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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1868, p. 1

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RTiùJ ICHIARDSON(, NTABIO BANK. 1<, F. LOCKRHAfTe,, PftI4 & MACDOt4ÃŽLL, T£US AND ATTrOBNETPý-AT- Suilostors-tu tise 1Bsik 0* lLosstrel,, *Pofpv oftlo *Cattsltv of usro 8DîTER8 Atres, JolioicrItise,&o SMOISON) S AM BO IIItoICIIS g, Attrny, Sietrd rlo,liàtrraand ssoJs±aig 1i1 03-stisiery, )iAary 'sil,&- 4n S1eow'.a Non llullsiLîsg, Dnisdss Otarsio. OtileaBrok-t., Wlistby. URISTI i< sýAT f'OIY AT -LA W, fficitoruinousaiissery, &oc. WIltliyt C. W. -Vltnia Bniditig, IIraei St. W stisY. ~!<8~1t.T-AWA NIDSOLICIT<>R Olîssisjceryt-OszbesI oaat-3. ita, -9.i15u URSJE iAT(ili<N vY-AT-LA W, otyicr-&etdo*r t', tiseStor, cf R.Ld& J. Osmphi,3ra t.,-Wiitby, vOnt. Wîltby, Nov. 18,_1667. 46 ,S OLICIT<)Ii1 NOTAIOY PUIILIO, d&a. &te# 081111,, . WV. IH. 0 1LINGIS, OF'Ona, i TOX OtLs> lts.ossTntYFrICE,' Wiît~yJss.~8,1862, oCiihnS C. kEPLLeII,- A TTUItLeY AT LAW, SOLICITORIN ton, lrocle'ti-. J. 1JAMEIL UIEENIVUOD, assttu e tgistrj> Illeu. uts Brock trote- 48 flsiislss Street. 1' T11r.00 tGersMWcest ur BA11R(ST1'i14-4. A'V'r.>ttNEiYs, CON VEY- B art i usiNotsries t'stibiu, ai&c, d&a, l'"i<itoie ALBERT-sar-tvse- OppuItu ToW1s VonrIsseT iD-lhi<W5liock. IS Il. Ç0(s5iSAN% il ,.IL5, JW. M. Cuassnansc. PortFrry, 2oth tîe'sslu1863. M1 - C À. JONES, 1parrîter, iictdar lua Visatcry, At- , .trncyq &ce, &ce, tg» OPYIt,'V-Naxtdeortotlicold Ioi Lv>' oflaue, Witby. 41 >' Wi H. 18'l'10ELEg Wr 44, Ciaureh reed, Tron te#s.M4 LYNAN BIVULISJI, L L B.. B ilSElAT 'LA W' a leso u Chass- B aur>' ,lasva>aie, &." s slinott.- ni) sasîote tPsotO0t100, <'slsawac. 405 Rî . J. GUNN,lM. De 4URlW ION '24> TIlE COUNTY (IAoL D. W. PERRIEII, M. 1). * fl; 1~*Qisi laumsse to 0ls. M., ansd Lô ta JOHN V.-H'AMt ?4OTAII.Y PUBLIC. 'WhltiyAls's 15h,1868. 'LIIO)MAt4 IHUST'ON, 3 iJNi~ O 15 I.Asldranýs- savartis. l40-y 1VIVI'1OIIA UIT EL. Wsss. luygitous.) :A7 * 18 naI evsyihe sima;necx au-ied u PI lui1 tîsoraigl inad eoasfortfle mannier a ho isapes fraisa tis e nleae.4ft ltaust*, sand ho btter entablad- to;me, qureulots orth ti rav oling Commun . 1 JAXES OROu Abion hotl, BEst i#rsket Rquara, j ~E. 66 TEUQBSON HROUSei D)ýUNtDAB STREET, WiIiiB»Y,C.W. G46irture' f u i wtliï lis bctprIo. at $ïl reurlëlef, aidfitted o p thronghouti iin the bout 6f etyiO.Tho rmssropusui *ttedt. ,opposâte tit. Post Offle. and lu the ettroot the TOWII. Thoeltafîway 0mumbus calpat the Itatel,aud the stage" for Uxbridgc a11<1 eavertoil louve thedoor everysitortilng. Doairot Sperdtty. OUORGE ROBSON. CnfaliIstizsiwa~iID atteudaito: Wilitby,Mbav 186S.- UN DE R T A X I N G. F UN EUALSfuiiy msssplilud endl atttaaded s itit)tic2a. Cufàlua ept cozsstumi)5 lissisl. A ortahlre onllbornltarnss. (;EOIUE CORMACK. Wlithy, Fab. 5thi, 18#12. à- Jrooklin Drug~ Store. D 'EAIEUla nDruge, lPatent Mcsliineis JU l'aitits, 011:, lbye Stuffis, Couuf'atiou cry. &c. SWiaes aand iqnos of the beit quality forMo ica urpuoa. fiorge IfCailleMàedicfne.ii aways onhand Bruaisila, C. W., 180-q 25 nmELB3.WA'YEZ (organi#t .421 siintir' ( !&uroli, ltbp.) T8 prepaired tu gire bMnsiu and I;lsgisg les .1 ste, toasatailluitedllîuîubiscrtf' )ujim. Application to ba imade nt thsa Vtli-ce orlin Id, Wstlin, 8ssirgco's latit, <ser Jjius ltyroi'e Mcdicai Maill, Brouk it. Wlistby. CROCKER'S HOI'EL.t (LATE PLATI'S,) NELSO>N ST. TORON~TO, NOR1THI OF KING ST.. BJSSETT &KEEBLE,- PitorîtîeTosss. rIlEjsrprilatore respecttsslly antorraces to tlcsrfriadw, ut a disamnce, sis wiixas scar' htdy5~puct é iei làvait cos'biltct by tttsd -ni) sur tihescosusl:tss b otiti itssl umotîtanst partiontisattmaiucce, as wilI luenviuiothiig nudogo u tlisir jprt'tu gir e latnfacttiiiiitu al Who issu>' fsvol' tiacus with il cuit. ( MAXILLA. ISAAO FENTON, B EST Wluesmild liqusore; sais parlnaccota ssolatioi'rt rave! lors,; poi stablingasnd attenitiveliotier. le YEOMAN GIBBON.