je... 9e W- ,ai.u5. .- 0. QiKeso, 4 0. - 11ý . J. M upoxt. wMutolosu upon goodesonrity. Ap- y it 11*. lfooof tlis ifrus, Cours tipuoe,- I t4TTBS 4ttowue»,s Suiitovs, s&0, irob$tre.t,Toroistu.C. W. KGUS KOBRI§OIf. - J. A.SAuPsom. Loroito, Jiy 20, 1841. fU POUNTY019OWN ATTORLNEY FOXt ON- lotuirla c<iiuueel'y, Kêary Publie &0.- car Dput-y lfrgiotrar, isilir V.traonall t yu0'i0Ustarle. Olca roc-ist., W itby. toIIERT Jas WISOZN AltiéSTE19R à ATrOliNIZY AI! LAW, .81 oitaitorItisaslary, &a. WlltbYe C, W, Pi- e-Viotesla Behldilg, Bruo l, ÃŽiý107 0, Me IAiqVISI DAltll5IICi<ATLAW AN!) SOLICIVM> mleil roki8 Llassery, COut.i~sor o S* i9. FAIRJJANUS. QOLICITOt)t NOTÂRY PUBILIC, &a. A. Oshsava; . W. W. il; 0 ILLIqGis, BOLÉCITO55, AC., AC. Ur ' OI'voa, IN Tt rda 0so BaulIrurOuZ, ruek strescI. CIARLES C. JIELLER, A TT01'NeY AT L&-Wj tOLICITORIN ou, Brook,0. W. go J. IIÂNIER GILENIVOOD, A il! OttiitY-AT-LAW. 8SOLICITUIS îlà lt iascory, Notnry l'ifl huis, euvycr ko., wliit, 'î.W,. KRdo; is, saVictoria tliogit, r at 6ttio îs Brock-itru'01148 Dsaaatreat, hirae d6re Westtot thset'est 011100s. 18 Cc#CIIIiAY¶iI COCHRIANEI. B sours eagi otarieis Publia, &c,u liati,5Asiu-0'_OO- poiTown $il'. OCosîîit., LL, B., 1 W. M. CoauaaAz. couîsty Crovus Atterisey. lFortPerry, 2tiths eoetubr, 1685. 51 C. A- JONES, DagaeSuitcstur tu ChancerVe Atm toeueyf, &c.9 &je# "'OFFIiE-Nezt duorto tisurlaiReg!& tregleSs, 'lltby.- 41 ly lYu il. STSILE9 Solirior, Au, Ais. LYMAN 13N"15119I L L »l.. p.txirt$L&Y lL& , Soiiestor lu t3ban- coqer,Coeuvyanoacer,&c., &cs. lweooSt-upiioatb ie L'ost Ullce, ('siasv. 40 R9. J. OUNNP If. IL IBIURG EON TOuilili eUSTY G OL Blyron Street, Wiultby. UP .FERRCIEUi,8.P BILOIJOUi. OFFIX louu--ote 10 a. n., tnd fi to J04"N V. HAM9 NOTARJ1P UDLJCo 'wLatlsy, Apni Istis, 1868. TIIOIÃAS UST099 OWNCIISR as TLJASU<iltWIIITBY T OI O1ieTW iai17- lourssttô 1 lbok. SXi -VION COURT- .BLIUYIt.s 4C1JNE.Asdreus- esysmIon.40-1>' w Wi. iiuytcu's.) 2 JOHN 9OBINSqONl'8 RIR-DRIESSING AND SHAVING 31150cK lIT., WIIITBY. te SouTUripiruiÂmeS or OF E U s- ,, ! Wlstby, Jà si. 22, '688. ONqTÂRIOHOTE=1. WHITBY. 0. D WES - -.~.PROPRIET-ODR. tprlor nacumincdatlosih Carefel latten- onus te tise reqdtrenieists Of taeiers sud guestu. Msons tabliug and sheei-îuua, Ani rebdY bstfrsmlis'ayn vîthisaio. bLI&BOYNTON boeatuen1fatetil- VV habltanituttise Coiut t V iis sud sisrronunt gfCousties , tisst liePitnsOPeued tia liotel on William 8trest ldtly'oçourled by Jeswett,sand se lie bas b.d lt lits.e d ndurulsh- 6 in firit style,; vîsîto s vli tSud "verydon ve- tsilesc. Wlnesg, Llqaçs nsud Cîgars Of thé An otote M tu sJal In ttqnd tD9MMPRO!AL -HOTEL., T11 OLCK 15T., suuouB Wui T rlossds asud tIse putiîln tisak hoe hâ re- Sssmed -possessIon utftse aboya -ssiI sud fa- voraebly itlusvsihotug- vlli h I uuvf tted Up mIn,- à s4arld? Inauer, vltb .veîy couvoni-ý 4lnosfdr tise lobeptiùOfs t'ouest$ansd tiê tra-. L Iahiliiepublie. - 1WBot acoémuslouto, sand uperber *. iffe. Ilaisos s udselua~tr .. .o.ats....- 't ottentîve Ostlers ai- ilssrge. Nederagé. CAUDWELL. Il 1-1> by, JaWs; Iii 1161 qur.usuisofsthe tusv.sîwg essmqesa»y JAMES CEUCiM-E Âtblou bote, Eet market Sqlare,: s.pL.asber Ilili,1 imoiarsIpI dbers Pliât S"oetfMillinem lne>1trw sud 4tlt ork, êl t es bos Wise *p tske Isva $0eua su5r thai, fer put favors W SIBO~ 8!I~0813SAWA se doGttpâJolo SOII, frl à urir t sarefrpibed mis itd AuD liongbttie tk. bosto< style. Thi lruhesar: p7a:utly itat.duëpuete tPrýpust 0000, sud la the. bui, ilivsy Uiulbiblie st the JJdtlond thse stoges fer Usbridg. sild Beavertois isar. - GEoaGpE ROBSON. Orftlobtiorotiways 1»att.seiue GEORG CRMCK LME MZKJLCIAUT, (.Yrpnter, sud jofnerGrdon et, Wiitby. À largequan. tityofdl klnd otlamb.eouataastly Onkisud, u ND E IRTAKRI N . obAs IlosetomnurepoullbTi'ats GEORGECOIIMACE. Brooklin Druis toFÇ 90UU DAW3111 D EALEII ln Drugo, lratent Mesliciness PJIsats, Vils, Vyo t;utr, Confection- be nsud Lquors of the beat quality fo edieai purpcwsesa. (t'rgaeft(stla1Saluts C)urck, WItbi.) 