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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jun 1868, p. 2

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-11. lotus Se 84 ea unt in le slls tise cois. tOUWqleaof île Rilrosd. -Assetiseplots& lag i cf tisa prevslilg unanimity voc *5 a dwe by thse peodinge an thse lerte a«d lisestlameeting, haaUo estt lheky oveulog. Tise resacnit lt boea evui Most satisf&etary. ',h proves ist oe ii i b. héretepsyetrs 6ire tise BalIrood j-lbt tisait tey visb Id desI g4e. ibousi> vitis ibse:vWho undortaise auss puarentes tLe vorirqsued isi initee qf biselg <SeIn ifs dol et algradolng8y lb4y usewwllilng Isit halls e givranl snob airaý"ys iii Preia of tise <reaat ýso»IabIoe nllty te tisese vbo gel It, se tong as tise coissteien cf tise rosd leaus. eared. Tblisilastb ise nlg Iis pntlus *ilb tae lai vhstise metteh ' Lob eue g1fî5 ai * neS, b. gSirea apsl.isads d, elvît il h goouilut 1qtriVý Atir. ôugitsa te b tit*,64 eaOnelitcmels,& va, se le make àis vins laiT vottislese. Iu the.priesa a (av discîliUd orolf.opiulonedolper. sonosucosngsl ns te provole smilvesfautit fiie tvl tbing it b dos-not ema. lIaI. é<gtbhommeteë. It 1isotnethblfer tis!b, tWr sir e b teis seei te. em, trraistise diesetous, or bamper tise ifi 6t Iti ove vItlas practicable, sud visli, nneessr, nsy,,fuile conditions.,EU tiser 149 tios. ol saislpiag baud, and Opiscl and encourage tisces visestandl r**dI to. daim lisir musass lutise coder tekoing&Mel crry ont Ibis Rallway prqot ta eompleîlon. lat us nes b.e "coder- stoci. We vaut is coîditiss tu qpa4 u etes.,propenly seîfortis sed entere lotie, -*0 yilsoeur tis e Rliroal le Iao toise. t4ia. Ion., lot tise Party asdsrting tise gueratlen ef tise vers, isa alisbe »oan e b.bonsns. Tisw4ebelle ve salis. runerai lais, andtint atntobs lsgrast. iq* ag , * Tisatb4ikliseB va, Coibpasy vilii flic &Ilastd .vertising la tiar power to *setilfytise reascuablo rquir4mente of tise Cerporaîlon, la aSil respec0ts, bjIteon besson vsbOret- to douiI. Aad tLaï, tSe Tewnu eicwilvlI eoullypefbMh-thosir lluty and lusisi apon ail tht la aeceaaary Se lag dnl ouet#u ithe on, ne one ieaita. te la e blleve. Bt lise Tewnu Concil, liser aboeuarepresoeattlvsm Ld îeusîsdi-guardi- asic f the Corporation, and Dot lrepon-0 aible ontlî individusls, Isliste preper t fiarlte tIs al itusthL. bjsct, ad itis tios.tie tttat ibcilefbt. Earnony cf actieu andti slly manngu lles, eymeta là nov tisa dutPn, tîtesa isa versudtises. siseld net b. siionel te be manrod b, lise crtetisor lmpratlcabilltiea cf an, man. Evrer, dalle exporisace gees 10 prove usaI (buise are tome monen l cmmaalitism, inlteflîgent ant i vliinlentionel, great ai p lalsmleg sel leignlag; but vise neyer b l tieasalve are capaisie cf carrlng ont là projeottale ris4al. Tisi mifortane la tisai thiir miscoeptloes anti lit direateti efforts nentralileetiein n eafoiemm, 80 tisi ie, oidom,ýsacc@eeinla s.oaiplicising aay réal pracicai geel. To tbis plasi. bililîlo, " butenadvis tisai a Isaf ose b. g aasi. Tistia la bat one objeot le b Seopt etcldilIyle vien-tbe construction of 66 PRlira. 'And lti ail a ietaire tis béat a bsve-lbisr lotisg benisel isop rteiladai Issu, rily arhal' tis.. vis larema, ee lembaiti r tassas la lis aeomplisb.menî, sud strengîbenand sus. *tain tilea "lantheir public spitital ekeort<eaai. Tises ara aneltgb cilcileeàoi tii ibis. tend vtis. A t itst*ig tisis, aisirése frIsndai eTth' ise kan, aenloie ler à@seNorth adCetr adafe îL e focers, eut tises. letise latter. TU epaaeof theay.av lu %bis lman- 6Ioa soolaeutq. It Isth*e gris p oaUwb ob"ellagtise Boa& If Reausi ddya btlbi qütim tloîcfietrluug ise *ePo4p.qf,,eoy 1dtoUea not esd àýe tZJpy #ogio*dou* be wed fre %iiwied ùise eeuisbuiàv. M arIuueWtasUmmryo gusds4galmsithse eoietag of ietpb viie, sel otbi el. tenapti.letM ommudeathîe preal. foi cf ais e ports f aitathi vick bex. pories- ir evew, re oftti lisde ocre bovillsring ._b os aormalea frnt (rlend. -Tb@ mM" a, aiseltis, cf conna ies, vii, ere practiesisis, placeiguards t4 <vttib lflpcrtaat' oit, arranige à isysi t ecmuues inlath.eea; cfo vires bsiag ecal&,ianloejouactic vitis reeve or otber magistrates, establisis sonie #,1#13cf cf Mscuîg. 'Well organizoti aragmnsfor scntinog vii b.eof tise greatesi nus e l. lloving iits upon tbis bead are feanlel apb u atbcrlty.