* C OMMISION MER CHÀNI INSUIANCE, & (iENERAL AGEPIT. Wilitlby, Jan., lOtis 2866.2 REVERE -HOUSE, MUÂI98it 0 . W. B. PLANK, - - - - Propnoe._j litigest amss froun W hitb)y oeil dfiily. Xvcry uttasitst spaiel to gîsct. Ccreful i aad attoni- VARS &DEVLIN. Deitst itoomâ, cireeti.1 opplo. dittllse uOlia.isuon O setret third loern«rth ofthe'aOntarla palisk. ga EXt'1tEizi AGENT, &o., aloo Agent for Accieut suld Staudadril ln#uytttuee Cos. 17 Q ue ry Wils le it that thls a lo snchra rua for picture AT CljARK'S GALLE RY? Id lx buessussa ha ha. thas hast t>uic'r 1i ii Causssy, aid' h l uire pîstiancas nitissiJross uian sais>' tiser AiletisIthe ccsaîst>', esse assis dos qîlîteu o sic g cai no asais>' oîsr usau lu tIse gýT Ths-nVist'tl'u4 smotter, s00 <oult bas basuknauo sut s'oixslu'g tornarei DIU)CJC ST., WJJITBro. '.htby, No'v. 12, 1867. . JIIRDR~SINAND SIIAVING1 Farm to Ren SALOON, S~ Bel rn is RuiiitB NKor laie<T5tAL. I Wlitby, Jaisi. '2, '68. i ONTARIO HOTEL. W11ITIY. C. DÂWES-- RORETR ilpro eeinousatlons. EiretisI Attens' lion tgte b. ra'tiemfats ettrtejarsandi i s toscling and sisadrooni, and ready> a-ar a aewidil teu.lu WM. 1OYITON bege do 'uform tisa la- istltutes ts C.ssya' ictoria aisd saurcu ssdissi .'siisdlo,tlisaSlie Las pined tisa 11a4,iiloaWilliam tiltreet listel> oeuispieulb>' hiwtrd a % eliteIad l tttitd adlus'aiais. d(litirst*tyieletr. îlI ilnd oviry eoave- - - 'îiicoi. Whss, I4sîeori ansd (Jigare eC4the Anîs lwy lu attqid COMMERCIAL HOT«Ea, ' WCK IST., WHITBY. r g ei st. ncosiiicte iii T'r fit.Isahudthéepublie, tIsai luIl%*ero. maassd pçiseffl ti u tise Aboa eil ltibs4fa- Vorabl y J91own - a)o, whlch le nov Ittod2ip lu iOt num'ai a.,a. aih.... FRONX 10 TO 20 YEARS. N exocalent Fsrm te ruat lu tisa Tuwnsîip A"s'or Iî-i? basîisg tisi ssrti 1161% cesof lt'*or 6*4 ssîsd 83, Ilus 150 y cti e"is<e eon ; tîsere bulus 1lWa icres cle:srass-tof' first esistsioliln a Rgis titiste or cîuitiasaoi, nitis gayld ncling homuee as] aut bLi1Idsssgs. 'filin îro ertï 1is atit sahi>' Ittoz4,nnd viiilia,0 Tontesl'oits rcilisonaýbi terse lor Ia aeriaof ileor 20yaers. l'oseesslosi given -1lit ~IuVos burliezt. - For particusîar*a upl>' W PETIE H. BALL, E£mg, -Taoaoes. Or to JAME8 LAMON, WVlhlthy, Ma>' go, »8. 2 IlIOTE L &PREMIS1ES FOR SALE, rTUAT aid asîablihabd and wae.l enow'fl1W,9 I tel, thce oploniselelroom teabing, A" - drii4,ped tilaervth olos os'ies et (ilf11%may be o eisit, d. utd lg (Sesad Tîso re I wo~ pums z4ecelent vaser, 15Tiie w1o l-sl i e 04 rý S_"1 -1e sild 10ve osas thntijat isS ncelus I t- on ua aivé huiii ii, - N OTICE fi lieto'y aithit ta:t-ne reîmonîung SCails oioultI CAPITA&L STOCK cf t-bis ,Conpas, liessv tSI, dcensmade and.,ano psyle tts nasrrsOfcemits TOWN 0F -WiElTBY, -vBJQLLwst VIZ: Cslof 40otsor abana payable Ilt aa 900 a a 2sit Il 2 200 Il" " A l OtlisJal>', T)itiif un>' ot 'lio f<rcoino' calle haisot Pis] -uitisin tnessî>' davgatetiantIs a suebcttmeo 'duea aii paya b lasi6 a c1lsor a, ,sree on vliah pail cis rema£Lts5i îs1. l. tiibable ta ton- toiture, nidhsc'ai turthar. noticas. sseersiisg te tIse mtututas luan cl u csa laide muelprovideus. B>' order, 1-110. IHUSTON, JÏec. & Treanurer. Wlitby, Mardli 4, 1868.,t9 DIRS. CARSON & LAW.' Office-flyron st., Whltby. 9"'IIE undcrrsînussi aviusg enteras] ints'sce- JLpartsurmlsip for ii larpcssa oft rur'isfl olrr~aisscf li'dicissu o- getIler, siesire te ilit'srni the, public tisat fis null bu fsumd lu rrompt sud pîsucîsanl atn- aies npoiu ail calfa r'ýq1iifla gtisir îsssfesmiunsal mervicem. Patients wiireceive sii tihe ad'a n- tazees whici Science linasa hroisghitdo iiit initisa treanres tof' dimesee. Diseousem of tihe Tjiroat Anusd Checst pecialiy tre.Ated andi presaribesi tbr. Tise aia of' isiîiation, hîtîsarta fa littia kuoèw. siaic ieti pon iiltsrt tise Meilcai Fuctiltiy la part oftiho 5>51cm u t treatinnt adopted b>' J>ustors Csrsou & ]Aw, fur tihe spasi' ns utsual <'ru ut diseussof'thas 'iioi iCîset. 