1; preared to git-e Muair, and Sissging les Al«'Iicstiosi te o b. ail t the Viffie.of«Jobu li tiSniecss I)OUîi8t, over Jamuas Byrue'si liedieul usait, Brouit St. Wlstby. CROCK EISi- 10ELJ9 (tAritPLATI',) NELSO>N OT. TORONTOP NO>WLIl OF KING lST. 'BASSETT & tKEEBLE, - 1PuÉitzToits. r1j1iPropriotoro esePtrnily -announces to jtileoftrissud's, as a dis.tssssue, u# woii un sieur thome, tist tlsay have taikcr tise sbpvr. promInises, wliuîcia rc in s ery respraet doosveiùuitly and cssirsirti)Y #tted op sor tiese ccciuodatiuss et guWatisd thea traveling pubuiis. Tisay viii lie round iii constanst peruquasl attendaisce, aud wili leasve lIotliimf t55do550 0ou tîisil frtto à rivu sstistaOtintutai *hsouMaiy i'avclk tIýs usichsa STAGIEH OUSE- ISAAC Pg.XTON, . r up ilreor. BEST Wiueeand HZso';uuobrco Buodittios(rtr#*s'eefs goosi stabliusgiud ittouitiveilsttley. YEOMAN GIBBONb 0 O MMISION MER BGHÀIAN7 1 NSUTRANCEt, dE N EIA L AGENT. Wisithy, Jans., lth 1864. 2 REVERE OTE - B. PLANK, -- - Proprietor. Staigea te asid (rom Wisitb?' call daliy. Every iittesstsors puir te gsa u areful scd attaus- tire obtiers.9 CLARK & VICKERY,- Proprietors. Bog muet napeatiînliytu lutorsu thiliab- Ilits outh tba s aty of Ontario, &tIsat tisa>' isve ietsed tise aboya premises istely occanpsa b>' Sandy l'errie, winoi tlsey isave suiewlyfsr'siui- ed undirenorated, assdl iley une prepaarauhto aa'omodidttisah traveî,iuly publiea. Tihe Bais tookas i vtistise bout liquors sud csgaus, suai au atteutAva ostlier alvuyu ain attendauce. C;LAULIS&AVICKERY, troprietore Brookil, Aprli, 1868. 1i-iy VARS & DEVLIN. HI ACTICA L Detist, Oshava 4mp Dent,, l Rcus, direolly ippo.- 3timcoests'est tird dornortb oftis Ontario Bank. gWO EXPRESS AGENT, &e., alio Àgent fer Accident sud tandard Insunance.Ces. 17 Query Why là ItIsaI tia i ch e ruin P;' pltres AT cLA CxS ALLERIYL? h h beaisse h tise* bailGalier> Au tise Cehuni>'.sd bisamore patlenae vîth eih3iren tisu oun etiser Antul t Istl out>',uans du qntq asgüod tort U s aujbiller Mau lAutise RW-lsT'iýi rbth tlbm nattat, nodonu'tlue. bsa*atdgbuoiises ulg fuiand. DRocu aST4 ¶VifiTBIc. - istby, 2Nov. 12, 1861., LIOTEL & PREMISES FOR SALE. RAT lii ettsbliabed sud veil kuims H o- C aETRA OUE EEN * 1 DenUii ocm]y stabing, asud 1,1:1mWsheul, -iC tisi, with en» u; tvo sari-at baud attauli edASlasbe èes.rd, sud a flueasyon lf as- iuag <rord. ,Tisere are to oia it 'go pnpu a 4eelent T-r -0Ti stin l i Ub. sId at a bartaji, au seu e bue he t ohanjIS ea pstom5nwa foess oltive -builueseinU., Wtll bie.xeissigei ipst iipé;iery, FPor tertus e, appiy (Il byUt.1er, pro-Iie!) WILLIAM JOLTOi1 EWo (ITICEIshui'eby hise tat tsa folbovla SCaIa ou tisa CAPITAL STOCK of tht 0qipu..,hovtsisday heen iuiao,,nd mre .iai ttbTreuslirer's QoI te u TOWN 0F, WHITIBV ~ lOtistI-tir 6' 2 4 à " Olstl' This f uny o ut te t'retoiug camts liepot pt wlitjisn tvaunty Au ys aflr tise saus beomen due ast payslaie Ase u éelines n iba este! clla reusn alunpoit. vilie hu iale tas fr- feture, vîtiosat tanir svtle.. moordincgtO