- A fev cool,sective aud intelligent mon aLclI bad bcgtter sad andortaise tise scoctî cin u a btâp er païri of 8; 'îevn. ship. %*dite iigist b. mcunted, otisers Dot. BIsculISaynadications cf an eaemy pressati enselves, tbey senold bu elserv. Fd by tsss toîbi ntubur eulntad, sudý béréTal obs iitaîles isadb as te ý visetber tisebave arliler>, a4, If ttsie >,l -cumbr, cf gens. Ue ci'twoe atouts mgit tison bo sent oc i vit ltinlfories lice 1, tise notresi tlegrishstation or millitar, pool, returuîing as ceoasposiblo. Thse remalaber siooald oaiouae to vatais tbe eute.>, oue or meremiulug vutbem entier varions proetei ntelligence of re- lufercements, ce cîber important maltera, b.iag sent c09 seea as ààpossible. BlîculI tise eon.. mais. a move, co or mcre scoutasenl b. seat'off tWreport tise fuit aud thse direon Meaissa, daltise ouber accula abould rcilov tise movement, dis ehlag sent to teperi visoever tise directlcus aistaàg#dl, a ntiusquetly lb., lnfermatica Met b, tise fermer 'settt bas biebme lailctreoit. -4Wisen an anemy bI sud bivodtotafor thlisugisIpecial mes sengers aiscisîlb. dspecateil deltise remainidg scouts watcb .-tie camp vry closéi, and observe viser. lise sentries sud p104ub11 are pia sud an votiser tise7are vigila.tu Ib is pBalaer, .lb th ise sss. suce cf a êQunt, mue;', tise very, lot vb.re an ens., is eneampçd#, osab. llicasted. forcmaton rèletilstu tise rosIs, yods nature of thse grenaI sud eT tise disposi- tion cf lise enemy'force sal b. cars- fully acotel for tise informatita of lisose la cemmand o! eni biceps, sud, If corrotly ebtainel sel given, y wl enabio ~an mtacs te Se maIe vitis great adv&ahag@ý Great misciief la ofien committel S, scouts, or patrols, vise immelistol, ons eeing* oce armel men -movlng aiong a rosI, gallep eff snd reperitisbai tise onetollm coltunisl marcing la stcis a direction, Wisen per. Sapase Lav cu" ul, eena aforagiag party. Qeod scouts vili se. an eneaty beibre tisey es e emoeibyias. Tise, sal tison vitisdrav fate tise veels, observe bis trengîis and cemposition, and tison proceld te report. It may net b. nocessary te eu ieni actilon anr cf tise feregeing erganizatien, büt is tisa ave1nt cf iseel> ve iope tise fen bluta vili prbve cf blei q.vçlude 4àd«uod on or lettlug tise ac- cMWor 9itbt triel for "nvmftcfeieat oeldee.Tiesoit .of*esoblht grand jorolàfnt etlimes - a eaiQuarter ses.~ slnien atisis eduai Voul, per1ýaps, la rotiU mubmbera, wsm*m le s ome fl per aunua;1endasti biiaabe tasn ou -a Cale eriterlon cf tise mmi Ptid by otiser menaties. Wfldtiswiavug cf ibisaMeunai b. Se eqaitlli forthe bing avay v tis îiseis~our nsltutica cf grandý jarlesâat uarter Sessics? TisaIfistise question, 0f Course@ ev owtIsai tise mre slate of liings boei not oexis * now wbieb pvvietatise lime vien ran j'agies ati Quarter aSeions bal, tiseir enigIn. Oui municipal systeni sautin facI, 'dolee away vith tiuaesst, altogetisat. And ve do net know Sut tisa s teiselpermets i!ould b. quit. sofe l thse isads cf tise coturt andi petit jury vlitst tise laterfer- eaee ef a grand jury et aIl. Tiese mbjeet is, bowever, co forIbotseinterenbe cf tise LIeglature, hd, asne 6have alreaby te. mÈarisci, otein atise distnion cf wviic opinions *111 widely di*'t. -Tise otis;r pertioni cf. tisa Presonmont',cf tise grand jiry, as te tise paymeat cf crowa, vitnessçsbas repetedilyengaged tise at- tenons f tise Legilature ; but vitSent any practîca! resaIt. It iss an aomaiy la-tise law vieis frequusslly causes gresi issrdsbip 10 creva witnasset, andtieftfrttrates tise ond& cf justitb by prev.nting witaosses eotaing fervari ho prosecute. An altera. dice in tise Ila bi thiespect bas been long demande&~ Tise Court.Ucusc Pence. W. li.alva rnlage cf tise Occasion cf *@i preselt sessioa cf tise Cunat7. Coancil te «al attentiâonte tisai disgracefal eye *it-tbe Cceri oes fence. Fer years, lael asine -,tise Coaaty bnildings vere erscted, tishe e carso napainted boards, misealled a fende bave beaeu poriittel te romain lu îb.ir present position -a stand- lug repree tu, tise negligence cf car canoty magnâtes. Strangers voaler attise teste tisat llowsa r#ally isandiome building, as car eourt Louse uadeaistelly la, otlbe ad la. aide le b. surroandel by sncb an nasigiti, ebjeci. Bee ears age, vs recellect,tise mialter êf ibis fonce vau bretigist nder tise notice of tise Connel, andl k wu agreed tisaI stopessonlb. taien te construct a Fuerior nlafront cf tise conty bald- legs. Mré T. N. Giis, tise