'ihý iniisssstion otMeeli- cates] vapeurs and tihe rAady a pplicatiosnof' ctonizeil fliisis ln uow adinittel b>' the tintt rneeicsiaise utofthe day Su bu thise st efféec- tuai, us wai an ftice mo uet tic<i ti tsAtnient l1) ail sucli easts-brisgi,îg a* 15doetise reînady sUru jireet econtact witlsfticasdiaoasaed isuons- brimen. withlsaiIntimstea lcnawlelge of thse- trut- nment of uail siietisegsi, sus oiv ;)rati4tad flutisa bext Iloapýitftis over tisa civillikai worl, atids tîsir uwnulatrro essperiencu, Dim. Carson & Law trust tisuy au u ot 100 p'esunèîtd'us lIr hleu ssgtîsat t!sulr servisss's înylla ofoc'iunela- MaI, iii asi oilu Jus tihe care ut 1-cineof'theuisassay il 1s ta whieh i man ficlsiheir. le"AIL Stirgicti operstiaus euecemisfuliy P~rlartise derlring connlt.ntlon nsay have tliat f tuaeplits :anreai i p 01r(f e 'ltzrgo. er (allâ attuiided te ut ail bouts, day and] <FIlC--J3Byrç, s Street, WhIutby. April luth, 1868. 3 IûOf , L. -wA#rKISm -' SURG lION DENTIST. -orI.ck,.-Over JAS. 33-X'NE'S s ieicsl LIsI. Brocis Street-, Wlslttby. SAlil nrk si'artrasstad. l'*aties a tteniesbut Prr atu rusidoncasq. TEETI EIXTRACTEU JIY TVIS USE OP NITROUS OXIDELAUGIIING GAS, i w.vqe DENTAL ROOM$, DUNDAS STREET, IVIIJTIY, C. W. liot>Ms.-Or Mla. Il. Caclsrssssas'e store. SVlslt-iy, Jana 28, 1807. 25 FilE ASSURANCE CO, L')M1IAXDSTI;EET & CIIAIING CROSS, EZSIBLISMLD 7N 1782. GILLESPlE, MOFYAT' & C., Agente for : 'sstsala. * JAMES DAVIt(/N, Msniger. r KPURANCEZga7iot OR- 1yFIE e ijc'ti'ctc'sl ais t1issusssst fuc'srablées tusiim, issel It)0t5i*< lAID witlsont rafa(rcssocata tisa Bosîrd YEO)MAN ItU , sigelit, Wlilisy. April $rd,Iseo. 1 SHOE TOOLS & FINDINGS. A srassieue s.o5imss or aIll is "' Tasa,î alArnou'5se Taas5,, N.fa'011assai eil iac 5trr'ai.. ifis si 5 i'ege, bllsua iaita ss, l'sss'krab, ieou nsd rasue ts, àlàc.. Ikc-., arWIIOLESALE AND l RETAIL. ULYAN & OLIVERC, 12-1>' 114 YoXGossSMi'sTr Toss,,s'ra Amcrican Sîsearas, T'imsmers, andIsi lms oet m l z,,. square. eaurva'tdaua. ,Stroilssit . lsaprasc'au Irosu. Lsaglisis asund AsserscasiCrayonss. etiaflleeis t0à 'aipd. le. 'l'apas, &c., ailo(Mu tlielest cisy andi ast ewat trieea. IIYAN & O)LIVER, 12-iy lm55051or5ularclw.,rel YoVegasi., Ysac. T'o ,MACHINIGS!8 steeli Sales. Steau ibqar!#, Cenîre imiges, Vernier Catisprd,. ateel Cliper lHases, Coliper ?'quarts. Asîes' Uuiversai qsir9, Sets'ttiisrig Usispare acs Di- vicr,t I!n"ie 15. ad Tois, Paient e>lers, Siseat &cei, ot saoi se h>' RYÂN & OLIVriR. iI.iIl 54 Venge et, Torontoe. rO, ÇABINET MAKERS agir Semtissg. Carted lIaIr Tow, SofaBplsc5 ~twn. Char we,,, Utuiîs. ïxrews, Bllisgss, 1,ascs" ~lakFUat PaPer,<lia. Plano 151001 Serevai, Cafls 7rnelig , pnalstr's Wee e % -as »W1iiearV5àé 'ooivtxvsias I Agi Whltby, Do..- Capital, $40,A00 Agent fo r s boye a Uapsss 1% Appi>' to. LEVI FAIRBANKS, J1 2-l2MOR. AgentWi RIEAL EST.ArL. FpOR SALECOSItiNG e0F' PARK AND TOWN ,LOTýý; lieuse and lot, Waster ]Lots, auttabla tor Warehoussingi -purpesels, &C., lthe TOWN 0F WIHTBY4 -o- > PARCEJa No. 1 .-Iacrk lot, *csnprislng t-bat vainabie tract-ou lassai, ks sts <4jild(.rlqieevas prupert>', iyiug iotlis ttisa Grand lTruitk Besilwa>', esutai.lisg about 18 acres, more Gr legsi. PARC FI No. 2.-Park lot lyinr Soutih of Bais'ts'c, asd hondeai ortha u oths b>' tisa vuslcadissg tu Riiw4 Statioin, cantahsg absont 834 acres, more ai' legs. PARCEL Ne. 3.-Lot of landsicantainiag about oiuau-s'ssi' cit. nure ci leas, sittstsi aist-liascurîsert RiBaimans] and] Front 5Street. PAIRCEL No. 4.-Lot of laic oastuniagr ss5sut t-n acre-, sora ar iesasisitisatcd ou tisacornser oai heur>' isct B.udstreuts. PAISCEL No, ô.-Lot No. 