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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1868, p. 4

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s-4y Maly Ide 0 ou ti t%#.150 fria ie o lw1in.rgt endW.u enoniy etýw r , on arS a epr W'gSernt good tmprovedil*Tu ifor ode# OlveunGtU" gbt sud sOIt) Apply Pestosst! ye 1uW- *bltbj, sept. 2s"1861. 3 TrHE LWEIIPOLAND LONDON I u bisensiw existeaittrty-two yessrv, endi tuioslsg tiat potos!bar siet! es 'ezo.sedilll ilie imd wbalIt milIeoun0iidB sterllug. Tiso dlsbuieeft cvi M ei OAlu5 m virer eawtt) oreelis,ithoit.- dossbt, aontrl- lia!t te ,te :obllolslot cfd thlis tnsttittis, lis tise eoslati o! 'iss.ss' (vourO5Idl5, Mt%- IAIltlesoLmm, wau! lsuusmon gess- in lte gret yeas, lm5, tisaire ['rùmonslsne osiouflOdw . . .... 9,976 liln 19tOils ye', 184d',.........../7.7é8 *TheIee R. Rasrve Fuid lo noir $4,727,44 Thse Lt!. Iiserve Plus! la noir *9,22,468; ~1!ssComieY l ,epolsited !throngliont (On- llsant at) Qoeuie, tY ltilut iuial Agenitss, 5 heIvIssols:&P ationi for limseiuc a se smets. Âesmi WsîirOLD RUaliuêterfmlz Jbisr 7s,1805, COAL OIL li AML'P 0.1riltVIE 4,EST I'ATTEIINS, Lanterns, Chimneye, Burneo& evrnyiiiig lu tise LAKI> BUSINneS, nt low Ur Phiset COAL OiL, thse dbosapit lu VAs'sLy Davo kSionz Wtliy, nec,.il, 1867. 4 IF ARE..MEE R- N 0OtLD 1«Y sisir weu hotuelise lmpanrm direL. mte Mvsaud re. cooîpet ilà0w loit 1at. 55 eboreds#00t tirer Vise T ioid çlxeks to illieiilpubs o(tsleissry-qud ree.esrerelyd U55tUioofftIsishe tse tirevenre mienm 9 li.msed ara a fuir0(thfie uiiisiiiito5Iiimi5elul1dY nss Rudstisa&BOIMr a, Qebr, Jan,. 1. lm&5 Gemuntasa.710 5 ose lez 1. wearda ed t tiflssi ce, aerrerd i good enfer. Tise qmeiir la pire ~Nid exeelil, eSMice s s.As 1Ima partuiaer li OlagIs iuasltye oree Iobc lieldSa'ou iraise5ec5oiL oss oudt.servi. W1bU5 KUSIILL. ancie er OgW*iS Osiosr, Det., o, lui basletaiTs of 0 Egl' 1s raesfn «M54 éoufstyI T«i 'es*Wbl syons eaîuidue tires tireni t . yI' od s. ouisayepecimy future ordeme s sii1Ir., . IiNiNER, To 00r, aaslier 511s.i Osieim-'litire 4%seesof Tm 1 bâlid ( ro t $M"sis vrks incesbore giesli ustwnoui. n*isl tsfras fend go aeftlsssdd 0<issie t urespi o o 04l4u F#yaE lvtroued New OasofCsis s on mm Cooiee. Jsa O 1 buiianeieii@iustifInIrooutisa tise Iw uS «T"rets i essm m ai i r e <eleunt qUSeiim wipelly - prUof imeand obligeyosr,s -~Y OV. VE Tseotimtso olse "JuledleeijOssmP' bore freqwsntdefr kd "o ,.se hel<il.,uerrots. dueeiai àteeeUs5d"I d Impurs Teo, 'is. Coimin idimmowimpo eaopplyyl ftu f botma Wlie #rmiitedpaire simd e. (mmssupcsbotis eseacala go 26. go, isleud 12 " .boes *IlAC K ii0êC.ssssisCuugot, UrokaisL=4 &TI4409 Mc ; Fine lerîelrd 1New SOMMedo. outloi c4e. iiait s inaddo Ic; $ef gi'isa<W. te. 10e 1(11TIA-wmul'y Comnusm. SGmasie do. «O.as eadra , .tdser limes fl csr U un, .or lu'. Iimie ZZrft lurteise .smiry. Teesm nom mlsed O~~L 0 i* ggue ae sbwrefabdmm m esn The ubsriber desires 1to return thanks to hie numerous patrc>n fo)r yul fsors, ad b.gs te amunoe thati h.olisow snpplled wth a dbole. sto6k, esretuly uiet.dby hhnselÇ .of (JANÂDiAN, ENGLISII & SCOTCH Tweed., C4185150.CaoinoU10M , sotI shus[ 1 iîzute., "0' &CO Wbiçh bol rpdt ae if teo desr ettthe thor1eet nod nthcla b.t.. est style, snd ou "t iotranable oterMe. AL- - -f Brock st, Whltby, Mareis 24, 1868. $ 16.1001 12-ly IN 'PRESENTS AT IIOYT'S NEW PIIOTOGRAPH GALLERY, OSIIAWA COMMIER 0F KING & SIKCOE S=T@T,-FIRIT FLOUE. Prizes consist of Gold, and Slver Watches, Gold Chains, Brooches atid Jowelry of allkinds; aIse Sewn Machine, Paintings, Albums, and a va- Acty of excellent cdocks. VLfe;Iike likenesses taken 7in few seconds, ini a manner to en- sure perfect satislhction. U Sffee Bills for manner of dintribution ef pro- sents. Now is the chance fur al to sceure endurihg-?iIOTOGRAPIIS, and 'atsble presents, t a leu price thati meut photographers charge for the pic- titres Alone. Oshawa, March 24; 1809. 1 THOS. LAWLER, WJHOLESALE & RETAIL CENERAL CROCER9 WINE AND SPIRIT, CROCERY & GLAOSWAXE. W 'TUIE CHEQUERED STORE, 1320CR I»TlttrETWUITBY. Fresh Arrivais Spring Goods of the Latost Styles, at M. H. COCIfLANE'S. -o- Tweeds-English, Scotch and Canadian, at Bonw TYOF o, FOR THE TEr 1868. M-2 1 2 .i i 1 1. i 1 2 1 " ,VIkdgS.. . 2 2 . 2.8II2 66s ufto..r .A lbcr os.. 'w I 1 29 4 9 :::I0 7s1 si 1 3 0 1. 0 si 46 ,.nutn........... 21 * 27 11 ... 5J.21 oI . .t.................. .....2 .. 23 2 Z. DIJRNiIfAn, Wlstbl, .T*uusy lotis, 1969. Jro, Opposition is thé-Life of Trade NEW FUJRNITUJRE WÀREROOMS. JNO. TILL & o., Wil be fonnd a full and complete assortment bf wel made Fur- niture. Parties wantiug anything iu our line will flnd it to their advatstage te cali and inspeet our Stock before, piirchâsing elsewhere, as wo arc deter-. niincd teo eil 9&'CIIEAP IMOU CASH. Er4VE RY ARTICLE WARRANTED. gr' UPIIOLSTEPILING donec with neatness and dispatch. Cane Seat Chairs re-seated and made as godd as uew. I UNDEItTAKING attended ta on tho chortagt notio. Rememiter the place, Caldwell'8 Biock, fliîree door8 Southz of ie -laie Wm. Tfifs F7urniture Wfaierooms, Wlitby. JAS, M SAXO. $oHEN TILIL 1OOIbs. of Good C1eaii Feathers Wanted.1 SWlsitby, May 13, 186a-. Go)od News for the 1Y[lion! $50OOO WORTII0F GOODS Kuow ail men by Ues. preseute Chat 1,eau eud do Seil t.he OIIEAPE ST GOODS in the COUNTY of ONTARIO, and why ? lecause, adopting the Cash system, my motte lo 1'çSMALI PROFITS & QUICK MY STOCK 0F FANCY ANDý IRETURNS' Staple Dry Goods, "I ~ ~ '1I10 now completel, and for beaut>', style aùd cheapnu can't bc uiirpussd. Clothing-Ready-made, and to Order, at il. H, COCHIIANE'iS. Groeeries-A New apd Large Stock, at M. il.. COdH.R.NES, flundmi Street, Whitby4 Whitby, &May 4p 1868. GREBAT BARGAINS IN Gwreat Bargains idn IJats and, Gaps. Grea.t Bargi~h Blankots, Flannels, G~reatb1argains in Heavy Double and Single Mhwwls, &c -Great argains in Hcavly clouds, -Hoods, Fancy Scsre, &c. Great Bargains in Ue.ivy Glotes, Mitts, In this miy stock la very large, and more attractive than usual, and! partes fàvorng sme with thein patronage, wil l ind it 'to thein adiantago both'in peint cf style and ciscapises A fuat enocf MOtJRNIKU GOODS conatantl>' on baend; an! doue up in tise bhsist notice. Also, a cisoico collection of DRIDAL EQUIPÉNTS trinimed te order, in tise latest style, £r Drese Battons and Triai. niige lu endiess vriety'. TAILORINO t)EPARTMENT.-Clothilig made te order on tisepreiuiscs by ûfrzW.làuswonkmen, and an immense stock of tlost Faesionable Clotis te Oelect (rom. A good fit gamte. Speial attention called te a lot tif BOOTýS AND SHOES. in mens' and wosnous, girls' and misses' Alec. Orer Shotis for damp *eattser. Grocerios, liard. waek.. uetlon is respectftslly iuvitod. Casis pdid <for Wisat Barley, BRyeau! POU. - --.-. * W P. I la InIr, 4itt.