present memb.r for tise Souths Ridiag, and vho vas tissa la tise Cocncil, vas, if ve remember rigisîly, -la faver of a bandsoeefroc fonce) andî k va btiis suggestion tisatishe malter vas aliowel te stand over la eider te eobtaitt estimates. But theo feae gel mlked np witis tise gaul valad etier mattere, and bas suer bicte been lest sigisi cf. Tise cemmittee on cont property shonld taise np tiis ejt and obtain estimâtes te bc laid before tise Concil. in au ao f tiseir neglectiag te le se ne de tus1maItsmre independeat member cf tise Coancil vili tise tise malter lanisanb, and tisat some stops vili b. takei tc sabstitute sotie soet Ofa lobent fetice for tise preseal nansigitly TisTe Blisop cf foïonlb tavlcg reocirel AT3LITIO SPUt-ca v tvrus'lxNWrnvîir. tformation frcn tise Biireân f A*rieeinu A e esicg ni a Wstb x sud Stattitle, tisat seyerat cor tis e eW ierth a Àfu ea gol adWi x Dioeeae have failel te eomply vitîs fl mv hlile iniserinketers and i luebs cf reuîpecctig Marrlsge Ite,1lsters, enruestiyTr.-. quns tata suai cf tisa elergy sn bare onitted asa lite. or laite yeana, froth on. I-c uiike tihe requlredrturai tor the yoat-Il',18. Seoul do o Bwvieuot delay, as tise Govcnn,îîl cans. and anoler-tue Yenhg bmeus often have il list t4elwr e eexat A tineOcf <(01V years age isaring moilail gel itiamied, lu tieo otevoy Mact f tis uty11 stail and utlel i8 life, smne gone off le hi'ba ebve vs dllp rens lie 1 Cisarcis seule oovailaotiser ocalities end etisema Ciseonicle,"e Torot-o, fer -Jan. te lisat I"boamne viseace ne trareiler e- W. sire plous setai lise goternudittit tann,"ecricketting sand cuber atisîtcasports bave taisen Ibis iateÏIlis Sais, Saud Sope '1vet î ova" lanWiiby and tise olI bise sttice vili baurae ieiafreoffoci iritis -prestige1 and tise boti, nonestel baîtles of tise elegyissaaof the chancis cf Ragil, ud tLeWiisy crieketers bâvs been culy e- mal sil eiseraIntssatel - temberedun assomentotsig e tulkoI ovor. t- . -i- - 5~m~su~é4 eara pieasiig revival bas takea ise domvytsan ep- 5141< etevodl ia i itstractive gyninaium Lis " fr perfouplaÀ4se,'Wise'îis7 I~ufbe fe perera - tlsesisrelge ire hh a trcng, club; aebal club ; a mca, viieS alae ô egltraîea ee .eetcIti, and lait tiseagisnott bt, ita that, îisrottgt negii*gèqwdehé Se5 mieus fail to isenoes e.Tise latter vas formedol lt rogisater tise mariageila lie propar effice. ireit. *JÉie cUeors are, Mr# Leslie, ef a preouaniy becclses there vilusable sud Is Icyl sai -a - pes'ot;Mm tise t0f!nIryinêrseseaina popaltbcasud ÊsJitbioeu, va-pruBank~, pMe. Be noriu, velislgai evilsuce If merriage cash, field ptalnansd Me. Q. H. Ham, smore- obtail, djSudl paeel bejoadlboubt, kea îemy4measusne. Tise stuub.rs jeiniag tisa cour cf!ev bocuts med sd mje i.later luli, sud visemecS teOisecoeiadapta pôrtanh Te secere bith tise Le$* I» lsash, t is ractic f-lise National-,game, are tuba )eaiLgejstil4ciise 17e m - nt dbil, iaereasiag. Tise 'Isenîbercf- ise binerl, but ltaoI l te s cafmat>'t - eib-cemaePratiti et as aly as tise greligioblt nluit.rem-Wis0 mbibgr 0ive ct fah lie-thorstlbgfol- an heur ce ail mass, ,loiuil g- the, 17Asij1. S-iIvoh duu' cb.disnee- Là lave f tie veulidt ise utarise staaco~mi iîa aeagb. - ingrotàisMsd -are -airýeal, sltaiDngsei stagî lt, at ougit.proficiencet itisey vili i n a position Cep.72,Cesscllell bititel t C-. ross leneefor*ar& te exteal, ce' ae.ept a naIs#,points eut the menuer of tiàgsisIm. r Niiy thaiteulgu, front a source. Wc tretien. Au IOce Mdaae sl ahuistees>, - .m.ch gîsisetîiWsiacfss -Quess&Mdssceelleaof' fiieuls tam- Î14 àîç sportstiba tovni ast ndeclais q ireeled t. essisenetresof-marriagesad. dobt iii.theyotng mens of Wbltsy -e eksiUg, Wle e roi et dalr of Februay lvi psie ot tse ievn Thse ektetion of OlEarreli bok place 01, tbe IDoyvinîg at the 21mb of A'ril. Se, ,ude -thse ftIlaig dia délaration ina wrl$lisg, aâdroe ïo Coýna1ec'4 VBeila now about to aprear,efote -My Crao, I fo hMYdt t. 0glive proS-ý1 sien'to my seartfelt sorrow for the grevi-. cp* crime 1 heve pomiplt.d; -Pro1rthse ,ey botte. %of m bas do 1griae .for vlsisa Ihavedono. Il'batte Iitiserte sait tisat 1 -wu one of many wlio <r.