tise 014ta9 lus sfcb omet aiselesuCt ovidee TIIO0.L-HUSTON, Se#. A Tresurer. Wbitby, Marais 4, 1lus. ObIce-BysossSt, Wbltbyo Lprtssislljfor tise gerpcec oflrrainc theprctce f 0pi-oh*esss l'îsqfM Ws e-u getlier, cle*irg e t aorns tihe publie ttat tlsey *111 b. fssud lunrromptstend psss'stual attend- Alias apou il1 OCulsrstg1tsrlng tficif prortixionni sarvime. ' Vtints vil1 cie l tis 411 a toges viisScience is0ssbrocglatWtç lit iiIihe trestrn.s t of dieaffl >iq5s o'tise Throet and (heist apeellly f 'e.lei 'd rç ssarlbed for. Tise pimerof 'iuniltioq, litpserto 'go 11W.l knuwiu API'J cted sspuu umuîsgt thise Mil vieut of of, »e yser u'treubunent sdoptbsd by Dcor rs tpou -* 14w, for tise 0 'yatsd eff»ts!aitire of diees ufthtie "hotauJCdopt. Ti a josaution ut' 86.4- cated ,vapo rasd thse mai>' -pplietio f atouseil d ilda is liesadrnitt'ed blthse rot niedfical sen cf tiseday to>bp theMont effc t'i, a si tie luetrtonaltteatret lu si, su11i0",se-briiss os t dos ithe rensedy ,a. o I pire t usa4 rtlatlsp lsesued muem- brune. 'Witia-utsisntmat. lasaewieci'ofut'lise tist- Meut of ail d Is"eas D ow prsctied tu tise boaut llosrtsli ever thse elviliizd worldi, sud tlieir csv large oaperiauce, Dis. Carson & Lsnw trust tlsey are net top presunsptucuA in hopig tsat tiaelr serviees muy b. fouu unue- fus, inu Iaasstl ng lu tisse cure ofauOmoftise massy illss te viiels lssaan tofli in leIer., gw Ail surgiossi operttons ucoessfnuiy perfornsed. W Parties deoirirsg gonultation May have tiat ofthtie partzaeiipfre# cfchsarge, Colla attcnded to nt al lhon $ dansd e. A. cAasuv, IL. n., W. ri. LAw, . . n OFFWE-FByrou Street, Wlstby. April V11, 1868. 15 SI1KG nos DENTIST, Ouvcv-.--Ovsr J AS. BYJINE'E Medial Hall. Brook Street, Wiitly. te"Ail veru warrssitcd. Fairdilicsi stencuelat pniv'ata e .!Ieeb TJSE'tl ER E4TJ1A4TED W rW ITHOIUT 'AIN, . 13V TIIE ÙtSE 0F NITROUS OXIDE LAtJGIING GAS, OR TiltS NEW LOCAL ~N~~T~J.ETIc, Capitalt 0,O . AgCent for tise obove flentpany, la uow preps illeu lisa.ropvtysgslnotL>P V - t wlil o, REA14 -ESTATE voit SAtz, côneSIN t PAR AU - TOWN LOTS, IIoom end élot, Valur, oto, optabi. toi Wsrçlsosisg tOWN 0F WI-HLUBY., tisat và luable traoc ti ini, ktsowu *as tis ~4ildariftyo.piopety; lylnuu irth Pt tise Uransd Trssnk llIlwsy; ccntsiting about 18 oros, mlore etr lem., p4RCEL N~ .-aklot lylug Souths of liasvuy trsckuuid soqs4.dvu the Sobtht C ,ytise rcd lcisdiitg ts- i Illaliy Station, acutatssg about SU~ acred, more or loe. PARMI#S No. 0,-I»t u land pontsiung about oue-snd-a-lsiolt saqrggsoye or ief%. soituised,on tise orurt.I 'Raoisohd aujd Front Street%. i PARCEL No. 4.-Lut à lasnd eoutaiuiug about tvo "et more ir lm, g tLpuied op tho corner ii' ienry asad Bond' treeta.' PARCEL No. 5.-Lot'No. 7, Biooek i, waist ide utfiisolsmbud street contatissig W lssltacre, o, is ich (bore Ys acoue-aud- 8a tui ey 4ratme l isolit prouaipt sic- oi*itaid l'y bMr. Ilagis Arstroug.,, FA]RCE!4 No. O.-Twuo rrlots at Whit- by Rdrbousr, iving vent tof Mesuri. Jas. Rove A&O', Warehossse, sud isavubg a trontaige oun pe Jlsrbossrb AUl the. ahc7eloti; are nse plisitAy situstoil lu excellenst lucutions for à s4tooaotunes, var.- lhouxiiig, asd buildlig ~e1(~sevthe is zorporation cfthe coutytoevn ut Wbitiy, eule of tise bi-t sr4ta ces lie Ouatio. Iu view 'et thsee ssy 01or-troudiut ut the Wlsitby aud Port fl'crry Itailwoy wvii oulsd musre tissu trahis tiseir valiseo, ttuy cer a die- sirubbe opponu ntyi'r Inyssu(nttu tIh,' gai- ±sbt sleauf ,.st e 1,s Au5 agi, qiy wlssidasg up cut ýta- ate lsu mn- dered issperstlveiy necusafssy, sou ealy ato oesxst le aeteil, AsisonfoIr furthek Pastiossiert sud ln- turnsatisstu bra tsle te' à . G. MACDONALD, aWra ut Cosnsuriul Buuk, Kinguton» or tu '11oS. LAWI.EII, Ilerchanst, Wlitby. Wlsltby' Feb,. 