'f, Blocks 2, w Lps ?1410siala c sf'ifaisssrd strcut Cc'sîtussisa hs5asaron wisicis thare L a ailse-sssssI a-i ais' adore>' tmffnis ou*ce, ut îreetat oc- cupiet iylar. lulssisArsastroig. PARCEL No. O.-Two waterlsis9 at Wlit- b>' Hiarbour, Iyllsg vaatutM sesJas. Roe &i oW reltutises, sid iaving àa frantsigu an the IlsibnIsra Ail tisa ahuva lots ire Moe sit,917situantot ins exaseiiesiit Iocstiasisl'or ssissa wrss,%sre- isssssissgz. aus biiiiissg parloau.. witlatn thsa ^tIa at- Markets aù lalt uOiatal. lanc'law ut tis e osri>' es'trtsiustjo ft Wiidbyaid llortPaFrry4WfIlwov.n ,jt jîs va tIssis ruads%4 iseir valuar, tisa7c' ur a dû,- ,smi riitstopp'rtu nityfr rinvesssessst-o the ca- pit-ciiat andi sptacnlsxdor. Ait4ssi carl>' wisidisg usp of'thsa us aie l» rau- deeaîiiq.istivali uieaaary, ian cari>' sale fi.sst bu aicelc. Ai'ilscioisfor turther îsaticuiars and] iu- fori'uton, ta bu sîsîsala Sg cure ut CommuiercialBaun', Kingston. Or te TIIOS. LAWLER, Maerchant, Wbithy. wiLiby, Yeb. 12, 16.9 BROO)KLIN HOUSE, CLARK & VICKEUY, - Proprictors. Beg moet rcRputlully ta Infarnit thiselhabi, tants ut thue' ouait>' ut Ontario, that tlîey linvo iuaetid tha slsave preiiges aulut-e cupiedlb>' Sans]>' l'rnae, wliteh they have sewly f'ir'igh. as] and] russssvatssd, anad tliy ara pLreparod te, iii-aîsiîssedate tiha travelilisr publi e.TihaBar stescieel witis tisashast lîqiltrs ont! cigare, ud 89t sttentiva ostler ays Ilu attengasoce. CLARK &VICKEIIY, Âruprietors Bt,)oklin. April, 1866. 19'ly WELLINGTON IfOTEL, J. iUF.BOTTOIn, - a Pseaprietor, BymLaw No.... A By-lase to alter lie 5idi troad b8tseen Lots nsmber8 twentî,-siz and tseenty- seven, in flac second concession oq t1w nwosnslip o/Pickeringa Tissu Counssil outhtisaCorpotadash cf the To*a- AMI) s csfPsieris;g. euts:A Trhat tihe esde-roois hetween lots lsuss'bere tusss üi nsI twnst-sa#4en, I la mossae.,d coasseession esf tihe Tasuvushlp lt Piceringw, 'a pus] tise *nme la licraby altosed, vo au ta lit- eda prtioea cf lad sisaise,- t*esîty.eix. ta tise mecondsal c?Ïnsciaipt the sali Towsslsip dci IicerlissgIn ncurdfance wIlh a cerisilu l, oatsd"criptlil of @gala road, maode b>'.j .Jui Shi8r. YÀq.. 1'. L. 8;, oittisa elasvensti ly o i May', 1868, asit ollaws< ttsat li tci ssy, csstssntsislg uath tois itasse Mssssfssost pissa attise Sustli-uast anîgle ot tige J'auIIl lt No. 114, sand rnnanissg tisnce îscs*t-ts15 dgs'es, 21 prmes, Met 491 elsiits assd ÃŽ2 lissles, nisire o5r lassa te thsecentre tsf' the saisd sesaos tisenice isortis 10 lcgr-col, went 1 luii salnasa 89 lisko;fdiseisce isortis 102 dùuiac, 10prissies vusat 2D choisis asnd 83 liisko, i<bure or Jlues, te tIhe régir oatie Ogait a'ct is-à,48 isa weieer!>' fres infi s tase Mosssasssast îlanted uith tIsassrtls'wee;tangla afthe siilot No. 215, "lise tusd4ruas do lie prie catein vide, assîil tise alluve dcoorlbsd lisse 1 tie c Leet- el ly lîsslit tlsercaf. Tîsat tisa sbove- desseibad rond lie and le lsereby eetaibliaslsed uns0a publie gx a>' ~fidt ti, e y-law saolisave ftsrAnic e scaffect liunuodately oit asafater the pasaiug tl mroi, T 1Ïa i b là a sutruie cops>'of sii' Er]v, pro- Lpadýl)Ythé, cousseal ut thsu Carsoratioss of tise TOWNSHRIP 'of PICKERING- Tojba pssd at It i Dot meeting; te ho hel 4»~ tisa TOWN HALL, ON Sturday, the llbth -of Muy, Éext., 13ECTOU 1EBATON, D&W ill. Pickering, tbîs lOtS dzy ot Janie, 1868 J Goa !CoaI! Khe:rorjq s IJM th55e ,nasr.a.u., s uu Is]gh'tihok of nillso'yotre _ s, bâewii lont y ebnlosso Prote ax ti 1 am vSe tof sht Oif' CotIr-0lssad Atsissaier bila, ~fCare4i wiedom décrly ouiht, In I l t 4e years <JitiTImýoeut alsing, Tr Jeonolisopsi ojoys0,11 nlvûOi1. Aa ,titsltIsa ciIsermssy*iai I&whbY, AM ri4cs fWe and de* tbala Thougli glasAlet bltesmaÇy tGirt Wgria' Andsi !rtirs1cheits graw vrian d pale, etwisî dau eobttliose deurlyJoied5 In laiZels cf unartai avye usisuoen Beyndtu star, , shah silregala