ýe prepared to do thse deel, bhd I net don, it. 1 Lad cet thse slisbtst, fouadation for sacb a statomeat. I vas neyer <conaèected wilis aay mat, or any, body_ cf men viso Lad for thiur objeet tise talring of thse liCe cf tise Dîîtke cf Ediaburgis. Neitisor vasI in any otiser tisan an indirect manner con. cecled wvt tise organiiation lin Ireiaad aud elsieee icis i. known by thse neme of tise Penians orgauliatioù. I wlsb, more. -over, disininly.te amse il-tisi. iss u a det aàsbatstbolbg ihi eiisteace vise Lad thse sligiteat idet cf tbe object I had in tiew wisei I thediated cn-aad, tistongi tise stercifui Providence cf God, falledl in carrying into effet-tise deatb cf tise Puise cf Ediaburgis. I'have wrriten te tisé Prfrers cf tve Iris periodicils an addres to tise people cf Irelind., -Se cor. tain vas I of tise desis of tise Duke cf Ediaborgis, tisat 1 stated tiseroin Isat wviue 1 believed twould is tise act ; aud 1 thinis 1 have more tisan implied tisai I was but ont or an organitation te carrytiese me lut* elfett. 461 neol but say tbat tise trathsof tise latter portiun resta apon a aligiter féanda- dion tisan tise former; ia fact, tisat anles from mere bearsay, I bad no foandation for statiag tisat tiser. vas a Feaian organ. ilatien la N~ew Sentis Walits. of wisai Irnay atiliLecallowed te cal 'tise vroigs cf Ireland,' I became excited aud flîkd vus entbasiaam on thse snbject, and il vas vison under tise influence, of tise feelings tisat 1 aîtempted te perpetrate tise ded for visicisI arn now justly eile apcn te sager.,, Iuvuvi T o STAn' Ortiomn.-By Mililli gêneral eiders la tise Gaseif. cf Satarday lait, fDistrict itaff9QiQerb vili cail upen cificers commanding battalions ia their respective distriltste taise steps ho 611 uop vacancies la tise medical staff cf tiseir isattallons. District cificers will taise immediate stops to, supply any deflciency tisat may exist in medical staff of corps or' battalions lanliseur respective districts, by ebtalning volnntary services of civil pran. titioners sacis civil ptactitioners If ern- pleyed, te bave temporary ranis and psy ef staff asaistant surgeons. District staff offi- cers wili sebd as soen as possible,.à liii cf tise .gentlemuen viseare villing te serve as above, WtIith Medical Staff Officer of Militia, MouLinai, with a daplicate liât te Lead quarters department ai Ottava. One itedical officer te evew 200 rnen wilI be a sufficient proportion. Reqairemeats of fied brigades to eb.firit previdcd for. ren efficers and men are gazetted ai Laving received certificates fron tise Commrand- ant of -tise Cavalry Sciseel tt Toronto. P>uOiIBL19 101101zCiq IinàsHW.- Osa. wa, June 15t.- rather serinas affair took place te.day la Mr. Mial's factory, vibici l iiprobably resuIt la loe.of 'liCe to a Young mian narned Kyle, wlto, it ap. pearsi vas leasing anetiser Young tman vorkiag la tise sisep, vise said, if b. (Kyle) voald net quit Le would Lart isim. Ryle ssiI semetiig, and at once Ayies, wviicis lathe otiser yo Dg mansnani reacised for a weapoa visicis nalokily provd te- e L argedra--g-kife Ad SwOïiag goéet, la ecanectien vitb ti Idthir -intention tW. bal < tlai an bassar, la aid ,eT tise fund cf tise aisve Luison tie 24tk ji. h Agrand dem.-- onstratton vUI itaie Pl& a n isoccasien laMFrimoWppgrve# neart eviu4ge.-, Tisete are ais ta b4e'tIi gaines sad "prim-Foer fortiser partielat seudhW14 'sud prpgtatubàes. W. leare tisa i a pnsie aud et;r' wberry belongiusg te birn.' 'iploin n'a a directnd fginthtie piisone esason, on bals5 snrestI, elfr tise robbory i1MiPna'.. Gaoc . Gel'e*p - ctlsisblè, searel dtise boeuse .ef-"tIse prigot9s son, and Cutid quilts i; wicis*et~e r -rocg M. Biss. layd unle tisobr. , )Letîlaiij dagiftr:i.laif isepi1. sonet-salise ballidiseà éon stable tisaI tise quille Lad been takeon by prisonct, sand pu nder tise Souse. Tise peisoer 111 Il apftnr tber isusbanî (tiseyouisger Ellis) basd been. arrested. Beoeo ho hiil 15cm be saIdh. -IiIn'b know-tlisoere sclen. Min Qordon, moîhor cf tb. lait vitnss ssaieosaw lte prisoner il liseyoupgnr Ellis' bouse, on tise nigist fteti ho (the Young man,) bal been stesîed . Tbecol manis al tisatisthr '#macacle tisingsthon tist aI blbettisb bl d. dl Tise jury retuenel a verdict of gailty, and tise prir-enar vas acatenced to bye yesrs latise, Provincial Penitenliary é and lsd son te 1*0 years ln tise Penitenîiaey, ln addition teoi ýs'former sentence. Mr. Cochrane, Ceunt> Attornsey, pecaccutel. Tise pisener vas undefendcd. 27sQuesn vs. Camion Delong & Clark Delong.