&WA, OCT. 28,1667 CornoS of .Rinand ris! 6 mes.tu, Oshamr BOOTS &S-HOES Of the Rigkt Fit and lffake, lude a Tke subseribeir tgs to return' oustmefl, fer thse very libera patrena basineus for biumIsi.lu Inrder tW'me lie ho& remored SP~RING R.&J. CAMPBELL BaGt niiounéee the arrivai -of their Spring Stock., Havig beenprasd in-the BRITISH 'Markets, by Mr, Robert Ca pblduring ýthe l1ate depression in price, they will b. able toeoffeà the Largest as well as the IN THE COIJNTY 0OF ONTARIO, They direct special attention'te tho following :-Black andcol-, ored Silks, Real Irish Poplins, Empress Cloth, E'ancy- Dresses, Muslij, &e., Shawls, Black Lace, Plain Drab, and Fancy ICOored- Hosiery, Gloires, Ribbon's, Lace, .Collare and Cufft , Corsets,. Parasols, &c. TUE I&NILIERY RÃ"OIS Are now opened, with a large stock of Trininied lonnets Rats, Flowers, Feathers, Mandes, &c., in al the new styles and 1t Cottons, Counterpanes, Lace and Muslin. Curtaini, Tikilig, Towelling, CaIrpets, Dapiasks, &c. Cloths, Tweeds, Ga mberoons, Mens' Mats, Tics, Braces, &o., and Relothing made np In Mens' and Boys' Coats, Pantg, and Vtests. te order -in the latest styles. wý7Croceries, Classwaro,,, Croekery,, Garden and Field Seeds, &c., solicited. WYiitby and Mlanchester, April 15, 1868. A caU s resp1t8.Iy INDA &CHINA TEA- COI.ý 1HOME DEPOT LONDOX &LIVERPOOL. -o- No. 23, Hospital St. Montreal. Pure and GENUINE TEAS, of splendid natural JUairr, imported direct fros tise Company's Plantations in ASISAI!, and ou tise siopes of tise lIMALAYAS, blonded with the finoat preducla cf CHI N4. Only Two Qualiis, vis. s-7Oc. on $1 por lb , gitlsr Black, Greeni or Mized. Fine Ilouscisold Test1 coissbintng Streuglis and Flavon, 70 cents POT lb.. Fineiut procurable... .. 11. ... ............. ....I1 dollar per 1lb. CSold in Packets aud Canisters b> tise Company's Agente, in every Oit>'and Town ins Canada. T RADIE Agent for Oshawat ili. MARLK AGRJCITLTTJRAL MA RK. ROBINSON, WORKS.1 -r. itby, TRE HARTI INSURI IARIT ln thse Bakey 1d rmait. oi io. AlieoTobs riget Ber, iso WGALL,_ AsBrook et 28. 0OF STOCK PSTOCK f J- IIiCOROEATED BY TII LegigIatureofot'Connecticut, W ittssprptual Chanter. te-8100,000, de. posted itfitî tsCenspiro!àlsaseeouriiy fe* ±'olicy HotdMt. <Tiis (Jcmpsuy Isxunir prepare o le s.1Oý IDEATH AN4D THEF114O A t i nclr te Jit eo r c P1re mum , bases! on *a i1~glih xî.i'oecf orer FIFTY YEAES. Mf Poncer Compansy of Asueris HOME UFFICit-4se 258 Matis Bre.;j lt'BRNCI <FFICE5-06 Wassirsioù Street, Bostcu im, a-z r& W KaruxMus,- pers; 106J5rossdwsy, lNiv Yots,,Cose ê 3ICLE.t, 3>tiser; 40 IWalinut $tneo*, l'h!. lietplsirs F. y E. A. Cmmfx, Manâgers;j 49 L as iS lle Itreet; Uhcisgo, M ..iAM &So v=Irr ck, Managers. - APP17te P57. AIÈS Jr, Family Grocer, Wl..é& sprt dealer, No. 2, M vsHEL'8LOMO KNIG ST.. EAST, OISHAWA. OROCKERY & GLA8SWABE A WELL SLCTEIP 8TOCg PRESU TAAS, GBOCERIES, or ALI, KINDS, W'As cliesp aneasy ou»se jxC(nasds. iMy 2tb, îs.2 L1V E R Y r ilE 1Lately eO= ArnssTüena onBroek, <. J. iffAflJtR AT'UeRNEY-AT- CtserNota datt to Lex isiL b* TIIENY-AT- pandaestsréeat1-: tise Pomt ie. Fsmwq; Au85s--i- E IL. CooSasaz, LL. Ccussty Crowss Mtor po riFerry, 21th. aiister, selles' triyOUEo., Wbitby. W 44, Cue ]JYAN REq &ItJRGEON TO 1, W. FI o'eleck, P. ii Le ,IOIN NOTAI *W!,ittIy, Apnit -1 _AILIF51 VEcTO. JOHN eWrs l4-if NOTICIE Single and CI othing made Ép ý 20, Ise 19-ly ý

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