lia el huues wett Stsli . sT HENRY WA5SD EEEtUca. Blesigý- on thse beads of flsoqe Who a give gond aâvice 1 What asame Lt culd' . be if hose vise know overythiag shauldy carry tiseir mcauis like a danS ttnts'ra b It La bac! ancugis vsn, mass ioird thaîrA coin, sud refusa te distribute i hait pro- I porty. But han macis verso old bha 0 kind of niserisin cf tisacoul-su avarice sud stiaginesa cof wisdom i A lsiud Providence eays this evil, sud ordaîns tisat ailnsant se ied*spensablo ta busin saciot>' as good ad-vice ieould bu bau! fer the-sssitg, aud aven nitiseut sIi.t ing I Meu are -rasedod p for tisis tory parpose. Thay have aIl tisa instincts and aptitudes wbich dlean>' indicate nisat mav b. callad'- a Naturel Or4intion. Tha>' are called cisc! set apat-not, te o hanse,t b>' tise layiag on af suinan bande-to tis work of giving advice,; but, botter yat,t by tisa banc!tist gavaeîisem lifa 1 At suyj rate, tisai ceeme t-o ho tisein vi opinion. And ibis munt ha asic! to tisa crodit cf titis aiilr priestbaod, tisai tisa> seldosa 'neg te tise gifitisbat la lu tisas." Firet, la 4Â,e rrofaata,;icbldrei sa:.àa bjout' tpigisî tisas. mitla ocf instruction teill ia boîpleai cnoastaresvisaS tise>'asould ýpot do.- No part le aeglected s tioir drasa, their sports,-h heintaule, tiaI habits attsa table, in tiehe bed Lantise bouse, ont cf doars ; thoir speech, tisair tisougisa, tisoir morale are ail but so mas> pega on nici la buag incesseant good advica I Poor thinge i A mild sac! uareaistiag child lies down te, i lilea an entisadoz griddie-cle o tisa rnvAassda pet, send sivsycanima La tise sweetaajs of ondlessl>' flaming tdvica i ButI othirc tisera are, reeia:ent, self-willed chiidran, vise do not tiSe SindI> te sud. vite, and! yet cannotaescape Lt, but, lika an over.dosed sisld, grow hot soc! leur, trous tee machsviuear 1 But, visat righid ibave cbildren 1 Tise vorlc!'s tiseer>'Is, prscticsll>', tis mens bavece min>' rigis as tise>'cous defend, and ne more. 0hi1. diur, sas I connut defead themeelvaa. Neigihboura corne nezt toe ciiro. New-coease irive la tise gond opinion of neigbheurbecid advrice-givens b>'tisa usanaer isnihicis tbey recaive tisa advica volnnteere! upon thisa arrivai la tisa "Young Accru la s Di co tollov, and hae gel a good vife I I 'ras ester tise ver>' uorssing isa>'cime lu Soya. I toid tisans niat I'd do, if 1 ws untiseir place 1 P'd put tisegar-dan ou tise ther aide cf tise hanse ;aed 1'd neyer cosant ta u0" tisaS oIc choit for a kiscison; aec! I'd have a pusp, Isienu!sf puilissg sMy'arme cff at tisa voilt; sand I'd tslaetisose pinie swa>' from tise front yard, visero tise>'blsse uap tor a neiac! tisoa ail tise rocS cf tho ,-esar e pocu for notbing. And thoen thé>' teeS my buiflier ansi w> stbre-kesper And lautveeohaié *snîed me te go tac! isalp ber pick oùt à dresse, Tisey are u 1oiuamoat td Mbis eigisb#hrised. You- 1maî eopenu! oti'l; tIse> ire going to pros. eper. Tisc aitaheve tlesraleg. Tbey ; uon vbat's visat, and wviseal vis-loi 1me toit yçu 1i ltȎ cf 'your istock-up .foIlkd( lile Adoe, bitt'otheraidc!.. Is 1pudeÉit huaseyir Wben I did tise neigis. 1isorly thiug, eInc.toId ber visaI I'd de, If L bac! ber cbiidren, ase ieeked taeieintise ,face s e ual as il use vas gofi5g ta kiag 1me, n sac!aic!, Wbên' Ivu eh ur advsce, ;Miss iegus, 1 viii en& fer yen l'-the .conceiîed usiez I Weil, cf ceêrse, I den'i 'spose tist is sul tiug to do vils ber 1oisilcPs dutis-ef tourie I c!cet-hutIt .did siecen-ia dieu!, too-tbast!'iaIl 1 Advisars are net allof thse 00one Der. Ester>' neigihonrised bas is men visefelt lain ester>' lsettis te>iseiug, tistise>' tSnon aeryuhiaig, eau! tisaitisa>'hava ao 1righisto bide their lenowiedge. 'NetIe taise tisein aslvice.setins eistina> nicn 1 "Oh0, yonu ss'Stell ttalOrr anylbiug I -u go novsaailthobra ià sireal>'èt, This ýla tise cisracter of à min tisat viii no$ taise 1 Aadc.Witflia bLé aïfal faote t èu telIliber boy ta sasage hlm. Be sî tise ver>' rare case of. *0 mOn Whvo *111 oi-oh.