-Tisc peisonere weu e- -seraingel for stealing soeaperle, tise peoporty o! James A. Dcloug, snd eriicis vas found burid in cir ie ld, on tise 28ed cf A prii, lait. Tisa prisoncra picaded net guilty. Me. S. Il. Cochrane appeared t etise <rcwnn; sd Mr. Wilson fer tise piinors. The jue> reburnel a verdict cf gulty.- The court sontencel escis cf tise prisoners te tiseco yeaea iluprisoniuienl ii tise Pro- vincial Peaitcntiary. 2/te Quéen ivi. <Donnell. -The prisoner eas inlictel forasauîtung liii vite, vise, itowever, iefused to promecute. O'Donnel vas censnqticntly idisciseegel, upon enter. ing. into riecgnizancscite keep lte peace. THIRD DAYt. Tise deuil openel et 9.456g. tu. ?Nie isoner Jlulge Burnnsam, Chaieman; De. Gunn, J. P., and J. B. Iickell, Esq, on tisa Berici. IJoaman va. .Nilon.-Was en aation for rnoyery efthtie suas ci $2403, coney paid by the plaintiffloelise defondant. Prom thteevidonce it appeaed tisaI Bowmnan isad rentol a farin froîn Nilson it Darlington, for 1 yesrs aI $240 per annum ; mont pay- able yeseiy iniante. Bdn'maa SUld s merîgage frpusn,Nilson, tise inatalulsenti on iiaisbecimae la inApnil, same limneai tisa ranI. it thi concluàqion of tisa îcTn cf tise lase Bcnman pald -a year'i ent, niticl he vas not indebted, sud lisus instead of evon Iieisal paei cgit yoarly instalments; Receiote producal and provel. Tii. lefence set up thaI cnly seven instuiments bal beau, pail, and counsal for defandant, Mr. Cochrtane, ssp- plied for a noastuit on tisa ground tisat, undar tisa teems of tise lease, thora vas a payîieist due ici 1868. Counsel. auto Iook exception ttie j urisdiation of the court ; and excepted tisat money pail roluntariiy cannel be ecvered baék in assunspiit fom. moî,ay liaI anI racaivel. - T.s jury, found for tise pîsintili for tise fu amount climal. Learo grantel te tise lefcudant te more on tise grounds statel abore. R. J. Wil- son and S. B. Fairbanks for plaintiff. S. B. tjochrftniefur defenlant. Ii tise ppeal case of WVilkinson, appel. leusl, Connor, respualenti tise conviction o! tise magîstrat vus susîsinol, vitteut,4 cOcIi. . MeCluo, appellant, Veiner, tospondent. Ini tisisappoal casa tise appeaaivas quasisel, vith tests. 1 The Queen os. Diggory Buuroughs.- Thse peisone was arraigncd for stcaiug a bell-nu strsp, vertS perhaps about cite cent. The case vas raportel la tise Ckrocs. icis laI Sessions.. Tise prisonevas son- tencnd to 1 mentiss impmisonniant in tha common gaci. Grand .JIdry Recale, Whiîby, June 11, 1808.1 Tise Grand Jurera for tise June session cf tise Coenty o! Oistario, heg te presant. Titat Iisey visiti lishe gal andl found tise oama ini a dleaniy and satisfnctory state. Tise satisfactory manner cf tise govcrnment o! tise gaci, snd tisa tiseougis discipline onforcal, bas placal tisa gaol for Ibis county in tise firaI claie 'for dts Pro- rince. Tisa grand jury regret tisaI ne provision bas yet beau tanIn for lte paymenl of vil- uesscs in criminel cases. Il Io a great isardsisip tisat porionsasoulî bu conspefleci le give lteir lime, somatimes issving tg cocue long distances, and psy tiseir cvii axpoue, by nîtcading court ns witzsesees Ici tminai cases,-vSen tise viiole coin- usxaliity 1-aap ttM-benefit outhtisaadmInistrz. tien of Ceimiusai Justice-that comtsnity sisoull bese lte expense tisereofiIdl#us distribute thse csteaI promg sny,, ici place cf tise 1ev, as la the, çaae unerotishe pro- sent iav. Tise tinetion I-bSean rsis-edila tise &tahJury, Wn'diser Geaiî .turiem-for bbe Qujartçr Sesien.e ccul nt oato. gelhet abmiiaiel, sud notmar tisa admin- istratiop eJ'-ustice, -,I their cpiabýon,spme simple sud suéxpensive pisp could b. alsipteti, tisa îI ~'le every'safe-gUarid alil protection voutl -ho tht-oven at-cund tise subjeet, sud Inqîlteni ore? vici bbcg ran d jùry u onse-mii a las-go item cf expense te lisc countysud, Prov¶ice voul bc savxid.1- Ncv 15mb vo baea ;ccai QcVrnmýat; fortbie Ps-civiuce cof On-' tarie, tisa eerçar proper tinte, aI leait, fer s dilseusstog,-ocf lise questioni.* , -'. 11 - T -iora 14 jui-y io - 1 * ac Isielge the niueý$s-,antI cabaity of lte Oounty At- borné>, *(Me.'S,. . ocitrane,) durînus ler -préertai tî1sg.