutb- >isguised tnii-retcýrà Wmes-e call-e.e a itbOndes-fui thiug is science 1" - jlessly tegsiusL it. Caleàs'ness is permitte>! qUlescat copace. ta de mM. ichief rciprtosmei nte- ýh in-- - A Vjvnruprq-À Yankee, lcavineg bld an Bnoklin, April, 1800.

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