12, 1868. LOOK 01UT FOR A FENIAN RAID! WIIILE ve are eonxtauitly tisrcatauaed vitl i Fesn Itisyssietiseounbsrilier Iss maîdo a int Suslctermined RSAID, reultii'g lu u etire levalsiln ils Ili:§ulai qvW. t. bAmLE>pmIWOOLEN FACTORY, DUNDAS STREET, #1rIT1JY, t. W. EOMLor 'M. Il. Coclrane'. store. Wlitby, Jane 21, 1867. . FU1IE ÂSSUIIÂNCE CO., LOMBAUD STRIEET A CIIARING CROSS, .ESIAB1LISiIEZ? IN 1782i. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & Co., Agents for J'AMES DAVhIStoN, Manager. X SURANCE uginst LOOS by FIRE sTe I effectui- on tise tsogt favorable taril,. ud 1.052 Es PAl!) vitîsout rafereco to tisp ta~ inlu osd'çn. April Srd, 1866. YEOANGoxSî, b!b SEOE TOUS & FINDINGS l'cg», bison AtTilà , StapTacts, itepand su aeSsu, .-. k.,--, 9W- WIOLESALE -ANP RETAIL. IIAK & OLIVER, i2-17 114 Tonus Srssi.v Tozomr. ÇTm aT. IaC>XL a. Amrca ber.Tnussmes, andi Peintsetfailtse squares, cairsd laes, tralgist 1/sies isproel trese Esgiub ani suersas Cssyuu iarleett'u Neesi le,'ae,&c., ail Ur thée I.est qslsa sndat leveit - IYAN & OLIVER, Lapoer o f lardwsre, Youge t., Torcuto. TO MAOHINISTS! stels Uites. steel t5quare3 Cep e 1luo, ob Calspori. Strel Caliper Rse; sliper Squaresl, Anses' Llsiseiai Squares, 84(ll egwseri-sg Calipers ansidiM vidmr, ttits File$ aaid Tcmils, Palent U1ls, OSict steel, &C', WCb, ety RYAN k OLIVER, 12-1711 554oese St., Toantce. TO CABINET MAKERS ANiD UPROUTEREM. ,TrlmfnistlpiseisterCIr3U Ne# ssad Rejssislur Addis Carver' rooS. Eitsnuson Up Assger1 is, e lodsem Ii forsvaet, ,for "stale 19 iu ietres 114rvue M.rýLu* 3M01TF.8 0? BAUDWARE, gavesI'y suwai n d s niiseusia'tme< DmBiser'fr. cg- buwt bîeà slmi',sdlpbotrej'Is. Hrdvsro. Moeba à an~oid tfterTuSM ZIdiJ Soeru' A&Seana BsSiair - 0-,-b , 1139m idFsmiu sa . tg'. farpoI Q104 Il ,t& 4U assi filet' At vith tise itest ana lllgtI sproved MssoLinery for the usuinufueure 'et Fiaiie, Clotise, Twoeeds Ssslisîalt, Siirtinig, liîecting ijikotu anud isdienu' Drossacs, sudD'Is row preparosi tu taire CUSTOMER'S WOOL! Ansa manufacture It in tise sucat workrssatlike mn'ser lite ss.y kisil Mr Cbetîstisey nsay rTe- u t e ti stimairy piiee for aisibat, Wprk ilu uoter tItpirIe uof tise Cunstry. Vi~ ensi Cl urJissn 4 j~udCloteî reszt- ing viii hbcatrtti.Y ansd osrs-tuily donc. isvistg pst a nvoi aprovoilIl'icker, vitis jev B.rrissg lw,-s'sse0q ittuôbesi tu effis uMacsine, he laids colâtidon.thtsat entire 04atisu- faction, vili Le glypi i te. aatoisi caanisig. Spclul ', attention .vili,.bb 1Slsl to .tise xliiisiuZ uf War s, FilPfand u .ate aiig ai for outonor4. 'jouoi vilbiLe tuken luas-xohsîge for cle$bs or worlk doue nliso shop. Tihe aise y l b ce a t r i e ty , lfln si o . ' ' ise Subscrilier iwilbe ettiriig t1sitsk,.tg) the publia for past <mers, clainis sud selcits thier an pport sasd puisruae iu raturu, lbe liev!rsg tisait vise -eostcrprissinu men, at a gresi expeuse. tuste aisgc susd inspertsstmprove- monts fthe lseaccqlnmodktieu ufthtbcpublic, tist tlise pU uic ouigit to reesproatce sud pa trnie tsii tise advarstasge are rocipressai, un.!. witit shah buiehsi desire te elotia. you aIl sud koep youn wrn, ba 11 nss not ailuus' iigt o le kfor 'road or tise nceasary ýunI. tu iruke thse put boil, JOSEPH GOULU. tlxbridgce, June arai, 18W8. 