ý--- - Tisa grand jury would caTi the alleutien ýcf iseo oue-y Counofi Itetise sécutitycf tien asklig for aid; saio, tise constitution anti bylavi cf the Association. StatensufontoisheLegisitiie Scisopi Grant fronitishe Elucation office. Coupwusnication f reonthe Wardea of tise ceuslai,-cf SinosI e i,rbs t~&rs la tise-vaters of LakéestSid and Cossi. c;iigt ând askiag ithe Coaneil to co.,oper-a -*te la devisiitg sornd meas l pr.vensî the cvettcviag, cf valisle lads 'eostise thagin c or t JaSies. OC G. dGlmsse, of WLiîby', staîing tisav bis daugister Aun Qittoe. ail een borai desT and dualnl,' tisat sohé vasnov Uîi pears ef age, iId priffing for a grant te tt" for ber stbeoiag aIetishe Hatilteal Tac-titioi. Reforeacea voie giren té Rev. Mr. 1B1ltr, Dr. Carsoi ad john Ran Perry, Erq, _I)10fMU. MaGasn, cf tise Doat anl Damis Jastitute , Hamilton) lanrice te he b Ldonnty granot. 0f Collilagnool Itaresi, brilge-.ieeper as tise Narovslai rofèeoce te bis satumy la ammear. 0f certain rsta.payrm cf lËroci, pray. iag, for iniprovemeats on tbe Conat, lins, nortis of tise Nonqnon i11-14r, Gillespie. Of Johna Harasy, J. Pý Foie, anl cet- tain otiser inisabitants ofl tise îu*nssip, cf Mars ostiag forts tist tise nevý or Centre real tisrotsgisMars vps ceverel vitis vater and anfit for travel, andI praying Cor ald te maka the saId roa-paisable-Mr. MeRse. zqtIAiotAN OOMitiTTt .. On metioa of Mr. Fairbanks,- secealol b, Mr. Gillospie, ise Coisacil procoecledte ballot for a cornrittee cf saven te equalize tise assesiment rels Cor- 1867. .Meuars. Drydenabd Glibs avoe ap- pointaI mc-ustiueerm b, tise Wardea.> Tise ballot reslied la favor cf Moiss;, Dryden, Hldea, Meaee, Souton, Wizson, Sinclair and Wrighst. SSxuDLToas ItEPOtIT. Tise Ânlitor' report vwu laid bofore tise Connail snd rosI b, tisé Cleris, ïs isîroad, publisîsel la tise.columas. AID TO ltlVL9 ASSOCIATION& On motion cf Mr. Fsirsanks tise eofi.z muaication cf Mr. Gawocski aking foi ajd te tise Rfla Association -vas rt:fenrd teý tisa standing commîtte. oni Finance. On maotien cf Mr. Dryden tise Connaît adjearnol outil tee o'ciock to morrow -merana. SECOND DAIt. WEtixssnÂr, Jane 17. Tise Warden teck tise chair ai bLi-past' ten o'cîocis. Ail tise memabera (witi tise exceptionoC. Ur. Smiths, cf Scett,) proseat. TftEsÂicalR1 BTATESrENT. Thse statemeai cf tise Ceanty Treainrer vas laid Leoe.tise concil S, tise Warden and ri.ad by tisa clark; -Prom it ve aicer tain tise foliowing figuresas toe tte eo f tise cunty finsance,% Balance,....... Receipts, iaclnliug bis dis. cunatel........... 12i230 17,855,62 Paymenls .. .. . 20247 Éxcos of payne...... 3l3 liatimsteî oxpndittre-exc.e, $2931,38; bis oaîstauding, $6,000; balance cci drill sisad, $500 ; grautta,'Blacis River snd Tai- bot bridges, $900 ijarors sud jury a:çpea- ses, $1900 ; dehecituros sud intameat, $6,140 ; coustabtem, $1500; Regimry office, $500; ceunI, proparty, 1,600 ; sgmcltarai granta, $520 ; salaries (inelal. iiig arrears), $2,660 ; inquest tixpansos, $400 ; priciring, $1,200 ; Ceunni Atioetiey, sud Clark erthtie Peace, $lYO0 ; memerir nagea, $800 ; crier ef court, $150; gauler, $1,100 ; gaci supplies, $650; Scngog bridge, $200; Narrons bridge, $200i vool Cor cont, isilliagi, $500; line. ance, $240 ; Board cf Pablc Instruction, *-o;indigent viteses, $100; siscriff, $1,200;,voîf boaaîy, $18 ; graminiar saisool grant, $750 ; ceetingencies, $600 ; msaking sitogetiser $34,810,38. Fremin i*i i.t te de ntal. Balauco due b, the Town of WViiIy, 307.07; intereat tisemeon, 88.47. Doe b, To*Wn cf W-itS,5 advance 10 theet sort assesrnt for sciseols, $77,ad 4 years'iateremt tisereca, $18.49. Dýueby, * Osaaa balance -cf interestiro dobty- atei, $.sev oeruameat for criminell ju- tIce, $3,500 -rnsgistrqateus u, $800, msing l il Hto e se beted, $4,91e.02;, leaving te Se provideti or 830,600.96. : Tise aional aci oll f tise non-rosi% lent ladCufondLas been sel bien as foi- - lova ss Mare, and Raina, $1,924,55; Lix-, bridge, $254,08; Sctt, $249,49;,,Pielmer- iag, $95,45 î Brock, $158,92J ~Ton'n cf. Wiubty $16t.7à; scwneisip of Wiiby, s156.92 Reai-$187,71 ; Tiscrais, $340.69; tbslyt $6d54. MUVTIONS 0f D. Itsitul refercace te Beavetton 1ôaS-up, aad aalmiag tisat 3 irous Sels be. OC lames MaPierseusl oisbéos pray- iag for tise psssage cf s by-lavw t sepan- me Mars> and Renia-Me. MePhee.. .0 O JamEs MePisersenanmd otisêns praying, fùr a grant te open2r1 coea. cf Baats- 'Mi. MaisEein abfout tyvb:ocloCiseh IêstlSndai oieoa ing, lna a iole b, thsesid.3 of a tree' viié bail receiaty fualn, cordeettopvlitlslestes ad rabbisis, ad a log placed conAhe tep cf iser. Onoxamicng -tisa body thista jurie. seem e îbec cp.flaed te thé beady vbicispres.ntsisee hcinig spectacle. A club or $sioebeavy voapois