>'ber bubalsd, -tis lplail' lii ttilt, élues tsera grre 1eer h vio, 'aet th iligiseat hiatvii toîllilasia ow clsobld liew veli oui child ran *obldbho brodâlt p If f bey weré edu cat.Laad iuanagd nasi out aelghbore declaro tisaS- tIey ahould deý t,lIf isoyrbad theissn -aatsa a vnd 'er toeume isat Suais.a gbbd a se Mr. replikins viii Jethdose girls of Len go on as- they do 1i ld show them dilereat va>', if 112507 vre mine." It le edifyinessg 0 50 oy vives oausma-. ago ail bisbînds bat tis wn I ca1 roulda't let aeymati alivetetue eas oar isusband- plagues yots1 I wiiis I isad sisaa ltia vwbiie-Itd tescs bisâa tesson 1' And yeî, le ibis des vwile vitisont coin plaint cf ber spouse?7 Is ho perfect?7 Io ha hiappy, visoîl>'aind alwsys 1I No. Ia anse way ber vorts> lord tries bar Pa- tience nuteri>', saudtison she viil inlaseione otisern oaavio cavonld like te bava tise management cf hlm for a nbiio. Tisera is no earîthly need of ycssr permitting snob icinga. Id lejuat hacausa yendon'î govara tins rigisil>." But, if ints lese regions advice is pro. ruse, what &hall ne a>'ocf tise gossarous and prodigal glu f self avice viicshouep thausseives np beore tise dooi cf aster>' Man visobas moue> 'Al tise people Lu towa leaaw boy a ricistien ongbht te sp 'end star>' dollar cf it 1 It sbould'ha glin, sway, cisiefl>'; h saulci ho loancu! te pro.. misiag young peopît;- 'Lt sisould ho iavestedl la public isqprovemants, hotels., scedemies, &v - it sisculd go larget ly te tise contribul. tjon.hJx y it shootaI be giveis btiste cisurchs lI stmtdgo <Iit ths rà?rta msIionar' andc uta> et horne vitis tise dousomi s. sfoaary -, isoulu! go fate cai misnes, or iros iitI, or pis>' stool-pigeon ins Wall > ott te 1tampt cauatiass other dollars iita tise an's net. Nazi te beiag poar, lis tise unisappineasscf iseiag suish; or worsa yet, cf baing thougist so, njusîl>' I Iu Ian civilisatioas mon steal emoi cther's Inono>'. lu highar grades of ce. ciaty, tissapick eaaisotisorts uockets hy a nail inaugod public aentimnat, vlslc soa te every oe naaricted et basting pro. part>', "Ycu# moaey -et your repula aicknets. Onco laS a min ha ailing, asid ester>' crastane tisatha meela enens hoe* tu cana bis I Fort>' reseiicufor aster>' cisomie1'KyB>' tiousaud, raIson i Wh>' seould oaa ha cratupleti up vitis ihauta- liens, vsan aven>' d!non vithLn aha. dccc! miles bai a upeciflc ? Wisat sîed of levers, vison a hunîred people La tisa vil- lage knov hon ta broak ties?7 'Basidea tise lafshiibio quseS medicines tistaI hnîg a ven>' Denspapmr, tisereaire haadreds af nostruma tisai bolc! tise leys et tife and death ln ester>' lova. Dying le the meutonaneceasar>' set cf a usais' lite I 'Whe'& yeur docter? Lancat?7 Wisy I ncldttetrust s dog vilShl In1 My doctor novrer icat a casa et thît kinc!f And!, aI tisetouerait, tise oomatruisisa about tisa uncertaicst> cf lite, antd inevi. tabteneas cfideatis, ire enlivened wnish cri. ticiius on tise aaedlemsncas, lu tbiascese, of d>ing. 'sTisa>' veneintateated nis tisat doctor cf tissirs, I told tiseus isw it venil ho. -1 ofteres¶ te lenu! tisos»my docîr,-vis euves' loft a caelike tii ln bis ile ; but-isa>'vere obstinat. Welil ne masstcil diaIl', Mn. Bonnes', doesoa a ybe ,'give you au! vice? Raie yen aniSes!>' about >'ou thst stick&iSe à arrui tisaS ceuses -ap oves'> day, vhosa tongue tan ontrun Dextir, vise can toll yen 5ev te, edityonr papes' botter tisaur yentenon younaeif t usai viiishow ycu hov te uake moue>', assd tbeiso-SllIon bey te spauti itl ANEîCDoO T ltDAistia Wtnlsfii.-D)qn. iag oeef etis coleoge vacations, ho and bis brotho er nrefite tiis' fatisar'c. ai Salisbury.