22 T IIE ATINUAL g£BliIXO-cf the meauie7u' et tIse OrAsso FêAxizu'MirsasÂUl hesuiti isez Coupiser viii lie 1us$ at tiseTOWNI 11AL, lis (bis T11OWN 0F W.1LTi3onYe Satnrday, 2Oth od Jiine, 1668; AT 2 U'(OLoCk,. M., Fo tise ppofutrecw~swog tse Report ot the ziatrsd frotIhe eleêsUof t Diroesos foi thse unsning y0ar. May 20ti, 1868, id-N Farm -tp Rent 82 and 80, InI fth tb sehlon ,thoira boing aufI outbaulg.s olduQr 20 Teuam P" a~ien For parties iaitp PETÈR'li. BALL, Fsq, --'à wi~tiy~.,tMti fer %isstts- n sff asd tîI "rruvrosonnie t lO fo arrowsasoinme,k*11 eOMu, ld tise vrWAy lc hns ie - .tsitdtho; tssriglutvelepuie. - Aé ievut#o ae laîpi oi Tfse w, r&usd sgo sd esaul eil Auiy ed 45e stpicttier u vril s snaiae, ln ia ur Wsoîtd lisons issg.w1Olie tn Tise yliIodsofeil, at i n bes bnvily, as>tise patlsr Stovruns urtar trou fr*W Ailtolsbser, suliet! so aoutà o distne fronyMeslirg, at uipst thse part cuthe tis vuot inues in - t lova. - Tse cries ! s abulie 0 eatsgis #nooe sbolisppti ia lyse;btls sesmoettetise nt!risiag sro te aimtil frs.d ceidaln bis erd, sreu Se peu- bele!ouhe v aligtht lie uplaut ave tbeenu'tlen minytse4oa ato telil, sud ic rgt ordotpiug> îleo poart i t cbu l iÃndue. ilt bit!pe b>'ali tne. 1à un t tse'aibist, he ho ftin 1irctive a siiisî latiolatbisec cosnted for thcis sea i is Ise .l t auioasly eneatyvureA, des Pile tIs eartueibcf tise nigisi, lur tlsuse vis, brens misery or pîor causes, bat tisus ahiaonedti ibir ofipring lu e teet phage, Coveretliss yr btnl tIser epeing isor Iseanicg an>' une, thise ne- rablo pustor eïchalmet lu B loue!voie, "If yen visu bave 4ruartei tiss childcau now bear me, go iu peaue. lu tise usme of tIse Great Beiig visons I serve, I Pr<omiase 1 that beqpcartb ibis chile!&hasl libe my flaentiug bis, horae, vitl tIse chili vrspped in bis abatk befone bhlm, h. quick. oued bis paco, sud &sou arrisretBt bii humble twelinig, tisugI uuelsInaer thisa unai. "aMercy on me, Monsieur Stevrousi visqt coulai bave teiayed yoss nutil tbit isour 2" astet au oIt voinie s ase ad- vancedtet boidthîie britile visilo ho aligli ed. 411 bave boeubimsgiuiug ahI tinte o usisfotanu-tsat yonr sister Alezins vsm iii, tbst Biasta bat faiuien lame, or tise yen bati been sîtacted hy tle Coast.' "-Tite tisa infant, Feeorits," saidt ti mptor, intemnupîiag tIse cti serrant, an( placing tIse chuiu 1n er arais. Surprise rauderet ber pMute forasuJ'a- @tant; bat, lite a torrent visich its uver- flot lis h anks, ber verdi soon ten nSteranOa, sudeup exeisimeei vitls volubiL iîy, 6,4u inantlmonsieur-en infant à And irbarv bave jon fosse! Il?1Whst aui ve te do Witbs an infant luin bisplase Who is 1ta ià o aie oflben? Who ie n, urs At 7VI "1Yu, Frealeniis," 4uiotiy repiiedthti oIe!Za mats u befolbove4bey irsaio th "4Wiat à beantutl le girl, monsieur -t eoau scarcely le a yoar oit. See,a - eise opens ber ige blacks oyes, vus viso ýitunibmeut se loks arunai ber." e Tise oIt paster amilet, atd placin o m 'I mono oison lIse ieartl, satdboing sftt pîle cousfort utfIbis litîle chsarge, ise cou us encti bis frugal supper, tariug visicil 1reconeto thie ouI womailthtie manne u n viialho bat iacovese! tise infant. aio tage, monsieurtitBsa tablit baie retased 0 tsanvace, la 1, Dot?" et 9fforaes bave a noble ifl5jjfltti reple ythe pauter; "-they may tires' dova a me or. schut visile rsznuitg, but vihI pays ý2puaes uvor a bodly, tae!d or aille, irig 1 - tiseir pstU" "Andi viseajets ealleâ ont te knovi any oeeone vas il bant, tiat yen mee au l iedy?91 - Itise