bal ovidently -been nied. Prom fCentStisleh Lave coins te ligst, tiser. seenis ho b.c ne çouis but Tisotîsas Jonos, ad bis dangister, a girl 14 yea'rs cf age, are tbe perpetrators of tise dreedfai crime. On tise 4adink of tise body tise most intense exciternent prevail. .1, au 'Idtise foeliag cf tise wbole neigisbcr- bsold vas me higis tisai tisegreatesi pro- ctantions bial te b. ý'taisaItte kaep tise prisoners fre. b.iag lyqsese. Tisa motive>auigel ed1r tisa aiochlng deel is tise b46 terins on vsiastise two familles have been for mre ligne paii mltise girl issviibg given informatijo agaibuiber unce la anàburgiary case. Wiithtie 'eaininatien cf *tise prisonors vas going on before' tishe rcuer'a iaqnest At tise towa hall tise orlng gave, va, procipitstiag coroner, jurysaan idience soims test foot into tise bssent~ babw. Setera -porions vere Salibrse&el Tise jury', after ozsaîminiag soveral lim- portant vitacoses, returnel -a verdictt-cf vilful niarder againi Thomnas Joues and bis dangister,, Elisabeti Jcnes, ',Tise evidonce la vcry cloe afgainat tise prison. ers. His socea, aciild ton yesrs cl, m5v tisem strike tisefatal bIen', alanothor son, sevontoan years ol,ý acliuovledges tisj.-his fatiser told Liistiscj bal commit. td tise leel, anti bariel tL. body under a lýg. Tiseprisenerd viii Se removel te I.,ondcn gacl to-amoie te avait lhiser trial At tise Ps Assites. Pickering Townsp ietindii._ gaturday, Jun,5Gth, 1868. Co3uncii met plirguaI te adiéurnnteht lfembers ail prescrnt. Minutes cf lait -mctng mal and approved.. Savral petitiors wcrc prescated, prayý- ing for granta cf mrncy te improve thse 3M. Paek& soa that the renve grant là in .,.er on thse treainrer lin favor cf the foIiewing partiei tor supplying provisions, &c., te pooe and indigent parions, riz; Fred. Mccii, $73; IV. & S. $Piis, $19.80; D. 31cPhee, $80; Urisis Young, $0.60; Stepîsen Gardiner, $426; Thon*us Chester, $11 ; Thoà. IVond, $1760; Thos. Teipp, $9.50; John Oddiè, $1320; Themas R. Palmnelt, $80 alLîçc $2à; Edaunîd Wright, $g2, Mr. Gree-n moyed tisaI $4& bho grntal for tise purpose cf paying oh! 'a debt on the Greecnwoo'.l drili ssed alui tbat $25 ha granted te the 34ith BattaliQ'n' Voluatcr Militia fer lta 'purpose cf ansisling said. battalion te purchasa -instrumnts for a battalign sband. Mr. Parker movel tisaI $200 bu graniteil te open up and irnprmsve tise lest con, or haselino acros.io tg 15, 161, 17 and 18, and tisaI Win. Greigi 'rhos. Gormloy and Mf. Swalîow.be comimissiones l expcnd thse samie; tisaI $200 ho grantel tei build a cuiveet, fil up s gullo>, &c., on thé Sth con., opposite lot No. 11, and tisaI John ýhicr, Esq., bc commissionor te cupend the sanme; thatt 40 bu granlel te buid s bridge on side-linc, hatween Iota 84 snd -8à, la tisehoelth-baif oethIe ïtisconcession, and tisat Michael Noighswander-b. coni- inusioer; that $20 ha granfted te iti up gravel pit stnd extract stuaips on lte 0Lth COn., between lot No. ng and tise western town-licie, and tisaI John Barkoy and John Wilson bh o mwiszionars; 11151 $40 bc gtantal te btsild a bridge oin aide-lune b.. trecen lots 30 and 31, la heekea front con., and that Wnn. A. Ailison and William Cçowanlhe cemmuiàgers;- tiaI -$8 rho granted te rapair a culvomi on sida-lino hetweon lots 8 and 9 in the 7tis con., and tisaI Wm. Snlith hoccemiusioner; that $00 ba granted ta btuiid' bridge on the 4th con., la front cf 1<51 No. 20, 4acdthat Robt. Fuller and Thos, flumis becommis- sioners; said cemmissioriers tb report te this ceuncil on or be~forQ thse hmst cf 1Xcv. nexl. -. Me. Wixecth thcvéd blinI $40 bc eppro- p riated on tise gide-line bot wccn lots 10 .Aî 1IL. lit.tise ls-on.&teboexputî'i théu suns ta-- ilter7. to inter te pt!ovcnt suçis daims1 AÇIAlscrÂzs zs 00ztÇ rTO~l- eEIiAL PÂILIAÂMET-LeundOJune 13.- Tise recent votes on tise question of tise Trias Ctuirch wviicisbave resiulted ai un-. fsvocrably te lise Minislry. have, il is be.- t) eldetermniluelMe.Disraeli te eppeas tU tie* petie aan n ill lbet eee robably a ise rlsu l atssestoe tie no elanu iinçlla »çcem.- ber next SaItyî.