>'. ThlaSLag'- e -hic! a rigbs ctu souse nesunnifor tisa bine>'hobu hd!expauti- ou! on tis'edoation, uho fties'- put scythse# ie othain hands and' erdares! ises te mon.- Dansie ai usac! afv v.p, thon raëlliaibis acythe, vtipeit tie perfpirà, tien frosui ishrov. 'is fatisaic- 61.WisaSs thé' msiten l 61 My acythe, .doean't busg ight, ir," 'lbe asaereal. Un ia e sh fizet icitenas! bss -vnitote n'i agsia, but vItis sic boîtérs ccacq. 'SouscJ lbing vas the ms*tèr witl ' bis scythe, sud thben t vwaïagain1 atinkoeo t i t otdvas ât leng before'it l nûte l ixisig agalu, adi f talc Ladi a pot, 61' 4n.bang it e sMt, ycnneWélf<' Danit, *iis 5rest cous. pelure isubgîtnetise oetro.. -, gos thirsy dollars 1 -Which tmouey wvs'fili at ovni tof outriesand te .noegave ei 'et the it tise <kowIuy. Nov 3yeù bais ndor- Go stand bowy g ncam get. ibinifour or, pears, ou twelva îheousand -dollars a jear, but nisentise Comspany' furniisea isim aa Inoîl. a r ing.isauandsa!bhrse and carnaàge free." >sab A, FLQUR139iING PÀ'rzwr CeOeîwrTiON ais Coxg<g8.- Osa a Wee1k givas a rare O glipso of ona of tho in;cis oftrsdeinha 1 tisa folowiag ier>' -uOaa day basing >'C hesicis for Jecal'carioaitiea, sac! found co,1 au elderl>' laisorer, whoes 1 seked, f.or'a Iight. evas gois gote vrS a iseIb cameter>' close as isaad, visicis, fromtlie inscripiion ester tise gâte isry, I civ nus sador tise umanagemnt of a hiusited, lis- bitit>' compta>'. It n iver>' pretil>' arraagad place, giving oetisa notion that tise iimitod cempsny bac! aic! ote ssel. vos, Tse ptestiar yenutite Lit, tisa more, yemu'll liSe ta ha huried haro.' .This plan sa.emed ta hava mat wvus ssstenisising'înc cause; for, b>' us> internsantg accouat, tise cemeter>' hd ud ess>'beauluIn-existencea year an- d a haîf, ance tise lastîmea>' et my ova e>'osigist, 1. vas sîreafi>' ait full of toae, vhite touissias Ilregular as <a geas] set ofotaeth. i'FIour!sbng coucare, thisl' 1 sic!, interrogathrély ,te tise grava ,diggon. Tisa oI!llod .W, ala e ceiveid'tre pric f'& Ctpintft"9W!'wly isecomea coafldential, viahsed an o hoS bis- bead. - aMatiP 1 soturuis!,replying se bis pantomime. 1'No,"'suc! seo';tison, aftéar a pausa, as if tise secret ac! hen neighing upan bis ceonscience for soea ime pust, and tise priceofatie pLat bas! feteicu! it ont et hiti, bu added, &aThofa'.i dumioc,' Sepiag I did net catch his meuiag, ha4 ceuitinued, estident>' piîying my> simplicit>'. 6 Dansmias, te catch tise public, tiseus La. Tisere'a tise ailna>' thore in tati tien. Gants paiaing sep's tisa nsaé uap;-,tien,- tise>' leek athtis onsbtonec. Fleurisbini concers that, tiesa> a e eanotsar thon tiesesnds taes>' tboy'il taise se man>' siharet; anc!,par4Saps,starIl,' holbaisbec! nit a agris chacleu, atise>'Cornes, sac! gees lIetiste ceucen as sleeping purifier& thémsels. Bo Lt, Ia;' asic!offYhSetruelgeel A Yankee uidiisg on s ralrou! vasidis. posed se setoniel tise passengens vilS toflgi oteries, At Ilut ho mentsonac! îhst ooa bt isnoigbsioeneti an immense di>', sud msde a millioen pbnnda otoiseeso. yean>'. Tise Yankee parctslting that isfs veracs>'wvasin dassger ot bâcewiag. qoas. tioued, appealed te a friend-a< True. ssss'u it, Mn. M-?7 I epeak et Deacon Brow."- à .ez,19repiised th? fnienc!, Ic that La, I leson Deacen Broya, tisougis I dan't, kaouvas »I1ester ibeardl procisi> hon usan>' poundc cf but<és'ad secieu. ha motas a year; but Itenon b. bas ineive- 1Wmilistisai tIi go b>' hutterrnili." A Crareua Cisscusstssàcz-Tse lite et a brakeann ,mad Albertt Wrighst, on tilé Ro>m.8 Watertoe nd sac! Osoe aiîres!,' vas sm*cit by. a curions circumatance the othan day. Wrighmvwu foensa ssoldies', saud nisilo latiservnsice waa hucedc!asu gaggad' b>'au offissen fon somO alleged' effence. lie tiheu avorisal ritha vonîd ha àveageo if hiseaven usai lis oppresser. Laus Monda>' tise fficer issppeaed ta ho a pacceluger csi the train, sud ai oeeof' the stations steppe! upon tisa plsat!orm. Wright san hLm, tand iususdiaîa!ly-Usiied La" san& sc!ministerc! ta bis ferser .aupeni.or. - tremencieus flogging. Tise braiseusai vai anrested. san!dnnoing bic îempbrary ratine oenut anestenmau vise 1a0k Lis place aiS' tisa train i*as kiiied b>' s coliiaie A Sitst'Be.