lister, uof bis prutLegee, uiuitet!tth iabiai iser. tisasoldier hay, but ecouil gà I I information eoperslmg 1fi ane! ti 'IaoUmià sn(i sich i t oose! &but~ personvuspat.of à a lee, ina li sme vagméialson -viiaie 4 8koviomaki *sasie thei.p oli ai us oveîaoe eby tishe if~ th ie bl a in-,& bav a i.. .iSIA A awn lsaausle. tro eibng whluvi i put! eo. -10 îý b ciuande -vereo 4yuog ',iised' thoi, k vas unso litti. Jilely tW atlrot attetion, 1. msu Ysrt paSM4 sVey, aus 'Catherinee ai dleiksla, t.eumanagement uof Ibo isole! sffairs. 4t pi-Is é eh. loiys seuedu e~s~rt'a auns f r u adp%.d ftbr v1W trd (ound W disterbli t!s mnootbaeus of b; l ii bspy dapuîtpi, hile. isdé~vseoiept «i îvo or, îbie. oa«M !ons; on vlsioli- ber fatbles tri -suaileeliayqled bims-wu iis d 11 -y ùà lta iet loties. viu epled $0: itbreateua bit lit'e. Tpeps, lad èeI, bajoMung Sa 1eart v' tesnt vib'suîruv. Lt, vais 'an stses. trylng'ouaoaions fbe poifdby s'm lier ueep s**ctiop, a.u4 pfspa'sustrate -bo by. the ezpereaud Vr FdprIk,clp f4i Daittl il sea nueeWbichb w ses urpriuing la, aà tigre cbld-a .111 il ib, under $be lw i lenace ut' anotlsar strusig sêetjuh sMd a£ti 'iemsritbly estly, p o al ster leats e~taluglaraauup.Otranuge itio~totick 0c Pr, s»d jet fmois truc1 tiat la, rçslite ibere 1i là not su Sapticu r9f rIlle$ vi is quipi. portant, or mu, inot i iuiponsqupcs u guqgpoe euer rture - f One day, vison Ostierine vaï about tb;euyeýru's girth ie olt poatr ap. Ir pefared retleus pitol' readipg owe letteua go visicli iad been' broigjuttsat nioransg i snd calliug COsiseine, be, asid, ,euMy dear chuld, îiiy alter AÂie là oi . Be - lu Il ot'teo 1h; and 1I siotilat isis îo issvý 3ou i us-ar ber fuor a short tinse." - , it IIf incb les jour ;*iub, à nay tller, 1 shahl gbi. t love 'Voir gsir, for aiselu Jours; but 1 contens. biouid prefer reusalaing lue, vben I bauigo for you mself-my-b -self Catherine-nnderatand me, ouniuiy-t] a "i t au, my benefactor .0 and,, vsth ythse naîsirai 551017 cf yoith,"lie bs iistene il ftu prepare for ber-departinro,. 1-1 e Tise pastol aecasmpanied ber until tbey arrived aat tise place visere,, as an infat. lue sad foeud ber.- i*a15MI Itihe green, gruusbildrupba ced 'the-se anov - viicb at tisati limse ;colvered the grucs4 is Catherine koupIl.- IC '-Gin. me your bbessiusg bore, fathet," sali sÉhe ln a yoce. cf efnon. ,- t Was b9 ere tIsat, tlsirtýen ygjtre sýu, 4o6u Srat1 is iseard îsyiy eebbe. crics. Pod isears this1 ,: day ise prayers 1 oller for yotir bappincoi, . anuisvilIlilsian tu pie as yon thon lîlteneti, f sud repay yvia fer alil dat ytuist'avu"since1 w doue t'os' pi, sud prclonig Joùr du4s to give t ýlsppineus te aIltiliose tbat .urroand yOn." ' TIse oH mau*s* - gitatioai U wuesîreme,1 e alayilig bib tre&sbits bandea bu the beau 1 d! 'Ittis girlo , à sêi bueiclaimed; "Go' Inu peaue,m uiyeughter. tiodi sog iliauter,1 r- ais4 va ibss ubiait tlu wbatever lie villa.1 ,- wé biluoot t'prîieeiunvbak mansser He id îiiinki riglit tbe. dispcisi out' lIlscresînros.l 1. Wisatever maly'ibuppen, lie saured Ihat my i isîer ylcontinue nay vont uf ebariîy sud -e love. Go;i sud if Ueaven i vii.tsit v ý? shah -ýnot aSbet agà lu, s't.ieber thne lut o verda of pr ~~pour ouIdpastur, viso, tues iug hli intellect inadequate te lise trainiug le uf tbine, vas esutent te model thy beart e ater bis uvu. Be alvaAye goa âsud be-' die t- lie oubli ive, 'Catherine i and inl ri f istevei poaitio"i uinaay b. your fortune iLs to le placed,e ays reniember tisat tison at once wert but a peur deserled inifspf, vIse lus a ev Iours muet bave perissed, baW e uot God ent uneot' bis humule servants er tu yor susistance. lRAsa, uny 4angisîer o.go lu pea.; - ýalva - att iiglnIý, apeak e trutbl, sud do yo'ur tu7ý, iappen vis mn msy.