-Tise prince, khile valkicig loi- suegly lircugis one cf tise publia park., aI about fir.e'ciock lait eveaing, wss sud-' dcnly altacke4 by tistce asssins, vise wererarmed vilS rerofirs. He n's esa- conipanied. lu bis ramblinga 57 bis cousin ad adaugister cf thse latter, togetir ils isia esual attendsants.'Tise asassâins lie- eciol their Oire prorusecaeusly attise royal plirty. Attise-irst ahôI lise prince feou anul xplree immediatcly; tise cousin oi tise prifice s lso bit anti lied i le minutes afterýards ise laugislror f tise latter t-eceivrel s severe flesisvouaI, Sut is net dauge-ous;ly injure& . Otie -or tme of tise valaIs vere aise sligislly. Théèsai-, aqsIns vore rocoguized lis three -bretisers. One e! tisem wnas prmnptiy taton visile istniyig fotheo smcni of lise tm-gedy, endil is is theelitisaI tise donesviiinot he ahi. le escape fron tise vi'gro*us mes- sures taken by tise auîisoritles fer tie cpe. t É4a 10 istln asproluced ts sost prefoue editément-anti sorecie thfoghoi.it tise cuntrv- Tise nepisen et lise muedered Prineo vs duly prociaimed où tise ilis. MLîCO CAsEs et Dnovxm.- CapI. Jaumes ";b is taWdtce lietbc tains o! tise-amaan tug '1Rohisb n4 'es ver donuunLn oint bay ep i- -ya hn' isa uqualltcame.up ant cas izs lisair boal. Tisey vas-b1tre mon ltigbly tespectel by al whc ewno'tise.,;,Capt Robis, o! tise lusg <lbb,' i il l bê e.e memhçeed, took an, active p4,1ý .-àt Fort "retoyoanî uago duficsg lit litho flte Peénian raid. r[ifs lests, bogetisar vitti tisaI cf hSbrotheir, viii be do.eply lament. cd by tiewiol cmàmUiity,. At 8a apeciàalneelinig uT thée dounci ef th tis lwi o! Woodstock, ii was lecidel Id supplemer.tlise par: cf sucS i uTreel meut- air unyrlnlcfonl tise lova le'fi!ty yet perday 'Ti0slierai graut *1111 cotis gorerimn leac lcsn'tr iel voltnt er la a faut-jseSitio'n.ý isaI., hetn'aen tht-ce sud ler ô-dock ýMr R. B. Law, of.flicismon pl 1, nmet iÏiti à sas-fous accident:- It apîteara egs -et- tcrnpting te biast a stum p ; .iavifu ila' tie cisarge, Le se't ,flee tp 11>esie' atc aud vaitel aItise distance cf s few rîode eirpacting 10 sac st huet; but, ecmingly, il dII flot catchl, anl visOn ho vas luntté *adI of relightun g ut, il outraI litmbis face, cuttipg andi hurning'lil voly mdtai. 1 1e is etîll I h tatee, andsoiossîerahly dia- figure4i -Tse subjeal cf t-aiivay. etctnuieuhi ront Lindsay Ici Beaverlon la eccupying lise aI. ttnons cf ise peôpeof ThoIs,- 'A bh-- lan' bas bacc, publislied, by te, Councl proposing teWt-alec $50,000 hy dpbçutureis payable in ln'ee-ty yeari, vlitIntereili tiscreon aI; sixrp cenct., vitS an under- standing tiItise maiIway company h lui psy cm lfefusul b tise municipality tbce per- coul onùIi anseusat lu pespotuily. A vote cf ltae-utepayari viii b. laken on tisis j4alsn utise 28r1 fusaI. Reniarkiug; on Iisliste Lindsay l'est 0 &a1i'4 i notice tisat a depulation Ct-cm ITereuuo, ln tise intercala ofttise Toronto sud Nipissing Raiiroal-company, b le riait Boaverton eon tise 1615mant. 'Tisey vilI, cf course, do ail'tisuy eau te, ebstruiet the paEassgpof the hy-lav aI pensent before bise people but ltaI tLeycananlist lise sympathies of tise ntltep4yers cf Tisera inlaaver cf thse par- ry.-guge-abflread, vo 4e npt(or -A 1 nient believe." Mo Jupe 13-A vèry tlostrt-liye fiee occur- t-el at Marquette, IMiti«ianon'Thiday ngs.Over oeu ireeâ uillings in tise bssiness portion cf bbe lqn'ui ilud- ine foely stores, tise United'-States lund troy Fd amail- sIiuelioci Preiiîïmn linonorcfOenvGevereusu -a speedy sattlement or issue, sud taisfi lopr -culing Mr. Johan t tinte. Tise plan visicis viii proposé, il la tbùig sble te tise Englisis Go% Bu rglars-nrp operatia twns le al l irectlis --seems to ha overstockcd * IBIÛTI KELLE&.--t M ingt., theise iof F.1 loT . Isgistar. .AINES-OnTiaroi 'ise Wife cf H.,W. 1 PEAKR-At Wib 111h uit, Mes, Pak D KELLE.-At WL lit,FrnnesJaneiefau Esq., P. M. -çeller's residccc, bt *-groual, Osâhâna, t4 me o Dcleck. by thea Rer. J. lawMN ýto Mlis Elle9 JIgcesit 'cf WhIsity, Wedneslay, Fali Wisaat. .. Bar"Jey......... .. i'cas............ votatoos ..... Butter........ NEW ÂDVEBI 1INOT1 -tise tuluutvof tun-e 'Court ,lu ntise taw- - -KOnIne ~U AT ETLEMEN O -Janne 171, h cAi for r of t btl o lcDieeorsf-t) Muantu fte Tsr of MENTLEME FI Widow Elli sand son $1.25, bj Edund Weigit WiIow 'Young .1,b-John Maqnsb Micaqi 4ames 75'ata., b Jas, living; Mti"' RighCmn 5 U cts; b~y Fed. Meon ; -Moses, Àlien '60 Isby NY. & 8. Spink; Wiîew 9zbten 60.cti., b, Uiab YO'ungý WidoW 1 0at-es -60 c4bby .John FaieIes - Idon' Rya$1, by Prd. Keon; .JlusQffgr(4,.ibte oy 50 cta., 'b,>Fred.ý Ido.n sn4 1ri. htoori. :;~o~4~MrYW~so~ab~l4~as :i thise

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