-A lady vsrcni reading te ber' chiId-ý a fhdeven>'esrs -a Mr a lliîîl fellow Ii llso 'fiiber ,wàtao )Isud 4ied, and ! t hthe ycung. Nùr$e iieIft kte imst in.Snp partiug biitseît' 'anti bie s moder - Wbe- so issu!, liifLbed the atory t<le folîowiag dialogueesiî the7-*ovi5'Iii.- dle ma, i( -pi va se die, *ouîdni't yea - fent to eté oI~ya ur mtiqr?7 Ùéy.-(not- talLio'g tieidesi et werky-,Wiy ma '. misaSt for 1 Ainet we gel a gdoit boase se lita ibiise-Ob, >'eé,-my child ; but vu can'test tise lios., yotiteiuo. Bj.W1,ain't ýwe gai flou raidsl sgas! ïenteusen, itf7015 sastit opennaemiug,cqse propaiod. Bning >'o(r coffins vitîh-Yeî . for ti-mas are ibard, t'it va e igissnet ho ahi, te give yen as decea b lurii! as yon« couI! ilisb. Contais y'>urelvea lieforei you.cosoe,_and b. reiîd> tonrassotsmnandià( longer junrie>'. Caisada doe&7iset- forgei twe yaars mgo. Bsé 'remeushefi tisStisa blood cf hak aone thon spi]tt ic yét uua*éng ed. she rauerberu tise-c'etroe vi nitisout a cause, violated.ber bordeasancd carried moaraiug.lb s iseirds, ansid isaip uas,Beaven, il Ï111bhemà sbort oisit and sà longope ftbotos ô stry Lt ugaia, ppson nunce tise death ortsBr Jamed- Broe, Rajah et Strswàk.. 'tie meai cislel.veuîteeSc plac'e on tise- Iltib to.? tt Darrstoa, hic seat lu Devesirea. T'bd iimnediatoescuse .af dostis Iv;",so sirote et paralycia, a sauzere frovïielt tise Rajah ba! snot!>ad ufetes! m'orsibiad, ouée. Tisa Qae, ettrusia ana ýasaen ie-6 to~Aà ara. saLit te dishlSe acis ostse- b rengsl>. lVieueven tise>'casinos svei< visl'tiag esecis cuber, tise considar it quita' an afficticoâ. Thi iâh tise reason vby Qui ictoria et l'iste ysicuanS"e protsie! tWpon to vatBerin. A boy uélgbt yea:raoic!, in oneofetouir publie'cis, isavsag boots told tisaI aà replS . ig an animsal, tuaICroepi,' où besng aakeY te Dame one, -on oransinationi day, proiotly and tri umpbientiy réplied. a baby.' A lady,,wbo hala great boires' fittobac- ce, got into a Nw iHavens car the ther day-niid iisuired Ã"ta maie-noiglbhoun:*- [Se yon che* tobucco, asir' P<- oma'am, I dorn'I,' as tihe rap>',. bot I cati goS >'oti a cbew if Yâo wiunt one.' A plate' ft apples waan>efng paaoed - round tu a $'oUp cf ci;Ilarai. Thcre wmu' a liste ras] ana on top, wlîich a itieë girl took, 1 liô* grecdy yan are.' caid bei neciglibeur, 'se tak tise langeai, f 1 -useut te taSe thaf myselfa' 'W. te' otten us'slleern isppfseoo de-. pend upen tisinga tbat"ne !eoiri, wviit otisa neld fl iaitin a s inglé onie et thoce ne pessasa. A Gegùlug IatýiliBus.e0-Sir Boyle Rochee sid, "Sisigle - uisterfanes nevor coma aloaé, sac!ise g'reat. st tof -811 pesa- hIe usistontuses iLe fblloed-b>' a uxucs greatan. Tiso tunnel osselethlie BniisiCIsaniet ctu n ho mpletei f oriniceise -costcf tisa Abjasenisa expeitiinf. Progresa" ,for a penny. Tise name et fAbliiIa i Lt ivee tresi' avenu! aiïoifyiug itiÏender. - ht iiastd tisaitFé lIminLg euet ofSau Pirancis6o ha've eight million dolais ia tise' Weuaymnb5étonw beWbasid!'upad . a moan coin sai s eca te besra aythse pals? 7 The Wtest novelty* li seviug macines' is ene tlib vfll follow tiedie t et aof ao. gurna Wbenavénr. lte coul Lt grioftida îaking reeti' anti véisé t Lt l'aimites h lu taSiag vlnge 1 s" gôiag to'draw thii heain bteaW kepi, dos tise >'onng lads!aii vis tié fig at thse isymenestt titan. The proîtisY lIbissg -fir àbonnestla d f> peti>' tucé. -.Phto gnplisof ctildre*.' -' 6en ca re ver>' patésLg," ïslSheibants' 4aid te the. tise aet-.érsr. 7 W i~ t alk'lite.'.sc=el!éiBacatus' itgeusfrom eit#b

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