-ý Baising the youug girl troua ber ituce, a lie kisase! ber fonebeail, sud tisey separ. kt ated. soaCaheoiua 1 Catherine Ivliy do yen rS3- sti matn attise toor iustead cf auiaing me au u islyitg by tles.e çiotbeu, or spluuiug tIse Wr ramI ut tIhe Dikt he o d ý tbiuk tis my IEi brother bus sent Jon tulse to do uutisin4 but t'oid your armeansd laiii, e~lÇ if ])0 jou bar me, t3aîhenine yP 7- Tise persuu vbu spoke vaa tisen'id par- son's aget sistei-, vise roidedi a 1ev miles tross Msreuburinlutivufai. 'trilà iwoasajl.J oasiw ith rda, vb -is4 githe t orsp ~ ba lu epqiite hW" -Pts itlbos uppiy YOD tit i-. ssdesaceele,"asiiiitlb"ieus-oge, ~to J "17u6 tiagoseIau! l', iepl.d iti ie, ýWi;$ lof t'sjçrn *irçk s -di l - ( g 0AstI vberaote do joà :i4ve sbetl'O1 §6 They, ' Iigist mion thele bues go-I do '00oan ïsir es1Itremble for tise..", 66 péoricée do iaut,' tremýbla for tus - isbons tise> may defent!," repliet! Catherine.e go Bat, teli mel visat ba-ueecured tMà âeies bùr .?Io, - Il ý i ý - a Il Wb3', mademoeiselle, d6o Uî D'et isea b.e caution?Goeiseral Sisrsm iuf v is army, is bombaidiogï Marienbnrg. (il,, t lu jý ru e l sigist î tgb e b o 4 V1'. - ~atkerine soblisg ss Tiby býesefacter, îhy faîjir," aidj Msadame Alextua, bsviug fusioithe perual ' îbf 1e loUter, 66"be @atse beo hy iltla i acrei otlu tuuemes lO isns il b is duîy l i vits tis6 inirvated 1te bis ýsrs, sudd, siafor oui prayera - for'lus .at'oly; 'sud if .64 vil4 1 tbat bis litai aboulefilib e s acrÉcei e leavesà ilot e pss5e. - .latus leiglus, ' ait Caîbenue, tsliing: rb~risusseail'raiiing it te>ber iips goutlý sudju siîl uudenstauti ue. I oretbtir to Marfnibur&tluJi 'hbsI nsuebe diausbedtut."- - -But jon bavê ttbesii visbaI Pani hi said - tat, ÊÎtie wssis> are siready Iu tish'~, septled41 &lûitna neavortug t'O bioItber bad.on ti fil 90o Assl mi'beaelactcr." ilBai by tiuttfpà e, msdesbsuseIeIp cli aelvet Psul, ad i &L &hie uabiià ùIà a ar ejiter test or, takea prisoaora." - 1 sisal then tue vitl tison or lie a priauner,5' cnet Cathieo, rsisiug i, er fiesd. abdi fpé ua loue ut'- determi- ustico. , Biipjui'n.,lier baud treisat out the ciii Livabisu, aise sndteniy aprang un tise berse vbic PuIl ad bIft ai tise duor, asue! befone ciller leuor tise oIe! lady cuit noînu frus ieir alirprls*e, siso a dis- appeared. , hsu sai ýTIéi. etii'grein g easbore s coenet ivitb boans eacbee tisebodrf tise voot iling ueanost te tise gales cf Marieubarg. At tIse momentît, elserjesi trn tise abat, - et t'he treos, amenasud- deuiy seidthtie bridle. wiVisre are 705 going ?ef demaa4ed le cf tise rider in a pepremptory lune. 5'What As thà ato e yu?1",s thuslip Ici in on equsl, pereivplory WWO Asîciisbeti b, iim 1,dueçp, the atran- 'ger's aras vas raisati lu iniut sunisury punlimsent; but, n percevinga it i wiïs -l girl wvis poeo, busdeasted, aud te-' ià ted, tcougi u~n its/r toue, 14Wbete are yuu geing V",- 6u Wba a tisaI stt'O yea V sgii'n rpesia cil tbs Youug girl, sa p 6 luaîej ii e! pray yen telt me pkus., - - "éYen of course are nul 'arë e, , tbat tise tovu lu iii the hauts ut tise-Rusa- siansMi" at4 an,iuîll rpsi'n!ug tIse bridle. là Wel!, fvbét tIso ?"lntera4pîed Ca' tboi r for là ;s theindtee4 vhs sioke 1'bat, ail tse luhabsi éeliirejrners- snd if yon pqrse >'ouù e 1t, you aise vili: be -fakeu." "Tsant cis fer yenr atisice ; but tnev lia jUst 'usin, monsbieur, &al au.s Ià u lookt p te ýas eosfatiser lailathse town, anti 1 ans doierminot te share bis fate, visSc- averttw4aajbli." 7 1- 1 "" gutif b. 185aprisone 1,11 "id if ois eéti 2"ý This $oppositiona.renderret! Catierin mute; ,but recc <eniuig brcorgesd selfpoaeualsîes-li 554 v s seelueaa,: k gunia ballot,e' Itisevo einà iig sp thse vountis of<apodot#Gieff. eeêla Ieid-mypoor ssieY 1Wbpt do no e à oe reihalt" "4Truilt i, u'dean eild, traIut-s vi )oun om!oouliage'or st w "'Asti baves youl,-tise, -,left isiq tber viuisont ,0 vibIisey ieieod." ' :1- - 1 '1 - Tise Caiesack efliaer fai t ta the gen.;, rsl a s Dear tlieoe, anse balge ber ?cbb*- île. On ente rinizthe lent; ils? itrsî por., Sen abe saw vq i.Youung U îinô*d-u; bat'e «à vas50 thse' chier, aisé tbre-v ber. self a.ti efset ut' tie great general whosé aà po ls e ecbcet fssr sud near 'Agrace, genenai b forppuy's @aire, a tracé 1" sait de ri 't b her iil(tiin tis SttlsUde ëti -ippblicuigl - . A - "Wýisaýht:dcc. this cisile! vaut I'" tmantl- edth il.geueraI, turinqa ta the esficeg T%'h Wai çqudtcdt ler, le bii presence.--- , - 4Bs eues ts te ape a ey-. goecl.e2 da ILtis traelle rspliet Cathserine. "t bèei!oeti muyprt,tor-tný Y fà îluer, 1*ho e prisons-ri and wuhisd tao sIar2e bis Pr ison but 1 bave aince leanis-iltisat li4a Aong tise desît. Tise <uer I U.4 la, lu be ~ai- ii*s-la&te eelc fer hiii boty, 1bt it ar l uai Yoi lad kauvu boy goo lue -as-tue puer Fasior Skuvroushil " - l'hois touae tls- oice vas se0- peculue' sud liercounta s.)nocoiusuusing. jet su ingaeuoik ' tbst thse gausoa, Muses aï lishe iist ufbs-r yeaîh sud coura, se!,df IlTse camp lu situaieel culsude tise was If I grant yurfiqusI vss.gisranlec alsi IletIatonvisatrteescape?"e 66 y ord ', 'replied, Caiiarine - nau. 44 Go, tisen," saui&t!hie general, begekous. inqber te nuee; but resuember-tisa; Tou leieug lu me vben ac tsrlo1 " -; TIse drot persun (Cst harluqen eticnered OnI f jiugt -e ta , v 1oIl P'raei b paslcr's servant.s ' ome ,& sdtaie, -îIiuug ler band;, amue, slsow fte tihe place vbere yeu sisisfalit." aTiint net et suaises îbsug, -Catherine, 1Wold Yen go amoug the dead t tiîi t'se &aial go alune; lie usai>4b.jet Ilas-t ns go, tisan, sai thue 't vensan .( it sisall ni o b.ssiitisai a chue! isa mure Ãonussittissha ad." Tise nilgit vas tarit, sud ut wus vitef tulÃŽlsty îbey coule! se îbeir vay. IViesi- tlasy got eutsiile tise tevu, îbey came upun a fielti coverot vus tise boties uf os -ad - lorîes, wiIlethe ics aît arase icie! Ibat . M a uy v re e tii l- i ie . - T isb j u n ' g irl va# siïet viîi -borron, a.ti iO- ppet. -1 Qb, su! Got, guide me i1"se exciains. et, sut sgsinadatanoet. Sudds-uiy ohe lisan,1t bouls -pe foihowing. 1- Whso are 7.o^ ."1aShe cieti. turnsug tu couse poison visous- ise darnu spreventot ber -froai 1 distinguisbing,, addiugr, "Yce are, no pbpasu.fniend i-sa 1broiser. 1- seec nsy tasier, a tai psap le ladeà I 1 sf> Ãsv es ýý. r ithout a ils, 5anil ceuld, diinumussis sbenaiactee is tIis :terrible darisges. leaven guide vmeV>1 (Ta es c ontinuno.) 'Tîvto IpiÈrasnui - - FI-rastAs c-aia v/of ls. Tl 1 ars, ud lent a isig1e onguei -Y NyKt grc"i Ivs tes leonir. TIle'. o,»nse vonl tessiix cu lear-- 'liapetit but isslt ut vhastyu 4c. colsn'e i«T choicènae ,tssis tree un Wb s plhighlanlef, aumUï crsml been founstg Ansir -tisas sac ,r 1 sa Cet à rit r I, flÇ- n Ib- kIlilo 40t 'etotone 1 8..m 21 1 r ý a f -ý EMI9134N98) Jr-i 1